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A DNA-binding Molecule Targeting the Adaptive Hypoxic
Response in Multiple Myeloma has Potent Anti-tumor Activity
Veena S. Mysore
Jerzy Szablowski
Peter B. Dervan
, and
Patrick J. Frost
Greater Los Angeles Veteran Administration Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA 90073
University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024
Division of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Multiple myeloma (MM) is incurable and invariably becomes resistant to chemotherapy. Although
the mechanisms remain unclear, hypoxic conditions in the bone marrow have been implicated in
contributing to MM progression, angiogenesis, and resistance to chemotherapy. These effects
occur via adaptive cellular responses mediated by hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIFs),
and targeting HIFs can have anti-cancer effects in both solid and hematological malignancies.
Here, it was found that in most myeloma cell lines tested, HIF1
, but not HIF2
expression was
oxygen dependent and this could be explained by the differential expression of the regulatory
prolyl-hydroxylase isoforms. The anti-MM effects of a sequence-specific DNA-binding pyrrole-
imidazole polyamide (HIF-PA), that disrupts the HIF heterodimer from binding to its cognate
DNA sequences, were also investigated. HIF-PA is cell permeable, localizes to the nuclei, and
binds specific regions of DNA with an affinity comparable to that of HIF transcription factors.
Most of the MM cells were resistant to hypoxia-mediated apoptosis, and HIF-PA treatment could
overcome this resistance
in vitro
. Using xenograft models, it was determined that HIF-PA
significantly decreased tumor volume and increased hypoxic and apoptotic regions within solid
tumor nodules and the growth of myeloma cells engrafted in the bone marrow. This provides a
rationale for targeting the adaptive cellular hypoxic response of the O
-dependent activation of
using polyamides.
mTOR; multiple myeloma; hypoxia
Corresponding author: Patrick Frost, Ph.D, Department of Hematology-Oncology, Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System,
11301 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90073., Phone=310-478-3711 ext 40410, Fax=310-268-3190, Patrick.Frost@va.gov.
: The authors have no conflict of interest to report.
These contents do not necessarily represent the views of the US Department of Veterans Affairs or the US
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Mol Cancer Res
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 March 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Mol Cancer Res
. 2016 March ; 14(3): 253–266. doi:10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-15-0361.
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Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable disease of malignant plasma cells characterized by
high rates of relapse and resistance to drug therapies (
). The reasons why this disease is
so difficult to cure is unclear, but the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment is known to
confer critical growth and survival advantages that protect tumor cells from apoptosis-
inducing stressors (
). The BM is hypoxic (p0
~10–30 mmHg) when compared to most
other tissues (pO
~85–150 mmHg) (
) and paradoxically, while oxygen stress can kill
tumor cells (
), low-oxygen conditions also promote tumor progression (
), angiogenesis
), and resistance to chemotherapy (
). These pro-survival responses to low oxygen
tension are regulated by adaptive cellular responses mediated by several oxygen-sensitive
transcription factors; the most important of these being the hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs)
(for review see (
)). HIFs are composed of a constitutively expressed
-subunit (HIF1
ARNT) and inducible
-subunits (HIF1
, 2
, and 3
) that are responsive to oxygen levels
and are regulated via proteosome-mediated degradation. Briefly, under “normoxic”
conditions, the HIF
subunits are hydroxylated by a number of closely related prolyl-
hydroxylase domain proteins (PHD1-3) that results in recognition of the
-subunit by the
von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor (VHL), and its subsequent ubiquination and rapid
degradation by the proteosome. This normally maintains the HIF
-subunits at very low
levels in the cell. Under hypoxic conditions (pO
<50 mmHg), the proline-hydroxylase
activity is inhibited and HIF
degradation is not initiated (
). This allows dimerization of
-subunits and the translocation and binding of HIF to the hypoxic response
elements (HRE), thereby inducing gene transcription of hypoxia related survival and
angiogenic factors.
