Persistence of neuronal representations through time and damag
e in the hippocampus.
Walter G. Gonzalez, Hanwen Zhan
g, Anna Harutyunyan, and Carlos
Division of Biology and Biologi
cal Engineering, California Ins
titute of Technology, Pasadena, United States.
*Correspondence to: clois@caltech.edu.
Memories can persist for decades
but how they are stably encode
d in individual and groups of neurons is not
known. To investigate how a familiar environment is encoded in
CA1 neurons over time we implanted bilateral
microendoscopes in transgenic mice to image the activity of pyr
amidal neurons in the hippocampus over weeks. Most
of the neurons (90 %) are active every day, however, the respon
se of neurons to specific cues changes across days.
Approximately 40 % of place and time cells lose fields between
two days; however, on timescales longer than two
days the neuronal pattern changes at a rate of 1 % for each add
itional day. Despite continuous changes, field responses
are more resilient, with place/time cells recovering their fiel
ds after a 10-day period of no task or following CA1
damage. Recovery of these neuronal patterns is characterized by
transient changes in firing fields which ultimately
converge to the original representation. Unlike individual neurons, groups of neurons with inter and intrahemispheric
synchronous activity form stable place and time fields across d
ays. Neurons whose activity was synchronous with a
large group of neurons were more
likely to preserve their respo
nses to place or time across multiple days. These results
support the view that although task-relevant information stored
in individual neurons is relatively labile, it can persist
in networks of neurons with synchronized activity spanning both
One Sentence Summary:
Neuronal representations in networks of neurons with synchroniz
ed activity are stable over
weeks, even after lack of
training or follo
wing damage.
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bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 24, 2019;
Main Text:
Memories are processed and stored by a complex network of neuro
ns across several circuits in the brain;
however, little is known about how
information is encoded and r
etained in these neurons for long periods of time.
Information could be stored at d
ifferent hierarchical levels, w
ithin individual neurons through modification of their
synapses, or distributed among many neurons in different brain areas including the hippocampus and cortex. The
hippocampus is known to play an essential role in the formation
of memories (
) and neurons in this brain area
show robust response to space (place cells), time (time cells),
or other task relevant cues (
). Many works have
studied how neuronal activity in the hippocampus changes during
learning (
), attention (
), and re-exposure
). However, what aspects of neuronal activity in the hippocampu
s persist during future visits to a familiar
environment, how is information encoded in group of neurons, an
d how lesions perturb the long-term maintenance of
these neuronal patterns remains poorly understood.
The question of how information is stably encoded in neurons in
the hippocampus remains a controversial
issue. Whereas extracellular r
ecordings show that place cells r
etain their fields from days to a weeks (
), calcium
imaging experiments show drastic changes of neuronal activity a
cross days (
). In freely moving mice place field
were also observed to be the sam
e across weeks bu
t head-fixed p
reparation show drastic changes between days (
). Considering that the hippocampus is necessary for the format
ion, but not for the long-term maintenance of
memories, it is possible that neuronal representations in the h
ippocampus may change over time as information is
transferred from other brain areas (
). Previous long-term imaging of neuronal activity have shown t
hat a large
number of pyramidal neurons in
CA1 are active during a 35 day p
eriod but only 31 % were active in each session and
only 2.8 ± 0.3% were active in all sessions (
). However, the inability to detect active neurons on consecuti
ve days
could be due to motion artifacts caused by the removal and reat
tachment of the microendoscope between days. In
addition, overexpression of GCaMP using AAVs can induce cell to
xicity or even death (
). To overcome these
potential limitations we built custom microendoscopes that were
chronically implanted and performed long-term
simultaneous bilateral imaging of hippocampal activity in freel
y moving Thy1-GCaMP6s mice
(Figure 1a, S1, and
see supplementary data)
). The combination of chronic implants, high sensitivity microe
ndoscope, improved
l detection and registration w
ith the CNMFe software allowed
us to minimize motion artifacts and to increase the
reliability of long-term recordings
(Fig. 1b-c and S2)
). We imaged CA1 pyramidal n
euron activity for several
weeks through three situations, which we defined as follows: (i
) “learning”, during the initial 5 sessions of exposure
to a novel linear track with sugar water reward at the ends, (i
i) “re-exposure”, after a 10-day period during which the
animal was not exposed to the linear track, and (iii) “damage”,
following light-induced hippocampus lesion
(Fig. S1)
We observed robust single neuron activity across days for up to
8 months
(Fig. 1d-e and Video S1).
