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Two Different Forms of Arousal in
are Independently
and Oppositely Regulated by the Dopamine D1 Receptor DopR
via Distinct Neural Circuits
Tim J. Lebestky
Jung-Sook C. Chang
Heiko Dankert
Lihi Zelnik
Kyung-An Han
Pietro Perona
, and
David J. Anderson
Division of Biology 216-76 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Division of Engineering and Applied Science 136-93 California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125
Howard Hughes Medical Institute California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Department of Biology The Huck Institute Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Arousal is fundamental to many behaviors, but whether it is unitary, or whether there are different
types of behavior-specific arousal, has not been clear. In
, dopamine promotes sleep-
wake arousal. However there is conflicting evidence regarding its influence on environmentally
stimulated arousal. Here we show that loss-of-function mutations in the D1 dopamine receptor
enhance repetitive startle-induced arousal, while decreasing nocturnal arousal (i.e.,
increasing sleep). These two types of arousal are also inversely influenced by cocaine, whose
effects in each case are opposite to, and abrogated by, the
mutation. Selective restoration of
DopR function in the central complex rescues the enhanced stimulated arousal but not the
increased sleep phenotype of
mutants. These data provide evidence for at least two different
forms of arousal, which are independently regulated by dopamine in opposite directions, via
distinct neural circuits.
“Arousal,” a state characterized by increased activity, sensitivity to sensory stimuli and
certain patterns of brain activity (Coull, 1998), accompanies many different behaviors,
including circadian rhythms, escape, aggression, courtship and emotional responses in
higher vertebrates (Cahill and McGaugh, 1998; van Swinderen and Andretic, 2003; Devidze
et al., 2006). A key unanswered question is whether arousal is a uni-dimensional,
generalized state (Hebb, 1955; Pfaff et al., 2005), or rather multi-dimensional (Robbins,
1997). Biogenic amines, such as dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-HT)
and histamine, as well as cholinergic systems, have all been implicated in arousal in
numerous behavioral settings (Robbins et al., 1998; Pfaff et al., 2002; Berridge, 2006;
© 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author for correspondence Tel: (626) 395-6821 FAX: (626) 564-8243 wuwei@caltech.edu.
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Published as:
. 2009 November 25; 64(4): 522–536.
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Devidze et al., 2006). For several reasons, however, it is not clear whether these
neuromodulators act on a common “generalized arousal” pathway (Pfaff et al., 2005), or
rather control distinct arousal pathways that independently regulate different behaviors. This
is because a single amine typically acts through multiple receptors. Thus different receptors
(or even a single receptor subtype) may act in distinct circuits to control different forms of
arousal. Resolving this issue requires identifying the receptors and circuits on which these
modulators act, in different behavioral settings of arousal.
Most studies of arousal in
have focused on spontaneous locomotor activity
associated with sleep-wake arousal, a form of “endogenously generated” arousal (van
Swinderen and Andretic, 2003). Several lines of evidence point to a role for DA in
enhancing this form of arousal in
(reviewed in (Birman, 2005). Drug-feeding
experiments, as well as genetic silencing of dopaminergic neurons, have indicated that DA
promotes waking during the subjective night phase of the circadian cycle (Andretic et al.,
2005). Similar conclusions were drawn from studying mutations the
transporter (dDAT) (Kume et al., 2005; Wu et al., 2008). Consistent with these data,
overexpression of the vesicular monoamine transporter (dVMAT-A), promoted
hyperactivity in this species (Chang et al., 2006), as did activation of DA neurons in
quiescent flies (Lima and Miesenbock, 2005; Wu et al., 2008).
Evidence regarding the nature of DA effects on “exogenously generated,” or
environmentally stimulated arousal (van Swinderen and Andretic, 2003), such as that licited
by startle, is less consistent. Classical genetic studies and quantitative trait locus (QTL)
analyses have suggested that differences in DA levels may underlie genetic variation in
startle-induced locomotor activity (Connolly, 1967; Tunnicliff et al., 1969; Carbone et al.,
2006; Jordan et al., 2006).
) mutants displayed hyperactivity in response to
mechanical shocks, implying a positive-acting role for DA in controlling environmentally-
induced arousal (Kume et al., 2005). In contrast, other data imply a negative-acting role for
DA in controlling stimulated arousal. Mutants in
, which exhibit a reduction in
dopamine levels (Burnell and Daly, 1982), show an increased in stimulated but not
spontaneous levels of locomotor activity (Meehan and Wilson, 1987). Genetic inhibition of
tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing neurons caused hyperactivity in response to mechanical
startle (Friggi-Grelin et al., 2003). Finally, transient activation of DA neurons in hyperactive
flies inhibited locomotion (Lima and Miesenbock, 2005). Whether these differing results
reflect differences in behavioral assays, the involvement of different types of DA receptors,
or an “inverted U”-like dosage sensitivity to DA (Birman, 2005), is unclear.
