Reviewers' Comments:
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author)
This manuscript reports experimental realization of an electromechanical system, based on the use
of silicon nitride membrane. Detailed and systematic experimental studies on OMIT and back
action cooling are presented, providing a thorough characterization
of the new electromechanical
system. The results reported represent a notable advance in the development of electromechanical
systems. In my opinion, the manuscript is suitable for publication in Nature Communication, after
the authors have addressed the
following comments and questions:
1) The authors state that a key advantage of the system is large vacuum field strength for the
microwave field, ~260 V/cm. For comparison, it will be nice to also provide typical parameters for
competing systems (e.g. el
ectromechanical systems of JILA groups).
2) Two
level systems (TLS) are suggested as the mechanism that limits the thermalization of the
mechanical beam at temperature below 25 mK. The authors have shown in the supplement the
coupling of TLS to the micro
wave resonator and have mentioned inconsistent and fluctuating
cooing curves at 11 mK in the main text. But there are no detailed discussions on how the TLS
affect the backaction cooling process. I wonder if the authors can show some additional
l results on these fluctuating cooing curves in the supplement or the main manuscript.
Effects of TLS on electromechanical coupling should be of considerable interest to the community.
3) The manuscript presents only experimental results obtained on the
low frequency (~ 4 MHz)
mechanical mode. No experimental results are available on the high frequency (~ 450 MHz) mode,
which is perhaps more interesting in terms of potential applications. I understand that deep
resolved sideband regime prevents the author
s to achieve high cooperativity for the high
frequency mode. Can the authors see any indications of the high frequency mechanical mode in
the displacement power spectrum? It will be really helpful if the authors can provide some
experimental information on
the high frequency mode.
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author)
The paper describes an experimental advance in the field of electromechanics. Patterned
nanobeams made out of silicon nitride and coated with aluminum are coupled to spiral coil
inductors. M
easurements similar to cavity optomechanics are performed using microwaves at
cryogenic temperatures. It is found that sideband cooling allows to cool the motion of the lowest
flexural mode of the beam almost to the quantum ground state. The experiment was
and the data well understood and modeled in detail. The main motivation is that the patterned
beam possibly allows for coupling higher
frequency phonon modes to microwaves or optics.
Overall, this is a good paper. The technological advance to
me is quite nice. The high
spiral coil resonators which have only a couple of fF of capacitance are really impressive and
beyond the state
art. Flexural modes of SiN nanobeams have been studied a lot previously,
but the current beam is pr
obably the first flexural beam to be cooled to the ground state which is
also a nontrivial achievement.
The problem is that although there are important tweaks in the design, the analysis and results
are repetition of previous work. Not much new physics
was learned. The analysis on double
frequency detection and sideband cooling was repeating what has been done in many previous
papers. Given this fact, the analysis on the electromechanical measurement data was also far too
lengthy for a compact journal, a
s if it was carrying an aspect of novelty. The phononic crystal
breathing mode appeared only as a theoretical concept and a goal.
The only new physics discussion I could spot was the TLS interaction which in fact sounds a very
interesting topic, but the
discussion on the effect of TLS on the nanobeam motion was brief and
There is not much technical criticism because the analysis is just repeating known patters. Some
minor comments:
Could the lineshape asymmetry be simply due to pumping of
resonant from the sideband?
Frequencies of superconducting cavities can change when occupation numbers change, and unless
this is monitored and the pumping frequencies changed accordingly, pumping can become off
The lower x
axis units in figu
re 4c are not informative. Better option could be the power at the
In summary, this is a good paper, but I have very mixed feelings regarding it. On one hand, there
is a nontrivial and very successful technological advance with the small inductors
, but on the other
hand, no new physics was learned, neither the main motivation which is to reach the higher
frequency mode needed for applications, is close to reality. Whether or not the paper gets citations
depends on if the setup will be used in the f
uture. This is possible but I would not bet on it. I have
a bit hard time figure out which journal would be the best match for this paper.
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author)
In their manuscript, the authors demonstrate a new technique for
making microwave
electromechanical cavities with silicon nitride nanostring resonators. Combining advanced
fabrication techniques on a silicon nitride membrane with tight, high impedance spiral inductors,
they achieve optomechanical coupling rates to a nan
omechanical resonator comparable to what
has been done with micron
sized drums. Using this device, they cool the motion of the nanostring
resonator to a thermal occupation of less than one, adding a new mechanical system capable of
reaching the quantum gro
und state.
In general, I find the manuscript very clearly written. The fabrication of the beam resonator on the
membrane is innovative, and includes cleaver use of mechanical stresses to shrink the gap.
