Ethical Commitments, Principles, and Practices Guiding
Intracranial Neuroscientific Research in Humans
Ashley Feinsinger
Nader Pouratian
Hamasa Ebadi
Ralph Adolphs
Michael S. Beauchamp
Edward F Chang
Nathan E. Crone
L. Collinger
Itzhak Fried
Adam Mamelak
Mark Richardson
Ueli Rutishauser
Sameer A. Sheth
Nanthia Suthana
Nitin Tandon
Daniel Yoshor
NIH Research
Opportunities in Humans Consortium
Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California,
90095, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, 75390,
Departments of Psychology and Neuroscience, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California, 91125 USA
Department of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 91125, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, UC San Francisco, San Francisco, California, 94143, USA
Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 21287, USA, 15260,
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, 15260, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles,
California, 90095, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, 90048 USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts, 02114, USA
Corresponding Author and Lead Contact:
Nader Pouratian, MD PhD, Department of Neurological Surgery, UT Southwestern
Medical Center, 8353 Harry Hines Blvd MC8855, Dallas, Texas, 75390, (214) 648-9320,
Author Contributions
A.F. and N.P. led discussions, abstracted principles, and drafted, edited, and finalized the manuscript. H.E. documented discussions
and edited the manuscript. All other authors significantly contributed to content and perspectives and edited the manuscript.
Declaration of Interests
SS is a consultant for Boston Scientific, Neuropace, and ZimmerBiomet. NP is a consultant for Abbott Laboratories. NT is a surgical
committee member for the Medtronic SLATE trial.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 January 19.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2022 January 19; 110(2): 188–194. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2021.11.011.
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Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, 77030 USA
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine at
UCLA, Los Angeles, California, 90095, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas Houston, Houston, Texas, 77030, USA
Equal Contribution
Lead Contact and Corresponding Author
Leveraging firsthand experience, BRAIN-funded investigators conducting intracranial human
neuroscience research propose two fundamental ethical commitments: (1) maintaining the
integrity of clinical care and (2) ensuring voluntariness. Principles, practices, and uncertainties
related to these commitments are offered for future investigation.
eTOC blurb
Investigators conducting intracranial neuroscientific research have real-world experience
considering neuroethical challenges. Here, a consortium of investigators offer two overriding
ethical commitments: 1.Maintain the integrity of clinical care and 2.Ensure the voluntariness of
participation. Guiding ethical principles and practical examples of implementation, including areas
of disagreement and future directions, are highlighted.
Neuroethics; Ethics; Intracranial Research; Human Neuroscience; Human Neurophysiology;
Several neurosurgical interventions require intracranial electrodes for either diagnostic or
therapeutic purposes, providing unique opportunities to conduct basic intracranial human
neuroscience research (henceforth referred to as intracranial research). This research has
significantly advanced our understanding of human brain function across multiple domains,
including language, sensorimotor function, memory, and emotional and affective processing
et al
., 2014
et al
., 2018
et al
., 2021
). Notably, intracranial
research is not intended to provide near-term therapeutic benefit to participants or other
patients. While invasive human research is not unique to neurosurgery, the lack of
therapeutic benefit, the vulnerability of patient populations with neurological or psychiatric
diagnoses, the rarity of access to intracranial data, and the common occurrence of clinician-
investigators necessitate ethical scrutiny. However, to date, non-therapeutic intracranial
research has garnered little ethical discussion (
et al
., 2018
et al
., 2019
et al
., 2021
Two recent publications are of immediate relevance (
et al.
