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JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
Joint Survey Processing of LSST, Euclid and WFIRST:
Enabling a broad array of astrophysics and cosmology
through pixel level combinations of datasets
Consideration Areas
based project
, Infrastructure Activity,
Development Activity
Corresponding Author: Ranga Ram Chary; rchary@caltech.edu, +1
Gabriel Brammer (U. Copenhagen)
Peter Capak (Caltech/IPAC)
William Dawson (LLNL)
Andreas Faisst (Caltech/IPAC)
Acosta (Caltech/IPAC)
Henry C. Ferguson (STScI)
Carl J. Grillmair (Caltech/IPAC)
George Helou (Caltech/IPAC)
Shoubaneh Hemmati (JPL)
Anton Koekemoer (STScI)
BoMee Lee (Caltech/IPAC)
Robert Lupton (Princeton)
Sangeeta Malhotra (NASA/GSFC)
Peter Melchior (Princeton)
Ivelina Momcheva (STScI)
Jeffrey Newman (U. Pittsburgh)
Joseph Masiero (JPL)
Roberta Paladini (Caltech/IPAC)
Abhishek Prakash (Caltech/IPAC)
Jason Rhodes (JPL)
Rusholme (Caltech/IPAC)
Michael Schneider (LLNL)
Nathaniel Stickley (Caltech/IPAC)
Arfon Smith (STScI)
Michael Wood
Vasey (U. Pittsburgh)
G. Bruce Berriman (Caltech/IPAC)
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
Joint survey processing (JSP) is
the pixel level combination of LSST, Euclid
datasets. By combining the high spatial resolution of the space
based datasets with deep, seeing
limited, ground
based images in the optical bands, systematics like source confusion and
mismatch can be addressed to derive the highest precision optical/infrared photometric
catalogs. This white paper highlights the scientific motivation, computational and algorithmic
needs to build joint pixel level processing capabilities, which the indivi
dual projects by themselves
will not be able to support. Through this white paper, we request that the Astro2020 decadal
committee recognize
the JSP effort as a multi
agency project with the natural outcome being
a collaborative effort among groups
which are normally supported by a single agency. JSP will
allow the U.S. (and international) astronomical community to manipulate the flagship data sets
and undertake innovative science investigations ranging from solar system object characterization,
planet detections, nearby galaxy rotation rates and dark matter properties, to epoch of
reionization studies. It will also result in the ultimate constraints on cosmological parameters and
the nature of dark energy, with far smaller uncertainties and a bet
ter handle on systematics than by
any one survey alone.
Scientific Justification
The Euclid, LSST and WFIRST projects will undertake flagship optical/near
surveys in the next decade (Figure 1). They will
map thousands of square
degrees of sky and cover
the electromagnetic spectrum between 0.3 and 2
microns with sub
arcsec resolution. This will
result in the detection of several tens of billions of sources, enabling a wide range of astrophysical
investigations by the astronomi
cal community and providing unprecedented constraints on the
nature of dark energy and dark matter.
level science goals which benefit from JSP are too
numerous to detail here [JSP Final Report 2019, Chary et al. Astro2020 Science White Paper
are summarized below.
High precision photometric redshifts for galaxy clustering studies through the generation
of precise multi
wavelength catalogs.
Joint shear analysis
for weak lensing
by combining the high spatial resolution space
datasets with the deep, ground
based optical datasets.
Improving the identification of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) and their classification based on
the properties of the host galaxies in which they occur.
Strong lensing time delays for background t
ransients (e.g. QSOs and SNe) and substructure
in the dark matter distribution
(e.g/ H0LiCOW project, Suyu et al. 2017)
Reionization and Galaxy Evolution
curate resolution
matched color
estimation to enable selection of epoch o
and quasars, and to measure their contribution to the z > 6 reionization budget.
Tracking color gradients an
d morphologies of LSST
selected galaxies to measure their
impact on shear measurements
and the growth of stellar mass in ga
laxies with cosmic time.
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
Deblending the spectra of line emitters
(particularly Ly
a emitters)
that will be seen in the
Euclid/WFIRST grism data.
