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Interaction of Chk1 with Treslin Negatively Regulates the
Initiation of Chromosomal DNA Replication
Cai Guo
Akiko Kumagai
Katharina Schlacher
Anna Shevchenko
, and
William G. Dunphy
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91125, USA
Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
90095, USA; Developmental Biology Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY 10065, USA
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, 01307 Dresden, Germany
Treslin helps to trigger the initiation of DNA replication by promoting integration of Cdc45 into
the replicative helicase. Treslin is a key positive-regulatory target of cell cycle control
mechanisms; activation of Treslin by cyclin-dependent kinase is essential for the initiation of
replication. Here we demonstrate that Treslin is also a critical locus for negative regulatory
mechanisms that suppress initiation. We found that the checkpoint-regulatory kinase Chk1
associates specifically with a C-terminal domain of Treslin (designated TRCT). Mutations in the
TRCT domain abolish binding of Chk1 to Treslin and thereby eliminate Chk1-catalyzed
phosphorylation of Treslin. Significantly, abolition of the Treslin-Chk1 interaction results in
elevated initiation of chromosomal DNA replication during an unperturbed cell cycle, which
reveals a function for Chk1 during a normal S-phase. This increase is due to enhanced loading of
Cdc45 onto potential replication origins. These studies provide important insights into how
vertebrate cells orchestrate proper initiation of replication.
In eukaryotic cells, duplication of the genome depends upon the intricate, stepwise assembly
of protein complexes onto origins of DNA replication (
Sclafani and Holzen, 2007
et al., 2013
Tanaka and Araki, 2013
). Initially, the origin recognition complex (ORC) and
Cdc6 associate with potential origins and thereupon recruit Cdt1 and the mini-chromosome
maintenance (MCM) complex. The MCM complex serves as the core of the replicative
© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author: dunphy@caltech.edu, Phone: (626) 395-8433, Fax: (626) 449-0756.
Present Address: Department of Cancer Biology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77054, USA
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Published in final edited form as:
Mol Cell
. 2015 February 5; 57(3): 492–505. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2014.12.003.
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helicase that unwinds the DNA strands for replication. A key regulatory juncture in
replication involves the concerted binding of additional proteins to the MCM complex to
form the mature, activated version of the helicase. In particular, the Cdc45 and GINS
proteins associate with the MCM proteins and thereby form the CMG (Cdc45-MCM-GINS)
complex, which corresponds to the fully constituted helicase.
In vertebrates, integration of Cdc45 and GINS with the MCMs depends upon TopBP1 and a
recently discovered TopBP1-binding protein called Treslin (also known as Ticrr)(
et al., 2010
Sansam et al., 2010
). Importantly, formation of the TopBP1-Treslin complex
requires phosphorylation of Treslin by the S-phase cyclin-dependent kinase (S-CDK)(
et al., 2011
Kumagai et al., 2011
). Consequently, this phosphorylation helps to explain how
the cell cycle control system dictates the timing of S-phase. An analogous situation exists in
budding yeast where phosphorylation of the Treslin homologue Sld3 by S-CDK is also
critical for replication (
Labib, 2010
Siddiqui et al., 2013
Tanaka and Araki, 2013
Treslin is a relatively large protein (220 kD) that is approximately three times bigger than
yeast Sld3. Thus, Treslin may have acquired new properties that allow it to meet the more
complex demands of higher eukaryotes. To obtain further insight into established and
potentially novel functions of Treslin, we have engaged in a search for Treslin-interacting
proteins in human cells. These studies resulted in the identification of Chk1, an effector
kinase in checkpoint control mechanisms. Chk1 is best known for its role in blocking
activation of CDKs in cells with incompletely replicated or damaged DNA (
Perry and
Kornbluth, 2007
Toledo et al., 2011
Significantly, further studies have indicated that Chk1 also plays a role during a seemingly
normal cell cycle. For example, a number of observations have implicated Chk1 in the
control of replication during an unperturbed S-phase (
Maya-Mendoza et al., 2007
and Blow, 2012
Miao et al., 2003
Syljuasen et al., 2005
). The mechanism by which Chk1
exerts these effects is obscure. Chk1 also participates in suppressing endoreplication in
trophoblast stem (TS) cells (
Ullah et al., 2011
). Moreover, Chk1 appears to function in the
system that monitors correct attachment of chromosomes to the mitotic spindle (
Zachos et
al., 2007
). Overall, these observations suggest that Chk1 has diverse roles in cell cycle
regulation, which may help to explain why it is essential for viability (
Liu et al., 2000
Therefore, it will be important to understand how cells control the participation of Chk1 in
these varied functions.