It has been shown that heightened expression of pro-angiogenic factors (such as VEGF) and
increased microvessel density within myeloma tumors is strongly correlated with disease
development and progression, as well as being predictive of poor patient prognosis (
This provided a rationale for using VEGF-targeting drugs, such as bevacizumab (Avastin),
to attempt to inhibit angiogenesis and increase hypoxic stress in MM tumors, although only
modest anti-tumor effects were observed (
). These results call into question the overall
effectiveness of targeting angiogenesis as a mono-therapeutic strategy for treating MM in
the clinic. Noting that the increase of hypoxia within the tumor bed following inhibition of
VEGF results in the subsequent activation of the adaptive hypoxic response and induction of
survival factors may provide an explanation for these underwhelming effects. Under this
hypothesis, we would argue that these resultant hypoxic conditions are actually supportive
of MM progression (because low O
represents a natural component of the bone marrow
niche in which myeloma engraft) by maintaining hyperactive HIF activity. Thus, rather than
killing the tumor cells, inhibition of angiogenesis may actually facilitate a pro-survival
adaptive hypoxic response through HIF activation. If true, then targeting the specific HIF-
mediated response to hypoxia may be a more effective anti-myeloma therapy than targeting
VEGF or angiogenesis alone. In fact, there are a number of different hypoxia and HIF
targeting strategies currently being tested in MM with varying levels of success (
In this study, we tested the effects of inhibiting the hypoxic adaptive response using a
synthetically derived, sequence-specific DNA-binding Py-Im polyamide (PA) composed of
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the aromatic rings of N-methylpyrrole and N-methylimidazole amino acids designed to
recognize and interfere with HIF binding to HRE sequences within the minor grove of the
DNA helix (
). We found that under low oxygen culturing conditions, most myeloma cell
lines were relatively resistant to hypoxia-mediated apoptosis and that HIF1
, but not HIF2
was upregulated in an oxygen-dependent manner. Treatment of MM cells with our HIF-
polyamide (HIF-PA) overcame resistance to hypoxia-mediated apoptosis
in vitro
as well as
inhibited the transcription of multiple hypoxia-induced genes. We also found that
combination treatment with HIF-PA polyamides (to inhibit gene transcription) and the
mTOR inhibitor rapamycin (to inhibit gene translation) was markedly more effective at
overcoming resistance to hypoxia-mediated apoptosis in MM cells. In additional
experiments, we used xenograft models to study the anti-MM effects of Py-Im polyamide
treatment on MM tumors
in vivo
and found that Py-Im polyamides were well tolerated by
the mice and had a marked anti-tumor effect characterized by a significant increase in
hypoxia as well as concomitant increases in apoptotic and necrotic regions within solid
tumor nodules as well as inhibition of myeloma growth in tumors engrafted in the BM.
Altogether, these data suggest that sensitivity of myeloma to polyamide therapy may be
related to the inhibition of gene expression induced by the oxygen-dependent activation of
(but not necessarily HIF2
) and provides a rationale for targeting the adaptive
hypoxic responses in MM using these compounds.
Cell lines and reagents
All cell lines were purchased from ATCC and maintained at 37°C and 5% CO
condition) unless noted. The cell lines were validated using the Johns Hopkins Genetic Core
Research Facility (Baltimore, MD) and stock aliquots were stored under liquid nitrogen.
Testing for mycoplasma was performed using a mycoplasma PCR detection kit (Sigma-
Aldrich, St Louis, MO). Py-Im polyamides were synthesized by solid-phase methods on
Kaiser oxime resin (Nova Biochem, Billerica, MA) (
). The tested polyamide, HIF-PA,
targets the sequence 5
(W=A or T) and modulates a subset of hypoxia-
induced genes, whilst the control polyamide (CO-PA) recognizes the non-HRE sequence 5
. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits specific for human
VEGF was purchased from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN). The Hypoxyprobe-1 kit was
purchased from HPI Inc (Burlington, MA). Cellular apoptosis was measured by flow
cytometry using a cleaved caspase-3 kit (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA). Small inhibitory
RNA (siRNA) for HIF1
(Silencer Select siRNA ID# s6539, gene ID# 3091) and scrambled
control RNA (Silencer Select negative control #1 siRNA) were purchased from Ambion
(Grand Island, NY). Cells were transfected with siRNA using Lipofectamine-2000 (Life
Technologies, Grand Island, NY).
Protein was isolated and western blot analysis was performed as described previously (
Nuclear and cytoplasm fractions were isolated using the Thermo Scientific NE-PER
Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction Kit (Rockford, IL) following the manufacturers
instruction. HIF1
antibody (clone 54/HIF1) was purchased from BD Biosciences.
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(clone H-235), LaminA/C (clone 14/LaminAC), BCL-XL (clone H-5), Survivan (clone
D-8), BNIP3 (clone ANa40), BCL-2 (clone C-2), goat anti-mouse and goat anti-rabbit IgG
horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antibodies were purchased from Santa Cruz
Biotechnology (Dallas, TX). BID (rabbit polyclonal), BAX (rabbit polyclonal), AKT-total
(clone C67E7), AKT-S473 (clone D9E) and AKT-T308 (clone C31E5E) and the P70-total,
P70-T421/S424, and P70-T389 antibody kits were purchased from Cell Signaling
Technology (Danvers, MA). MCL-1 (clone 542808) was purchased from R&D systems.
REDD1 (clone 1G11) was purchased from Bethyl Laboratories (Montgomery, TX). The
EGLN1/PHD2 (rabbit polyclonal), EGLN3/PHD3 (mouse polyclonal), EGLN3/PHD3
positive control (an EGLN3/PHD3 over expressing lysate from HEK293T cells), HIF2
(rabbit polyclonal), and Factor inhibiting HIF1 (FIH) antibodies (clone 162C) were
purchased from NOVUS Biologicals (Littleton, CO).
For induction of hypoxia, MM cells were cultured in a humidified Hypoxygen hypoxia
chamber (Grandpair, Heidelberg, Germany). Variable pO
levels were established in the
hypoxia chamber from 2-0.1% O
, and 5% CO
at 37 °C. Oxygen levels were regularly
tested and calibrated using the manufacturer’s protocol.
