of 15
Bacterial colonization factors control specificity and stability of
the gut microbiota
S. Melanie Lee
Gregory P. Donaldson
Zbigniew Mikulski
Silva Boyajian
Klaus Ley
Sarkis K. Mazmanian
Division of Biology & Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91125, USA
Division of Inflammation Biology, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, CA
92037, USA
Mammals harbor a complex gut microbiome, comprised of bacteria that confer immunologic,
metabolic and neurologic benefits
. Despite advances in sequence-based microbial profiling and
myriad studies defining microbiome composition during health and disease, little is known about
the molecular processes employed by symbiotic bacteria to stably colonize the gastrointestinal
(GI) tract. We sought to define how mammals assemble and maintain the
, one of the
most numerically prominent genera of the human microbiome. While the gut normally contains
hundreds of bacterial species
, we surprisingly find that germ-free mice mono-associated with a
are resistant to colonization by the same, but not different, species. To identify
bacterial mechanisms for species-specific saturable colonization, we devised an
in vivo
screen and discovered a unique class of Polysaccharide Utilization Loci (PUL) that are conserved
among intestinal
. We named this genetic locus the
). Deletion of the
genes in the model symbiont,
Bacteroides fragilis
, results in colonization
defects in mice and reduced horizontal transmission. The
genes of
B. fragilis
are up-regulated
during gut colonization, preferentially at the colonic surface. When we visualize microbial
biogeography within the colon,
B. fragilis
penetrates the colonic mucus and resides deep within
crypt channels, while
mutants are defective in crypt association. Remarkably, the CCF system
is required for
B. fragilis
colonization following microbiome disruption with
infection or antibiotic treatment, suggesting the niche within colonic crypts represents a
reservoir for bacteria to maintain long-term colonization. These findings reveal that intestinal
have evolved species-specific physical interactions with the host that mediate stable
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Author Contributions.
S.M.L. and S.K.M. conceived the project. S.M.L. performed most of the experiments; G.P.D., Z.M. and S.B.
contributed data. S.M.L., G.P.D., Z.M., K.L. and S.K.M. interpreted the data. K.L. and S.K.M secured funding. S.M.L. and S.K.M.
wrote the manuscript, G.P.D., Z.M. and K.L. edited the manuscript. G.P.D. and Z.M. contributed equally to the work.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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HHS Public Access
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 March 19.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2013 September 19; 501(7467): 426–429. doi:10.1038/nature12447.
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and resilient gut colonization, and the CCF system represents a novel molecular mechanism for
International microbiome sequencing initiatives are revealing detailed inventories of diverse
bacterial communities across various body sites, diets and human populations
. Complex
ecosystems have been forged by co-adaptation over millennia between animals and
microbes to create stable and specific microbiomes
, suggesting the evolution of molecular
mechanisms that establish and maintain symbiotic microbial colonization.
one of the most numerically abundant Gram-negative phyla in the mammalian GI tract
Studies in the genus
have revealed species that induce glycosylation of the
intestinal epithelium
, produce glycoside hydrolases that digest carbohydrates for host
nutrient utilization
, direct host immune maturation
and protect animals from
inflammation in experimental models of IBD and multiple sclerosis
. To explore the
dynamics of microbiome assembly, we sequentially introduced
species to germ-
free mice and monitored colonization via colony-forming units (CFU) in feces. Animals are
readily colonized with
Bacteroides fragilis
followed by
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
1a) or
Bacteroides vulgatus
(Fig. 1b), and altering the sequence of microbial exposure does
not affect results (Supplementary Fig. 1a). Remarkably however, animals colonized with
and then exposed to the same species (marked by an antibiotic resistance gene) are
resistant to super-colonization and clear the challenging strain (Fig. 1c). This novel
observation of ‘colonization resistance’ by the same species is conserved in three other
(Supplementary Fig. 1b-d), regardless of the antibiotic resistance markers used
(Supplementary Fig. 1e), but not in
Escherichia coli
(Supplementary Fig. 1f). As
conventional mice typically harbor 10
CFU per gram of cecal content
greater than
in mono-association), there appears to be no shortage of space or
nutrients under these conditions, using a nutrient rich standard diet. We thus hypothesized
that individual
species colonize the gut by saturating a limited and unique niche.
Indeed, treatment of
B. fragilis
mono-associated mice with erythromycin to displace the
existing strain permits colonization by an erythromycin-resistant challenge strain (Fig. 1d).