In this report, we have investigated the molecular mechanism and functional consequences
of the Treslin-Chk1 interaction in both human cells and
egg extracts. We show that
Chk1 negatively regulates the Treslin-mediated loading of Cdc45 onto chromatin and
thereby serves to antagonize the initiation of replication. These studies provide an important
new perspective on how vertebrate cells control the initiation of DNA replication through
opposing negative and positive regulatory mechanisms. Furthermore, these experiments
reveal the mechanistic basis for a critical function of Chk1 apart from its role in checkpoint
responses to damaged DNA.
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Chk1 Is a Treslin-interacting Protein
To search for Treslin-interacting proteins, we expressed various tagged versions of Treslin
in human 293T cells, re-isolated these polypeptides, and then analyzed associated proteins
by mass spectrometry (Figure 1A). For these experiments, we produced recombinant full-
length human Treslin with both S-peptide and 3X-FLAG tags at the C-terminal end
(designated Treslin-SF). We also prepared tagged fragments corresponding to residues
1-1257 and 1253-1909 of the protein. The 1-1257 fragment can restore DNA replication to
Treslin-depleted cells (
Kumagai et al., 2011
). Thus, the remaining C-terminal domain of
Treslin may have some regulatory role. For this study, we focused on proteins that might
bind selectively to this area.
We identified Chk1 as a protein that associated with full-length Treslin and the C-terminal
1253-1909 fragment, but not the N-terminal 1-1257 fragment (see Experimental Procedures
and Table S1). To validate these findings, we subjected S-protein pulldowns from cells to
immunoblotting with anti-Chk1 antibodies (Figure 1B). We likewise observed binding of
Chk1 to both the full-length protein and C-terminal fragment. Conversely, as expected from
previous studies, TopBP1 associated with the N-terminal but not C-terminal fragment
Kumagai et al., 2011
). We also performed reciprocal immunoprecipitation experiments in
human cells; we detected the presence of Treslin in anti-Chk1 immunoprecipitates and Chk1
in anti-Treslin immunoprecipitates, respectively (Figure 1C). Treatment with ethidium
bromide or Benzonase did not inhibit co-immunoprecipitation of Treslin and Chk1, which
rules out bridging of these proteins by DNA (Figure S1). Finally, to address whether this
binding required phosphorylation, we treated the anti-Chk1 immunoprecipitates with lambda
phosphatase. Although the phosphatase treatment appeared to be effective, as indicated by
increased electrophoretic mobility of Treslin, we observed no decrease in binding of Chk1 to
Treslin (Figure 1C). Overall, we conclude that Chk1 associates specifically with Treslin in
human cells.
Mapping of the Chk1-interacting Domain in Treslin
To investigate the molecular basis of this interaction, we set out to map a Chk1-interacting
region in Treslin. We engineered various sub-fragments of the 1253-1909 fragment,
expressed them in human cells, performed S-protein pulldowns, and immunoblotted for
Chk1. We found that approximately 100 amino acids at the C-terminal end of the protein
were necessary for binding to Chk1 (Figures 2A and 2B). We proceeded to show that a 100
amino acid fragment from the C-terminal end (residues 1810-1909) was also sufficient for
binding. The sequence of this region is well conserved in the
and zebrafish
homologues of Treslin (Figure 2C). Accordingly, we named this region the TRCT (
terminal) domain.
To characterize the TRCT, we prepared this domain as a GST fusion protein (Figure 2D).