Generation of hypoxia response element luciferase-expressing (HRE-LUC) cell lines
HRE-LUC reporter MM cell lines (8226, U266, OPM-2) were generated by stably
transducing cells using the Cignal lentiviral kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) followed by
selection with hygromycin (350 mg/ml). For the orthotropic xenograft studies, other
luciferase-expressing 8226 cells (8226-LUC) were stably transfected with the pGL4.5
luciferase reporter vector (Promega, San Louis Obispo, CA) using an AMAXA Nucleofector
Kit (Lonza, Koln Germany) followed by selection with hygromycin (350 mg/ml). The
luciferase activity was confirmed and measured using the dual-luciferase reporter assay
kit (Promega, San Louis Obispo) in a luminometer. The
in vivo
luciferase activity was
measured using the VivoGlo luciferine substrate (Promega).
Real time PCR
Quantitative expression of VEGF was carried out by quantitative real time PCR. RNA was
isolated using Triazol (Life Technologies, Carlesbad, CA) and cDNA was synthesized using
cDNA synthesis kit (Life Technologies). VEGF mRNA was amplified using VEGF primers
(Life Technologies) in an ABI 7300 real time PCR machine (Life Technologies). The
Applied Biosystems® TaqMan® Array Human Hypoxia 96-well Plate was used to test for
changes in hypoxia signaling associated genes.
Male NOD/SCID or NOG mice (4–6 weeks old) were obtained from Jackson Laboratories
(Bar Harbor, ME, USA). All animal studies were conducted in accordance with protocols
approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committed (IACUC) of the Greater Los
Angeles Veterans Administration Healthcare System (GLA-VAHS).
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SQ Xenograft Model
We used the murine myeloma xenograft model of Leblanc et al (
) with minor
modifications (
). The 8226 cells (10 × 10
cells/mouse) were mixed with matrigel (BD
biosciences) then injected subcutaneously into the right flank (200 μl/mouse) of the mice.
The mice were monitored and randomized into drug treated or control groups (10 mice/
group) when the tumor volume reached approximately 300–500 mm
. The Py-Im polyamide
solution was prepared as previously described (
). Mice were given HIF-PA injections IP
every other day for a total of 5 injections. The tumor volume was measured using calipers
(width and length) using the formula W
× (L/2) (
) every other day during the course
of the experiment.
Orthotopic Xenograft Model
8226-LUC cells were injected (10 × 10
cells/mouse) through the tail vein (200 μl/injection).
In our initial experiments, the localization of human 8226 myeloma cell lines in the bone
marrow was determined by two methods: (1) flow cytometry staining of bone marrow
aspirates from the femurs of mice using FITC labeled anti-human CD45 antibodies (BD
Biosciences) and (2) immunohistochemistry of femurs using anti-human CD45 antibodies.
Real time 8226-LUC engraftment in the bone marrow was measured in anesthetized mice
given an IP injection of VivoGlo luciferin substrate (100 mg/kg mouse) and then monitored
for luciferase activity in the skeleton using a Perkin-Elmer IVIS XRMS small animal
imaging system. Luciferase activity in the skeleton of mice challenged with 8226-LUC was
typically observed between day +15 and day +20 post challenge. Once a positive
bioluminescent signal was observed, the animals were randomized into groups (6–8 animals/
group) and were treated with HIF-PA or vehicle control as described above, except a total of
6 injections were given, rather than 5. The luciferase activity was measured twice/week as
described above and the change in average radiance (photons/sec/cm
/steradian) was
measured and analyzed using the LivingImage version 4.4 imaging software.
For studies in our SQ model, 24 hours after the last injections, the mice were euthanized and
the tumor mass was excised. The tumor was bisected using a razor blade: one half of the
tumor was immediately placed in 10% buffered formaldehyde overnight, and the other half
was flash frozen for protein extraction. Formaldehyde fixed tumors were embedded in
paraffin and cut into 5 μm-thick serial sections using standard histological procedures.
Immunohistochemical staining with cleaved caspase 3, and Hypoxyprobe (pimonidazole)
(HPI Inc) was conducted using standardized automated methods.
Morphometric Analysis
IHC analysis was performed on tissue sections with a Nikon Microphot-SA microscope
(Melville, NY, USA) equipped with plan-apochromat lenses (20X and 40X). A Diagnostic
Technologies digital camera, model SPOT-RT was used to capture images with a resolution
of 1520 × 1080 pixels. Fields were selected by reviewing the slides at low power by a
researcher (VM) blinded to the treatments. Multiple non-overlapping fields were identified
for analysis of regions of hypoxia/necrosis and apoptotic index at higher powers within these
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areas of interest. ImageJ software (NIH, USA) was used to measure percent of hypoxia
stained tumor sections. Final images for publication were prepared using Adobe Photoshop
Oncomine Analysis
The expression level of
genes in normal, MGUS and MM
tumors were analyzed using Oncomine, a cancer microarray database and web-based data-
mining platform (
). In order to reduce our false discovery rate, we selected p<0.0001 as a
threshold. We analyzed the results for p-values and fold change of our genes of interest.