We have developed a novel behavioral paradigm for environmentally induced arousal, using
repetitive mechanical startle as a stimulus, and have carried out a screen for mutations that
potentiate this response. One such mutation is an hypomorphic allele of the D1 receptor
. This same mutation caused decreased spontaneous activity during the night
phase of the circadian cycle due to increased sleep. In both assays, cocaine influenced
behavior in the opposite direction as the
mutation, and the effect of cocaine was
abolished in
mutant flies, supporting the idea that DA inversely regulates these two
forms of arousal. Genetic rescue experiments, using Gal4 drivers with restricted CNS
expression, indicate that these independent and opposite influences of DopR are exerted in
different neural circuits. These data suggest the existence of different types of arousal states
mediated by distinct neural circuits in
, which can be inversely regulated by DA
acting via the same receptor subtype.
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Repetitive stress induces an extended state of locomotor hyperactivity
In an effort to develop a
model of cumulative stress-induced arousal, we tested
whether closely spaced repetitive startle stimuli could produce an extended period of
hyperactivity. We delivered a succession of brief air puffs (200 msec duration at 5 sec
intervals, 35 psi), to adult flies placed in horizontal plastic tubes (10 flies/tube) (Fig. 1A), in
an 8-tube manifold (the “puff-o-mat”) based on a device developed by Heberlein and
colleagues (Wolf et al., 2002; Rothenfluh et al., 2006). These airpuffs, while relatively
gentle, were strong enough to blow the flies against the mesh at the back of the tube, from
which they immediately rebounded (Supplemental Movie SM1). Application of 6 successive
puffs produced an extended period of hyperactivity, which lasted 7-10 minutes (Fig. 1B).
We call this behavioral response Repetitive Startle-induced Hyperactivity (ReSH).
To characterize ReSH behavior more quantitatively, we developed custom software to
record the position, velocity, acceleration and trajectories of the flies in response to the
airpuffs (see Supplementary Information). The acceleration of the flies, in the 5-second
period immediately following each puff, increased steeply during the presentation of the first
three puffs (Fig. 1C), suggesting a cumulative effect of the stimuli. Following a 6-puff
exposure, the average velocity of the flies was elevated almost 10-fold, relative to pre-
stimulus baseline, and gradually declined thereafter (Fig. 1B).
Flies walk intermittently in bouts of activity interrupted by periods of immobility (Martin et
al., 1999a; Wolf et al., 2002). An increase in average velocity could, in principle, reflect a
change in bout duration, bout frequency or walking speed during the bout. Our analysis
indicated that the airpuffs caused little change in the average duration of walking bouts
(Supplemental Figure S1A), but instead transiently increased both the bout frequency
(Figure 1D), and average speed during the bouts (Supplemental Figure S1C).
The gradual decline in locomotor activity during the post-puff period appeared to follow
exponential decay kinetics. Indeed, the response profile was fit well by a modified
exponential function (Fig. 1E; see Experimental Procedures). This model permitted us to
extract a number of parameters, including the peak height, decay constant tau (
), and the
total distance traveled following the puffs (see Experimental Procedures), and to determine
the effect of varying different stimulus properties on these response parameters. As the
number of puffs was systematically varied from 1-6 (Fig. 1F), the net increase in peak
velocity, and the total distance traveled after the puffs, increased up to an apparent saturation
point at 4 puffs (Fig. 1H,J). The magnitude of
also increased with increasing puff number,
although this was more variable between experiments (Fig. 1I). Peak velocity and distance
traveled also increased as a function of stimulus intensity (psi/puff) (Supplemental Fig. S7G,
J). These data suggest that the ReSH response scales in proportion to the amount of
stimulation, and therefore that it indeed reflects a response to repetitive, cumulative stress.
The ReSH response also exhibited sensitization. Flies were exposed to 6 puffs, and allowed
10 minutes to recover. Subsequently, they were exposed to a single puff, and their responses
compared to those of naïve flies exposed to a single puff. Both
and the total distance
traveled during the post-puff period were significantly higher in flies that had previously
been exposed to 6 puffs (Supplemental Figure S2). However, if flies were allowed to rest for
30 minutes after the 6 puffs, there was no statistically significant difference in their
subsequent response to a single air puff (data not shown), implying that the sensitization
state undergoes time-dependent extinction.
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The sensitization induced by repeated air-puff exposure generalized to at least one other
sensory modality, olfaction. When flies are briefly exposed to a high concentration of an
odor, they exhibit a transient increase in locomotor activity, a response termed olfactory
startle (Wolf et al., 2002; Cho et al., 2004). Following recovery from ReSH, the olfactory
startle response to methyl cyclohexanol (MCH) was significantly enhanced (Supplemental
Figure S3). These data suggest that repetitive startle induces an extended state of elevated
arousal, which is manifested by: 1) increased acceleration following each successive
stimulus; 2) a protracted period of locomotor hyperactivity in the post-stimulus period; and
3) sensitization to a subsequent low-intensity stimulus, a state which persists even after the
overt locomoter hyperactivity phase has subsided, and which extends to at least one other
sensory modality.
DopR negatively regulates repetitive startle-induced hyperactivity
To identify genes controlling ReSH behavior, we screened several hundred lines from a
collection of transposon insertion mutants (Artavanis-Tsakonas, 2004), focusing on genes
with neurobiological relevance. The response of each mutant to a sub-saturating (2-puff)
stimulus was analyzed using our software, and compared to the average of the entire
collection. Candidates were identified by >2 standard deviations from the mean population
values of parameters such as
(Fig. 1E), or as outliers in Principal Component space (Fig.