The purified GST-TRCT bound well to Chk1 in human cell lysates. By contrast, GST-
tagged sub-fragments of this region (e.g., residues 1810-1872 and 1870-1909) did not
associate with Chk1 significantly, which suggests that the whole domain is necessary for
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binding. The most conserved stretch within the human TRCT corresponds to the sequence
LTQSPLL at positions 1846-1852. This sequence is identical in
and zebrafish
homologues of Treslin, but is not present in budding yeast Sld3. We mutated each residue in
this sequence to alanine (to create the 7A mutant) in the context of both the GST-TRCT
construct and the full-length Treslin-SF protein. We found that 7A-mutant versions of these
polypeptides were completely defective for binding to Chk1 (Figures 2D and 2E). Notably,
the 7A mutant of full-length Treslin bound TopBP1 normally. We also identified three
residues within the TRCT (S1887, S1893, and T1987) that sit in consensus sequences for
phosphorylation by Chk1 (RXXS/T). However, mutation of any one of these residues to
alanine had no effect on the binding to Chk1 (Figure 2D). Finally, we assessed whether
Treslin associates with Chk1 directly. For this purpose, we incubated the TRCT domain with
purified, recombinant Chk1 (Figure S2). We observed that the WT TRCT bound to isolated
Chk1 very efficiently, whereas there was virtually no binding of the 7A mutant. Since no
phosphorylation could occur under these conditions, this observation reinforces the concept
that phosphorylation of the TRCT is not necessary for binding to Chk1. Overall, these
results indicate that Chk1 associates directly in a highly specific manner with sequences in
the C-terminal region of Treslin.
The TRCT Domain Promotes Chk1-catalyzed Phosphorylation of Treslin
One explanation for the binding of Chk1 to the TRCT would be that it facilitates
phosphorylation of Treslin by Chk1. To address this possibility, we first examined whether
Treslin could serve as a substrate of Chk1. We initially tested the GST-TRCT construct and
found wild-type (WT) recombinant Chk1 but not kinase-dead (KD) Chk1 could
phosphorylate this fragment well (Figure 3A). By contrast, there was no phosphorylation of
the mutant GST-TRCT-7A fragment by Chk1 above background levels. The S1893A and
T1897A mutants of the TRCT domain showed reduced phosphorylation by Chk1, while the
S1887A mutant was still an equally good substrate. A combined S1893A/T1897A mutant
displayed near background levels of phosphorylation by Chk1 (Figure S3A), which suggests
that these positions are the two main in vitro phosphorylation sites within this domain. As
anticipated, this mutant also still bound normally to Chk1 (Figure S3B). Phosphorylation of
the TRCT domain by Chk1 appears to be quite efficient. For comparison, phosphorylation of
a GST-tagged peptide from Cdc25 that contains a single well-documented site for Chk1
Kumagai et al., 1998
) was about 2-fold lower (Figure S3C). Finally, we likewise examined
full-length Treslin and found that the WT but not 7A-mutant protein could serve as good
substrate for Chk1 (Figures 3B and 3C). Taken together, these results indicate that docking
of Chk1 onto the TRCT domain strongly stimulates phosphorylation of Treslin by Chk1.
We employed mass spectrometry to identify in vitro phosphorylation sites for Chk1 on full-
length Treslin. This analysis resulted in the identification of numerous sites throughout
much of the protein (not shown). For these studies, we decided to focus on using the 7A
mutant to investigate the functional significance of the Treslin-Chk1 interaction. This
mutant is not an effective substrate for Chk1 in vitro and most likely in vivo. Furthermore,
this approach would also address the possibility that the physical association of Chk1 with
Treslin may also have a regulatory impact apart from phosphorylation.
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Binding of Treslin Is Not Essential for Activation of Chk1
We previously demonstrated that ablation of Treslin from human cells compromises both
DNA replication and phosphorylation of Chk1 upon treatment with aphidicolin (APH)
Kumagai et al., 2010
). In principle, the latter defect could reflect a direct role for Treslin in
the activation of Chk1. Alternatively, this effect could be indirectly due to the absence of
replication forks in cells without Treslin. Because Treslin associates with Chk1, we asked
whether Treslin is directly necessary for activation of Chk1 in APH-treated cells. For this
purpose, we utilized lines of U2OS cells in which expression of siRNA-resistant versions of
WT and 7A Treslin was under the control of a doxycycline-inducible promoter (see
Experimental Procedures). To characterize these cell lines, we first used labeling with EdU
to assess whether the 7A mutant could rescue DNA replication in Treslin siRNA-treated
cells. We found that the percentages of EdU-positive nuclei were similar for Treslin-ablated
cells expressing WT or 7A Treslin (Figure 3D).
