Persistence of
ime and
amage in the
Walter G.
*Corresponding author
. Email
23 August
This PDF file
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S
Tables S1 to S
Captions for Movies S1 to S9
for this manuscript
the following
(available at
Movies S1 to S
Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods
Male and female C57BL6J
-GCaMP6s 6 to 20-week old (Jackson Labs
stock: 025776) were housed in a reverse 12 h light/dark photocycle and provided food ad
libitum. Mice were single housed post-surgery until the end of the experiment.
Experimental animals were s
elected randomly and included both sexes. All animal
procedures were approved and performed following institutional guidelines (Caltech
Unilateral/Bilateral endoscope implantation
Mice were anesthetized with a single dose of 100/10 mg/kg ketamine/xylazine
before the surgery and placed into a stereotactic frame. The body temperature was
maintained with a passive heating pad at 37 ºC. Ketoprofen 5 mg/kg and buprenorphine
SR 1 mg/kg was subcutaneously injected prior to surgery. Bupivacaine 1 mg/kg solution
was added dropwise along the surgical incision prior to wound closure and animals were
maintained on ibuprofen 30 mg/mL (in the water) ad libitum for at least 3 days post-
surgery. Animals were in a recovery period for at least 4 weeks before attachm
ent of the
Mice underwent unilateral or bilateral surgeries to implant GRIN lenses (1.8 mm
0.25 pitch 0.55 NA) directly dorsal to CA1. Before implantation, we performed a 1.8 mm
diameter craniotomy centered around the coordinates (relative to bregma: 1.8 mm and -
1.8 mm lateral; -2.0 mm posterior) using a FG1/4 carbide bur. Freshly prepared artificial
cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) was applied to the exposed tissue throughout the surgery to
prevent dehydration. Using a blunt 26-
gauge needle, the dura, cortex, and portion of the
corpus callosum were quickly aspirated under continuous perfusion with aCSF.
Aspiration was stopped once a thin layer of horizontal fibers was left on the surface of the
hippocampus. The cortical cavity was perfused with more aCSF and small pieces of
moist gelfoam were placed on the surface of the craniotomy to prevent excessive
bleeding while avoiding contact with the surface of hippocampus. Once the surface of the
hippocampus was clear of blood, the GRIN lens was slowly lowered in into the brain
using a stereotaxic arm to a depth of 1.30 mm below the surface of the skull. Removal of
the cortex and insertion of the GRIN lens was performed in 10 minutes or less (in each
hemisphere) to prevent bulging of the hippocampus due to the decreased dorsal pressure.
Two skull screws were placed anterior to bregma (1.8/-
1.8 mm lateral; 1.0 mm anterior)
and both the screws and lens were secured with cyanoacrylate glue and dental cement.
The exposed end of the GRIN lens was protected with transparent Kwik
-seal glue and
animals were returned to a clean cage. Two weeks after the surgery, mice were
anesthetized with 1.0 to 2.0 % isoflurane, the glue covering the GRIN lens was removed
and a microendoscope was aligned with the GRIN lens. The miniature microscopes were
connected to a portable computer for live view of the fluorescence image which was used
to guide the final alignment and focal plane of the microscope and lens. The microscope
was permanently attached to the implant with dental acrylic and the focal sliding
mechanism on the microendoscope was sealed with superglue.
Local CA1 damage.
Damage was induced unilaterally by increasing the LED power of the
microendoscope to the maximum allowable level. The power of the 470 nm blue LED on
the miniscope was measured to produce 500-700 μW at this setting. The power
measurements is done at the end of the GRIN lens facing CA1 using a power meter
(Thorlabs PM100D, S155C probe). The brain was illuminated for at least 30 minutes
during the foragin
g and linear track tasks. In one animal we performed local brain heating
on two sessions to increase the damage area (top row of Fig. 3A). The extent of the lesion
was assessed by the presence of abnormal burst of activity and by the presence of
continuously green cells on the following day. Sessions with abnormal activity were
selected based on the low place/time field correlation observed in Fig. S11 and by the
increase number of co
-active neurons, as shown in Fig. 3B. Three animals were exposed
to high LED power and all three developed abnormal activity in the form of large number
of co
-active neurons. However, the mouse with the most extensive damage required over
a month for the field of view to become clear enough to be registered. When this animal
exposed to the linear track it formed place/end cells but the similarity to the original
representation was lower than the other two mice.
Mouse behavior.
Mice were maintained on a reverse photo cycle and three days prior to the start of
behavior recording they were restricted to 2.0 mL of water per day. After three days of
water restriction, mice were brought to the recording room and connected to a computer
system through a commutator with a 2.0-
-long custom cable (Mouser, 538-50MCX-
37). Animals were habituated to handling and being tethered to the cable for at least 3
days. During this time, mice were connected to the computer and allowed to explore their
home cage but not the linear track. After habituation, mice were placed in the middle of
the track and imaging was started within ~20 seconds of the mice being introduced in the
linear track. Mice were exposed to the maze every day during the learning period and
first 5 days following re-exposure. However, during the training period or 5 days afte
r re
exposure, recording sessions were at different day intervals ranging from 2-7 days. The
initial facing orientation of the mouse in the linear track was not controlled.
Each behavior session consisted of a 10-minute recording of the mouse freely
moving in its home cage, without the cage lid or food dispenser, immediately followed by
a 20
-minute recording of the mouse running on a linear track. The mouse home cage is
rectangular 20 cm x 35 cm x 15 cm with transparent walls while the linear track is a 1.5
m x 12 cm x 15 cm made of white plastic. The linear track was cleaned with 70 %
ethanol before introducing another mouse. Three group of cues were place on both walls
of the linear track and consisted of black stripes (2 cm wide) at different angles (F
ig. S1).
The linear track was equipped with two automatic liquid dispensing ports at either end
delivering between 10-50 μL of sugar water (15% sucrose in DI water). The system
would require the animal to run to opposite ends of the track to receive water, a green
LED (right side) and a red LED (left side) indicated which port the mouse needed to run
towards. A beeping sound was played once the mouse activated the IR sensor. Delayed
reward experiments were performed by decoupling the delivery of sugar rewar
d from IR
sensor activation, thus the animal was required to wait for 5 seconds. The beeping sound
was not delayed. The position of the mouse was tracked by an ultra-
-angle webcam
at 25 Hz and 640x360 pixels positioned about 1.8 meters above the maze. Mouse position
was extracted using OptiMouse (
Custom miniaturized fluorescence microscopes.
Miniaturized microendoscope were custom made following previous designs (
The main differences between the microendoscope used here and previous designs is the
reduction in size achieved by reverse engineering the CMOS sensor used in (
) and by
minimizing the wall thickness and footprint of the microendoscope body used in (
The CMOS sensor used here is adapted from a miniature CCTV marketed online as
model MC900 but can also be purchased under other names. As purchased, the video
camera circuit consists of two 1 mm thick PCB boards: a primary sensor PCB containing
an Omnivision 7960 CMOS sensor and some peripheral resistors and c
connected through a 6 pin connector to a secondary PCB with an 24.545 MHz clock and
a voltage regulator circuit. These two circuits were carefully separated by desoldering the
6 pin connector. The clock and voltage regulator circuits can be connected to the sensor
PCB through cables as long as 20 cm but electrostatic noise can affect the clock output on
longer distances. Here we soldered a female 6 pin connector to the CMOS PCB and a
male connector to the clock and voltage regulator connectors. This approach allowed us
to decrease the weight of each microendoscope by as much as 200 mg during the period
the animal is not being recorded.