Parallax measurements between
the second Earth
Sun Lagrange point
L2 (Euclid,
WFIRST) and the Earth (LSST) which allow for a better handle on distances to the lens.
Measuring the 3D dust extinction structure of the target fields through stellar colors for
more precise measurements of
distance to the lens and the source
Using space
resolution data to alleviate source confusion in dense bulge fields to detect
microlensing events at the shot
noise limit of the ground
based images.
Stellar and solar system object motions
Provide a decade
long time baseline to measure the proper motions and parallaxes of
system objects at depths that are ~5
6 magnitudes fainter than Gaia (G < 21 AB
mag). These can be used to measure kinematics of stars in streams and substructu
res in the
Galactic halo, and in nearby galaxies to probe the nature of dark matter therein
Koposov et al. 2019)
Measure the trajectories and chemical composition of Solar System objects. The
optical/NIR albedo is proportional to an object
s comp
combining the datasets
allows the shapes of small SSOs to be reconstructed from sparsely sampled light curve
photometry using light curve inversion techniques (e.g. the Database of Asteroids Models
from Inversion Techniques [DAMIT]; Durech et al.
2010, A&A, 513, A46; Durech et al.
2018, A&A, 617, A57).
The JSP effort described here does not aim to reach the goals themselves, but will instead
provide the common data products and tools needed to facilitate community
led investigations
duplication of effort.
The JSP effort serves two high
level objectives: 1) provide precise
concordance multi
wavelength images
(both single epoch and coadds)
and catalogs over the entire
sky area where these surveys overlap, and 2) provide a science platfo
rm to analyze multi
concordance images and catalogs to enable a wide range of astrophysical science goals to be
formulated and addressed by the research community. Given the data volumes (~100PB) and
computing cycles required (~1 billion CPU hours) t
o achieve optimal combination of the data sets,
it is most cost effective to develop these capabilities as a coherent, robust service for all users by
building on the insights and expertise of the three survey projects working closely with a dedicated
Core Team.
It is worth noting that previous combinations of space
quality and ground
based datasets
have been undertaken (e.g. HST and Subaru), but are neither at the level of precision required
across bands nor over comparable survey areas which sp
an a wide range of Galactic extinction and
stellar density environments.
Depending on whether one considers only the single band optical
data or all space
resolution NIR data, the combined survey area is ~2 sq. deg (e.g. COSMOS,
Scoville et al. 2007
, Momcheva et al. 2017 or 0.25 sq. deg, respectively (e.g. CANDELS,
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
Koekemoer et al. 2011), several orders of magnitude smaller than what J
SP will analyze. The key
problems the analysis of the survey data has faced are:
Astrometric offsets of ~0.1
0.2” w
hich have only been found post
Gaia and thereby
manifest themselves in an increased scatter in photometry;
Source confusion (Figure 2 and 3) in seeing
limited data
which has resulted in the
development of prior
based source deblending and fitting tool
s such as APHOT, TPHOT
and TRACTOR (e.g. Merlin et al. 2016 and 2019, Lang et al. 2016);
arbitrary zero point offsets applied to photometry in individual bands to force better
agreements in photometric redshift (e.g. Brammer et al. 2008, Dahlen et
al., 2013). This is
likely because of inconsistent photometry and/or ignorance of galaxy spectral energy
distributions used for deriving redshifts but is extremely relevant for weak
lensing studies
which have stringent bias requirements on the redshift
(e.g. Drlica
Wagner et al. 2018)
Addressing these issues to yield the ultimate cosmological, astrophysical and time
science will require “joint survey processing” (JSP) functionality at the pixel level that is outside
the scope of the individual survey projects.
Figure 1: The sky coverage of the Euclid wide
area survey (yellow) and the possible LSST
northern extension (purple rectangle
from Rhodes et al. 2017). LSST, will in addition, cover the
entire 20000 deg
Southern hemisphere to ~27 AB mag over 10 years (g
reen and red rectangles).
