Probing single-cell oxygen reserve in sickled erythrocytes via in
vivo photoacoustic microscopy
Andria L. Ford
Hsun-Chia Hsu
Michael M. Binkley
Stephen Rogers
Toru Imai
Konstantin Maslov
Allan Doctor
Lihong V. Wang
Jin-Moo Lee
Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Caltech Optical Imaging Laboratory, Andrew and Peggy Cherng Department of Medical
Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pasadena, CA
Currently at Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
Silver Spring, Maryland
Center for Blood Oxygen Transport and Hemostasis & Department of Pediatrics, University of
Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
To the Editor:
Individuals with sickle cell disease (SCD) face ongoing risk of multi-organ ischemia
resulting in chronic disability, frequent hospitalizations, and early mortality
. The
relationship between hemoglobin (Hb) S polymerization, erythrocyte sickling, and tissue
ischemia has been of great interest. Oxygen off-loading and increasing deoxy-hemoglobin
concentration promote HbS polymerization, the latter which has been linked to early
erythrocyte deformation or “reversible” sickling
. Eventually, severe polymerization
weakens the cell membrane, leading to “irreversibly” sickled cells. Whether degree of
polymerization and the cell’s morphologic state, in turn, influence oxygen binding and
thus, tissue oxygen availability has been of interest, but technically challenging to study
in patients
. Over two decades, Wang and colleagues
developed an imaging platform,
photoacoustic microscopy (PAM), which offers two unique aspects compared to other
intravital microscopy systems: (1) high resolution
in vivo human
imaging using the cuticle
as the window to a highly organized vascular bed capable of imaging single capillary loops,
and (2) measurements of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin levels within single capillaries and
Materials & Correspondence:
Jin-Moo Lee, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology; Washington University School of Medicine;
600 South Euclid Avenue, Campus Box 8111; Saint Louis, Missouri 63110;, Lihong Wang, PhD, Caltech Optical
Imaging Laboratory; Andrew and Peggy Cherng Department of Medical Engineering ; California Institute of Technology; 1200 E.
California Blvd., MC 138-78 Pasadena, California 91125;
Drs. Lee and Wang contributed equally, and are designated as co-senior authors.
Drs. Ford and Hsu contributed equally, and are designated as co-first authors.
Author information:
A.L.F and H.H. designed the experiment, collected the data, analyzed and interpreted data, and prepared the
manuscript. M.M.B., S.R., T.I., and K.M. analyzed and interpreted the data. A.D., L.W., and J.M.L designed the experiment and
analyzed and interpreted data. All authors critically reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.
HHS Public Access
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Am J Hematol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 January 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Am J Hematol
. 2022 January 01; 97(1): E11–E14. doi:10.1002/ajh.26387.
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single erythrocytes. In this study, we aimed to: (1) characterize capillary morphology and
hemodynamic/oxygen metabolic properties in the cuticle nailbed of individuals with SCD
compared to healthy controls; and, (2) track single erythrocytes along the capillary loop to
obtain measurements of erythrocyte elongation (ellipticity index, EI) and oxygen saturation
before and after tissue oxygen exchange. We hypothesized that erythrocyte EI, as an index of
HbS polymerization, would be associated with decreased arteriolar oxygen saturation and/or
increased oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) across capillaries—representing compromised
“oxygen reserve”.
Adult participants with SCD (HbSS) and controls (HbAA), were prospectively enrolled
and excluded for recent hospitalization, chronic transfusion therapy, and history of stem
cell transplant. Controls were excluded for any chronic medical disorder. Hemoglobin type
was confirmed by peripheral blood electrophoresis. Written informed consent was obtained
from all participants. PAM is a dual-wavelength optical resolution system with 3μm lateral
and 15μm axial resolution (Figure S1). The blood absorption spectra from individuals with
SCD have previously been found to be similar to that of healthy controls
. The nailbed
cuticle imaging procedure consisted of both wide-field and high-speed dynamic imaging.
Capillary measurements included density, diameter, and tortuosity. Number and duration of
erythrocyte pauses were measured from the spatiotemporal image and its frequency domain
image. Multiple hemo-metabolic parameters were calculated from both time-averaged,
capillary measurements and single erythrocytes, and included: blood velocity, oxygen
saturation (sO
), OEF, and relative metabolic rate of oxygen utilization (MRO
). Single-cell
PAM additionally yielded measurements of arteriolar (sO
2 in
) and venular (sO
2 out
) oxygen
saturation, from which single-cell OEF was calculated. Elongation of single-cells, termed
“ellipticity index” (EI), was measured as the mean EI of six frames for each flowing
erythrocyte (Figure S2). Details of PAM imaging and statistical methods are described in the
Supplementary Methods.