2A). Lines exhibiting both diminished and exaggerated responses were identified; we
focused on those lines exhibiting hyperactive responses. One such mutant was a piggyBac
transposon insertion in the
locus (Gotzes et al., 1994; Sugamori et al., 1995),
(Fig. 2A; hereafter referred to as DopR). The
of this line was almost ten-fold
higher than that of the mean of the collection of lines screened.
insertion was back-crossed into a Canton-S (CS) background for six generations
for further analysis.
flies exhibited both elevated pre-puff baseline
and post-puff velocities (Fig. 2C), reflecting an increase in locomotor bout frequency and
bout velocity (Supplemental Figure S1B). When the pre-puff baseline velocity of the mutant
was normalized to that of wild-type CS flies, both
flies still
showed an extended period of post-puff hyperactivity (Fig. 2C, inset; D, E). This suggested
that the
mutation does not cause simply a “shift-up” in the puff-response curve, due to
an increase in spontaneous locomotor activity, but rather that the flies take longer to “calm
down” following the repetitive startle stimulus. This enhanced reactivity to mechanical
startle is also reflected in the elevated pre-puff activity of the flies immediately following
introduction into the apparatus (Connolly, 1967; Burnell and Daly, 1982). This
interpretation was confirmed by additional controls in which the flies were anaesthetized
prior to introduction to the puff-o-mat (Supplemental Footnote S1 and Supplemental Figure
To confirm that the phenotype of
flies was indeed due to a disruption of the
gene, we first measured the levels of
mRNA in different genotypes by quantitative
RT-PCR. There was an approximately 50% reduction in the amount of
mRNA in
flies, and an ~95% reduction in
files (Fig. 2B). These data confirm
prior analysis of the
allele (Kim et al., 2007), as well as independent
studies by Wolf et al. (submitted), and indicate that this allele is a strong molecular
hypomorph. We further confirmed that this insertion caused the ReSH phenotype by
isolating revertant flies bearing a precise excision of the piggyBac transposon (Thibault et
al., 2004) (see Supplemental Methods). When crossed into a
background, the puff-
response of these excision flies was indistinguishable from that of
CS controls, by all
parameters measured (Fig. 2F-H, orange vs. blue curves, Supplemental Figure S4 D-F).
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Further confirmation that the phenotype is due to disruption of the
gene was provided
by analyzing trans-heterozygous flies bearing an independent transposon insertion in the
locus (
over a deficiency spanning the locus (
) (Figure
S5), as well as by genetic rescue experiments (see below). Taken together, these data
indicate that the ReSH phenotype is due to a reduction in
function. The similar ReSH
phenotypes of
flies (Fig. 2C-E) suggests that this behavior is
sensitive to
gene dosage in this genetic background. However, it should be noted that
the magnitude of the kinetic parameters characterizing both the wild-type response, and the
mutant phenotype, varied with genetic background, consistent with evidence that
startle-induced locomotor activity is controlled by complex genetic networks (Jordan et al.,
2007; Yamamoto et al., 2008).
The exaggerated ReSH response in
flies exposed to 2 puffs (Fig. 2D, E) suggested
that the mutants might be hypersensitive to the airpuff stimulus. To investigate this in more
detail, we systematically varied the puff number and intensity. In response to small numbers
of puffs, or to low puff intensities,
flies showed much stronger increases in
post-puff distance traveled, than did wild-type flies (Fig. 3A-D, and Supplemental Figure
S7). Furthermore,
flies appeared to reach saturation in their post-stimulus
activity after a smaller number of puffs, in comparison to CS controls (Fig. 3B). These data
support the idea that the
mutation causes hyper-reactivity to the puff stimulus, as well
as an increased time to recover from repetitive puffs.
If an hypomorphic mutation in
enhances ReSH behavior, then one might predict that
elevating DA should, conversely, suppress ReSH behavior. To test this, we examined the
effect of cocaine, which elevates synaptic DA. Previous studies have indicated that cocaine
can cause hyperactivity in
(McClung and Hirsh, 1998; Bainton et al., 2000; Li et
al., 2000). While cocaine indeed promoted spontaneous activity measured in a circadian
monitor (see below), it suppressed the ReSH response at the same doses (Fig. 3E).