We did not notice
significant differences between hemispheres and unless stated otherwise, the values reported represent combined data
from both hemispheres. Across days, 88 ± 4 % of all neurons in
the imaging area were active in each session and 51
± 17 % were active every session (
Fig. 1f-g and S3
). Within a day, the vast majority of neurons (95 %) were activ
both while mice explored their home cage or while running in th
e linear track. However, in the same day between
environments (cage or linear tr
ack) or across days in the linea
r track, neurons displayed significant changes in their
firing rates (
Fig. S4
). Thus, minimizing motion artifacts using chronic implants and
improved signal extraction and
registration allowed us to observe that most CA1 neurons that a
re active one day are also active on subsequent days.
To acquire a comprehensive view of stability of neuronal repres
entations in CA1, we studied both cells that
were active in specific locations
of the maze when animals were
running (defined as “place cells”), and during periods
of immobility (defined as “time cells”) (
(Fig. S5-6)
. Previous work reported that place fields underwent drastic
changes across sessions, reaching
near random levels (85-75 % c
hange) on the following session (
). Under our
conditions, we observe that from one day to the next 54 ± 15 %
of neurons retained response to a field (defined here
as “recurrence”, n=56). Surprisingly, despite the initial abrup
t change from one day to the next (~46%), the drop in
field response for subsequent day
s was only an additional ~1 %
per day, reaching random levels after ~ 50 days (
). Lastly, these changes in neuronal representations decreased
as the animal became more familiar with the task
(after the “learning” phase (
Fig. S5
Repetitive exposure to the task could induce changes in neurona
l representation through continuous updates
in place and time fields due to m
inor changes in environment (i
.e. different personnel or odors in the room). To
investigate this possibility, we introduced a no-task period in
which trained animals were not exposed to the linear
track for 10 days. We then compared the changes in place and ti
me cells between animals not exposed to the track and
animals which were continuously exposed to the track. Following
re-exposure, place and time cells in sessions
separated by 11-14 days that included the 10 day period of no-t
ask changed their fields by a similar fraction as animals
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
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bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 24, 2019;
continuously exposed to the task in sessions separated by 11 da
ys (
Fig. 2c-d and S7
). Thus, changes in place and
time cells happen independently of whether the animal is expose
d to the task.
Next, we analyzed whether the fields to which a neuron is respo
nsive changes between sessions. Response
fields were relatively similar acr
oss days (correlation of 0.7
± 0.3, n = 505, during the “trained” period between one
to 5 days apart) (
Fig. 2f-g
). Interestingly, in some sessions, we observed that 87 ± 8 % o
f cells changed the direction
of their fields by 180 º in the linear track, reversing the dir
ectional representation encoded in the previous session (
). Rotations of fields happened simultaneously across hemispher
es and were accompanied by minimal changes in
animal behavior (
Fig. S8
). Similarities of fields across days were significantly lower
during periods of learning and
during the first two days following re-exposure to the task (
Fig. 2f-g).
During periods of learning or immediately
following re-exposure to an environment fields fluctuate, but o
nce the animal becomes familiar with the task, place
and time cells can ret
ain their fields even following a 10-day
period in which the animal is not exposed to the task.
To investigate whether CA1 representations are also resilient t
o brain damage we performed local lesions
induced by increasing the LED illumination power of the implant
ed microendoscopes (5 to 10-fold over the threshold
needed to visualize GCaMP) (
Fig. 3a
). High illumination intensity induces a local increase in the
tissue temperature
and affects neurons along a spectrum ranging from perturbing th
eir firing activity to triggering their death. One day
after light damage, we observed a
massive increase in synchroni
zed firing analogous to interictal discharges (
Fig. 3b
These abnormal bursts of activity recruited the majority of neu
rons in the field of view and were direction specific in
the linear track
(Fig. S9 and Video S2)
. During days with abnormal CA1 activity, the firing behavior o
f neurons
changed dramatically, and the
number of place and time cells in
creases significantly (
Fig. 3c and S9
). However,
during this period, place and tim
e field correlation across day
s decreased to near random levels
(Fig. 3d-f)
Interestingly, after 2 to 10 d
ays, abnormal activity ceased ove
rnight and in a similar fashion to what we observed in
the re-exposure experiments, a
fter recovery from damage, place
and time fields stabilized and a significant portion of
place and time cells were responsive to the same fields that t
hey had before the lesion (81 ± 11 % with correlation
above 0.7, compared to random p<10
ranksum, n = 49 sessions)
(Fig. 3f)
It has been suggested that groups
of neurons with synchronized
activity form cell assemblies able to encode
learned representations for long periods of time. Cell assembl
ies encoding temporal and spatial cues have been
observed in the hippocampus (
). However, whether these assemblies develop during learning, h
ow many
neurons participate in them, for how many days they persist, an
d whether they can encode s
table information across
days is not known. We started analyzing the activity of pairs o
f neurons, the simplest level of synchronized groups of
cells. We observed that neurons in freely moving mice become mo
re synchronized with other neurons within and
across hemispheres as mice become familiar with the linear trac
k (
Fig 4a
). This increase in synchrony arises mainly
due to the activity of place and time cells. Synchronized pairs
of neurons also tended to make the same errors as the
animal performed the task, as illustrated in two scenarios. Fir
st, whenever one neuron in the pair failed to fire in its
field, 50 ± 30 % of the time the other neuron in the pair failed as well. Second, when the pair of neurons fired together,
their deviation from the field peak was highly correlated (0.71
± 0.14, p<10
) (
Fi. 4b
). Across days, we observed that
the likelihood of a neuron maintaining its responsiveness to a
field on the following day was proportional to the degree
of synchrony it had with another neuron in a pair. Altogether,
these results support the notion that synchronized activity
does not occur simply by chance, and it may be responsible for
the stability of representations over time.
