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Pathobionts of the Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Inflammatory
Janet Chow
Haiqing Tang
, and
Sarkis K. Mazmanian
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 91125
Our immune system is charged with the vital mission of identifying invading pathogens and
mounting proper inflammatory responses. During the process of clearing infections, the immune
system often causes considerable tissue damage. Conversely, if the target of immunity is a
member of the resident microbiota, uncontrolled inflammation may lead to host pathology in the
absence of infectious agents. Recent evidence suggests that several inflammatory disorders may be
caused by specific bacterial species found in most healthy hosts. Although the mechanisms that
mediate pathology remain largely unclear, it appears that genetic defects and/or environmental
factors may predispose mammals to immune-mediated diseases triggered by potentially
pathogenic symbionts of the microbiota. We have termed this class of microbes `pathobionts', to
distinguish them from acquired infectious agents. Herein, we explore burgeoning hypotheses that
the combination of an immunocompromised state with colonization by pathobionts together
comprise a risk factor for certain inflammatory disorders and gastrointestinal cancer.
Microbes dominate as the most abundant life form on Earth, occupying almost every
terrestrial, aquatic, and biological ecosystem on our planet. Humans are no exception.
Throughout our lives, we continuously encounter microorganisms that range from those
essential for health to those causing disease [1]. The human body is permanently colonized
by microbial organisms on virtually all environmentally exposed surfaces. The vast majority
of these microbes are harbored in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract where commensal bacteria
can outnumber host cells by 10-fold (thus, we are all 90% bacteria on a cellular level). Many
vital host functions are provided by the microbiota, including the synthesis of vitamins,
digestion of complex polysaccharides, maintenance of the intestinal epithelial barrier, and
resistance to pathogen colonization [2]. Millions of years of co-evolution have
interdependently linked the health of mammals to their microbiotas [3]. The Human
Microbiome Project is currently underway to sequence the microbiota of various populations
of people, with a goal of identifying microbial species implicated in health and disease [4].
What is already clear is that microbes have flourished inside us since time immemorial, and
have diverged to take on many functional roles that are now being uncovered at the genetic
and mechanistic levels. Several descriptions of an intimate link between the microbiota and
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Curr Opin Immunol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 August 23.
Published in final edited form as:
Curr Opin Immunol
. 2011 August ; 23(4): 473–480. doi:10.1016/j.coi.2011.07.010.
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the immune system have recently emerged [5–8]. However, not all host-microbiota
interactions promote health, and particular species of resident bacteria appear to activate the
immune system resulting in inflammatory diseases. Thus, our association with the microbial
world is precarious.
It is now appreciated that some symbiotic microorganisms in the GI tract induce pathology
under certain conditions, usually involving environmental and/or genetic alterations. The
term `pathobionts' has been suggested to describe resident microbes with pathogenic
potential [9]. Organisms proposed as pathobionts are associated with chronic inflammatory
conditions, unlike opportunistic pathogens which often cause acute infections and are
typically acquired from the environment or other parts of the body. In addition, pathobionts
are innocuous to the host under normal conditions, distinct from traditional pathogens which
may cause disease even in healthy hosts. In this review, we highlight experimental evidence
mostly from animal models that support the classification of specific microbes as
pathobionts (see Table 1). Furthermore, we explore the role of bacterial pathobionts on
intestinal health and their resulting impact on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and
gastrointestinal cancers.
Segmented Filamentous Bacteria
Segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) comprise a group of Gram-positive
bacteria that closely adhere to Peyer's patches in the mammalian small intestine and have
been shown to potently stimulate immune responses including IgA induction and B cell
activation [10]. Recently, much attention has been focused on SFB due to their ability to
induce T-helper 17 (Th17) cells in the gut [7, 11]. Th17 cells, characterized by IL-17A,
IL-17F, and IL-22 cytokine production, are an important contributor to adaptive immunity,
conferring protection against enteric infection with extracellular pathogens. Specific-
pathogen free (SPF) mice colonized with these non-culturable bacteria showed greater
numbers of Th17 cells in the gut and heightened protection against
Citrobacter rodentium
infection compared to mice without SFB [7]. Germ-free (GF) mice, which have very few
Th17 cells in the gut [12–14], exhibited no appreciable change in Th17 levels when
reconstituted with a microbiota lacking SFB. Surprisingly, reconstitution with SFB alone
was able to significantly increase the number of intestinal Th17 cells [7]. Considering the
microbiota harbors a complex bacterial consortium of hundreds of species, these remarkable
findings indicate the ability to induce Th17 cells in the gut may be uniquely possessed by
only a small subset of the microbiota. Therefore, SFB colonization of healthy animals
appears to play an important role in priming the adaptive immune system and potentially
enhancing immunity against enteric pathogens.