Parameter analysis indicated a significant depression of
and post-puff distance traveled in
wild-type flies (Supplemental Figure S7N-O; white bars). Strikingly this effect was
eliminated in
mutants (Fig. 3F, Supplemental Figure S7N-O; black bars), as
well as in
heterozygotes (data not shown). A similar result was obtained using
transheterozygotes (data not shown). Taken together, these
data indicate both that the effect of cocaine in this assay is opposite to that of the
mutation, and that DopR is the major receptor mediating this effect.
flies exhibit decreased spontaneous activity during the night
To examine directly the effect of the
mutation on spontaneous (unstimulated)
locomotion, we measured circadian activity using a standard
Monitoring System (DAMS) (TriKinetics, Inc.). Under these conditions, both
flies showed substantially decreased activity, in comparison to wild-type
controls, during the night phase (Fig. 4A, F). This phenotype is consistent with the results of
previous pharmacological and genetic studies indicating that DA positively regulates
spontaneous locomotor activity (Bainton et al., 2000; Andretic et al., 2005; Kume et al.,
2005; Chang et al., 2006).
flies showed a modest increase in
activity during the morning phase (Fig. 4D), an effect that declined as the day progressed
(Fig. 4A). This morning hyperactivity, however, cannot account for the
phenotype, since this phenotype was observed even when the puff-o-mat assays were
performed at midnight (Fig. 4B), a time when spontaneous locomotor activity is strongly
decreased in the mutant (Fig. 4A, asterisk). These data provide further evidence that the
ReSH phenotype of the
mutation does not simply reflect a general elevation of
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spontaneous locomotor activity. To the contrary, they suggest that DA regulates ReSH and
spontaneous nocturnal activity in opposite directions, via DopR.
We examined in more detail the behavioral basis of the decreased spontaneous nocturnal
activity in
flies, by measuring various sleep parameters. Sleep in
has been
defined as discrete periods of inactivity lasting 5 minutes or longer, during which time the
flies show increased arousal thresholds (Shaw et al., 2000; Nitz et al., 2002; Andretic and
Shaw, 2005). Strikingly, both
flies showed increased overall sleep
in comparison to wild-type (Fig. 4G). Analysis of sleep bout structure (Andretic and Shaw,
2005) indicated that the average sleep bout duration, and the length of the longest bout, were
both significantly greater in
heterozygous and homozygous mutant flies, than in wild-
type (Fig. 4I, J) . Thus,
flies are less active at night and sleep more, supporting a
positive-acting role for DA in controlling sleep-wake arousal (Andretic et al., 2005).
We next investigated whether cocaine inversely influenced ReSH and sleep, but in the
opposite direction as the
mutation. Cocaine increased activity in CS flies in the
circadian monitor during both the day and night phases (Fig. 4K), but its effect was much
more pronounced at night (Fig. 4M). Surprisingly, the effect of cocaine was entirely
abolished in
flies (Fig. 4L, N), indicating that none of the other three
DA receptors (Feng et al., 1996; Han et al., 1996; Hearn et al., 2002; Srivastava
et al., 2005) mediates the influence of the drug in this assay. The opposite effects of cocaine
on spontaneous vs. environmentally stimulated locomotor activity (Fig. 3E), taken together
with the fact that both effects of the drug are abolished by the
mutation, provides
further evidence that the phenotype of the mutation in both assays is due to alterations in DA
Selective rescue of the DopR ReSH phenotype in subsets of CNS neurons
We next sought to determine the neural substrates of DopR action in controlling ReSH
behavior. To do this, we tested various Gal4 enhancer trap lines for their ability to rescue the
ReSH phenotype, taking advantage of the Gal4 UAS element in the first intron of the
allele (Fig. 2B). Transcription from this site is predicted to produce a truncated
protein(s) with a shortened extracellular domain, presumably translated from one of several
internal methionines; this N-terminal domain is non-essential for DopR function, at least in
cell culture (Gotzes and Baumann, 1996). This strategy has also been used successfully to
rescue the learning and memory deficit observed in homozygous
flies (Kim et
al., 2007), as well as the reduced ethanol sensitivity of these flies (Wolf et al., submitted).
The fact that
heterozygotes show dominant phenotypes in both the ReSH and sleep
assays (Fig. 2C-E), afforded the opportunity to test the ability of different Gal4 lines to
rescue the phenotype in
Gal4/+; DopR/+
flies. To control for genetic background effects,
Gal4/+; DopR/+
flies were always compared to controls (
) in an F1 hybrid
background derived from the same parental
and Gal4 strains (see Experimental
Initial experiments indicated that the
ReSH phenotype could be rescued by Elav-Gal4
(Supplemental Figure S8), a pan-neuronal driver (Robinow and White, 1988), suggesting
that this phenotype reflects a requirement for DopR function in the nervous system. All
behavioral parameters were rescued, including pre-puff baseline and post-puff peak
, and distance traveled (Fig. S8B-F). Importantly, Elav-Gal4 also restored (and
even enhanced) the ability of cocaine to suppress the ReSH response (data not shown). The
observations that Gal4-driven expression of DopR rescued both the ReSH phenotype, and
the sensitivity of ReSH behavior to cocaine, provide additional evidence that the ReSH
phenotype is indeed due to a reduction in DopR function.
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In order to localize further the site of DopR function in the nervous system, we sought to
rescue the phenotype using Gal4 lines with more restricted CNS expression (Manseau et al.,
1997). DopR has previously been reported to be expressed at highest levels in two major
brain structures: the mushroom body (MB) and central complex (CC) (Kim et al., 2003).
Twenty-four different Gal4 lines were tested for their ability to rescue the ReSH phenotype
flies. Of these, 8 lines expressing in the CC rescued the phenotype, while none of
the lines with MB expression yielded rescue (Table I).