The clock and voltage regulator PCB were connected to an USB analog video to
digital converter. LED intensity was
controlled through the ADC output of a signal
generator. To decrease the footprint and weight we designed the body of the
microendoscope with wall thickness less than 1 mm. The body of the microendoscope
was machined from 1.25 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm
black acetal
(Delrin) blocks using a 5-
axis CNC
machine (PocketNC). All CAD designs and CNC trajectories were generated by Fusion
360 (AutoCAD) and are provided in the supplementary information. Light from the
excitation LED was filtered through a 470/40 nm bandpass e
mission filter, fluorescence
light was separated from the excitation light by a 495 nm long pass dichroic mirror and
filtered through a 520/50 nm bandpass filter (Chroma technologies). Light was collimated
onto the CMOS sensor through a 12.5 mm achromatic lens (Edmund Optics). The FOV
covered 600 μm x 479 μm at a resolution of 720 x 576 pixels, 0.83 μm/pixel (NBS1952
calibration target, Thorlabs).
Calcium imaging.
Video Acquisition:
from the microendoscope CMOS sensor was acquired
using a UVC compliant USB analog video to digital converter (EasyCAP DC60). The
video feed was captured and saved by videoLAN media player (
) using
custom MATLAB scripts. Data acquisition was set at 25 Hz and display resolution at 720
x 576 pixels using a YUV4:2:2 codec and AVI file encapsulation. All three cameras were
synchronized to start simultaneously and were verified to have latencies smaller than 10
ms. Raw videos were offline transcoded to lossless H.264 -
-4 AVC codec and
MP4 encapsulation and the first 2 seconds of each video were deleted. Transcoded videos
were filtered using a high quality 3
-dimensional low pass filter (
) with spatial and
temporal smoothing of 4x4 pixels and 2 frames, respectively. Denoised videos were then
4x down-sampled by a moving window averaging of 4 frames. All transcoding,
smoothing, and down sampling was performed by the open source program
) controlled through custom MATLAB scripts. Down sampled videos
were motion corrected using the recursive fast Fourier transform approach provided in
the MATLAB script
from Scanbox. For batch analysis all 4x down-
videos were concatenat
ed into a larger video and then motion corrected.
Signal extraction:
motion corrected videos were analyzed using CNMFe
(MATLAB variable names shown in parenthesis). We further down sampled our 4x
accelerated data with a 2
-fold spatial (ssub) and temporal down-
sampling (tsub)
The data was smoothed with a gaussian kernel of width between 6-8 pixels (gSig), and
neurons were constrained to a diameter of 30 pixels (gSiz). A ring model (bg_model) was
used for the background with radius of 30 (ring_radius). Neurons with spatial overlap
greater than 0.65 (merge_thr) and centroid distance less than 5 pixels (dmin) were
merged. Only ROIs with minimum peak-
to-noise ratio of 5 (min_pnr) and minimum
spike size of 3 (smin) were extracted. The foopsi deconvolution method by CNMFe was
employed in all datasets. In some cases we selected more stringent parameters to account
for different imaging quality across animals. To compare neuronal activity during home
cage exploration and running in the linear track in each session, 7450 frames of calcium
imaging during the 20
-minute linear track task and 3750 frames during home cage
exploration were analyzed simultaneously. Individual session analysis was used to
compare neurons active during home cage exploration and linear track as well as for
determining whether neurons were active every day using pixel intensity correlation. In
addition, field stability across days was determined from datasets where up to 200,000
frames of linear track or home cage data was analyzed simultaneously with CNMFe. The
resulting neuronal activity was also utilized to confirm registration procedures described
below. Data analysis was performed using the neural activity outp
ut (
) from
Data analysis
Neuronal activity extraction
: using CNMFe we extracted the background
subtracted raw calcium activity of each neuron (neuron.C_raw), the deconvoluted
calcium activity (neuron.C), and the neural activity (neuron.S). The footprint of a neuron
was recovered by selecting the contour from the neuron.Coor matrix generated by
CNMFe using a threshold of 0.6. This threshold selects the most intense pixels (60
percentile) as the contour of the neuron from the complete cont
our extracted by CNMFe.
The peak to noise ratio (PNR) was calculated by a built
-in function from CNMFe or by a
custom script, both approaches calculate the PNR by obtaining the maximum signal of
the deconvoluted calcium transients (neuron.C) and dividing it by the standard deviation
of the noise of each neuron. The noise level for each neuron was calculated by
subtracting the deconvoluted calcium activity from the raw calcium activity (noise =
neuron.C_raw – neuron.C). We noticed that not all regions of int
erest (ROIs) generated
by CNMFe can be considered neurons with certainty, some may be segmented dendrites
or background fluctuations (
Fig. S2b-c
). We removed these ROIs from the pool of
registered ROIs by selecting only those with areas between 30 to 250 pixel
and inverse
circularity less than 4.0. To determine these cut-
off parameters, we plotted the overall
distribution of PNR, Area, and circularity for each dataset and selected the values so that
only the most linear part of the distribution would be included in the data. The same
parameters were used for all animals. The stability of a neuron could also be affected by
the detection limit of our microendoscope, to avoid bias towards instability we only
analyzed neurons whose PNR was larger than 8. Thus, in concatenated datasets only
neurons satisfying these shape and signal constrain on at least one session were included
in our analysis. In individual datasets, when comparing home cage exploration and track
data, the neuron must pass such criteria at leas
t in one of the environments in one session.
Throughout the manuscript we refer to “firing rate” of a neuron. These values are not the
number of action potentials per second. Instead, “firing rate” here refers to the binarized
neural activity (neuron.S) so that any non-zero value was set to 1, summed over the
complete recording and divided by the recording time (20 minute track or 10 minute
home cage).
dentifying active cells
: a cell was defined to be active if the maximum amplitude
of the deconvoluted calcium activity (neuron.C) was larger than 3 standard deviation of
the noise of that neuron (neuron.C_raw minus neuron.C) in that session. The standard
deviation of the noise and maximum amplitude of the spike was calculated for each
session individually. Neuronal activity below 3 standard deviation (approximately 20 ±
11 % of all spikes) were not used to determine if a neuron was active or not but were
included in all other analyses. Alternatively, we have also generated motion corrected
images and videos of the correlated pixel fluctuations to support the results that most
ROIs have some level of activity on most days (
Fig. 1G, S4, and Movie 3, 4, 6
Correlation images provide an alternate visual inspection of activity per session and are
independent of the deconvolution ability of CNMFe or registration accuracy across days.
Identifying place cells
: response fields of place cells were extracted by identifying
periods when mice ran continuously faster than 3 cm/second for more than 0.4 seconds.