However, the heightened immunity conferred by SFB colonization may also come at a cost
to the host when inflammation is inappropriately triggered. Studies have demonstrated a
pathogenic role for SFB in the gut. SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency) mice
reconstituted with CD4+CD45Rb
T cells and colonized with SFB developed severe
colitis and intestinal inflammation [15]. In this particular animal model of colitis, SFB may
synergize with the surrounding microbiota to exert its immunomodulatory effects, as mice
mono-colonized with SFB did not develop intestinal pathology. Furthermore, the impact of
SFB colonization on the host immune system appears to extend beyond the gut, as SFB
mono-colonization in GF mice has been shown to increase the susceptibility of disease in
animal models of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis [16–17]. GF or antibiotic
treated animals display reduced Th17 cells outside the gut and do not develop disease; this
suggests that SFB alone can substitute for a complex microbiota in terms of driving
pathology through Th17 cells induction. The observation that gut bacteria affect extra-
intestinal compartments highlights the profound impact of the microbiota in modulating the
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overall health of the host. Although the microbial molecules that drive immunity are
unknown, these results illustrate that in the context of an autoimmune environment, SFB are
pathobionts that promote diseases not observed in healthy hosts.
Helicobacter hepaticus
Helicobacter hepaticus
belongs to the enterohepatic
species (EHS), a diverse
group of spiral bacteria that thrive on mucosal surfaces of the intestinal tract and/or the liver
of humans and other animals [18].
H. hepaticus
is a well-studied member of EHS and is
prevalent in mice from commercial and academic institutions all around the world [19].
Pioneering work by Fox and co-workers led to the discovery of
H. hepaticus
and its role in
hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, typhlitis and colitis in several strains of
immunodeficient mice [20–22]. Further studies provided evidence suggesting the
involvement of
H. hepaticus
in the development of pathogenic inflammation and
carcinogenesis in certain immunocompromised rodent models. Experimental infection with
H. hepaticus
induces IBD-like lesions in SCID mice reconstituted with naïve
T cells, as well as in C57Bl/6
−/− mice [23–24]. Colonization with
H. hepaticus
also initiates rapid development of colitis and large bowel carcinoma in 129/
−/− mice [25]. However, in immunocompetent wild-type (WT) mice,
fails to induce significant disease, irrespective of the mouse strains [24–25].
H. hepaticus
acts as a pathobiont that is able to promote colitis and in some cases
colon cancer only in mouse strains with disrupted immune function.
Further questions arise from the pathobiont definition. For example, how does
H. hepaticus
interact with the host immune system to maintain a balanced relationship? Why do certain
susceptible mouse strains with compromised immune systems develop inflammatory
responses after
H. hepaticus
colonization, whereas WT mice do not?
H. hepaticus
induces Th1 and Th17 associated intestinal inflammation in
−/− mice [26–27]. In
−/− mice, experimental infection with
H. hepaticus
induces colitis
and colorectal cancer through proinflammatory cytokines TNF-
, IL-17, and IL-23 [25, 28–
−/− mice lacking MyD88 in the hematopoietic compartment are resistant to
-induced colitis, indicating an essential role for toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling
H. hepaticus
-induced innate inflammation [30]. Therefore,
H. hepaticus
is capable of
causing both T cell-dependent and -independent inflammatory responses.