Although spiral inductors have been applied before
in microwave electromechanics, the idea of
pushing them up to 5 kOhm impedance to compensate for the small motional capacitance is
smart. The manuscript also presents state
art cooling, which while itself is not new,
represents an important benchmar
k that clearly establishes this a new leading implementation for
cavity electromechanics. For these reasons, I am strongly inclined to recommend it for publication
in Nature Communications, although I have some questions that should be addressed in
ations to the text, which I include here below
1. "additional energy stored in tension"
I find this a bit of a vague statement by the authors. In principle, tension is a force, and it is not
capable of storing energy? Also, with respect to what other e
nergy is this energy "in addition to"?
If one combines tension with elongation (for example, that which accompanied with mechanical
displacement), then this does produce energy, E = F*d. And by increasing the static tension in the
string, then this does
produce more relative energy stored in elongation compared to other
deformations, such as bending. Perhaps this is what the authors are referring to?
In any case, the statement should be clarified by the authors.
2. What factors were relevant to achiev
e high
impedance coils?
It was not 100% clear to me where the very high impedance of the coils comes from in their
experiment. Is it the tight winding of the coils that is relevant, increasing the inductance per area,
or is it that the low dielectric con
stant (epsilon ~ 1) of the environment that plays a role?
I was also unable to answer this question myself also because the authors did not mention what
dielectric constant was used in their numerical simulations, something that should in any case be
luded in the text.
I feel it is important that the authors should discuss what the important elements are in achieving
these high impedance coils: for example, a comparison of the curves in figure 1f for the case of a
coil made on a membrane with one mad
e on a more conventional substrate such as silicon or
sapphire would be very useful.
Also, I miss a comparison with the state of the art: are these coils much higher impedance than
those used in the experiments by the groups in NIST?
3. Theoretical estimates of radiative losses
The authors achieve the enhanced electromechanical coupling in their experiment by using a large
inductor coil and by removing all of the ground plane near the cavity.
Both of these, however, I would expect
to increase radiative losses of the LC circuit. As part of the
innovation in the manuscript is the implementation of high impedance cavities in this way, I feel it
is important for the authors to also provide information on what the expected radiative loss
rate is
for such designs, something that should be pretty straightforward to do using software such as
4. Low cavity internal quality factor?
Perhaps related to this point, I am surprised by the very low internal quality factor of only
Q_i ~
8000 for the microwave cavity. At these temperatures, quasiparticle losses in the Al film should be
irrelevant. Also, the near vacuum dielectric environment and low microwave loss of silicon nitride
suggest that dielectric losses should not play a ro
le. Furthermore, partially confirming the
negligible role of dielectric losses, the drive
independent internal Q suggests that TLSs are
also not playing a role in the internal Q.
So my question is then: why is the internal Q so low? If this is a fu
ndamental limit, then it limits
quite a bit the impact of this high impedance design, something which should be discussed in the
5. "analogue of EIT"
While this is a statement often made in the field, this is only strictly true in the limit
of large
For example, in figure 3b, applying a blue drive tone of
31 dBm would give a response that looks
like EIT but arises from a different physical origin: in particular, EIT includes a suppression of the
density of states of the dre
ssed, driven system at the (cavity) resonance frequency. A way this can
be seen is that looking at the output noise spectrum in EIT will always give a suppression of cavity
noise at resonance, while this EIT
like blue
sideband transparency window would yie
ld enhanced
cavity noise (due to heating of the mechanical mode).
It is perhaps a bit of technicality, but it would be good to stop propagating incorrect statement.
Options could be to remove the statement, or perhaps append it by adding "although this a
nalog is
only strictly true for driving on the red sideband in the large cooperativity limit".
(Also, I believe the spelling of "analogue" is usually with a "gue" in this context?)
6. Incorrect power labels in figure 3(b)
I presume there are some neg
ative signs missing (the upper curve, I guess, is not +31 dBm?)
7. "goes normal"
I find this a bit "jargon
language" (page 6, paragraph 2). I guess the authors means to say
something like that the superconducting film exceeds it's critical current?
. "The source of the saturation in the meachanics is not fully understood, but is thought to be due
to coupling to two level systems"
Are the authors here referring to coupling of the mechanics to electrical TLSs in their substrate by
electric fields? Or
are they referring to coupling to mechanical TLSs via strain fields? This should be
It is also not clear why these TLSs should be not thermalized to the lattice temperature which is
presumably at the same temperature as the the dilution fridg
9. "This latter property may interfere with the mechanical transduction, leading to unreliable
thermometry of the mechanical mode"
Please sharpen this statement: "may interfere with mechanical transduction"? "unreliable
thermometry"? To me, these ar
e both unscientific statements with no value. Can the authors
please elaborate on what they mean? It could be in the SI, but it should be explained somewhere
as it is completely not clear to me what they mean. Or, alternatively, they can just remove the
atement and say they do not know why the mode does not thermalize.
10. Added noise
The authors quote an added noise of 30 photons for their amplifier chain. Is this what they expect?
If they compare this to the specified added noise from the datasheet
of their amplifier, what does
this imply for the losses in the cables from their sample to the amplifier?
