What can machine learning teach us about habit formation?
Evidence from exercise and hygiene
We apply a machine learning technique to characterize habit formation in two large
panel data sets with objective measures of 1) gym attendance (over 12 million
observations) and 2) hospital handwashing (over 40 million observations). Our
Predicting Context Sensitivity (PCS) approach identifies context variables that best
predict behavior for each individual. This approach also creates a time series of overall
predictability for each individual. These time series predictability values are used to trace
a habit formation curve for each individual, operationalizing the time of habit formation
as the asymptotic limit of when behavior becomes highly predictable. Contrary to the
popular belief in a “magic number” of days to develop a habit, we find that it typically
takes months to form the habit of going to the gym but weeks to develop the habit
of handwashing in the hospital. Furthermore, we find that gymgoers who are more
predictable are less responsive to an intervention designed to promote more gym
attendance, consistent with past experiments showing that habit formation generates
insensitivity to reward devaluation.
machine learning
context sensitivity
Much of human behavior is habitual. Unlike choices that are consciously deliberated,
habits are the result of stimulus–response associations (1). Habits constitute a behavior in
which responses are cued by context features (e.g., sensory stimuli, locations, preceding
actions) that were reliably present when the habit was previously executed (2).
To date, the best evidence of automatic and context-sensitive behavior linked to habits
comes from laboratory experiments on animals and humans (
SI Appendix
, section 1)
and a handful of field experiments (3), But there is surprisingly little research on how
human habits naturally develop outside of the laboratory over the course of weeks or
months in everyday life (4). Three prior observational studies examined habit formation
over substantial periods of time using daily self-reports. In a seminal study (5), 96
undergraduates ate, drank, and exercised daily in the same context for 12 wk and self-
reported habit strength every day. This study, and two similar ones (6) and (7), suggest
“habits typically develop asymptotically and idiosyncratically, potentially
differing in rate across people, cues and behaviors” (8, pg. 220).
To advance our understanding of how habits develop in natural settings, we develop a
machine learning methodology that is especially well suited for analyzing panel data with
repeated observations of behavior. Our Predicting Context Sensitivity (PCS) approach
identifies the context variables that best predict behavior for each individual. Specifically,
PCS uses a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression, a
hypothesis-free form of statistical analysis which does not prespecify what variables are
likely to be predictive of an individual’s behavior. The LASSO technique generates a
person-specific measure of overall behavioral predictability based on the variables that are
predictive of that person’s behavior. Predictability ranges from .5 (completely random)
to 1 (completely predictable), acknowledging that habit formation is a matter of degree
and is not dichotomous. The degree of habit formation can vary across people and vary
within person across time. These continuous measures of predictability we generate are
then used to study individual differences in predictability, and speed of habit formation,
which is defined as the amount of time it takes for a given person’s behavior to reach its
steady state of predictability.
Because the field data we analyze do not include direct measures of automaticity
of behavior, we operationalize habit as context-sensitive predictability. It is, of course,
possible that other mechanisms that are not automatic account for the context-sensitive
Psychology and neuroscience
define habit as a type of decision
process in which the same
behavior is executed in the same
context, regardless of the
outcome. We introduce a
machine learning method that
discovers which of many context
variables are associated with
behavior and infers how quickly
habits form. This can include but
is not limited to past choice. The
method can be used to target
interventions based on the
specific context variables that
affect behavior, that individual’s
predictability and how strongly
their habit has been formed. This
potential is illustrated by our
finding that a well-powered,
random-assignment intervention
to increase gym attendance had a
larger effect on gymgoers who
were less predictably
Author contributions: A.B., H.H., and C.C. designed
research; A.B., H.H., K.L.M., A.L.D., and C.C. performed
research; A.B., H.H., X.L., and C.C. analyzed data; and A.B.,
H.H., K.L.M., A.L.D., and C.C. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no competing interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
2023 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.
This article is distributed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0
A.B. and H.H. contributed equally to this work.
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
This article contains supporting information online
Published April 17, 2023.
2023 Vol. 120 No. 17 e2216115120
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predictability we observe (9). However, we note that our
approach is consistent with a large literature operationalizing
habit as we do, e.g., ref. 10.
