of 15
Learning Task-Specific Strategies
for Accelerated MRI
Zihui Wu,
Student Member, IEEE
, Tianwei Yin, Yu Sun,
Member, IEEE
, Robert Frost
Andre van der Kouwe,
Senior Member, IEEE
, Adrian V. Dalca, Katherine L. Bouman
—Compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging
(CS-MRI) seeks to recover visual information from subsampled
measurements for diagnostic tasks. Traditional CS-MRI meth-
ods often separately address measurement subsampling, image
reconstruction, and task prediction, resulting in a suboptimal
end-to-end performance. In this work, we propose T
as a
unified co-design framework for jointly optimizing subsampling,
reconstruction, and prediction strategies for the performance on
downstream tasks. The naïve approach of simply appending a
task prediction module and training with a task-specific loss leads
to suboptimal downstream performance. Instead, we develop a
training procedure where a backbone architecture is first trained
for a generic pre-training task (image reconstruction in our
case), and then fine-tuned for different downstream tasks with
a prediction head. Experimental results on multiple public MRI
datasets show that T
achieves an improved performance
on various tasks over traditional CS-MRI methods. We also
demonstrate that T
is robust to distribution shifts by
showing that it generalizes to a new dataset we experimentally
collected using different acquisition setups from the training data.
Without additional fine-tuning, T
leads to both numerical
and visual improvements compared to existing baselines. We have
further implemented a learned 4
-accelerated sequence on a
Siemens 3T MRI Skyra scanner. Compared to the fully-sampling
scan that takes 335 seconds, our optimized sequence only takes
84 seconds, achieving a four-fold time reduction as desired,
while maintaining high performance. Our code is available at
Index Terms
—Compressed sensing MRI, deep learning, task-
specific imaging, end-to-end training.
I. I
Compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging (CS-MRI)
is a popular accelerated MRI technology [1]. Commonly, CS-
MRI is formulated as an imaging inverse problem where the
This work was sponsored by NSF Award 2048237, NIH Projects
R01HD085813, Heritage Medical Research Fellowship, S2I Clinard
Innovation Award, and Rockley Photonics. Z. Wu was sponsored by the
Kortschak Fellowship, Amazon AI4Science Fellowship, and Amazon
AI4Science Partnership Discovery Grant.
Z. Wu, Y. Sun, and K. L. Bouman are with the Department of Com-
puting and Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91105, USA (email: zwu2@caltech.edu; sunyu@caltech.edu;
T. Yin and A. V. Dalca are with the Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA 02139, USA (email: tianweiy@mit.edu; adalca@mit.edu).
R. Frost, A. van der Kouwe, and A. V. Dalca are with the Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,
MGH, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA (email:
srfrost@mgh.harvard.edu; avanderkouwe@mgh.harvard.edu; adalca@mit.edu).
This paper has supplementary downloadable material available at
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org, provided by the authors. The material includes
additional implementation details and experimental results. This material is
1.5 MB in size.
More information is available at http://imaging.cms.caltech.edu/tackle/.
Dice score (
): 0.8022
Error map
Poisson-disc random sampling
Dice score (
): 0.7970
Error map
Joint seg.-recon. sampling
Dice score (
): 0.8563
Error map
Task-specific sampling
Separate reconstruction & task prediction (traditional CS-MRI)
Naïve approach to end-to-end task-specific co-design
end-to-end task-specific co-design (Tackle)
Recon. pre-training +
task specific fine-tuning
Recon. loss
Task loss
Task loss
Task loss
g.t. image
w/ recon. loss
Forward pass types:
No gradient back-propagation
With gradient back-propagation
Fig. 1.
Comparison between (a) traditional CS-MRI, (b) a naïve approach to
task-specific CS-MRI, and (c) the proposed
framework. Compared
with panel (a) that separately deals with reconstruction and task prediction,
panel (b) is a simple extension of co-design methods for solving downstream
tasks by adding a learnable mapping from measurements to task predictions.
However, this naïve approach leads to a suboptimal performance and can even
lead to a worse task prediction accuracy, as shown in the example above. On
the other hand, we introduce
for effectively learning task-specific CS-
MRI strategies.
is first pre-trained for generic reconstruction, and then
both all three modules are fine-tuned for a more specific downstream task. We
find that this training schedule allows
to robustly learn generalizable
task-specific strategies. In the above knee segmentation example, all three
approaches are trained with the same architectures for the reconstructor (second
module) and predictor (third module). Nevertheless,
outperforms the two baseline approaches.
goal is to recover a high-quality image from its subsampled
measurements. Traditional CS-MRI techniques include solving
a regularized optimization problem [2]–[5] or training deep
learning (DL) models [6]–[8] that recover an image from a
pre-determined set of measurements. Recently, a new group of
DL-based methods, known as
, has been proposed to
jointly optimize the choice of measurements and a reconstruc-
tion module, leading to better reconstruction performance than
the traditional CS-MRI methods [9]–[23].
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCI.2024.3410521
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