To explore this hypothesis, we analyzed correlations of neurona
l activity using graph theory to identify
whether neuron pairs belong to a larger cell assembly and wheth
er stable information could be encoded in these larger
neuronal networks (
). Network graphs show a clear behavior-dependent topology, evo
lving throughout periods of
learning and undergoing extensive reorganization upon transitio
n from exploring in the home cage to running in the
linear track
(Fig. 4c)
. Graphs revealed the presence of dense clusters comprised of n
eurons within and across
hemispheres whose neurons had preferences for specific behavior
(Fig. 4d and S10)
. Extraction of these clusters
using a Markov diffusion approach identified groups of neurons
(defined here as cell groups) encoding direction-
specific information about severa
l aspects of the task, includi
ng periods of running, immobility, drinking, and turning
Fig. 4d-f
) (
). Synchronized activity of the
cell groups were specific for t
he environment to which the animal was
exposed. Cell groups that had synchronous activity in the linea
r track became asynchronous in the home cage, and
vice versa (
Fig. S10
). Individual neurons developed their responsiveness to a field
within minutes of exposure to the
track. In contrast, cell groups gradually developed their field
s over two to four days during the learning phase.
Moreover, the task information encoded in these groups did not
degrade over time (up to 35 days), even after a 10-
day period of no task (
Fig. 4g-i
). Thus, using graph topology we demonstrate that cell groups i
n CA1 can encode
persistent representations of the task across weeks even if the
activity of individual neu
rons varies over time.
The analysis of correlated neuronal activity of CA1 neurons has
been used to decode the behavior of the
animal or the response of neurons to a field (
), however, it is not known whether this activity can be used t
predict whether a cell will be responsive to a field into the f
uture (across days). Using graphs, we observed that the
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint
bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 24, 2019;
likelihood that a neuron would maintain its responsiveness to a
field over multiple days was proportional to the extent
of connectivity in the graph (
Fig. 4j
). To test the hypothesis that graphs can be used to predict th
e responsiveness of
a neuron to a field we analyzed their topology and trained a de
coder to determine whether a neuron would be a place
or time cell in the future. Using this approach, we show that t
his synchrony-stability relationship can efficiently decode
which neurons in a session will be responsive to a field and pr
edict whether a neuron will maintain its field N sessions
apart, even after a period of 10 to 20 days
(Fig. 4k, see methods)
. Furthermore, a decoder trained to identify place
and time cells from graph topology in one trained animal in one
session can effectively id
entify place and time cells
in other animals simply by analyzing their graph structure (
Fig S11
). Thus, the features of a neuron in a graph are
sufficient to decode signatures that are specific to time cells
, specific to place cells, or even specific for cells that are
neither time or place cells, and t
hese signatures are common be
tween animals.
In contrast to previous studies on the stability of CA1 represe
ntations, we observed that the vast majority of
neurons are active on most days but their firing rate changes a
cross sessions and tasks (
). We observe high stability
when analyzing the recurrence of place and time cells such that
even after 35 days 40 % of neurons were responsive
to a field (
). These differences could be due to better registration across
days thanks to the use of newer software
(CNMFe), a more sensitive CMOS sensor in the microscope, or the
use of transgenic animals i
nstead of viral vectors.
Our results indicate that hippocampal representations change dr
astically from one day to the next, but much more
slowly thereafter (an additional ~1% change per day), In addit
ion we found that the representations in CA1 were able
to recover after an extended period (10 days) without performin
g the task, or even after abnormal activity induced by
local lesions. These manipulati
ons revealed a common feature of
information persistence. In both cases, fields undergo
transient drifts and fluctuation ultimately converging to a neu
ronal representation similar to that present before
perturbations. This finding provides strong experimental eviden
ce for the presence of attractor-like ensemble
dynamics as a mechanism by which the representation of an envir
onment is represented in the hippocampus (
These results suggest a model with two complementary features. First, neuronal representations spontaneously change
over time, such that cells whose fields persist longer than 35
days are rare. Second, there are mechanisms that ensure
the persistence of representati
ons over short periods of time (
days) even if the animals are not training in the task, or
if the circuit is perturbed by lesions.