Together, these thresholds eliminate periods during which mice were grooming, rearing,
or turning. The length of the linear track was divided into bins spanning 3 centimeters (50
bins). The average firing rate of a neuron in each bin was calculated by the
sum of all
calcium activity in a bin divided by the amount of time the mouse spent in that bin. The
average firing rate of a neuron was then normalized by the total number of spikes in order
to generate normalized tuning profile of each neuron. Neurons wer
e classified as place
cells if: (1) the place field is at least 15 cm wide; (2) calcium transients were present > 30
% of individual lap traversals through the place field; and (3) the cell contains
significantly greater spatial information than chance. Spatial information is calculated
using (
) :
� 휆휆
here λ is the overall average calcium transient rate of the cell, λ
is the average
calcium transient rate in spatial bin
and P
is the probability the mouse is in spatial bin
Chance level spatial information for each neuron is calculated by shuffling the time
stamps of the calcium transients and calculating the spatial information of the shuffled
neuronal activity, this is done for 1000 iterations. The spatial information of the cell is
considered significant if it is higher than 95% of the shuffled traces.
Identifying end cells
: the linear track was equipped with a LED light that would turn
off once the animal activated the IR sensors at the water reward port. The ON/OFF
transition of the LED in the behavior video was extracted and used as a timestamp. The
LED timestamp was set as time = 0 and a window of 32 frames or the time the animal
was immobile (velocity less 1 cm/sec, whichever was smaller) was used for analysis.
Neurons were classified as end cells if: (1) they fired at least 20 % of the times the animal
activated the water port; (2) the neuron fired 30% more within its field than outside
(within a field if defined as ± 10 % from the maximum of amplitude of the tuning curve);
and (3) the cells contain significantly greater information than that encoded in a dataset
where spikes where randomized. Information content was calculated using the same
equation above but using λ as the average activity during immobility, λ
is the average
vity in frame
after activation of the water port. The variable P
in this case represent
the probability that the animal was not moving during frame
uantifying stability
: we investigated the stability CA1 representation by analyzing
neurons which were classified as place/end cells through several metrics including: (1)
cell overlap, (2) fraction consecutively active, (3) centroid shift, (4) directional stability,
(5) similarity, and (6) field correlation.
Cell overlap
is the fraction of place/end
cells on one day that remain classified as
place/end cells N days apart. In this approach, for each animal we consider all possible
session pairs that are separated by N days. For instance, session 1 and 2 (N=1), 3 and 7
(N=4), 10 and 16 (N=6), etc. We the
n calculate the fraction of place/end cells that remain
classified as such for each session pair at each N day interval and pool the data across
animals. It is expected that this approach would yield more samples on sessions 1 day
apart than on 50 days apart, which leads to larger error towards long timescales in Fig.
2A. Periods of learning, trained, and re-
exposure were analyzed simultaneously. Damage
and recovery periods were not included.
Fraction consecutively active refers to the number of neurons that were classified as
place/end cells on consecutively recorded sessions (Fig. 2A, right panel). For each neuron
we calculated all consecutive sessions it was classified as a place/end cell and counted
how many neurons were place/end cells on one session only, two sessions, three session,
etc. For instance, a given place/end cell could have a response field on one session, lose it
the next session, comeback for 3 sessions consecutively, lose it for one day, and then
become responsive again for 4 more sessions consecutively. Such a neuron would be
classified as being three and four sessions consecutively active. The probability
distribution for 2 to 40 consecutive sessions was then calculated. Neither of these two
metrics are sensitive to changes in response
field position, thus a place cell changing
directional preference or peak of activity in the linear track on two sessions would be
considered to be overlapping and consecutively active.
Centroid shift was defined as the difference between the centroid pos
ition of
place/end cells in two sessions at N days intervals. The centroid position was obtained by
averaging the normalized response field of each place/end cell above a threshold of 0.5.
When neurons had multiple peaks in their response fields, we only considered the
centroid closer to the reward port the animal was running towards. We then plotted the
distribution of centroid shifts at 1, 10, and 20-
day intervals as well as the fraction of
place/end cells shifting their centroids by less than 10% as a function of day intervals. For
place cells, 10 % is equal to 5 bins (15 cm) and for end cells is equal to 3 frames (480
ms). The cell overlap, fraction consecutively active, and centroid shift were compared to
a distribution in which the same number of place
/end cells randomly gained/lost a
response field at random positions in the maze or time after arrival at the reward port.
Directional stability
is the fraction of neurons (shown in %) retaining a response
field with the same directional preference between
two sessions. Directional stability was
calculated by finding all place/end cells that had retained the same directional preference
between two sessions and dividing by the session with fewer number of place/end cells.
: for any two sessions se
parated by N days we found the place/end cells
that retained their classification as place/end cells with the same directional preference.
For every place/end cell we calculate the correlation of their response field between the
two sessions N days apart a
nd counted what fraction of these neurons had a correlation
above 0.4. The threshold of 0.4 was selected based on the average correlation observed in
naïve animals exposed to the linear track.
The same calculation was performed for
place/end cells randomly
selected between two sessions at the same interval. The field
similarity was obtained by subtracting the fraction of neurons with correlation above 0.4
in the random sample from the actual data.
Field correlation
was calculated similarly to the field similarity but instead of
calculating the fraction above 0.4 correlation we calculated the median correlation across
all neurons retaining their classification as place/end cells with the same directional
preference b
etween two session. In this case, the random correlation level was not
subtracted but it is shown in
Fig. 2f and 3f
Identifying rotated sessions
: we noticed that in some sessions the direction
selectivity of a large number of place/end cells would change abruptly. That is, place/end
cells with response fields when the animal runs in the right direction and arrives at the
right side of the maze in one session would change this rightward preference to a leftward
preference in the next session, and vice vers
a. To quantify the magnitude of this effect we
defined a session to have undergone a rotation using two methods. Method 1: a
representation in a session was classified to be rotated if (1) place/end cells in one session
with preference in one direction would be classified as place/end cells with preference in
the opposite direction on the next session; (2) the number of place/end cells changing
their directional preference was larger than the number maintaining their preference; and
(3) reassigning the dire
ctional preference of place/end cells in a rotated session improved
the directional stability by 2
-fold or more. This definition was used in
Fig. S9a
Alternatively, we also calculated changes in directional preference by considering only
place/end cells t
hat retain a field response across two consecutive days. Method 2: (1) we
determined if a place/end cell had a left, right, or bidirectional firing preference; (2)
changes in classification from place to end cell or vice versa were not considered as a
ge in directional preference; and (3) only cells with fields on two consecutive
sessions or more were analyzed. Cells that underwent changes in classification from
place to end cells were not excluded from the analysis. Next, in each two consecutive
ns we determined the number of place/end cells changing the direction of their field
and divided it by the total number of cells passing our criteria. We refer to this parameter
as the flipping ratio, which fluctuates from 0 to 1 with a clear bimodal distr
ibution (
). Sessions with flipping ratio higher than 0.5 were classified as being rotated
The two methods identified 98 % of the same sessions (90 and 92 sessions out of
330 sessions).
Network graphs
: an adjacency matrix was generated by calculating the pairwise
Pearson correlation between neuronal activity (neuron.S) of all neurons during a 20
minute linear track or 10
-minute home cage recording. Only statistically significant
(p<0.05) correlation va
lues above 0.10 were used to build the adjacency matrix. The
correlation threshold was also tested at 0.15 or 0.05 and similar results were observed
(Fig. S21)
. The weight of the edge between two neurons was set to be equal to the
correlation coefficient. The networks are plotted with the network graphical tool (Gephi
) using the built
-in ForceAtlas2 layout. Modularity was calculated
with a Markov diffusion built
-in function from Gephi using a diffusi
on time of 0.7. Cell
groups are defined as cells making up each module extracted by the modularity
calculation. All the modules or the 11 largest modules (whichever was smaller) were
analyzed and a neuron was classified as belonging to one of the cell groups or none.