Data was screened for consistency and quality by both graphical (histograms, scatter plots)
and analytical methods (descriptive statistics). Variables were analyzed using generalized
linear models (GLM) such as ANOVA and
-tests. The effect of combining HIF-PA with
rapamycin on induction of apoptosis was assessed by the median effect method using
Calcusyn Software Version 1.1 (Biosoft, Cambridge, United Kingdom). Combination
indices (CI) values were calculated using the most conservative assumption of mutually
nonexclusive drug interactions. CI values were calculated from median results of apoptosis
Myeloma cell lines are resistant to hypoxia-induced apoptosis
in vitro
Because patient MM tumor cells specifically engraft within the hypoxic BM
microenvironment, we anticipated that patient-derived MM cell lines would also exhibit
resistance to hypoxia-mediated apoptosis
in vitro
. This was confirmed by analyzing the
sensitivity of a panel of MM cell lines cultured under various pO
concentrations in
increments from 2% down to 0.1% O
and for various time points up to 72 hours. We chose
these experimental ranges because these values fell within the actual pO
ranges reported by
Spencer et al (
) from
in situ
measurement in mouse bone marrow. In their study, O
in the marrow were found to be <32 mm Hg, but in some bone marrow niches, it could be as
low as 9.9 mm Hg (or about 1% O
with a range of 2 - 0.6% measured in the extra-vascular
spaces). We found that at O
levels greater than ~1%, only modest cytotoxicity was
observed, even when cells were cultured out to 72 hours. Only at very low oxygen
conditions (i.e. 0.5 – 0.1% O
), did we see significant levels of hypoxia-mediated apoptosis
of the MM cells tested when compared to the “normoxia-cultured” controls. As shown in
Fig 1A, 8226 and U266 cell lines were the most resistant to low pO
(~15–20% apoptosis),
whilst H929 and MM1.S were intermediately sensitive (~25–35% apoptosis) to hypoxia-
mediated apoptosis (all measured at 72 hours). In contrast, OPM-2 cells were the most
sensitive (>50% apoptosis) to low O
, and this effect occurred significantly earlier, by 48
Culturing cells under low pO
had different effects on the HIF
-subunits expression in the
nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of the hypoxia-resistant (8226) and hypoxia-sensitive
(OPM-2) cell lines cultured under standard normoxic (~22% O
) or hypoxic (0.1% O
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conditions. As shown in Fig 1B (left panel), HIF1
was constitutively expressed in the
nuclear fraction of 8226 cells as well as significantly upregulated under hypoxic conditions
(measured at 24 hours). In contrast to 8226, baseline HIF1
was absent in OPM-2 cells, but
was strongly induced by low O
(Fig 1B, right panel). On the other hand, HIF2
constitutively expressed in both 8226 and OPM-2 cells and this was independent of O
levels (Fig 1B). The rapid upregulation of HIF1
in OPM-2 cells was confirmed using the
hypoxia mimic, CoCl
, which induced HIF1
expression by 1 hour and reached a maximum
by 18 hours (Fig 1C). A strong O
-dependent induction of HIF1
was also noted in MM1S,
H929, and U266 cell lines (Fig 1D), while HIF2
expression was independent of O
in H929 and U266 cells, but not in MM1S cells. These findings are generally similar to
other reports describing HIF expression in MM cells (
). Low pO
(0.1% 24hrs) did not
affect the expression of the pro-survival factor Bcl-2, but did inhibit Bcl-xl and MCL-1 in
OPM-2 and 8226, whilst survivin was only downregulated in OPM-2 cells (Fig 1E).
Survivin has been reported to play a role in HIF-regulated survival of MM and may be an
important target for future studies (
). Low pO
also upregulated the pro-apoptotic factors,
BNIP3 (a known HIF target) and BID in both lines tested, but BAX was only upregulated in
Since we observed differential oxygen-dependent expression patterns for the HIF
we next asked if expression in the PHD isoforms responsible for regulating the
could explain these results. As seen in Fig 2A, expression of PHD2/EGNL1 was absent in
8226, but strongly expressed in OPM-2 cells. It has been reported that PHD2/EGLN1
preferentially hydroxylates HIF1
), and its absence would explain why 8226 cells
express constitutive HIF1
under normoxic conditions. Along similar lines, we also found
that PHD3/EGLN3, which preferentially hydroxylates HIF2
), was absent in both 8226
and OPM-2 cells, and that also explains the oxygen-independent expression of HIF2
both these cell lines. To ensure that our antibodies could identify PHD/EGLN3 antigens, we
included a positive internal EGLN3 control (EGLN3 overexpressing lysate from HEK293T
cells purchased from NOVUS) in our immunoblots. We also found that low pO
significantly upregulated PHD2/EGLN1 protein expression, and probably this likely acts as
a negative feedback mechanism to return HIF back to basal levels when O
levels return
back to normal (
). Furthermore, hypoxia-mediated upregulation of PHD2/EGLN1 was
unaffected by treatment with HIF-PA. We also examined the expression of another O
dependent regulator of HIF1
, the factor inhibiting HIF-1 protein (FIH), and found that
there was no difference in expression under either normoxic or hypoxic conditions in the
cell lines we tested.