Unlike individual neurons that (on average) only retain informa
tion for 10 ± 5 consecutive days, cell groups
with synchronous activity encode stable spatial and temporal re
presentation for 35 days (the longest time that we
analyzed). Using synchrony to define functional connectivity an
d graph analysis, we demonstrate that groups of
synchronously active neurons provide information absent in indi
vidual neurons. The analysis of graph topology had
two key benefits. First, the features of a neuron in a graph a
re sufficient to decode signatures that are characteristic
of place cells, time cells or ne
ither, even without having any
additional information regarding the animal’s behavior.
Second, the likelihood that a neuron will maintain its responsi
veness to a field in the future is proportional to the extent
of connectivity of that neuron in the graph and can be predicte
d using graph topology. Overall, our findings suggest a
model where the patterns of activity of individual neurons grad
ually change over time while the activity of groups of
synchronously active neurons ensu
res the persistence of represe
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bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 24, 2019;
Male and female C57BL6J-Tg-Thy1-GCaMP6s 6 to 20-week old (Jack
son Labs stock: 025776) were housed
in a reverse 12 h light/dark photocycle and provided food and w
ater ad libitum. Mice were single housed post-surgery
until the end of the experiment. Experimental animals were sele
cted randomly and include both sexes. All animal
procedures were approved and performed following institutional guidelines (Caltech IACUC).
Bilateral endoscope implantation
Mice were anesthetized with a single dose of 100/10 mg/kg keta
mine/xylazine before the surgery and placed
into a stereotactic frame and body temperature was maintained w
ith a passive heating pad at 37 ºC. Ketoprofen 5
mg/kg and buprenorphine SR 1 mg/kg was subcutaneously injected
prior to surgery. Bupi
vacaine 1 mg/kg solution
added dropwise along the surgical incision prior to wound closu
re and animals were main
tained on ibuprofen 30
mg/mL (in the water) ad libitum for at least 3 days post-surger
y. Animals were in a recovery period for at least 4
weeks before attachment of the microendoscope.
Animals underwent unilateral or bilateral surgeries to implant
1.8 mm GRIN lenses directly dorsal to CA1. Before
implantation, we performed a 1.8 mm diameter craniotomy centere
d around the coordinates (relative to bregma: 1.8
mm and -1.8 mm lateral ; -2.0 mm posterior) using a FG1/4 carbi
de bur. Freshly prepared ar
tificial cerebrospinal fluid
(aCSF) was applied to the exposed tissue throughout the surgery
to prevent dehydration. Using a blunt 26-gauge
needle, the dura, cortex, and portion of the corpus callosum we
re quickly aspirated under continuous perfusion with
aCSF. Aspiration was stopped once
a thin layer of horizontal fi
bers was left on the surface of the hippocampus. The
cortical cavity was perfused w
ith more aCSF and small pieces of
moist gelfoam were placed on the surface of the
craniotomy to prevent excessive bleeding while avoiding contact
with the surface of hippocampus. Once the surface
of the hippocampus was clear of blood, the GRIN lens was slowly
lowered in into the brain using a stereotaxic arm to
a depth of 1.30 mm below the surface of the skull. Removal of t
he cortex and insertion of the GRIN lens was performed
in 10 minutes or less (in each hemisphere) to prevent bulging o
f the hippocampus due to the lower dorsal pressure.
Two skull screws were placed ant
erior to bregma (1.8/-1.8 mm la
teral; 1.0 mm anterior) and both the screws and lens
were secured with cyanoacrylate and dental cement. The exposed
end of the GRIN lens was protected with transparent
Kwik-seal glue and animals were r
eturned to a clean cage. Two w
eeks after the surgery, mi
ce were anesthetized with
1.0 to 2.0 % isoflurane, the glue covering the GRIN lens was re
moved and a microendoscope was aligned with the
GRIN lens. The miniature microsc
opes were connected to a portab
le computer which provided live view of the
fluorescence image th
ough the endoscopic lens and guided the final alignment and focal plane of the microscope and
lens. The microscope was permanently attached to the implant wi
th dental acrylic and the focal sliding mechanism on
the microendoscope was sealed with superglue.
Local CA1 damage.
Damage was induced unilaterally by increasing the LED power of
the microendoscope to the maximum
allowable level. The power of the 470 nm blue LED on the minisc
ope was measured to produce 500-700 μW at this
setting, measured at the end of the GRIN lens facing the CA1 us
ing a power meter (Thorlabs PM100D, S155C probe).
