Automated Monitoring and Analysis of Social Behavior in
Heiko Dankert
Liming Wang
Eric D. Hoopfer
David J. Anderson
, and
Pietro Perona
Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd.,
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Division of Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E
California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
We introduce a method based on machine vision for automatically measuring aggression and
courtship in
Drosophila melanogaster
. The genetic and neural circuit bases of these innate social
behaviors are poorly understood. High-throughput behavioral screening in this genetically tractable
model organism is a potentially powerful approach, but it is currently very laborious. Our system
monitors interacting pairs of flies, and computes their location, orientation and wing posture. These
features are used for detecting behaviors exhibited during aggression and courtship. Among these,
wing threat, lunging and tussling are specific to aggression; circling, wing extension (courtship
“song”) and copulation are specific to courtship; locomotion and chasing are common to both.
Ethograms may be constructed automatically from these measurements, saving considerable time
and effort. This technology should enable large-scale screens for genes and neural circuits controlling
courtship and aggression.
How are innate behaviors programmed into the genome? Answering this question requires
identifying the genes that control specific behaviors, the neural circuitry on which they act,
and how this circuitry controls behavior
. This may be attempted in model organisms such
as the nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans
and the fruit fly
Drosophila melanogaster
, thanks to
the abundant genetically based tools for marking, mapping and manipulating specific
populations of neurons
, thereby enabling large-scale genetic and functional screens
Social behaviors, such as courtship and aggression, are of particular interest, because they have
strong innate components. Mating has been studied in both
C. elegans
a combination of molecular genetic and cellular approaches
is unique amongst
invertebrate genetic model organisms in that it exhibits both courtship and aggression
Measuring animal behavior is difficult. Both aggression and courtship consist of rich ensembles
of stereotyped behaviors, which often unfold in a characteristic sequence
. Currently these
behaviors are measured manually, which is slow and laborious. Subjective decisions by the
observer may lead to difficulty in reproducing experiments. Furthermore, human observers
may fail to detect behavioral events that are too quick or too slow, and may miss events due
Corresponding Authors: D.J. Anderson, (626) 395-6821, E-mail:; P. Perona, (626) 395-4867, E-mail:
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
Nat Methods
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 1.
Published in final edited form as:
Nat Methods
. 2009 April ; 6(4): 297–303. doi:10.1038/nmeth.1310.
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to flagging attention. These constitute substantial obstacles to conducting large-scale
behavioral screens.
These limitations could be overcome through automation. The first step towards measuring
behavior is tracking (i.e., measuring the position and orientation of animals over time). Machine
vision systems have been designed for tracking houseflies
, mice
, ants
, bees
, single
in 3D
and for measuring
showing promising
accuracy and flexibility. However, we do not yet have systems for measuring complex
behaviors automatically. A machine vision apparatus that detects lunging, an aggressive
behavior in
has been developed recently
. In addition to lunging, it would be
desirable to measure other aggressive behaviors, such as chasing, tussling, boxing (fencing)
and wing threat
, as well as a suite of courtship behaviors. This would allow the study of
whether a given mutation or environmental influence exerts a selective effect on aggression,
or on social interactions in general
Here we describe a machine vision system designed to quantify and analyze a broad spectrum
of behaviors associated with both aggression and courtship in
. We designed our
system, first, to allow detailed, accurate and reproducible quantitative measurements of
individual component behaviors (“actions”) that are expressed in courtship and/or aggression
(“activities”); and second, to enable large-scale genetic and circuit-perturbation screens. The
system is simple and inexpensive to build and replicate, functions automatically and permits
measurements of multiple fly pairs simultaneously. The application of this approach, together
with appropriate multiplex aggression arena configurations
(see also Supplementary
Methods online), should enable large-scale genetic and circuit-based screens of these
We used a double-arena adapted from a recently developed system
(Fig. 1a). A consumer
camcorder, connected to a PC, filmed one pair of flies per arena. This setup can be adapted to
a medium-throughput mode, consisting of four double-arenas (Fig. 1b–d). Additional details
in the Supplementary Methods.
Our software consists of six modules: video import, ground-truthing, calibration, fly detection
and tracking, action detection and graphical user interface. Fly detection and tracking, as well
as action detection, are described here and in Figure 2, for other modules see Supplementary
Detection and tracking
The first step in tracking the flies is computing their silhouette (body and wings) (Fig. 2a–c).