To further characterize the expression patterns of
, we used the Oncomine
tool, a publically available cancer microarray database to query if there were differences in
gene expression in clinical specimens of MM or monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
significance (MGUS) versus normal controls within two data sets; Zhan et al (N=78
samples) (
) and Agnelli et al (N=158) (
). As shown in Figure 2B,
panel) was significantly overexpressed in MM specimens versus normal specimens
(p<0.05), and in MGUS versus normal specimens in the Zhan study (p<0.05) but not in the
Agnelli study (p>0.05). On the other hand,
(bottom panel) was not
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significantly different in MM and MGUS versus normal specimens (p>0.05) in either data
set, although there was a general downward trend of expression of this gene. Next, we used
the TaqMan® Array Human Hypoxia 96-well assay system to analyze for changes in a
subset of hypoxia-related genes in 8226 cells. As shown in Fig 2C, hypoxia increased the
relative expression of
by 6 fold, but had only minor effects on
mirroring the results shown in Fig 1B. Other genes associated with the HIF regulatory
pathway, such as
, were induced, whilst
E3 ubiquitin
were downregulated and which mirrored the results from Fig 2A and 2B
above. Not unexpectedly,
gene expression, genes that are well
known to be sensitive to hypoxia, were upregulated by hypoxia.
HIF-targeting polyamide (HIF-PA) inhibits the adaptive hypoxic response in MM cells
We next tested the ability of HIF-PA to inhibit the cellular response to hypoxia using 8226
cells that had been stably transduced with a hypoxia response element (HRE)-luciferase
reporter construct (8226-HRE-LUC). As shown in Fig 3A, culturing 8226-HRE-LUC cells
under low pO
(0.1% O
, 24hr) resulted in a ~2 fold induction of luciferase activity over the
baseline “normoxic” controls. This hypoxia-mediated LUC induction was significantly
inhibited (p<0.05) by treatment with HIF-PA but not by a control polyamide (CO-PA) that
recognized a non-HRE sequence. To provide further support for our model, we knocked
down HIF1
expression in 8226-LUC cells using HIF1
siRNA (Fig 3B top panel). As we
expected, and as shown in Fig 3B (bottom panel), the hypoxia-mediated increase of LUC
activity in 8226-LUC reporter cells transfected with HIF1
siRNA also demonstrated a
significant inhibition of the hypoxia-induced LUC activity. These data support our
hypothesis that HIF-PA can specifically inhibit the HIF-mediated cellular response to
hypoxia in 8226 cells. Next we showed that HIF-PA could inhibit the expression of HIF-
mediated gene expression using real-time PCR to assay for the effect of HIF-PA treatment
on the expression VEGF RNA. It is well known that hypoxia upregulates VEGF
transcription in myeloma cells, and as expected, culturing 8226 cells under hypoxic
conditions (0.1% O
, 24 hrs) induced VEGF mRNA by ~3–4 fold (Fig 3C). Treatment with
HIF-PA significantly (p<0.05) inhibited this hypoxia-mediated upregulation of VEGM
mRNA in a dose dependent manner. This effect on mRNA was also mirrored by HIF-PA
mediated inhibition of VEGF protein (measured by ELISA) in the supernatant of these cells
(Fig 3D). Altogether, these data demonstrate that HIF-PA specifically and effectively
inhibits the adaptive hypoxic response in MM cells.
HIF-PA treatment overcomes MM cell resistance to hypoxia
We next asked if inhibiting the hypoxic response with HIF-PA could sensitize a panel of
MM cells to hypoxia-mediated killing. We assayed this using hypoxia resistant 8226 and
U266 cells and hypoxia sensitive MM1.S and OPM-2 cells that were cultured under
normoxic or hypoxic conditions (0.1% O
) in the presence of HIF-PA or a control
polyamide (CO-PA). HIF-PA had little effect on 8226 cells (Fig 4A) and U266 (Fig 4B)
cultured under standard conditions (white bars), but the treatment of 8226 and U266 cells
cultured under hypoxic conditions resulted in significant and dose-dependent hypoxia-
mediated killing (an increase from ~20% to ~60%) (black bars) (ANOVA *p<0.05). The
hypoxia “sensitive” MM1.S and OPM-2 cells (Fig 4C and D) were even more responsive to
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HIF-PA, (ANOVA *p<0.05) with a similar increase in apoptosis observed by only 24 hrs
when cultured under low O
conditions. The CO-PA compound had little, if any, effect on
the hypoxia-mediated apoptosis in any of the cell lines examined. These data support our
hypothesis that inhibiting the adaptive hypoxic response with HIF-PA overcomes MM
resistance to hypoxia-mediated apoptosis
in vitro
As an
in vivo
correlate of the above
in vitro
data, we tested HIF-PA activity using a
xenograft SQ MM tumor model in NOD/SCID mice (
). The mice were challenged
on the flank with 10 X10
8226 cells admixed with matrigel. Once a palpable tumor
developed (~15 days later), the mice were randomized into groups (N=10 mice/group) to be
given 5 IP injections of either HIF-PA (100 nmol/injection) or vehicle control every other
day (Fig 5A, arrows on X-axis indicate days of treatment). The HIF-PA treatments were
well tolerated, with only a small transient decrease in weight being observed, and induced a
rapid and significant inhibition of tumor growth in the HIF-PA-treated mice compared to
control mice (p<0.05). In order to confirm uptake of HIF-PA, we treated an additional group
of mice (N=2 mice/group) with a FITC-conjugated HIF-PA and measured drug uptake by