The brain was illuminated for at least 30 minutes during the fo
raging and linear track task. Cell death was quantified
as the ratio of neurons active in the field of view prior and a
fter heat damage.
Mouse behavior.
Mice were maintained in a reverse photo cycle and three days pr
ior to initialization of behavior recording
they were set under a water restriction protocol in which they
receive 2.0 mL of water per
day. After three days of
water restriction, mice were brought to the recording room and
connected to a computer system through a commutator
with a 2.0-meter-long custom cab
le. Animals were habituated to
handling and being tethered to the cable for at least
days. During this time, mice
were connected to the computer a
nd allowed to explore their home cage but were not
exposed to the linear track. On t
he fourth day, behavioral reco
rding was initiated, mice grab
bed by the tail and placed
in the middle of the track and imaging was recorded within 20 s
econds of the mice being introduced in the linear track.
Mice were exposed to the maze every day during the learning and
first 5 days following re-exposure. However, during
the training period or 5 days after re-exposure, recording sess
ions were at different day intervals ranging from 2-5
Each behavior session consisted
of a 10-minute recording of the mouse exploring its home cage without the
lid and food dispenser immediately followed (within 30 seconds)
by a 20-minute recording of the mouse running on
a linear track. The mouse home cage is rectangular 20 cm x 35 c
m with 15 cm transparent walls while the linear track
is a 1.5-meter-long track 12 cm wide with 15 cm high walls made
of white plastic. Three group of cues were place on
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint
bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 24, 2019;
both walls of the linear track a
nd consisted of black stripes (
2 cm wide) at different angles. The linear track was
equipped with an automatic liquid dispensing port that would de
liver between 100-200 μL of sugar water (15% sucrose
in DI water) at the end of the track. The system would require
the animal to run to opposite ends of the track to receive
a water reward, a green LED (right side) and red LED (left side
) indicated which port was active. A beeping sound
was played once mice activated the IR sensor. Delayed reward ex
periments were performed by decoupling the delivery
of sugar reward from IR sensor activation, thus the animal was
required to wait for 5 seconds until sugar water was
delivered. The beeping sound was not delayed. The position of t
he mouse was tracked by an
ultra-wide-angle webcam
at 25 Hz and 640x360 pixels positioned about 1.8 meters above t
he maze. Mouse position was extracted using
OptiMouse (
Calcium imaging processing.
Video Acquisition:
signal from the microendoscope CMOS sensor was acquired though
t a UVC compliant
USB analog video to digital conv
erter. The video feed was captu
red and saved by videoLAN media player using
custom MATLAB scripts. Data acquisition was set at 25 Hz and di
splay resolution of 720 x 576 pixels using a
YUV4:2:2 codec and AVI file encapsulation. All three cameras we
re synchronized to star simultaneously and were
verified to have latencies smaller than 10 ms. Raw videos were
offline transcoded to lossless H.264 -MPEG-4 AVC
codec and MP4 encapsulation and the first 2 seconds of each vid
eo were deleted. Transcoded videos were filtered
using a high quality 3-dimensional low pass filter (
) with spatial and temporal smoothing of 4x4 pixels and 2
frames, respectively. Denoised videos were then 4x down-sampled
by a moving window averaging of 4 frames. All
transcoding, smoothing, and down sampling was performed by the
open source program ffmpeg controlled through
custom MATLAB scripts. Down sampled videos were motion correcte
d using the recursive fast Fourier transform
approach provided in the MATLAB script
from Scanbox. For batch analysis all 4x down-sampled videos
were concatenated into a larger
video, motion corrected, and an
alyzed with CNMFe.
Signal extraction:
motion corrected videos were sav
ed as a matrix array and analyzed using CNMFe with a
2-fold spatial and temporal down-sampling (
). All 7450 frames of calcium imaging during the 20-minute line
track task or 3750 frames during
home cage exploration were ana
lyzed simultaneously. In some cases, were motion
artifacts were minimal, up to 200
,000 frames of data was analyz
ed simultaneously with CNMFe and these datasets
were utilized to confirm registration procedures described belo
w. All data analysis was performed using the
deconvoluted neural activity out
put (neuron.S) from CNMFe.