An important and novel feature of our software is the ability to detect and measure the position
of the fly’s head and wings, as illustrated in Figure 2c,d. Computing the orientation
of a fly
is described in Figure 2e. The bodies of abutting flies are resolved by fitting a two-component
Gaussian mixture model
simultaneously to pixel location and brightness (Fig. 2f). For details
see Supplementary Methods.
At each video frame 25 measurements are computed, characterizing body size, wing pose, and
position and velocity of the fly pair (Fig. 2d, e, g and Supplementary Table 1 online). These
measurements are the features used to detect actions.
In male-female assays the flies’ identity is directly measurable since the female is larger. In
male-male assays a white dot is painted on the back of one fly to allow individual identification.
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For unlabeled male-male pairs our software computes the most likely fly-specific trajectories
(see Supplementary Methods).
Action detection
The twenty five features defined in the previous section are used for detecting fly actions.
Lunging, tussling and wing threat are actions specific to aggression; wing extension
(courtship “song”),
and copulation are specific to courtship; locomotion and chasing
are common to both.
A lunge is defined as one fly rearing briefly on its hind legs and snapping down onto the other
(Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. 1a online). Lunging is detected automatically by an
example-based classifier in a two-step process (Supplementary Methods for details). First,
probable lunges are selected amongst all frames by using ranges (intervals) on feature values
as listed in Supplementary Table 2 online. Second, probable lunges are accepted/rejected by a
k-nearest-neighbor classifier
using 10 features (see Supplementary Table 3 online). The
training examples consist of
250 distinct expert-selected lunge events occurring over 8 fly
pairs × 20 minutes of recorded video, and of a comparable number of negative examples.
We evaluated the performance of our lunge detector on a 20-minute movie containing a large
number of lunges (139). Ground-truth, i.e. the accurate identification of all lunges in a movie,
was obtained following a two-step process (see Materials and Methods and Supplementary
Methods). We compared both the algorithm’s performance, as well as a second expert’s
annotations, to ground truth. Figure 4a shows the receiver operating characteristic
representing the fraction of false-negatives (lunges present in the ground truth, but not detected)
vs the number of false-positives (detected, but not present in the ground truth), as the number
of lunge-labeled nearest neighbors that are necessary to declare a lunge is varied. The threshold
we selected for labeling a lunge yields a detection rate of
91%, representing 126 correct
detections, with 13 false-negatives, and 7 false-positives (encircled). Lowering the detection
threshold decreases the probability for false-negatives and increases the number of false-
We applied the lunge detector to 56 additional fly pair movies (Fig. 4b) and found excellent
agreement with the ground truth, with a correlation of 0.99, a bias of 1.5 lunges and a standard
error of the mean of 0.40 lunges.
The detection of other aggressive and courtship actions could be achieved by using only the
first of the two steps in the example-based classifier algorithm described above. Features and
ranges for each action were determined empirically by expert analysis of movies containing
sample actions. The k-nearest-neighbor classifier step was unnecessary in these cases.
In aggressive tussling, both flies grip each other with their front legs
(Fig. 3b and
Supplementary Fig. 1a online). The bodies face each other so that their axes of symmetry are
parallel (body alignment) and form a single line. Connected solidly in this configuration, they
move about in jerks at high velocity and acceleration. In order to detect and classify aggressive
tussling, 8 features are compared to ranges as listed in Supplementary Table 4 online. When
all features are within their empirically determined ranges and this configuration is maintained
for 0.3 s or longer we flag an aggressive tussling event.
Wing threat is characterized by a lateral extension of both wings by 80°–90° followed by their
elevation to a vertical extension of
40° (Fig. 3c and Supplementary Fig. 1a online). We
observe both rapid, transient elevation of the wings, as well as longer-lasting (
0.3 s)
occurrences; the latter are typically, but not always, associated with a reduction in walking
speed (velocity
5 mm/s). In this study we have restricted detection of “wing threat” to longer-
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lasting occurrences, as they are more easily discriminated from rapid “wing flicking” (see
Supplementary Table 5 online for features and ranges).
