Formalizing synthesis in TLA
Ioannis Filippidis and Richard M. Murray
Control and Dynamical Systems
California Institute of Technology
December 23, 2016
This report proposes a TLA
de nition for the problem of constructing
a strategy that implements a temporal property. It is based on a note by
Lamport [1] that outlines a formalization of realizability in TLA. The
modi ed de nition proposed here is expressed axiomatically in TLA
Specifying what function is acceptable as a strategy requires care, so that
a function with empty domain be avoided, while ensuring that the strategy
will not need to have a domain too large to be a set.
We prove that initial conditions should appear in assumptions only,
unless an initial predicate is added to the de nition of a realization. We
show that a speci cation should include an assumption about a set of
initial values to ensure that realizability does not become unprovable. We
discuss what form of open-system properties expressed with the \while-
plus" operator