A Circuit Logic for Sexually Shared and Dimorphic Aggressive
Behaviors in
Hui Chiu
Eric D. Hoopfer
Maeve L. Coughlan
David J. Anderson
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering 156-29, Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA USA 91125
Carleton College, 1 N. College St., Northfield, MN USA 55057
Mount Holyoke College, 50 College St., South Hadley, MA USA 01075
Lead Contact:
Aggression involves both sexually monomorphic and dimorphic actions. How the brain
implements these two types of actions is poorly understood. We have identified three cell types
that regulate aggression in
: one type is sexually shared, and the other two are sex-
specific. Shared CAP neurons mediate aggressive approach in both sexes, whereas functionally
downstream dimorphic but homologous cell types, called MAP in males and fpC1 in females,
control dimorphic attack. These symmetric circuits underlie the divergence of male and female
aggressive behaviors, from their monomorphic appetitive/motivational to their dimorphic
consummatory phases. The strength of the monomorphic
dimorphic functional connection is
increased by social isolation in both sexes, suggesting that it may be a locus for isolation-
dependent enhancement of aggression. Together, these findings reveal a circuit logic for the neural
control of behaviors that include both sexually monomorphic and dimorphic actions, which may
generalize to other organisms.
Graphical Abstract
Authors for correspondence: hchiu@caltech.edu; wuwei@caltech.edu.
Conceptualization, D.J.A. and H.C.; Investigation, H.C. and M.L.C.; Writing - Original Draft, H.C. and D.J.A.; Writing - Review &
Editing, H.C. and D.J.A.; Resources, H.C. and E.D.H.; Funding Acquisition, D.J.A.
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Published in final edited form as:
. 2021 January 21; 184(2): 507–520.e16. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.11.048.
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In Brief
Chiu et al. uncover how a sexually dimorphic behavior is wired in the brains of male and female
flies. Looking for neuronal components controlling aggressive behaviors, they find a single type of
neuron that controls aggressive approach in both sexes connected hierarchically to different
neurons in males vs. females which control dimorphic attack responses (lunge vs. headbutt,
respectively). They then show that social isolation, known to augment aggressive behaviors in both
sexes, strengthens the connections between the monomorphic and dimorphic neurons.
Males and females of a given species often show sex-specific differences in behavior
(reviewed in
Dulac and Kimchi, 2007
Manoli et al., 2013
). These dimorphic behaviors can
be roughly divided into two categories: “pure” dimorphic behaviors, in which males and
females exhibit non-overlapping motor patterns to achieve a similar goal; and “mixed”
monomorphic-dimorphic behaviors, in which certain actions are common to both sexes,
while other actions are dimorphic. Extensive research in multiple species has shown that
“pure” sexually dimorphic behaviors (e.g., mating) are controlled by sexually dimorphic
brain circuits (reviewed in
Asahina, 2018
Yamamoto and Koganezawa, 2013
Yang and
Shah, 2014
). However, much less is known about the configuration of circuits that control
and coordinate “mixed” behaviors.
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Aggressive behavior in
exhibits a mixed pattern: a monomorphic appetitive and a
dimorphic consummatory phase (
Chan and Kravitz, 2007
Chen et al., 2002
Craig, 1917
Hoyer et al., 2008
Lorenz, 1950
Nilsen et al., 2004
Vrontou et al., 2006
). Both sexes
approach the opponent during the appetitive phase and then initiate the consummatory
attack: males lunge and tussle while females headbutt (
Chan and Kravitz, 2007
Nilsen et al.,
Vrontou et al., 2006
). A great deal has been learned about neural circuit nodes that
control aggression in
males (reviewed in
Hoopfer, 2016
Kravitz and Fernández,
). Less work has been done on female aggression (
Deutsch et al., 2020
maggio et al., 2019
Schretter et al., 2020
) and even less on the control of the monomorphic
vs. dimorphic aspects of this behavior.
Two extreme models could explain the control of this mixed mono-/dimorphic behavior by
the brain. In one model, all phases of male and female aggression are controlled by sex-
specific circuit nodes. In support of this, most identified neurons controlling male and
female aggression in flies are sex-specific, for example, Tk
, aSP2 and P1a cells in
males, as well as aIPg and pC1d neurons in females (
Asahina et al., 2014
Deutsch et al.,
Hoopfer et al., 2015
Palavicino-maggio et al., 2019
Schretter et al., 2020
et al., 2017
). Furthermore, manipulation of sex-determination genes like
switches the pattern of sex-specific fighting (
Chan and Kravitz, 2007
et al., 2006
). In an alternative model, the mono- and dimorphic phases of aggression could
be controlled by mono- and dimorphic circuit nodes, respectively. The fact that male and
female aggression can be induced by common external or internal triggers (
Lim et al., 2014
Ueda and Kidokoro, 2002
Wang et al., 2008
) is consistent with such a model. However,
sexually shared neurons that control monomorphic features of aggression have not yet been
Here we identify a pair of sexually shared neurons whose activation increases aggressive
approach towards same-sex targets in both males and females. We also identify homologous,
male- and female-specific interneurons that promote male- or female-specific attack
behavior, respectively. We show that the dimorphic neurons are functionally downstream of
the common neurons in both sexes. Moreover, we demonstrate that the functional
connectivity of this circuit motif is strengthened in isolated males and females, which are
more aggressive than group-housed flies (
Ueda and Kidokoro, 2002
Wang et al., 2008
Together, these data suggest a circuit logic for the neural control of a “mixed”
monomorphic-dimorphic social behavior, and identify a potential locus for experience-
dependent modulation of this behavior.
Fly aggression consists of sexually monomorphic and dimorphic behaviors
We first characterized aggression in wild-type flies of both sexes and developed automated
classifiers for quantifying the appetitive (approach) and the consummatory (attack) phases of
aggression (Figure 1;
Craig, 1917
Tinbergen, 1951
). An approach bout occurs similarly in
both sexes, and typically involves three motor elements: orientation from a distance,
advance, and contact (Figures 1A and S1A; Video S1). In contrast, attack is sexually
dimorphic: in males it includes lunging, in which the behaving fly raises its upper body with
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its front legs up, and slams down onto its target (
Chen et al., 2002
Hoyer et al., 2008
); in
females it includes headbutting which comprises a quick horizontal thrust in the direction of
the target fly, resulting in contact (Figure 1A; Video S2;
Nilsen et al., 2004
). These
monomorphic (approach) and dimorphic (lunge/headbutt) aggressive behaviors could be
reliably detected by our behavioral classifiers (Figure S1D; Table S2).