During courtship, males extend their wings laterally and vibrate them (
280Hz) to produce a
“courtship song” (Fig. 3e and Supplementary Fig. 1b online). Wing extension is detected when
the angle between the wing and the long axis of the fly body is greater than 60°, the fly is not
standing up (fly length, as viewed from the camera, is maximal), and this configuration is
maintained for 1 s or longer (see Supplementary Table 6 online for features and ranges).
Circling is a behavioral action that is part of courtship, and is detected when one fly drifts
sideways in a circle with approximately constant velocity around the other fly (Fig. 3e and
Supplementary Fig. 1b online). Supplementary Table 7 online lists features and ranges.
Copulation involves a male fly approaching and mounting a female fly (Fig. 3d and
Supplementary Fig. 1b online). The beginning and end of copulation are characterized by an
abrupt change in the distance between the two flies. During copulation their movements
become coupled and locomotion is decreased. Thus, to detect both the starting and ending time-
points of copulation, we compute the mean and standard deviation of inter-fly distances
within a moving 250-frame (8.3 s) window. The earliest frame when the criteria of mean
distance < 2 mm and standard deviation < 0.3 mm are simultaneously met is defined as the
“copulation start”. The last such frame is defined as the “copulation end”. Supplementary Table
8 online lists features and ranges.
Chasing is detected when the change of the head-center distance
between both flies (see
Fig. 2g) is small, both flies have the same, constant velocity, the distance between the flies is
small but not zero, the chasing fly is oriented towards the chased fly, and the head of the chasing
fly is behind the chased fly’s abdomen (Fig. 3f and Supplementary Fig. 1c online). This
configuration has to be maintained for 1 s or longer. Supplementary Table 9 online lists features
and ranges.
The performance of our system in detecting the actions described above was evaluated using
the same approach as in the case of lunging. For all of these behaviors we measured detection
rates between 90% and 100% (Table 1).
Automated analysis of genetic and environmental influences on aggressiveness and
To validate the utility of our system for studying experimental perturbations of courtship and
aggressive behavior, we first investigated whether it could detect previously described
phenotypes produced by gene- or circuit-level manipulations. Octopamine (OA) is an insect
biogenic amine, which is closely related to mammalian noradrenaline. It plays a critical role
in aggressive behavior in
. A recent study showed that silencing of OA neurons
decreases aggressive behavior
. We performed a similar manipulation, by expressing the
inwardly rectifying potassium channel Kir2.1
in tyrosine decarboxylase-2 (Tdc2)-
expressing neurons in order to suppress their electrical activity.
Tdc2-Gal4; UAS-Kir2.1
showed significant decreases in lunging, tussling and wing-threats (Fig. 5a–d, Supplementary
Fig. 2a and 3a,b online). There was no statistically significant change in chasing, or total
distance traveled (Supplementary Fig. 2b,c online).
We also examined flies bearing a mutation in
(Fru), a sex-specifically spliced
transcription factor that specifies gender-dimorphic fly behaviors
. Male Fru
flies, in which
gene is spliced into a female-specific (inactive) form, exhibited a strong reduction
in male-specific patterns of aggressive behavior (Supplementary Fig. 4a–d online), as
previously reported
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Further, we studied the behavior of
(“Cha-Tra”) flies, in which all
cholinergic neurons have been feminized due to mis-expression of the
Cha-Tra males exhibited little or no courtship activity towards females, but a robust increase
in courtship towards other males (Fig. 5e,f and Supplemental Fig. 2d online), at a frequency
indistinguishable from wild-type Canton-S (CS) male-female pairs.
Cha-Tra male pairs also showed an increase in some aggressive behaviors compared to CS
male pairs (Fig. 5g,h, Supplementary Fig. 2e and 3c,d online) and greater locomotor activity
(Supplementary Fig. 2f online). Lunging activity was significantly higher than in controls, even
after normalizing for distance traveled
(Fig. 5i). Surprisingly, wing threat was significantly
lower in Cha-Tra flies (Fig. 5j); thus, not all aggressive actions were more frequent in Cha-Tra
flies. Nevertheless, the total time spent in aggressive activity (Supplementary Fig. 2g online)
and chasing (Supplementary Fig. 2h online) was significantly elevated in Cha-Tra males.
