CLEO:2015 © OSA 2015
On-chip Integrated Differential Optical Microring
Biosensing Platform Based on a
Dual Laminar Flow Scheme
Dongwan Kim
, Paula Popescu
, Mark Harfouche
, Jacob Sendowski
, Maria-Eleni Dimotsantou
, Richard
, and Amnon Yariv
Department of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089, USA
of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
We propose an on-chip integrated di
fferential optical silicon nitride microring
biosensing platform which uses a dual laminar flow scheme. This platform reduces the fabrication
complexity involved in the fabrication of the reference resonator.
OCIS codes:
(280.4788) Optical sensing and sensors; (140.4780) Optical resonators
Microfabricated optical resonator biosenso
rs, compatible with CMOS technologies and easily incorporated with
microfluidics, are good candidates for integration into portable electronic devices and commercial bench-top systems
[1, 2]. However, practical instruments for assay and molecu
lar binding measurements must be robust and external
environmental changes must be accounted for. Traditionally, differential measurements, utilizing a reference
resonator covered by either a SU-8 polymer or a silicon oxide (SiO
) cladding layer, have been used to correct for
temperature-induced signal drift and laser drift [3, 4]. In
this paper, we present an optical resonator biosensing
platform leveraging laminar flow conditions between the
two non-mixing solutions to realize a reliable and sensitive
differential measurement. In this platform, two resonators, on
e for sensing and the other fo
r reference, are exposed to
the aqueous environment. Then, two solutions, one containing the sample of interest and the other acting as a
reference, are flown in one common microfluidic channel,
with no disruption between the two fluid layers by
laminar flow conditions, and delivered to the sensing and
the reference resonator, respectively (Fig. 1(a)). This
platform reduces the fabrication complexity involved in fabricating the top cladding layer and opening of the sensing
window over the sensing resonator. We demonstrate the se
nsing capability of this platform by presenting the real-
time resonance peak shifts due to the refractive index ch
anges in a sodium chloride (NaCl) solution flown in bulk
over the sensor.
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of the high-Q optical resonator biosensor using a dual laminar flow and the experimental setup. The refer
ence flow and
sensing flow in one common microfluidic channel are kept apart due to laminar flow conditions. (b) Schematic of the waveguide-r
esonator chip
drawn together with the microfluidic device structure. In blue is the flow channel network and in red are the control valves. T
he two left inlets are
used to deliver either the reference (deionized (DI) water, in this experiment) or sensing solution (NaCl) to the sensing reson
ator. One of the two
right inlets is used to deliver the reference solution (DI water) for the reference resonator. (c) Photograph of (left) the fab
ricated device where the
waveguide-integrated Si
microring resonator chip is bonded to the PDMS microfluidic device, (right) dime shown to provide scale. (d)
Photograph showing the two different dye solutions flowing onto three pairs of resonators with no disruption between the two fl
uid layers. Scale
bar, 1 mm.
Fabrications and experimental setups
Two optical microring resonators with 70 μm radius, 4 μm
width, and center to center spacing of 800 μm are
realized on a 250 nm thick silicon nitride (Si
) layer on top of 6 μm thick SiO
on a silicon handle. The 900 nm
wide waveguides and the microrings with the 400 nm coupling gap between them were patterned using electron
beam lithography on electron beam resist, ZEP520A. The patterns were transferred to the Si
layer using low DC-
978-1-55752-968-8/15/$31.00 ©2015 Optical Society of America
CLEO:2015 © OSA 2015
bias, inductively-coupled plasma reactive-ion etch (ICP-RIE) with SF
chemistry. For the liquid delivery, a
microfluidic polydimethylsiloxane (PDM
S) device is bonded on top of the Si
layer (Fig. 1(c)). The two-layer
microfluidic structure consists of a bottom flow layer and
a top control layer, and includes four inlets and one outlet,
each with a corresponding control valv
e (Fig. 1(b)). The reference (deionized
(DI) water, in this experiment) and
sensing solutions (NaCl) ar
e delivered to the sensing reso
nator using the two left inlets, while the reference solution
(DI water) is delivered to the reference resonator using one
of the two right inlets. The switching of the flow between
the different inlets is controlled by the microfluidic valves, which are actuated
by computer-controlled pressurized
solenoid valves [6]. To illustrate the laminar flow achieved on
this device, we introduce two different dye solutions
from two inlets into one common flow channel. Figure 1(d)
shows the established dual laminar flow for a successful
delivery of the different solutions to
the sensing and reference resonators. Th
e microring resonato
rs are characterized
using a 1064 nm optoelectronic fast linearly swept VCSEL
frequency laser with an optical frequency excursion of
300 GHz in 2 ms [5] that is coupled into the waveguide fr
om free space optics. The tr
ansparency of silicon nitride
and low water absorption at 1064 nm allows the microring
resonators to maintain high Q-factors in aqueous
environments, measured to be 1.4×10
and 2.0×10
(Fig. 2(a)). Using a Peltier th
ermoelectric cooler (TEC), the
temperature of the resonator chip
is fixed at 26 ºC (+/- 0.01 ºC).
Sensing methods and results
In order to demonstrate the actual sensing ability of this platform, sequentially diluted NaCl solutions of 2.5 mM, 5
mM, 10 mM, and 40 mM were flown over the resonators. Fi
rst, the baseline was established by the continuous flow
of the DI water from two inlets to both the sensing and reference resonator, followed by switching of the sensing
flow to the NaCl solution while maintaining the reference fl
ow of DI water. The sensing flow was then switched
back to DI water. The difference in the resonance fr
equency between the sensing resonator and the reference
resonator which was monitored in real-time is shown in Fig. 2(b). Concentrations of NaCl as low as 2.5 mM,
equivalent to 2.64×10
refractive index units (RIU) with a sensit
ivity of -20.62 THz/RIU (77.81 nm/RIU), have
been measured (Fig. 2(c)). The on-chip valve switching an
d low dead volume in the two-layer microfluidic structure
result in a steady-state signal in about 20 seconds.
Fig. 2. (a) Transmission spectrum of the two high-Q microring resonators submerged in water measured with a 1064 nm linearly sw
(blue). The Lorentzian fits are shown in red. (b) Differential frequency shift versus time as NaCl sensing solution is flown ov
er the sensing
resonator while maintaining DI water over the reference resonator. (c) Resonance frequency shift versus concentrations of NaCl
We demonstrate an on-chip integrated optical silicon nitride m
icroring resonator biosensing platform which uses a
dual laminar flow scheme removing the need for additional fabrication steps. The bulk sensing capability is
demonstrated using NaCl solutions of various concentrations
. Effort to enable specific binding sensing for biological
molecules using this platform is underway.
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Rafael Gómez-Sjöberg., Retrieved from