The WFIRST high latitude survey field (2200 deg
) is a part of the yellow region between RA of
300 and 90 degrees in the Southern sky while the WFIRST microlensing survey will be in the
vicinity of the Galactic Center (labeled GC
at 270,
). Figure courtesy of Jean
Cuillandre/Euclid project. The large overlap in sky coverage between these three projects and the
desire for matched precision photometry, motivate
s a joint analysis of the data.
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
Addressing th
e science goals outlined above requires a data processing system that ingests
images and spectra from multiple surveys (Tier 0); consolidates their astrometric and photometric
definitions in a concordance frame (Tier 1); uses color and location
dependent P
SFs and
morphologies of sources in the concordance images to generate cross
project concordant
photometric and shape catalogs (Tier 2); and exposes the concordance data and JSP catalogs to the
astronomical community for astronomical manipulation and follow
up studies (Tier 3). This is
summarized in Table 1.
We should emphasize that none of the tasks we outline below are intended to duplicate
work already performed by the individual survey projects (e.g. instrumental calibrations, or
dedicated analysis
tools). The goal here is to leverage this work to construct a high
concordance data set and provide online application program interfaces (APIs) for the
astronomical community to carry out novel analyses on the concordance dataset. Furthermore,
hile we hope for a formal data sharing agreement between the surveys, all efforts described here
can be executed with public data sets that are going to be released by each of the survey projects,
as per their data release schedule
(Table 2)
Overview of
JSP Software Elements
The software development for JSP can be broken down into two classes: systems
infrastructural software development and data processing software development.
The infrastructural software development involves 1) setting u
p and maintaining version
controlled software containers, 2) managing network throughput to ensure efficient transfer of data
from storage sites to high performance
nodes, 3) extracting unified metadata from the
individual datasets, 4) provid
ing seamless, over
network, data access from multiple archives
through a data broker, 5) the augmentation of data visualization tools such as the LSST Science
User Suite for handling multi
project datasets, and 6) the use of security and privacy softwa
re to
ensure that i) a user does not overwhelm computational resources, ii) a malicious user does not
alter the contents of the archives, and iii) the work of an individual user is private and cannot be
viewed by others.
The data processing developme
nt work involves 1) the creation of software to perform the
alignment and standardization of the reduced data products, 2) generation of the concordance
optical/NIR images and catalogs including color, time
, brightness
and location
dependent point
spread functions, 3) development of software that enables end
users to perform custom
manipulation of the concordance datasets (e.g., creating custom coadds, non
sidereal stacking, and
point source fitting), 4) the generation
high spatial resolution
extinction maps and a color
correction tool, 5) performing cross
calibration and astrometry checks, and 6) creating a means of
injecting fake sources of different shapes after convolving with the corresponding point spread
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
to assess basic quantities like completeness, reliability and photometric biases as a
function of morphology
By containerizing the analysis and processing software, we can ensure consistency and
repeatability. The exact same versions of the softw
are will be used for creating all of the
concordance products and the same container images will be made available to users of the science
platform. Containerization allows us to preserve the versions of not only the software applications
themselves, but a
lso all of underlying libraries.
The data broker and client library that we will design will significantly lower the barrier to
entry for algorithm developers wishing to co
analyze multi
mission, multi
wavelength data. This
data broker would allow use
rs to query by position (or survey object id) on the sky, specify a
wavelength range and spatial extent, and have returned to them images (single visit or co
ligned to a common grid (e.g.
Gaia) plus metadata drawn from the archives of appropriate s
(e.g. LSST, WFIRST, PanSTARRS, ZTF, SDSS and GALEX). The metadata supplied with these
images would include precise astrometric mapping and a model of the PSF interpretable by JSP
Figure 2: An illustration of source confusion in
an optical band (centered at ~6000A) from the
three primary surveys, along with the isophotes derived from photometry on each of the images.