These data suggest that
colonize the gut in a species-specific and saturable
We developed a functional
in vivo
screen to identify genetic factor(s) from
B. fragilis
are sufficient to mediate species-specific colonization. Mice were mono-associated with
, then challenged with a library of
B. vulgatus
clones that each contained a fragment
B. fragilis
genomic DNA (schematic in Supplementary Fig. 2a). We reasoned that only
those clones containing genes that conferred stable gut colonization by
B. fragilis
persist, with the remainder being cleared. We screened 2,100 clones each containing 9-10
kilobases of DNA, providing a 3.8-fold coverage of the
B. fragilis
genome and 98%
probability that a given DNA sequence is present in the library (Supplementary Eq. 1).
Remarkably, 30 days after orally gavaging the library into animals, only two clones
sustained colonization. The inserts from both clones mapped to the same locus on the
genome, BF3579-BF3583 (Supplementary Fig. 2b).
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Based on predicted protein sequences, BF3583 and BF3582 is a sigma (
) factor/anti-
factor gene pair. BF3581 is a member of the SusC family of outer membrane proteins.
BF3580 is a homolog of SusD, a lipoprotein often paired with SusC. These Sus-like systems
have been shown to bind and import a range of oligosaccharide molecules
. BF3579
encodes a putative chitobiase, suggesting a possible polysaccharide substrate for this
(Fig. 1e). Comparative genomic analysis using the Integrated Microbial Genomes
database (
) reveals conservation of similar clusters
of genes among sequenced intestinal
species (Supplementary Fig. 3). Sus-like
systems are numerous in
within polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs), which
are gene cassettes used to harvest dietary sugars and/or forage host glycans during nutrient
. As PULs have previously not been implicated in saturable niche
colonization, the locus we have identified encodes a unique pathway in
species-specific gut association; we named the genes
actors (Fig. 1e). Furthermore, as deletion of the most closely related genes from
B. fragilis
(BFΔ0227-0229; Supplementary Fig. 3) do not impact colonization dynamics
(Supplementary Fig. 4), we suggest that the CCF system represents a functionally unique
subset of PULs that evolved to promote long-term symbiosis.
To test if the putative structural genes (
) are required for gut colonization, we
generated in-frame deletion mutants of
B. fragilis
; Δ
and Δ
. All strains
exhibit normal morphology on solid agar medium and unimpaired growth in laboratory
culture (data not shown). As previously shown, animals mono-colonized with WT
B. fragilis
completely clear the WT challenge strain after 30 days (Fig. 1f; 1
bars). However, animals
mono-associated with Δ
or Δ
are permissive to colonization by WT bacteria (Fig.
1f; 2
and 3
bars), unlike the
mutant (Fig. 1f; 4
bars). A deletion mutant in all three
genes (
B. fragilis
ΔCCF) also allows WT
B. fragilis
to colonize (Fig. 1f; 5
bars). Trans-
complementation of the
B. fragilis
ΔCCF strain with
restores colonization resistance
(Fig. 1f; 6
bars). Similarly, a mutant in the
B. vulgatus ccfC-E
orthologs (ΔBVU0946-
BVU0948) also permits WT
B. vulgatus
to colonize (Fig. 1g), demonstrating conservation in
species. When we tested horizontal transmission of bacteria between WT
B. fragilis
ΔCCF mono-associated mice, only WT bacteria cross-colonized (Fig.
1h). Thus, the CCF system is involved in colonization resistance by
Building on the previous discovery that a population of
B. fragilis
associates with mucosal
, we show that
are preferentially expressed by bacteria in contact with the
colon, with lower levels in cecal content and feces (Fig. 2a). There is virtually no expression
in laboratory culture. Thus,
in vivo
expression of
in gut tissue may be critical for
colonization. Indeed, in contrast to laboratory grown bacteria (see Fig. 1c), sustained
colonization is conferred to bacteria recovered directly from animals (Supplementary Fig.
5). To examine regulation of gene expression, we deleted the
, which led to
highly reduced expression of all five genes during animal colonization (Supplementary Fig.