Next, we examined phosphorylation of Chk1 in cells treated with APH. As expected,
treatment of the parental U2OS cell line with APH in the presence of control siRNA
efficiently induced the phosphorylation of Chk1 on S345 (Figure 3E). As described
previously, treatment with Treslin siRNA resulted in markedly reduced phosphorylation of
Chk1. We proceeded to show that expression of either WT or 7A siRNA-resistant Treslin
could efficiently rescue phosphorylation of Chk1 in APH-treated cells that had been treated
with the Treslin siRNA. These observations indicate that the binding of Chk1 to the TRCT
domain is not essential for activation of Chk1 in response to APH.
The Isolated TRCT Domain of Treslin Stimulates DNA Replication in
Egg Extracts
We next considered the possibility that Chk1 regulates DNA replication by associating with
the TRCT domain. As one approach to examine this question, we utilized various types of
extracts from
eggs that recapitulate DNA replication in a cell-free reaction. In
particular, we utilized the nucleoplasmic extract (NPE) system, in which replication occurs
in a soluble nuclear fraction lacking membranes (
Walter and Newport, 2000
). We also used
whole egg extracts in which DNA replication takes place in reconstituted nuclei.
We reasoned that the isolated TRCT domain might act as a competitor of the interaction
between endogenous Treslin and Chk1 in egg extracts. To explore this possibility, we added
the GST-TRCT to the NPE system and then monitored the time-course of DNA replication.
For this purpose, we assessed incorporation of radioactive phosphate from [
P]dATP into
chromosomal DNA. We observed that addition of the TRCT fragment elicited a significant
increase in DNA replication in comparison with samples treated with control buffer alone or
the mutant TRCT-7A fragment (Figures 4A and 4B).
To assess whether this replication occurs by the normal CDK-mediated mechanism, we
utilized the CDK inhibitor p27 (Figure 4C). We noted that there was no DNA replication in
p27-treated extracts in either the presence or absence of the TRCT domain. To gauge
whether the TRCT does actually prevent the binding of Chk1 to endogenous Treslin, we
performed immunoprecipitation experiments with anti-Chk1 antibodies (Figure 4D). We
could readily detect Treslin in anti-Chk1 immunoprecipitates from NPE fractions.
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Association of Treslin with Chk1 was not inhibited by treatment with ethidium bromide or
Benzonase, agents that would prohibit bridging by DNA (Figure S4A). We observed that
addition of the WT TRCT fragment to NPE fractions caused a severe reduction in the
binding of Treslin to Chk1, whereas the 7A mutant fragment had no effect. By contrast, the
TRCT domain had no effect on the binding of Treslin to TopBP1. Overall, these results
indicated that blockage of the binding of Chk1 to Treslin results in elevated DNA
Chk1 Regulates DNA Replication in
Egg Extracts
As another means to investigate the regulation of DNA replication by Chk1, we utilized the
Chk1 inhibitor AZD7762. We found that this compound also elicited an increase in DNA
replication comparable to that induced by the TRCT-WT fragment (Figure 4E and Figure
S4B). We also attempted to immunodeplete Chk1 from the NPE system, which entails
separate immunodepletion from the HSS and NPE fractions that are necessary for these
experiments. However, these immunodepletion procedures resulted in a non-specific
reduction of replication, which confounded this approach.
As an alternative, we attempted to deplete Chk1 from whole egg extracts (
Kumagai et al.,
). We first needed to assess whether the TRCT affects replication in whole egg extracts,
which would require transport of the TRCT into reconstituted nuclei in these extracts. Since
our initial GST construct lacked a nuclear localization sequence (NLS), we prepared a new
construct with this sequence (GST-TRCT-NLS) (Figure 5A). We verified that both WT and
7A versions of the TRCT-NLS could be found in lysates of reconstituted nuclei from whole
egg extracts. Unexpectedly, the WT but not 7A version of the TRCT-NLS also caused a
dramatic accumulation of Chk1 in the nuclei (Figure 5B). A plausible explanation is that the
TRCT-NLS, because of its robust binding to Chk1, may promote nuclear entry of Chk1.