11. Increased noise
In the main text, the authors discuss increase broadband an Lorentzian cavity noise, which they
seem to attribute to heating o
f the superconducting wires, which then heats their cavity photons. I
find this myself a bit surprising: can they estimate the temperature that the superconducting film
reaches? As this noise limits their cooling of the mechanics, it is important to have a
good and
clear idea where it comes from to evaluate the impact of their work.
12. Carrier cancellation
In the SI, they describe carrier cancellation technique they use in their measurement. Can they
specify the level of carrier cancellation that they
achieve, as well as the path length difference of
the two signals they are cancelling?
Also, in their thermal noise measurements, are they measuring the noise peak directly with the
spectrum analyzer, or do they mix it down using a homodyne configuration? (I presume the first
as this is the only thing illustrated in the schematic.)
The rea
son I am asking is that if the path lengths match exactly, perfect carrier cancellation will
also perform a perfect cancellation of the carrier phase noise at the spectrum analyzer: however, if
there is a large path length difference, or if the carrier can
cellation is not the same in different
measurements, then this cancellation will not be perfect, and lead to an inconsistent interpretation
of the noise spectrum acquired by the spectrum analyzer.
As a last comment, the authors may also consider citing
other recent work on microwave
electromechanics with silicon nitride membranes in addition to the optical experiments they cite
now, should they find it relevant.
In summary, although I have included a long list of questions, I believe that the authors s
hould be
able to address these appropriately with modifications to the text, at which point I would be happy
to recommend the manuscript for publication in Nature Communications.
Response to the Editor
We are re
submitting our paper "Quantum Electromechanics on Silicon Nitride Nanomembranes". Overall, we agree
with the
comments of the referees. We believe that the revised version of our paper addresses all
concerns by the referees in detail.
are convinced that t
he first demonstration of motional ground state cooling of a
dielectric micro
electromechanical system, the newly entered regime of ultra
high impedance superconducting
circuits based on geometric inductors, and the novel fabrication te
chnology warrants the interest of the diverse
audience of Nature Communica
tions. As such, we believe
that this new version is suitable for publication.
We made
sure to comply with the Nature Communications manuscript checklist and every change to the
manuscript has been
clearly documented below.
Response to the Referees
We thank the referees for their time spent carefully reviewing the manuscript, and in their opinions regarding the
science and presentation of the material. In what follows the ref
erees’ comments are in
and the authors’
responses are in
We made three notable changes to the manuscript, which were not directly requested by the referees.
1) In Fig.1g we discovered a factor of two in the calculation of g0, which in turn l
eads to a smaller expected capacitor
gap size. The new size of ~ 62 nm is compatible with SEM images given the expected increase of tensile stress
during cooldown. This change also increases the calculated vacuum field strength to 340 V/m. We have correcte
d all
affected numbers accordingly throughout the text and figures. The measured value of g0 remains unchanged.
2) In Fig. 4c we show the lowest occupancy of 0.58 limited by a combination of cavity and waveguide noise as
extensively discussed in the SI. A
nalyzing our setup carefully, we found that the observed noise background increase
with pump power is dominated by technical noise on the output, rather than waveguide noise entering our system.
Specifically, it is caused by a deterioration of the noise fi
gure of the room temperature amplifier as a function of pump
power. Given these facts we shortened the discussion of waveguide noise in the SI and corrected the inferred
mechanical occupation, which turns out to be as low as 0.32 without the presence of po
wer dependent waveguide
noise. The previous analysis was a worst case scenario, which would only be justified if the source of the broad band
power dependent noise remained unknown.
3) Given the interest of the reviewers in our direct observation of two
level systems we have added this section to the
main text.
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
This manuscript reports experimental realization of an electromechanical system, based on the use of silicon nitride
membrane. Detailed and systematic experim
ental studies on OMIT and back action cooling are presented, providing
a thorough characterization of the new electromechanical system. The results reported represent a notable advance
in the development of electromechanical systems. In my opinion, the man
uscript is suitable for publication in Nature
Communication, after the authors have addressed the following comments and questions:
1) The authors state that a key advantage of the system is large vacuum field strength for the microwave field, ~260
For comparison, it will be nice to also provide typical parameters for competing systems (e.g.
electromechanical systems of JILA groups).
large vacuum field strength,
now estimated
340 V/m
is a result of two aspects. A small gap size of ~ 62 nm
a high total impedance of 3.4 kOhm. In the more traditional drum head designs from JILA/NIST, gap sizes of 50
nm with inductors of 12 nH for circuits resonating at 7.54 GHz have been reported (Teufel 2011). The root mean
square vacuum voltage of our two s
ystems (Caltech vs. JILA/NIST) therefore is 21 uV vs. 8 uV, which is the result of
the higher impedance of 3.4 kOhm vs. 570 Ohm. The inferred vacuum field strength is then 340 V/m vs 160 V/m. We
have added a comment in the section “Vacuum Rabi splitting an
d ac
Stark tuning of a nanoscopic two level system”
to point out the 2.5 fold improvement in the voltage vacuum fluctuations.