PCS works best for large samples in which there are repeated
observations of behavior for each person. For each of the 30,110
people in study 1, there are a median of 1,525 daily observations
(over 4 y of gym attendance). For each of the 3,124 people
in Study 2, there are a median of 3,000 observations (98
hospital shifts). In both samples, we analyze objective measures
of behavior, rather than self-reports of behavior gathered after-
the-fact, thereby avoiding possible errors of memory and meta-
cognition (11).
PCS yields three important discoveries in this investigation:
First, context variables are more predictive of behavior for some
individuals than others. Second, contrary to common wisdom,
there is no “magic number” for how long it takes to form a habit.
Instead, the speed of habit formation appears to vary significantly
between behavioral domain: Gym habits take months to form and
handwashing habits take weeks to form. Third, consistent with
prior research on nonhuman animals, more habitual gymgoers are
reward-insensitive, responding less to a well-designed behavioral
intervention (12).
1. Study 1: Gym Attendance
A. Data.
We partnered with 24 h Fitness, a large North American
gym chain, to obtain check-in and background data on a total
of 60,277 regular gym users (IRB approval is described in
, section 6). These users were spread across 560 gyms and
consented to share their information with researchers when they
signed up to be in a fitness program. The data we analyze track
gym attendance for each person from the first day they attended
this gym chain, which is ideal for studying the development of
habits from inception. Our gym attendance dataset spans 14 y,
ranging from 2006 to 2019 and it includes over 12 million data
points, each corresponding to one gym check-in. Each data point
has a timestamp and location of the gym visited, as well as other
details about the gym (such as its amenities). We infer several
other attributes not in the raw data files, such as the day of the
week, and individual-level variables such as the time since gym
membership creation. The total set of unique candidate context
variables used to estimate predictable gym attendance includes
a gym visit’s month of the year, day of the week, time lag (the
number of days which have elapsed since the gym goer’s last visit),
attendance rate in the past week, the number of consecutive days
of attendance (streak), and the number of consecutive days of
attendance for the same day of the week (day-of-week streak). A
full list of the variables analyzed and a longer description of the
data can be found in
SI Appendix
, section 2.
Our analytic sample is a subset of gym goers based on two
criteria. Members without a valid gym contract (1,083) are
removed. Second, we exclude participants with less than a year
of data (removing 28,878 members) and too little attendance
for the LASSO model to classify well due to sample imbalance
(removing 206 members). This leaves N = 30,110 gym goers.
We analyze the behavior of these gym goers from the first day
that they joined the gym.
Table 1 provides summary statistics for the final analytic
dataset. Gym members in our sample are 62
female and have a
median age of 34 y. The average individual in this dataset goes to
the gym every 4 to 6 d. The median number of days an individual
is observed (or “has an opportunity to go to the gym”) is 1,525 d,
or just over 4 y.
Table 1
Summary statistics from gym attendance an-
alytic sample
Mean SD
Q1 Median Q3
36.76 12.35 27.00 34.00 45.00
− − − −
Daily attendance
0.19 0.16 0.07
Days observed
2,020 1,453 658
1,525 3,655
Days between visits 15.77 29.74 3.69
6.89 15.22
Note: SD = standard deviation, Q1 and Q3 = first and third quartiles.
B. Analytic Approach.
For each individual in our dataset, we
first train a logit LASSO model to predict the likelihood of
gym attendance (a binary outcome variable) day-by-day. LASSO
adds a penalty to the minimized objective function (sum of
squared residuals) based on coefficient absolute magnitude. This
has the effect of “shrinking” many regression coefficients to zero
in order to guard against overfitting when so many variables
are included. To illustrate a typical difference between regular
regression and LASSO, suppose a researcher believed month-of-
the-year might be predictive of gym attendance but didn’t have a
strong hypothesis regarding which months were most predictive
for which individual. A standard OLS regression would derive
best-fitting nonzero coefficients for all the 12-mo variables. But it
is likely that most of those coefficients are not precisely estimated,
and the largest magnitudes would probably be exaggerated.
Because of the LASSO penalty, many of these coefficients that
are close to zero would shrink to exactly zero and the largest
magnitudes would be compressed toward zero (both “zeroing
out” variables and compressing them toward zero reduces the
LASSO penalty). The LASSO penalty is well known in many
applications to reduce false positives—which are expected when
there are many coefficients—so that false positives do not degrade
the fit from training to the hold-out test samples. This results in
a more compact model with only the most relevant predictor
variables having nonzero coefficients. For example, in our gym
data analysis, about half of the month coefficients have zero
LASSO coefficients (
SI Appendix
, Table S1).