Control experiments indicated that copulation could be detected in CS male-female pairs
(Supplementary Fig. 2i online).
Our software allows us to compute 2D histograms showing the frequency of actions in each
spatial location in order to detect phenotypes with an altered spatial distribution of behaviors
(Supplementary Fig. 5 online). The 2D histograms revealed that Cha-Tra males performed a
greater proportion of their tussling bouts on the central food patch, in comparison to controls
(Supplementary Fig. 5a online). Moreover, the pattern of Cha-Tra chasing was more intense
around the perimeter of the arena, while that in controls was more uniformly distributed
(Supplementary Fig. 5b online).
We examined ethograms
, illustrating the frequency of each action, as well as the frequency
with which one action was followed by the same or another action. Both CS and Cha-Tra males
exhibited multiple transitions between courtship and aggressive activities (Fig. 5k–m). Cha-
Tra males additionally show transitions between aggression and courtship and vice versa. They
also show an elevated amount of chasing activity. In CS male pairs, chasing was followed most
often by lunging, whereas in Cha-Tra males, chasing was followed with equal probability by
either lunging, an aggressive action, or by wing extension, a courtship action (Figs. 5k and 5m,
light blue circles). By contrast, in CS male-female pairs, chasing by males was followed most
often by wing-extension (Fig. 5l). One interpretation is that in CS male-male pairs, chasing is
primarily an aggressive action, while in male-female pairs it is primarily a courtship action. In
Cha-Tra male-male pairs, chasing may be indicative of either aggression or courtship,
suggesting that these flies may have a deficit in gender recognition or discrimination. This
observation is consistent with a recent study
reporting that feminization of octopaminergic/
tyraminergic neurons by misexpression of
caused male-directed wing extensions to be
followed primarily by male-male courtship.
Finally, to examine the effects of social experience, an environmental influence, on male-
female courtship, we used our software to analyze wing-extension and circling, two male-
specific courtship actions. The male was in the presence of a decapitated female in the center
of the arena. Previous studies have shown that raising post-eclosion
males in social
isolation strongly increases aggressiveness, in comparison to flies raised in groups
. We
observed that both wing-extension and circling were significantly elevated in socially isolated
(SS) vs. group-housed (GG) flies (Fig. 5n,o). Thus, social isolation increases both male-male
aggressiveness and male-female courtship. This poses the question of whether these influences
on social behavior are mediated by common or distinct mechanisms.
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We describe a method for measuring automatically a broad array of social behaviors in
. Actions associated with courtship, aggression and locomotion are detected from
overhead videos of fly pairs. We evaluated the system’s performance by comparing its
measurements with carefully established ground truth. For all actions we found detection rates
of 90–100% and comparably small false detection rates (see Table 1).
Our software detects wing postures, permitting measurements of wing threat and wing-
extension. Wing threat, in particular, is an interesting and important aggressive display because
it is independent of locomotor activity. Indeed, we show that a genetic manipulation (Cha-Tra)
that strongly increases lunging, tussling and chasing actually decreases wing threat.
The time saved by our software is enormous. In our experience, it takes at least one hour to
score manually one type of action in one 20 minute fly-pair movie. If one wished to characterize
aggression and courtship in a line of flies (all eight actions in, say, twelve fly pairs), one would
have to spend
100 hours of manual labor, as opposed to a few minutes to set up and run our
system. As an example, the three ethograms presented in Figure 5 would have taken
person-hours to prepare. This capability affords the opportunity to compare multiple genotypes
or wild-type genetic backgrounds, which would be virtually impossible to do manually.
The ability to monitor simultaneously both aggressive and courtship activities allows the
computation of ethograms. This may prove to be valuable in determining whether aggression
and courtship actions are part of a social behavior “continuum”, or whether these two activities
represent discrete “states” with “state transitions”, controlled by different circuits. Genetic or
circuit-based screens can be performed to search for phenotypes that affect not only the ability
to perform a particular action, but also that affect the probabilities of transition between actions.
Our system (see Supplementary Methods and Software online) is completely automatic and
self-calibrating; using it does not require special training, provided that the hardware setup is
well reproduced. It has been designed for inexpensive implementation and easy replication.