Cell registration:
accurate alignment of neurons across sessions spanning days to
months has noticeably
become a challenging aspect of calcium imaging. Taking from stu
dies using multiphoton imaging, registration
approaches using single photon e
pifluorescence involves alignme
nt of neurons between sessions based on their spatial
footprint. However, spatial footprint of extracted neurons usin
g microendoscopes can suffer from artifacts arising
from changes in firing rates, extraction algorithms, and motion
correction artifacts. These effects are compounded
when imaging areas with dense labeling as observed in transgeni
c animals. To overcome these limitations, we
employed an interleaved and batch data analysis approach in whi
ch a session of data was common between two days
to be aligned. This common session served the purpose of decrea
se noise in the extracted neuron footprints and
ovided firing data common to both datasets. First, the footpr
int extracted by CNMFe was thresholder so that only
the pixels above the 50
percentile formed th
e ROI footprint. Minor motion artifacts were corrected by
a fast Fourier
transform method using the PNR image output from CNMFe. The spa
tial correlation between all neurons with centroid
distances below 15 pixels between the two alignment datasets wa
s calculated. The correlation of the CNMFe
deconvoluted neural activity was also calculated for all neuron
pairs with centroid distance less than 15 pixels. Only
spatial and temporal correlation above 0.5 and 0.3, respectivel
y, were considered. An a
lignment coefficient was
calculated by multiplying the spatial correlation and temporal
correlation of every potential neuron pair. The alignment
coefficient was binned in 100 intervals and the probability dis
tribution calculated. A plot of the probability distribution
showed a clear bimodal distribution
(Fig. S2f)
, a threshold of approximately 0
.5 was selected manually. All n
pairs below this threshold were deleted, and the remaining were aligned based on a iterative selection of pairs with
the highest alignment coefficient. This approach was validated
by aligning a video to itself, where we observed that
including temporal information increased aligning accuracy by a
bout 10% (see supplementary information). Here, we
take advantage of small motion artifacts across days in order t
o motion correct and analyze several days together in
one animal. This ensures, that even if the neuron decreases is
firing rate significantly, CNMFe will still draw a ROI
around the neuron and extr
act its firing activity.
Data analysis
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint
bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 24, 2019;
Identifying place cells
: place fields were extracted by identifying periods when mice
ran continuously faster
than 3 cm/second for more than 0
.4 seconds. Together, these thresholds eliminate periods
during which mice were
grooming, rearing, or turning. The length of the linear track was divided into bins spanning 3 centimeters (50 bins),
neuronal activity at the ends of
the maze (7 cm) w
ere not inclu
ded in the analysis. The average firing rate of a neuron
in each bin was calculated by the sum of all calcium activity i
n a bin divided by the amount of time the mouse spent
in that bin. The average firing rate of a neuron was then norma
lized by the total number of spikes in order to generate
normalized tuning profile of each neuron. Neurons were classifi
ed as place cells if: (1) the place field is 15 cm wide;
(2) calcium transients were present > 30 % of the time the mous
e spent in the place field; and (3) the cell contains
significantly greater spatial in
formation than chance. Spatial
information is calculated using (
푆퐼 ൌ
where λ is the overall average cal
cium transient rate of the ce
ll, λ
is the average calcium tra
nsient rate in spatial bin
and P
is the probability the mouse is in spatial bin
. Chance level spatial information for each neuron is calculate
d by
shuffling the time stamps of th
e calcium transients and calcula
ting the spatial information
of the shuffled trace. This
is done for 1000 iterations and the spatial information of the
cell is considered significant if it is higher than 95% of
the shuffled traces.
Identifying time cells
: the linear track was equipped with a LED light that would tur
n off once the animal
activated the IR sensors near the water reward port. The ON/OFF
transition of the LED in the behavior video was
extracted and used as a timestamp. The LED timestamp was set as
time = 0 and a window of 31 frames or the time
the animal was immobile (velocity less 1 cm/sec), whichever is
smaller, was used for analysis. Neurons were classified
as time cells if: (1) they fire at least 20% of the times the a
nimal activated the water port; (2) the neuron fired 30%
more within its field (20 % of time immobile); and (3) the cell
s contain significantly great
er information than chance.
Temporal information was calculated using the same equation abo
ve but using λ as the average activity during
immobility, λ
is the average activity in frame
after activation of the water port. The variable Pi in this ca
se represent
the probability that the animal was not moving during frame
Network graphs
: an adjacency matrix was genera
ted by calculating the pairwise
Pearson correlation between
all neurons during a session. Only statistically significant (p<0.05) correlation values above 0.10 were used to build
the adjacency matrix. The weight
of the edge between two neuron
s was set to be equal to the correlation coefficient.
The networks are plotted with the network graphical tool (Gephi
) using the built-in ForceAtlas2
layout. Modularity was calculated with Markov Diffusion approac
h with a diffusion time of one using MATLAB
scrips as previously described (
). Cell groups are defined as cells making up each module extra
cted by the
modularity calculation. Only the largest 11 modules were analyz
ed. The degree, average clustering coefficient,
eigenvector centrality, and PageRank were calculated using buil
t in and custom MATLAB functions.
Behavior decoding
: mouse position was decoded by a generalized linear model usin
g the
function with
a normal distribution in MATLAB. Mouse position was discretized
into 50 intervals and periods of mobility and
immobility were decoded. The linear model was first trained wit
h 50% of randomly selected place/time cell activity
and mouse position and then tested on the remaining 50%. For ti
me-lapse decoding we used the decoder trained in
one session (M) to decode the position M+N sessions apart using
the activity of the same place/time cells on day N.