Unless stated otherwise, cell group participation was not changed across days and
neurons were assigned to belong to the same cell group across days. The connectivity of a
node in a graph was calculated by counting how many edges a node made wi
th all 11
modules. The cell group connectivity was defined as the fraction of edges from node A to
other nodes residing in the same cell group divided by all edges from node A. Metrics
including degree, average clustering coefficient, eigenvector centralit
y were calculated
using built in and custom MATLAB functions.
Synthetic dataset:
it is possible that the observed correlations of neuronal activity
could be explained by random coincidence of activity arising from field overlap between
place/end cells. T
o test if random firing of neurons within their field could lead to high
levels of correlation, we generated a synthetic dataset sharing similar properties as the
original. In this synthetic dataset the spikes of all neurons from the original dataset were
randomly shuffled in time. Spikes in the synthetic dataset were generated with a uniform
random distribution so that: 1) in each 20 minute session, the real and synthetic neuron
maintained the same number and amplitude of firing events as the original; and 2) the
position in the maze were a spike occurred was preserved. This was achieved by
discretizing the mouse position in the maze into 450 bins, assigning a value between 1
and 449 when running right and a value of
-1 to -
449 when running left. At the ends of
the maze, when the animal is not moving, the position was assigned to be -
450 at the left
side of the maze, +450 at the right. Then, for each spike of each neuron we did the
following: 1) find in which frame the neuron fired, 2) get the position in the maze when
that firing occurred (using values defined above), 2) find all the times the animal was at
that position in the maze during that session, 4) randomly reassign the spike to one of the
times the animal was in that position but the neuron was not active. This approach would
not significantly affect neurons that fired exclusively at one position every time the
animal was there. However, these cells are rare, since even robust place cells would show
a variability in the location along the maze where they fire.
Linear decoding of behavior with place/end cells:
The position of a mouse on frame
on day
was decoded using the neuronal activity (neuron.S) of place/end cells in a
moving window between frames
-5 and
. This resulted in an n x 5 training
matrix (n
being the number of place/end cells and their signal in 5 frames). The training matrix was
used as an input into a generalized linear model (
normal distribution) with the
mouse position at frame
as the target output. The mouse position was discretized in 50
bin intervals, each bin is 3 cm. The linear model was trained with randomly selected 10
minutes of place/end cell activity and mouse position. Decoding mouse position on the
same day was performed with the remaining 10 minutes of dat
a. For time
-lapse decoding
the linear decoder was trained with the full 20 minutes of place/end cell activity on day
A. The linear model was then used to decode mouse position on day B using the neuronal
activity on day B of the same place/end cells used t
o train the decoder on day A. The
decoder was also tested on a random dataset in which the neural activity of each neuron
was randomly shuffled in time.
Linear decoding of behavior with cell groups:
Decoding mouse position using cell
groups was performed in a similar fashion, but instead of using place/end cell activity we
used the summed neuronal activity (
) of neurons making up each cell group. Cell
group activity was determined at session N by: (1) calculating the maximum projection of
the adjac
ency matrix across 5 trained sessions (sessions 5
-10), (2) calculating the cell
groups using Markov diffusion on the maximum projection of the adjacency matrix, and
(3) assigning the same cell group to all sessions. The IDs of neurons making each cell
p were used to calculate their integrated group activity in all other sessions. Thus, we
used the
output from CNMFe, identified cells in a group, and integrated the
neuronal activity for each group. Resulting in a 11 x 5 training matrix composed of signal
from 11 cell groups in a window of 5 frames and one target (discretized mouse position)
as a training set. Distribution of training data in time
-lapse decoding using cell groups
was performed similarly to place cell decoding. In both decoding approaches, the output
of the linear decoder was smoothed by moving window average of 5 frames. The mean
absolute error between the decoded and real mouse position was used to quantify the
accuracy of the decoder. The accuracy of time-
lapse decoding was calcu
lated by taking
the median across all mice in both hemispheres.
Nonlinear decoding of behavior with cell groups:
To account for the nonlinear and
asymmetric nature of fields encoded by cell groups we also performed position decoding
using a nonlinear input
-output time series neural network (
). This network
was set to have 10 hidden layers and a delay of 800 ms (5 frames). The network was
trained with 70% of randomized cell group activity (11 inputs) and mouse position,
validated with 15 % and te
sted with 15% of the remaining data. The network trained in
one session was used to decode N sessions apart.
Decoding behavior with graph topology:
we also decoded mouse position by
approximating the mouse position based not on which neurons are active but rather on
which functionally connected neurons in a graph are active. For day A we extracted
where in the linear track each neuron was active and calculated the preferred firing
position of each neuron by taking the median position of all its spikes. Thus, each neuron
was assigned a positional preference in the maze ranging from 0 to 50 (3 cm bins). Then,
the neuronal activity (neuron.S) was used to calculate the pair
-wise neuronal correlation
and build a network graph where functional connections between two neurons was
proportional to the Pearson’s correlation of their activity. The mouse position was
decoded at frame i by integrating the activity of each neuron between frames
Neurons with nonzero neuronal activity in the 5 frame window were c
onsidered active.
We then found the nearest neighbor of each active neuron in the graph using Dijkstra’s
Shortest Path First algorithm in which the weight of an edge between two nodes is set as
the distance. Only near neighbors that are also active in fram
-5 and within a radius
of 0.5 were considered. We modified each neuron’s preferred firing position in the time
window by averaging it with the preferred firing position of the nearest neighbors. This
approach ensures that the decoded position from a neuron that is highly interconnected
would be weighed more than the position decoded from a neuron with sparse
connectivity in the graph. Finally, the mouse’s decoded position at frame
determined to be the median of the preferred firing position of all neurons active and their
neighbors. We compared the performance of all decoders with a randomized dataset in
which spikes were randomly shuffled in time. The error reported represent the mean
absolute error ± sem between the mouse position and the decoded position. All periods
including learning, trained, and re
-exposure were decoded simultaneously. Sessions with
rotated representations significantly decreased the decoders efficiency b
ut were not
removed from the analysis. Diagrams showing different decoding approaches are shown
in Fig. S14.
Classifying cells using graphs
: here we seek to identify whether classification of
neurons as place/end cells or neither can be achieved on a day based solely on synchrony
and graph topology without any behavioral input. To achieve this, we first obtained the
cell group classification of each neuron from the network graph using the Markovian
diffusion approach (see above). We also calculated the cel
l group connectivity of each
neuron, a metric which determines how many edges a node makes with its own cell group
divided by all the edges it makes with all other neurons. Cell group connectivity is
determined from the graph connectivity in each session. The cell group classification of a
neuron was updated if in one session its cell group connectivity towards another cell
group increased above 0.5, otherwise it remained in the same cell group. We observe
approximately 80 % of place cells do not drift into other cell groups. We then assigned
end cells an index of 1, place cells an index of 2, and cells with no statistically significant
response field an index of 0. Cells classified as place and end cells were not analyzed. On
one day, we ranked each cell gr
oup based on how many place/end cells each cell group
contained. We assigned the two cell groups with the most place cells as a place cell
group, and the two with the most end cells as the end cell group. On another session we
identified the cells belongin
g to the original place/end cell groups as place/end cells.