It is crucial to note that LASSO shrinkage due to the magnitude
penalty implies that the coefficients are not the best estimates of
the true coefficient value (because they are deliberately shrunk
toward zero). This is a well-known property of LASSO. It is
the statistical price that is paid to guard against overfitting when
exploring large variable sets (in technical terms, it reflects a “bias-
variance” tradeoff). A byproduct of this property is that there is
no simple conventional procedure for computing standard errors
for LASSO coefficients (13) for ideas. We therefore do not say
anything about the statistical significance of nonzero effects or
differences in coefficients between people.
There are two major consequences of the LASSO coefficient
bias toward zero. One is called “model selection consistency”—
are the variables selected by LASSO those with true nonzero
coefficients? The second is called “stability”: When two variables
are highly correlated, LASSO will often set one predictive coeffi-
cient to zero and let the other variable do the predictive work of
the two variables together. Exploratory analysis seems to indicate
that they are not creating a problem for our analysis, particularly
since we are not trying to infer true coefficient values—we are just
trying to find the most predictive coefficients. More precisely, we
do not have standard errors around coefficients and therefore
cannot say for how many individuals any given predictor is
SI Appendix
, section 3.2 has a thorough discussion
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of these issues, and the procedures we carried out to examine this
problem. While we do not claim to fully resolve the problem of
model selection in our setting, we hope these procedures serve as
a reassurance about the directional effects of the most important
Following machine learning standards, we use approximate six-
fold cross-validation, training the model on 85% (about 5/6ths)
of the full-time series data for each individual (
SI Appendix
section 3.1). We use the remaining 15% of the data (1/6th)
as our “test” set. This shows how good the LASSO model is
at predicting an individual’s attendance on days the model did
not observe. This gives us an out-of-sample test-set predictability
measure, called the area under the curve (AUC), for each gym
member. This serves as an objective full-sample measure of
context-sensitive predictability for each gym member (i.e., how
habitual an individual’s behavior might be) and allows us to avoid
possible errors induced by self-report measures, which rely on an
individual’s memories of the context cues present when they last
executed a habitual behavior. This machine learning technique
allows us to treat overall individual-level habit as a number from
.5 to 1.
Next, we determine when, if ever, behavior becomes more
habitual over time. Following (5), for each individual
, we
attempt to identify
, an exponential function of form
describing daily-level habit strength as a function of
time. Likewise, following (5), we define the inferred time to
habit formation as the time it takes for
to reach 95% of its
asymptote. In other words, we define “time to habit formation” as
the amount of time it takes for AUC, behavioral predictability,
to reach close to its steady-state value (this is seen visually as
AUC increasing and eventually plateauing after a certain point in
time). This is consistent with previous studies of habit formation,
which find that initial behavioral repetitions cause increases in
responding, with each marginal repetition delivering lower gains
in until the behavior reaches its limit (14).
To infer the increase in habit strength over time, we use a
different procedure than deriving AUC from full samples for each
individual. In this procedure, we estimate a series of time-specific
AUCs denoted
at period
. This procedure did not work
reliably at the individual level, so we first split the gym goers into
ten deciles. Deciles were based on the number of observations
(sample length) for each person. The shortest-length samples are
grouped into decile 1 and longest-length samples are grouped into
decile 10. The purpose of this split is to ensure that individuals
in a decile group are comparable in terms of their number of data
points because LASSO results (as with all statistical techniques)
can be sensitive to sample features such as the amount of data per
For each decile of gym goers, we compute the AUC values
obtained when training a LASSO model using data from periods
, t
and testing (validating) on data at period
, where
each period
consists of 2 wk of data (
0 denotes the first 2
wk). The procedure starts with
2, where we train a LASSO
model using everyone’s first 4 wk of data (corresponding to
1), and then it computes the AUC when evaluating that
model in ‘test’ holdout data from 5 to 6 wk. It then proceeds
iteratively for increasing values of
until it reaches the end of the
decile’s observed time period. This procedure creates a sequence
of sliding windows of equal size (4 wk of training data and two
weeks of test data).
C. Results.
In the LASSO training data for
110 gym
members, the mean individual-level AUC is 0.806 (median is
0.811, interquartile range 0.750 to 0.868), where 0.5 is random
Fig. 1.