The green isophotes are derived from the LSST r
band full
depth data of
AB mag, the red
isophotes are
from the Euclid only VIS data while the blue isophotes are for the deeper WFIRST
data (Table 1). The sources are barely detected in the LSST single epoch data. In the absence of
the deeper, space
resolution data, source confusion would result in both erro
neous shape and
photometry estimates in LSST data and also affect catalog matching. Conversely, both Euclid and
WFIRST rely on deconfused optical photometry from LSST to get reliable photometric redshifts
for galaxies that are detected in their respective
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
Figure 3: Visible band extragalactic source counts in the COSMOS, GOODS
fields shown as the black lines with the corresponding beams/source, a parameter of confusion,
show as the red lines and corresponding to the right axis. B
eams/source=40 (corresponding to ~25
AB mag) is the classical confusion limit. Using prior information on position and morphologies of
sources allows one to reliably extract sources down to ~8 beams/source depending on the accuracy
of the PSF and the quali
ty of the priors (Magnelli et al. 2009, 2011). Since LSST has a single epoch
photometric sensitivity of 24.5 AB mag, with ~200 visits per band over 10 years, the images will
start to be affected by confusion, within a year of LSST operations, if the spatia
l resolution has a
median seeing of 0.8
0.9” FWHM. This implies that between 10
25% of galaxies will have their
photometry affected by confusion in 1 year stacks of LSST data with up to 50% affected in the full
depth stacks.
Computing Requirements
Three types of computing runs have been identified. The first is required to produce the
concordance products and package them for use by the community. The second type encompasses
bulk runs, managed by large science collaborations aimed at major science i
nvestigations such as
Weak Lensing or proper motion searches. The third type accounts for the more “localized” science
investigations conducted by the community.
The generation of concordance products will need to be run roughly annually to
remain up
date with releases from the projects. They would start in early 2023, as soon as overlapping data
from both LSST and Euclid are publicly available. We estimate that this effort would involve a
total of about 330 million CPU hours, combining bo
th products and supporting simulations.
However, each iteration of this for the intermediate data releases is likely only about a tenth of
that, since the overlapping area will be small. It is reasonable to assume that this could be
conducted at the DOE su
percomputing centers as a contribution to the JSP effort. In addition,
generating the single
epoch simulations, PSFs and catalogs is estimated to account for ~600
million CPU hours.
Bulk computing runs for major investigations are also likely to be needed roughly annually
starting in late 2023 as surveys cover more sky or go deeper. We assume these would be run at
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
supercomputing centers or potentially on commercial clouds if the costs
are reasonable. These runs
would have to be scheduled and staged, with test runs to validate the resourcing leading up to
production runs. They would be coordinated with the projects, since they will require streaming
major amounts of data out of the proj
ect archives, and may impact on
going science operations or
frustrate access by other users. The resources required for these computing runs, estimated at tens
of millions of CPU hours, will be procured by the investigation teams and are not budgeted here
The science investigations conducted on a more modest scale by community research
groups will run wherever those investigators can accommodate their tailored computing runs built
on JSP software containers. We do not propose a centralized facility
to host this computing, and
assume the individual investigations will be funded to cover computing costs.
Table 1
: Tiers of Data and Software Products from JSP
Figure 4: Strawman architecture of the JSP system. T
he overall layout is shown on the left while
the JSP application platform layer is shown on the right. The processing over the sky area that
overlaps the surveys will be executed in intervals of times (matched to project data releases) and
the results will
be stored in a database for easy retrieval. Customized processing applications will
be executed on
fly by code on standardized, calibrated frames from the projects which will be
stored at their corresponding data processing centers.
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
e 2, Tasks and Milestones, shows a draft schedule, summarizing the prime mission
span for each of the three projects, then listing each JSP task and its period of performance. The
anticipated release dates for data from each of the three projects are show
n in those lines, with DR
for Data Release and QR for Quick
look Release. Active periods of JSP tasks are color
coded for
development, maintenance and operations, and their nominal delivery dates and milestones are
indicated by diamonds, and are tied to da
ta releases by the three projects. This draft schedule
recognizes the focused efforts required leading up to data releases after the launch of Euclid and
start of full survey operations of LSST in 2022, and similarly tied to the launch of WFIRST in
2025. F
Y32 as a final year in this estimate is somewhat arbitrary but should nominally be funded
until the final WFIRST and LSST data releases.