Next, we added the WT TRCT-NLS to whole egg extracts containing reconstituted nuclei
and found that this fragment also elicited an increase in DNA replication relative to
incubations containing control buffer or a 7A mutant version of the TRCT-NLS (Figures 5C
and 5D). Finally, we removed Chk1 from whole egg extracts with anti-Chk1 antibodies
(Figure 5E). We observed a significant acceleration of DNA replication in Chk1-depleted
extracts (Figures 5F and 5G). Furthermore, addition of recombinant Chk1 to the depleted
extracts restored replication to the lower level found in mock-depleted extracts. Taken
together, these experiments provide multiple lines of evidence that Chk1 regulates DNA
replication in the
The Isolated TRCT Domain Promotes Initiation of Replication in Egg Extracts
A key function of Treslin involves the loading of Cdc45 onto chromatin (
Kumagai et al.,
). It has been well established that the loading of Cdc45 is critical for the initiation of
DNA replication in both yeast and vertebrates (
Sclafani and Holzen, 2007
Siddiqui et al.,
Tanaka and Araki, 2013
). To explore the basis of the TRCT-mediated stimulation of
replication, we examined the loading of Cdc45 onto chromatin in the NPE system in the
presence of this fragment. We observed that addition of the TRCT-WT protein stimulated a
large increase in the loading of Cdc45 onto chromatin in comparison with samples
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containing the TRCT-7A protein (Figure 6A). There was a similar increase in the loading of
Sld5 (a component of GINS), PCNA, and DNA polymerase epsilon (Figure S5). The TRCT
domain typically did not affect the binding of the ORC and MCM complexes to the DNA.
These experiments suggest that the isolated TRCT domain promotes initiation by
stimulating the loading of the helicase activators Cdc45 and GINS onto chromatin.
Furthermore, we also observed an increase other replication-fork proteins, such as PCNA
and DNA polymerase epsilon, which participate directly in the ensuing DNA synthesis.
As another method to characterize this phenomenon, we attempted to block replication just
after initiation. Actinomycin D blocks replication in the NPE system shortly after initiation
but before significant unwinding of the DNA (
Pacek and Walter, 2004
). Accordingly, we
added actinomycin D to the NPE system in the absence and presence of the TRCT domain.
We found that actinomycin D caused a pronounced further accumulation of Cdc45 on the
DNA in extracts containing the WT TRCT domain (Figure 6B). There was no effect in
extracts containing the TRCT-7A mutant. Taken together, these experiments suggest that the
TRCT domain promotes the initiation of replication. The fact that the TRCT domain blocks
the binding of Chk1 to Treslin suggests that Chk1 suppresses the initiating function of
To obtain further support for this concept, we performed DNA fiber studies in whole egg
extracts following addition of the TRCT domain. For this purpose, we incubated extracts
sequentially with digoxigenin-dUTP and biotin-16-dUTP, prepared DNA fibers from
nuclear fractions, and then measured inter-origin distances (
Bellelli et al., 2014
et al., 2009
). We observed that the WT TRCT fragment caused a significant increase in
shorter inter-origin distances (e.g., 10–15 kb) relative to incubations containing added buffer
alone or the 7A fragment (Figure 6C; Figures S6A and S6B). Concomitantly, there was a
decrease in larger inter-origin distances (e.g., >30 kb) in incubations containing the WT
fragment. These findings directly support an increase in the firing of origins, which fits well
with the observations that the TRCT domain enhances formation of the activated replicative
Dysregulated Origin Firing in the Absence of the Treslin-Chk1 Interaction Induces
Activation of Chk1
The elevated loading of Cdc45 onto chromatin and the ensuing increase in replication in the
presence of the TRCT domain raised the possibility that this fragment might elicit
replication stress. To address this issue, we examined phosphorylation of
Chk1 on
S344 (
Kumagai et al., 1998
). We observed that the WT TRCT domain induced
phosphorylation of Chk1 in NPE fractions containing sperm chromatin even in the absence
of APH (Figure 6D). The TRCT domain also caused a substantial further increase in
phosphorylation of Chk1 in extracts containing APH. By contrast, there was no increase in
extracts treated with control buffer or the 7A mutant TRCT domain. Furthermore, the
increase in the presence of the WT TRCT domain was abolished by caffeine, an inhibitor of
the ATR-catalyzed phosphorylation of Chk1. Therefore, the TRCT-stimulated activation of
Chk1 involves the ATR-mediated pathway. This increase also depended on the presence of
sperm chromatin as a template for replication, which suggests that the TRCT domain does
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not somehow directly activate Chk1 by a DNA-independent mechanism. In further support
of this concept, we found that inhibition of DNA replication with p27 abolished the TRCT-
stimulated increase in the phosphorylation of Chk1 in extracts lacking APH (Figure S6C).