We found that fly behavior may be measured accurately in smaller arenas, allowing us to
simultaneously monitor an array of arenas with each camera, thus permitting large-scale
genetic screens with high throughput. Together, these features should open up aggression and
courtship to powerful genetic screens. This in turn should help to illuminate the genes and
neural circuits that control these important social behaviors, and may reveal general principles
of the organizational logic or control mechanisms that are evolutionarily conserved.
Fly stocks and rearing conditions
Flies were reared in plastic vials containing standard fly medium (yeast, corn syrup, agar), at
25°C, 60% humidity with a 12 hours light-dark cycle. Newly eclosed males were single housed
or group housed (10 flies per vial) for 4–6 days before performing the behavioral assay. Virgin
Canton-S (CS) females were collected shortly after eclosion and raised at 20 flies per vial for
4–6 days before the courtship assay.
flies were made by crossing male
UAS-transformer to female
flies. Fru
mutant was generated in B. Dickson lab.
flies were made by crossing male
flies to female
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Aggression assay
We introduced two males of the same age into the double-arena setup (Fig. 1) by gentle
aspiration without anesthesia and immediately video-captured them for 20 minutes. The
temperature and humidity of the apparatus were set to
25°C and
40%, respectively.
Courtship assay
Two types of courtship assays were performed. The apparatus and environmental conditions
were as used in the aggression assay. One male and a virgin female were introduced into the
apparatus by gentle aspiration without anesthesia and immediately video-captured for 30
minutes (24 pairs) to cover the copulation period. For all other actions only the first 20 minutes
were analyzed. In another assay the female was decapitated and placed in the center of the food
patch and replaced every hour. After the male was introduced into the apparatus both flies were
immediately video-captured for 10 minutes.
Training and ground-truth data
We collected a hand-annotated database of lunging, wing threat, chasing, wing extension, and
circling to train our software and to measure its performance. Data used to train the detectors
were produced by a human observer without further checks. Data that were used for testing
the system’s performance were further processed to obtain a reliable ‘ground truth’. Human
experts tend to miss relevant events (in our observations, between 30% and 40% of events are
missed) for two reasons: (a) Different human observers will use slightly different criteria, even
when they agree on the overall action definition. (b) A human observer’s attention level will
change over time during movie annotations. Therefore, in order to obtain reliable ground truth
for performance testing, we devised an improved two-step procedure involving two experts
(see Supplementary Methods).
Statistical Analyses
Kruskal-Wallis-ANOVA was applied to detect overall differences among the unpaired groups.
Significantly different groups were compared pairwise by the Mann-Whitney U-test. In all
figures with statistics, one, two, and three asterisks indicate an
-level of 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001,
respectively. For all multiple comparisons, Bonferroni correction was applied.
Graphical user interfaces
Our software (Supplementary Fig. 6a,b and Software online) was run from graphical user
interfaces allowing the user to visualize tracking and statistical data.
Additional methods
In Supplementary Methods online we provide further information on the software, detection
and tracking, as well as method hardware. An executable of the software is provided in the
Supplementary Software. A free license of the source code is available on request to academic
and non-profit investigators. Commercial entities should contact the Caltech Office of
Technology Transfer for licensing arrangements.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We thank K. Watanabe and A. Hergarden for preparing the flies, assays, and taking video footage of flies as well as
helping with the ground-truth data. This work was supported by a NSF FIBR grant to M.J. Dickinson, D.J. Anderson
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and E. Isacoff, a NSF NIH grant to P. Perona and M.J. Dickinson, and a postdoctoral fellowship of the Alexander von
Humboldt-Foundation to H. Dankert. D.J. Anderson is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. We
thank M. Heisenberg for German sponsorship of H. Dankert, and for sharing information and data regarding aggression
arenas and automated assays.
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Figure 1. Imaging setup for genetic screens in
. (a)
Lateral cut through our double-chamber (all lengths in millimeter).
Example of a high-
throughput behavioral screening assay - 4 double-chambers, 4 cameras, 2 PCs, and standard
video-acquisition software.
Double-chamber with the walls removed to expose the floor.
Camera view of the double chamber. Each of the two arenas has food in the centre,
surrounded by agarose; walls are coated with Fluon. Bar, 10 mm.
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Figure 2. Detection and tracking of fruit flies. (a–c)
Fly segmentation procedure.
