How source/collector placement and
subsurface absorbing layer affect
time-resolved and phase/modulation-
resolved photon migration
Steven L. Jacques, Andreas H. Hielscher, Lihong V. Wang,
Frank K. Tittel
Steven L. Jacques, Andreas H. Hielscher, Lihong V. Wang, Frank K. Tittel,
"How source/collector placement and subsurface absorbing layer affect time-
resolved and phase/modulation-resolved photon migration," Proc. SPIE 1888,
Photon Migration and Imaging in Random Media and Tissues, (14 September
1993); doi: 10.1117/12.154649
Event: OE/LASE'93: Optics, Electro-Optics, and Laser Applications in
Scienceand Engineering, 1993, Los Angeles, CA, United States
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How source/collector placement and subsurface absorbing layer affect
timeresolved and phase/modulation-resolved photon migration.
Steven L. Jacques1'
Andreas H. Hielscher2
Lihong Wang1
Frank Tittel2
1Laser Biology Research Laboratory
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030
2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rice University, Houston, TX 77030
The time-resolved reflectance of photons from a homogeneous tissue was modeled using a
Monte Carlo simulation. The data was then converted by fast Fourier transform (FFT) into the
frequency domain. In the frequency domain, the phase, c1, and modulation, M, of collected light
from a frequency-modulated light source was determined. A comparison of Monte Carlo and
ciffusion theory was made for various separation distances between the source and collector on the
tissue surface. The results showed that Monte Carlo and diffusion theory agreed in the time domain
only for times Larger than 500 ps after injection of an impulse of photons. In the frequency domain,
Monte Carlo and diffusion theory agreed only if the probe separation, r, was at least 2 cm apart for
= p.(1-g)
5 cm1,
or in dimensionless units r' >
The effect of buried absorbed is also tested in the time and frequency domains. A semi-infinite
volume of absorber is placed at 0, 3 mm, 6 mm, or oo
the surface of a nonabsorbing tissue. The
presence of a deep absorber on the time and frequency domain data show that attenuation of longer
pathlength photons causes the phase of collected photons to reduce and the modulation of collected
photons to increase. Both effects are indicative of the net shorter pathlength of the ensemble of
collected photons.
Photon migration in tissues can be described in either the time or frequency domains. We
consider here the case of light escaping at the surface of a semi-infinite tissue. The time domain
indicates the timecourse of collected light, called reflectance, by a collector at the surface in response
to an impulse of injected light. The frequency domain indicates the phase and modulation of
collected light from a a frequency-modulated source.
Several groups have introduced diffusion theory descriptions for photon migration in both the
time and frequency domains [1,2,3 ,4]. Jacques [5]
that time-resolved Monte Carlo
simulations of photon migration did not agree with diffusion theory until after a time delay had
elapsed. Sufficient time must pass to allow some scattering before photons behave according to
diffusion theory. Therefore, in this study we sought to understand how this restriction in the time
domain might translate into the frequency domain.
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Furthermore, a second issue addressed in this paper is how an absorbing layer deep in the
tissue wifi affect photon migration in both the time and frequency domains.
3 .1 Monte Carlo
A well-tested Monte Carlo simulation [6] was adapted to provide time-resolved photon
propagation. Propagation was three-dimensional but photon escape as reflectance was collected in a
cylindrically symmetric array. Photons escaping at radial position, r, within an incremental Ar of
1-mm were collected in an array R(r, t) with spatial resolution of 0. 1 mm between 0-4 cm (40 intervals)
and temporal resolution, At, of 25 ps over the range of 0-3.2 ns (or 128 time intervals). The results
were expressed as the time-resolved local reflectance in mnr1ns1.
3 .2 Fast Fourier Transform (FF1')
To convert the data to the frequency domain, a fast fourier transform (FF1') [71 was used to
convert a list of time-domain data, U, h(t)), into a list of freqency-domain data, (Re(H(f), Im(H(f)),
which were the real and imaginary components of the discrete Fourier transform, H(f). The phase
shift, 4, and the demoduhition, M, for a photon density wave were then calculated:
Tm (H(fn))
Im (Tin)
4 =
Re (H(fn)) )
Re (Hn) )
(H(fn)) +Jfl2 (H(f))
+1m2 (Tin)
M =
Re2 (H(O))
The 25-ps resolution, At, in the time domain determines the maximum frequency, fmax
1/(2t) =
GHz, available in the frequency domain. For n data points in the time domain, the FF1'
yields n data points in the frequency domain. The resolution in the frequency domain is given by M =
In order to increase the frequency resolution the common technique of "zero adding" was
applied [8] The time domain array with 128 points (3.2 as) was expanded up to 1024 points (265
ns) by adding zeros into the R(r, t) array beyond 3.2 ns. The procedure is justified in this case by the
fact that after 3 .2 ns the time signal has decayed by several orders of magnitude. The frequency
resolution achieved was M =
1 MHz.
When tissue absorption exerted sufficiently high attenuation on photon density wave
propagation at high frequencies of modulation, the frequency-domain data fluctuated abnormally.
Therefore, in the graphs of this report, we have truncated the upper range of the frequency.domain
results when the behavior abnormally fluctuated.
3 3 Diffusion theory
The time-resolved diffusion theory of Patterson et al. [1], with a scaling factor k, was used to
predict the behavior of photon migration in the model:
r2+ 2
R(r, t) =
(4itDc)312 z0t5'2 exp[-
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