Cells that had a cell group connectivity of 0 or were not part of the place/end cell group
were set as having no response field. Note that behavioral information only from one
trained day is neces
sary in order to assign a label to each cell group. We compared the
accuracy of classification by comparing how many correct classifications arise by using
firing rate. In this approach, we discretized firing rate into 11 bins and performed the
same analys
is on these binned firing rates as we did with cell groups.
Decoding centroid shifts using graphs
: we observe that response fields of place/end
cells drift from day to day. Here we investigated whether these drifts can be decoded
from changes in graph to
pology without the need of behavioral information. First, we
calculated the centroid of all place cells on each session, end cells and cells without a
response field were not included. We then calculated the network graphs from neuronal
activity of all neu
rons in two sessions separated by N days, session A and B. From
neuronal activity on session A we identified the nearest neighbors in the graph within a
radius of 0.5 of all cells having a nonzero cell group connectivity. For each neuron,
regardless of its
classification as place/end cell, we then calculated the mean centroid
position of all its place cell neighbors. On session B, we performed the same analysis
using neuronal activity from that session but the centroid of the place cell neighbors was
the same as that determine in session A. Thus, every cell in session B was assigned a
neighbor centroid as long as it had neighbors who were place cells on the session used as
training. The error of this decoding approach was determined by taking the mean absolute
deviation of the decoded centroid and the experimentally determined response field
centroid on session B. Without knowledge of behavior on session B, the best estimate is
to assume that response fields do not drift. Thus, we compared our decoder with the error
observed if fields were maintained constant from session A to B.
Predicting future response field drifts
: here we investigate whether future changes in
response fields are to some extent encoded during performance of the task. In this case,
we us
ed neuronal activity and behavioral data from one session to make a prediction
about another session N days in the future. We hypothesized that if a place cell has near
neighbors in a graph whose response field centroid is different than its own then it is
more likely to drift its field in the direction of the average centroid of its neighbors. Thus,
using data from session A we subtracted the near neighbor centroids of a place cell from
its own response field centroid. We then plotted all the actual field drift between two
session as a function of the neighbor
-node differences and fitted the data to a linear
equation. Linear fitting was performed on less than 10% of randomly selected data from
all the mice. The linear relationship allowed us to make predictions about future field
drifts using data from one session. We compared the linear predictions to that obtained by
the linear relationship between field drift and firing rate, random guess of the field drift,
or assuming no field drift. In all cases the si
mple neighbor
-node linear relationship
outperformed the other prediction models.
Mice were perfused transcardially with 4 % paraformaldehyde in phosphate
buffer saline solution at pH 7.4 (PBS). Brains were extracted and fixed overnight at 4 ºC
in the same PFA solution. Brains were embedded in 3 % agarose and sectioned in a
vibratome into 80 μm thick sections. Slices were washed in PBS for 30 minutes at room
temperature, permeabilized for 15 minutes in PBS+0.3 % Triton X100, and washed again
h PBS. Slices were blocked for at least 1 hour at room temperature in PBS+10 % fetal
bovine serum solution (FBS) before incubation with primary antibodies in PBS+1% FBS
overnight at 4 ºC. Chicken polyclonal anti
-GFP (1:1000 dilution, Aves Lab, GFP
and mouse monoclonal anti
-RGS14 (1:250 dilution, UC Davis, 75-
170) antibodies were
used to label GCaMP6s positive or CA2 neurons, respectively. After incubation
overnight with primary antibodies, slices were washed three times with PBS and
incubated for 90 minutes with secondary antibodies (Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti
and Alexa Fluor 555 anti
-mouse, Invitrogen) diluted to 1:1000 in PBS+1% FBS. Lastly,
sections were mounted on a glass slide with Fluoromount (F4680, Fluoromount Aqueous
Mounting Medium).
Quantification and statistical significance
All statistics were done with nonparametric and parametric approaches either
using a Wilcoxon rank-
sum test, two
-way ANOVA, or a 1000 iterations of a bootstrap
shuffling procedure. Correlation p-
values were calculated using a two
-sided t
-test. The p
values for the linear regression fits (R
-squared values) were obtained by testing whether
the model fits better than a constant (F
-statistic vs constant model). Measurement of
effect size were performed with the par
ametric Cohen’s d metric or the nonparametric
Cohen’s U3
(see supplementary Table S1 and S2)
. Values are shown as median ±
standard deviation (SD) unless stated otherwise. We did not record from 3 CA1 regions
after the no
-task period and data from these mi
ce were only included when analyzing
learning and trained periods.
Data availability
Sample raw data and processed data is available at
). Custom MATLAB scripts, fusion360 C
AD files for
the design of the custom microendoscope, and CNMFe parameters used are available at
Cell Registration across days
Accurate alignment of neurons across sessions spanning days to months has
noticeably become a challenging aspect of calcium imaging. Taking from studies using
multiphoton imaging, registration approaches using single photon epifluorescence
involve alignment of neur
ons between sessions based on their spatial footprint. However,
the spatial footprint of extracted neurons using microendoscopes can suffer from artifacts
arising from changes in firing rates, extraction algorithms, GRIN lens aberration, and
motion correct
ion artifacts. These artifacts can be compounded when dense cellular
labeling, as observed in transgenic animals, is analyzed. To overcome these limitations,
we employed two novel approaches: 1) interleaved analysis and 2) batch analysis.
CellReg registration assigns scores to each registration, thus providing a useful
metric to asses registration confidence (
. However, validating registration across days
using such approaches is not possible since no ground truth is available. Alternatively,
the statistical nature of the CNMFe and CellReg algorithms makes it possible to analyze
how minor changes in neuronal footprint can affect signal extraction and alignment. We
explored the effect of analysis noise by using a 20-
minute recording of CA1 activity in a
mouse running in the linear track. We generated two videos, one is the original 20-
video, and another is a temporally concatenated version of t
he original video (40 minute
long). We motion corrected and analyzed both videos separately using CNMFe as
described in the methods section. Temporal concatenation of the video increases the
number of frames and changes the statistics used by CNMFe to extr
act neuron footprints,
thus leading to minor changes in the footprints. CNMFe effectively extracted similar
fraction of ROIs from both videos (649 in original vs 646 in concatenated). The footprint
extracted by CNMFe was thresholded so that only the pixels
above the 60
formed the ROI footprint. Next, we tested whether CellReg was able to register ROIs
from these two videos using the spatial correlation of their footprint. Using a 0.5
confidence level in CellReg we found that CellReg registered 85 % of ROIs (549 out of
646) and at a confidence of 0.95 the fraction dropped to 76 % (492 out of 646). The
misaligned ROIs also led to 15 % (0.5 confidence) and 24 % (0.95 confidence) increase
in the number of ROIs. Thus, we observe that minor fluctuations introduced by CNMFe
can lead to inaccurate registration of neurons across days when only using footprints. To
investigate if cell registration across days could be improved we tested two additional
method of analysis.