Decoding mouse position using cell groups was performed in a si
milar fashion, but instead of using place/time cell
activity we used the integrated deconvoluted neuronal activity
of neurons making up each cell group. Thus, we had
11 inputs (for each cell group)
and one target (mouse position)
as a training set, 70 % of
the dataset was used for
training. Time-lapse decoding was performed by training a decod
er on one sessions and then testing it on session N
using cell group activity as an input. Cell group activity was
determined at sessions N by first calculating the maximum
projection of the adjacency matri
x across 5 trained sessions (
5-10), calculating the cell groups using Markov diffusion.
The IDs of neurons making each
cell group were use to calculate
their integrated group activity in all other session.
In addition, to account for the n
onlinear and asymmetric nature
of fields encoded by cell groups, we also performed
position decoding using a nonlinear fitting neural network (
function in MATLAB). This network was set to have
50 hidden layers and trained with 70% of randomized cell group
activity and mouse position, validated with 15 % and
tested with 15%. The network trained in one session was used to
decode N sessions apart. In all, cases we also trained
the decoders with a randomized dataset for comparison. Error re
ported represent the median ± sem across N sessions
apart including periods of learning and no task.
Time/place cell decoding
: whether a neuron was place/time cell was decoded from neurona
l activity by (1)
calculating the intrahemispheric correlation in one session, (2
) generating a graph and calculating its topological
properties, (3) training a fitting neural network with half the
data, (4) use the decoder trained on one session to decode
another session. Graph topology metrics for each node included:
degree, modularity, eigenvector centrality, PageRank,
calcium activity, and the assemblies to which a node was connected. The calcium activity was defined as the integrated
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intensity of a neuron in a session minus the median integrated
intensity of all neurons. All metric, excluding
modularity, calcium activity, and node connectivity were normalized so that the sum in a session is equal to one. These
metrics were the input to the neural network decoder and whether a neuron had (1) or not (0) a field was used as the
training target. In addition, we
trained a decoder simultaneous
ly with 10 sessions of data from one mouse and used to
decode which neurons were place
and time cells in other animals
only using their graph topology.
Decoding stability of a cell
: we predicted whether a place/time cell observe today will los
e its field in N days
by first randomly selecting 50 % of the sessions in one mouse a
nd calculating all pairwise session intervals between
them. We trained one fitting neur
al network for each set of ses
sions separated at a N interv
al, generating N decoders.
The inputs consisted of graph topology metrics calculated from
brain activity (the same parameters used above)
recorded in the sessions at N int
ervals. The target dataset was
a matrix listing whether a neuron became responsive or
unresponsive to a field (logical 1) or the neuron retained its field or lack thereof (logical 0) between two sessions at a
N interval. We then tested each decoder on the remaining 50 % o
f the sessions with intervals ranging from 1 to N. We
filtered the decoder’s output so
that the highest outputs above
the median were considered positive.
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Figure 1
Long-term simultaneous bilateral
imaging of CA1 activity in fr
eely moving transgenic mice
Rendering of custom endoscope used in the bilateral configurati
Chronic implants show small field of view
(FOV) displacement across weeks.
Dashed line represents period
of no task (10 days).
Multiple sessions (25)
combined and analyzed simultaneously using CNMFe (see methods).
Raster plot of deconvoluted neuronal
activity in the right (top) and left (bottom) hemisphere of a t
rained freely moving mouse. Neurons are ranked from
high to low peak-to-noise ratio (PNR). Between 754-1480 neurons
were recorded per hemis
phere, median 1236, in 4
bilateral mice and 5 with unilateral microendoscopes). (
) Maximum intensity projection in the field of view in one
animal recorded for 8 months. (
) Intensity correlation map of a single session (
) and a small region of interest
(green rectangle) showing the pe
rsistence of activity throughou
t 25 sessions (
). (
) Activity distribution of the
right hemisphere showing that th
e majority of neurons are activ
e on most sessions (n=8 mice).
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Figure 2
Spatial and temporal representati
ons persist through periods o
f no exposure to the task
probability of a neuron with place
and time field in one sessio
n having any place/time information N days apart. Solid
lines represent the median and shadow the 95 % bootstrap confid
ence interval. Random level represent overlap if
neurons randomly became responsive to a field on the following
Distribution of neurons retaining their field
response for N consecutive sessions.
Quantification of cell overlap 1 day apart (65 ± 14 %, n = 193
sessions) and
10 days (54 ± 12 %, n = 97, ranksum-test) when continuously exp
osed to the track.