Aggression can be promoted by social isolation or by food in both males and females (
et al., 2014
Ueda and Kidokoro, 2002
Wang et al., 2008
). However, direct, quantitative
comparisons of these effects on the two sexes have not been performed. We therefore
investigated how males and females respond to food or social isolation (SI), during or prior
to aggressive encounters, respectively. Both SI and food increased aggression in both sexes,
albeit to different extents (Figures 1B and 1C). However, the group-housed females showed
a higher level of baseline aggression than their male counterparts (Figures 1Bi and 1Ci, GH).
Thus, male and female aggressiveness can be increased by similar environmental influences,
despite their dimorphic attack behavior. These influences may act in parallel on sexually
dimorphic circuits (Figure 1D, Model 1), or via a module common to both sexes (Figure 1D,
Model 2). To distinguish between these models, we next investigated the relationship
between neural circuits controlling aggression in males versus females.
Identification of sexually shared and dimorphic aggression-promoting neurons
A distinguishing feature of Model 2 is an aggression-promoting node common to both sexes
(Figure 1D, Model 2, ‘C’). We therefore searched for such neurons, by rescreening in
females Gal4 drivers identified previously in a large-scale screen for aggression-promoting
neurons in males (
Hoopfer et al., 2015
). This screen yielded a promising candidate, line
R60G08-Gal4 (R60G08 neurons, henceforth), optogenetic activation of which strongly
promoted both approach, and dimorphic attack, in both sexes (Figure S2A).
R60G08-Gal4 drives expression in roughly 80 neurons in males and 64 neurons in females
(Figure S2B). This sex difference could reflect quantitative or qualitative differences in
aggression neurons. We first confirmed that aggression is promoted by the R60G08 neurons
in the brain but not in the ventral nerve cord of both sexes (Figure S2C). To narrow down the
subset of neurons that controls aggression, we used an “enhancer bashing” strategy to further
fractionate the R60G08 population (Figure 2A) (
Hobert and Kratsios, 2019
Luo et al.,
). To this end, we divided the 1.5-kb R60G08
regulatory module (CRM) sequence
Jenett et al., 2012
Pfeiffer et al., 2008
) into five 0.5-kb partially overlapping fragments and
generated corresponding Gal4 drivers inserted into the same genomic locus (Enhancer
bashing (Eb) 1–5 Gal4s).
This approach yielded new Gal4 drivers with sparse labeling of R60G08 neuron subsets in
the two sexes (Figures 2B and S3A). Among these, optogenetic activation of Eb5-Gal4
neurons (Eb5 neurons, henceforth) triggered robust male and female aggression (Figures
2C), suggesting that these cells may account for R60G08 neuron-induced aggression. To test
this hypothesis, we activated R60G08 neurons in the parental Gal4 driver line, while
“subtracting” Eb5 neurons using Gal80 (R60G08+/Eb5−). Such activation yielded little or
no detectable increase in male or female aggression (Figure S3B). These data indicate that
Eb5 neurons are required for R60G08 neuron-induced aggression.
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Eb5-Gal4 labeled a pair of neurons in each male hemi-brain and a single neuron in each
female hemi-brain (Figure 2B). A subset of these neurons expressed
, but none
expressed FruM (Figure S3C). To further subdivide the two Eb5 neurons identified in males,
we visualized their morphology using photo-activatable GFP (PA-GFP) (
Datta et al., 2008
Ruta et al., 2010
). This revealed two morphologically distinct cell types. One of the cell
types resembled the Eb5 neuron labeled in females, whereas the other was dissimilar and
appeared only in males (Figures 2Di–ii and 2Ei). We then generated intersectional drivers
that separately labeled these two classes of Eb5 neurons in males, using R22F05 CRM
(Figures 2Diii-v, 2Eiii, S3D, S3E, and S4Ai;
Hoopfer et al., 2015
). We refer to these cells as
Promoting neurons) and MAP neurons (
Promoting neurons), respectively. Both the CAP and MAP drivers labeled
neurons exclusively in the brain (Figure S4B).
CAP neurons promote the approach phase of aggression in both sexes
We first investigated the function of the shared CAP neurons in males and females. We
optogenetically activated CAP neurons and examined the effect on interactions between
pairs of freely moving group-housed (GH) flies of both sexes. When the CAP neurons were
activated, both males and females initiated significantly more approach bouts during the
stimulation period (Figure 3Ai). We next asked whether CAP neurons evoke generic
approach towards any object, and whether approach was biased towards same- or opposite-
sex flies. To this end, we developed an approach preference assay, in which we provided
pairs of different “target objects” in the chamber, and asked whether the GH tester fly
preferentially approached one of the targets during CAP activation. Initially, we gave each
tester fly a choice between a same-sex dead fly or a fly-sized object (magnet; Figure 3Bi).
Both sexes of tester flies exhibited a higher percentage of approach bouts directed toward the
fly target (Figure 3Bi). This result suggests that stimulation of CAP neurons preferentially
promotes approach to conspecifics, relative to an inanimate object.
We then investigated whether the approach promoted by CAP neurons was biased towards
same- or opposite-sex conspecifics.
males normally do not attack females (even
if aggression-promoting neurons are activated (Figure S5A)), and female flies of other
species most frequently attack females, in competition for oviposition sites (
Fernández et al.,
Shelly, 1999
). Consistent with this, during CAP stimulation male testers preferred
male over female targets, whereas female testers showed the opposite tendency (Figure 3Bii;
Video S3). The tester’s target preference was not affected by the duration of its interaction
with the targets prior to CAP stimulation (Figure S5B). More importantly, if both targets
were female, no difference in target preference was observed between CAP-stimulated male
vs. female testers (Figure 3Biii). Furthermore, wing extension, a male courtship behavior
Bennet-Clark and Ewing, 1967
von Philipsborn et al., 2011
) that was induced naturally by
the presence of a female (alive or dead), was not promoted by CAP activation (Figure 3Aiii).
These data therefore indicate that CAP neurons promote approach towards sex-appropriate
targets of aggressive behavior.