2) Two
level systems (TLS) are suggested as the mechanism that limits the thermalization of the mechanical beam at
below 25 mK. The authors have shown in the supplement the coupling of TLS to the microwave
resonator and have mentioned inconsistent and fluctuating cooing curves at 11 mK in the main text. But there are no
detailed discussions on how the TLS affect the ba
ckaction cooling process. I wonder if the authors can show some
additional experimental results on these fluctuating cooing curves in the supplement or the main manuscript. Effects
of TLS on electromechanical coupling should be of considerable interest to
the community.
We have found evidence that microwave frequency TLS couple strongly to the resonator as was shown in the SI
(now main text). While at high pump powers and small pump detunings, these TLS appear to be saturated, for
smaller pump powers and
larger pump detunings from the cavity, the TLS can modify the resonator density of states
as shown by the vacuum Rabi measurement in the SI. In such a case the usual assumptions for backaction cooling
(such as a Lorentzian lineshape density of states) are
not valid anymore. In particular, due to the Vacuum Rabi
splitting the rate of photons scattered by the mechanics is reduced (similar to a suboptimal detuning of the drive),
leading to a reduction of the measured noise power. This reduced noise power could
incorrectly be identified with a
lower mechanical occupation. An indication for this process can be seen in Fig. 4c for a range of small pump powers
where the inferred occupations often lie below the expected occupation (black line). As shown in our manus
cript the
location of individual TLS changes as a function of pump power and detuning, which can explain why the effect
appears only at certain powers.
There is
a number of complications, which prevent a further and more detailed analysis of these processes within the
scope of this manuscript. First, we believe that the observed TLS are either due to the OH groups forming on the
surface of both the di
electric and the Aluminum (a result of our fabrication recipe), or inside the silicon nitride due to
its amorphous structure as observed by other groups. In both cases we believe the observed single TLS is only one
of many, where most of them are expected
to couple weakly depending on their location in the cavity field, or have
short lifetime depending on their immediate microscopic environment. These weakly coupled or short lived TLS can
absorb photons with high bandwidth but are very difficult to quantify
and study systematically because they do not get
close to the strong coupling limit. We, as well as other authors, have furthermore found evidence that, while these
TLS do not saturate at the reported temperatures, they do change their frequency and lifet
ime as a function of
temperature and in our case even over the course of a few hours.
At temperatures < 25 mK we could see both cooling and heating of the mechanical mode and we can only speculate
about the origin. The timescales for thermalization are v
ery long at these temperatures and it was difficult to get
consistent data sets for backaction cooling and TLS coupling at the same time. Studying these effects in detail would
be very interesting but go way beyond the scope of our already very long paper.
3) The manuscript presents only experimental results obtained on the low frequency (~ 4 MHz) mechanical mode. No
experimental results are available on the high frequency (~ 450 MHz) mode, which is perhaps more interesting in
terms of potential applicatio
ns. I understand that deep resolved sideband regime prevents the authors to achieve high
cooperativity for the high frequency mode. Can the authors see any indications of the high frequency mechanical
mode in the displacement power spectrum? It will be rea
lly helpful if the authors can provide some experimental
information on the high frequency mode.
Unfortunately we were not able to see an indication of the high frequency mode in this sample. This is expected due
to the reduction of the maximal pump phot
on number by a factor of 10^4 which, together with the high frequency
mode’s smaller g0 leads to a reduction of the expected sideband scattering rate by a factor ~ 10^3. The signal to
noise ratio to observe the mechanical mode would therefore be 1000 times
reduced, while the frequency span
relevant to search and find this mode is roughly 100 times wider compared to the fundamental mode (assuming the
same relative simulation accuracy). The problem will be tackled in the future using double moded resonators a
outlined in the manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
The paper describes an experimental advance in the field of electromechanics. Patterned nanobeams made out of
silicon nitride and coated with aluminum are coupled to spiral coil inductor
s. Measurements similar to cavity
optomechanics are performed using microwaves at cryogenic temperatures. It is found that sideband cooling allows
to cool the motion of the lowest flexural mode of the beam almost to the quantum ground state. The experiment
successful and the data well understood and modeled in detail. The main motivation is that the patterned beam
possibly allows for coupling higher
frequency phonon modes to microwaves or optics.
Overall, this is a good paper. The technological advance
to me is quite nice. The high
impedance spiral coil
resonators which have only a couple of fF of capacitance are really impressive and beyond the state
Flexural modes of SiN nanobeams have been studied a lot previously, but the current beam is
probably the first
flexural beam to be cooled to the ground state which is also a nontrivial achievement.