Overall, these experiments indicate that the isolated TRCT domain causes a pronounced
derangement of DNA replication in the
egg extract system.
Expression of the Treslin-7A Mutant in Human Cells Leads to Increased Origin Firing
As another strategy to examine the function of the Treslin-Chk1 interaction, we utilized
human cells that overexpress the Treslin-7A mutant. In particular, we employed U2OS T-
REx cells that express WT and 7A Treslin in a doxycycline-inducible manner. We induced
the expression of Treslin in these cells by addition of doxycycline and later examined origin
firing by DNA fiber analysis (
Jackson and Pombo, 1998
Schlacher et al., 2011
). For these
studies, we incubated the cells with CldU for 20 min and then with IdU for 20 min (Figure
7A). Next, we prepared DNA fibers from the cells by standard methods and detected
incorporation of the modified nucleotides with fluorescently tagged antibodies that detect
CldU (green tracks) and IdU (red tracks). Finally, we quantitated the frequency of singly
labeled IdU (red) tracks as a measure of new origin firing during the second labeling period.
We noted that there was a significant increase in origin firing in cells expressing the full-
length Treslin-7A mutant in comparison with cells expressing the WT protein (Figures 7B–
7D). The induced levels of the WT and 7A proteins were quite similar in the different cell
lines. Moreover, overexpression of WT Treslin did not have a significant effect on origin
firing. We also examined replication fork speed in these cells but could not discern a
difference between cells expressing WT or 7A Treslin (Figure S7). Overall, these
experiments further support our findings with
egg extracts that disruption of the
Treslin-Chk1 interaction leads to increased origin firing. The fact that the Treslin-Chk1
interaction is functionally important in both
and humans suggests that this
regulatory mechanism is a conserved feature of DNA replication in vertebrates.
In this report, we have identified an interaction between Treslin and the key checkpoint-
effector kinase Chk1. The high specificity of this binding suggested that there is a significant
regulatory relationship between these two proteins. Indeed, we have found that Chk1
negatively regulates the replication-initiating function of Treslin (see Figure 7E). To reach
this conclusion, we utilized both
egg extracts and human cells. In one approach, we
added the TRCT domain from Treslin to
egg extracts as a competitor of the
Treslin-Chk1 interaction. Strikingly, this peptide elicited a pronounced increase in DNA
In searching for the basis of this phenomenon, we found that the TRCT fragment strongly
stimulated the binding of Cdc45 to chromatin. The loading of Cdc45 onto chromatin in egg
extracts is rate limiting for origin firing (
Mimura et al., 2000
Walter and Newport, 2000
Thus, the TRCT domain appears to act by enhancing initiation. To provide further evidence,
we have dissected this process with actinomycin D, a drug that blocks replication in egg
extracts just after initiation but before significant unwinding of the DNA (
Pacek and Walter,
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). Treatment with both the TRCT domain and actinomycin D led to a dramatic and
sustained accumulation of Cdc45 on chromatin. Finally, we utilized DNA fiber studies to
show that the addition of the TRCT domain to egg extracts leads to an overall decrease in
inter-origin distances in replicating chromatin.