Detailed analysis of the rescue obtained with several lines is shown in Fig. 5 and
Supplemental Figure S9. Line c547, which (like lines 11.148 and 5.30) expresses in R4m/R2
neurons of the ellipsoid body (EB), a CC substructure (Fig. 6A, A2), (Renn et al., 1999),
rescued the
mutant phenotype as effectively as Elav-Gal4 (Fig. 5A-A2).
Immunostaining with an anti-DopR antibody (see Supplemental Fig. S10 for specificity)
confirmed that endogenous DopR expression overlaps that of c547 in the EB (Fig. 6A1, A3).
Line c547 also rescued the phenotype of
homozygous flies (Supplemental
Figure S11). Rescue in these homozygous flies was associated with re-expression of DopR
protein in the EB (Supplemental Figure S12). Rescue was also obtained when expression of
Gal4 in c547 was restricted to the adult phase, using a temperature-sensitive version of the
Gal4 inhibitor, Gal80
(McGuire et al., 2003) (Fig. 5D-D2; E-E2). The partial rescue at
18°C likely reflects incomplete suppression of Gal4 by Gal80
, due to leaky Gal80
inactivation (Kamikouchi et al., 2009); therefore we cannot completely exclude some
developmental contribution of DopR function in mediating the puff response. Nevertheless,
these data indicate that full rescue of the
ReSH phenotype requires expression of the
receptor in the adult CNS, and also confirm that rescue requires Gal4 activity (McGuire et
al., 2003).
Several other Gal4 lines whose expression overlaps with that of DopR in the EB, including
189y, c761 and 30y, also rescued the
ReSH phenotype (Fig. 5B-B2; C-C2 and Table
I). Interestingly, lines 189y and c761 express in R3 neurons of the EB, rather than in R2/
R4m neurons (Renn et al., 1999). However, they also overlap DopR expression within this
structure (Fig. 6B1-B3, C1-C3). Thus, DopR expression within the EB is widespread.
Moreover, it is juxtaposed with dense varicosities of TH
fibers (Fig. 6D1-D3), supporting
the idea that the EB receives dopaminergic innervation (see also Wolf et al., submitted). The
Gal4 line c232, which expresses very strongly in R4d neurons (Renn et al. 1999), was also
tested but was hyperactive on its own, and therefore uninformative.
Most of the Gal4 lines that rescue are expressed in other sites besides the CC. While many
of these extra-CC sites do not overlap, some of them do. For example, lines c547 and 189y
also express in median bundle neurons of the pars intercerebralis (PI; Fig. 6A, B). However,
seven other Gal4 lines that express in the PI, but not in R2/R3/R4m neurons of the EB, did
not rescue the phenotype (Table I). Furthermore, immunocytochemical double-labeling
experiments indicated that DopR is normally not expressed by PI neurons (Supplemental
Figure S14). These data argue that rescue is unlikely due to expression in the PI. Lines c547,
189y, c761, and 11-3f also expressed, to different extents, in the antennal lobe (AL).
However, line c739, which expresses in the AL but not the CC, failed to rescue, as did
nanchung-Gal4, a line that expresses in ntennal mechanosensory neurons (Table I). These
data argue against the AL as a site of rescue. Finally, several of the rescuing Gal4 lines also
express in the thoracic ganglia (TG). One such line, 189y, overlaps with GABA in EB
neurons but not in the TG (Supplemental Figure S15). Importantly, rescue of the ReSH
phenotype was obtained with a GAD1-Gal4 line, (Supplemental Figure S13), but not with a
Cha-Gal4 line (Table I). Since rescue requires
expression in GABAergic neurons, and
since the thoracic neurons that express 189y are not GABAergic, it is unlikely that 189y-
driven expression of
in the TG is responsible for rescue.
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DA is involved in learning and memory (Neckameyer, 1998; Schwaerzel et al., 2003;
Riemensperger et al., 2005; Schroll et al., 2006). Recent studies indicate that mutants
homozygous for
, a
allele, exhibit deficits in olfactory associative learning that
reflect a requirement for this receptor in the MB (Kim et al., 2007). A MB requirement for
DopR also underlies the effect of DA to promote learning in sleep-deprived flies (Seugnet et
al., 2008). Interestingly, Gal4 line c547 (which rescued the ReSH phenotype of
flies) did not rescue the olfactory learning deficit of
mutants (Fig. 5G, red vs. orange
bars). In contrast, line MB247 (Fig. 5H), which rescued the learning phenotype of
mutants (Fig. 5G, green bar and (Kim et al., 2007)), failed to rescue the ReSH
phenotype of
flies (Fig. 5F). These data demonstrate a double-
dissociation between the requirement for DopR in associative learning vs. ReSH behavior,
in the MB and EB, respectively.
Independent requirements for DopR in spontaneous vs. stimulated activity
The opposite effects of the
mutation on spontaneous activity in the circadian monitor
vs. ReSH behavior raised the question of whether these functions are exerted in distinct
neural circuits. To address this question, we examined the ability of different Gal4 lines to
rescue the
sleep phenotype. Restoration of
expression throughout the CNS,
using the pan-neuronal driver Elav-Gal4, resulted in a strong rescue of the nocturnal
hypoactivity phenotype (Fig. 7A, F). Analysis of sleep parameters indicated that Elav-Gal4
restored their values to levels close to those of control
flies (Fig. 7D-E, green
vs. blue bars). Thus, DopR controls sleep by acting in the nervous system.
