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DNA Repair Glycosylases with a [4Fe-4S] Cluster: A Redox
Cofactor for DNA-mediated Charge Transport?
Amie K. Boal
Eylon Yavin
, and
Jacqueline K. Barton
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91125, USA
The [4Fe-4S] cluster is ubiquitous to a class of base excision repair enzymes, in organisms ranging
from bacteria to man, and was first considered as a structural element, owing to its redox stability
under physiological conditions. When studied bound to DNA, two of these repair proteins (MutY
and Endonuclease III from
Escherichia coli
) display DNA-dependent reversible electron transfer
with characteristics typical of high potential iron proteins. These results have inspired a
reexamination of the role of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in this class of enzymes. Might the [4Fe-4S] cluster
be used as a redox cofactor to search for damaged sites using DNA-mediated charge transport, a
process well known to be highly sensitive to lesions and mismatched bases? Described here are
experiments demonstrating the utility of DNA-mediated charge transport in characterizing these
DNA-binding metalloproteins, as well as efforts to elucidate this new function for DNA as an
electronic signaling medium among the proteins.
1. Introduction
The double helix of DNA is a molecule rich with information. Not only does it contain, in its
sequence of base pairs, the genetic code for the cell, but the complex topology of DNA provides
a three-dimensional surface that a wide variety of proteins must parse to locate specific
sequences and damaged sites for the purposes of replication, transcription and repair [1]. It is
not well understood how these proteins accomplish this task in a timely fashion. In the case of
DNA repair, where the entire genome must be constantly monitored for often very subtle
modifications, it is even more difficult to imagine how proteins efficiently locate damage.
In base excision repair (BER), glycosylase enzymes are responsible for searching the genome
for chemically modified bases and catalyzing their excision [2]. These enzymes must first
locate their substrate in a vast excess of undamaged DNA, flip the substrate into the active site
of the protein, and catalyze scission of the N-glycosidic bond between the errant base and the
sugar-phosphate backbone. While much is known about the catalysis and substrate
discrimination steps in this process, very little is known about the daunting initial search of the
genome these enzymes must undertake. It has been demonstrated that many of these enzymes
can move along the DNA helix in a processive manner [
3–4], but the
in vivo
relevance of this
search mechanism as the primary mode of damage detection by DNA-binding proteins is
disputed [5–7].
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed at jkbarton@caltech.edu..
Present Address: School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, P.O.Box 12065, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel,
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J Inorg Biochem
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2008 November 1.
Published in final edited form as:
J Inorg Biochem
. 2007 November ; 101(11-12): 1913–1921.
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Many BER glycosylases contain a [4Fe-4S] cluster [
], the function of which is unknown.
Endonuclease III (Endo III) was the first glycosylase discovered to contain this metal cofactor
[8]. Endo III removes a wide variety of oxidized pyrimidines from DNA and contains the helix-
hairpin-helix (HhH) recognition motif [11–19]. MutY, structurally similar to Endo III [18–
21], is another BER glycosylase that contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster [
20]. However, MutY instead
removes adenine from 8-oxo-guanine:adenine mispairs [22–34].
The role of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in these glycosylases is of great interest. Earlier, experiments
were performed with Endo III to determine the properties and function of the [4Fe-4S] cluster
[8,35]. Mossbauer and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy experiments
confirmed that the protein contains the [4Fe-4S]
cluster when the protein is not bound to
DNA. The cluster was unable to be oxidized by ferricyanide without degradation to the
species as observed by EPR at 4K. Photoreduction of Endo III did give rise to the
cluster but with an estimated reduction potential of less than
600 mV versus NHE.
Since it appeared that stable oxidation of the [4Fe-4S] cluster was not possible, nor was
reduction feasible in a biological environment, the cofactor was relegated to a structural role.