Attendance patterns during March 2018 of two individuals with
comparable gym attendance rates but different AUC values. Red squares
indicate attendance.
and 1.0 is perfectly predictable. This indicates that the LASSO
models tend to do a good job fitting the gym goers’ attendance
behavior. On the test datasets, these measures are slightly lower
(as is expected), with a mean individual-level AUC of 0.768
(median is 0.778, and interquartile range 0.702 to 0.845).
Fig. 1
illustrate two gym members’ monthly
attendance calendars from March 2018. While the two members
go to the gym about equally often in March, one is highly
predictable (AUC = 0.946) and the other is not at all predictable
(AUC = 0.546). This is an example that shows frequency
and predictability are uncorrelated in our data (
SI Appendix
section 3.3) Of course, including missing variables we do not
have access to (e.g., someone’s work schedule) could increase the
predictability of the person in Fig. 1
, and it would also be likely
to reduce the differences in predictability across people.
As shown in Table 2, the most important predictor of gym
attendance across individuals is how much time has passed since
the previous gym visit (“time lag”). This predictor appears almost
universally important and goes in the same direction across most
individuals: for 76% of gym goers in our sample, the longer it has
been since they last visited the gym, the less likely they are to go on
a given day. Consistent with the examples in Fig. 1, day-of-week
streak is an important predictor, with 69% of the sample more
likely to go to the gym on the same days of the week that they had
previously attended. Among the days of the week, Monday and
Tuesday are the most important, positively predicting attendance
for 57% of both samples (
SI Appendix
, section 3.1), consistent
with other evidence of focal “fresh start” effects (15). Since we do
not have standard errors as mentioned previously, the summary
above only provides suggestive evidence about the directional
effects of these predictors.
Fig. 2 provides two examples of results from fitting the
exponential curves to the lowest and highest decile of gym goers’
AUC sequences (i.e., those with the least and most data per
person). The median estimated time it takes to reach the 95%
asymptote across all gym goers well fit by the exponential model
is 122 to 226 d or about 4 to 7 mo (
SI Appendix
, Table S8).
Model fit is not related to average frequency of gym attendance
nor the age of a gym member.
D. Additional Analyses of Reward Sensitivity and Individual
Insensitivity to reward change is a gold standard
hallmark of strong habits in animal research. But such insensi-
tivity has proven difficult to identify in humans, e.g., refs. 16
and 17. It has not been studied in nonexperimental large-scale
field data like ours. Because we are testing for insensitivity in
field data in different ways, we openly explore multiple types
of reward change, and how they might affect habit measured in
different ways. Specifically, we explore the effects of two methods
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Table 2
Variables which LASSO identified as being most predictive across gymgoers
% zero
% positive
Predictive effect
Time lag
Attendance last 7 d
Day-of-week streak
of reward change. The first method is to hypothesize possible
changes in reward, without having a direct measure (of the kind
carefully controlled in lab experiments). For gym attendance,
the hypothesized reward variables are unusually good or bad
weather. The second method is to use randomized interventions
designed to change subjective reward to promote more gym
attendance (12).
The effect of reward changes is evaluated with respect to low-
and high-habit behavior across two methods—one is within-
participant, and the second is between participants. The within-
participant approach uses the fact that our method for estimating
habit formation time divides each individual’s behavior into
“pre-” and “post-” habit formation periods. We test the joint
hypothesis that unusually good or bad weather changes the reward
value of going to the gym and has a weaker effect in the “post-
habit period”. This test shows no reduction in sensitivity to
unusual weather—the proxy for reward change—in post-habit
periods (
SI Appendix
, section 4.1).
The between-participant test uses the AUC measure of overall
predictability to divide the sample into people who are low or high
in context-sensitive predictability, and it tests whether responses
to an experimental StepUp intervention done in partnership with
24 h Fitness are different for the two groups (
SI Appendix
, section
4.2). It is worth noting that a gymgoer who is highly predictable is
not necessarily a more predictable, or habitual, gymgoer. Instead,
it may be that two gym goers are equally predictable given a larger
set of variables than we have. Omitting variables means that one
gymgoer might be highly predictable and the other not very
predictable given our feature set. This test of reward devaluation
sensitivity allows us to test whether this data limitation is likely
to be driving our results. If predictability does correlate positively
with how habitual a gym goer is, we would expect to see more
predictable gym goers responding less to reward devaluation.