Lastly, we examined how aggression was affected in the two sexes when the CAP neurons
were silenced. To do this, we enhanced natural aggressiveness using social isolation, and
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silenced the CAP neurons using the inwardly-rectifying potassium channel Kir2.1 (
Baines et
al., 2001
). Silencing the CAP neurons greatly decreased overall aggressiveness in both
sexes, as indicated by a significant reduction in the number of both approach and attack
bouts (Figure 3C). The locomotor activity of CAP>Kir2.1 flies was comparable to that of
CAP>GFP controls (Figure S5C), suggesting that the effect to inhibit aggression is not due
to a general reduction in vigor. Conditional silencing with the optogenetic inhibitor, GtACR
Mohammad et al., 2017
) or the temperature-dependent inhibitory effector, Shibire
, was
not feasible due to adverse effects of green light or the non-permissive temperature on
aggression in control flies. Together, these data indicate that although activation of CAP
neurons only promotes approach, the activity of these cells is required for both the approach
and attack phases of male and female aggression. This further supports the idea that CAP
neurons promote aggressive rather than generic approach.
CAP neurons exhibit sex differences in aggression-promoting thresholds
As part of our optogenetic protocol, we performed a stimulation titration experiment, in
which we activated the CAP neurons in males and females with five different LED
intensities titrated from 0.1 to 0.62 μW/mm
(Figure 4A). Unexpectedly, this experiment
revealed sex differences in the threshold for CAP stimulation-induced aggression. In GH
females, approach was elicited at low photostimulation intensities (0.1 μW/mm
), while
headbutting was elicited at higher intensities (0.43 μW/mm
; Figures 4Ai
and 4Aiii
By contrast, in GH males lunging behavior was not evoked, even at the highest light
stimulation intensity tested (Figure 4Aiv). Furthermore, in females the threshold intensity
for eliciting approach (0.1 μW/mm
; Figure 4Ai
) was substantially (4-fold) lower than in
males (0.43 μW/mm
; Figure 4Aii
We asked what neural mechanism(s) might underlie the sex differences in the effects of CAP
stimulation. We hypothesized that in females, CAP neurons might be intrinsically more
excitable than in males. To test this idea, we performed an
in vivo
all-optical stimulation and
imaging experiment to quantify the responses of CAP neurons to optogenetic activation in
each sex (Figure 4Bi). When activated using photostimulation at the same frequency and
intensity, female CAP neurons showed a slightly higher GCaMP fluorescence increase than
did male CAP neurons (Figure 4Bi;
=0.034, but non-significant after the Bonferroni
correction for multiple comparisons). Importantly, the fluorescence intensities of both
Chrimson::tdTomato and GCaMP in the CAP neurons were statistically indistinguishable
between sexes (Figure 4Bii). While this sex difference in the excitability is consistent with
the observed difference in the threshold for CAP-evoked aggression, other mechanisms are
likely involved.
Together, our titration experiments indicated that in GH females, CAP neurons can evoke
approach and attack (headbutting), in a scalable manner. In contrast, CAP neurons only
evoked approach behavior in GH males. One explanation for this difference is that in males,
CAP neurons do not connect with neurons that control attack. Alternatively, they may make
such a connection, but one that is weaker than in females. To distinguish these alternatives,
we next sought to identify attack-promoting neurons in males and to determine their
functional interaction with CAP neurons.
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MAP neurons control the attack phase of aggression in males and are functionally
downstream of CAP neurons
First, we asked whether MAP neurons might control the attack phase of aggression in males.
Indeed, in GH males, optogenetic activation of MAP neurons strongly promoted lunging,
while activation of CAP neurons was insufficient to do so (Figure 5A). Furthermore, in
contrast to CAP neurons, activating MAP neurons did not increase the number of approach
bouts initiated during photostimulation, relative to baseline or to genetic controls (Figures
3Aii and S4Aii). Consequently, MAP-induced lunging typically occurred during
serendipitous close encounters between flies (Video S1). Consistent with these observations,
the frequency of lunge bouts, but not that of approach bouts, was significantly diminished
when MAP neurons were silenced using Kir2.1 (Figures 5B and S5C). To further confirm
these results, we activated both CAP and MAP neurons simultaneously using Chrimson,
while specifically inhibiting MAP neurons with Kir2.1 (Figure 5C). Both approach and
lunging behaviors were strongly increased when CAP and MAP neurons were co-activated
(Figure 2Ci–ii). The number of lunge bouts, and the fraction of approaches leading to
lunges, were suppressed by MAP inhibition, but not the number of approaches initiated
(Figure 5C, cf. Figure 3C). Taken together, these results suggest that the sexually shared
CAP neurons are required for the initiation of approach in both males and females, while the
male-specific MAP neurons are required for male-specific attack (lunging) (Figure 5E); both
populations may contribute to the transition from approach to attack.
Anatomical analysis indicated that CAP and MAP neurites lie in close proximity (Figure
2Bi–ii), suggesting that MAP neurons might be a downstream target of CAP neurons in
males. To test this hypothesis, we performed
in vivo
calcium imaging in MAP neurons while
optogenetically stimulating CAP neurons. Indeed, GCaMP fluorescence signals in MAP
neurons were significantly elevated during CAP photostimulation, suggesting that the former
lie functionally downstream of the latter (Figure 6Aii). However, these experiments do not
distinguish whether this functional connection is direct (monosynaptic) or indirect.
fpC1 neurons represent a functional homolog of MAP neurons in females
The foregoing results indicated that in GH males, CAP activation promotes approach, and
MAP activation in turn promotes attack. Paradoxically, in GH females, strong CAP
activation could evoke both approach and attack (Figures 4Aiii and 5D), but no MAP
neurons were labeled by the Eb5 or MAP drivers. One explanation for this paradox is that
CAP neurons in females directly control both approach and attack. Alternatively, females
may contain a sex-specific homolog of MAP neurons, which was not labeled by our Gal4
drivers, and which controls headbutting (attack). We therefore searched for MAP-like
neurons in females, using anatomical methods.
The morphology of the MAP cells resembles that of pC1 neurons, a cluster of cells labeled
by the intersection of NP2631-Gal4 and
-Flp (Figure 2E). Thermogenetic activation of
the pC1
cluster was reported to promote aggression in both males and females
Ishii et al., 2020
Koganezawa et al., 2016
). NBlast (
Costa et al., 2016
) searches performed
using MAP neurite traces as a query returned several pC1 clusters among the top hits
(Figure S4C). However, MAP neurons were not labeled by NP2631-Gal4 (Figure S4D),
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suggesting they might be a distinct pC1 subtype. The numbers of pC1 neurons differ in the
two sexes (53–65 and 5–10 neurons per hemisphere in males and females, respectively;
reviewed in
Asahina, 2018
), and these neurons can be further divided into morphologically
distinct subtypes (
Costa et al., 2016
Wang et al., 2020
). This raised the possibility that a
functional homolog of MAP neurons might exist among pC1 neurons in females.