, 2019
, 2018
). Hendriks
et al
. discuss ethical frameworks for neural device research aimed at
developing novel clinical/therapeutic applications, which is distinct from the current focus.
et al
. address ethical considerations for intracranial electrophysiology research but
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acknowledge the need for broader input to capture variability across institutions. Using
et al
. (2018)
as an initial point of discussion, investigators from the Research
Opportunities in Humans (ROH) Consortium, a group of more than 30 investigators funded
by the NIH BRAIN Initiative to conduct intracranial research, developed explicit ethical
commitments and areas of consensus related to intracranial research. We discuss these
commitments, the principles they give rise to, and the associated practices used across
settings, noting areas of uncertainty for future study. The goal for these contributions is
to offer a framework for critically evaluating and refining future practices in intracranial
This work is the product of a series of discussions within the ROH consortium,
which includes clinician-scientists (neurosurgeons and neurologists) and neuroscientists.
Additionally, two NIH funded ethicists, who do not conduct intracranial research but
interview patients-participants, participated in guiding the discussions and drafting this
Neuroview. The common elements of ROH research are (i) the goal of scientific
understanding of human brain function, (ii) absence of near-term therapeutic intent, and (iii)
use of intracranial recordings and/or stimulation in human subjects requiring neurosurgical
intervention. In some cases, research involves utilizing data recorded from therapeutically
implanted devices, such as intracranial recordings during deep brain stimulator surgery
et al.
, 2021
). In other cases, recordings are obtained from patients undergoing
clinically indicated surgeries with little or no modification of the clinical procedure, such as
intracranial monitoring for epilepsy (
et al
., 2020
et al.
, 2017
). Finally, in
some instances, patients undergo a neurosurgical procedure as part of an investigational
device trial, such as implantation of a Utah array for brain computer interface (BCI)
investigations (
et al.
, 2014
Ethical discussions of this research should integrate input from all stakeholders, including
patients, families, clinician-investigators, non-clinician investigators, non-investigator
clinicians (e.g., epileptologists), funding and regulatory agencies, ethicists, device
manufacturers, and society. Each group’s experiences provide insight into different
dimensions of the research. Without intending to privilege any one perspective, this report
offers the ethical views of investigators who conduct intracranial research and whose
perspectives are relatively under-represented in the literature. Investigators have substantial
first-hand experience (i) practically managing ethical considerations, (ii) driving research
from design to management, and (iii) interacting with other stakeholders. Because of these
experiences, they can provide insights into how ethical principles might be formulated to
best facilitate ethical practice across study contexts.
Ethical Commitments, Principles, and Practices
The ROH consortium offers the following two overarching ethical commitments as overt
affirmations of their obligations and as foundations of an approach to ethical intracranial
Maintaining the integrity of clinical care and space.
Ensuring the voluntariness of participation in intracranial research.
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These commitments, which align with the Belmont Report’s principles of Beneficence and
Respect for Persons, are further motivated by (i) the tension between exploiting a rare
clinical opportunity and protecting a vulnerable participant population and (ii) the potential
conflict created by the rewards, often in the form of grants, that drive this research. In the
authors’ view, the following principles and shared practices (as detailed in Table 1) are
essential for conducting ethical intracranial research.
Maintaining the Integrity of Clinical Care and Space
Prioritizing the integrity of clinical care—maintaining that care be guided by fundamental
clinical principles—requires practices to ensure that care is not compromised, purposefully
or inadvertently.
1. Clinical care and research should be uncoupled, such that care be neither
compromised by nor conditional on research participation, and this must be
communicated to patients.
The temporal and spatial relationship between clinical care and research may raise concerns
that care and research are interdependent, and that the decision to participate will influence
care. For example, conducting experiments in the operating room (OR) during deep brain
stimulator implantation or in the epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) in patients undergoing
intracranial monitoring for seizures can make it difficult for patients to distinguish the
separability of the two efforts. We must not only assure patients that care is not conditional
on participation, but also that the care of those who participate is guided by principles of
best clinical practice. When clinical care is inherent to the research (such as implantation of
intracranial arrays for BCI), it is particularly important to ensure optimal clinical care as part
of the investigation.