The [4Fe-4S] cluster was analogously assigned a structural role in MutY. However, the David
laboratory has since performed several experiments to investigate the role of the cluster in this
protein [36–38]. They have developed a method to remove reversibly the cluster from the
protein and discovered that the cofactor is not necessary for protein folding nor does it
contribute to the thermal stability of the protein. Nonetheless, the [4Fe-4S] cluster is necessary
for DNA binding and enzyme activity. In addition, mutagenesis studies further highlight the
necessity of the [4Fe-4S] cluster for MutY repair. In these experiments, the cysteines that ligate
the cluster are mutated to both coordinating (histidine and serine) and non-coordinating
(alanine) residues leading to, in some cases, quite dramatic effects on the repair capacity of
Crystal structures are available for MutY and Endo III both free and bound to DNA [18–20,
]. These provide many clues about the environment of the cluster in both states. In each
protein, the [4Fe-4S] cluster is ligated by a unique cysteine motif (C-X
-C). Some
of these ligating residues are located in a loop termed the iron-sulfur cluster loop (FCL). This
loop also contains many positively charged residues that interact with the DNA backbone. The
overall structures of free and DNA-bound proteins are similar (backbone RMSD = 1.3 – 2.1
Å); large conformational changes do not occur in the protein upon binding to DNA. In both
MutY and Endo III, the [4Fe-4S] cluster is located ~13 Å from the nearest DNA backbone
atom, and ~20 Å from both the center of the DNA helix and the glycosylase active site.
Thus far we have discussed two major questions in the field of base excision repair. First we
introduced the general question of how glycosylases quickly and efficiently locate damage in
the genome. And second, what is the role of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in a select set of glycosylases?
This review describes work in our laboratory that addresses both of these questions. Using
electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques originally developed to study DNA-mediated
charge transport (CT), we have now learned a great deal about the properties of the [4Fe-4S]
cluster in these glycosylases when the protein is bound to DNA. Additionally, we have
proposed a model describing how these proteins might be able to use DNA-mediated CT as a
way to search for damage in the genome.
2. Electrochemical Investigation of MutY and Endo III
The double helical structure of DNA, with its
-stacked array of heterocyclic aromatic base
pairs, allows DNA to serve as a medium for CT [
]. Long range DNA CT is efficient over
distances of at least 200 Å [45] and displays exquisite sensitivity to mismatched or damaged
base pairs [46–49]. While it has been demonstrated that DNA CT can occur in biologically
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relevant environments (in histone-wrapped DNA or in mamalian cell nuclei) [50–51], a
biological role for DNA CT has not yet been established.
Many tools have been developed to study DNA CT, including DNA-modified electrode
systems [52–53]. In these systems, modified DNA duplexes are self-assembled into a
monolayer via a thiol terminated tether on gold or through a pyrene-terminated linker on highly
oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) electrode surfaces. CT through the duplex can then be
monitored using redox-active intercalative probes. DNA-modified electrodes have been
successfully used to evaluate DNA CT efficiency in duplexes containing a wide variety of
mismatched [48] and damaged bases [48–49], or with proteins that bend DNA or flip a base
out of the
-stack [54].
DNA-modified electrodes have also been shown to be useful in studying DNA-binding proteins
that contain their own redox cofactor, such as MutY and Endo III [
]. In these experiments,
modified DNA is self-assembled into a loosely packed monolayer and backfilled with an alkane
or alkanethiol moiety to prevent any nonspecific interactions between the protein and the
electrode surface (Figure 1). The protein is then introduced to the electrode and monitored with
an electrochemical technique (typically cyclic or square wave voltammetry).
MutY and Endo III both exhibit a quasi-reversible signal when investigated with cyclic
voltammetry at a DNA-modified Au electrode [55–56]. This signal is not observed at a
mercaptohexanol-modified Au electrode. The signal grows in over ~10 minutes and remains
stable up to 30 minutes at ambient temperature. The signal shape is typical of slow, diffusion-
limited kinetic processes, and this is consistent with the linear relationship observed between
the peak current and the square root of the scan rate. However, multiple buffer exchanges are
required to eliminate the signal completely, indicating that the protein is tightly bound to the
DNA film. The midpoint potentials measured from these signals are +59 mV and +90 mV
versus NHE for Endo III and MutY, respectively.