The tasks are divided into three categories, with Infrastructure, Concordance Images and
Catalogs and Ancillary S
cience Tools, each having the corresponding rows color
Cost Estimates and Agency Funding
There are two main objectives for JSP, the first being the creation of concordance images
and catalogs in the overlapping areas of sky and the second being
the creation of a science platform
to allow users to perform customized analysis, using the concordance products. These goals are
reached by implementing tasks in categories Infrastructure and Concordance Images/Catalogs, so
it is reasonable to allocate t
hose costs to the JSP Core Team and survey projects. The Ancillary
Science Tools category is aimed at supporting or developing additional tools for research, and is
therefore allocated primarily to the community, with some support by JSP Core Team.
Summing over the years FY19 to FY24, we estimate a total effort of
100 WY. For FY25
FY32, the total effort is
104 WY. Weighting by the effort distribution in each task, and summing
over all years, w
e estimate a total of 204
WY, 69% of which is allocat
ed to JSP Core Team, 15%
to the individual survey projects, and 16% to the community. The 204 WY number is largely
driven by the duration of over a decade.
During the five peak years, the effort averages about
24 WY/year for all categories and sources of
Given its nature as a cross
project augmentation to the science, JSP has been envisaged
from the start as funded by a combination of DOE, NASA and NSF, as additional scope to their
funding the construction of the three projects. The three a
gencies have been aware of JSP
formulation activities, and discussing them through their “Tri
Agency Group.”
This White Paper
therefore proposes that JSP be recognized explicitly as a multi
agency project with the
natural result being a collaborative e
ffort among communities usually supported exclusively
by one or the other agency.
Given the range
of cost per WY at different institutions, the total JSP
effort from
start to FY32 is much larger than a typical science grant but
a third of the size of
the smallest
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
With the above in mind, we propose a notional distribution of funding among the agencies,
that is inspired by the contents of the various tasks. A reasonable scenario is that community effort
would be funded by proposal and peer
review rounds, with NSF car
rying a major portion. The
individual survey project participation would be funded by their respective funding agencies based
on requests by each project. The JSP Core Team, with membership drawn from multiple
institutions, could be constituted through d
irect funding by NASA to one or more of its centers,
with contributions from DOE and NSF in the form of dedicated funds or of personnel direction.
A major cost component for JSP is computing, as detailed above. We estimate a billion or
more CPU
hours will be needed. A reasonable scenario would be for DOE
and NSF
to allocate
that computing load on their Supercomputing Centers, or procure the equivalent on the commercial
cloud if that became a competitively priced, viable option in the next few ye
ars. This would
motivate more engagement in JSP by DOE laboratory staff, thus helping the overall effort.
Chary, R., et al., 2019, Astro2020 Science White Paper #55,
Dahlen, T., et al., 2013, ApJ, 775, 93
Wagner, A., et al., 2018, ApJ, 235, 33 (DES Collaboration)
Durech, J., et al. 2010, A&A, 513, 46
Durech, J., et al.,
2018, A&A, 620, 91
Koekemoer, A. M. et al. 2011, ApJS, 197, 36
Koposov, S., et al., 2019, MNRAS, 485, 4726
Lang, D., et al., 2016,
Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1604.008
Lee, K.
S., et al., 2012, ApJ, 752, 66
elli, B., et al., 2009, A&A, 496, 57
Magnelli, B., et al., 2011, A&A, 528, 35
Merlin, E., et al., 2016, A&A, 595, 97
Merlin, E., et al., 2019, A&A, 622, 169
Momcheva, I., et al., 2017, PASP, 129, 5004
Rhodes, J., et al., 2017,
ApJS, 233, 21
Scoville, N., et al., 2007, ApJS, 172, 38
Suyu, S., et al., 2017, MNRAS, 468, 2590
JSP: Joint Survey Processing of
Astro2020 APC White Paper
Table 2: Task Development Schedule with Delivery Milestones