In a complementary approach, we also employed human cells. In particular, we also used
DNA fiber analysis to show that human cells overexpressing the full-length Treslin-7A
mutant display increased origin firing during an unperturbed S-phase. This observation is
consistent with the fact that human cells with compromised function of Chk1 display
elevated firing of replication origins during a normal cell cycle (
Maya-Mendoza et al., 2007
McIntosh and Blow, 2012
Miao et al., 2003
Syljuasen et al., 2005
). Hence, our studies
have revealed a mechanism by which Chk1 controls replication in cells without overtly
damaged DNA. It has also been reported that Chk1-deficient cells display decreased
replication-fork speed (see
Petermann et al., 2010
). We have not observed an obvious effect
on fork speed in cells expressing the Treslin-7A mutant. This mutant may not cause enough
origin firing to disrupt fork progression. Moreover, Chk1 could have distinct targets for
initiation versus elongation.
Utilization of replication origins places a number of regulatory demands on cells. The firing
of origins depends upon positive regulation of Treslin by S-CDK, but there may also have to
be negative regulatory mechanisms that suppress premature or inappropriate action of
Treslin at origins. The ability of Chk1 to inhibit the Treslin-mediated loading of Cdc45
would provide such a mechanism. This process could operate generally at all origins or
come into play at a subset of origins under certain circumstances.
Typically, the number of loaded MCM complexes on chromatin at the onset of S-phase
greatly exceeds the number of origins that actually fire in a given cell cycle. This “MCM
paradox” has suggested that there are a large number of dormant origins in the genome (see
McIntosh and Blow, 2012
). It has been proposed that utilization of these dormant origins
would allow cells to cope with replication stress by increasing the likelihood that replication
in stressed areas would reach completion. The question arises, however, about how the cell
would regulate the firing of such dormant origins under both unstressed and stressed
conditions. It has been postulated that these origins might fire stochastically such that
passive replication from nearby origins would typically occur under unstressed conditions.
However, under stressed conditions of slowed or blocked replication, there would be more
time for the dormant origins to undergo firing.
Another type of explanation would incorporate the existence of an inhibitory mechanism
that suppresses firing of dormant origins. In principle, inhibition of Treslin-mediated loading
of Cdc45 by basally active Chk1 under unstressed conditions could correspond to such a
mechanism. Our DNA fiber studies with egg extracts do not suggest that there is rampant
firing of dormant origins upon addition of the TRCT domain. However, more limited firing
of dormant origins may contribute to the accelerated replication that we have observed under
these conditions.
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The Treslin-Chk1 interaction might also help to explain the temporal order in firing of
origins during S-phase in somatic cells. In eukaryotic cells, there is typically a pattern
wherein “early” and “late” origins at distinct chromosomal regions fire at different times
McIntosh and Blow, 2012
Siddiqui et al., 2013
). In budding yeast, regulation of the Treslin
homologue Sld3 has a role in the distinction between early and late origins (
Mosqueda et al., 2010
Zegerman and Diffley, 2010
). However, the mechanisms that
regulate such differential firing in vertebrates are largely unknown. Another potential
explanation for the inhibition of Treslin by Chk1 is that this process could be necessary for
the suppression of later-firing origins during the earlier parts of S-phase. Further studies will
be required to identify the characteristics of origins that are subject to Chk1-dependent
inhibition of Treslin.
It is well accepted that the ATR-dependent activation of Chk1 in response to incompletely
replicated and damaged DNA leads to inhibition of origin firing at chromosomal regions that
are not already engaged in replication (
McIntosh and Blow, 2012
Sorensen and Syljuasen,
Yekezare et al., 2013
). The activation of Chk1 results in decreased function of Cdc25
and increased function of Wee1 (
Perry and Kornbluth, 2007
). In turn, these effects promote
the inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdk2 (as well as Cdk1) on T14 and Y15. The loading of
Cdc45 onto chromatin requires phosphorylation of Treslin by Cdk2, which mediates binding
of Treslin to TopBP1 (
Boos et al., 2011
Kumagai et al., 2011
). Therefore, it might be
anticipated that reduced activity of Cdk2 would compromise formation of the Treslin-
TopBP1 complex. Indeed, treatment of human cells with hydroxyurea reduces the binding of
Treslin to TopBP1, and the Chk1 inhibitor AZD7762 reverses this effect (
Boos et al., 2011
We have not been able to detect an override of the hydroxyurea-induced block to replication
in U2OS cells expressing the Treslin-7A mutant (not shown). This mutation would
presumably not affect the ability of Chk1 to down-regulate Cdk2. We have also observed
that both the WT and 7A forms of Treslin bind equally well to TopBP1. Moreover, the
Treslin-7A mutant displays normally regulated binding to TopBP1 (i.e., decreased binding
in the presence of hydroxyurea) (not shown). Finally, the TRCT domain does not affect
binding of Treslin to TopBP1 in
NPE fractions. It would be interesting to examine
the effect of the Treslin-7A mutant in replication-stressed cells in which the inhibition of
Cdk2 had been overridden.