real-time fluorescent imaging. We observed some auto-fluorescence signal in the bladder
and gut (Supplemental Figure 1A, mice #1 and #2). However, in FITC-HIF-PA treated mice,
positive signals were also observed in the tumor nodules (Supplemental Figure 1A, note
arrow indicating tumor nodule in mouse #3 and #4). Labeled HIF-PA localization in the
nuclei was confirmed by fluorescent confocal microscopy of excised tumor sections,
costained with DAPI (Supplemental Figure 1B). This is consistent with the recent studies on
the uptake C
labeled Py-Im polyamides into tumors (
In order to characterize the in vivo effect of HIF-PA, we excised the tumor nodules 24 hrs
after the last injection and performed immunohistochemistry on serial sections stained either
for hypoxia (pimonidazole staining, left panels) or apoptosis (cleaved caspase 3, right
panels) (Fig 5B). Both vehicle control (top left panel) and HIF-PA (bottom left panel)
treated tumors had regions of hypoxia (brown stained areas), but the extent of hypoxia was
significantly greater in the HIF-PA treated tumors than in the control tumors (quantified in
Fig 5C). We also noted there were significantly greater areas of necrosis within the tumor
bed in HIF-PA treated tumors compared to control tumors as well as a strong physical
correlation between areas of hypoxia and presence of apoptosis in the HIF-PA-treated
tumors (see Fig 5B, bottom right panel). In contrast, apoptotic cells were evenly distributed
throughout the tumor bed in the control tumors (Fig 5B, top right panel) and were not
localized to a specific geographic region in the tumor. As shown in Fig 5C, we found that
the area of positive hypoxia staining in tumor sections (10 tumors/group, 10 fields/tumor)
was ~35% in nodules harvested from the HIF-PA treated mice, compared to about 18% in
the tumors harvested from mice treated with vehicle control (p<0.05). The apoptotic index
(AI) in both the normoxic or hypoxic regions of the tumor was determined by counting
number of apoptotic cells in these regions using corresponding serial sections (10 tumors/
group, 10 fields/region) stained with pimonidazole to identify the specific geographical
regions of interest. As shown in Fig 5D, there was an approximate 3–4 fold increase in
apoptotic cells located within the hypoxic regions of tumors from the HIF-PA treated mice
compared to hypoxic regions of the control tumors (P<0.05), whilst there was no difference
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in apoptotic index within “normoxic” regions of the tumor bed. Finally, we examined the
expression of VEGF in tumor lysates by ELISA (Fig 5E). As with our
in vitro
data (see Fig
3D), HIF-PA significantly inhibited VEGF expression by approximately 50% when
compared to control tumors. Altogether, this data supports our hypothesis that HIF-PA can
overcome resistance to hypoxia-mediated apoptosis
in vivo
by inhibiting the adaptive
hypoxic response.
As a more physiologically relevant model, we developed an orthotopic, “disseminated” bone
marrow-engrafted xenograft model based on the model developed by Miyakawa (
) using
LUC2-transfected 8226 (these cells use a different p4.5 LUC2 plasmid to drive luciferase
expression and thus are different than the 8226-HRE-LUC cells described above) allowing
us to perform real-time longitudinal studies on myeloma tumors engrafted in the BM. As
shown in Supplemental Fig 1A, NOG mice challenged with 8226LUC cells developed bone
marrow engrafted MM tumors that could be observed by bioluminescence (top panel) and
X-ray (bottom panel) analysis. Approximately 20–50% of the bone marrow cells from
inoculated mice were positive for human CD45 confirmed by flow cytometry using FITC-
conjugated anti-huCD45 antibody (Supplemental Fig 2B) and by IHC of
in situ
8226 cells in the mouse femurs (Supplemental Fig 2C). Gross histological analysis of the
mice didn’t show tumor formation in other tissues (i.e. liver, lung, spleen, or kidney).
We then asked if treatment with HIF-PA had an anti-MM effect on tumor cells in the bone
marrow. As shown in Fig 6A, approximately +20 days post challenge with 8226-LUC cell,
engraftment of LUC2+ cells in the skeleton was confirmed and the mice were then
randomized into treatment groups (6–8 mice/group). The mice were then give IP injections
of 100 nmol/injection of HIF-PA every other day (arrows indicate days of injection on day
+27, +29 +31, +34, +36 and +38) or vehicle control. The average radiance
/steradian) was measured at various time points using a Perkin Elmer
Lumina XRMS small animal imager (out to day +40). The treatment with HIF-PA
significantly inhibited MM tumor growth in the marrow (data is presented as average
radiance ± 95% confidence intervals) starting after the third injection and reaching statistical
significance by the last HIF-PA injection on day +38). It should be noted that this particular
HIF-PA treatment regimen was not able to delay the development of hind limb paralysis (the
main end point criteria) when compared to control animals, with ~50% of the animals
reaching their end point on day +59 (control mice) and day +62 (HIF-PA treated mice).
Representative images of some of the mice are shown for day +22, +35 and +40. We noted a
decrease in the luciferase activity as well as a general shrinkage of individual tumor foci in
the mice. Specifically, in control mice, tumor foci tended to grow and merge over time,
while in HIF-PA treated mice, the foci remain relatively small and isolated.