Our results show that this is indeed the case. Less predictable
gymgoers are significantly more likely (
to increase
attendance in response to the StepUp intervention (
SI Appendix
section 4.2), which means that highly predictable gymgoers
respond less to the intervention. This finding provides evidence
against the view that our predictability measure is largely driven
by data limitations and is consistent with the experimental
literature associating insensitivity to reward changes with stronger
habit—measured here as predictability.
Finally, we take advantage of the size and diversity of the
gymgoer sample to explore whether demographic and SES
characteristics are correlated with predictability (an analysis that
was pregistered on, #59014). To do this, we link
our individual-level AUC predictability measures with Census
data using each individual’s home zip code and self-reported
age and gender. We remove 2,447 people for whom we did
not receive age or gender information from the gym, or whose
zip code did not have data available. We then regress the AUC
of the remaining sample (27,663 gym goers) on demographic
characteristics. Regression results, which can be found in
, section 5.4, confirm that demographic attributes are
indeed predictors of AUC or “stronger habits”, although most of
the effects are small in magnitude. Specifically, older individuals
living in more rural (low population density) areas, where a large
fraction of married couples have children, have higher AUCs.
Younger individuals living in more urban (high population
density) areas have lower AUCs.
2nd decile
9th decile
Days since first gym visit
Fitted exp. curve
Time to habit formation
Fig. 2.
Estimation of the speed of habit formation for gym attendance for the second lowest (
) and second highest (
) deciles by sample size. Note that
the x-axes are different because, by construction, the deciles have different lengths of sampled time. The times to habit formation in these two deciles (shown
by where the vertical blue line intersects the x-axis) are 121 (
) and 187 (
) days.
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2. Study 2: Hand Washing among Hospital
A. Data.
We obtain hand-hygiene data from a company that
uses RFID technology to monitor whether individual healthcare
providers wash their hands at every opportunity to do so
throughout their hospital shifts Proventix, following (18) and
(19). The initial dataset tracks 5,246 healthcare workers across
30 hospitals. The dataset spans about a year, with over 40
million data points, each corresponding to whether an individual
caregiver did or did not wash their hands in the face of an
opportunity to do so. An opportunity is defined as a point in
time when a caregiver either entered or exited a patient’s room
with a Proventix sanitizer present; so each room visit presents
two sanitizing opportunities.
Each data point has a timestamp, as well as deidentified
hospital and room locations. We further infer several other
attributes about each opportunity to wash, such as the day of
the week when it arose and whether the healthcare worker in
question had complied with handwashing guidelines (i.e., washed
their hands) in this room previously. Our unique candidate
context cue variables include the time of day, time spent working,
previous room and shift compliance, and indicators for whether
the hospital worker is entering or exiting the room. A full list
of the variables used and a longer description of the data can be
found in
SI Appendix
, section 2.
Unlike the gymgoers, in this sample we do not observe
hospital workers from the start of their work; we only observe
their behavior after the RFID machines are installed. It is
therefore likely that some degree of habit formation had already
occurred, and we are not observing pure habit formation from
inception. Thus, we treat the introduction of Proventix’s RFID
surveillance technology as a shock that may have disrupted
behavior sufficiently to create somewhat new context-sensitive
habits (e.g., a habit of washing when monitored). This possibility
follows from the fact that hand sanitizing behavior increased by
over 50% after machines were installed (19). However, we do
acknowledge that handwashing may have habituated in many
caregivers before the time at which we first observe their behavior
in our sample.
We use two criteria to identify our final analytic sample.
First, we remove any hospital workers who had fewer than 30
shifts included in our data (removing 2,115 hospital workers).
Second, we remove seven workers without enough hand washing
compliance data for the LASSO model to fit variability. This
gives us an analytical sample of 3,124 hospital workers. Table 3
provides summary statistics about the workers in our analytic
sample. The mean compliance with handwashing is 0.45 per
opportunity. An average of 116 shifts are recorded per healthcare
Table 3
Summary statistics from handwashing ana-
lytic sample
Mean SD
Q1 Median Q3
0.45 0.23 0.26
Total shifts
Rooms visited
Episodes (mins)
5.66 2.61 3.94
25.72 16.49 13.95 24.2
Shift length (mins)
512 214 408
Mins btwn episodes 22.42 11.5 13.95 20.12 29.00
Hrs between shifts 91.95 57.91 60.06 72.61 102.91
Note: SD = standard deviation, Q1 and Q3
first and third quartiles.
worker, and there are an average of 26 episodes (or visits to patient
rooms, each with two opportunities to wash—one upon entry
and one upon exit) per shift. We observe an average of 3,016
episodes per worker.
