Title: A UV Resonance Line Echo from a Shell Around a Hydrogen-Poor
    Superluminous Supernova
Authors: R. Lunnan, C. Fransson, P. M. Vreeswijk, S. E. Woosley, G. Leloudas,
    D. A. Perley, R. M. Quimby, Lin Yan, N. Blagorodnova, B. D. Bue,
    S. B. Cenko, A. De Cia, D. O. Cook, C. U. Fremling, P. Gatkine, A. Gal-Yam,
    M. M. Kasliwal, S. R. Kulkarni, F. J. Masci, P. E. Nugent, A. Nyholm,
    A. Rubin, N. Suzuki, and P. Wozniak
Table: Emission Line Properties
Byte-by-byte Description
   Bytes Format Units        Label     Explanations
   1-  7 F7.1   d            MJD       Modified Julian Date of observation,
   9- 13 F5.1   d            Phase     Rest-frame Phase
  15- 21 F7.2   0.1nm        centroid  Rest-frame line centroid in AA
  23- 26 F4.2   0.1nm      e_centroid  ?="" Uncertainty in centroid
  28- 31 F4.1   0.1nm        fwhm      Rest-frame line full-width half maximum in AA
  33- 35 F3.1   0.1nm      e_fwhm      ?="" Uncertainty in fwhm
  37- 37 A1     ---        l_flux      Limit flag on flux
  38- 41 F4.2   10-16mW/m2   flux      Line flux in 10^-16 erg/s/cm^2
  43- 46 F4.2   10-16mW/m2 e_flux      ?="" Uncertainty in flux
57513.4 100.1 2785.41 0.85 13.7 2.0  1.89 0.37
57546.3 123.2 2790.59 0.76 15.7 1.8  1.42 0.22
57549.4 125.3 2787.48 0.73 12.0 1.7  1.17 0.23
57575.3 143.5 2793.11 0.67 16.6 1.5  1.24 0.16
57755.6 269.8 2820.50 0.24 13.7 0.6  2.02 0.11
57811.5 309.0 2825.24 0.29 12.5 0.7  1.03 0.07
57841.4 329.9 2827.56 1.64 14.4 4.0  0.49 0.17
57872.4 351.7                       >0.28