‘Foreground image’
, computed by dividing the original
by (
+ 3
) (
values in false-colors).
The fly body is localized by fitting a
Gaussian mixture model
(GMM) with three Gaussians (black curves; background (dashed),
other parts and body (solid)) to the histogram of
values (gray curve) using the Expectation
Maximization (EM) algorithm
. First (top) and final (bottom) iterations of the GMM-EM
optimization. All pixels with brightness values greater than the value at the intersection of the
solid black Gaussians (orange areas) are assigned to the body, and are fit with an ellipse.
Full fly detection by segmenting the complete fly from the background, with body parts and
wings (empirically represented as four segments/colors)
. First iteration (top) and final result
Head and abdomen are resolved by dividing the fly along the minor axis
comparing the brightness-value distribution of both halves (head is brighter; see also
). The
wings (
) are measured by detecting, on each side of the fly’s posterior half, the
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pixel with the furthest distance from the center of the ellipse (wing tip) in the segmented full
Definition of fly orientation
and moving direction
Separation of occluding
(pair 1) and touching flies (pair 2). Original image (left), foreground image (center), and final
segmentation result (right) with the corresponding ellipses.
Definition of additional
features. Bars, 1 mm.
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Figure 3. Detectable actions
Single shots of side and top views of
wing threat, and
copulation. High-resolution sequences of
wing extension and circling, as well as
(see also Supplementary Videos 1–
online). Time index in seconds is relative to the first frame
in each movie clip. Bars, 1 mm. Supplementary Figure 1 online shows the same actions as
detected by our system.
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Figure 4. Performance of action detection. (a)
Performance of our lunge detector, described by the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC).
Each ROC curve gives the fraction of false-negatives (number of missed lunges divided by the
total number of lunges on the ground truth) vs the number of false-positives. Curves are shown
for different values of k-nearest neighbors constant
. Best performance is achieved for
= 15.
The operating point of the system is shown by a black circle; it is obtained by labeling an action
‘lunge’ when 12 or more of its
= 15 nearest-neighbors are lunges. The performance of an
expert human observer (40% missed lunges) is indicated by the gray cross. The expert detected
84 lunges, while our two-step process for establishing ground-truth (see
) yielded 139
Comparison between automatically measured lunges and ground-truth. Each dot
represents the number of lunges detected automatically (
axis) vs the number of lunges in the
ground truth (
axis) for each of 56 20-minute movies of fly pairs. Note that automatic counting
is very close to ground-truth both when there are many lunges and when there are few.
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Figure 5. Genetic and environmental influences on aggressive and courtship behavior. (a,g)
Number of lunges,
lunges per meter,
wing threats,
extensions. All panels show mean and standard error of the mean.
Octopamine control
(tdc2/+) and mutant (tdc2/kir).
CS male-male, male-female, and
(“Cha-Tra”) male-male pairs.
Ethograms, based on transition matrices. The ethograms
show transitions where the interval between a fly’s action and the next lasted
10 seconds.
We count intervals > 10 seconds without action as ‘no action’ nodes (not shown). The transition
probability is represented by the thickness of the arrows (normalized over all arrows that exit
a node including the arrow into ‘no action’). The arrow stumps represent the transition
probability from one action into the same action. Circle diameters (logarithmically scaled) and
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numbers denote the average action frequencies.
Frequency of CS male-fly positions while
extending a wing towards a decapitated CS female. Left: group-housed flies (GG, n = 10);
right: single-housed flies (SS, n = 10).
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Table 1
Performance evaluation of action detection.
# of fly
# of events
correct positives
false negatives
# of false
# of false positives
# of false
in percent
per 20
per event
a, b
Wing Threat
Wing Extension
wild-type (CS) male-male fly pairs.
56 additional pairs were tested and the correlation with ground-truth was 0.99 (see text).
118 hand-counted wing threats. 87/118 lasted longer than 0.3s. False-positives are ambiguous situations of wing threat or common wing extension.
wild-type (CS) male-female fly pairs.
906 hand-counted single wing extensions. 797/906 lasted longer than 1 s. False-positives were due to segmentation errors.
422/435 hand-counted circling events had a minimum length of 1 s.
male-male fly pairs. Minimum duration 1 s.
Nat Methods
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 1.