Ten adults with SCD (HbSS) and healthy controls (HbAA) underwent PAM cuticle imaging
sessions, totaling 97 capillaries and 180 erythrocytes imaged (Table S1). Hemoglobin
and hematocrit measured from peripheral blood correlated with cuticle hemoglobin and
hematocrit using PAM (Hb:
=0.002; Hct:
=0.003). Capillary diameter,
density, and tortuosity, were statistically increased in SCD vs. healthy controls. Time-
averaged capillary blood velocity was decreased in SCD vs. controls: 62.5 μm/sec [51.0,
74.3] vs. 69.8 μm/sec [63.6, 77.4], respectively (
=0.013); capillary OEF was increased in
SCD vs. controls: 0.205 [0.150, 0.246] vs. 0.147 [0.121, 0.188], respectively (
=0.049); and
capillary MRO
was similar in SCD vs. controls: 49.9 arbitrary units (a.u.) [21.3, 60.9] vs.
39.0 a.u. [26.1, 50.6], respectively (
=0.394) (Figure S3).
Animal models of SCD have demonstrated the presence of red blood cell pauses, although
the etiologies of pauses such as mechanical obstruction or endothelial adhesion are
incompletely understood. Erythrocyte pause count was higher in SCD vs. controls: 2 [2, 3]
vs. 1.5 [1, 2], respectively, (
<0.0001). Pause duration was also higher in SCD vs. controls:
14.6 sec [10.3, 19.9] vs. 7.0 sec [4.5, 9.0], respectively, (
<0.0001). Using a linear mixed-
model to account for repeated measures within individuals, we evaluated the relationship
between pause duration and capillary morphological and hemo-metabolic properties. Pause
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duration was inversely associated with blood velocity (
=0.009), but not associated with
OEF or capillary diameter. We also observed a direct association between pause duration
and capillary tortuosity that approached significance (
=0.09) (Figure S4).
PAM imaging can resolve individual erythocytes, permitting a metric of elongated
erythrocytes using “ellipticity index” (EI, Figure S2). EI was increased in SCD vs. controls:
0.201 [0.133, 0.245] vs. 0.112 [0.075, 0.153], respectively (
<0.0001) (Figure 1A). While
the SCD cohort demonstrated a wider dynamic range of EI values, substantial overlap
was seen across lower EI between the two cohorts, suggesting that SCD patients have
a population of normal or near-normal shaped erythrocytes, consistent with the literature
on peripheral blood
. Moreover, the population of cells in the SCD cohort with increased
EI extended beyond the EI distribution in controls, an observation consistent with HbS
polymerization and sickling.
In contrast to velocity measurements using the time-averaged approach, mean single-cell
blood velocity was higher in SCD vs. controls: 79.8 μm/sec [69.4, 90.4] vs. 68.9 μm/sec
[64.7, 79.7], respectively (
=0.003) (Figure 1B). During single-cell image acquisition,
stalled erythrocytes were not included; therefore, this result likely represents an increase in
cell velocity without accounting for the effect of pauses. Consistent with this, the measured
velocities from the single-cell method for both control and SCD cohorts were higher than the
velocities measured with the time-averaged method for capillaries.
Arteriolar oxygen saturation (sO
2 in
) was lower in SCD vs. controls (
=0.014, Figure 1C)
suggesting decreased oxygen availability to the capillary bed in SCD. Consistent with
time-averaged results, single-cell OEF was increased in the SCD cohort vs. controls: 0.101
[0.077, 0.133] vs. 0.067 [0.051, 0.091], respectively (
<0.0001) (Figure 1D). The finding
of higher single-cell OEF is consistent with the observed anemia, diminished erythrocyte
velocities, and reduced arteriolar oxygen saturation in patients with SCD, which suggests
that greater oxygen extraction from individual erythrocytes is required to meet oxygen
metabolic demand.
To examine the relationship between EI, as an index of Hb polymerization and sickling,
and measures of erythrocyte velocity and oxygen metabolism, we performed mixed-model
linear regression to examine EI as a predictor of velocity, sO
2 in
, and OEF (Figure 1E–H). In
SCD, but not in controls, an increase in EI was associated with slower erythrocyte velocity
=0.001). Consistent with this, erythrocytes with greater EI were associated with
increased OEF (
=0.013). Further, increased EI was associated with decreased
2 in
=0.038). Erythrocyte velocity was also modelled in relation to OEF. Both
in controls and SCD, individual erythrocyte OEF was inversely proportional to velocity
indicating that erythrocyte OEF was increased with prolonged capillary transit time.