H. hepaticus
induces intestinal inflammation in
−/− mice but not WT mice, whose
mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells produce IL-10 in response to soluble
H. hepaticus
antigen (SHelAg), indicating a crucial role for IL-10 in balancing the
H. hepaticus
inflammatory responses [26–27]. Furthermore, anti-IL-10R treated MLN cells derived from
H. hepaticus
-infected mice produce higher levels of IL-17 and IFN-
compared with WT
MLNs following response to SHelAg [31]. Transferring
H. hepaticus
regulatory T cells suppresses
H. hepaticus
-induced colitis in
−/− mice
[32]. Also, CD4
regulatory T cells isolated from
-free 129SvEv mice
prevent both T cell-dependent and -independent intestinal inflammation in an IL-10-
dependent manner [33]. Moreover, an intact NF-
B signaling pathway is required for IL-10-
mediated inhibition of
H. hepaticus
-induced colitis [34]. Therefore, it appears that
colonization induces a tolerogenic IL-10-secreting regulatory T cell response,
which may be important for maintaining immunologic `balance' with the host. In addition,
H. hepaticus
was found to suppress TLR4 and TLR5-mediated immune responses in
intestinal epithelial cells [35]. Our results also showed that
H. hepaticus
suppressed the
expression of TLR4 in the intestinal epithelial cell line MODE-K [36], suggesting another
possible regulatory strategy in epithelial cells mediated by TLR signaling. We propose that
H. hepaticus
maintains symbiotic crosstalk with the host by directing both inflammatory and
tolerogenic responses in the innate and adaptive immune system during long-term
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colonization. However, in genetically susceptible hosts with defects in tolerogenic immune
function and/or regulatory mechanisms,
H. hepaticus
may trigger an imbalanced immune
response leading to pathologic inflammation.
Most studies have focused on the host immune response to
H. hepaticus
colonization and
genetic alterations in mice that lead to disease. Little is known about the bacterial
components produced by
H. hepaticus
that mediate these outcomes. Our recent discovery
revealed that
H. hepaticus
utilizes a type VI secretion system (T6SS) to balance host
colonization and intestinal inflammation [36]. T6SS are multi-protein complexes assembled
on the bacterial surface that function as a biological needle and syringe, injecting microbial
molecules into eukaryotic cells. Deletion of the T6SS apparatus resulted in higher
colonization levels of
H. hepaticus
during experimental colitis. Moreover, a
H. hepaticus
T6SS mutant elicited elevated inflammatory responses in the intestine of
−/− mice
reconstituted with CD4+CD45RB
T cells compared to WT bacteria. Meanwhile, T6SS
directed an anti-inflammatory response in an intestinal epithelial cell line, characterized by
suppressed expression of TLR4, NF-
B and IL-17R. However, whether T6SS mediated
suppression of innate inflammatory signaling correlates with its regulatory roles is still
unknown. Identification of T6SS substrates of
H. hepaticus
may define the molecular
mechanisms by which this pathobiont `communicates' with its host to establish symbiosis.
Disruption of this communication, through genetic polymorphisms or mutations in the host,
may form the basis for why
H. hepaticus
causes disease in compromised animals.
Helicobacter pylori
In 2005, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for
demonstrating that
Helicobacter pylori
, a bacterium that intimately colonizes the mucosal
lining of the stomach, could directly cause peptic ulcer disease and gastritis. Classified as a
class I carcinogen,
H. pylori
has been shown to lead to gastric adenocarcinoma in 1% of
infected individuals. While 50% of the human population is thought to be colonized with
, only a small percentage actually develop gastric disorders [37]. Colonization of
humans with
H. pylori
is believed to have occurred since humans migrated out of Africa
58,000 years ago. The bacteria are thought to colonize during early childhood and can thrive
in the stomach for a lifetime. In countries with higher socio-economic standards (involving
increased antibiotic use and hygiene), colonization appears to be less prevalent compared in
developing countries.
The mechanistic details of how
H. pylori
promotes inflammation have been investigated.
Using a Type IV secretion system (T4SS),
H. pylori
translocates the bacterial protein CagA
into gastric epithelial cells. CagA subsequently interacts with host signal transduction
pathways involved in inflammation and oncogenesis [38]. The presence of CagA, along with
other virulence factors such as a pathogenicity island and additional secreted toxins,
correlate well with increased virulence in strains of
H. pylori
[39]. However, even virulent
strains of
H. pylori
are found in asymptomatic individuals suggesting there are other factors
contributing to the induction of disease. Genetic polymorphisms in the
gene, which
encodes for a pro-inflammatory cytokine important for enhancing the inflammatory
response to
H. pylori
infection, have been shown to be associated with increased risk of
gastric cancer [40].
Adding another layer of complexity is the observation that colonization with
H. pylori
inversely correlates with esophageal adenocarcinoma and childhood asthma [41–42].
Furthermore, individuals colonized with CagA deficient strains of
H. pylori
are at increased
risk for disease [43]. Although
H. pylori
-mediated protection against these pathologies still
remains to be convincingly demonstrated, these results suggest the intriguing concept that
may have evolved to protect its host against disease in order to promote a healthier
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environment for its long-term survival [44]. Finally, sequencing efforts have revealed highly
diverse panmictic populations of
H. pylori
between geographically separated groups [45].
