of 11
Analysis of diffusion theory and
similarity relations for light reflectance
by turbid media
Lihong V. Wang, Steven L. Jacques
Lihong V. Wang, Steven L. Jacques, "Analysis of diffusion theory and
similarity relations for light reflectance by turbid media," Proc. SPIE 1888,
Photon Migration and Imaging in Random Media and Tissues, (14 September
1993); doi: 10.1117/12.154627
Event: OE/LASE'93: Optics, Electro-Optics, and Laser Applications in
Scienceand Engineering, 1993, Los Angeles, CA, United States
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Analysis of diffusion theory and similarity relations
for light reflectance by turbid media
Lihong Wang,
L. Jacques
Laser Biology Research Laboratory —
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcome Blvd., Houston, Texas 77030
Both diffusion theory and similarity relations for light reflectance by semi-infinite turbid
media have been analyzed by comparing their computational results with Monte Carlo
simulation results. Since a large number of photon packets are traced, the variance of the Monte
Carlo simulation results is small enough to reveal the detailed defects of diffusion theories and
similarity relations. We have demonstrated that both diffusion theory and similarity relations
provide very accurate results when the photon sources are isotropic and one transport mean free
path below the turbid medium surface or deeper. This analysis has led to a hybrid model of
Monte Carlo simulation and diffusion theory, which combines the accuracy advantage of Monte
Carlo simulation and the speed advantage of diffusion theory. The similarity relations are used
for the transition from the Monte Carlo simulation to the diffusion theory.
In laser-tissue interaction, there is a growing demand for accurate and fast models to
theoretically predict the light distribution in turbid media, such as biological tissue, with given
to inversely deduce the optical properties from measurable
parameters.4''6 One of the measurable parameters is the diffuse reflectance as a function of the
distance between the observation and incident points of the laser beam on the medium surface,
where the diffuse reflectance in this paper is defined as the photon probability of escape from
inside a semi-infinite turbid medium per unit surface area regardless of whether the photon
source is in- or outside. Measurement of the reflectance can be used to determine the optical
properties of tissue non-invasively.7 Therefore, an efficient and accurate model is needed to
relate the reflectance and optical properties of a turbid medium.
Monte Carlo simulation8'9 offers a flexible and accurate approach toward photon
transport in turbid media. It can deal with complex geometries in a straightforward manner, and
can score multiple physical quantities simultaneously. The accuracy of Monte Carlo simulation
has been tested with experimental results.t0 In this paper, Monte Carlo simulation results are
used as standards to be compared with results from other theories. However, due to its statistical
nature, Monte Carlo simulation usually requires tracing a large number of photons to get
acceptable variance; hence, it is computationally expensive, especially when the absorption
coefficient is much less than the scattering coefficient of the media, in which photons may
propagate over a long distance before being absorbed.
Although diffusion theories5'7 offer a fast approach to approximate certain physical
quantities of light transport in turbid media, it is not valid near the photon source or boundary
where the photon intensity is strongly anisotropic, which violates the assumption of diffusion
theory. In therapeutic applications of lasers in medicine, the photon fluence near the source is
the site of the most intense laser-tissue interaction. This region is where diffusion theory is most
inaccurate. In diagnostic and dosimetric measurements, such as the local diffuse reflectance
Rd(r), the reflectance near the source is the strongest, and therefore, can be more easily and
accurately measured experimentally. Again, this region is where diffusion theory is most
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We would like to build a hybrid model of Monte Carlo simulation and diffusion theory to
combine the advantages of both eoes1 The hybrid model will be used to compute the
diffuse reflectance of an infinitely narrow photon beam normally incident on a semi-infinite
homogeneous turbid medium with given optical properties. Although no photon beam is
infinitely narrow, its response can be convolved to compute the response of a finite size photon
beam.8 Although the real tissue can never be infmnitdy wide, it can be so treated on the
condition that it is much wider than the spatial extent of the photon distribution.
Before building the hybrid model, we need to consider two problems. First, where and
when can we use the diffusion theory to obtain acceptable accuracy? Second, how to connect
the Monte Carlo simulation and the diffusion theory? The studies in this paper will answer
these two questions.
The optical properties of a turbid medium can be described using four parameters:
relative refractive index, nra; absorption coefficient, jig; scattering coefficient, i; and anisotropy
factor, g. The refractive index re1 jS the ratio between the refractive index of the turbid medium
and the ambient medium. The absorption coefficient ji is defined as the probability of photon
absorption per unit infinitesimal pathlength, and the scattering coefficient jx is defined as the
probability of photon scattering per unit infinitesimal pathlength. The anisotropy factor g is the
average cosine of the scattered angle. The anisotropic scattering of tissue is well represents12 by
a Henyey-Greenstein scattering function.13 We will use the following optical parameters as an
example: re1
1, t2 =
cm1, lAs
100 cmt ,
which are typical for tissues in the
visible and infrared wavelength.'4
A cylindrical coordinate system is set up for this problem. The origin of the coordinate
system is the point of photon incidence on the medium surface. The z =
plane is on the
surface of the medium, and the z-axis points downward into the medium. The radial coordinate
and azimuthal angle are denoted by r and 0, respectively.
In the diffusion approximation of the transport equation, the diffuse photon intensity is
assumed to be almost uniform in all directions.'5 The fluence rate response for a point source in
an infinite turbid medium can be easily solved analytically under the diffusion approximation.
The fluence rate response for a point source in a semi-infinite medium can be estimated by a
linear combination of the responses for the original point source and an added image point
source, where both sources are in an infinite medium, as described by Farrell et al.7 The added
image point source is positioned to satisfy the boundary condition so that the problem of the
semi-infinite medium can be converted into that of an infinite medium.
The real problem we want to solve is the response of an infinitely narrow photon beam
normally incident on a semi-infinite turbid medium with anisotropic scattering. In order to use
the established diffusion theory for an isotropic point source, the infinitely narrow photon beam
has to be converted into an isotropic point source, or into a spatial distribution of isotropic point
sources. Farrell et al.7 convert an infinitely narrow photon beam into an isotropic point source
which is 1 transport mean free path (mfp'), where mfp' =
+ ji(1—g)), down below the
medium surface, and the strength of the point source is the original photon strength multiplied
by the transport albedo a', where a' =
+ j.z(1—g)). The diffuse reflectance Lj(r) as a
function of r, the distance between the photon incident point and the observation point,
estimated in this model is satisfactory only when the distance r is larger than 1 mfp' (1 mfp' is
about 0.1 cm for this simulation), but poor when the distance is small (Fig. 1).
In this diffusion theory, there are several steps of approximation (Fig. 2).
similarity relations16'17 are invoked to convert the anisotropic scattering (Fig. 2(a)) of the medium
into isotropic scattering (Fig. 2(b)). Second, the infinitely narrow photon beam is converted into
an isotropic point source at a depth of 1 mfp' below the surface (Fig. 2(c)). Third, the surface
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