These experiments raise several questions. Does this signal originate from the iron-sulfur
cluster? Is an intact DNA
-stack required to mediate this redox process? Analysis of C199H
MutY [37,38], where a cysteine that ligates the cluster is mutated to a histidine, revealed that
this mutation leads to a shift in the midpoint potential of
30 mV [55]. C199H is a mutation
that maintains near wild-type activity both
in vivo
in vitro
but the [4Fe-4S]
cluster appears
to somewhat more likely to decompose to the [3Fe-4S]
state [
37]. Nevertheless, this change
in the coordination environment of the [4Fe-4S] cluster and attendant change in the measured
potential is a clear indication that the signal observed is indeed associated with the [4Fe-4S]
To test the importance of DNA-mediated CT in the redox activity of the [4Fe-4S] cluster, we
evaluated MutY and Endo III on an electrode containing a duplex with an abasic site
incorporated only three bases away from the electrode surface [55–56]. Previous studies
indicate that an abasic site drastically attenuates CT to a redox active intercalator bound above
the lesion site [
48]. If CT to the cluster is mediated by the DNA
-stack, then, the introduction
of an abasic site into the duplex would be expected to attenuate the signal from the [4Fe-4S]
cluster. Indeed, both MutY and Endo III exhibit a diminished signal at an electrode modified
with DNA containing the intervening abasic site [55–56]. This result demonstrates that CT
-stack of DNA is required to observe [4Fe-4S] cluster oxidation
Recently we have monitored MutY and Endo III using DNA-modified HOPG as electrodes
and similar potentials are observed (Figure 2) as well as comparable peak shapes and scan-rate
dependence relationships [
57]. Taking advantage of the wider potential window available with
graphite electrodes, we were also able to obtain signals for Endo III on bare HOPG in the
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absence of DNA. An irreversible anodic peak at +250 mV versus NHE is assigned to the
couple in the absence of DNA. Additional scans lead to the appearance of new
peaks at much lower potentials, consistent with previous observations that oxidation of the
protein in the absence of DNA leads to decomposition of the [4Fe-4S] cluster. Reductive scans
of Endo III at bare HOPG electrodes show evidence of a cathodic peak that is assigned to the
redox couple. Taken together, these results illustrate that binding of the protein
to DNA shifts the redox potential of the [4Fe-4S]
couple by
200 mV and stabilizes the
oxidation state, such that reversible oxidation and reduction is possible at ambient
temperature. DNA binding appears to convert the clusters in these proteins from ones that
resemble low potential ferredoxins to those that resemble high potential iron proteins (HiPIPs).
3. EPR Studies with Co(phen)
as an Oxidant in Solution
Previous investigations of Endo III with EPR spectroscopy at 10K after exposure to
ferricyanide revealed a signal attributed to the [3Fe-4S]
cluster [8]. In HiPIPs, the
species is a known oxidative and hydrolytic damage product following oxidation
of [4Fe-4S]
to the [4Fe-4S]
cluster [58]. Given this relationship, the amount of
could indirectly indicate how readily the [4Fe-4S]
species is formed.
A cationic oxidant, Co(phen)
(phen = 1,10-phenanthroline), that binds DNA, was employed
to determine whether binding of the protein to DNA might promote oxidation of the
cluster in solution [56]. When Endo III is incubated with three molar equivalents
, a small signal is observed that is typical of the [3Fe-4S]
cluster. In the presence
of DNA, the intensity of this signal increases significantly, perhaps indicating that when Endo
III is DNA-bound, the Co(III) oxidant generates more of the [4Fe-4S]
species. A similar
trend is observed with MutY where exposure of the protein to the Co(III) oxidant yields a four-
fold greater signal in the presence of DNA. Local concentration effects may be ruled out as
MutY incubated with ten equivalents of Co(III) in the absence of DNA exhibits only a small
signal intensity. Thus, in these solution experiments as well, DNA binding appears to activate
the proteins towards oxidation.