Recently, a group of female-specific neurons intersectionally labeled by R26E01-Gal4 and
-Flp were shown to trigger intense female aggression when thermogenetically activated
Palavicino-maggio et al., 2019
). These cells were identified as a female-specific subtype of
pC1 neurons. We therefore labeled similar cells using a different intersectional strategy, in
which R26E01-AD and dsx-DBD hemi-drivers were used to generate a split-Gal4 (Figure
6Bi). Cells labeled by this split-Gal4 driver in females exhibited a main projection pattern
similar to that of MAP neurons, but additionally extended a short, lateral branch and a long,
ventral branch (cf. Figure 6Ai vs. 6Bi). No neurons were labeled in the male brain (Figure
S4Ei). The overall morphology of these cells resembles that of pC1d neurons, a subtype of
pC1 neurons that recently has been shown to promote female aggression (
Deutsch et al.,
Schretter et al., 2020
Wang et al., 2020
). We therefore refer to these neurons as
“fpC1” cells. Unfortunately, it was not possible to establish definitively correspondence
between fpC1 and pC1d neurons, due to driver incompatibility. Because of their anatomic
similarity to MAP neurons in males, these data raised the possibility that fpC1 neurons
might be female analogs or homologs of MAP neurons.
Because previous studies of R26E01-Gal4; dsx-FLP neurons used thermogenetic activation,
and did not include analysis of approach behavior (
Palavicino-maggio et al., 2019
), we first
activated these neurons optogenetically (Figure 6C). Such activation promoted female attack
(headbutting; Figure 6Cii), but not approach behavior (Figure 6Ci). We confirmed that this
phenotype is due to activation of fpC1 neurons in the brain, but not of those in the ventral
nerve cord (Figure S4Eii). Finally, we silenced fpC1 neurons using Kir2.1. This
manipulation strongly suppressed headbutting, but did not affect approach (Figures 6D and
S5C). Thus, the behavioral phenotype of activating and silencing fpC1 neurons in females
was analogous to that of activating and silencing MAP neurons in males (Figures 3Aii, 5Aii,
and 5B).
Since MAP neurons receive excitatory input from CAP neurons in males, we hypothesized
that fpC1 neurons may likewise receive excitatory input from CAP neurons in females.
Indeed, fpC1 neurons responded strongly to CAP activation (Figure 6Bii), suggesting that
they are indeed direct or indirect synaptic targets of the latter cells. Next, we performed a
behavioral epistasis experiment, in which CAP neurons were strongly activated while
silencing fpC1 neurons with Kir2.1 (Figure 6E). In this compound genotype, CAP-induced
female aggression was suppressed. Together, these data suggest that fpC1 neurons are
functionally as well as physiologically downstream of CAP cells in females. If so, it would
suggest an analogous circuit motif controlling aggression in the two sexes, in which the
sexually shared CAP neurons target MAP neurons in males, and fpC1 neurons in females
(Figure 6F).
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We observed that CAP stimulation caused a relatively greater increase in ΔF/F in fpC1 than
in MAP neurons (Figures 6Aii vs. 6Bii, Stim). This difference was not due to sex differences
in Chrimson expression in CAP neurons (Figure 4Bii), or in baseline GCaMP expression in
MAP vs. fpC1 neurons (Figure S4F). One possibility is that the CAP
fpC1 functional
connection in females is stronger than the CAP
MAP connection in males. This would be
consistent with our observation that strong CAP activation in GH females evoked both
approach and attack, while in GH males it evoked only approach. Alternatively, fpC1
neurons may be intrinsically more excitable than MAP neurons.
Social isolation enhances aggressiveness by strengthening circuit connectivity
The effect of social isolation to increase aggression has been observed in many species
Chiara et al., 2019
Toth et al., 2008
Ueda and Kidokoro, 2002
Wang et al., 2008
Zelikowsky et al., 2018
). We thus wondered how social isolation can boost aggressiveness in
both males and females, despite their differences in aggression circuitry and behavior. Social
isolation may act to increase the excitability of CAP neuron in both sexes, the excitability of
both MAP and fpC1 neurons, or the strength of the connection between CAP
neurons. To address this, we investigated the excitability and functional connectivity of these
neurons in group- (GH) vs single-housed (SH) flies.
We first compared the excitability of each of the three neuron types in GH vs. SH flies, by
co-expressing Chrimson and GCaMP in each cell, and optogenetically activating and
imaging them. In both sexes, the response amplitude of each of these neurons to direct
activation was comparable in SH versus GH flies (Figure S6). We next imaged MAP or fpC1
neurons while optogenetically stimulating CAP neurons. In both sexes, the response of
MAP/fpC1 neurons to CAP activation was significantly greater in SH than in GH flies
(Figure 7A). These results suggest that the CAP
MAP functional connection in males, and
the CAP
fpC1 functional connection in females, may be strengthened by social isolation.
To examine the behavioral consequences of this enhanced functional connectivity, we
optogenetically activated CAP neurons in SH flies of both sexes (Figures 7B and 7C), at the
lowest photostimulation intensity used for GH flies in our titration experiment (Figure 4A).
SH flies exhibited increased approach behavior in both sexes, in comparison to GH flies
(Figures 7Bi and 7Ci, GH
SH, ‘ChR’). More importantly, in both sexes, weak activation of
CAP neurons in SH flies triggered both approach and sex-specific attack behaviors (Figures
7Bii and 7Cii, GH
SH, ‘ChR’), a phenotype not observed in GH flies of either sex at this
stimulation intensity (Figures 7Bii and 7Cii, GH
GH, ‘ChR’). Thus, in SH males, weak
activation of CAP neurons promoted both approach and lunging, a response not observed in
GH males even at the highest photostimulation intensity tested (Figure 4Aiv). Taken
together, our
in vivo
imaging analyses and behavioral experiments support the conclusion
that social isolation elevates aggressiveness in both sexes, at least in part, by strengthening
the functional connectivity between CAP neurons and their downstream MAP/fpC1 targets.