We agree with the referee in that we showed the first demonstration of motional ground state cooling of a dielectric
Also, our circuit parameters, which are relevant for coupling to any small
dielectric object as well as for high frequency impedance matching circuits, clearly go beyond the state of the art.
The problem is that although there are important tweaks in th
e design, the analysis and results are repetition of
previous work. Not much new physics was learned. The analysis on double
frequency detection and sideband
cooling was repeating what has been done in many previous papers. Given this fact, the analysis on
electromechanical measurement data was also far too lengthy for a compact journal, as if it was carrying an aspect of
novelty. The phononic crystal breathing mode appeared only as a theoretical concept and a goal.
The realization of high frequency el
ectromechanical systems based on phononic crystals represents an outstanding
challenge and opportunity at the same time. The opportunities are coupling microwave circuits to optical telecom
wavelength photonics as well as the observation of coherent effect
s between individual phonons without the need for
active cooling. In order to reach this interesting regime a great amount of technology development is necessary. In
the current manuscript we therefore chose to emphasize a detailed discussion of device des
ign, characterization and
fabrication. While the amount of new physics may be limited, the technological advances are significant and the
relevance for high frequency electromechanics based on phononic crystals is evident. This new type of physics will
studied in the future (see answer to Reviewer #2).
While it is true that our derivation and analysis follows previously published methods, our analysis is still different to
many previous treatments in the following interesting aspects: 1) we present a f
ull analytic model and fit the
measured data rather than numerically infer effective areas and relating them to certain occupancies (which is also
valid of course). 2) In our model we include a broad
band input noise source (waveguide noise), which due to
even in the best setups
is never exactly zero but generally neglected, 3) we present full analytic
expressions describing Fano effects, which
allows for an accurate
fit of these non
idealities appearing in many
measurement set
ups and 4) we derive and present a general yet compact expression (in the usual limits), which
allows for self calibrated measurements of g0.
The only new physics discussion I could spot was the TLS interaction which in fact sounds a very interesting topi
but the discussion on the effect of TLS on the nanobeam motion was brief and superficial.
While TLS to qubit coupling has been studied in detail, vacuum Rabi splitting between a single TLS and a microwave
resonator has been observed only very recently
(cited in the manuscript) in a system without mechanical motion and
specifically designed to observe this effect. Furthermore, we are the first to demonstrate ac
Stark tuning of a single
TLS coupled to a mic
rowave resonator. This is both
new physics and i
t can be a useful tool to easily control individual
TLS without using strain or temperature. The agreement with a simple first order model is excellent and we use the
effect to calibrate our drive photon number, which in turn calibrates/confirms our electr
omechanical vacuum coupling
strength g0. This method, i.e. using a quantum nonlinear system to calibrate g0, is quite unique, maybe only
comparable to Lecocq, F. et al, Nat Phys 11 (2015), and complements the common calibration that completely relies
on a
correct calibration of refrigerator temperature sensors.
We do not claim that there is any direct interaction between the TLS and the mechanical motion, nor can we exclude
it. What we know is that the drive and the cavity interact with the microwave frequ
ency TLS, which in turn can lead to
incorrect conclusions about the mechanical motion (see comment to Reviewer #1). We would argue that this cavity
TLS interaction has been studied thoroughly and conclusively in our manuscript.
There is not much technical criticism because the analysis is just repeating known patters. Some minor comments:
Could the lineshape asymmetry be simply due to pumping off
resonant from the sideband? Frequencies of
superconducting cavities can change when
occupation numbers change, and unless this is monitored and the
pumping frequencies changed accordingly, pumping can become off
Yes it could be due to detuned pumping. This is what we also assumed initially; however, we adjust and correct for
dependent tuning of the cavity resonance. Also, as seen in the wideband EIT measurements of Fig.
3b, there is only very minor / no asymmetry in these spectra (note: both EIT and cavity noise measurement have
been taken right after each other wit
h the same detunings and power of the pump). As such, the measured cavity
noise asymmetry/shift really does seem to be anomalous. Our initial attempts at explaining this proposed a
waveguide noise interference effect which we have now ruled out (see resp
onse to Reviewer 3). We believe this is
something to further investigate; however, for now we have assumed a Fano
like response for the cavity noise, which
at this point is just phenomenological. The section in the SI dealing with this (Section F) has been
The lower x
axis units in figure 4c are not informative. Better option could be the power at the sample.
We provided the drive power because that is the control parameter in our experiment, and we provide the most
relevant ca
lculated (estimated) parameter of interest (in our opinion), n_d the cavity drive photon number in the upper
axis. We also provide the attenuation factor in the SI that allows to convert between P_d and power at the input of
the cavity should a reader r
eally want this. As such, we believe the current presentation is most effective.
In summary, this is a good paper, but I have very mixed feelings regarding it. On one hand, there is a nontrivial and
very successful technological advance with the small
inductors, but on the other hand, no new physics was learned,
neither the main motivation which is to reach the higher
frequency mode needed for applications, is close to reality.