In contrast to Elav-Gal4, line c547, which effectively rescued the ReSH phenotype of the
mutant, did not rescue the nocturnal hypoactivity phenotype (Fig. 7B, F). There was
no statistically significant difference between
c547; DopR/+
flies for any sleep
parameters measured (Fig. 7D, E; red vs. green bars). These data suggest that DopR is
unlikely to control sleep-wake arousal by acting in the EB. We therefore sought other Gal4
lines that might rescue the sleep phenotype of
mutants. Pigment-Dispersing Factor
(PDF)-expressing neurons are circadian pacemaker neurons that regulate the pre-dawn
activity phase of the circadian cycle (Stoleru et al., 2004; Parisky et al., 2008), and arousal
during the night phase (Shang et al., 2008).
flies showed a significant, albeit
partial, rescue of both average sleep bout duration, and the length of the longest sleep bout
(Fig. 7C-E, green vs. blue bars). Similar results were obtained with line c929, an
independent Gal4 driver that also expresses in circadian pacemaker neurons (Shang et al.,
2008) (data not shown). Importantly, the
driver failed to rescue the ReSH
phenotype of
flies (Supplementary Figure S16). Taken together, these data provide a
double-dissociation suggesting that the inverse effects of the
mutation on ReSH
behavior, and on sleep-wake transitions, reflect independent functions for the receptor in
distinct neuronal circuits.
Previous studies of arousal in
have focused on sleep-wake transitions (Nitz et al.,
2002; van Swinderen et al., 2004; Andretic et al., 2005; Kume et al., 2005; Sheeba et al.,
2008), a form of “endogenous” arousal (van Swinderen and Andretic, 2003). Here we
introduce a quantitative behavioral assay for repetitive startle-induced hyperactivity, which
displays properties of an environmentally induced (“exogenous”) arousal state. We have
conducted a screen for mutations affecting this behavior, characterized the phenotype of one
such mutation (
), and mapped the neural substrates of its action by cell-specific
genetic rescue experiments. Our results reveal that DopR independently regulates ReSH and
sleep in opposite directions, by acting on distinct neural substrates. Negative regulation of
the ReSH response requires DopR function in the EB of the CC, while positive regulation of
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waking reflects a function in other populations of neurons, including PDF-expressing
circadian pacemaker cells (Stoleru et al., 2004; Parisky et al., 2008; Shang et al., 2008).
Both of these functions, moreover, are independent of the function of DopR in learning and
memory, which is required in the mushroom body (Kim et al., 2007) (Fig. 8A). Our data
suggest that ReSH behavior and sleep-wake transitions reflect distinct forms of arousal that
are genetically, anatomically and behaviorally separable.
ReSH behavior expresses an environmentally induced arousal state
Early genetic studies of
locomotion have suggested that spontaneous and
environmentally stimulated locomotor activity reflect “distinct behavioral systems”
(Connolly, 1967; Burnell and Daly, 1982). Several lines of evidence suggest that ReSH
behavior represents a form of environmentally stimulated arousal. First, hyperactivity is an
evolutionarily conserved expression of increased arousal (van Swinderen et al., 2004;
Devidze et al., 2006). Although not all arousal is necessarily expressed as hyperactivity,
electrophysiological studies indicate that mechanical startle evokes increases in 20-30 Hz
and 80-90 Hz brain activity, which have been suggested to reflect a neural correlate of
arousal in flies (Nitz et al., 2002; van Swinderen et al., 2004). Second, ReSH does not
immediately dissipate following termination of the stimulus, as would be expected for a
simple reflexive stimulus-response behavior, but rather persists for an extended period of
time, suggesting that it reflects a change in internal state. Third, this state, like arousal, is
scalable: more puffs, or more intense puffs, produce a stronger and/or longer-lasting state of
hyperactivity. Fourth, this state exhibits sensitization: even after overt locomotor activity has
recovered to pre-puff levels, flies remain hypersensitive to a single puff for several minutes.
Fifth, this sensitization state generalizes to a startle stimulus of at least one other sensory
modality (olfactory). In
, sensitization of the gill/siphon withdrawal reflex has been
likened to behavioral arousal (Kandel and Schwartz, 1982). Taken together, these features
strongly suggest that ReSH represents an example of environmentally stimulated
(“exogenous”) arousal in
(Fig. 8A).
DA inversely and independently regulates environmentally stimulated and sleep-wake
mutant flies exhibited longer sleep bouts during their subjective night phase,
suggesting that DopR normally promotes waking. These data are consistent with earlier
studies indicating that DA promotes sleep-wake arousal (Andretic et al., 2005; Kume et al.,
2005; Wu et al., 2008). In contrast, prior evidence regarding the role of DA in startle-
induced arousal is conflicting. Some studies have suggested that DA negatively regulates
locomotor reactivity to environmental stimuli (Burnell and Daly, 1982; Friggi-Grelin et al.,
2003), consistent with our observations, while others have suggested that it positively
regulates this response (McClung and Hirsh, 1998; Bainton et al., 2000; Kume et al., 2005).