How behaviors that exhibit sexually monomorphic, as well as dimorphic, action components
are implemented in the brain is poorly understood. Here we have identified three cell types
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that regulate aggression in
: one type is sexually shared, and the other two are
sex-specific. The shared cell type, called CAP neurons, mediates aggressive approach in
both sexes, and in turn activates the dimorphic cell types, called MAP in males and fpC1 in
females, which control dimorphic attack (Figure 7D). These mirrored circuit motifs
therefore underlie the divergence of male and female aggressive behaviors, from their
monomorphic appetitive/motivational to their dimorphic consummatory phases. This circuit
logic may generalize to other behaviors and organisms.
Dissociable neural control of aggressive approach vs attack
The results presented here suggest that in both sexes, the approach vs. attack phases of
aggression are controlled by different neuron types. Importantly, the approach behavior
controlled by CAP neurons is directed preferentially towards same-sex conspecifics, and is
required for natural attack, arguing that it expresses aggressive motivation, and not simply
generic social investigation. However, this conclusion presents a seeming paradox: if
approach behavior is required for attack during natural aggression, how can experimental
MAP stimulation cause attack without promoting approach behavior as well?
Close examination of fighting patterns during MAP stimulation suggests an explanation for
this paradox. Tester males lunged during MAP stimulation only when the target fly was in
close proximity. Such proximity resulted from both directed approaches, and through
serendipitous close encounters, such as when a climbing target fly fell off the chamber wall
next to the tester (Video S1). The relatively small arenas (16mm in diameter) used in our
experiments increased the frequency of the latter type of events. Indeed, the majority (75%)
of lunge bouts promoted by MAP stimulation occurred following such serendipitous close
encounters. Moreover, once an initial MAP-evoked lunge occurred, tester males could
perform lunges continuously towards the target as long as it remained in proximity (Figure
S5D). In this way, MAP stimulation can promote lunging without also promoting approach.
We find that approach and attack are triggered at progressively higher stimulation intensities.
Other studies have shown that a single pair of descending neurons controls sequential male
courtship actions in a ramp-to-threshold manner (
McKellar et al., 2019
). Our observations
are consistent with such a mechanism operating to control the transition from approach to
attack, but further studies will be required to validate this hypothesis (Figure 7E). Similarly,
in mammals, optogenetic stimulation of estrogen receptor 1-positive (Esr1
) neurons in the
ventrolateral subdivision of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMHvl) has been shown to
promote sniffing/mounting and attack at low vs. high thresholds, respectively (
Lee et al.,
). However calcium imaging has revealed substantial overlap between attack- vs. sniff-
tuned VMHvl
neurons (
Remedios et al., 2017
). In contrast, distinct populations of
neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) have been shown to be active during the appetitive
vs. consummatory phases of feeding behavior (
Jennings et al., 2015
). Whether these distinct
populations are functionally interconnected, and whether they control their respective
behaviors at different thresholds, is not yet clear.
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Physiological sexual dimorphisms in anatomically similar circuits
Despite the overall similarity in circuit logic between males and females, the light-intensity
threshold for optogenetically induced CAP-mediated approach is lower in females. Our data
indicate that this difference may reflect, at least in part, a higher intrinsic excitability of CAP
cells in GH females than in males. This difference may also explain why wild-type GH
females are more aggressive than wild-type GH males (Figures 1Bi and 1Ci, GH), although
further studies are required to confirm this.
In addition, the intensity threshold for attack stimulated by optogenetic activation of CAP
cells is lower in females than in males, particularly in GH flies where stimulation of CAP
neurons in males does not promote attack at all (Figure 4A). In SH flies, however, attack as
well as approach could be evoked by CAP stimulation in both sexes (Figures 7B and 7C).
One explanation for this sex difference is that in GH males, the threshold for MAP activation
by CAP cells is higher than the threshold for fpC1 activation in females. In SH males,
however, because the excitability of the CAP
MAP connection is enhanced, this threshold
can be reached and therefore lunging can be evoked by CAP stimulation (Figures 7Ai and
7Bii). The synaptic basis for this physiological dimorphism remains to be investigated.
Dimorphic but homologous pC1 neuron subtypes may control dimorphic aspects of
aggressive behavior
The symmetry between the CAP
MAP circuit in males and the CAP
fpC1 circuit in
females raises the question of whether MAP and fpC1 neurons are sex-specific, analogous
cell types. pC1 neurons, a large (~50-cell) cluster of
-expressing cells labeled by
NP2631-Gal4 (
Koganezawa et al., 2016
), promote both male and female aggression (
Ishii et
al., 2020
Koganezawa et al., 2016
). More recent studies have suggested that a sex-specific
subpopulation of pC1 neurons, called pC1d, controls aggression in females (
Deutsch et al.,
Palavicino-Maggio et al., 2019
Schretter et al., 2020
Wang et al., 2020
). These cells
resemble fpC1 cells (Figure 6Bi); although establishing correspondence between these pC1
subtypes is currently challenging, due to Gal4 driver incompatibility and the multiplicity of
morphologically similar cell types within a cluster.
Our data suggest that MAP neurons may represent a male-specific subclass of pC1 neurons.
Although MAP neurons are not labeled by NP2631-Gal4 (Figure S4D), the cell body
location and the morphology of these cells appear similar to that of some pC1 neurons
(Figure 2Eiv), an observation supported by NBlast analysis (Figure S4C). MAP and fpC1
neurons share their main projection patterns, but the latter have two extra branches
projecting laterally and ventrally (Figures 6Ai and 6Bi). This suggests that these two cell
types are indeed functional homologues. This point should be further clarified once an EM-
level connectome of the male fly brain is available.
