of 13
Theoretical studies of optimal light
delivery for tumor treatment
Lihong V. Wang, Wei R. Chen, Robert E. Nordquist
Lihong V. Wang, Wei R. Chen, Robert E. Nordquist, "Theoretical studies of
optimal light delivery for tumor treatment," Proc. SPIE 2975, Laser-Tissue
Interaction VIII, (16 June 1997); doi: 10.1117/12.275462
Event: BiOS '97, Part of Photonics West, 1997, San Jose, CA, United States
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Theoretical Studies of Optimal Light Delivery for Tumor Treatment
Lihong Wang, Ph. D.
Bioengineering Program, Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-3 120
Tel: (409) 847-9040; Fax: (409) 847-9005
E-mail: LWang@taxnu.edu; URL: http://biomed.tamu.edui—lw
Wei R. Chen, Ph. D.
Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics
1 141 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73109
Robert E. Nordquist, Ph. D.
Wound Healing of Oklahoma, Inc.
3939 N. Walnut Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Optimal laser light delivery into turbid biological tissues was studied using Monte Carlo
simulations. The goal was to efficiently deliver maximum amount of optical power into buried
tumors being treated while avoiding damage to normal tissue caused by strong optical power
deposition underneath the tissue surface illuminated by the laser beam. The buried tumors were
considered to have much higher absorption than the surrounding normal tissue via selective uptake
of absorption-enhancement dye by the tumor. The power delivering efficiency to buried tumors
was investigated for various diameters of the laser beam. An optimal beam diameter was estimated
to achieve the maximum product of the power coupling efficiency and the power delivered to the
buried tumor. The distribution of power deposition was simulated for single beam delivery and
multiple beam delivery as well. The simulated results showed that with an appropriate dye
enhancement and an optimal laser delivery configuration, a high selectivity for laser treatment of
tumor could be achieved.
Monte Carlo, light delivery, optical therapy, turbid media, biological tissues.
SPIE Vol. 2975 S 0277-786X/971$1 0.00
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Laser-tissue interactions and their therapeutic applications is a fast growing research area.
Biological tissues are turbid media, in which light attenuates rapidly because of light absorption
augmented by strong light scattering. As a consequence, deeply buried tumors usually receive
much less optical power than the subsurface normal tissues, which hampers efficacious optical
treatment of tumors. By maximizing the power delivered to the target tumors while avoiding
damaging subsurface nonnal tissues, laser treatments may be improved in several aspects. First,
the absorption coefficient of tumors may be significantly increased by infusing dyes into the
tumors. Secondly, the wavelength of the laser light may be selected to maximize the ratio between
the absorption of the tumor and that of the surrounding normal tissue. Thirdly, the light delivery
scheme may be optimized to maximize the power absorption by the target tumors. We wifi
concentrate on the third approach in this paper.
Previous studies have investigated the effect of the diameter of the laser beam while the
power density of the laser beam was kept
an'2 In this paper, Monte Carlo simulations were
used to identify the optimal diameters of the laser beam and to investigate the effect of multiple
beam delivery compared with single beam delivery under the condition that the location of the
buried tumor is known and the absorption of the tumor is enhanced.
Monte Carlo simulations of light transport in tissues have been implemented previously for
simple tissue geometry.37 To compute light distributions according to the tissue geometry and
optical properties, including refractive index n, absorption coefficient
anisotropy factor g, we have written a Monte Carlo program in C for tissues with buried
objects. We used the delta-scattering technique8 for photon tracing to greatly simplify the
algorithm because this technique allows a photon packet to be traced without directly dealing with
photon crossings of interfaces between different types of tissues. This technique can be used only
for refractive-index-matched tissues, although it allows the ambient clear media (e.g., air) and the
tissue to have mismatched refractive indices.
We assume that the tissue system has multiple tissue types with identical refractive indices.
The interaction coefficient of the ith tissue type, defined as the sum of ta
denoted by
technique is briefly summarized as follows.
Define a majorant interaction coefficient 1km' where

all i.
Select a step size R between two consecutive interactions based on the majorant interaction
where is a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1 (0 <  1). Then,
determine the tentative next collision site rk' by:
r = rkl +
where rkl is the current site and Uk.! is the direction of the flight.
Play a rejection game:
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a. Get a random number i,
is a uniformly distributed random number between 0
and 1 (0<i  1).
a. If ii

ij(r')/j.t, i.e., with a probability of pj(r')/i, accept this point as a real
interaction site (rk
b .
do not accept rk as a real interaction site but select a new path starting from
r with the unchanged direction Uk1 (i.e., set rkl = r and return to Step 2).
The treatment of photon tracing after step 3 is similar to that in Ref. 7 and will not be repeated here.
The validity can be easily understood by introducing an imaginaiy interaction event that
changes neither the weight nor the direction of the photon. This definition implies that such
imaginaiy interactions are not physically observable, i.e., they can be introduced with any
interaction coefficient at any point. We may assume that the majorant interaction coefficient ji
sum of the real
imaginary 1im interaction coefficients, where the real interaction coefficient
is re is .tI(rk'). In the procedure outlined above, a fraction of the interactions,
1 -
Jre4m = 1ima41m
are imaginary interactions. From another point of view, it is easy to see that on the average, for
every JtO interactions, there will be j.t
accepted as real interactions. The mean free
path for the majorant interactions in the delta-scattering method is 1/p, and the mean free path for
the real interactions in the direct method is 1/x. Therefore, the photon will move to the correct
interaction site using the delta-scattering technique as it would using the direct method because
J1m( 14Lm) = re (
where the left-hand side means the average distance traveled by the photon packet with
steps or with Itre real interactions in the delta-scattering method, and the right-hand side means the
average distance traveled with
interactions in the direct method.
During the tracing of each weighted photon,7 the light absorption, reflection, or
transmission were correspondingly scored into different arrays according to the spatial positions of
the photon. Multiple photons are traced to achieve an acceptable statistical variation. For this
study, 100,000 photons were traced.
This Monte Carlo program was used to simulate power deposition for tissue configurations
as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1(a) shows a single beam delivery scheme to a tissue slab with a tumor
buried in the center. The lateral dimensions in the xy-plane was considered optically infinite, i.e.,
much greater than the penetration depth of light. Fig. 1(b) illustrates a multiple beam delivery
scheme to a tissue cube with a tumor buried in the center. One or more of the four beams may be
selected to illuminate the tissue while the other beams were blocked.
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