Interleaved analysis
: in this approach a session of data was common between two
days to be aligned. This common session served the purpose of decreasing noise in the
extracted neuron footprints and provided firing data common to both datasets. Minor
motion artifacts between two sessions wer
e corrected by a fast Fourier transform method
using the PNR image output from CNMFe. The spatial correlation among all neurons
with centroid distances below 15 pixels between the two alignment datasets was
calculated. The correlation of the CNMFe deconvol
uted neural activity was also
calculated for all neuron pairs with centroid distance less than 15 pixels. Only spatial and
temporal correlation above 0.5 and 0.3, respectively, were considered. An alignment
coefficient was calculated by multiplying the spa
tial correlation and temporal correlation
of every potential neuron pair. The alignment coefficient was binned in 100 intervals and
the probability distribution calculated. A plot of the probability distribution showed a
clear bimodal distribution (Fig. S2f), a threshold of approximately 0.5 was selected
manually. All neuron pairs below this threshold were deleted, and the remaining were
aligned based on an iterative selection of pairs with the highest alignment coefficient.
This approach was validated by a
ligning a video to itself, where we observed that
including temporal information increased aligning accuracy by about 10%.
Batch analysis:
Here, we take advantage of small motion artifacts across days in
order to motion correct and analyze several days together in one animal. This ensures,
that even if the neuron decreases its firing rate significantly, CNMFe will still draw an
ROI around the neuron and extract its firing activity or show that it is not active. Because
in some cases the FOV drifts in a non
-rigid manner, we restricted our analysis to less than
30 sessions. In some figures we show the correlation image of neurons per session
1g and S4a)
. These images were obtained by analyzing videos of CA1 calcium activity
during home cage exploration
and linear track (30
-minute videos). The resulting
correlation image from CNMFe was then motion corrected using a Fourier transform
method as mentioned above.
Using interleaved analysis, we investigated whether using footprint and the activity
profile of a neuron can enhance the registration across days. CellReg uses two metrics
(spatial correlation and centroid distance) in order to build a distribution of potentially
same or different cell pairs. However, these metrics are not fully independent, potentia
leading to significant overlap and high uncertainty in the registration. Registration can be
improved by temporally concatenating two days and setting the activity of a neuron as a
constraint for alignment, a metric which is independent and orthogonal to both centroid
and shape. However, this requires the ability to analyze multiple days simultaneously,
which is something we can easily achieve using chronic implants thanks to the minimal
drift across consecutive days. To test the effectivity of this app
roach, we performed the
same analysis as above but including in the analysis that neurons should not only look
similar (0.5 spatial correlation) and be located in the same region (<15 pixels centroid
distance) but should also have similar activity (0.3 tem
poral profile). Using this method,
we can align 93 % of all the ROIs (599 out of 646 ROIs), leading to 7% increase in the
number of total ROIs. There were 80 ROIs not satisfying our shape and PNR constrain
(see above) in the original video and 66 in the concatenated version. After removal of
these ROIs, the fraction aligned using our method (90 %) or CellReg (82 %) did not
change dramatically. Using our method, we calculated that analysis of two versions of the
same data by CNMFe resulted in footprints with
areas differing by as much as 19 ± 18
We tested whether the improvement persisted when analyzing multiple sessions. In
this case, we analyzed three 20
-minute recordings of CA1 activity in the linear track
separated by 1 day
(Fig. S2a)
. Two sets of recordings were generated. Set A contains
temporally concatenated recordings of day 1 and day 2 (in that order) and set C contains
recordings from day 2 and 3
(Fig. S2d).
The recording of day 2 is common to both sets
and the calcium activity of such neur
ons can be assigned as a constrain on the alignment.
In batch analysis we concatenated all three videos into a 60
-minute video (Set D)
and analyzed it with CNMFe. Set D can be used as validation, in this set we observe that
most (97 %) ROIs are active in all 3 days and there is a total of 731 ROIs
(Fig S2d)
CNMFe extracted 702 ROIs in Set A and 700 ROIs in Set C. CellReg is able to align 74
% of these ROIs at 0.5 confidence (521 out of 700) and 63 % at 0.95 confidence (442 out
of 700). Due to the misalignment, a total of 881 ROIs are detected in both sets, an error
of 21 % when compared to the 731 ROIs detected by CNMFe. Using the interleaved
method, we can align 87 % of the ROIs (607 out of 700) and identify a total of 794 ROIs
(13 % error compared to 731 ROIs by CNMFe). CNMFe found that 97 % of ROIs are
active all three days, the interleaved approach identifies 88 %, and CellReg found 72 %.
All three approaches lead to the same answer; most neurons are active all three days and
similar results were obtain
ed when extending the analysis to longer timescales. Due to the
more reliable registration obtained by batch analysis using CNMFe as well as the higher
detection levels
(Fig. S2b
, this method was used in this study.
Simultaneous bilater
al imaging of CA1 activity in freely moving Thy1GCaMP6s
(Left) Histological labeling of GCaMP6s positive neurons in a coronal section
of a mouse that carried the 1.8 mm GRIN lens implant for over 12 months after the
surgery. GCaMP6s positive neur
ons labeled. (Right) GCaMP6s positive neurons under
the GRIN lens implant near the field of view (rectangle left panel), 8 months of data from
the field of view of this animal is shown in Fig. S4a. (B) (left) The edge of the GRIN lens
implant is over 500 μ
m away from CA. Antibody staining of the regulator of G
signaling RGS14 (a marker for the CA2 region) is shown in red and GCaMP6s positive
neurons are shown in green. The edge of the tissue damaged by the GRIN lens implant is
shown for reference (w
hite dotted line). (Right) Four coronal sections showing
homogeneous labeling of deep and superficial CA1 pyramidal neurons in a
Thy1GCaMP6s mouse (SO, stratum oriens, SP: stratum pyramidale, SR: stratum
Calcium transients in CA1 neurons of a mouse running in a linear track
using adeno associated viruses to induce expression of GCaMP6s (red trace) and using
transgenesis to induce expression of GCaMP6s (blue traces). AAV data was obtained
from www.minis
The fastest decaying calcium transients we observed in
Thy1GCaMP6s mice had a half
-life of 0.56 ± 0.14 s (mean ± SD, n=554), about 5-
faster than that observed using AAV GCaMP6s, (2.9 ± 0.5 s, n = 63, p<10
, rank-
test). This is similar to the faster dynamics observed in L2/L3 neurons of the anterior
lateral motor cortex of transgenic animals compared to viral vector mediated GCaMP6s
expression (
Motion artifacts across sessions afte
r re
-attachment of a commercial
microscope (left panel) or chronic implant of the microscope used here (right panel). Four
mice shown on the left panel and data from 8 mice (13 CA1 recordings) shown on the
right panel. Analysis of session to session motions shown in Fig 1b. R
eattachment data
adapted from (
Experimental schedule and tracking of mice in the home cage
(left) and linear track (right) during periods of running and immobility (nose, tail, and
center of mass shown in red, pink, and green). Cues shown on top a
nd bottom of the
linear track.
(left) background corrected calcium signal from two neurons showing
continuous activity throughout several days. (right) Inset showing several seconds of
activity on two days of neuron 2.
Bilateral and unilateral implants do not affect the
maximum velocity in the linear track. Rectangles highlight period of novelty (first 4
sessions) and initial 2 days following re
-exposure to the task (n = 3 no implant, n = 4
bilateral, n = 5 unilateral). Task performance does not deg
rade if the animals are not
exposed to the task (red rectangle).
Field of view of the microscope used here (circles
have diameters of 250 and 500 μm).
Fig. S2.