Whether or not the paper gets citations depends on if the setup will be used
in the future. This is possible but I would
not bet on it. I have a bit hard time figure out which journal would be the best match for this paper.
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):
In their manuscript, the authors demonstrate a new technique for maki
ng microwave electromechanical cavities with
silicon nitride nanostring resonators. Combining advanced fabrication techniques on a silicon nitride membrane with
tight, high impedance spiral inductors, they achieve optomechanical coupling rates to a nanomec
hanical resonator
comparable to what has been done with micron
sized drums. Using this device, they cool the motion of the
nanostring resonator to a thermal occupation of less than one, adding a new mechanical system capable of reaching
the quantum ground
In general, I find the manuscript very clearly written. The fabrication of the beam resonator on the membrane is
innovative, and includes cleaver use of mechanical stresses to shrink the gap. Although spiral inductors have been
applied before in m
icrowave electromechanics, the idea of pushing them up to 5 kOhm impedance to compensate for
the small motional capacitance is smart. The manuscript also presents state
art cooling, which while itself is
not new, represents an important benchmark th
at clearly establishes this a new leading implementation for cavity
electromechanics. For these reasons, I am strongly inclined to recommend it for publication in Nature
Communications, although I have some questions that should be addressed in modificatio
ns to the text, which I
include here below.
1. "additional energy stored in tension"
I find this a bit of a vague statement by the authors. In principle, tension is a force, and it is not capable of storing
energy? Also, with respect to what other energy
is this energy "in addition to"?
If one combines tension with elongation (for example, that which accompanied with mechanical displacement), then
this does produce energy, E = F*d. And by increasing the static tension in the string, then this does produ
ce more
relative energy stored in elongation compared to other deformations, such as bending. Perhaps this is what the
authors are referring to?
In any case, the statement should be clarified by the authors.
Yes, this is exactly what we are referring to
. We have changed the sentence where we now only focus on the
empirical fact that high stress nanostrings show higher mechanical Q than low stress strings and provide references
to work that provides a more complete analysis.
2. What factors were relevant to achieve high
impedance coils?
It was not 100% clear to me where the very high impedance of the coils comes from in their experiment. Is it the tight
winding of the coils that is relevant, increasing the inductance per area
, or is it that the low dielectric constant (epsilon
~ 1) of the environment that plays a role?
I was also unable to answer this question myself also because the authors did not mention what dielectric constant
was used in their numerical simulations, so
mething that should in any case be included in the text.
The impedance is increased due to both mentioned effects. The dielectric constant is reduced from ~ 11 for silicon to
~ 7.5 for silicon nitride (bulk values at ~10 GHz at low
T). However, the circuits effective dielectric constant goes from
about (11+1)/2 = 6 for a 300nm thick silicon nitride thin
film on silicon (the field is roughly half in vacuum and half in
silicon) to about 1 for a 300 nm thick suspended membrane of silico
n nitride (the field is mostly in vacuum). This
reduces the self capacitance linearly by a factor of ~ 6 and increases the impedance by a factor of sqrt(6) if we
consider the same geometry in both cases.
In practice the situation is more complicated, bec
ause when we consider a fixed self
resonance frequency, we need
to increase the size of the inductor, while reducing epsilon (for a fixed wire to wire pitch). Roughly, the scaling is
somewhat modified i.e. C propto epsilon^(3/4) scales weaker than linear b
ut Z propto epsilon^(
3/4) scales stronger
than with the square root.
The second effect is exactly what the Referee mentions. Increasing the inductance per area is crucial to improve the
impedance further. Using numerical simulations of circuits on membr
anes of thickness 300 nm and an epsilon of 7.5,
we infer the scalings for the self capacitance C propto p^(1/2) and the impedance Z0 propto p^(
1/2) for a constant
self resonance frequency with p the wire to wire pitch. These relations have been verified f
or planar rectangular
inductors made of thin film metals (thin compared to the metal to metal spacing) and in the limit of large turn
The relations can also be verified with one assumption i.e. at the fundamental self resonance frequency the ent
coiled up wire is excited with a roughly sinusoidal half wave standing wave of current where the ends are not excited
(boundary condition). Making this assumption it becomes clear that the length of the wire determines the
resonance frequency simi
lar to a distributed element resonator, while the impedance Z=(L/C)^(1/2) is set by how
much mutual inductance can be realized with that fixed length wire. Increasing the number of turns (winding tighter)
for a fixed length helps therefore to increase Z at
a constant self resonance frequency.
So in summary for a circuit at the same frequency (changing geometry) going from silicon to a thin membrane the
impedance is increased by a factor of 3.8. Going from a pitch of 4 um (e.g. Teufel 2011) to our pitch of
1 um
increases Z by a factor of 2. In combination, we have a coil impedance that is about 7.6 times higher than a coil made
on silicon with a larger pitch and the same coil self resonance frequency.