Although inhibition of Cdk2 could account for the effect of Chk1 on DNA replication in
stressed cells, it is unclear that this mechanism could explain the role of Chk1 in unstressed
cells. The activity of Cdk2 rises substantially at S-phase in unperturbed cells. It is possible
that there could be some local inhibition of Cdk2 in certain regions of the genome, but the
mechanistic basis for such an effect is unknown. Another explanation is that Chk1 could
control replication in some other manner besides regulation of Cdk2 under conditions where
there is not a strong, exogenous threat to the DNA. The regulation of Treslin by Chk1 may
be such a mechanism. It should also be noted that our studies do not rule out the possibility
that Chk1 could have an additional target(s) besides Treslin during an unperturbed S-phase.
Overall, inhibition of Treslin by Chk1 could suppress relevant origins during an unperturbed
S-phase and perhaps even supplement the inhibition of Cdk2 in replication-stressed cells.
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A previous study in the
system indicated that depletion of Chk1 did not increase
DNA replication in either untreated or APH-treated egg extracts (
Luciani et al., 2004
). For
the untreated extracts, these investigators quantitated DNA replication at a single late time
point (120 min) when replication would have reached completion. Hence, this analysis
would not have detected the early acceleration of replication that we have observed in this
study. Another group found that the Chk1 inhibitor UCN-01 did not increase replication in
egg extracts, but actually inhibited replication to some extent (
Murphy and Michael, 2013
However, UCN-01 also inhibits Cdk2 at the concentrations used in this study (
Kawakami et
al., 1996
), which complicates interpretation of the results.
In principle, phosphorylation of Treslin by Chk1 may alter its conformation or directly
affect its interactions with other proteins to preclude helicase activation. Moreover, the
physical association of Chk1 might also have such effects on Treslin. Regulation by Chk1
appears not to reduce binding of Treslin to TopBP1, but Chk1 may nonetheless alter the
helicase-activating properties of this complex. Chk1 may also inhibit the ability of Treslin
and TopBP1 to recognize Cdc45/GINS effectively or deliver Cdc45/GINS to the MCM
complex. Finally, Chk1 may influence the interaction of Treslin with some other
component(s) of the replication apparatus. We will need to understand better the exact
molecular mechanism by which Treslin promotes helicase activation in order to evaluate
which, if any, of these possibilities is correct.
In conclusion, we have used both the
and human systems to provide new
perspectives on the function of Chk1 and the regulation of early steps in DNA replication.
Further analysis of this process may yield additional insights into how vertebrate cells
ensure the faithful propagation of their genomes.
The cDNA for human Treslin (GenBank ADC30133.1) was described before (
Kumagai et
al., 2010
). pcDNA5/TO-Treslin-SF (encoding the SV40 NLS, an S-peptide tag, and a 3X-
FLAG tag at the C-terminal end of Treslin) was created from pcDNA5/TO-Treslin-Myc by
using PCR to exchange tags (
Kumagai et al., 2011
Human Tissue Culture Cells
293T and U2OS cells were cultured in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum. 293T
cells were transfected using FuGENE6. Large-scale transfections as well as preparation of
nuclear lysates are described in Supplemental Experimental Procedures.
Anti-Treslin antibodies were previously described (
Kumagai et al., 2010
). For other
antibodies, see Supplemental Experimental Procedures.
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