Improving patient comprehension of the ways in which clinical care is distinct from research
may promote this goal. Protocols for doing so may depend on the relative spatial and
temporal correlation of clinical care and research, with closer correlations deserving explicit
attention. All investigators agreed that the informed consent language must explicitly state
that clinical care will not be compromised (regardless of participation).
Several programs separate clinical and research consents in time, space, and personnel,
including having a non-investigator clinician obtain clinical consent or having someone
other than the physician-investigator obtain research consent. Multiple centers have
independently arrived at an approach akin to the “hybrid model,” in which the clinician-
investigator introduces the research and risks but research consent and further discussion is
obtained by a non-clinician investigator (
Grady, 2019
). When the surgical procedure is done
for the purpose of research (e.g., implants for BCI research) (
et al.
, 2014
), a more
complex multi-step process was described, including pre-consent discussions of procedures
with investigators, review of risks and benefits with the neurosurgeon, meetings with
neuropsychologists, and a formal consent process with an investigator. These approaches
do not preclude the clinician from being available to answer questions about risk, but still
create separation.
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In some cases, the clinician-investigator may be best suited to explain risks and help patient-
participants understand the study in the context of the parent neurosurgical procedure.
Investigators noted that absence of the clinician-investigator in the consent process may
give the appearance of fragmentation between clinical and research teams. Moreover, in
some jurisdictions, a physician must administer consent for any device study with greater
than minimal risk. Ultimately, the approach to consent must be customized based on study
factors, local resources, infrastructure, and regulations; a uniform approach should not be
dictated, as long as the distinction between clinical care and research is explicit.
In addition to the written consent, some investigators suggest verbally conveying the
separation of clinical care and research, repeating this at multiple times, as a reminder
not only to patients, but also clinicians, investigators, and allied health professionals. Several
investigators verbally reconsent immediately prior to initiating research studies (e.g., in
the OR or EMU) to ensure that patient-participants understand their clinical care is not
contingent upon participation before beginning. This is important, as the patient-participant
may accumulate more information and opinions about their potential participation.
Additionally discussed but uncommonly used practices include reading out loud the parts
of consent relating to this critical notion, seeking a verbal affirmation, or requesting
a “teach back”. While others have discussed teach back (
et al
., 2021
future work should focus on identifying study-specific considerations about teach back
(including whether the efficacy of teach back varies and what content should be “taught
back”) and include patient-participant input. A supplementary standardized video may be
helpful, providing a purposeful timeout, an independent voice to amplify the separation, and
communication to patient-participants that they are part of a larger research community.
2. While clinician-investigators have dual roles, their role as clinician should be placed
above their role as investigator, and this duality must be communicated to patients.
Patients sometimes express, “I trust my doctors and the research team”, “they’ve done so
much for me, I want to give back”, and “I will do anything to help my doctors”. These
suggest that the dual role of clinician-investigator can affect motivation for participation.
The need to provide the best clinical care for patients and the need to be scientifically
productive in response to federal funding initiatives creates a conflict. Explicit discussion
of these roles can emphasize that the clinician recognizes and prioritizes their role as the
treating physician.
Disclosure of this duality should at least appear in the written informed consent, and
many investigators also routinely include a verbal disclosure. One investigator noted,
“It lends credibility to the fact that physician-investigators are thinking about this and
trying to be principled about their role as a researcher and their role as a physician.”
This acknowledgement also reassures others not involved in the research that clinician-
investigators recognize the conflict and are committed to protecting the role as a clinician.
Wording may include explicit dissociation, such as “I am telling you about this as a
researcher, not as your doctor.”
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While some have proposed that treating clinicians should not be investigators, the ROH
(clinicians and non-clinicians alike) proposed that such prohibition would thwart progress,
especially in some situations where the treating clinician is the most qualified person
to carry out the research and understand the risks and benefits. Furthermore, clinicians
have important relationships with patient populations, and prohibiting their participation in
research may adversely affect patient welfare.
