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Two-photon microscopy enables sub-diffraction limit characterizations of
millimeter-depth features in living specimens
Shawn Yoshida
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
(Dated: 5/31/2022)
Two-photon microscopy allows for the imaging of both fixed and live tissues orders of magnitude
deeper than what is possible with standard widefield microscopy techniques and does so at higher
resolutions than those conventional techniques. There are numerous structures that were previously
unable to be imaged in live specimens until the development of two-photon microscopy due to their
depth in the tissue. While confocal microscopy can also image deeper into tissues than conventional
widefield techniques, the penetration depth is still insufficient for many biological structures of
interest. Before the development of two-photon microscopy, the primary methods for imaging such
structures were tissue sectioning and scaling, i.e. making the tissues transparent via soaking in
chemical solvents. Both of these methods are incompatible with living samples, and while they
can also achieve two-photon-like resolutions, they cannot visualize any dynamics. Two-photon
microscopy exploits the nonlinearity of its namesake effect, and by only exciting near the waist of
the beam in the imaging plane, is able to achieve millimeter-depth imaging in tissues at higher
Two-photon microscopy, two-photon excitation, confocal microscopy, fluorescence,
nonlinear optics, biological imaging
There are numerous cases where the spatiotemporal
organization of deep tissues and the biological processes
within them were previously not able to be studied in live
specimens. Two-photon microscopy (and later, multi-
photon derivatives) enabled the study of such structures
where no previously existing techniques could, such as
its original intended target, the neuron [1, 4], along with
more recent applications to systems like skin cells [2] and
cancer metastasis [3]. In addition, is has been applied to
the live imaging of numerous organisms such as fruit flies
[5], zebrafish [6], mice [7], and humans [2].
Many of two-photon microscopy’s benefits become ap-
parent when compared to alternative techniques. Con-
ventional widefield fluorescence microscopy techniques
are not very well suited for deep tissue imaging. While
these techniques can generally illuminate up to around
, they cannot clearly resolve anything at that
depth, and while total internal reflection fluorescence mi-
croscopy (TIRF microscopy) is gaining popularity for its
sensitivity, it is generally limited to penetration depths of
one to two hundred nanometers [8]. Confocal microscopy
is often used for three-dimensional imaging deeper in tis-
sues, but it is limited to imaging structures up to a few
microns deep [9, 10]. Scientists interested in deeper struc-
tures like the brain were initially able to circumvent the
limit on imaging depth by euthanizing the animals, then
taking brain slices [11]. Later, scaling, a chemical method
of making a mouse embryo optically transparent enough
to directly image the brain was developed [12]. How-
ever, both of these techniques relied on the termination
of the specimen before imaging. In order to probe the
dynamics of neuronal activity, scientists needed a way
to image deep into animal tissue without the need for
euthenasia. Two-photon microscopy filled this gap, and
is able to image over a millimeter deep into tissue. In
addition, it does so at a resolution higher than conven-
tional widefield techniques, and comparable to confocal
microscopy: well below the diffraction limit. After in-
troducing the principles and practical considerations be-
hind two-photon microscopy, the underlying reason for
both increased penetration depth and resolution will be
Two-photon microscopy relies on two-photon exci-
tations (or more fundamentally, absorptions), a phe-
nomenon initially theorized by Dr.
Maria G ̈oppert-
Mayer in her doctoral dissertation [13]. As shown in
figure 1, a fluorophore that is typically is excited by a
photon with energy
can also be excited by
the near simultaneous arrival (within a femtosecond) of
two photons with energies
. A large
amount of energy (generally hundreds of thousands of
watts) is needed to guarantee a sufficient number of two-
photon excitations. Continuous wave lasers (CW lasers)
cannot maintain sufficient powers, so pulsed lasers like
Ti-Sapphire lasers which can produce pulses of around
at a frequencies around 80
are used in
their stead. The benefits of replacing a more simple, sta-
tistically likely excitation scheme with a less accessible
nonlinear one may not be immediately obvious. However,
the nonlinear nature of two-photon excitations is actually
responsible for both two-photon microscopy’s ability to
achieve millimeter-depth imaging and its ability to image
with increased resolution.
FIG. 1. Jab lo ́nski diagram comparing one-photon and two-
photon excitation events. For a two-photon excitation to oc-
cur, it is necessary that the combined energies of the red pho-
tons equal the energy of the blue photon, i.e.
= 2
and that both red photons arrive within a femtosecond of one
another. Of course, there is no requirement that the photons
actually be red or blue, the colors are just for illustrative pur-
FIG. 2. The absorption coefficients of common biological ma-
terials. While the absorption coefficients of water and lipids
increase with wavelengths in the red to infrared, the rele-
vant materials in millimeter-depth biological imaging show
decreased absorption coefficients under the same range of
wavelengths. Reproduced from [14] under Attribution 4.0 In-
ternational (CC BY 4.0).
The primary optical effects that limit imaging depth in
live tissues are scattering and absorption. Two-photon
microscopy allows us to reduce the impacts of both of
these interactions. It is often preferred that the fluo-
rophores used in biological imaging have emission wave-
lengths in the visible. Consequently, when using a two-
photon process to excite such fluorophores, an excitation
beam with a wavelength in the red to infrared regime
must be used. It is well established that the intensity of
Rayleigh scattering scales with the inverse of the wave-
length to the fourth power, i.e.
. Then, it follows
that increasing the wavelength of our excitation beam
reduces the amount of scattering in the sample.