Effect of targeting the mTOR pathway on regulation of HIF-PA sensitivity
Since we have previously demonstrated that mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
inhibitors kill MM cells
in vivo
, and this anti-MM effects is mediated, at least in part, by
inhibiting VEGF translation and
de novo
angiogenesis (
), we asked if there
would be a synergistic effect if we combined HIF-PA-mediated inhibition of hypoxia-
inducible gene transcription in combination with rapamycin-mediated inhibition of mTOR-
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mediated regulation of protein translation. As shown in Fig 7A, treatment of 8226 cells with
the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin had a modest effect on apoptosis in MM cells cultured under
normoxic or hypoxic conditions (0.1% O
, 72 hours). However, under low pO
using median effect combination indices (CI) analysis for apoptosis induction, we found that
the combination treatment with rapamycin and HIF-PA resulted in synergistic drug
interactions with CI values <1 across several concentrations tested. Altogether, this suggests
that targeting both transcription and translation of hypoxia-induced genes may be an
effective anti-MM strategy (Fig 7A see grey and black bars and bracketed area). We also
asked if REDD1, a hypoxia-sensitive negative regulator of mTOR, was affected by low pO
in both 8226 and OPM-2 cells. As shown in Fig 7B, REDD1 was strongly induced in MM
cells. Furthermore, the functional effects of hypoxia on mTOR signaling demonstrated a
marked inhibition of phosphorylation of p70S6 kinase but only modest effects on AKT
phosphorylation. The effects of hypoxia-mediated inhibition on p70 was transient and
reversible in OPM-2 cells, with p70 (389) phosphorylation levels rapidly returning to normal
within 2 hrs following reoxygenation of the cells (Fig 7C).
There is increasing evidence that low oxygen conditions are supportive of MM growth,
progression and the development of resistance to chemotherapy, and that this occurs via a
cellular adaptive hypoxic response mediated, at least in part, by the action of HIF-
transcriptional factors. Because of this and the development of more resistant tumor
phenotypes associated with hypoxia, there has been increasing interest in targeting HIF-
mediated gene transcription to overcome these effects (
). Hypoxia induces the expression
of about ~100–200 genes mostly related to metabolism, angiogenesis, and apoptosis (
), and in this study, we found that a sequence-specific DNA-binding oligomer (HIF-PA)
that is capable of binding to the HRE and inhibiting HIF-mediated gene transcription (
) can overcome MM resistance to hypoxia-mediated apoptosis
in vitro
in vivo
. We
also found that treating MM cells with a combination of HIF-PA, to inhibit gene
transcription, and rapamycin, to inhibit gene translation, had a strong synergistic cytotoxic
effect against MM tumor cells cultured under hypoxic conditions. Our results provide a
strong pre-clinical rationale for using polyamides to target the adaptive hypoxic response in
MM and may prove to be efficacious in treating myeloma tumors engrafted in the hypoxic
bone marrow microenvironment. We also note that the ability of HIF-PA to recognize and
bind to HRE sequences enables them to block both the HIF1
and HIF2
We surveyed a panel of MM cell lines and found that the expression of the HIF1
was generally absent under normal culturing conditions but was rapidly increased by low
levels. The exception to this was 8226 cells, which constitutively expressed HIF1
under normoxic conditions, although it was further upregulated by hypoxia. In contrast to
the HIF1
-subunit, HIF2
was constitutively expressed in all the cell lines studied (except
MM1S), and the expression levels were independent of O
levels. Of note, we did not
observe a correlation between the expression of the HIF1
-subunit and sensitivity to
hypoxia-mediated cytotoxicity in the cells we examined. These results are interesting
because they suggest that the HIF
-subunits are differentially regulated by low pO
levels in
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MM cells and that mechanisms other than just the expression of HIF1
regulates sensitivity
to hypoxia. In fact, despite their similarities, it is known that the
-subunits can mediate
different responses to hypoxia and tumorogenesis: HIF1
acts as a tumor suppressor gene
and inhibits tumor growth, whilst HIF2
acts as an oncogene and promotes tumor growth
). It has also been demonstrated that the different
-subunits have varying affinities for
hydroxylation by the different PHD isoforms, with PHD2/EGLN1 showing the highest
affinity for HIF1
) and PHD3/EGLN3 showing the highest affinity for HIF-2
). In
our study, we found that the expression patterns of PHD/EGLN isoforms could explain
-subunit expression in both 8226 and OPM-2 cells. Specifically, PHD2/EGLN1 was
expressed at very low levels in 8226, but not in OPM-2, which can explain why HIF1
constitutively expressed in the former but not the later. It is also likely that the absence of
PHD3/EGLN3 in MM cells results in the inability to hydroxylate HIF2
, thereby rendering
its expression independent of O
levels. Thus, it is likely that the expression and ability of
PHD isoforms to regulate the expression of the different
-subunits may have important
ramifications for disease progression and pathology in MM, such as what is observed in
patients with VHL-cancer syndrome (
). In support of this,
, but not
silencing has been reported at a relatively high frequency for patients with MM,
Waldenström’s macroglobulinaemia and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
significance and that these patients have a poorer prognosis (
) suggesting that PHD/EGLN
activity is as important as HIF activity in regulating the adaptive hypoxic responses in MM,
and is something that we will pursue in future experiments.