4. A Model for Damage Detection through DNA Charge Transport
Our laboratory has proposed a model describing how DNA-dependent oxidation of the
cluster might allow these glycosylases to use DNA-mediated CT as a way to search
for damaged sites in DNA [55–57,59] (Figure 3). When the protein is not bound to DNA, as
previously demonstrated, the [4Fe-4S] cluster is in the 2+ oxidation state and is not readily
oxidized and without decomposition of the cluster. Upon binding non-specifically to DNA,
however, our data indicate that the [4Fe-4S] cluster is more easily oxidized. Based on the
measured ~280 mV shift in the redox potential observed when the protein binds DNA, it is
estimated that the binding affinity to DNA of the protein bearing the [4Fe-4S]
cluster should
be at least three orders of magnitude greater than the affinity of the protein with the
cluster. The electron released in this oxidation process can then reduce a distally
bound protein in the [4Fe-4S]
state in a DNA-mediated CT reaction. The newly reduced
protein then dissociates from the DNA, owing to its lower affinity. This process can only occur,
however, if the intervening DNA is undamaged and fully Watson-Crick base-paired. If a lesion
is present between the two proteins, the CT reaction cannot occur and both proteins remain
bound in the vicinity of the lesion. Thus DNA CT provides a means to monitor the integrity
of DNA, and, in this model, DNA-mediated CT serves as an initial sorting mechanism, allowing
glycosylases to eliminate rapidly undamaged regions of the genome from their search and
redistribute themselves onto sites near damage. It is important to note that not only could this
CT process occur between two proteins of the same type (between two MutY molecules, for
example), but, due to the similarity in redox potentials measured for MutY and Endo III (within
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~30 mV of each other), the CT reaction could also occur between a MutY and an Endo III.
Given the low copy numbers of the proteins in the cell [
60], this interprotein CT is beneficial,
allowing a greater number of proteins to participate in the search process.
It is interesting to note that other organisms also contain BER repair proteins with an iron-
sulfur cofactor [
]. Most notably, in a set of thermophilic organisms, there is a uracil DNA
glycosylase (UDG) that contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster [9]. This is especially noteworthy given
that the primary process that leads to uracil in DNA, cytosine deamination, has an enhanced
rate at high temperatures [61]. Yet these organisms do not display a higher mutation rate
[62]. Might the presence of this cofactor help fulfill this greater requirement for repair? One
of these,
Archaeoglobus fulgidus
UDG, has been evaluated at DNA-modified electrodes and
also exhibits DNA-mediated redox activity with a midpoint potential of +95 mV versus NHE
5. Redox Activation of MutY by Guanine Radical
What provides the driving force to initiate this search process? Guanine radicals, with an
oxidation potential of 1 V versus NHE [
63], have sufficient driving force to oxidize both Endo
III and MutY. Moreover, these radicals are being generated under conditions of oxidative stress
in the cell [64], when the DNA is in need of repair. Experimentally, we can generate guanine
radicals via flash-quench of a Ru(II)dipyridophenazine (dppz) complex intercalated into the
DNA helix (Figure 4) [65]. Irradiation of the Ru(II) intercalator generates an excited Ru(II)*
state that can be quenched by an electron-accepting molecule in solution (Q) to generate the
powerful ground state oxidant, Ru(III). This species has sufficient driving force (1.2 V) to
oxidize the guanine bases in a DNA-mediated CT reaction. Can the guanine radical, once
generated, in turn promote the oxidation of DNA-bound repair protein, increasing the
concentration of [4Fe-4S]
and driving the redistribution of repair enzymes? In these
experiments EPR and transient absorption spectroscopy were employed to monitor the
formation of the guanine radical upon flash-quench of [Ru(phen)
and, with addition
of MutY, formation of oxidized [4Fe-4S]
cluster [66].