Relationship to other aggression-promoting neurons
While our data provide an overall logic for the functional organization of male vs. female
aggression circuits, they leave out the details of its implementation. For example, it is not yet
clear whether CAP
MAP/fpC1 connections are direct or indirect, and exclusively feed-
forward or also recurrent. Our initial examination of the female EM connectome identified
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several candidate CAP-like neurons, some of which make direct monosynaptic connections
with fpC1-like pC1d neurons. pC1d neurons in turn connect to aIPg neurons, which also
promote female aggression; however there is extensive recurrence between pC1d and aIPg
cells (
Deutsch et al., 2020
Schretter et al., 2020
Although a male EM connectome is not yet available, several other groups of male-specific
neurons, such as the FruM
Tachykinin(Tk)-expressing neurons, have been previously
shown to play important roles in male aggression (
Asahina et al., 2014
Hoopfer, 2016
Kravitz and Fernández, 2015
). Whether and how these male-specific neurons interact with
CAP and MAP neurons to regulate male aggression remains largely unexplored. Initial
epistasis experiments suggest that Tk neurons act downstream of the Eb5 (CAP+MAP)
neurons to regulate aggression (Figure S7). In the future, it will be interesting to clarify the
implementation of connectivity between CAP, MAP, and Tk neurons once a male
connectome becomes available. Nevertheless, the functional pathways defined by CAP and
MAP/fpC1 neurons establish a conceptual framework for understanding how monomorphic
and dimorphic aggressive behaviors are regulated in the two sexes.
Dimorphic aggressive behavior and internal states
A fundamental question that emerges from the sexual dimorphism in fly aggressive behavior
Nilsen et al., 2004
Vrontou et al., 2006
) is whether the central motive state of
aggressiveness is encoded similarly or differently in the two sexes. Our data suggest that
CAP neurons might be candidates for controlling an internal state of aggressiveness that is
common to both sexes. Two lines of evidence support this idea. Firstly, CAP stimulation
promotes the appetitive phase of aggression (Figure 3B). In other systems, the appetitive
phase of goal-directed behaviors has been shown to reflect an internal state of motivation or
drive (
Gentry et al., 2019
Jennings et al., 2015
Salamone and Correa, 2012
). Secondly, in
SH flies CAP neurons are able to evoke not only approach, but also attack, in both sexes.
The ability of CAP neurons to control different phases of aggression, in a scalable manner
(Figure 7E), is reminiscent of the function of VMHvl
neurons in mice (
Falkner et al.,
Falkner et al., 2016
Lee et al., 2014
Remedios et al., 2017
Yang et al., 2013
); these
cells have been suggested to mediate an aggressive internal state (
Anderson, 2016
and Adolphs, 2015
Hashikawa et al., 2016
Finally, our findings raise the question of whether sexually dimorphic attack neurons,
analogous to MAN and fpC1, are present in other species. In rodents, males and females
attack different body parts of a same-sex intruder (
Blanchard et al., 1975
Sgoifo et al.,
). This topographic difference in biting may reflect sexual dimorphisms in other aspects
of rodent aggression that have not yet been fully characterized. Whether this behavioral
dimorphism reflects underlying sex differences in the neural control of attack is also unclear.
In mice, Esr1/progesterone receptor-expressing (Esr1
neurons) glutamatergic neurons
in VMHvl have been shown to control both male and maternal aggression (
Hashikawa et al.,
Lee et al., 2014
Yang et al., 2013
). However, recent single-cell RNA sequencing data
have revealed at least 7 distinct transcriptomic cell types among VMHvl
some of which are male- or female-specific (
Kim et al., 2019
). Several of these cells types
are specifically activated during aggression, including one that is male-specific. Which
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transcriptomic cell type(s) is activated during maternal aggression is not yet clear. Thus,
whether the same or different cell types regulate male vs. female aggression in vertebrates,
as well as how different phases of aggressive behavior are regulated in each sex, remains to
be determined.
Lead Contact—
Requests for resources and reagents should be addressed directly to the
Lead Contact, David J. Anderson (wuwei@caltech.edu).
Materials Availability—
The plasmids and the transgenic flies generated in this study are
available upon request. They will also be deposited to Addgene and the Bloomington stock
center, respectively. The behavioral classifiers are available to download:
Data and Code Availability—
Source data and analysis codes supporting this study are
available upon request.
Fly strains—
Canton-S (from the lab of Dr. Martin Heisenberg) was used as the wild type.
Please see Table S1 for the full genotypes of flies used in each figure and see the Key
Resource Table for the source of these flies. Briefly, R60G08-Gal4(attp2),
pBDPGal4U(attp2), BDP-p65AD(attp40), BDP-Gal4DBD(attp2), R22F05-Gal4DBD(attp2),
20xUAS-IVSSyn21-GFP(attp2), 10xUAS-eGFP::Kir2.1(attp2), 10xUAS-IVS-Syn21-
GFP(attp2), 20xUAS-FRT-myrTopHat2-FRT-Chrimson::tdT3.1(vk5), 20xUAS-IVS-Syn21-
Chrimson::tdT3.1 (su(Hw)attp5 and vk5), 13xLexAop2-CsChrimson::tdT3.1(vk5),
13xLexAop2-Chrimson::tdT3.1(su(Hw)attp5), 13xLexAop2-eGFP::Kir2.1(attp40),
10xUAS-nls::tdTomato(vk22), 10xUAS-nls::GFP(vk40) were kindly shared by the Gerald
Rubin laboratory (HHMI Janelia Research Campus) and Barret Pfeiffer.
-DBD were kindly shared by the Stephen Goodwin laboratory (University of Oxford,
UK). NP2631; dsx-Flp was kindly shared by the Daisuke Yamamoto laboratory (Tohoku
University, JP). R26E01-Gal4(attp2)(RRID:BDSC_60510), R26E01-p65AD(attp40)
(RRID:BDSC_75740), 20xUAS-IVS-CsChrimson-mVenus(attp2) (RRID:BDSC_55136),
20xUAS-IVS-jGCaMP7b(vk5) (RRID:BDSC_80907), 13xLexAop-IVS-jGCaMP7b(vk5)
(RRID: BDSC_80915) were obtained from the Bloomington Stock Center (Indiana
Rearing conditions—
Stocks and crosses were reared at 25°C and 50% humidity and
maintained on a 12hr:12hr light:dark cycle. To keep the fly density consistent across
experiments, each cross was set up with 10–12 virgin females and 5–6 males, and was
flipped every two days. Experimental flies were collected mostly as virgins on the same day
of eclosion and reared in isolation (single-housed (SH) condition; one fly per vial), or in
groups (group-housed (GH) condition; ~20 single-sex flies per vial). For optogenetic
experiments, flies were transferred to vials containing retinal food (regular fly food mixed
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with all-trans-retinal to a final concentration of 0.2 mM) after collection and reared in the
dark for 5–6 days. Flies were flipped to fresh retinal food vials one day before a behavioral
Construction of transgenic animals—
Several strains were generated for this study:
Eb2-Eb5-Gal4s, Eb5-p65AD, Eb5-Gal80, R22F05-Gal80, R22F05-LexADBD, and Eb5-
iLexA (improved LexA). Enhancer-bashing fragments, Eb2-Eb5, were PCR-amplified from
R60G08 sequence (
Jenett et al., 2012
Pfeiffer et al., 2008
) and cloned into pBPGUw
(Addgene #17575) via Gateway and the LR reaction. A detailed description of the cloning
strategy can be found in
Pfeiffer et al., 2008
. Sequences of the primers used for PCR
amplification are listed in the key resources table. The Eb5 fragment was subcloned into
pBPp65ADZpUw (Addgene #26234) and pBPGAL80Uw-6 (Addgene# 26236) to generate
Eb5-p65AD and Eb5-Gal80, respectively. To make the construct R22F05-Gal80, the
R22F05 fragment was first amplified from the genomic DNA of the reference strain (
et al., 2000
) using the primers listed in the ‘Janelia_info’ excel sheet (
Jenett et al., 2012
downloaded from Bloomington Stock Center webpage:
) and then cloned into pBPGAL80Uw-6 via Gateway and the LR reaction.