B. Analytic Approach.
We use the same machine learning ap-
proach as described in Study 1, training a LASSO model
to obtain person-specific sets of coefficients and predictability
measurements (AUCs) predicting when caregivers wash their
hands. As in study 1, we inferred time to habit formation using
the same approach of fitting an exponential curve to a sequence
of AUC values for each decile of caregivers. Each period consists
of two shifts rather than two weeks of gym attendance data.
C. Results.
The LASSO model does a satisfactory job fitting hos-
pital caregivers’ hand-washing behavior. In the training dataset,
the mean (median) individual-level AUC is 0.788 (0.783), and
the interquartile range is 0.742 to 0.828. In the test dataset,
these measures are only slightly lower, indicating the training
overfitting is not severe the mean (median) individual-level AUC
is 0.781 (0.776), and the interquartile range is 0.732 to 0.825.
While our LASSO models have slightly less predictive power
in this domain (compared to gym attendance), they still vastly
outperform random chance at predicting hospital caregivers’
hand-washing behavior.
As in study 1, the AUC measure—which can be used in
any behavioral domain—is produced for each individual, and
it once again serves as an objective measure of context-sensitive
predictability. Furthermore, PCS again narrows down the set of
context variables that are the most important predictors of hand
washing at the aggregate level (Table 4). The most important
and homogenous predictors of washing were a hospital worker’s
handwashing compliance during their last shift (a positive
predictor for 100% of the hospital workers), room entry (which
is a negative predictor for 77% of hospital workers, indicating
most are more likely to wash their hands upon exiting, rather
than entering, a room), and the room compliance of others (a
positive predictor for 66% of hospital workers).
Times of day intervals were not selected by the LASSO model
as predictive of most people’s hand-washing behavior. However,
consistent with previous research (18), the amount of time since
the start of a caregiver’s shift is a negative predictor of hand
washing for 42% of caregivers. Again, since we do not have
standard errors around these coefficient estimates, the summary
above only provides suggestive evidence about the directional
effects of these predictors.
As in study 1, we fit an exponential model to each decile’s
AUC sequences from early to later intervals. This allows us to
analyze the development of predictability over time (Fig. 3). For
all deciles, the median time to habit formation was on the order
of a couple of weeks (habits typically formed after 9 to 10 shifts or
about 220 washing opportunities). This is much faster than the
habit formation measured in study 1 of gym attendance, where
the median time to habit formation was 4 to 7 mo.
D. Additional Analysis of Reward Sensitivity.
As in study 1, we
explore whether sensitivity to reward changes is associated with
handwashing habits. As in study 1, we use both a hypothesized
reward change and an intervention designed to change the reward
value of handwashing. The hypothesized reward change is the last
opportunity a caregiver has to wash their hands during a work
shift—this is a dummy variable encoding the final room visit for
their shift. The hypothesis is that they are less likely to wash their
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Table 4
Variables which LASSO identified as being most predictive across the handwashing sample
% zero
% positive
Predictive effect
Compliance last shift
Entry indicator
Compliance within a room
Room compliance of others
Prev. room compliance
hands because it is less important to do so, for hospital hygiene,
when they are leaving, or more important because they are going
home. There is no statistically significant effect—this variable
does not affect handwashing differently pre- and post-habit in the
within-participant analysis (
SI Appendix
, section 4.1). This might
be explained, in part, because we do not observe individuals from
the true “start of habit formation” in our handwashing dataset
or because exiting the last patient room during a shift does not
truly represent a reliable reward change.
We also test the sensitivity of low- and high-predictability
caregivers to various sporadic incentive interventions designed
to increase handwashing. The goal of this test is to see if
the stronger effect of the StepUp gym attendance intervention
on low-predictability participants is replicated. However, these
interventions did not have proper control groups; they were
also created by the dispenser company (Proventix) rather than
behavioral scientists. Unlike in the more careful StepUp design,
there are no differential effects of interventions based on
differences in participant predictability (
SI Appendix
, section 4.2).
3. Discussion
Despite the personal and policy relevance of understanding
habits, there has been a notable absence of field studies examining
the formation of individual habits using large-scale, observational
data. To address this gap, we introduce a machine learning
approach called PCS that identifies the context variables that
best predict behavior for each individual.