In this study, we used cuticle PAM to examine microstructural and physiological measures
within capillaries and single-cells to advance our understanding of the pathophysiology
underlying tissue ischemia in SCD. In addition to altered capillary architecture, individuals
with SCD demonstrated reduced bulk flow velocity, increased OEF, more frequent
erythrocyte pauses, and prolonged pause duration compared to controls. In single-cell
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measurements, we found that erythrocyte elongation (EI) was much higher in SCD vs.
controls. Moreover, EI distribution in patients with SCD was much broader, suggesting that
a large subset of cells are elongated due to HbS polymerization (Figure 1A, above red
dashed line). Previous studies have noted a spectrum of erythrocyte morphology and wide
variation in the proportion of sickled cells (29%−43%)
. Indeed, we found higher EI in
the SCD cohort predicted slower erythrocyte velocity, lower sO
2 in
, and higher OEF, while
these relationships were absent in controls. These findings suggest that sickled erythrocytes
exhibit lower oxygen reserve than normally shaped erythrocytes, as indicated by both lower
2 in
and increased OEF across the capillary loop, thus severe reductions in blood flow or
2 in
would potentially place the tissue at risk of ischemia.
In summary, we found that increased EI, as a proposed index of polymerized HbS, was
associated with distinct single-cell characteristics (velocity, arteriolar oxygen binding, and
oxygen off-loading). This study was conducted in SCD patients who were not actively
symptomatic, suggesting that baseline oxygen reserve (decreased sO
2 in
and increased
OEF) in patients with SCD may be compromised in a subset of erythrocytes. Increased
OEF resulted in preserved MRO
, suggesting overall, a well-compensated metabolic state.
Future PAM studies examining patients during vaso-occlusive crises may reveal an elevated
proportion of “sickled” erythrocytes with elevated EI and decreased oxygen reserve. Such
patients may be on the precipice of tissue infarction and could be identified for early
intervention using PAM technology at the bedside.
The current work represents a proof-of-concept study suggesting that PAM technology may
improve our understanding of the relationship between HbS polymerization, erythrocyte
morphology, and tissue oxygen transport in SCD. Larger studies will be required to confirm
our findings and examine covariates which could further define these relationships. While
our results demonstrate a link between EI and tissue oxygen availability, these relationships
do not prove causality. Finally, we did not measure erythrocyte deformability, blood
viscosity, or shear rates which are known to be altered in patient with SCD and likely
play a role in thrombosis and hemostasis
. The potential influence of erythrocyte rheology
on oxygen availability, however, should not impact the accuracy of hemo-metabolic
measurements, nor minimize the cohort differences identified between SCD and controls.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health R01HL129241 and RF1NS116565 (A.L.F.);
R01NS094692, R37NS110699, U24NS107230 (J-M.L.), and R01GM113838 (A.D).
Competing interests:
L.W. has a financial interest in Microphotoacoustics, Inc., CalPACT, LLC, and Union Photoacoustic Technologies,
Ltd., which, however, did not support this work. The remaining authors do not have any competing interests.
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Data Availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy or ethical
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Figure 1. Single cell hemo-metabolic parameters and ellipticity index (EI) as a predictor of
single-cell blood flow and oxygenation in adults with SCD compared to controls.
Using PAM to measure the shape of single erythrocytes, EI, a metric of cellular
anisotropy and deformation, was increased in the SCD cohort compared to controls (
<0.0001). While the SCD cohort demonstrated a wider dynamic range of EI values,
substantial overlap is seen across lower EI between the two cohorts, suggesting that SCD
patients have a population of normal or near-normal shaped erythrocytes (below the red
dashed line) as well as a subpopulation of elongated/sickled erythrocytes (above the red
dashed line, indicating EI greater than two standard deviations above the mean EI from
the control cohort).
Single-cell blood velocity was higher in SCD compared to controls
=0.003). During single-cell image acquisition, stalled erythrocytes were not included;
therefore, this result represents an increase in velocity of red blood cells when the effect
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of pauses is unaccounted for.
Arteriolar oxygen saturation (sO
2 in
) was lower in SCD
compared to controls (
=0.014) suggesting decreased oxygen delivery to the capillary bed
in SCD.
In line with a decreased oxygen saturation in the arteriolar capillary bed,
single-cell oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) was increased in the SCD cohort compared
to controls (
<0.0001). To evaluate the effect of erythrocyte ellipticity, as an index of
Hb polymerization and sickling, on cellular flow and oxygen metabolism, mixed-model
linear regression evaluated EI as a predictor of erythrocyte velocity, arteriolar oxygen
saturation (sO
2 in
), and oxygen extraction fraction (OEF).
Increasing EI predicted a
decrease in blood velocity (
= 0.001) in SCD, but not in controls.
Consistent with
this, increasing EI predicted an increase in OEF in SCD, but not in controls (
Further, increasing EI non-significantly predicted a decrease in sO
2 in
suggesting erythrocytes with greater ellipticity may have a lower oxygen content when
entering the capillary.
Both in controls and SCD, OEF was inversely proportional
to velocity suggesting that as the tissue’s oxygen demands increase, erythrocyte velocity
decreases allowing additional time for oxygen exchange, regardless of HbS polymerization
and sickling. a.u. indicates arbitrary units. Raw p-values are reported. After adjusting for
multiple testing with Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, statistical significance was achieved,
indicated as * P < 0.05 or ** P < 0.01.
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