To improve the strength of LexA, we fused the activating domain of Gal4, GAD, to the C-
terminus of nlsLexA::p65 (Addgene #26230) to make pBPnlsLexA::p65::GADUw. The
GAD sequence was amplified from the pBPGUw. It has been shown that the expression of a
targeted gene can be enhanced by adding additional activating domains to its transcription
activator (
Chavez et al., 2016
). The Eb5 fragment was then cloned into
pBPnlsLexA::p65::GADUw via Gateway and LR reaction to create Eb5-iLexA. All
constructs were verified by sequencing. To make the construct R22F05-LexADBD, we first
generated the pBPZpnlsLexADBD construct. A nlsLexADBD fragment was PCR-amplified
from pattB-nsyb-MKII::nlsLexADBDo (Addgene #64725) and cloned into pBPZpGal4DBD
(Addgene #26233) plasmid using KpnI and HindIII sites. The R22F05 enhancer fragment
was then cloned into pBPZpnlsLexADBD via Gateway and LR reaction.
Immunohistochemistry and brain registration—
Brains or ventral nerve cords of 6–8
day old flies were dissected in cold PBS and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 1 hour at
4°C. After fixation, samples were washed twice with 0.05% PBST (PBS containing 0.05%
Triton X-100) for 15 minutes at room temperature (RT), and incubated in 2% PBST (PBS
containing 2% Triton X-100) at RT for 30 minutes. Samples were then blocked in 5%
normal goat serum (NGS) solution for 2 hours or overnight at 4°C. After blocking, samples
were incubated with the primary antibody solution for two days at 4°C. The dilution ratios
for the primary antibodies used in this study were 1:1000 for anti-GFP or anti-RFP and 1:20
for nc82 or anti-NCad. To obtain even labeling of the neuropils, which is critical for
subsequent brain registration, samples were transferred to freshly diluted primary antibody
solution on the second day of incubation. Afterwards, the samples were washed with 0.05%
PBST for 30 minutes at 4°C three times and then incubated with the secondary antibody
solution for two days at 4°C. All secondary anti-bodies used in this study were diluted
1:1000. Finally, the samples were washed three times with 0.05% PBST for 30 minutes at
4°C and incubated overnight in the mounting media Vectashield (Vectorlabs, Inc.) at 4°C.
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Image stacks were obtained using confocal microscopy (Olympus Fluoview FV1000 or
FV3000). Representative images illustrating the expression patterns of each driver were
chosen from among 6–10 dissected samples. Brain images were first registered to
JFRCtemplate2010 (
Jenett et al., 2012
) using the CMTK registration GUI (Jefferies et al.,
Masse et al., 2012
) and z-projected with maximum intensity under Fiji. To create
overlays of two registered brain images, images were pseudocolored and layered in
Behavioral assays—
Details for each of the five different assays performed in this paper
are listed below. In general, all experiments were performed in a room maintained at 25°C
and 50% humidity. The behavioral chamber is a 12mm-high 16mm-diameter acrylic cylinder
with a clear top and floor. The wall and the lid of the chambers were coated with Insect-A-
Slip and silicon fluid, respectively. The floor was covered with freshly prepared apple juice
agar (2.5% (w/v) sucrose and 2.25% (w/v) agarose in apple juice) and illuminated with an
850nm backlight (SOBL-200×150–850, SmartVision Lights, Muskegon, MI). Flies were
tested on the 6
or 7
day after eclosion. Flies were introduced into the chambers by gentle
mouth pipetting and allowed to settle for at least two minutes before the tests began.
Behaviors were recorded at 30fps from the top using a Point Grey Flea3 camera with a long
pass IR filter (780 nm, Midwest Optical Systems).
Group-housed (GH) vs. single-housed (SH) assay.:
Canton-S males and females were
collected on the day of eclosion and reared in the single-housed (one per vial; SH) or group-
housed (twenty single-sex flies per vial; GH) condition. In each behavior chamber, we
paired same-sex flies from different vials to avoid the influence of prior life history, e.g. a
GH male from the first vial 1 was paired with a GH male from the second vial. Interactions
were recorded for 10 minutes.
Food vs. no food assay.:
Canton-S males and females were collected on the day of eclosion
and reared in group-housed condition until the test day (the 6
day after eclosion). Same-sex
flies were paired in the chambers with or without a freshly prepared banana chunk (~2mm
in the center as the food resource, where indicated.
Optogenetic stimulation assay.:
Experimental flies were group-housed and raised on
retinal food in the dark until the test day. Flies were transferred to fresh vials one day before
the experiment. A detailed description of the photostimulation setup can be found in
et al., 2014
. Briefly, a high-powered 655nm LED was mounted ~8cm above the chamber at a
24° angle to provide photostimulation at various intensities and frequencies. With the
exception of the stimulation titration experiments shown in Figure 4, 10 Hz and 5Hz pulsed
light with a maximum intensity = 0.62 μW/mm
were used to activate neurons in males and
females, respectively. The stimulation protocol included a 30s baseline activity recording,
two 30s stimulation blocks separated by a 30s interstimulation interval, and a 30s post-
stimulation period. Behaviors observed during experiments were present as the average from
two stimulation blocks. For the stimulation titration experiment shown in Figure 4A, the
same set of experimental flies were tested with 5 different intensities of photostimulation
(0.1–0.62 μW/mm
) using the same stimulation paradigm. The order of the intensity was
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randomly applied and each experiment was followed by a 5min interval to allow the
experimental flies to recover to their baseline activity. Data were collected from two
independent sets of experimental flies.