We first looked at a simplified system that included DNA (poly(dGC) or poly(dAT)), a
sacrificial electron acceptor ([Co(NH
) and the photooxidant ([Ru(phen)
Irradiation of these, in the presence or absence of MutY, was carried out while freezing to 77K
and EPR spectra were recorded at 10K. Without MutY, irradiation of poly(dGC), [Ru
, and [Co(NH
leads to an EPR signal with g = 2.004. This signal has
been previously reported and is assigned to the guanine radical [
67]. Irradiation of poly(dGC)
in the presence of MutY, however, results in the appearance of new EPR signals with primary
g values of 2.02 and 2.08 and a feature at 2.06. Interestingly, the guanine radical peak is not
observed when MutY is introduced. The peak at g = 2.02 is instead typical of the [3Fe-4S]
cluster [58]. The signal at g = 2.08 and its accompanying secondary feature at g = 2.06 is
assigned to the [4Fe-4S]
cluster [58,68]. It is noteworthy that, with poly(dAT) and MutY,
both signals are still observed, albeit at a much lower intensity. When bound to DNA, MutY
can, in fact, be oxidized directly by the intercalated Ru(III) oxidant without an intermediate
DNA base radical, but the initial formation of guanine radicals indeed facilitates efficient MutY
We also performed, on a faster timescale, flash-quench reactions of [Ru(phen)
non-specifically to poly(dGC) DNA at ambient temperatures. We monitored these assemblies
with and without MutY by transient absorption spectroscopy to obtain the full absorption
spectrum of the system after flash-quench of the Ru(II) intercalating complex. In the absence
of MutY, the transient spectrum observed is characteristic of the spectrum of the guanine radical
in duplex DNA, with broad maxima found at 390 and 510 nm [65]. In the presence of MutY,
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however, a more persistant signal shows the formation of a new species with an absorption
maximum at ~405 nm. This spectrum corresponds well not to the guanine radical but to a
difference spectrum, which also has an absorption maximum near 405 nm [37,
69]. As observed in the EPR experiments, these transient absorption data then also support
formation first of a guanine radical upon oxidative flash quench of [Ru(phen)
to poly(dGC), but in the presence of MutY, formation of a second species, likely [4Fe-4S]
that is very long lived.
We further examined a more defined system where the photooxidant Ru(dppz)(phen)(bpy
, (bpy
= 4-butyric acid-4
-methyl bipyridine) is covalently linked to DNA at the 5
Upon annealing to a complementary strand, the ruthenium complex specifically intercalates
3–4 bases from the 5
-end of the DNA duplex [
70]; MutY is capable of binding non-specifically
to this designed duplex. Using biochemical experiments to monitor sites of DNA damage, in
the absence of MutY, oxidative damage localized on the 5
-G of a 5
doublet is observed;
this guanine damage pattern is a hallmark of oxidation from a distance via DNA-mediated CT
from Ru(III) generated
in situ
. With 0.5–2 equivalents MutY, however, damage at this site is
diminished, consistent with the idea that the guanine radical subsequently oxidizes the DNA-
bound [4Fe-4S]
cluster, inhibiting the formation of irreversible oxidative damage at guanine
The flash-quench reaction was monitored by EPR spectroscopy for the ruthenium-tethered
oligonucleotide in the presence of MutY. As with poly(dGC), signals with g = 2.08, g = 2.06,
and g = 2.02 are found at 10K, consistent with formation of the oxidized [4Fe-4S]
cluster as
well as its decomposition product, [3Fe-4S]
These results indicate that guanine radical formation, one of the first DNA damage products
generated under oxidizing conditions [
64], facilitates the oxidation of DNA-bound MutY. By
oxidizing the [4Fe-4S] cluster in MutY, guanine radical may initiate the searching process for
BER enzymes in accordance with our proposed model (Figure 5). Guanine radical formation
promotes the oxidation of the [4Fe4S]-containing BER enzyme, and in so doing, repairs the
guanine radical. This event could encourage non-specific binding of a MutY molecule near a
DNA site undergoing oxidative stress. As illustrated in Figure 5, after this initial enzyme is
oxidized, another enzyme then binds to the DNA helix at a distal site and reduces the first in
a DNA-mediated reaction, thus initiating the search process for damaged bases. Hence, guanine
radicals could provide the trigger for scanning of the genome via DNA CT by repair enzymes.
6. Modified nitroxyl radical as an electron trap in DNA-mediated CT
We have also investigated a stable nitroxyl radical tethered to a uridine base as an electron trap
for this DNA-mediated CT reaction between repair proteins [
71]. Here we have the advantage
of monitoring electron trapping by EPR spectroscopy in a physiologically buffered solution at
ambient temperature (without the need for freezing to 10K).
The strategy employed to introduce an electron trap into the DNA duplex is illustrated in Figure
6. These duplexes were synthesized containing a uracil base modified with an alkyne linked
to a nitroxyl radical spin label [
]. The spin-label moiety is EPR-active at ambient temperature.
Oxidation of the nitroxyl radical to the EPR-silent diamagnetic N-oxo-ammonium ion (R-
) is achieved with a mild oxidant (IrCl
) that cannot damage any of other bases [72].
