Electronic Data Submission for Paper 2002GC000323
PetroPlot: A plotting and data management tool set for Microsoft Excel
Yongjun Su and Charles H. Langmuir (Department of Earth and 
Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, Palisades, New York, 
10964, USA), Paul D. Asimow (Division of Geological and Planetary 
Sciences, California Institute of Technology, M/C 170-25, Pasadena, 
California, 91125, USA),
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Volume 4, Number 1. doi: 


This e-supplement provides the PetroPlot source files as well as a 
detailed tutorial explaining how to install the PetroPlot package and 
how to use the PetroPlot package for plotting and manipulation of 
geochemical data in the Microsoft Excel environment. It consists of a 
single PDF file that uses the hyperlinking function of Adobe Acrobat or 
Acrobat Reader to allow easy navigation through the tutorial.


1. 2002GC000323_PetroPlot_Tutorial.pdf

This file is best viewed with Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. MacOS 
X's Preview application does not have active hyperlinks, which are used 
for cross-references within the tutorial.  The tutorial covers the 
following subjects: FAQ, PetroPlotfiles, PetroPlot installation and 
startup, PetroPlot functions and utilities, Known problems, PetroPlot 
conventions, and Using the Visual Basic editor to view PetroPlot source 

2. PetroPlot.xla

As the core Excel add-in library file, "PetroPlot.xla" is required for 
all PetroPlot functions. Similar to other Excel add-in libraries, this 
file runs in the background in Excel. The source codes can be viewed in 
Visual Basic Editor. The tutorial explains how to choose whether to set 
the add-in to load whenever Excel is launched or to manually load the 
add-in when needed.

3. PetroPlotSpider.xls (Note: the name of this file should not be 

This is an Excel spreadsheet containing contains normalization standard 
values for spider diagrams. Required for the PetroPlot Spider Diagram 

4. PetroPlotExampleData.xls

An Excel file with petrology data for the demonstration purpose ONLY.
Data source is Niu and Batiza (1997). In general, ordinary files to be 
processed with PetroPlot should be in similar format.

5. spline example.xls

An Excel file for the demonstration of the spline functions.


When updated, the revised PetroPlot package will be linked to the paper 
at the Geochemistry, Geophsyics, Geosystems website and also available 
for download from the PETDB website at Lamont-Doherty Earth 
Observatory.  The most current version will always be found at:
