of 112
Control in an Information Rich World
Report of the Panel on Future Directions in
Control, Dynamics, and Systems
30 June 2002
The field of
provides the principles and methods used to design engineering
systems that maintain desirable performance by automatically adapting to changes
in the environment. Over the last forty years the field has seen huge advances, lever-
aging technology improvements in sensing and computation with breakthroughs in
the underlying principles and mathematics. Control systems now play critical roles
in many fields, including manufacturing, electronics, communications, transporta-
tion, computers and networks, and many military systems.
As we begin the 21st Century, the opportunities to apply control principles and
methods are exploding. Computation, communication and sensing are becoming
increasingly inexpensive and ubiquitous, with more and more devices including
embedded processors, sensors, and networking hardware. This will make possible
the development of machines with a degree of intelligence and reactivity that will
influence nearly every aspect of life on this planet, including not just the products
available, but the very environment in which we live.
New developments in this increasingly information rich world will require a
significant expansion of the basic tool sets of control. The complexity of the control
ideas involved in the operation of the Internet, semi-autonomous command and
control systems, and enterprise-wide supply chain management, for example, are
on the boundary of what can be done with available methods. Future applications
in aerospace and transportation, information and networks, robotics and intelligent
machines, biology and medicine, and materials and processing will create systems
that are well beyond our current levels of complexity, and new research is required
to enable such developments.
The purpose of this report is to spell out some of the prospects for control
in the current and future technological environment, to describe the role the field
will play in military, commercial, and scientific applications over the next decade,
and to recommend actions required to enable new breakthroughs in engineering and
technology through application of control research.
Panel Membership
Richard M. Murray (chair)
California Institute of Technology
Karl J.
Astr ̈
Lund Institute of Technology
Pramod P. Khargonekar
University of Florida
Stephen P. Boyd
Stanford University
P. R. Kumar
University of Illinois
Siva S. Banda
Air Force Research Laboratory
P. S. Krishnaprasad
University of Maryland
Roger W. Brockett
Harvard University
Greg J. McRae
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John A. Burns
Virginia Tech
Jerrold E. Marsden
California Institute of Technology
Munzer A. Dahleh
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
George Meyer
NASA Ames Research Center
John C. Doyle
California Institute of Technology
William F. Powers
Ford Motor Company
John Guckenheimer
Cornell University
Gunter Stein
Honeywell International
Charles J. Holland
Department of Defense
Pravin Varaiya
University of California, Berkeley
Additional Contributors
Richard Albanese, Jim Batterson, Richard Braatz, Dennis Bernstein, Joel
Burdick, Raffaello D’Andrea, Michael Dickinson, Frank Doyle, Martha Gallivan,
Jonathan How, Marc Jacobs, Jared Leadbetter, Jesse Leitner, Steven Low, Hideo
Mabuchi, Dianne Newman, Shankar Sastry, John Seinfeld, Eduardo Sontag, Anna
Stefanopoulou, Allen Tannenbaum, Claire Tomlin, Kevin Wise
Executive Summary
Overview of the Field
WhatisControl? .......................... 7
ControlSystemExamples ..................... 13
The Increasing Role of Information-Based Systems
....... 18
Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Field
.......... 20
Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges
Aerospace and Transportation
................... 29
Information and Networks
..................... 39
Robotics and Intelligent Machines . .
............... 49
Biology and Medicine
........................ 58
Materials and Processing
...................... 65
Other Applications
......................... 72
Education and Outreach
The New Environment for Control Education
.......... 79
MakingControlMoreAccessible.................. 81
Broadening Control Education
................... 83
The Opportunities in K-12 Math and Science Education
.... 84
Other Opportunities and Trends . . .
............... 85
Integrated Control, Computation, Communications
....... 89
Control of Complex Decision Systems
............... 90
High-Risk, Long-Range Applications of Control
......... 91
Support for Theory and Interaction with Mathematics
..... 92
New Approaches to Education and Outreach
........... 93
ConcludingRemarks ........................ 94
NSF/CSS Workshop on Education
This report documents the findings and recommendations of the Panel on
Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems. This committee was formed
in April 2000 under initial sponsorship of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
(AFOSR) to provide a renewed vision of future challenges and opportunities in
the field, along with recommendations to government agencies, universities, and
research organizations to ensure continued progress in areas of importance to the
industrial and defense base. The intent of this report is to raise the overall visibility
of research in control, highlight its importance in applications of national interest,
and indicate some of the key trends that are important for continued vitality of the
The Panel was chaired by Professor Richard Murray (Caltech) and was formed
with the help of an organizing committee consisting of Professor Roger Brock-
ett (Harvard), Professor John Burns (VPI), Professor John Doyle (Caltech) and
Dr. Gunter Stein (Honeywell). The remaining Panel members are Karl
Astr ̈
(Lund Institute of Technology), Siva Banda (Air Force Research Lab), Stephen
Boyd (Stanford), Munzer Dahleh (MIT), John Guckenheimer (Cornell), Charles
Holland (DDR&E), Pramod Khargonekar (University of Florida), P. R. Kumar
(University of Illinois), P. S. Krishnaprasad (University of Maryland), Greg McRae
(MIT), Jerrold Marsden (Caltech), George Meyer (NASA), William Powers (Ford),
and Pravin Varaiya (UC Berkeley). A writing subcommittee consisting of Karl
Astr ̈
om, Stephen Boyd, Roger Brockett, John Doyle, Richard Murray and Gunter
Stein helped coordinate the generation of the report.
The Panel held a meeting on 16-17 July 2000 at the University of Maryland,
College Park to discuss the state of the field and its future opportunities. The
meeting was attended by members of the Panel and invited participants from the
academia, industry, and government. Additional meetings and discussions were held
over the next 15 months, including presentations at DARPA and AFOSR sponsored
workshops, meetings with government program managers, and writing committee
meetings. The results of these meetings, combined with discussions among Panel
members and within the community at workshops and conferences, form the main
basis for the findings and recommendations of this Panel.
A web site has been established to provide a central repository for materials
generated by the Panel:
Copies of this report, links to other sources of information, and presentation mate-
rials from the Panel workshop and other meetings can be found there.
Several similar reports and papers highlighting future directions in control
came to the Panel’s attention during the development of this report. Many mem-
bers of the Panel and participants in the June 2000 workshop were involved in
the generation of the 1988 Fleming report [15] and a 1987
IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control
article [25], both of which provided a roadmap for many of the
activities of the last decade and continue to be relevant. More recently, the Euro-
pean Commission sponsored a workshop on future control systems [14] and several
other more focused workshops have been held over the last several years [1, 2, 33, 34].
Several recent papers and reports highlighted successes of control [35] and new vis-
tas in control [11, 23]. The Panel also made extensive use of a recent NSF/CSS
report on future directions in control engineering education [1], which provided a
partial basis for Chapter 4 of the present report.
The bulk of this report was written before the tragic events of September 11,
2001, but control will clearly play a major role in the world’s effort to combat terror-
ism. From new methods for command and control of unmanned vehicles, to robust
networks linking businesses, transportation systems, and energy infrastructure, to
improved techniques for sensing and detection of biological and chemical agents, the
techniques and insights from control will enable new methods for protecting human
life and safeguarding our society.
The Panel would like to thank the control community for its support of this
report and the many contributions, comments, and discussions that help form the
context and content for the report. We are particularly indebted to Dr. Marc Q.
Jacobs for his initiative in the formation of the Panel and for his support of the
project through AFOSR.
Richard M. Murray
Pasadena, June 2002
Chapter 1
Executive Summary
Rapid advances in computing, communications, and sensing technology offer un-
precedented opportunities for the field of control to expand its contributions to the
economic and defense needs of the nation. This report presents the findings and
recommendations of a panel of experts chartered to examine these opportunities.
We present an overview of the field, review its successes and impact, and describe
the new challenges ahead. We do not attempt to cover the entire field. Rather, we
focus on those areas that are undergoing the most rapid change and that require
new approaches to meet the challenges and opportunities that face the community.
Overview of Control
Control as defined in this report refers to the use of algorithms and feedback in
engineered systems. At its simplest, a control system is a device in which a sensed
quantity is used to modify the behavior of a system through computation and
actuation. Control systems engineering traces its roots to the industrial revolution,
to devices such as the centrifugal governor, shown in Figure 1.1. This device used
a flyball mechanism to sense the rotational speed of a steam turbine and adjust
the flow of steam into the machine using a series of linkages. By thus regulating
the turbine’s speed, it provided the safe , reliable , consistent operation that was
required to enable the rapid spread of steam-powered factories.
Control played an essential part in the development of technologies such as
power, communications, transportation, and manufacturing. Examples include au-
topilots in military and commercial aircraft (Figure 1.2a), regulation and control of
the electrical power grid, and high accuracy positioning of read/write heads in disk
drives (Figure 1.2b). Feedback is an enabling technology in a variety of application
areas and has been reinvented and patented many times in different contexts.
A modern view of control sees feedback as a tool for uncertainty management.
By measuring the operation of a system, comparing it to a reference, and adjusting
available control variables, we can cause the system to respond properly even if its
dynamic behavior is not exactly known or if external disturbances tend to cause it
Chapter 1. Executive Summary
Figure 1.1.
The centrifugal governor (a), developed in the 1780s, was an
enabler of the successful Watt steam engine (b), which fueled the industrial revolu-
tion. Figures courtesy of Cambridge University.
to respond incorrectly. This is an essential feature in engineering systems since they
must operate reliably and efficiently under a variety of conditions. It is precisely
this aspect of control as a means of ensuring robustness to uncertainty that ex-
plains why feedback control systems are all around us in the modern technological
world. They are in our homes, cars and consumer electronics, in our factories and
communications systems, and in our transportation, military and space systems.
The use of control is extremely broad and encompasses a number of different
applications. These include control of electromechanical systems, where computer-
controlled actuators and sensors regulate the behavior of the system; control of elec-
tronic systems, where feedback is used to compensate for component or parameter
variations and provide reliable, repeatable performance; and control of information
and decision systems, where limited resources are dynamically allocated based on
estimates of future needs. Control principles can also be found in areas such as
biology, medicine, and economics, where feedback mechanisms are ever present. In-
creasingly, control is also a mission critical function in engineering systems: the
systems will fail if the control system does not work.
Contributions to the field of control come from many disciplines, including
pure and applied mathematics; aerospace, chemical, mechanical, and electrical en-
gineering; operations research and economics; and the physical and biological sci-
ences. The interaction with these different fields is an important part of the history
and strength of the field.
Successes and Impact
Over the past 40 years, the advent of analog and digital electronics has allowed
control technology to spread far beyond its initial applications, and has made it an
enabling technology in many applications. Visible successes from past investment
Figure 1.2.
Applications of control: (a) the Boeing 777 fly-by-wire aircraft
and (b) the Seagate Barracuda 36ES2 disk drive. Photographs courtesy of the Boeing
Company and Seagate Technology.
in control include:
Guidance and control systems for aerospace vehicles, including commercial
aircraft, guided missiles, advanced fighter aircraft, launch vehicles, and satel-
lites. These control systems provide stability and tracking in the presence of
large environmental and system uncertainties.
Control systems in the manufacturing industries, from automotive to inte-
grated circuits. Computer controlled machines provide the precise positioning
and assembly required for high quality, high yield fabrication of components
and products.
Industrial process control systems, particularly in the hydrocarbon and chemi-
cal processing industries. These maintain high product quality by monitoring
thousands of sensor signals and making corresponding adjustments to hun-
dreds of valves, heaters, pumps, and other actuators.
Control of communications systems, including the telephone system, cellular
phones, and the Internet. Control systems regulate the signal power lev-
els in transmitters and repeaters, manage packet buffers in network routing
equipment, and provide adaptive noise cancellation to respond to varying
transmission line characteristics.
These applications have had an enormous impact on the productivity of modern
In addition to its impact on engineering applications, control has also made
significant intellectual contributions. Control theorists and engineers have made
rigorous use of and contributions to mathematics, motivated by the need to develop
provably correct techniques for design of feedback systems. They have been consis-
tent advocates of the “systems perspective,” and have developed reliable techniques
Chapter 1. Executive Summary
Figure 1.3.
Modern networked systems: (a) the California power grid and
(b) the NSFNET Internet backbone. Figures courtesy of the state of California and
the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA).
for modeling, analysis, design, and testing that enable design and implementation
of the wide variety of very complex engineering systems in use today. Moreover,
the control community has been a major source and training ground for people who
embrace this systems perspective and who wish to master the substantial set of
knowledge and skills it entails.
Future Opportunities and Challenges
As we look forward, the opportunities for new applications that will build on ad-
vances in control expand dramatically. The advent of ubiquitous, distributed com-
putation, communication, and sensing systems has begun to create an environment
in which we have access to enormous amounts of data and the ability to process
and communicate that data in ways that were unimagined 20 years ago. This will
have a profound effect on military, commercial and scientific applications, especially
as software systems begin to interact with physical systems in more and more in-
tegrated ways. Figure 1.3 illustrates two systems where these trends are already
evident. Control will be an increasingly essential element of building such intercon-
nected systems, providing high performance, high confidence, and reconfigurable
operation in the presence of uncertainties.
In all of these areas, a common feature is that system level requirements far
exceed the achievable reliability of individual components. This is precisely where
control (in its most general sense) plays a central role, since it allows the system
to ensure that it is achieving its goal through correction of its actions based on
sensing its current state. The challenge to the field is to go from the traditional
view of control systems as a single process with a single controller, to recognizing
control systems as a heterogeneous collection of physical and information systems,
with intricate interconnections and interactions.
In addition to inexpensive and pervasive computation, communication, and
sensing—and the corresponding increased role of information-based systems—an
important trend in control is the move from low-level control to higher levels of de-
cision making. This includes such advances as increased autonomy in flight systems
(all the way to complete unmanned operation), and integration of local feedback
loops into enterprise-wide scheduling and resource allocation systems. Extending
the benefits of control to these non-traditional systems offers enormous opportuni-
ties in improved efficiency, productivity, safety, and reliability.
Control is a critical technology in defense systems and is increasingly impor-
tant in the fight against terrorism and asymmetric threats. Control allows the
operation of autonomous and semi-autonomous unmanned systems for difficult and
dangerous missions, as well as sophisticated command and control systems that
enable robust, reconfigurable decision making systems. The use of control in mi-
crosystems and senosr webs will improve our ability to detect threats before they
cause damage. And new uses of feedback in communications systems will provide
reliable, flexible, and secure networks for operation in dynamic, uncertain, and ad-
versarial environments.
In order to realize the potential of control applied to these emerging appli-
cations, new methods and approaches must be developed. Among the challenges
currently facing the field, a few examples provide insight into the difficulties ahead:
Control of systems with both symbolic and continuous dynamics.
Next gener-
ation systems will combine logical operations (such as symbolic reasoning and
decision making) with continuous quantities (such as voltages, positions, and
concentrations). The current theory is not well-tuned for dealing with such
systems, especially as we scale to very large systems.
Control in distributed, asynchronous, networked environments.
Control dis-
tributed across multiple computational units, interconnected through packet-
based communications, will require new formalisms for ensuring stability, per-
formance and robustness. This is especially true in applications where one
cannot ignore computational and communications constraints in performing
control operations.
High level coordination and autonomy.
Increasingly, feedback is being de-
signed into enterprise-wide decision systems, including supply chain manage-
ment and logistics, airspace management and air traffic control, and C4ISR
systems. The advances of the last few decades in analysis and design of ro-
bust control systems must be extended to these higher level decision making
systems if they are to perform reliably in realistic settings.
Automatic synthesis of control algorithms, with integrated verification and val-
Future engineering systems will require the ability to rapidly de-
sign, redesign and implement control software. Researchers need to develop
much more powerful design tools that automate the entire control design pro-
cess from model development to hardware-in-the-loop simulation, including
system-level software verification and validation.
Chapter 1. Executive Summary
Building very reliable systems from unreliable parts.
Most large engineering
systems must continue to operate even when individual components fail. In-
creasingly, this requires designs that allow the system to automatically recon-
figure itself so that its performance degrades gradually rather than abruptly.
Each of these challenges will require many years of effort by the research community
to make the results rigorous, practical, and widely available. They will also require
investments by funding agencies to ensure that current progress is continued and
that forthcoming technologies are realized to their fullest.
To address these challenges and deliver on the promise of the control field, the Panel
recommends that the following actions be undertaken:
1. Substantially increase research aimed at the
of control, computer
science, communications, and networking. This includes principles, methods
and tools for modeling and control of high level, networked, distributed sys-
tems, and rigorous techniques for reliable, embedded, real-time software.
2. Substantially increase research in control at higher levels of decision making,
moving toward enterprise level systems. This includes work in dynamic re-
source allocation in the presence of uncertainty, learning and adaptation, and
artificial intelligence for dynamic systems.
3. Explore high-risk, long-range applications of control to new domains such
as nanotechnology, quantum mechanics, electromagnetics, biology, and envi-
ronmental science. Dual investigator, interdisciplinary funding might be a
particularly useful mechanism in this context.
4. Maintain support for theory and interaction with mathematics, broadly in-
terpreted. The strength of the field relies on its close contact with rigorous
mathematics, and this will be increasingly important in the future.
5. Invest in new approaches to education and outreach for the dissemination of
control concepts and tools to non-traditional audiences. The community must
do a better job of educating a broader range of scientists and engineers on the
principles of feedback and the use of control to alter the dynamics of systems
and manage uncertainty.
The impact of control is one which will come through many applications, in
aerospace and transportation, information and networking, robotics and intelligent
machines, materials and processing, and biology and medicine. It will enable us to
build more complex systems and to ensure that the systems we build are reliable,
efficient, and robust. The Panel’s recommendations are founded on the diverse
heritage of rigorous work in control and are key actions to realize the opportunities
of control in an information rich world.
Chapter 2
Overview of the Field
Control is a field with broad relevance to a number of engineering applications.
Its impact on modern society is both profound and often poorly understood. In
this chapter, we provide an overview of the field, illustrated with examples and
vignettes, and describe the new environment for control.
2.1 What is Control?
The term “control” has many meanings and often varies between communities. In
this report, we define control to be the use of algorithms and feedback in engineered
systems. Thus, control includes such examples as feedback loops in electronic am-
plifiers, set point controllers in chemical and materials processing, “fly-by-wire”
systems on aircraft, and even router protocols that control traffic flow on the Inter-
net. Emerging applications include high confidence software systems, autonomous
vehicles and robots, battlefield management systems, and biologically engineered
systems. At its core, control is an
science, and includes the use of
information in both analog and digital representations.
A modern controller senses the operation of a system, compares that against
the desired behavior, computes corrective actions based on a model of the system’s
response to external inputs, and actuates the system to effect the desired change.
This basic
feedback loop
of sensing, computation, and actuation is the central con-
cept in control. The key issues in designing control logic are ensuring that the
dynamics of the closed loop system are stable (bounded disturbances give bounded
errors) and that dynamics have the desired behavior (good disturbance rejection,
fast responsiveness to changes in operating point, etc). These properties are estab-
lished using a variety of modeling and analysis techniques that capture the essential
physics of the system and permit the exploration of possible behaviors in the pres-
ence of uncertainty, noise, and component failures.
A typical example of a modern control system is shown in Figure 2.1. The
basic elements of of sensing, computation, and actuation are clearly seen. In mod-
ern control systems, computation is typically implemented on a digital computer,
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
operator input
external disturbances
Figure 2.1.
Components of a modern control system.
requiring the use of analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters.
Uncertainty enters the system through noise in sensing and actuation subsystems,
external disturbances that affect the underlying system physics, and uncertain dy-
namics in the physical system (parameter errors, unmodeled effects, etc).
The basic feedback loop of control is often combined with
where a commanded actuator input is computed to achieve a desired action based
on a model of the system. While feedback operates in a closed loop, with actions
based on the deviation between measured and desired performance, feedforward
operates in open loop, with actions taken based on plans. It is often advantageous
to use feedback with feedforward to achieve both high performance and robustness.
It is important to note that while feedback is a central element of control, feed-
back as a phenomenon is ubiquitous in science and nature. Homeostasis in biological
systems maintains thermal, chemical, and biological conditions through feedback.
Global climate dynamics depend on the feedback interactions between the atmo-
sphere, oceans, land, and the sun. Ecologies are filled with examples of feedback,
resulting in complex interactions between animal and plant life. The dynamics of
economies are based on the feedback between individuals and corporations through
markets and the exchange of goods and services.
While ideas and tools from control can be applied to these systems, we focus
our attention in this report on the application of feedback to engineering systems.
We also limit ourselves to a small subset of the many aspects of control, choosing
to focus on those that are undergoing the most change and are most in need of new
ideas and techniques.
Control Theory
refers to the mathematical framework used to analyze and synthesize
control systems. Over the last 50 years, there has been careful attention by control
2.1. What is Control?
theorists to the issues of completeness and correctness. This includes substantial
efforts by mathematicians and engineers to develop a solid foundation for proving
stability and robustness of feedback controlled systems, and the development of
computational tools that provide guaranteed performance in the presence of un-
certainty. This rigor in approach is a hallmark of modern control and is largely
responsible for the success it has enjoyed across a variety of disciplines.
It is useful in this context to provide a brief history of the development of
modern control theory.
Automatic control traces its roots to the beginning of the industrial revolution,
when simple governors were used to automatically maintain steam engine speed de-
spite changes in loads, steam supply, and equipment. In the early 20th Century,
the same principles were applied in the emerging field of electronics, yielding feed-
back amplifiers that automatically maintained constant performance despite large
variations in vacuum tube devices.
The foundations of the theory of control are rooted in the 1940s, with the
development of methods for single-input, single-output feedback loops, including
transfer functions and Bode plots for modeling and analyzing frequency response
and stability, and Nyquist plots and gain/phase margin for studying stability of
feedback systems [9]. By designing feedback loops to avoid positive reinforcement
of disturbances around a closed loop system, one can ensure that the system is
stable and disturbances are attenuated. This first generation of techniques is known
collectively as “classical control” and is still the standard introduction to controls
for engineering students.
In the 1960s, the second generation of control theory, known as “modern
control,” was developed to provide methods for multi-variable systems where many
strongly coupled loops must be designed simultaneously. These tools made use of
state space representations of control systems and were coupled with advances in
numerical optimization and optimal control. These early state space methods made
use of linear ordinary differential equations to study the response of systems, and
control was achieved by placing the eigenvalues of the closed loop system to ensure
At around this same time, optimal control theory also made great advances,
with the establishment of the maximum principle of Pontryagin and the dynamic
programming results of Bellman. Optimal control theory gave precise conditions
under which a controller minimized a given cost function, either as an open loop
input (such as computing the thrust for optimal trajectory generation) or as a
closed loop feedback law. Estimation theory also benefited from results in optimal
control, and the Kalman filter was developed and quickly became a standard tool
used in many fields to estimate the internal states of a system given a (small) set
of measured signals.
Finally, in the 1980s the third generation of control theory, known as “robust
multi-variable control,” added powerful formal methods to guarantee desired closed
loop properties in the face of uncertainties. In many ways, robust control brought
back some of the key ideas from the early theory of control, where uncertainty was a
dominant factor in the design methodology. Techniques from operator theory were
extremely useful here and there was stronger interaction with mathematics, both
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
in terms of using existing techniques and developing new mathematics.
Over the past two decades, many other branches of control have appeared,
including adaptive, nonlinear, geometric, hybrid, fuzzy, and neural control frame-
works. All of these have built on the tradition of linking applications, theory, and
computation to develop practical techniques with rigorous mathematics. Control
also built on other disciplines, especially applied mathematics, physics, and opera-
tions research.
Today, control theory provides a rich methodology and a supporting set of
mathematical principles and tools for analysis and design of feedback systems. It
links four important concepts that are central to both engineered and natural sys-
tems: dynamics, modeling, interconnection, and uncertainty.
The role of dynamics is central to all control systems and control theory has
developed a strong set of tools for analyzing stability and performance of dynamical
systems. Through feedback, we can alter the behavior of a system to meet the needs
of an application: systems that are unstable can be stabilized, systems that are
sluggish can be made responsive, and systems that have drifting operating points
can be held constant. Control theory provides a rich collection of techniques to
analyze the stability and dynamic response of complex systems and to place bounds
on the behavior of such systems by analyzing the gains of linear and nonlinear
operators that describe their components. These techniques are particularly useful
in the presence of disturbances, parametric uncertainty, and unmodeled dynamics—
concepts that are often not treated in detail in traditional dynamics and dynamical
systems courses.
Control theory also provides new techniques for (control-oriented) system
modeling and identification. Since models play an essential role in analysis and
design of feedback systems, sophisticated tools have been developed to build such
models. These include input/output representations of systems (how disturbances
propagate through the system) and data-driven system identification techniques.
The use of “forced response” experiments to build models of systems is well de-
veloped in the control field and these tools find application in many disciplines,
independent of the use of feedback. A strong theory of modeling has also been
developed, allowing rigorous definitions of model fidelity and comparisons to exper-
imental data.
A third key concept in control theory is the role of interconnection between
subsystems. Input/output representations of systems allow one to build models
of very complex systems by linking component behaviors. The dynamics of the
resulting system is determined not only by the dynamics of the components, but
by the interconnection structure between these components. The tools of control
provide a methodology for studying the characteristics of these interconnections and
when they lead to stability, robustness, and desired performance.
Finally, one of the powerful features of modern control theory is that it pro-
vides an
framework for representing uncertainty. Thus, we can describe a
“set” of systems that represent the possible instantiations of a system or the pos-
sible descriptions of the system as it changes over time. While this framework is
important for all of engineering, the control community has developed one of the
most powerful collection of tools for dealing with uncertainty. This was necessary
2.1. What is Control?
(a) Engine Control Electronics
1986 1989
1995 1998
1980 1983
(b) Control Technology Trends
Figure 2.2.
Trends in control technology: (a) the number of sen-
sors, actuators and control functions in engine controls [6] and (b) illustration of
cost/performance trends for component technologies.
because the use of feedback is not entirely benign. In fact, it can lead to catastrophic
failure if the uncertainty is not properly managed (through positive feedback, for
Control Technology
includes sensing, actuation and computation, used together to
produce a working system. Figure 2.2a shows some of the trends in sensing, ac-
tuation, and computation in automotive applications.
As in many other
application areas, the number of sensors, actuators, and microprocessors is increas-
ing dramatically, as new features such as antilock brakes, adaptive cruise control,
active restraint systems, and enhanced engine controls are brought to market. The
cost/performance curves for these technologies, as illustrated in Figure 2.2b, is also
insightful. The costs of electronics technologies, such as sensing, computation, and
communications, is decreasing dramatically, enabling more information processing.
Perhaps the most important is the role of communications, which is now inexpensive
enough to offer many new possibilities.
Control is also closely related to the integration of software into physical sys-
tems. Virtually all modern control systems are implemented using digital comput-
ers. Often they are just a small part of much larger computing systems performing
various other system management tasks. Because of this, control software becomes
an integral part of the system design and is an enabler for many new features in
products and processes. Online reconfiguration is a fundamental feature of com-
puter controlled systems and this is, at its heart, a control issue.
This trend toward increased use of software in systems is both an opportunity
and a challenge for control. As embedded systems become ubiquitous and com-
munication between these systems becomes commonplace, it is possible to design
systems that are not only reconfigurable, but also aware of their condition and
environment, and interactive with owners, users, and maintainers. These “smart
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
systems” provide improved performance, reduced downtime, and new functionality
that was unimaginable before the advent of inexpensive computation, communica-
tions, and sensing. However, they also require increasingly sophisticated algorithms
to guarantee performance in the face of uncertainty and component failures, and
require new paradigms for verifying the software in a timely fashion. Our everyday
experience with commercial word processors shows the difficulty involved in getting
this right.
One of the emerging areas in control technology is the generation of such
real-time embedded software [32]. While often considered within the domain of
computer science, the role of dynamics, modeling, interconnection, and uncertainty
is increasingly making embedded systems synonymous with control systems. Thus
control must embrace software as a key element of control technology and integrate
computer science principles and paradigms into the discipline. This has already
started in many areas, such as hybrid systems and robotics, where the continuous
mathematics of dynamics and control are intersecting with the discrete mathematics
of logic and computer science.
Comparison with Other Disciplines
Control engineering relies on and shares tools from physics (dynamics and mod-
eling), computer science (information and software) and operations research (op-
timization and game theory), but it is also different from these subjects, in both
insights and approach.
A key difference with many scientific disciplines is that control is fundamen-
tally an engineering science. Unlike natural science, whose goal is to understand
nature, the goal of engineering science is to understand and develop new systems
that can benefit mankind. Typical examples are systems for transportation, elec-
tricity, communication and entertainment that have contributed dramatically to the
comfort of life. While engineering originally emerged as traditional disciplines such
as mining, civil, mechanical, electrical and computing, control emerged as a
discipline around 1950 and cut across these traditional disciplines. The pinnacle of
achievement in engineering science is to find new systems principles that are essen-
tial for dealing with complex man-made systems. Feedback is such a principle and
it has had a profound impact on engineering systems.
Perhaps the strongest area of overlap between control and other disciplines is
in modeling of physical systems, which is common across all areas of engineering and
science. One of the fundamental differences between control-oriented modeling and
modeling in other disciplines is the way in which interactions between subsystems
(components) are represented. Control relies on input/output modeling that allows
many new insights into the behavior of systems, such as disturbance rejection and
stable interconnection. Model reduction, where a simpler (lower-fidelity) descrip-
tion of the dynamics is derived from a high fidelity model, is also very naturally
described in an input/output framework. Perhaps most importantly, modeling in a
control context allows the design of
interconnections between subsystems, a
feature that is crucial in the operation of all large, engineered systems.
Control share many tools with the field of operations research. Optimization
2.2. Control System Examples
and differential games play central roles in each, and both solve problems of asset
allocation in the face of uncertainty. The role of dynamics and interconnection
(feedback) is much more ingrained within control, as well as the concepts of stability
and dynamic performance.
Control is also closely associated with computer science, since virtually all
modern control algorithms are implemented in software. However, control algo-
rithms and software are very different from traditional computer software. The
physics (dynamics) of the system are paramount in analyzing and designing them
and their (hard) real-time nature dominates issues of their implementation. From
a software-centric perspective, an F-16 is simply another peripheral, while from a
control-centric perspective, the computer is just another implementation medium
for the feedback law. Neither of these are adequate abstractions, and this is one of
the key areas identified in this report as both an opportunity and a need.
2.2 Control System Examples
Control systems are all around us in the modern technological world. They maintain
the environment, lighting, and power in our buildings and factories, they regulate
the operation of our cars, consumer electronics, and manufacturing processes, they
enable our transportation and communications systems, and they are critical ele-
ments in our military and space systems. For the most part, they are hidden from
view, buried within the code of processors, executing their functions accurately
and reliably. Nevertheless, their existence is a major intellectual and engineering
accomplishment that is still evolving and growing, promising ever more important
consequences to society.
Early Examples
The proliferation of control in engineered systems has occurred primarily in the
latter half of the 20th Century. There are some familiar exceptions, such as the
Watt governor described earlier and the thermostat (Figure 2.3a), designed at the
turn of the century to regulate temperature of buildings.
The thermostat, in particular, is often cited as a simple example of feedback
control that everyone can understand. Namely, the device measures the tempera-
ture in a building, compares that temperature to a desired set point, and uses the
“feedback error” between these two to operate the heating plant, e.g., to turn heat-
ing on when the temperature is too low and to turn if off when temperature is too
high. This explanation captures the essence of feedback, but it is a bit too simple
even for a basic device such as the thermostat. Actually, because lags and delays
exist in the heating plant and sensor, a good thermostat does a bit of anticipation,
turning the plant off before the error actually changes sign. This avoids excessive
temperature swings and cycling of the heating plant.
This modification illustrates that, even in simple cases, good control system
design it not entirely trivial. It must take into account the dynamic behavior of
the object being controlled in order to do a good job. The more complex the
dynamic behavior, the more elaborate the modifications. In fact, the development of
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
Figure 2.3.
Early control devices: (a) Honeywell T86 thermostat, origi-
nally introduced in 1953, (b) Chrysler cruise control system, introduced in the 1958
Chrysler Imperial (note the centrifugal governor) [21].
a thorough theoretical understanding of the relationship between dynamic behavior
and good controllers constitutes the most significant intellectual accomplishment
of the control community, and the codification of this understanding into powerful
computer aided engineering design tools makes all modern control systems possible.
There are many other control system examples, of course, that have developed
over the years with progressively increasing levels of sophistication and impact. An
early system with broad public exposure was the “cruise control” option introduced
on automobiles in 1958 (see Figure 2.3b). With cruise control, ordinary people
experienced the dynamic behavior of closed loop feedback systems in action—the
slowdown error as the system climbs a grade, the gradual reduction of that error
due to integral action in the controller, the small (but unavoidable) overshoot at the
top of the climb, etc. More importantly, by experiencing these systems operating
reliably and robustly, the public learned to trust and accept feedback systems,
permitting their increasing proliferation all around us. Later control systems on
automobiles have had more concrete impact, such as emission controls and fuel
metering systems that have achieved major reductions of pollutants and increases
in fuel economy.
In the industrial world, control systems have been key enabling technologies
for everything from factory automation (starting with numerically controlled ma-
chine tools), to process control in oil refineries and chemical plants, to integrated
circuit manufacturing, to power generation and distribution. They now also play
critical roles in the routing of messages across the Internet (TCP/IP) and in power
management for wireless communication systems.
Aerospace Applications
Similarly, control systems have been critical enablers in the aerospace and military
world. We are familiar, for example, with the saturation bombing campaigns of
2.2. Control System Examples
Figure 2.4.
Flight systems: (a) 1903 Wright Flyer, (b) X-29 forward swept
wing aircraft, in 1987. X-29 photograph courtesy of NASA Dryden Flight Research
World War II, which dropped unguided explosives almost indiscriminately on pop-
ulation centers in order to destroy selected industrial or military targets. These
have been replaced with precision guided weapons with uncanny accuracy, a single
round for a single target. This is enabled by advanced control systems, combining
inertial guidance sensors , radar and infrared homing seekers, satellite navigation
updates from the global positioning system, and sophisticated processing of the
“feedback error,” all combined in an affordably disposable package.
We are also familiar with early space launches. Slender rockets balanced pre-
cariously on the launch pad, failing too often in out-of-control tumbles or fireballs
shortly after ignition. Robust, reliable, and well-designed control systems are not
optional here, because boosters themselves are unstable. And control systems have
lived up to this challenge. We now take routine launch operations for granted,
supporting manned space stations, probes to the outer planets, and a host of satel-
lites for communications, navigation, surveillance, and earth observation missions.
Of course, these payloads are themselves critically dependent on robust, reliable
and well-designed control systems for everything from attitude control, to on-orbit
station-keeping, thermal management, momentum management, communications,
Flight Control
Another notable success story for control in the aerospace world comes from the
control of flight. This example illustrates just how significant the intellectual and
technological accomplishments of control have been and how important their con-
tinued evolution will be in the future.
Control has played a key role in the development of aircraft from the very
beginning. Indeed, the Wright brother’s first powered flight was successful only
because the aircraft included control surfaces (warpable wings and forward-mounted
vertical and horizontal fins) that were adjusted continuously by the pilot to stabilize
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
the flight [19] (see Figure 2.4a). These adjustments were critical because the Wright
Flyer itself was unstable, and could not maintain steady flight on its own.
Because pilot workload is high when flying unstable aircraft, most early air-
craft that followed the Wright Flyer were designed to be statically stable. Still, as
the size and performance capabilities of aircraft grew, their handling characteristics
deteriorated. Designers then installed so-called “stability augmentation systems”—
automatic control systems designed to modify dynamic behavior of aircraft slightly
in order to make them easier to fly. These systems first appeared during the World
War II years. They used early inertial sensors to measure flight motions, analog
electronic systems to construct and process feedback errors, and hydraulic systems
to actuate the linkages of selected control surfaces (vertical and horizontal tails,
ailerons, etc).
Two issues surfaced immediately as these systems were being fielded: (1) how
to design the control logic systematically (early systems were essentially developed
by trial-and-error), and (2) how to build the systems such that they would operate
reliably. Early systems proved to be quite unreliable. Hence, only a small fraction
of the full authority of the control surfaces was typically allocated to the automatic
system, with the bulk of authority reserved for manual control, so the pilot could
always override the automation.
Control theorists provided the solution for the first issue. They developed
modeling and simulation methods (based on differential equations and transfer func-
tions) that accurately describe aircraft dynamics, and they developed increasingly
powerful generations of control analysis and design methods to design control laws.
Classical control methods enabled the systematic design of early stability augmen-
tation systems, while modern control and robust multi-variable control are critical
in all of today’s modern flight systems.
But analysis and design methods alone could not address the second issue of
early stability augmentation systems, namely the need for highly reliable control
implementations. That issue was resolved with the development of airborne dig-
ital computers and redundant architectures. These are now routinely used on all
commercial and military aircraft. They have become so highly reliable that the old
solution of granting only partial authority to automation has long been abandoned.
In fact, most modern flight control implementations do not even include mechan-
ical linkages between pilots and control surfaces. All sensed signals and control
commands go through the digital implementation (e.g., fly-by-wire).
Today, we even entrust the very survival of aircraft to automation. Examples
include the all weather auto-land functions of commercial transports, in which safe
go-around maneuvers are not available if failures were to occur at certain critical
flight phases. Other examples include the F-16, B-2, and X-29 military aircraft (see
Figure 2.4), whose basic dynamics are unstable like the Wright Flyer, but so much
more violently that manual stabilization is not possible. Finally, in modern flight
systems there is a growing trend to automate more and more functions—all the way
to removing the pilot entirely from the cockpit. This is already commonplace in
certain military reconnaissance and surveillance missions and will soon be extended
to more lethal ones, such as suppressing enemy air defenses with unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs).
2.2. Control System Examples
The following vignette describes some of these advances, from the perspective
of one of its successful practitioners.
Vignette: Fighter Aircraft and Missiles (Kevin A. Wise, The Boeing
The 1990s has been a decade of significant accomplishments and change for the
aerospace community. New systems such as unstable, tailless aircraft, propulsion con-
trolled ejection seats, and low-cost, accurate, GPS guided munitions were developed.
Fly-by-wire flight control systems have become the standard, making control system de-
sign and analysis central to military aircraft and missile system development. Improving
pilot safety and reducing costs were key focus areas in industry.
Flight control system design methods using feedback linearization paved the way for
new gain scheduled flight control systems for aircraft. This method, applied to the
X-36 Tailless Agility Research aircraft and the F-15 ACTIVE, uniquely allows engineers
to better design flying qualities into the aircraft, reducing design and development costs
and improving pilot acceptance. Advances in robustness theory improved analysis tools
allowing engineers to accurately predict and thus expand departure boundaries for these
highly unstable aircraft. To further improve safety, these control laws were augmented
with neural networks for reconfigurable and damage adaptive flight control.
Missile systems, such as the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and the Miniaturized
Munition Technology Demonstrator (MMTD) developed their flight control designs us-
ing state feedback optimal control, and then projecting out those states not measured
by sensors . This method eliminated sensor hardware, reducing weight and costs, and
proved to be completely automatable. The Fourth Generation Escape System (GEN4)
ejection seat also used this approach for its control laws. In addition to needing optimal
performance, advances in robustness theory were used to characterize the seat’s con-
trol system performance to uncertain crew member size and weight (95% male to 5%
female). Autocode software tools for implementing controls systems also emerged in
the 1990s. These computer aided design tools provide a single environment for control
design and analysis as well as software design and test. They have greatly reduced the
implementation and testing costs of flight control systems.
The new challenge faced by the control community is the development of unmanned
combat systems (munitions as well as aircraft) and concepts of operations for these
systems to address the intelligent, increasingly hostile, rapidly changing environments
faced by our war fighters. These systems must detect, identify, locate, prioritize, and
employ ordinance to achieve permanent destruction of high value targets. New devel-
opments in intelligent control, vision based control, mission planning, path planning,
decision aiding, communication architectures, logistics and support concepts, and last
but not least, software development, validation, and verification are needed to support
these systems and make them affordable.
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
2.3 The Increasing Role of Information-Based
Early applications of control focused on the physics of the system being controlled,
whether it was the thermal dynamics of buildings, the flight mechanics of an air-
plane, or the tracking properties of a disk drive head. The situation we now face is
one in which pervasive computing, sensing, and communications are common and
the way that we interact with machines and they interact with each other is chang-
ing rapidly. The consequences of this tremendous increase in information are also
manifest in control, where we are now facing the challenges of controlling large-
scale systems and networks that are well beyond the size and complexity of the
traditional applications of control.
One indication of this shift is the role that embedded systems and software play
in modern technology, described briefly above. Modern computer control systems
are capable of enormous amounts of decision making and control logic. Increasingly,
these software systems are interacting with physical processes and introducing feed-
back algorithms to improve performance and robustness. Already, the amount of
logic-based code is overshadowing the traditional control algorithms in many appli-
cations. Much of this logic is interwoven with the closed loop performance of the
system, but systematic methods for analysis, verification, and design have yet to be
Another area where control of information-based systems will be increasingly
important is in resource allocation systems. In this context, control can be described
as the science and engineering of optimal dynamic resource allocation under uncer-
tainty. We start with a mathematical model, of a system that describes how current
actions or decisions can affect the future behavior of the system, including our un-
certainty in that behavior. “Resource allocation” means that our decisions can be
interpreted as managing a tradeoff between competing goals, or choosing from a
limited set of possible actions. “Uncertainty” is critical: there is some possible vari-
ation in the system’s behavior, so that decisions have to be made taking different
possibilities into account. Sources of uncertainty include incomplete or corrupted
information available to the decision maker, uncertainty in the mathematical model
used to model the system, and unpredictability of commands due to noise and
disturbance signals that affect the system. While often considered an operations
research problem, the role of dynamics and instabilities points to a clear need for
control theory as well.
One of the consequences of this shift toward information-based systems is that
we are moving from an era where physics was the bottleneck to progress to one in
which complexity is the bottleneck.
There are already many examples of this new class of systems that are being
deployed. Congestion control in routers for the Internet, power control in wireless
communications systems, and real-time use of information in service and supply
chains are a few examples. In all of these systems, it is the interaction of informa-
tion flow with the underlying physics that is responsible for the overall performance.
Another example is the air traffic control network, where the density of flights, de-
mand for efficiency, and intolerance for failure have created a situation that couples
2.3. The Increasing Role of Information-Based Systems
Figure 2.5.
San Francisco Bay area aircraft arrival and departure routes.
Figure courtesy of Federal Aviation Authority.
vast amounts of information—everything from the location of the planes to the indi-
vidual customer itineraries—that must be managed to maintain high performance,
robust, and reliable operation at all times. Figure 2.5 shows just one small part of
this problem, the local departure and arrival routes in the San Francisco Bay area.
There is an important role for control in many of these applications. As
in traditional application areas, control serves as a mechanism for getting both
information and, more importantly,
out of data. Furthermore, the theory
of control provides insights and tools for analyzing and designing interconnected
systems with desirable stability and robustness properties.
One fundamental change in the use of control is the role of communications
and networking. This will radically change the use of feedback in modern systems,
through increased access to large amounts of information as well as the new envi-
ronment in which control systems will have to operate. Control computations must
increasingly be done in a distributed, partially asynchronous environment where
tight control over the timing of data and computation is not available, due for
example to the existence of packet-based communications networks between sens-
ing, actuation, and computational nodes. Many traditional approaches may no
longer work in this context and we anticipate the need to develop new paradigms
for designing robust, high performance, feedback systems in this information rich
The role of uncertainty in information rich systems is also critical (and largely
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
unexplored) and concepts from control will play an important role in managing
this uncertainty in the analysis, design, and operation of large-scale, interconnected
systems. Uncertainty must be represented in order to build tractable models for
answering questions that take into account the whole range of possible variations
in the details of components and their interconnections. Control ideas will be in-
creasingly important as a tool for managing both the complexity and uncertainty in
these systems, and must be made available to the designers of such systems, through
education and design software. One aspect of this that is likely to be particularly
important is the exploration of fundamental limits of performance, robustness, and
stability, since tradeoffs between these will be the primary design challenge in this
Examples of the need for increased development in this area can be seen in the
applications discussed in the next chapter. Vehicle, mission, and airspace manage-
ment systems for transportation; source, power, and router control for networks;
and genetic, cellular, and integrative feedback networks in biological systems are
just a few examples. The simplest of these problems lies at the boundaries of
current tools and understanding, and future progress will require a much deeper
understanding of the integration between control, communications, computing, and
networks as well as modeling, analysis, and control of complex decision systems.
2.4 Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Field
Control has developed into a major field in which generations of engineers are able
to solve problems of practical importance and enormous impact. Over the past few
years, the opportunities for control have expanded enormously, but there are many
challenges that must be addressed to realize the potential for impact. In this section
we attempt to characterize some of the overarching themes that describe these
opportunities and challenges, and recommend an approach for moving forward.
Characteristics of the New Environment
The future of control will be driven by a new environment that differs substantially
from that of the past 40 years. Some of the features of this new environment are
already apparent and provide insight into the new research directions that must be
Ubiquitous Computation, Communication and Sensing
. The dominant change in
the engineering environment is the presence of ever more powerful computation
and cheaper communication. The new software and storage products that these
developments have spawned have further changed the engineering landscape in many
areas. In addition, microelectronics and MEMS have made available inexpensive
sensors , such as those shown in Figure 2.6, and new actuator concepts that can be
made available via communication networks, allowing increasingly sensor rich and
actuator rich control.
It will require decades to take full advantage of these developments. Some
innovation will involve standalone improvements to individual systems and some
2.4. Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Field
Figure 2.6.
Examples of current sensor technology: (a) 1024x1024 CCD
array, (b) MEMS-based microgryoscope, and (c) sensor web pod. All photographs
courtesy of Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
will involve extreme interconnectedness of the type seen in the telephone system,
the power grid, the Internet, and their descendants. Both types may, and probably
will, depend on the use of control. The new ideas required to be successful in
the two cases are, however, likely to be qualitatively different because we do not
yet have a great deal of experience in building and operating safe, reliable, highly
interconnected systems.
New Application Domains
. In addition to the revolutionary changes in information
technology, future control systems will involve interactions between physical, chem-
ical, biological, and information sciences, integrated with algorithms and feedback.
This will open up new application domains for control, such as biological engineer-
ing and quantum systems. While there are already researchers within the control
community that are attacking problems in these areas, it will be necessary to ed-
ucate new generations of researchers in both control and other disciplines in order
to make advances in these applications. The possibilities for control are potentially
very fundamental in nature, as illustrated in the following vignette.
Vignette: Quantum Measurement and Control (Hideo Mabuchi, Cal-
To illustrate the applications of control in new domains, consider the research of Hideo
Mabuchi, who is exploring the use of feedback and control in quantum systems and its
implications for unifying quantum and classical physics:
A grand enigma, which is perhaps our primary legacy from 20th Century
physics, is that the states and dynamics we ascribe to microscopic (quan-
tum) systems seem incompatible with macroscopic (classical) phenomenol-
ogy. For example, physical theory claims that it should be illogical simulta-
neously to assign definite values to certain sets of measurable properties of
a quantum system. And yet we want to believe that quantum mechanics
is a correct description of microscopic physics, which evolves robustly into
classical dynamics for systems of sufficiently large size and with a sufficiently
high degree of interconnection among their manifold degrees of freedom.
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
How can we understand the consistency of quantum mechanics, as a mi-
croscopic theory, with classical physics as a manifestly valid description of
macroscopic phenomena?
Control theory provides a new set of tools for understanding quantum systems. One set
of tools is through systematic techniques for model reduction:
Viewed from a “multiscale” perspective, our challenge in explaining the
quantum-classical transition will be to show that classical physics can rig-
orously be obtained as a robust and parsimonious approximation to the
dynamics of certain aggregate degrees of freedom for generic complex quan-
tum systems. In the language of control theory, one would like to derive
classical physics as an optimal model reduction of quantum physics. A
number of fundamental questions arise as soon as the problem is posed this
way. How can this model reduction be so general and robust, depending
only upon the structure of quantum theory and not the details of any par-
ticular dynamical system? What are the general parameters that control
the error bounds on this model reduction? What impact will this program
have, if successful, on our basic interpretation of quantum mechanics?
In addition, control can provide new techniques for doing experiments, allowing us to
better explore physical understanding:
... we hope that feedback control will provide a crucial experimental
methodology for scrutinizing the validity of quantum measurement the-
ory in realistic laboratory scenarios, especially with regard to the equations
for conditional evolution of a system under continuous observation. Such
equations could be used as the starting point for controller synthesis, for ex-
ample, and their validity would be assessed by comparison of experimentally
observed closed-loop behavior with theoretical expectations.
Mabuchi’s work illustrates the potential power of control theory as a disruptive tech-
nology for understanding the world around us.
Reliable Systems with Unreliable Parts
. Most reasonably complex man-made sys-
tems are not rendered inoperable by the failure of any particular component and
biological systems often demonstrate remarkable robustness in this regard. Simple
redundancy, or the spare parts approach to such problems, is of limited effectiveness
because it is uneconomical. Designs that allow the system to reconfigure itself when
a component fails, even if this degrades the performance roughly in proportion to
the magnitude of the failure, are usually preferred. Although computer memory
chips and disk drive controllers often take advantage of strategies of this type, it is
still true that the design of self healing systems is not well studied or analyzed.
This issue takes on considerable significance when dealing with interconnected
systems of the complexity of the Internet. In this case there are billions of compo-
2.4. Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Field
nents and yet the system is so essential that little downtime can be tolerated.
. Air traffic control systems, power grid control systems and other large-
scale, interconnected systems are typical of a class of problems whose complexity
is fixed not by the designer but rather by economic considerations and the natural
scale of the problem. An acceptable solution in this context must be capable of
dealing with the given complexity. In deciding if a system can be built or not, it is
important to correctly gauge the feasibility because there is no value in a product
that “almost” works.
Every discipline has methods for dealing with some types of complexity. In
the physical sciences, for example, the tools developed for studying statistical me-
chanics have lead to a very substantial body of literature, effective for solving some
problems. However, in discussing complexity it is one thing to find a point of view
from which aspects of the behavior is compressible (e.g., “the entropy of a closed
system can only increase”) but it is another to have a “theory of complex systems”.
The latter is something of an oxymoron, in that it suggests that the system is not
really complex. On the other hand, it does make sense to seek to understand and
organize the methodologies which have proven to be useful in the design of highly
interconnected systems and to study naturally occurring systems with this in mind.
Engineers looking at the immune system may very well be able to suggest new
methods to defeat Internet viruses and ideas from neuroscience may inspire new
developments in building reliable systems using unreliable components.
Vision for the Future
This new environment for control presents many challenges, but also many opportu-
nities for impact across a broad variety of application areas. The future directions
in control, dynamics, and systems must continue to address fundamental issues,
guided by new applications.
One of the biggest challenges facing the field is the integration of computa-
tion, communications, and control. As computing, communications, and sensing
become more ubiquitous, the use of control will become increasingly ubiquitous as
well. However, many of the standard paradigms that allow the separation of these
different disciplines will no longer be valid. For example, the ability to separate the
computational architecture from the functions that are being computed is already
beginning to unravel as we look at distributed systems with redundant, intermit-
tent, and sometimes unreliable computational elements. Beyond simply looking at
hybrid systems, a theory must be developed that integrates computer science and
Similarly, the simplification that two nodes that are connected can communi-
cate with sufficient reliability and bandwidth such that the properties of the com-
munications channel can be ignored no longer holds in the highly networked envi-
ronment of the future. Control must become more integrated with the protocols
of communications so that high response feedback loops are able to use the same
channels as high throughput, lower bandwidth information, without interfering with
each other.
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
Another element of the future of control is to begin to understand analysis
and synthesis of control using higher levels of decision making. Traditionally control
has dealt with the problem of keeping a few variables constant (regulation) or
making variables follow specified time functions (tracking). In robotics, control
was faced with more complicated problems such as obstacle avoidance and path
planning (task-based control). Future systems will require that control be applied
to problems that cannot necessarily be expressed in terms of continuous variables,
but rather have symbolic, linguistic, or protocol-based descriptions. This is required
as we move to more sophisticated autonomous and semi-autonomous systems that
require high-level decision making capabilities.
At the same time as control moves to higher levels of decision making, it will
also move to new domains that are only beginning to emerge at the present time.
This includes biological, quantum and environmental systems; software systems;
enterprise level systems; and economic and financial systems. In all of these new
problem domains, it will be necessary to develop a
theory of control. This
has been a historical strength of the field and has allowed it to be successful in an
enormous number of systems.
Finally, we envision an increased awareness of control principles in science and
engineering, including much more exposure to feedback systems in math and science
The opportunities and challenges describe here should be addressed on two fronts.
There is a need for a broadly supported, active research program whose goals are to
explore and further develop methodologies for design and operation of reliable and
robust highly interactive systems, and there is a need to make room in the academic
programs for material specific to this area.
The research program must be better integrated with research activities in
other disciplines and include scientists trained in software engineering, molecular
biology, statistical mechanics, systems engineering and psychology. Control re-
searchers must continue to branch out beyond traditional discipline boundaries and
become participants and contributors in areas such as computer science, biology,
economics, environmental science, materials science and operations research. There
is particular need for increased control research in information-based systems, in-
cluding communications, software, verification and validation, and logistics.
To support this broader research program, a renewed academic program must
also be developed. This program should strengthen the systems view and stretch
across traditional discipline boundaries. To do so, it will be necessary to provide
better dissemination of tools to new communities and provide a broader education
for control engineers and researchers. This will require considerable effort to present
current knowledge in a more compact way and to allow new results in software,
communications, and emerging application domains to be added, while maintaining
the key principles of control on which new results will rest. Simultaneously, the
control community must seek to increase exposure to feedback in math and science
education at all levels, even K-12. Feedback is a fundamental principle that should
2.4. Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Field
be part of every technically literate person’s knowledge base.
One of the characteristics of the control field has been an emphasis on theory
and mathematical formulations of the problems being considered. This discipline
has resulted in a body of work that is reliable and unambiguous. Moreover, because
this style appeals to some very able graduate students, it has been an important
factor in maintaining the flow of talent into the field. However, for engineers and
scientists this has been a barrier to entry and can make it difficult for outsiders
to assimilate and use the work in their own field. In addition, it has sometimes
had a chilling effect on the development of ideas that are not easily translated into
mathematical form. The challenge presented by the need to steer a course between
the possible extremes here is not new, it has always been present. What is new
is that the availability of easily used simulation tools has made the use of heuris-
tic reasoning both more appealing and more reliable. In particular, optimization
involving problems that are so large and/or so badly non-convex that rigorous anal-
ysis is infeasible can now be approached using principled heuristics. Because of the
software and computing power now available this may be the most effective way to
proceed. It is important to find a place for effective heuristics in the training of
students and the highest level professional meetings of the field.
Finally, experimentation on representative systems must be an integral part
of the control community’s approach. The continued growth of experiments, both
in education and research, should be supported and new experiments that reflect
the new environment will need to be developed. These experiments are important
for the insight into application domains that they bring, as well as the development
of software and algorithms for applying new theory. But they also form the training
ground for systems engineers, who learn about modeling, robustness, interconnec-
tion, and data analysis through their experiences on real systems.
The recommendations of the Panel, detailed in Chapter 5, provide a high
level plan for implementing this basic approach. The recommendations focus on
the need to pursue vigorously new application domains and, in particular, those
domains in which the principles of control will be essential for future progress.
They also highlight the need to maintain the field’s strong theoretical base and
historical rigor, while at the same time finding new ways to broaden the exposure
and use of control to a broader collection of scientists and engineers.
The new environment that control faces is one with many new challenges and
an enormous array of opportunities. Advancing the state of the art will require that
that the community accelerate its integration across disciplines and look beyond the
current paradigms to tackle the next generation of applications. In the next chapter,
we explore some of the application areas in more detail and identify some of the
specific advancements that will be required.
Chapter 2. Overview of the Field
Chapter 3
Opportunities, and
In this chapter, we consider some of the opportunities and challenges for control
in different application areas. The Panel decided to organize the treatment of
applications around five main areas to identify the overarching themes that would
guide its recommendations. These are:
Aerospace and transportation
Information and networks
Robotics and intelligent machines
Biology and medicine
Materials and processing
In addition, several additional areas arose over the course of the Panel’s delibera-
tions, including environmental science and engineering, economics and finance, and
molecular and quantum systems. Taken together, these represent an enormous col-
lection of applications and demonstrate the breadth of applicability of ideas from
The opportunities and challenges in each of these application areas form the
basis for the major recommendations in this report. In each area, we have sought
the advice and insights not only of control researchers, but also experts in the
application domains who might not consider themselves to be control researchers.
In this way, we hoped to identify the true challenges in each area, rather than
simply identifying interesting control problems that may not have a substantial
opportunity for impact. We hope that the findings will be of interest not only to
control researchers, but also to scientists and engineers seeking to understand how
control tools might be applied to their discipline.
There were several overarching themes that arose across all of the areas con-
sidered by the Panel. The use of systematic and rigorous tools is considered critical
to future success and is an important trademark of the field. At the same time, the
Chapter 3. Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges
next generation of problems will require a paradigm shift in control research and
education. The increased information available across all application areas requires
more integration with ideas from computer science and communications, as well as
improved tools for modeling, analysis, and synthesis for complex decision systems
that contain a mixture of symbolic and continuous dynamics. The need to continue
research in the theoretical foundations that will underly future advances was also
common across all of the applications.
In each section that follows we give a brief description of the background and
history of control in that domain, followed by a selected set of topics which are used
to explore the future potential for control and the technical challenges that must be
addressed. As in the rest of the report, we do not attempt to be comprehensive in
our choice of topics, but rather highlight some of the areas where we see the greatest
potential for impact. Throughout these sections, we have limited the references to
those that provide historical context, future directions, or broad overviews in the
topic area, rather than specific technical contributions (which are too numerous to
properly document).
3.1. Aerospace and Transportation
3.1 Aerospace and Transportation
Men already know how to construct wings or airplanes, which when driven through
the air at sufficient speed, will not only sustain the weight of the wings themselves,
but also that of the engine, and of the engineer as well. Men also know how to
build engines and screws of sufficient lightness and power to drive these planes at
sustaining speed ... Inability to balance and steer still confronts students of the flying
problem. ... When this one feature has been worked out, the age of flying will have
arrived, for all other difficulties are of minor importance.
Wilbur Wright, lecturing to the Western Society of Engineers in 1901 [30].
Aerospace and transportation encompasses a collection of critically important
application areas where control is a key enabling technology. These application areas
represent a very large part of the modern world’s overall technological capability.
They are also a major part of its economic strength, and they contribute greatly to
the well being of its people. The historical role of control in these application areas,
the current challenges in these areas, and the projected future needs all strongly
support the recommendations of this report.
The Historical Role
In aerospace, specifically, control has been a key technological capability tracing
back to the very beginning of the 20th Century. Indeed, the Wright brothers are cor-
rectly famous not simply for demonstrating powered flight—they actually demon-
powered flight. Their early Wright Flyer incorporated moving
control surfaces (vertical fins and canards) and warpable wings that allowed the
pilot to regulate the aircraft’s flight. In fact, the aircraft itself was not stable, so
continuous pilot corrections were mandatory. This early example of controlled flight
is followed by a fascinating success story of continuous improvements in flight con-
trol technology, culminating in the very high performance, highly reliable automatic
flight control systems we see on modern commercial and military aircraft today (see
Fighter Aircraft and Missiles Vignette, page 17).
Similar success stories for control technology occurred in many other aerospace
application areas. Early World War II bombsights and fire control servo systems
have evolved into today’s highly accurate radar guided guns and precision guided
weapons. Early failure-prone space missions have evolved into routine launch oper-
ations, manned landings on the moon, permanently manned space stations, robotic
vehicles roving Mars, orbiting vehicles at the outer planets, and a host of commer-
cial and military satellites serving various surveillance, communication, navigation
and earth observation needs.
Similarly, control technology has played a key role in the continuing improve-
ment and evolution of transportation—in our cars, highways, trains, ships and air
transportation systems. Control’s contribution to the dramatic increases of safety,
reliability and fuel economy of the automobile is particularly noteworthy. Cars
have advanced from manually tuned mechanical/pneumatic technology to computer
controlled operation of all major functions including fuel injection, emission con-
trol, cruise control, braking, cabin comfort, etc. Indeed, modern automobiles carry