Even within the same study, light-stimulated activation of TH
neurons produced opposite
effects on locomotor activity, depending on the pre-stimulus level of locomotor activity
(Lima and Miesenbock, 2005).
We find that DA and DopR negatively regulate environmentally stimulated arousal: the
mutation enhanced ReSH, while cocaine suppressed it. Furthermore, the effect of
cocaine in the ReSH assay was eliminated in the
mutant but could be rescued by
Gal4-driven DopR expression, confirming that the effect of the drug is mediated by DA.
Taken together, our results reconcile apparently conflicting data on the role of DA in
“arousal” in
, by identifying two different forms of arousal—repetitive startle-
induced arousal and sleep-wake arousal--that are regulated by DA in an inverse manner.
Whether these two forms of arousal are controlled by the same subset of DA neurons is an
interesting question for future study.
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Neural substrates of DA action in repetitive startle-induced arousal
Several lines of evidence suggest that endogenous DopR likely acts in the ellipsoid body
(EB) of the central complex (CC) to regulate repetitive startle-induced arousal. First,
multiple Gal4 lines that drive expression in the EB rescued the ReSH phenotype of
mutants. Second, endogenous DopR is expressed in EB neurons, including those in which
the rescuing Gal4 drivers are expressed (Fig. 6). Third, the domain of DopR expression in
the EB overlaps the varicosities of TH
fibers. In the accompanying manuscript, Wolf et al.
(2009) identify TH
neurons that are a likely source of these projections to the EB. Fourth,
rescue of the ReSH phenotype is associated with re-expression of DopR in EB neurons.
Finally, rescue is observed using conditional DopR expression in adults. Taken together,
these data argue that rescue of the ReSH phenotype by the Gal4 lines tested reflects their
common expression in the EB, and that this is a normal site of DopR action in adult flies.
A requirement for DopR in the EB in regulating ReSH behavior is consistent with the fact
that the CC is involved in the control of walking activity (Strauss and Heisenberg, 1993;
Martin et al., 1999b; Strauss, 2002; Neuser et al., 2008). However, the mushroom body has
also been implicated in the control of locomotor behavior (Martin et al., 1998; Helfrich-
Forster et al., 2002), and DopR is strongly expressed in this structure as well (Kim et al.,
2003). Our rescue data argue against the MB and in favor of the CC as a neural substrate for
the ReSH phenotype of
mutants. Unexpectedly, the nocturnal hypoactivity phenotype
mutants was not rescued by restoration of DopR expression to the CC. Thus, not all
locomotor activity phenotypes of the
mutant necessarily reflect a function for the gene
in the CC.
Interestingly, Gal4 line c547 expresses in R2/R4m neurons of the EB, while lines 189y and
c761 express in R3 neurons (Renn et al., 1999), yet both rescued the ReSH phenotype of
mutants. Similar results have been obtained in experiments to rescue the deficit in
ethanol-induced behavior exhibited by the
mutant (Wolf et al., submitted; see below).
Double-labeling experiments suggest that endogenous DopR is expressed in all of these EB
neuronal subpopulations (Fig. 6 and Wolf et al., submitted). Perhaps the receptor functions
in parallel or in series in R4m and R3 neurons, so that restoration of DopR expression in
either population can rescue the ReSH phenotype. Whether these DopR-expressing EB
subpopulations are synaptically interconnected is an interesting question for future
In the accompanying manuscript, Wolf et al. show that DopR acts in the EB to
regulate locomotor hyperactivity induced by chronic ethanol exposure (Wolf et al.,
submitted). There are several explanations for this difference in the “polarity” of the
influence of the
mutation in the EB. First, the two behavioral paradigms are very
different: hyperactivity in the ReSH paradigm is expressed immediately upon stimulus
exposure and persists following stimulus cessation, while ethanol-induced hyperactivity
develops more slowly and requires chronic ethanol exposure (Wolf et al., 2002; Cho et al.,
2004). Second, the polarity of DA/DopR regulation of activity in the EB may itself be
influenced by ethanol. Finally, DopR activation in the CC in response to different types of
stimuli may either potentiate or suppress activity, depending on the initial state of the circuit
and ambient levels of DA (Birman, 2005; Lima and Miesenbock, 2005). Whatever the
explanation, the role of DopR and DA in regulating locomotor activity in the EB is clearly
complex, and a deeper understanding will require more detailed anatomical mapping of EB
circuitry and functional analysis.
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Modeling “emotional” behaviors in
Despite its power as a system for studying neural development, function and behavior,
has not been extensively used in affective neuroscience (Iliadi, 2009), in part
because of uncertainty as to whether this model organism exhibits states related to emotion
or affect. Increased arousal is a key component of many emotional or affective behaviors
(Russell, 1980). The data presented here establish a quantitative behavioral paradigm for
studying the genetic and neural circuit basis of a persistent arousal state elicited by repetitive
traumatic startle. ReSH behavior exhibits several features that distinguish it from reflexive
stimulus-response paradigms: scalability, persistence following stimulus termination, and
sensitization. In addition, the observation that mechanical trauma promotes release from
of an odorant that repels other flies (Suh et al., 2004) suggests that the arousal
state underlying ReSH behavior may have a negative “ affective valence” as well (Robbins
et al., 1998; Calder et al., 2001). These considerations, together with the fact that ReSH is
influenced by genetic and pharmacologic manipulations of DA, a biogenic amine implicated
in emotional behavior in humans, support the idea that ReSH behavior may represent an
evolutionary precursor of emotional responses in higher organisms.