Using temporally concatenated datasets improves cell registration across days
Three 20
-minute recording of CA1 activity in a mouse running in the linear track on three
different days were combined into 4 sets. Set A includes day 1 + 2 (14900 frames), Set B
is only day 2 (7450 frames), Set C includes days 2 + 3 (14900 frames), and Se
t D
contains days 1 + 2 + 3 (22350 frames).
Concatenation leads to better signal
extraction using CNMFe. Set D performs better than all other sets. Note the regions
highlighted by the green rectangle where there is some signal but not enough to be
tified as a neuron. The lower panels show another region where four very close
neuron are better extracted by combining all videos.
Two small regions from set D
identifying residual noise (left, blue trace) and dendrites (right, blue trace) as regions of
interest (ROI). These ROIs were removed from the analysis (asterisks in lower panel) by
setting shape and peak-
to-noise ratio (PNR) thresholds (right panel).
showing concatenation approach and CNMFe output. Active neurons were determined
from the neural activity (neuron.S) output from CNMFe. Neurons with nonzero neural
activity were considered active..
Steps used in t
he interleaved approach tested here.
(top left) Relationship between centroid distance and spatial correlation of all ROIS with
centroids less than 15 pixels apart. (Top right) Temporal and spatial correlation of ROIs
with centroids further than 15 pixels. (Bottom left) Temporal and spatial correlation of
ROIs with centroids closer than 15 pixels. (Bottom right) Alignment coefficient of all
ROI pairs (blue) and those selected to be the same ROIs across Set A and Set C (orange
trace). Note the better separat
ion of distributions in the lower left panel compared to the
top left panel.
Results from all three approaches indicate that most neurons are active
most days.
Neurons are observed to be active most days
Distribution of neurons active for
specific fraction sessions recorded. Left hemisphere (LH) and right hemisphere (RH)
analyzed separately (n = 5 and n=8 mice respectively). The inset shows the fraction of
neurons from the total that were active in each s
ession for each mouse. See methods for
classification of a neuron as being active. A higher fraction of neurons was active in each
session in the left hemisphere than the right hemisphere (90 ± 4 %, n = 131 sessions vs 81
± 9 %, n = 212 sessions, rank-
sum test, p<10
). However, the fraction of neurons active
on all sessions was similar across the left (50 ± 20 %) and right hemispheres (38 ± 21 %,
-sum test, p>0.3). (
) The fraction of neurons active each session or on all
sessions increases if the t
hreshold for defining activity is lowered to 2-
sigma. The
fraction active in each session in the left (94 ± 4 %) is still higher than the right (85 ± 8
%, rank
-sum test, p<10
) but the fraction active in all sessions remains similar (67 ± 20
% in the lef
t vs 60 ± 24 % in the right, rank-
sum test, p>0.1). (
) Considering only the
first 5 minutes the mice were in the linear track shows a similar trend. In the left
hemisphere 81 ± 9 % of neurons were active in each session, compared to 68 ± 11 % in
the rig
ht hemisphere (rank-
sum test, p <10
). In both hemispheres the same fraction of
neurons were active on all sessions (29 ± 17 % for the left and 18 ± 11 % for the right
hemisphere, rank-
sum test, p>0.2). Counting both hemispheres in the first 5 minutes, the
fraction active each session is 75 ± 11 % and 21 ± 14 % on all sessions. (
) A similar
neuron participation was observed during a 10 minute recording of mice in their home
cage (88 ± 4 % of neurons were active in each session and 43 ± 2 % were active e
session, due to computational constrains we only included data from 5 right hemispheres
and 2 left hemispheres in the foraging analysis).
Neurons change their firing rate across environments and days.
(A) Correlated pixel
intensity image of the same region shown in Fig. 1G but across 64 sessions spanning 8
months. There is a 2-
month interval between session 37 and 38. Note the gradual change
in ROIs due to small drifts in the focal plane of illumination. (B) Despite their stable
icipation, neurons change their firing rate across environments and days. Raster plot
of deconvoluted activity from 100 neurons with increased activity during exploration (ID:
1- 100) and while running in the linear track (ID: 101-
200). Vertical line shows the
transition from one environment to another. Data from the right hemisphere of one
animal shown but similar results were observed in both hemispheres of all animals (not
shown). (C) Firing rate changes between days. Normalized burst deviation from the
population median for all mice across days. For each row we calculated how many spikes
(neuron.S) were above or below the median population spike amplitude (excluding
periods of neuronal inactivity) for that session and then normalized so that the sum of a
spike deviations equals one. Neurons were sorted by their maximum deviation from the
median (data from both hemispheres of all mice). (D) Accuracy of a fitting neural
network trained with the neuronal activity of 200 neurons with preference for the line
track or home cage (panel B) to identify whether the animal was in the linear track
(logical 1) or in the home cage (logical 0). Average true
-rate 0.86 and false
positive 0.11 (p<10-
10, each dot represents a session, data from both hemispheres of all
mice). (E) Bayesian classifier trained with neuronal rate changes (panel C) in the right
hemisphere to identify the environment and session, respectively. Average decoding error
for the track (orange) and home cage (cyan) were similar (1.8 ± 0.5 and 1.7 ± 0.5). The
blue and violet bars show the error if the inputs (firing rates, rows in panel C) are
randomized (data from both hemispheres of all mice,** = p <10-
g. S5.
Custom microendoscopes in transgenic mice can detect neurons with spati
al and
temporal fields at the ends of the maze
Normalized tuning profiles of neurons with
statistically significant place field when running right (top) and when running left
(bottom), only data from the right hemisphere in one mouse during one session is shown.
Normalized tuning curves of end cells firing at the left side (left) and right side (right)
of the track after activation of the sugar reward port shown in white lines (the white-
green lines indicate the boundaries of the window used to cal
culate end cell response
fields). (Bottom) Mouse velocity on each running trial aligned to the time after reward
delivery (white line).
During periods of mobility and immobility we observe similar
fractions of neurons with statistically significant fields (in right hemisphere place cells:
13 ± 7 %, end cells: 11 ± 3 %, p>0.8 rank-
sum test, in the left hemisphere place cells: 10
± 8 %, end cells 14 ± 2 %, p>0.8 rank-
sum test). There was no significant difference
between the fraction of place or end cells
across hemispheres (p>0.35 and p>0.6 rank-
sum test, respectively). A small fraction of neurons were classified as end and place cells
(~2 %). End cells were slightly more direction selective than place cells (% bidirectional,
3 ± 8 vs 6 ± 5, p<10
, n =342 sessions) but failed to fire within their field more often
than place cells (% burst within field, 65 ± 13 % vs 79 ± 6 %, p<10
, al mice both
Mutual information of place and end cells in all mice across all
sessions (each dot is one c
ell). The mutual information of end cells was slightly higher
than place cells (in bits/spike, 1.8 ± 1.1 for end cells and 1.5 ± 0.7 for place cells,
p=0.004, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on cumulative distributions).
Cell overlap of
place and end cells during learning (first 4 sessions, 54 ± 12 %), trained (5 sessions to
before the no
-task period, 66 ± 15 %), the first 2 days following re-exposure (61 ± 15 %)
and the subsequent days (64 ± 12 %). Each do represent as session pair during each
period and cell overlap was calculated independently for place or end cells, rank
Cumulative distribution of cell overlap between all session intervals in individual
mice in each hemisphere.