The extensive diversification of the
H. pylori
genome may have proven advantageous in
surviving the changing immunological and environmental pressures of the stomach.
Implications for Inflammatory Bowel Disease and GI Cancers
Inflammatory bowel diseases (including Crohn's disease (CD) and Ulcerative colitis (UC)),
afflict approximately 1.5 million people in the United States. Currently there is no cure for
IBD, although immunosuppressive therapies and probiotics alleviate symptoms in some
cases. The causes of IBD appear to be multifactorial, integrating the microbiota, host
genetics, and the immune system as factors determining predisposition to disease.
Shifts in the intestinal microenvironment (due to diet, antibiotics, hygiene, etc) may lead to
changes in the microbiota known as dysbiosis. Dysbiosis may increase susceptibility to
intestinal inflammation [46–47]. In support of this hypothesis,
−/− (TRUC)
mice spontaneously develop dysbiosis and colitis, which can eventually progress into
colorectal cancer [48]; remarkably, microbiota transfer from these donors into wild-type
mice can confer disease [5]. Subsequent studies identified two proteobacteria over-
represented in TRUC mice,
Proteus mirabilis
Klebsiella pneumonia
, as the colitogenic
microbes [49]. However, full induction of disease required the presence of a diverse
microbiota, indicating that interactions with other microbes may define whether a pathobiont
will display a pathogenic profile. Culture-independent 16S rDNA sequence analysis of the
microbiotas of individuals with Crohn's disease revealed lower diversity and greater
temporal instability compared to controls [50]. In patients with IBD, the number of
commensals belonging to the phyla
were found to be
decreased, while concomitant increases in
were observed
[51]. These findings highlight an important link between changes to the composition of the
microbiota and intestinal health in animal models and humans.
Evidence over several decades suggests that the gut microbiota is a key factor in the
pathogenesis of IBD. Studies have shown increased antibody titers against gut bacteria in
IBD patients compared to healthy individuals [52]. Furthermore, treatment with antibiotics
can help alleviate symptoms [53]. It is well documented that in certain mouse models of
experimental colitis, rederivation under germ-free conditions abolishes disease [54].
However, host genetics and their impact on the resulting immunological environment
significantly determine the type of response (or lack thereof) to the microbiota. Numerous
genetic variants have been identified in individuals with IBD and correlate strongly with an
increased risk of disease. Many of these genes are involved in bacterial recognition (
) and innate and adaptive immunity (
) [55].
Balanced immune responses to the microbiota are critical for intestinal homeostasis, as the
microbiota itself has been shown to coordinate intestinal immunity. Illustrating this concept,
mice expressing the human defensin DEFA5 showed a reduction in SFB colonization and a
corresponding decrease in lamina propria Th17 cells [56]. In addition, perturbations in the
mouse NLRP6 inflammasome pathway led to overgrowth of intestinal
TM7 bacteria, resulting in increased susceptibility to chemically-induced colitis [57]. Thus,
although certain symbionts are prominent species in the gut and typically non-pathogenic,
specific host defects can trigger IBD as a result of inflammation directed to pathobionts.
Although our understanding of the role of pathobionts on human health is still in its infancy,
a few studies have highlighted the dangers of disrupting the human gut microbial
community. Pseudomembranous colitis which results in severe diarrhea, fever and
abdominal pain, is caused by overgrowth of
Clostridium difficile
following long-term
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antibiotic treatment [58]. Broad-spectrum antibiotics can also enhance vancomycin-resistant
(VRE) survival and proliferation in the GI tract, which may subsequently lead
to infection of the bloodstream [59–60]. As the source of
C. difficile
infections is the microbiota, environmental factors may predispose patients to diseases
caused by indigenous pathobionts. We predict that both genetic host alterations and/or
environmental perturbations (such as antibiotic use) may lead to intestinal inflammation
triggered by pathobionts (Figure 1).
