Published February 2009 | public
Journal Article

Image-based force and moment measurement in hypersonic facilities


This article addresses the problem of force and moment measurement in short-duration hypersonic facilities. An image-based technique is described in which the motion of a free-flying model is tracked over a sequence of high-speed digital images. Force components are derived from the calculated trajectory by assuming constant acceleration during the test time. A linear version of the technique, appropriate for simple model geometries, is first outlined and the technique's precision is estimated. A nonlinear version, suitable for more generalised body shapes, is then described in the context of a series of experiments to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of the NASA Orion vehicle in the T5 hypervelocity shock tunnel. The accuracy of these measurements was adversely affected by both the choice of light source and test-gas luminosity, but these experiments nevertheless show image-based measurements to be, at the very least, a promising supplement to standard accelerometer-based techniques.

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© 2008 Springer. Received: 15 May 2008 Revised: 12 August 2008 Accepted: 28 August 2008 Published online: 16 September 2008. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Prof. J. Shepherd for a generous loan of equipment that made the linear image-tracking experiments possible. Funding for the Orion experiments was provided through Contract NNA06B17P from NASA Ames RC.

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August 20, 2023
October 18, 2023