(Left) Probability distribution of centroid drifts of place
cells at intervals of 1, 10, and 20 sessions (median and SD shown, n = 13). The random
distribution was obtained by randomly aligning neurons between the same session
intervals and calculating the centroid differences. (Right) The fraction of place cells
se centroid drifts by less than 15 cm as a function of session intervals (10 % of the
linear track length). Solid line represent the median and shadow the 95 % bootstrap
confidence interval.
Same as panel G but using end cells whose response fields are
measured in time after arrival at the reward port.
S 6.
Three place cells in the linear track showing robust response to their place fields.
The top panels show the complete 20-
session in the linear track and the bottom
panels a ~ 20 second window near the maximum activity of the cell. The blue trace
represents the background subtracted calcium transient and it is normalized so that the
maximum during the session is equal to one
. The black and green lines represent the
spikes included and not included in the analysis, depending on whether they occur while
the animal was moving or not, respectively. The red line shows the position of the mouse
in the track. Numbers indicate the tr
ial number and every even trial is shown on the top
g. S7.
Changes in reward time affects the field response of end cells but not place cells
Tuning curves of end cells at the right side of the maze during a delayed reward period.
White numbers indicate sessions after delay and the black numbers the number cells
identified in the session. Black arrows show activation of the IR sensor and the dashed
vertical line the time of water delivery. Neurons are sorted by the delay between their
maximum activity and activation of the water port. Neuron IDs updated between days,
each row may correspond to different neurons (data from one mouse in one hemisphere
The field similarity of end cells changes after the delayed reward period, but
place fields remain stable. Pairwise fraction of neurons with field correlation >0.4
between pairs of sessions. Colors represent the median value of a session pair. Numbers
indicate the session. Sessions were grouped as indicated by the dashed red boundaries,
letters are labels for each region.
Quantification of field similarity of place cells and
end cells before and after introducing a 5 second delay to the delivery of sugar water
-sum test, each dot represents median correlation of a session pair).
response fields of six place cells (left) and end cells (right) during the delayed reward
period, colors legends as in Fig. 3D. Vertical red line marks activation of the water port.
To quantify whether mice moved or not during the delayed reward period we used
the mouse area extracted with OptiMouse. Normally we observed that mice did not move
for about 4 seconds after activating the water reward port (left); however, mice did not
move for about 15 seconds when the reward was delayed by 5 second (right) (data from
one mouse in one session shown).
Response fields of place and end cells persist through periods of no exposure to th
linear track
Response fields of six place cells across 35 days from one mouse.
Black rectangles show sessions in which response underwent an spontaneous and global
change of direction (see Fig. S9). Bidirectional cells not marked. Green rectangle ar
e the
two sessions after re
Response fields of six end cells with response fields
during periods of immobility in the right hemisphere across 35 days. Black rectangles
show sessions in which 88 ± 8 % of fields changed direction. Green rectang
le are the two
sessions after re
-exposure. Red vertical line indicates activation of the water reward port.
-exposure to the linear track after a period >10 days of no task leads to an
additional 13-
23 % of place/end cells becoming unresponsive to a field compared to the
decay observed across 1-
4 sessions. This figure is analyzed differently than Fig. 2C in
order to get a wider range of comparison between session intervals. This approach was
taken to minimize the potential effect of re
-exposure on cel
l overlap and to be able to
analyze each hemisphere individually. In this case we calculate the cell overlap across all
possible intervals between sessions 1-
4 before the gap (shown in blue numbers in Fig.
2D). Then we compare what the cell overlap is betw
een all possible intervals between the
session before the gap (blue “1”) and sessions 1, 2, 3 after the gap shown in red (median
± sem, rank
-sum test). This calculation was performed among all sessions before and
after the gap.
Each pixel represents th
e fraction of neurons with a response field on
two sessions whose response field has a correlation larger than 0.4. Thus, a value of 1
indicates that all the response fields of place/end cells active on these two sessions were
correlated above 0.4. Numbers
along the diagonal indicate the session. Sessions
corresponding to periods of learning, trained, re
-exposure, and recovered were grouped as
indicated by the dashed rectangle and letters (a, b, c, d, e, respectively). This is a different
animal than Fig. 2E and is shown to highlight periods of rotations happening during re
exposure (region d, marked with two asterisk).
Field similarity of place/end cells
during learning, trained, and re
-exposure periods. Field similarity is defined as the
fraction of cells with correlation above 0.4 minus the fraction with correlation above 0.4
if neurons were randomly paired between days. *** is p<10
, both hemispheres of all
mice combined.
Field similarity of place/end cells in the each hemisphere across
t periods of the task (color legends as in panel E, n = 5 left hemisphere, n = 8
right hemisphere, * indicates a small effect p<10
). See table S1 and S2 for measure of
effect size for field similarity shown in panel E and F.
Place and end cell response fields undergo spontaneous global rotations
Direction specific overlap of place and end cells between two consecutive sessions in the
right hemisphere of one mouse. The blue trace represents the cell overlap between
neurons in session N and N+1 with the same directional preference and the red trace the
cell overlap of neuron with preference for one direction in session N with neurons of the
opposite direction on session N+1. An increase in red and decrease in blue traces
indicates change in directionality of place/end cells, shown with black arrows. The left
and right panels are calculated from two animals being exposed to the linear track on the
same days. Rotation events are not correlated across animals, indicating that these
changes are not due to major changes in the environment.
Distribution of session with
normal or rotated place/end cell response fields, red line indicates threshold used to
identify rotated sessions (all mice both hemispheres, place and end cells counted
arately). This distribution was obtained by calculating the number of place/end cells
that changed the directional preference of their field between two consecutive sessions
divided by the total number of place/end cells that retained their response field between
two consecutive sessions (see methods). Approximately ~ 22
% of all sessions were
rotated (146 rotated, 256 normal, n=408 sessions in all mice, both hemispheres). Between
normal sessions we observe 13 ± 9 % of place/end cell change the directional preference
of their response field; however, in rotated sessions 91 ± 10 % change their directional
Place/end cells change their direction preference simultaneously. Plot
shows the flipping ratio of place cells and end cells in both hemispheres (n = 204, 4
bilateral mice, correlation 0.79, p<10
Flipping ratio of place and end cells in four
bilateral mice highlight simultaneous rotations across hemispheres (correlation 0.81,
Place/end cell overlap and normalized tuning profiles in a mouse with
bilateral implants showing that rotation of response fields involves place/end cells across
both hemispheres simultaneously. Dashed vertical line highlight a 10-
day period of no
The fraction of sessions with rotated representations was similar for unilateral
and bilateral animals (0.17 ± 0.24 unilateral, n = 5, 0.31 ± 0.27, bilateral, n=4, and 0.22 ±
0.25 % for both, rank
-sum test
, place/end cells of each hemisphere analyzed
). The flipping ratio (fraction of neurons undergoing rotations in each
rotated session) was also similar across mice with unilateral or bilateral implants (0.8
8 ±
0.09 unilateral, n = 5, 0.8
8 ± 0.10, bilateral, n=4, and 0.88 ± 0.10 % for both, rank-
During sessions with rot
ated representations mice ran less distance (total
number of laps, 0 ± 18 vs 52 ± 20, p = 0.02, rank-
sum test) and they reached a lower
maximum velocity (48 ± 15 vs 55 ± 13, rank-
-test, p<
, each dot represents a