Recent studies have suggested that chronic inflammatory conditions can contribute to the
development of some cancers by promoting cell proliferation, cell survival, and/or
angiogenesis [61]. Individuals with IBD (in particular ulcerative colitis) have an increased
risk of developing colorectal cancer [62]. In an experimental animal model of colitis-
associated cancer,
−/− mice treated with the chemical carcinogen azoxymethane, were
devoid of tumors when raised under germ-free conditions, indicating the presence of
intestinal bacteria is required for carcinogenesis [63]. Similar results were found in other
animal models of spontaneous colon cancer. Germ-free rederivation of
mice and
−/− mice eliminated the formation of intestinal tumors [64–65]. In addition,
clinical studies have identified a higher incidence of adherent and invasive
Escherichia coli
(AIEC) in biopsies from carcinoma patients compared to controls [66–67]. Colorectal cancer
is the second most common cause of malignant tumors in the United States [68], and often
has life-threatening consequences. Moreover, epidemiologic and clinical data show that the
incidence of colon cancer is dramatically increasing in Western countries. A genetic basis
for cancer is well established; however it is being increasingly appreciated that non-genetic
(environmental) factors are also crucial to the disease process. Whether there is a causal
relationship between the microbiota, intestinal inflammation, and colon carcinogenesis will
require further investigation.
Concluding Remarks
Recent ground-breaking studies of the interactions between humans and beneficial bacteria
have marked a revolution in microbiology and immunology [3]. The human gastrointestinal
tract harbors astounding multitudes of symbiotic bacterial species living in homeostasis with
the immune system. However, some of these permanent residents appear to take on
pathogenic properties during colonization of hosts with genetic and/or environmental
alterations. Based on this rationale, we have speculated a category of indigenous gut bacteria
termed pathobionts which cause disease only in susceptible hosts. This designation is based
on recent data from animal models, with limited but growing support from clinical studies.
The combination of a compromised host with colonization by pathobionts may be a risk
factor in IBD, colon cancer and perhaps for diseases outside of the intestinal compartment.
Identifying the molecular interactions between pathobionts and the mammalian immune
system may be critical to understanding the etiology of certain diseases with a non-
infectious microbial component. Finally, the design of drugs that inhibit the processes by
which pathobionts promote inflammation may represent novel therapies for chronic human
J.C. is supported by a pre-doctoral training grant (NIH GM007616). S.K.M. is a Searle Scholar. Work in the
authors' laboratory is supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health (DK078938, DK083633 &
AI088626), Emerald Foundation, Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation and the Crohn's and Colitis
Foundation of America to S.K.M.
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Papers of particular interest published within the period of review have been highlighted as:
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**7. Ivanov, et al. Induction of intestinal Th17 cells by segmented filamentous bacteria. Cell. 2009;
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8. Atarashi K, et al. Induction of colonic regulatory T cells by indigenous Clostridium species.
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Research now shows that some members of the normal gut microbiota may
promote disease
We term these microbes “Pathobionts” to distinguish them from acquired
Pathobionts appear to cause chronic inflammatory diseases
Understanding how Pathobionts induce disease may lead to anti-microbial
therapies for IBD and colon cancer
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Figure 1. Genetic and environmental alterations may synergize with pathobionts to cause
intestinal inflammation and disease
In addition to acquired pathogens which can cause gastroenteritis, resident gut bacteria
trigger intestinal inflammation. However, unlike acute pathogens, pathobionts appear to
require additional factors to cause disease. Based predominantly on animal models, certain
symbionts of the microbiota can initiation gut inflammation and pathology when colonizing
a genetically susceptible host (e.g.,
H. hepaticus
, SFB,
P. mirabilis
K. pneumonia,
and TM7). In other cases, specific resident gut bacteria can expand following
antibiotic use which clears competing symbionts to promote gastrointestinal disease (VRE,
C. difficile
). The associated genetic defects or antibiotics are denoted in parenthesis.
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Table 1
Bacterial strain
Conditions Promoting Pathogenesis
Segmented Filamentous Bacteria
• leads to colitis in SCID mice reconstituted with CD4
T cells
• promotes disease in experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis in
mono-associated gnotobiotic mice
Helicobacter hepaticus
• induces colitis in C57BI/6
−/− mice
• initiates colitis and large bowel carcinoma in 129/SvEv
−/− mice
Helicobacter pylori
• genetic polymorphisms of
associated with increased risk of gastric cancer
Proteus mirabilis Klebsiella pneumonia
• responsible for inducing colitis and colorectal cancer in
−/− (TRUC) mice
• responsible for inducing colitis in mice with mutations in the inflammasome pathway
Clostridium difficile
• can lead to pseudomembranous colitis in humans, following long-term antibiotic treatment
• capable of invading the bloodstream in humans treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics
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