3. Non-clinician members of the research team who interact with patient-participants
require instruction on bedside interactions with patients and on the surgical methods and
Health professionals receive explicit training on maintaining respect for the clinical
environment and patient communication. Non-clinician investigators may be responsible
for discussing research procedures with clinical dimensions with which they are not familiar,
and this introduces challenges for maintaining the integrity of clinical care. Non-clinician
investigators who are interacting with patient-participants or who are otherwise working in
clinical spaces should therefore receive formal training on conduct and communication in
the clinical environment.
Few teams had implemented formal training for non-clinicians. Current practices include
having non-clinician investigators observe clinical procedures and research studies
before interfacing with patient-participants. Investigators endorsed the potential value of
standardized training (such as standardized videos that are often used in the clinical setting)
on topics ranging from bedside interactions to relevant surgical and research methods. A
certification process was considered potentially valuable but requires further research.
4. The decision to use intracranial modalities in clinical care should not be influenced by
scientific considerations unless the scientific study itself is the reason for the intracranial
The clinical decision about whether to use invasive methods should not be influenced by
scientific considerations unless the intervention itself is driven by research. Investigators
agree that it may be appropriate to modify the method (e.g., using modified electrodes with
microwires, higher density arrays, or additional electrodes) with detailed informed consent.
Other examples include temporary discontinuation of therapy (e.g., turning off a brain
stimulator to enable research studies) or consumption of clinical resources that can modify
clinical care (e.g., battery power or time in clinic or the OR). Critically, besides considering
interval risks, the ultimate therapeutic goals of the surgery cannot be compromised by
research-related modifications.
Several centers ensure that clinicians not involved in the conduct of research confirm
the clinical need for intracranial interventions. For example, neurologists not involved
in research convene to determine the clinical need for surgery. However, depending on
the center and program, all treating clinicians may be involved in the research program.
Alternative strategies include encouraging participants to discuss the study with other
physicians and involving a Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB), which includes
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physicians who are not invested in the research goals and are charged with guarding the
participants’ interests.
Ensuring the Voluntariness of Participation in Intracranial Neuroscientific
Some of the practices above (e.g., assurance of care and research uncoupling, discussion
of dual roles) are also motivated by a concern for patient misunderstanding and undue
influence. These concerns are particularly relevant in this potentially vulnerable population.
The remaining ethical principles and practices are intended to supplement those above to
further promote voluntariness.
5. Informed consent procedures should be specifically designed to account for the
potential for neurological injury, the high rate of clinician-investigators, and patient
population vulnerabilities.
Given the surgical context in which these studies are carried out, targeted consent practices
are essential for promoting voluntariness of participation. As previously detailed, practices
for consenting include having both a written and verbal consent (and reconsent) and
employing “hybrid consents.” Many investigators also value providing an opportunity to
involve family in the consenting process, to the extent that participants desire it, and giving
participants a robust opportunity to discuss participation with non-investigator clinicians.
Given the complexities of these studies, consent may require significantly more time.
In contrast to study and site-specific communications, standardized videos could provide
an external voice on portions of the consent process, including the goals of the research,
patient rights to withdraw, and the community involved in the research. Training videos are
ubiquitous in medical care to ensure familiarity with and understanding of a broad range
of topics, from financial conflicts of interest to personal protective equipment usage. It is
important that standardized videos should not be used instead of personal discussions and
that their value is verified, as done in other clinical areas (
et al.
, 2020
). Limited
resources were seen as the primary barrier to developing such videos.
6. Consenting to research may require different cognitive and decision-making capacities
than consenting for care, and consent protocols may need to reflect this.