Using an excitation beam with a longer wavelength also
reduces the amount of absorption in the tissue. As shown
in figure 2, while the absorption coefficient of water and
lipids is higher at higher wavelengths, the relevant bio-
logical mass in millimeter-depth imaging like blood and
melanin feature dropoffs in their absorption coefficients
at longer wavelengths (in particular in the red to infrared
regime). Two-photon microscopy allows for the imag-
ing of standard, biological fluorophores using excitation
beam wavelengths that scatter and absorb less in living
Of course, the penetration of the excitation beam is
not the sole factor in determining the maximum imag-
ing depth of a given technique. In order to image deeper
in the tissue while avoiding the detection of fluorescence
from areas not of interest (and not in focus), millimeter-
depth imaging techniques like two-photon microscopy
need some way to isolate the signal from the imaging
plane before detection. Because of both the rarity of si-
multaneous photon arrival and the fact that the emission
intensity scales with the square of the excitation intensity,
the only place in the beam where two-photon excitation
occurs is near the waist, where the photon flux is max-
imized. In other words, the nonlinearity of two-photon
excitations guarantees that the bulk of the detected sig-
nal originates from the imaging plane (as shown in the
bottom pane of figure 3). The size and position of the
excitation volume are also responsible for two-photon mi-
croscopy’s ability to image at a higher resolution than
conventional widefield techniques.
The resolution of light microscopes was traditionally
thought to be fundamentally limited by the diffraction
limit, given as
where NA represents the numerical aperture, or the
range of angles over which a lens, in this case the ob-
jective lens, can accept light. This means that in gen-
eral, fluorescence microscopes used for biological imaging
are limited to resolutions of a few hundred nanometers.
Numerous techniques have been pioneered that circum-
vent this limit, broadly referred to as super-resolution
microscopies. While there are numerous types of super-
FIG. 3. Scheme comparing the optical excitation and detection paths of widefield, confocal, and two-photon microscopy.
Notably, confocal microscopy acheives higher resolution both laterally and axially by using a pinhole in the excitation beampath
(non shown here) to narrow the focal volume and another pinhole between the tube lens and the detector in order to block out
of focus light. Two-photon microscopy has no need for these pinholes because the nonlinear nature of two-photon excitations
constrains the excited region to only near the waist of the beam where the photon flux is maximized. The focal and excitation
volumes are depicted in the bottom pane.
resolution techniques, such as localization-based tech-
niques like STORM, PALM, and fPALM ([15–18]) and
correlation-based techniques like SOFI and variants ([19–
21]), they all require global single-molecule resolution,
a feat generally only achievable at or near interfaces.
While these techniques can achieve near-molecular res-
olutions, they are not yet suitable for the investigation of
millimeter-depth features. However, there are other ways
to get more modest increases in resolution, one of which
is by preventing out of focus (both lateral and axial) light
from reaching the detector, an effect most easily under-
stood by comparing conventional widefield and confocal
Traditional widefield microscopies have their resolu-
tions limited partially by the presence of out of focus light
in both the lateral and axial directions. Generally, con-
focal microscopy filters out the out of focus light in order
to achieve higher resolutions at the cost of field of view.
This is done through the use of a set of pinholes. The
first is used just before the beampath intersects with the
dichroic (colloquially known as the illumination pinhole
and not shown in figure 3 due to space) and is respon-
sible for ensuring that the light source is as close to a
point light source as possible. The second pinhole (collo-
quially known as the detection pinhole) is responsible for
filtering out all the out of focus signal that results from
excitation events outside of the imaging plane. As shown
in the bottom pane of figure 3, the entire focal volume is
excited in the confocal scheme. Much of the out of focus
signal from the focal volume can be filtered out by the
pinhole, but a combination of scattering and absorption
still limits the imaging depth of confocal microscopy.
However, due to the nonlinearity of two-photon mi-
croscopy, nearly all of the signal from the sample is guar-
anteed to be from the imaging plane. As shown in figure
3, while the excitation beam still passes through much
of the sample, only the fluorophores near the waist of
the beam (incidentally in the imaging plane) are excited.
This means that there is little to no out of focus light
to be filtered out, and two-photon microscopy is able to
achieve a finer resolution in a similar manner as confocal
microscopy without a need for pinholes. In addition, fluo-
rescent signal that is scattered by the sample is generally
filtered out by the pinholes in confocal microscopy, but
in two-photon microscopy, there is no need. Because the
signal is nearly guaranteed to be from the focal volume
at the imaging plane, scattered fluorescent signal can still
be used by the one dimensional detector, often a photo-
multiplier tube (PMT), and actually serves to increase
the sensitivity of detection in two-photon microscopy.
The investigation of millimeter-depth tissues in live
specimens was long impossible due an inability of lin-
ear fluorescence microscopy techniques to resolve fea-
tures more than a few microns deep in biological tissue.
These deeper features could be imaged by cutting slices
of tissue and making specimens transparent by chem-
ical means, but neither of these methods can be per-
formed in live specimens. The nonlinearity of the two-
photon excitations that underly two-photon microscopy
enables the use of red to infrared wavelengths to specifi-
cally excite the small volume where the excitation beam
and imaging plane intersect. This permits the imaging
of live, millimeter-depth biological features (unachiev-
able by confocal microscopy) at resolutions greater than
achievable with conventional widefield techniques. It is
for this reason that the development of two-photon mi-
croscopy has had such a major impact on biology as a
Thanks to Profs Geoff Blake and Scott Cushing for
a great quarter and to Danika Nimlos for TAing and
grading my (at times shocking) attempts to complete the
problem sets.
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