Upon oxidation, this probe can serve as an electron trap located within the DNA helix. Since
the reduction potential of the R-N=O
modified uridine base is ~ 1 V versus NHE and the
midpoint potential is 0.1 V versus NHE for the protein bound to DNA [56], it
should be favorable for an electron to transfer from the [4Fe-4S] cluster of the protein to the
N-oxo-ammonium ion. Thus, we expect that the repair protein will reduce the EPR-silent N-
oxo-ammonium species back to the EPR-active nitroxyl radical. This reaction would provide
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a positive signal for electron trapping from the DNA-bound protein. Significantly, the midpoint
potentials of the BER enzymes (~0.1 V versus NHE) render them incapable of reducing the
intervening bases [73].
EPR spectra of a fully matched 36-mer DNA duplex containing the spin-label modified base
were obtained at ambient temperature before and after addition of IrCl
. A large decrease in
the EPR signal is observed upon addition of Ir(IV), indicating that the spin label is readily
reduced from the nitroxyl radical to the EPR-silent N-oxo ammonium ion. However, a rapid
regeneration of the EPR signal is evident upon addition of MutY or Endo III. Importantly,
addition of a DNA-binding protein that lacks the cluster (e.g. EcoRI) does not regenerate the
signal (E.Y., unpublished results).
Is this rapid signal regeneration associated with a DNA-mediated CT reaction or is does it
occur as a consequence of direct binding of the protein to the spin-label modified base? This
was explored in two separate experiments. MutY is known to bind preferentially to a 7-deaza-
adenine:guanine (ZG) base pair without excising the modified adenine [74]. We observe that
addition of MutY to the assembly containing the ZG base pair located 19 base pairs from the
electron trap leads to a significantly greater regeneration of the EPR signal when compared to
an identical duplex containing a CG base pair at the analogous site. Since MutY has a greater
affinity for the ZG site when compared to a CG site, this increase in regeneration likely reflects
that a greater fraction of MutY molecules are bound to this duplex. Furthermore, this indicates
that protein reduction of the modified base largely occurs from a distance, as the ZG base pair
is separated from the
-oxo-ammonium ion by 19 base pairs.
To examine further the DNA-mediated nature of CT from the protein, we also tested a different
electron trap that is not well coupled into the base pair stack. Using a modified base where the
nitroxyl radical is located in a saturated ring, addition of Ir(IV) also causes a loss of signal,
consistent with complete oxidation to form the
oxo-ammonium ion. Addition of MutY,
however, now causes only a very small regeneration of the signal. This small regeneration
could be due to very limited binding of the protein directly at the probe.
These data demonstrate that a uridine modified with a nitroxyl radical can serve as an electron
trap within the DNA helix. Effective reduction of the well-coupled trap in the DNA duplex by
MutY and Endo III further highlights the necessity for an intact
-stack to facilitate [4Fe-4S]
cluster oxidation in these proteins.
7. Conclusions and Implications
While few diseases are associated with deficiencies in BER, a lower level of overall DNA
repair capacity is often observed in tumor cells [1]. Quite recently, though, it has been
established that inherited mutations in the human MutY gene (
) can lead to a severe
predisposition to colorectal cancer in a condition termed MutYH-associated polyposis (MAP)
]. Two of the most common mutations implicated in MAP, Y165C and G382D, involve
highly conserved positions in the protein. In
E. coli
MutY, the corresponding mutations (Y82C
and G253D) lead to modest decreases in substrate binding affinity and rate of excision [77].
In addition, structural studies show that Y82 and G253 interact with the DNA near the 8-oxo-
guanine lesion site [
]. It is likely that Y82 and G253 are involved in substrate recognition,
but it is still not completely understood how all of the mutations implicated in MAP give rise
to cancer. However, given this connection between deficiencies in damage recognition in MutY
and human disease, it is clearly important to understand how these enzymes search for their
Is the redox activity of the [4Fe-4S] cluster relevant
in vivo
? MutY and Endo III have similar
redox potentials and could cooperatively search for damage using DNA CT inside the cell
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[56]. In this instance, if Endo III were inactivated, a decrease in the
in vivo
activity of MutY
should be observed. The CC104
E. coli
strain, which uses a mutation in
to report the
frequency of G:C to T:A transversion mutations, is often used as an indicator of MutY activity
in vivo
]. When the Endo III gene (
is knocked out in the CC104 genetic background,
a small increase in the G:C to T:A mutation rate is observed [79]. While this observed effect
appears at first to be attributed to overlapping substrate specificity with MutY,
in vitro
to support this idea is lacking [17]. Could this relationship instead have something to do with
the iron-sulfur cofactor harbored by each protein?