Quantification of cell overlap
1-4 sessions apart (65 ± 14 %, n = 193 sessions) and 1-4 sessions days (54 ± 12 %, n = 97, ranksum-test) when
including a 10-day period of no task.
Response fields of six place cells across 45 days. Black recta
ngles show
sessions in which 87 ± 8 % of fields changed direction. Green r
ectangle are the two sessions after re-exposure.
Pair-wise field correlation of n
eurons in the right hemisphere
with a field response between sessions. Colors represent
the median value. Numbers indicate the session. Sessions were g
rouped as indicated by the dashed rectangle and
The similarity between fields in each group of sessions was ob
tained by subtracting the correlation obtained
by random aligning neurons (n = 7, right hemisphere, each dot i
s the median between two sessions, p< 10
by *** ).
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Figure 3. Tissue heating induces
direction specific bursting ac
tivity and unstable fields followed by partial
recovery of the original representation.
Intensity correlation of a 20-minute session before, during, a
nd after
tissue damage induced by high illumination intensity (DPD, days
post damage).
Number of neurons active
simultaneously (within 160 millis
econds) during each session (n
umber shows median of the largest 90% bursts). Each
day is marked by a vertical red line.
Single neuron activity across days while the mouse runs in the linear track
(black traces) showing changes
in activity induced by tissue da
mage (red rectangle). The ho
rizontal green line shows
the 3 standard deviation of the background fluctuations. Top tw
o neurons recover from the damage, middle neuron is
highly active during abnormal activity, and the last two neuron
s become inactive following damage.
distribution of six place cells s
howing the high instability of
fields during abnormal activity, colors as in figure 2.
Black rectangle shows session
s with abnormal activity.
Pair-wise correlation between sessions of neurons which
retained their fields (right hemisphere). (f) The similarity between fields in groups of sessions before, during, and after
the lesion (n = 2 mice, each dot
is median of session pair, num
bers are median, p< 10-4 marked by ***).
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Figure 4. Synchronous activity in group of cells encode stable
representations of the task.
number of inter-
and intra-hemispheric synchronous pairs as a function of traini
ng (4 mice, each dot represe
nts a session in one mouse,
all significant p<10
(Top) Neuron pairs are co-active 90 ± 3 % (orange distribution
) of the time and fail to fire
synchronously 50 ± 20 % of the time (blue distribution). Synchr
onized pairs also show correlated fluctuations of their
fields (green distribution, 0.77 ± 0.17, p<10
). (Bottom) The number of sessions they remain responsive a fie
ld is
proportional to the level of synchrony in the pair (R-square 0.
35, p< 10
Graph topology in the linear track and
home cage of one mouse during learning, trained, and re-exposed periods (data from one hemisphere used, lines
represent correlation > 0.15, neurons shown as nodes).
Graph colored by the median
location where each neuron
(node) was active during a 20 minute session in the linear trac
k. Inset shows the same graph but colored by cell groups
(see methods, right hemisphere). Graph of neuronal activity in
the linear track colored by
determined field responses and
by the largest six cell groups identified by Markov diffusion.
The size of each node
corresponds to the degree (numbe
r of connecting lines) of each
(Top panel) Integrated activity of neurons in
a cell group during a linear track session and (bottom panel) a
ctivity each time the mouse ran through the cell group’s
receptive field.
Persistence of a cell group identified by neuronal activity from days 5-6 (shadows represent
deviation during a session).
Mouse position in the linear track decoded using all place/tim
e cells (132 to 639
neurons, errors 10-19 cm using generalized model), or the summe
d activity of all neurons in 11 cell groups (error 13-
17 using a generalized model or a 12-15 nonlinear fitting neura
l network). The performance of decoders using cell
group activity outperformed place/time cell decoders on long-ti
mescales (20+ sessions apart, random vs place/time
decoder p=0.210 and random vs cell group decoder, p<10
, Friedman-test).
Activity of one cell group across 35
days (number indicate day, red traces indicate sessions with ro
tated representations).
Graph colored by the fraction
of sessions a neuron was classified as time or place cell, larg
er nodes have larger number of synchronous pairs. Top
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inset shows the presence of unstable nodes with low connectivit
y, bottom inset shows quantification of degree and
stability across 25 sessions (red
dots mark median, R-square XX
A decoder trained with graph topology metrics
on one day can identify 71 ± 11 % of all place/time cells the n
ext day and 59 ± 10 % after 30 days in the same mouse
(left) with similar res
ults obtained when a decoder trained wit
h one mouse is used to identify place/time cells in other
mice (n = 7, right). It also identifies 86 ± 2 % of neurons wit
h no field responses. (Right) Neurons which will become
responsive or unresponsive to a field between two re-exposures
to the track N sessions apart can be decoded from
graph metrics 46 ± 5 % of the time.
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