========================== README.TXT =================== ARTICLE INFORMATION Document Number: E-APPLAB-93-033837 Journal: Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, XXXXXX (2008) All Authors: Noureddine Tayebi, Yoshie Narui, Robert J. Chen, C. Patrick Collier, Konstantinos P. Giapis, Yuegang Zhang Title: Nanopencil as a wear-tolerant probe for ultrahigh density data storage DEPOSIT INFORMATION Description: Supplemental Material - Methods: SWNT pick up and dielectric coating; SWNT electrode exposure; Data write and read; Calculations of nanopencil buckling and bending forces; Calculation of wear rate. Total No. of Files: 2 Filenames: README.TXT, 033837APL-methods.doc Filetypes: TXT, DOC Contact Information: Yuegang Zhang Current Address: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road, MS:67R4110 Berkeley, California 94720. E-mail: yzhang5@lbl.gov Phone: (510)486-5282 Fax: (510) ========================END README.TXT====================