The impedances mentioned in our response to referee #1
roughly agree with this statement, but those were total
circuit impedances, not coil only impedances. Unfortunately we do not have enough information to make a complete
comparison, which would require us to know the mechanically modulated and stray capacit
ance of other experiments.
I feel it is important that the authors should discuss what the important elements are in achieving these high
impedance coils: for example, a comparison of the curves in figure 1f for the case of a coil made on a membrane with
one made on a more conventional substrate such as silicon or sapphire would be very useful.
We have added a sentence in the design section, clarifying and quantifying the relevant elements in achieving the
high impedance coils, which are important to cou
ple effectively to small mechanical oscillators. We feel like this is the
most effective way to present a comparison and assign the improvement to the two main effects (reduction of epsilon
and increasing inductance per area).
Also, I miss a comparison wi
th the state of the art: are these coils much higher impedance than those used in the
experiments by the groups in NIST?
Please see our comments to referee #1 above.
3. Theoretical estimates of radiative losses
The authors achieve the enhanced electromechanical coupling in their experiment by using a large inductor coil and
by removing all of the ground plane near the cavity.
Both of these, however, I would expect to increase radiative losses of the LC circuit.
As part of the innovation in the
manuscript is the implementation of high impedance cavities in this way, I feel it is important for the authors to also
provide information on what the expected radiative loss rate is for such designs, something that shoul
d be pretty
straightforward to do using software such as COMSOL or CST.
It is not quite as straightforward to make a reliable estimation of the radiative losses o
f the studied circuits as it is, for
in optical systems. The reason is that due to the
long wavelength of m
icrowave systems (compared to th
small feature size of our lumped element cir
cuits) a radiation boundary can
not easily be modeled. A similar problem
arises when simulating low frequency mechanical losses in micro
electromechanical sy
stems using perfectly matched
layers (PMLs). However, in the microwave case the situation is a little more difficult because the photons propagate
in the entire air box rather than the membrane / substrate only. In any case, the reviewer raises a very inte
point but we feel like we can
not provide and present these simulations within the scope of this manuscript.
Empirically we can give a quite concise answer however. We have fabricated the structures with the same geometry /
inductance and comparab
le impedance on silicon nitride, SOI and high resistivity silicon substrates and found
substantially higher intrinsic Qs. On silicon up to 10^6, on other silicon
nitride membranes up to 2x10^5,
and on low
resistivity SOI up to 10^5. These results suggest t
hat the low Q measured in this device is a problem of the specific
fabrication and materials rather than geometry (please see also next comment below).
4. Low cavity internal quality factor?
Perhaps related to this point, I am surprised by the very low i
nternal quality factor of only Q_i ~ 8000 for the
microwave cavity. At these temperatures, quasiparticle losses in the Al film should be irrelevant. Also, the near
vacuum dielectric environment and low microwave loss of silicon nitride suggest that dielect
ric losses should not play
a role. Furthermore, partially confirming the negligible role of dielectric losses, the drive
independent internal Q
suggests that TLSs are also not playing a role in the internal Q.
So my question is then: why is the int
ernal Q so low? If this is a fundamental limit, then it limits quite a bit the impact
of this high impedance design, something which should be discussed in the manuscript.
We have measured and fabricated a large number of similar structures on silicon nit
ride and found a large spread of
microwave Q factors with the best numbers obtained at high pump powers on the order of 2x10^5. At low pump
powers corresponding to less than a single phot
on in the resonator on average
the results were more consistent and
on the order of 10^3. The reason is not completely clear but the final fabrication step of wet
etching the silicon has
been found to be very sensitive and give variable results observable also in the SEM. The wet etch could lead to
either etching of the al
uminum circuit, which decreases the Q or destroys the resonator, or to grow a considerable
amount of disordered oxides and silicates. The latter can be lossy or contain TLS to an unknown degree. We believe
that this is the main cause for the low Q factors
in some samples.
5. "analogue of EIT"
While this is a statement often made in the field, this is only strictly true in the limit of large cooperativity.
For example, in figure 3b, applying a blue drive tone of
31 dBm would give a response that looks l
ike EIT but arises
from a different physical origin: in particular, EIT includes a suppression of the density of states of the dressed, driven
system at the (cavity) resonance frequency. A way this can be seen is that looking at the output noise spectrum i
EIT will always give a suppression of cavity noise at resonance, while this EIT
like blue
sideband transparency
window would yield enhanced cavity noise (due to heating of the mechanical mode).
It is perhaps a bit of technicality, but it would be good
to stop propagating incorrect statement. Options could be to
remove the statement, or perhaps append it by adding "although this analog is only strictly true for driving on the red
sideband in the large cooperativity limit".