Consenting to clinically indicated surgery is rooted in a personal neurological or psychiatric
concern, while consenting to participate in non-therapeutic research may require additional
levels of abstraction. The latter requires understanding the purpose and benefits of the
study, neither of which are rooted in the individual’s condition, and which involve notions
(e.g., societal benefit) that patients may not fully understand. The cognitive impairments
often seen in patient-participants with Parkinson disease or epilepsy may differentially
affect clinical vs. research consent capacity, and these patient population vulnerabilities
may inadvertently lead to misunderstandings. No investigators reported using tools to
separately assess capacity for research consent, but suggested practices include asking
patient-participants to specifically express understanding of research-related risks and goals.
Future work, including engagement with patient-participants, might better determine which
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study features are most critical and how to assess abilities to comprehend those study
features (e.g., benefits to society despite the lack of direct benefit).
7. Patients have the right to refuse or stop participation in research at any time and
should be reminded of this right at appropriate intervals in meaningful ways.
Study participants have the right to refuse participation over any time frame and in any
setting, whether before initial consent or at any time after consenting to participation.
This right is often explicitly detailed in the written informed consent and research participant
bill of rights. Some expressed interest in standardized language that could be used
across studies, but also acknowledged that institutional review boards may enforce certain
local requirements that supersede this desire. Other practices include explicitly offering
participants multiple opportunities to voluntarily withdraw, on a timescale relevant to the
study, whether during regular intervals during a 20–30 minute intraoperative experiment or
daily during an EMU stay. BCI studies often include multiple checkpoints over periods of
weeks prior to the neurosurgical procedure, and for longer studies, some investigators have
included informal and formal reconsent. Reconsenting or withdrawing opportunities may
be particularly important for patient-participants in multi-day EMU stays, as their medical
and psychiatric status can change quickly. Non-investigator clinician guidance is critical
for understanding the continued appropriateness of participation of patient-participants in
research. Further research is needed, in close concert with patient input, on the most
effective ways to provide study-specific opportunities to withdraw.
Such opportunities may require different approaches, as simply repeating the right to
withdraw may be insufficient. Understanding how patients can be made to feel comfortable
withdrawing is crucial, particularly during research in the OR, where the context is unique
and may add additional factors to their decision-making.
Promoting the right to withdraw also requires perceptiveness about hesitation or
postponements. Postponements may be an indirect way of withdrawing, overshadowed
by concerns of disappointing the clinic or research team, or they may be a sign that
patients have unanswered questions and concerns. Investigators found value in having both
clinician and non-clinician investigators engage in these discussions with patients, since
patients may worry about disappointing clinicians but also more readily express clinical
concerns to them. Practices for managing repeated postponements include asking permission
to re-approach the patient for participation at a later time, offering an open-ended discussion
about concerns, and offering patients an explicit opportunity to withdraw.
III. Conclusions and Future Directions
This Neuroview proposes an initial ethical framework for intracranial research from the
perspectives of investigators. It aims to supplement other perspectives and provide practical
implementations for discussion. Crucially, the framework acknowledges the need for study-
specific practices as well as patient-participant input.
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The focus on investigator perspectives is purposeful, in part because investigators must
take responsibility for the ethical conduct of their research. This report is not inclusive
of all investigator viewpoints nor exhaustive of neuroethical issues. Notably, the author-
investigators are all NIH-funded US-based investigators, and future work should consider
comparative perspectives across geographies. Further work should also include expanded
input of non-investigator clinicians that care for these patient populations longitudinally
(e.g., psychiatry, epileptology), and most critically, involve patients themselves. Looking
forward, we hope to encourage collaboration between investigators and ethicists across
multiple topics, including post-trial obligations, data-sharing, and the overall value of
intracranial research.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of NIH BRAIN Initiative program officers and staff who organized
the Research Opportunities in Humans (ROH) Consortium, including Karen David, Jim Gnadt, and Khara Ramos.
We also acknowledge the contributions of other ROH Consortium members who contributed perspectives to the
manuscript. Finally, we acknowledge the patients who have participated in relevant studies that have helped form
the experiences and perspectives included in the current report.