There is a dynamic physiological process that exists between the metabolic needs of tumor
cell growth and the sufficiency of the vascular networks that are required to support these
needs. On one hand, the development of oxygen stress within the tumor inhibits cell division
and growth and induces cell death, but on the other hand, hypoxia activates the HIF-
mediated cellular responses that provide protective growth and survival advantages and that
can foster the development of tumor resistance to radiation and chemotherapy (
). In
this study, we found that HIF-PA was well tolerated by mice, localized to the nuclei of the
tumor xenografts, and could inhibit tumor growth. Histological analysis of HIF-PA treated
SQ xenografts indicated that tumor cytotoxicity was remarkably co-localized with regions of
ischemic stress in the tumor nodules and that VEGF expression was significantly inhibited.
While VEGF is clearly a factor in the induction of the HIF-PA-mediated killing of MM
tumor cells, we believe that VEGF is probably only one of many genes affected by targeting
the adaptive hypoxic response using HIF-PA (
). While our SQ model demonstrated some
efficacy of HIF-PA in reducing solid MM xenograft tumors, we recognize that this
particular model may not be physiologically relevant to clinical myeloma, which engrafts in
the bone marrow. Therefore, we also present data using an orthotopic MM xenograft model.
In this model, 8226 tumor cells localized to the mouse BM demonstrate a similar anti-tumor
response to HIF-PA treatment that mirrored the effects seen in our SQ model. Specifically,
we noted a decrease in luciferase activity measured by the change in average radiance, as
well as a general decrease in the size of the MM tumor foci engrafted in the bone marrow.
While HIF-PA had a statistically significant effect on orthotopic MM tumors, this did not
translate to a longer survival in the mice. We believe that this may be because our initial
HIF-PA treatment strategy was not the most effective dosing regimen for establishing and
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maintaining long term anti-myeloma responses in our orthotopic model. For example, HIF-
PA availability and clearance in the bone marrow still needs to be established. This, in fact,
has important ramifications for addressing the known limitations of these anti-angiogenesis
therapies (
), because HIF-PA directly targets the hypoxic response at the level of gene
transcription, rather than targeting a single downstream effector of hypoxia, such as VEGF.
Because of our previous
in vivo
studies (
) that demonstrated a correlation
between the anti-angiogenic effects of the mTOR inhibitor, temsirolimus, we initially
hypothesized that hypoxic stress alone would be sufficient to kill MM cells. However, we
found that MM cell lines are generally resistant to low O
, suggesting that hypoxia-induced
physiological stress alone cannot fully explain our results. In fact, myeloma cells that are the
most resistant to mTOR inhibition (e.g. 8226 and U266), are also the most the resistant to
hypoxia, whilst cells that are more sensitive to rapalogs, such as OPM-2 are the most
sensitive hypoxia-mediated killing (
). It is also known that hypoxia regulates the activity
of mTOR via the induction of REDD1 (
) although the relationship between hypoxia,
mTOR activation, and HIF expression/activation remain complex and is not fully
understood (
). This is further confounded by the presence of cap-independent, IRES-
mediated translational pathways (
) that may allow tumor cells to escape mTOR-
targeting therapies. Interestingly, we find that the combination of polyamides and rapamycin
can effectively synergize with each other to overcome resistance to hypoxia-mediated killing
of 8226 cells
in vitro
. Along another line of reasoning, we noted that in a recent study by
Maiso et al (
), hypoxic conditions conferred a striking resistance to bortezomib-mediated
apoptosis in MM cell lines and, critically, inhibiting HIF1
expression could restore
sensitivity. If true, then we hypothesized that HIF-PA would likely have a similar effect in
bortezomib-treated cells by inhibiting the adaptive hypoxic response and overcoming any
hypoxia-mediated resistance to this drug. However, despite our best efforts, we were unable
to replicate this phenomenon, and instead found that our results were more similar to those
reported by Hu et al (
) which found instead that bortezomib killed MM cell lines cultured
under hypoxic conditions. It is unclear why our experiments differed from those of Maiso et
al, but could reflect variations in how hypoxic conditions were established. Therefore, at
least in our hands, it remains to be shown if hypoxia confers resistance to chemotherapeutic
drugs and if HIF-PA can overcome and sensitize MM cells by inhibiting HIF-activity.
In summary, HIF and related hypoxic response factors are frequently upregulated in MM
tumors, and has been implicated in contributing to the development and prognosis of MM
). The induction of pro-angiogenic, proliferative, metastatic, and glycolytic genes by
HIF1 may also be involved in the development of chemotherapy resistant phenotypes (
). In this sense, HIF1, and in particular the expression of the different
-subunits, may
play dual roles in the survival and progression of MM, through the differential
expression patterns and the genes that they activate. Thus, we argue that understanding the
role and mechanisms HIF1-mediated adaptive hypoxic response at the level of HIF1/DNA
binding could be clinically relevant for developing novel therapies against patient MM
engrafted in the hypoxic bone marrow environment.
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Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This work was supported by a MERIT grant 1I01BX001532 to PJF, from the United States Department of Veterans
Affairs Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Service and a NIH GM051747 grant to PBD
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