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Published October 1, 1950 | public
Journal Article Open

The Specificity of Anti-Kidney Antibody Determined by Its Effect upon Tissue Culture Explants


While investigating the pathogenesis of experimental nephritis produced by rabbit anti-rat-kidney antibody, it occurred to us that the effects of antikidney antibody on kidney tissue might readily be visualized in tissue cultures. The specificity of tissue antigens has previously been investigated by the usual immunologic procedures [1] and the effects of antibodies [2,3] upon tissue explants has long been known. The growth and function of tissue explants have previously been used to study the specificity of tissue antibodies [4,5], but the antisera used were of low, uncertain potency, and only a few different tissues were examined in testing the toxic effects. The following study shows that rabbit anti-rat-kidney gamma globulin is toxic for tissue explants of brain and heart muscle, as well as kidney. These effects are of low species specificity and may be observed in cultures prepared from chick embryo tissues, as well as those prepared from rat tissues. In addition, the serum of patients with glomerular nephritis was found to contain a substance with similar effects and specificity.

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Copyright © 1950 by the National Academy of Sciences Communicated by Linus Pauling, August 1, 1950 This work was aided by a research grant from the National Heart Institute, of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Lippman is a Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. The Gates and Crellin Laboratories of Chemistry, Contribution No. 1442.


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