All investigators were supported by BRAIN Initiative and NIH funding, including U01 NS098961 (AF, NP),
R01 MH121373 (AF, NP), U01 NS118739 (UR, AM), U01 NS117765 (EC), U01 NS103082 (NS), U01
NS117838 (NS), R01 MH110831 (AM), P50 MH094258 (Radolphs, AM), U01 NS103780 (RAdolphs), U01
NS113339 (MSB), R01 NS065395 (MSB), U01 NS108922 (JC), U01 NS123125 (JC), U01 NS108930 (IF), R01
NS084017 (IF), U01 NS123127 (Randersen), U01 NS121472 (SS), U01 NS108923 (SS), R01 NS110424 (MR),
U01 NS117836 (MR), U01 NS098969 (MR), R01 NS115929 (NEC), UH3 NS114439 (NEC), U01 DC016696
(NEC), and U01 NS117836 (NEC), U01 NS098981 (NT, NEC). Additional support provided by NSF 1756473
(IF) and California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CLIN2–12319, AM). SS received funding from McNair
Foundation. RAdolphs received funding from Simons Foundation Collaboration on the Global Brain. NS received
funding from the McKnight Foundation.
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Intracranial neuroscience research in humans raises unique neuroethical
Neuroethical commitments and practices of investigators are poorly
Commitments include protecting the clinical space and ensuring
BRAIN-funded investigators provide guiding neuroethical principles and
practical examples.
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Table 1.
Ethical Commitments, Principles, and Practices for Basic Neuroscientific Intracranial Research
Example Practices
Maintaining the
integrity of clinical care
and space
1. Clinical care and research should be
uncoupled, such that care be neither
compromised by nor conditional on research
participation, and this must be communicated
to patients.
1. Separate clinical and research consents in time, space, and
2. Multiple staged meetings to discuss research participation with
both clinicians and non-clinicians.
1. Seek verbal confirmation and understanding of separation
described in consent
2. Standardized videos to provide a consistent external voice
describing the separation
2. While clinician-investigators have dual
roles, their role as clinician should be placed
above their role as investigator, and this
duality must be communicated to patients.
1. Include explicit statements of this dual role (and conflict) in
the written informed consent
2. Verbally disclose conflict during study recruitment
3. Non-clinician members of the research
team who interact with patient-participants
require instruction on bedside interactions
with patients and on the surgical methods and
1. Non-clinician investigators attend clinical procedures and
research studies before interfacing with patient-participants.
2. Require standardized training courses or videos on bedside
interactions and surgical and research methods.
4. The decision to use intracranial modalities
in clinical care should not be influenced by
scientific considerations unless the scientific
study itself is the reason for the intracranial
1. Clinicians not involved in the research convene via
multidisciplinary conference to determine need for intracranial
2. Encourage participants to discuss study with non-research
related physicians they see regularly
Ensuring the
of participation
in intracranial
neuroscientific studies
5. Informed consent procedures should be
specifically designed to account for the
potential for neurological injury, the high
rate of clinician-investigators, and patient
population vulnerabilities.
1. Include disclosures in both verbal and written consent.
2. “Hybrid consent” process to address conflict of
3. Inclusion of family and caregivers in consent process when
1. Standardized videos with external perspectives on basic study
information to supplement other discussions.
6. Consenting to research may require
different cognitive and decision-making
capacities than consenting for care, and
consent protocols may need to reflect this.
1. Additional intellectual capacity or cognitive assessments
2. Seek explicit confirmation of understanding of goals and risks
of study
7. Patients have the right to refuse or
stop participation in research at any time
and should be reminded of this right at
appropriate intervals in meaningful ways.
1. Offer multiple opportunities to withdraw, at regular intervals
according to the design of the study
2. Include multiple check points for consent over period of weeks
prior to surgical procedure
1. Seek acknowledgement of right to withdraw as part of “teach
2. Provide multiple opportunities to discuss concerns with
clinical and non-clinical team, in addition to explicit withdraw
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