In models of habit commonly used in economics and applied
fields, the context predictor of greatest interest is recent past
behavior (20) and (21);
SI Appendix
, section 1. (4) notes that
this narrow focus on past choices is also evident “in applied social
psychology, as a well as other areas such as health, social medicine,
or education, and may have stalled progress in habit theory for
quite some time” (p. 3).
Applying PCS to two longitudinal datasets, we identify
individual differences in predictability and context cues that
predict behavior for each individual. While past behavior is
confirmed as a reliable predictor of future behavior, PCS also
revealed other predictive variables and heterogeneity in the rate of
habit formation across domains. Contrary to the idea of a “magic
number” of days in which habits form, our findings suggest that
developing a handwashing habit takes weeks, while developing a
gym habit takes months. One possible explanation is that relative
to handwashing, gym attendance is a less frequent and more
complex behavior. Handwashing is more likely to involve chained
sensorimotor action sequences which are more automatic (22).
Animal learning experiments have shown that reduced sensi-
tivity to reward changes is a strong marker of habit formation
(23) and (24). We tested the association between habit formation
and reward sensitivity in a well-powered, random-assignment
megastudy (12). We found that more habitual gym attendees are
less likely to respond to interventions (
, P
However, we did not find evidence of reward insensitivity
in other scenarios, such as unusual weather or handwashing
policies. These results suggest that reward insensitivity may be
less common in human habit formation or too small to detect, for
the most part, in our field data. Alternatively, our datasets may
lack variables that sufficiently operationalize changes in reward.
Further tests of the reward-insensitivity hypothesis are a priority
for future research using field data.
In conclusion, we show that PCS is a machine learning
approach well suited to the study of habit formation in
natural settings. The potential of this technique for advancing
personalized behavior change is hinted at by our finding that less
habitual gym attendees are more sensitive to randomly assigned
2nd decile
9th decile
Shifts since first data point
Fitted exp. curve
Time to habit formation
Fig. 3.
Estimation of the speed of habit formation for handwashing, for the second lowest (
) and second highest (
) deciles of sample size. Note that
the x-axes are different because, by construction, the deciles have different lengths of sampled time. The times to habit formation in these two deciles (shown
by where the vertical blue line intersects the x-axis) are 10 (
) and 9 shifts (
; about 225 to 250 handwashing episodes).
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interventions designed by behavioral scientists. Additionally,
PCS may help identify the sensory, mental, and physical context
variables that trigger a behavior like drug use. In conjunction with
the increasing availability of large-scale, longitudinal datasets, we
hope this innovative methodology inaugurates a new era in the
study and personalization of behavior change interventions (25).
Data, Materials, and Software Availability.
The data analyzed in this paper
were provided by 24 h Fitness and Proventix. We have their legal permission
to share the deidentified data. The data and code to replicate the analyses are
available at (26).
We thank Anthony Kukavica, Predrag Pandiloski, and
Mira Potter-Schwartz for excellent research assistance. We thank Hengchen
Dai for her help accessing and interpreting the Proventix data. We thank the
Sloan Foundation G2018 11259 (CFC), the Behavior Change for Good Initiative
(whose contributions were funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
the AKO Foundation, J. Alexander, M. J. Leder, W. G. Lichtenstein, the Pershing
Square Fund for Research on the Foundations of Human Behavior from Harvard
University and by Roybal Center grants (P30AG034546 and 5P30AG034532)
from the National Institute on Aging), the Linde Institute (X.L.), and the Chen
Neuroscience Institute at Caltech (A.B., CFC) for the financial support. We also
thank audiences at BCFG, TA-DAH, Behavioral Ops (Shanghai), Stanford GSB,
HKU, AAAI, and our internal science team meetings, for helpful ideas. We thank
24 h Fitness for partnering with the Behavior Change for Good Initiative at the
University of Pennsylvania to make this research possible, as well as Proventix.
Portions of this paper were developed from the thesis of A.B.
Author affiliations:
Department of Marketing, HEC Paris, Jouy-en-Josas 78350, France;
Department of Marketing, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago,
IL 60637;
Operations, Information and Decisions Department, The Wharton School of
the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104;
Division of Humanities and
Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125;
Department of
Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104; and
Computational and
Neural Systems, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
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