The phenotype of
flies, which includes hyper-reactivity to environmental stimuli, is
reminiscent of some symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), an
affective disorder linked to dopamine (Levy, 1991; Solanto, 2002; Bobb et al., 2005). If
humans, like flies, have distinct brain circuits mediating environmentally stimulated and
endogenous arousal, then it is possible given our data that ADHD may specifically involve
dopaminergic dysfunction in circuits mediating the former rather than the latter type of
arousal. The fact that DA can negatively regulate stimulated arousal circuits could then
explain why treatment with DA reuptake inhibitors such as methylphenidate (Ritalin), which
increases synaptic levels of DA, can ameliorate symptoms of ADHD (Arnsten, 2006).
Consistent with this view, in vertebrates DA is thought to promote waking activity via D1
receptors in the nucleus accumbens (Monti and Monti, 2007), while D1 receptors in the pre-
frontal cortex (PFC) have been proposed to negatively regulate activity (Vezina et al., 1991;
Heijtz et al., 2007). Numerous studies have linked dopaminergic dysfunction in the PFC to
ADHD (reviewed in (Brennan and Arnsten, 2008)). While most research has focused on the
role of the PFC in attention and cognition, rather than in environmentally stimulated arousal
per se
, dysfunction of PFC circuits mediating phasic DA release has been invoked to explain
behavioral hypersensitivity to environmental stimuli in ADHD (Sikstrom and Soderlund,
2007). This view of ADHD as a specific disorder of stimulated arousal circuits suggests that
further elucidation of such circuits in humans and vertebrate animal models, as well as in
, may deepen our understanding of this disorder and potentially lead to more
targeted therapies.
Homozygous viable insertional piggyBac alleles from the Exelixis collection were acquired
from the Harvard Stock Center and tested in a pilot screen. The
allele was
backcrossed to a standardized CS background for 6 generations prior to behavioral testing.
Details of the excision of the piggyBac
allele are described in Supplementary
Methods. Rescue experiments using
/+ flies were performed in an F1 hybrid
background that reflects equal contribution of the Gal4 genetic background and the
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Behavioral Assays
Flies assayed were males (2-4 days old) CO
anaesthetized and allowed to recover for 2
days prior to testing. Flies were reared on a 12 hr day-night cycle at 25°. Temperature for
behavioral experiments was maintained at 23-25°. For the standard ReSH assay, 10 flies
were manually loaded into tubes and allowed to acclimatize for 10 min prior to filming.
Activity was recorded beginning at one minute before delivery of the puff stimuli, until 3.5
minutes after stimulus termination. Each air puff (35 psi unless otherwise indicated) lasted
200ms with a 5s inter-puff interval. Movies were analyzed using custom locomotor tracking
software (described in Supplemental methods). Cocaine feeding and learning and memory
protocols are described in Supplemental Methods.
Trikinetics Individual Drosophila Activity Monitors and Trikinetics software were used for
all circadian/sleep observations (see Supplemental Methods for details). A period of sleep
was defined as 5 minutes of inactivity (Shaw et al., 2000; Andretic and Shaw, 2005).
For Gal80
experiments, flies were crossed and kept at 18° until eclosion. Flies (2-4 days
old) were collected and maintained at 18° or shifted to 30° for 48 hrs prior to testing.
Animals from both rearing conditions were acclimated to a 25° behavioral room for one hr
prior to testing.
A polyclonal DopR antibody was raised in guinea pigs against the peptide
CIKAVTRPGEVAEKQRYKSIR, derived from the third cytoplasmic loop (Kim et al.,
2003). Antibodies were affinity purified. Antibody staining procedures and sources of other
immune reagents are described in Supplemental Methods.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We thank Fred Wolf and Ulrike Heberlein for sharing data and early drafts of their manuscript as well as providing
the manifold for the puff-o-mat, Martin Heisenberg and members of the Anderson lab for helpful comments on the
manuscript, Eric Hoopfer for help with imaging, Michael Reiser for contributions to software development, Mary
Wahl for assistance with screening, Tim Tayler for sharing Gal4 stocks prior to publication, Shilpa Jeeda for
maintenance of stocks, Gaby Mosconi for lab management and Gina Mancuso for Administrative Support. Fly
stocks were obtained from the Bloomington and Harvard stock centers, and also generously provided by Doug
Armstrong. T.L. was a fellow of the Jane Coffin Childs Foundation and H.D. a fellow of the Alexander von
Humboldt Association. Supported in part by an NSF FIBR grant to D.J.A., P.P. and Michael Dickinson. D.J.A. is
an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. This paper is dedicated to the late Seymour Benzer.
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