The experiments reviewed herein provide evidence for a DNA-dependent electron transfer role
for the [4Fe-4S] cluster in a set of BER glycosylases. This apparent redox activity might allow
these proteins quickly and efficiently to seek out damaged sites in the genome using DNA-
mediated CT. In our proposed model, the DNA
-stack serves as a signaling medium whereby
two proteins can communicate with each other and gain information about the integrity of the
surrounding genome.
However, many questions remain. Do DNA repair proteins actually use DNA-mediated CT
inside the cell? Is a metal cofactor necessary or can redox-active amino acids also serve as
electron donors and acceptors? Can other DNA-binding proteins (i.e. transcription factors,
chromatin remodeling factors) use DNA CT as a signaling mechanism? These questions form
the basis of our ongoing exploration of biological DNA-mediated CT.
We are grateful to the NIH (GM49216) for their financial support. We also thank our coworkers and collaborators for
their efforts, and we are grateful to Ed Stiefel for getting one of us (J.K.B.) excited about Fe-S clusters at the beginning.
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Figure 1.
A schematic illustration showing the general strategy for protein electrochemistry experiments
at DNA-modified electrodes. (a) Modified DNA self-assembles into a monolayer on an Au or
HOPG electrode surface. (b) The DNA-modified surface is then passivated with an alkane or
alkanethiol to prevent any interactions between the protein and the bare electrode surface. (c)
A protein solution is introduced and monitored electrochemically with cyclic or square-wave
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Figure 2.
Endo III potentials are measured electrochemically with and without DNA. The top panel
shows a square wave voltammogram (right) for Endo III at a DNA-modified HOPG electrode.
A peak with a midpoint potential of +20 mV versus NHE is evident. At top left is a cartoon
representation this electrode setup. The bottom panel (right) shows square wave voltammetry
at a bare HOPG electrode where a peak at +250 mV is apparent. Note that a peak is not observed
at +20 mV in the absence of DNA. At bottom left is a cartoon representation of Endo III
analyzed at a bare HOPG electrode.
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Figure 3.
A model for DNA CT in DNA repair. Upon binding to DNA, a protein with an FeS cluster in
the 2+ oxidation state can become oxidized to the 3+ state (top left). If the surrounding DNA
is undamaged, the released electron can reduce another oxidized protein bound at a distal site
(top right) causing the second protein to lose affinity for DNA. As described, DNA CT between
two BER enzymes allows for a rapid search of the intervening region of the genome. If a
damaged site is present between the two proteins, the DNA-mediated CT event does not occur
among these two proteins; both enzymes remain oxidized and bound close to the aberrant site.
This process allows proteins to be redistributed from undamaged sites to locations containing
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Figure 4.
The flash-quench technique is used to generate Ru(III) and then guanine radicals by DNA-
mediated CT. The dppz complex of Ru(II) intercalates into the DNA helix. Upon irradiation,
the Ru(II) complex is excited to Ru(II)* which can then be quenched by Q in solution to
generate Ru(III). This Ru(III) species has sufficient driving force to oxidize guanine in DNA
to form the guanine radical cation and the original Ru(II) species. Guanine radical, a signal of
oxidative stress, then can serve as an oxidant for the [4Fe-4S] cluster of the repair protein. Note
that back electron transfer pathways are shown with dashed arrrows.
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Figure 5.
A model for guanine radical initiated searching via DNA CT. Guanine radical, one of the first
signs of oxidative stress, can initiate scanning by oxidizing the [4Fe-4S]
cluster in MutY.
The first oxidized protein can then be reduced by a second protein via the DNA base-pair stack.
Again, if a lesion is present, the proteins stay oxidized and bound in the vicinity of the damaged
site. Oxidative stress thus provides the driving force for the DNA CT search.
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