Near-infrared spectroscopy of a
heterogeneous turbid system
containing distributed absorbers
Hanli Liu, Andreas H. Hielscher, Bertrand Beauvoit,
Lihong V. Wang, Steven L. Jacques, et al.
Hanli Liu, Andreas H. Hielscher, Bertrand Beauvoit, Lihong V. Wang, Steven
L. Jacques, Frank K. Tittel, Britton Chance, "Near-infrared spectroscopy of a
heterogeneous turbid system containing distributed absorbers," Proc. SPIE
2326, Photon Transport in Highly Scattering Tissue, (31 January 1995); doi:
Event: International Symposium on Biomedical Optics Europe '94, 1994, Lille,
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Near infrared spectroscopy of a heterogeneous turbid system
containing distributed absorbers
Hanli Liu1 ,
H. Hielscher2'3, Bertrand Beauvoit1 ,
Steven L. Jacques2, Frank K. Tittel3, and Britton Chance1
1 University of Pennsylvania
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6089
2 University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Laser Biology Research Laboratory
Houston, TX 77030
3 Rice University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Houston, TX 77251-1892
In most biological tissues, absorbers such as blood in the blood vessels are localized within a
low-absorbing background medium. To study the effect of distributed absorbers on the near infrared
reflectance, we developed a Monte Carlo code and performed time-domain measurements on
heterogeneous tissue-vessel models. The models were made of low absorbing polyester resin mixed with
Ti02 as scatters. A series of tubes with diameters of 3.2 or 6.4 mm were made in the resin sample. The
volume ratio of the tubes to the total sample is about 20%. During the measurement, these tubes were
filled with turbid fluids with different absorption coefficients to simulate blood in various oxygenation
states. We found that the apparent absorption coefficient of the resin/tube system, determined by using
the diffusion equation fit, can be approximated by a volume-weighted sum of the absorption coefficients
of the different absorbing components. This approximation has to be replaced by a more complex
expression if the difference in absorption between the absorbers and background is very large (.
times). The results of the tissue phantom study are supported by the Monte Carlo simulation. Possible
explanations for the photon migration in this kind of heterogeneous systems are also presented.
In recent years, researchers have developed near infrared (NIR) techniques, including steady-
state, time-domain, and frequency-domain measurements, to monitor the brain oxygenation non-
invasively. 1,2,3,4
particular, NIR time- or frequency- resolved spectroscopy has a great potential to
determine an absolute oxygenation state of cerebral blood and tissue since these techniques can measure
accurately absorption coefficients and path lengths.5 However, the brain is a very complex biological
organ, consisting of various blood vessels and brain tissue. The detected signal in NIR measurements
may result from the high-absorbing blood in arteries, veins, and capillaries, embedded in a large brain
tissue background. It is known that in the wavelength range of 700-900 nm, the absorption coefficient of
hemoglobin is much larger than that of tissue or water.6'7 Is it reasonable to ignore tissue background
absorption? Does the absorption coefficient obtained from the NIR spectroscopy result from blood only
or from a combination of blood in the vessels and background tissue?
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In searching for the answers to the above questions, we conducted this study on a tissue-vessel
model, with 1) time-resolved Monte Carlo simulation and 2) time-resolved spectroscopy (TRS) in
reflectance geometry. Our goal is to investigate the effect of the distribution and sizes of the distributed
absorbers on the NIR time resolved reflectance. This study is essential towards understanding the light
absorption by cerebral bloodin various blood vessels and achieving quantitative brain oximetry.
2. 1 Monte Carlo simulation
We have modified a well-test Monte Carlo simulation8 to provide time-resolved photon migration
in an infinite heterogeneous model, whose cross section is shown in Figure 1 .
tubes are
distributed uniformly in a large homogenous medium. The absorption and reduced scattering coefficients
of the background and the material filled in the tubes are represented by j.ta(back), i5t(back), .ta(tube),
and jt5'(tube), respectively. Since the large background can act as hemoglobin-free tissue, jia(back) is
chosen to be relatively small, around 0.05 cm1 .
the simulation, the input parameters are optical
parameters, the diameter of the tubes, d, and the tube distribution distance, 1. Thus, the volume ratio of
the tubes to the total system is known. The output of the simulation is a time-resolved impulse response,
at a chosen source-detector separation, p. From the simulated data, we can obtain an apparent absorption
coefficient, la-app for the heterogeneous system, using a diffusion theory fit.
Ma-app, JIs-app
S • • •:
. . . . Ji(back)
S S S S •
S 5555
1 .
cross section of a heterogeneous tissue/vessel model for the Monte Carlo
simulation. The optical parameters are labeled by jia(back) and p5t(back) for the
background, .ta(tube) and i5t(tube) for the filling material in the tubes, ia-app and .L's-app
for the apparent optical parameters for the system.
2.2 Time-resolved reflectance measurements
The absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of a biological sample can be determined using
NIR time resolved spectroscopy, and the experimental setup can be found elsewhere.9 The experimental
model for this study is made of a polyester resin, which simulates a low-absorbing tissue background.
The resin is mixed with a certain concentration of Ti02 to obtain a proper value of the reduced scattering
coefficient lls'(back).1° As illustrated in Figure 2, a series of small tubes (vertical holes) are made
through the resin sample, and they can be filled with an absorbing turbid fluid. The samples used for the
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measurements have values of ia(back)=O.O2--O.O6 cm1 and is'(back)=6--9.2 cm1 .
tube diameters
in two samples have 3 mm and 6 mm diameters and make up 18% to 20%, respectively, of the entire
volume. The measurement was performed on the side of the sample with a separation of 2.5-3 cm at a
wavelength of either 670 nm or 780 nm.
Pa(back), J(back)
1 a(tube), p(tube)
Figure 2. The experimental model made of a polyester resin with many empty tubes
simulating the blood vessels. The absorption and reduced scattering coefficients for the
filling materials are ta(tube) and ts'(tube).
To study the dependence of on ia(hole), a set of TRS measurement was performed on the
resin sample with an absorbing turbid solution filled in the tubes while increasing the absorption
coefficient of the solution. The liquid absorbers in the tubes were either ink or met hemoglobin solutions,
the latter of which were made from the hemoglobin (Sigma, H2625) totally converted to met hemoglobin
by adding potassium ferricyanide. 0.5% or 1% intralipid was used to dilute the absorbing solutions.
The absorption coefficients, J.ta(tube), of the solution at different concentrations were determined
separately by taking the TRS measurement on the solution alone. By fitting the TRS spectra taken from
the tissue/vessel system with the diffusion theory, we obtained 1a-app as a function of ia(hole).
2.3 Calculation of the apparent absorption coefficient
In order to study the dependence of the apparent absorption coefficient, ia-app of the system on
the I-ta(tube) and .ta(back), we first assume that the jtaapp is a volume-weighted sum of the absorption
coefficients of the different absorbing components contained in the medium, as written below:
pta—app =rjia(i)
where rj =Vj/Vtotai is a weighting factor for thei th kind of absorbers in the system, and V1 is the tube
volume occupied by the I th kind of absorbers. When only one kind of absorber is present in the tubes,
then equation (1) becomes
pta-app =
ia(tube) +
-r) .ta(back)
With the simulation and experiment in the following, we wish to investigate the validity of
equation (2) and to find a suitable formula to express the photon behavior in this kind of tissue-vessel
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