Redox Properties of Mixed Methyl/Vinylferrocenyl Mo
nolayers on Si(111) Surfaces
Judith R. C. Lattimer, Bruce S. Brunschwig*, Nathan
S. Lewis*, and Harry B. Gray*
Kavli Nanoscience Institute and Beckman Institute M
olecular Materials Research Center
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
California Institute of Technology
1200 East California Blvd, Pasadena, California, 91
125, USA.
SI Figure 1.
Photograph of the assembled Teflon electrochemistr
y working electrode cell
(left) and the disassembled cell (right). The work
ing silicon electrode surface was sealed
by a vitar o-ring with an area of 0.28 cm
when the white Teflon cell was screwed into
the stainless steel base. The back of the silicon
wafer was scratched with a GaIn eutectic
which makes an ohmic contact to the Si. The wafer
was then attached to a Cu foil and
the stainless steel base, which was then used as th
e contact for the working electrode to
the potentiostat. The glass cell was screwed into
the Teflon base, and the reference and
counter electrodes were then placed in the solution
SI Figure 2.
High-resolution F 1s and C 1s XPS signals, respect
ively, on pure 4-
fluorostyrene (a,b) and mixed 4-fluorostyrene/methy
l (c,d) Si(111) surfaces.