Preference assay (Figure 3B).:
The chamber used was a 12mm-high cylinder with a 16mm
diameter. The two targets were mounted at the opposite sides of the floor, ~10mm apart
using a UV glue tool kit (Bondic). For Figure 3Bi, the left and the right targets were a fly
(same-sex as the tester) and a fly-size magnet (K&J Magnetics, Pipersville, PA; Cylinder
1/16”x1/16”, D11-N52), respectively. The fly targets were 5–6-day old Canton-S virgin
males or females frozen at −80°C for 20 minutes immediately before the experiment. For
Figure 3Bii, the male and the female fly targets were mounted at the left and the right sides
of the chamber, respectively. For Figure 3Biii, the left and right targets were both females.
Testers were introduced into the chamber from the top and were allowed to freely explore
the arena and the targets for two minutes before the standard optogenetic stimulation (30s
pre-stimulation period followed by 30s 655nm photostimulation) was applied. The
preference index was calculated as follows,
preference index =
is the number of approach bouts toward the left target and
is the number of
approach bouts toward the right target.
Loss-of-function assay.:
The inwardly-rectifying potassium channel Kir2.1 was expressed
in CAP (Figure 3C), MAP (Figures 5B–C), fpC1 (Figures 6D–E), Tk (Figure S7A), and Eb5
(Figure S7B) neurons to test how silencing these neurons affects naturally- or artificially-
induced aggression. Experimental flies were single-housed for six days under a normal 12hr-
light: 12hr-dark cycle to naturally enhance aggressiveness (Figures 3C, 5B, and 6D). For
behavioral epistasis experiments where fighting was optogenetically induced experimental
flies were group-housed and reared in dark (Figures 5C, 6E, and S7).
Optogenetic activation in isolated flies experiment (Figures 7B–C).:
GH>GH flies and
GH>SH testers were collected on the same day. Both fly groups were reared in the GH
condition for the first three days. On the fourth day, the control (GH>GH) flies were
transferred to a new vial and maintained in groups whereas the testers (GH>SH) were
isolated individually; both groups were maintained for an additional 3 days. The optogenetic
stimulation experiments were done on the morning of the 7
day. Here we purposely
shortened the length of social isolation from six days (our standard procedure;
Wang et al.,
) to three days, in order to avoid a ceiling effect on aggression.
Functional imaging—
Six-day old experimental flies were briefly anesthetized on ice and
head-fixed on a customized holder with the UV glue in their normal standing posture. The
top of the fly head was immersed in fly saline (103mM NaCl, 3mM KCl, 5mM N-
Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane-sulfonic acid, 8mM trehalose, 10mM glucose,
26mM NaHCO
, 1mM NaH2PO
, 4mM MgCl2, 1.5mM CaCl2; pH7.25; 270–275mOsm)
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Hong and Wilson, 2015
). A piece of cuticle (~350 μm by 350 μm) was removed from the
posterior side of the head capsule to create an imaging window. After surgery, the
experimental fly was placed under a 0.8 numerical aperture (NA) 40x objective
(LUMPLFLN40XW, Olympus) and habituated for at least 5 minutes. The optical setup for
two-photon imaging with optogenetic activation was as described in
Inagaki et al., 2014
Briefly, imaging was performed using a custom-modified Ultima two-photon laser scanning
microscope (Bruker). 920nm ultrafast light pulses for exciting GCaMP was provided by a
Chameleon Ultra II Ti:Sapphire laser (Coherent) and the GCaMP signals were detected by
photomultiplier-tubes (Hamamatsu). Images were acquired at 256×256 pixel resolution and
2 frames per second. Chrimson activation was provided by a fiber-coupled 660nm LED
(M660F1, Thorlabs), powered by a 1-channel LED driver with pulse modulation (DC2100,
Thorlabs) and delivered through an optical fiber (200μm in diameter, 0.39NA, M75L01,
Thorlabs) placed above the imaging window at a ~45° angle and ~500μm in distance. The
stimulation paradigm included a 20s baseline, 5s photo-stimulation at the designated
frequency (5–50Hz) and intensity (0–34.6 μW), and a 35s post-stimulation period.
Labeling neurons with photoactivatable GFP—
To trace the morphologies of
different Eb5 cell classes, photoactivatable-GFP (PA-GFP;
Datta et al., 2008
Ruta et al.,
) was expressed by Eb5-Gal4 (attp2) in both sexes. The experimental preparation was
similar to functional imaging experiments except that the photoactivation was provided by
710 nm ultrafast light pulses using the two-photon microscope. The photoactivation was first
localized to the cell body of the targeted neuron and, after the diffusion of the activated PA-
GFP, applied subsequently to the terminus of the labeled segments to extend the labeling.
Photoactivation cycles were separated by 10min intervals to allow the spread of activated
PA-GFP and the entire experiment typically lasted 1.5–2 hours for each cell. Image stacks
were taken at 1024×1024 pixel resolution. For the purpose of clarity, the labeled neuron was
traced with Simple Neurite Tracer plugins using Fiji to mask the background fluorescence.
The morphology of each cell class was confirmed with at least two biological replicates.
Statistics and quantification—
Statistical analysis was performed using MATLAB. All
behavioral data were compared using nonparametric tests. The n number for each
experiment is indicated in the figures and listed in Table S3, along with the statistical
method used for each comparison, the
-value, and the test scores. Briefly, Mann-Whitney
U-tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used for between and within-group
comparisons, respectively. The cutoff for significance was set as an
<0.05. The central
mark of each boxplot indicates the median and the bottom and top are the 25
and the 75
percentiles, respectively.
Fly tracking and behavior classification—
Behavioral videos were tracked with
Caltech FlyTracker to determine the positions, the velocities, and the postures of the
experimental flies in 30 fps recordings (
Eyjolfsdottir et al., 2014
). These tracking data were
used by behavioral classifiers developed with the Janelia Automatic Animal Behavior
Annotator (JAABA;
Kabra et al., 2013
) to determine the behavioral bouts. Naturally
occurring fighting between single-housed male-male or female-female wild-type pairs were
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