(Also, I believe the spelling
of "analogue" is usually with a "gue" in this context?)
While we agree with the reviewer that in general the analogy is imperfect, we believe that even at low
the analogy is good for red
sideband pumping (as far as that analogy goes). It is
true, and we agree, that for
sideband pumping the effect is more analogous to what has been called electromagnetically induced
amplification (EIA) in atomic physics. In reference [38] we study both EIT
like and EIA
like effects, and term them
this wa
y. Since we only perform red
sideband pumping in this manuscript we think the sentence is fine as it stands.
With regard to “analog” versus “analogue” it seems American English uses “analog” and British “analogue”. As
suggested we will change it to “ana
logue” as Nature journals typically prefer (require) this.
6. Incorrect power labels in figure 3(b)
I presume there are some negative signs missing (the upper curve, I guess, is not +31 dBm?)
The ve
rsion we submitted does have a minus sign, so not sure what happened here?
7. "goes normal"
I find this a bit "jargon
language" (page 6, paragraph 2). I guess the authors means to say something like that the
superconducting film exceeds it's critical cur
We have changed the sentence as suggested.
8. "The source of the saturation in the meachanics is not fully understood, but is thought to be due to coupling to two
level systems"
Are the authors here referring to coupling of the mechanics to electr
ical TLSs in their substrate by electric fields? Or
are they referring to coupling to mechanical TLSs via strain fields? This should be clarified.
It is also not clear why these TLSs should be not thermalized to the lattice temperature which is presumabl
y at the
same temperature as the the dilution fridge?
Please see our detailed response to Reviewer #1. The only type of TLS we observed and studied were those at
ve frequencies coupling the
microwave resonator. We added the term “microwave TLS
” for clarity.
9. "This latter property may interfere with the mechanical transduction, leading to unreliable thermometry of the
mechanical mode"
Please sharpen this statement: "may interfere with mechanical transduction"? "unreliable thermometry"? To me
these are both unscientific statements with no value. Can the authors please elaborate on what they mean? It could
be in the SI, but it should be explained somewhere as it is completely not clear to me what they mean. Or,
alternatively, they can just rem
ove the statement and say they do not know why the mode does not thermalize.
eed, we do not know why the
mechanics does not thermalize below 25 mK. However, we do know one reason
why the thermometry becomes unreliable. Please refer to our comments
to referee #1. We have changed the
respective sentence to avoid any confusion.
10. Added noise
The authors quote an added noise of 30 photons for their amplifier chain. Is this what they expect? If they compare
this to the specified added noise from the datasheet of their amplifier, what does this imply for the
losses in the cables from their sampl
e to the amplifier?
The inferred added photon number of 30 is consistent with a total attenuation of 4 dB between the sample output and
the HEMT amplifier input, given the estimated noise temperature of 4.5 K from the datasheet is correct. This 4 dB is
ughly in line with our expectations based on the specifications of the two circulators, the superconducting cable
dielectric loss and copper cable loss for the cabling between the sample and HEMT, and finally the PCB packaging
used in our experimental setu
The actual number stated is inferred from the measured noise background of the spectrum analyzer knowing the
attenuation to the sample (inferred independently from the temperature sweep as well as the TLS based ac
calibration) and the total respon
se of the used measurement setup (e.g. from a VNA sweep or a self
thermometry measurement where the reflected pump tone is detected). This fixes the gain of the system and such
the equivalent added photon number (referenced to the sample output)
of the measured noise background (see also
the section “system calibration” in the SI).
11. Increased noise
In the main text, the authors discuss increase broadband an Lorentzian cavity noise, which they seem to attribute to
heating of the superconducti
ng wires, which then heats their cavity photons. I find this myself a bit surprising: can
they estimate the temperature that the superconducting film reaches? As this noise limits their cooling of the
mechanics, it is important to have a good and clear ide
a where it comes from to evaluate the impact of their work.
The referee is correct that if we attribute all of the increased background noise level to waveguide noise the
equivalent noise temperature would be substantial, i.e. > 1 K for the highest power
s (see Fig 4b). It is extremely
unlikely that this corresponds to the physical temperature of the wire since the intrinsic Q factor remains basically
unchanged at these high pump powers (and the fridge temperature remains unchanged). It is well known that
electromagnetic field temperature of a cavity can be essentially decoupled from the physical temperature of the
cavity. A similar situation was assumed to be the case for the waveguide noise.
However, as pointed out in earlier comments we found a dif
ferent origin of the increased added noise. Because the
carrier cancellation (see also our comment below) was done after the room temperature low noise amplifier from
we found that we got a non
negligible degradation of the noise figure at high pum
p powers. This was not
expected because the reflected pump powers were below the 1dB compression point of the amplifier. Colleagues
pointed out that this can happen after submission of the manuscript and we verified the effect for our setup.
In the curren
t version of the manuscript we therefore assign this change in amplifier performance to the added noise