6a). Accordingly, germ-free mice mono-colonized with
B. fragilis
mutant are
permissive of super-colonization by WT
B. fragilis
, demonstrating a functional defect in the
saturable niche occupancy (Supplementary Fig. 6b). Based on the tissue-associated
expression pattern, we tested if the CCF system promotes bacterial localization to mucosal
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tissue. Mice were mono-associated with either the WT or the
deletion strain, and both
groups were subsequently challenged with WT
B. fragilis
. 24 hours after challenge, we
observe the same numbers for challenge strains in feces of both groups (Fig. 2b; 1
and 2
bars, and Supplementary Fig. 7a, b). In contrast,
mutant-associated animals show higher
levels of challenge strain in colon tissue, suggesting a colonization defect by the mutant
strain specifically at the mucosal surface (Fig. 2b; 3
and 4
bars, and Supplementary Fig.
7a, b). Therefore, CCF-mediated colonization fitness appears to involve physical association
with the gut.
Recent studies have revealed microbial communities that colonize intestinal crypts of
conventional mice in the absence of disease
and we have shown that
B. fragilis
the colonic crypts of mono-associated mice
. Discovering a role for
genes near mucosal
tissue led us to explore the intriguing hypothesis that the CCF system mediates crypt
occupancy. We mono-colonized mice with
B. fragilis
and visualized bacterial localization in
colon tissue by whole-mount confocal microscopy. Indeed, WT
B. fragilis
co-localize with
crypts from the ascending colon, appearing to be located in the center of crypt opening.
B. fragilis
ΔCCFmono-associated mice display virtually no crypt occupancy
(Fig. 2c and Supplementary Fig. 8). Colon cross-section imaging also reveals that only WT
bacteria are crypt associated (Supplementary Fig. 9). Two-photon imaging of colon explants
clearly demonstrates presence of WT
B. fragilis
on the surface of the epithelium and inside
the crypt. While both WT and mutant strains of
B. fragilis
associate with the surface of the
epithelium, only WT bacteria are able to penetrate deep into the colonic crypts of mice (Fig.
2d and Supplementary video 1). Measuring the distance from the surface of the epithelium
to bacterial signals in a survey of crypts reveals significantly greater tissue penetration by
WT bacteria (Fig. 2e). Collectively, these data reveal that the CCF system allows
B. fragilis
to reside in a specific niche within crypts during steady-state colonization.
We next investigated the effects of the CCF system in the context of a complex microbiota.
species do not readily colonize most strains of specific pathogen-free
(SPF) mice, namely BALB/c, Swiss Webster and C57BL/6, despite oral administration of
high inoculums (Supplementary Fig. 10a, c and data not shown). Furthermore, transfer of an
SPF microbiota to mono-colonized mice leads to clearance of WT
B. fragilis
(Supplementary Fig. 10b, d). To overcome this obstacle, we tested various additional genetic
backgrounds and empirically determined that C57BL/6 Rag-/- mice (which lack an adaptive
immune system) and non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice can be stably colonized by
B. fragilis
with a single oral gavage. We introduced either WT or
B. fragilis
at equal
inoculums into separate groups of animals, and measured colonization. Only WT
B. fragilis
stably colonizes SPF Rag-/- mice, whereas
B. fragilis
ΔCCF establishes a significantly lower
colonization in the gut (Fig. 3a). Co-inoculation of equal numbers of WT and
bacteria into Rag-/- mice also results in rapid clearance of the mutant strain from the gut
(Fig. 3b), demonstrating a cell intrinsic defect that could not be complemented in
WT bacteria. NOD animals are also preferentially colonized by WT
B. fragilis
compared to
mutants in separate groups of animals (Fig. 3c) or in equal co-inoculation (Fig. 3d).
These data show that deletion of the
genes compromises
B. fragilis
colonization of hosts
with a complex microbiota.
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During symbiosis with mammals, the microbiota may be confronted by rapid environmental
changes with potentially adverse consequences to bacteria, such as enteric infections or
antibiotic exposure. Gastroenteritis is commonly experienced by humans and is known to
perturb the microbiota. To test if resilience of
B. fragilis
colonization is CCF-dependent, we
Citrobacter rodentium
infection of mice to mimic human GI infection
. Employing an
antibiotic treatment protocol that does not sterilize the gut but promotes colonization of SPF
mice by
, we were able to simultaneously colonize mice with equivalent levels
of WT and
mutant bacteria. Mice were subsequently infected orally with
C. rodentium
and colonization of
B. fragilis
was monitored. WT bacteria decline in number at first, but
return to maximal levels 3-4 weeks post infection (Fig. 3e). Importantly, the
B. fragilis
strain is completely cleared from the mouse gut following gastroenteritis (Fig. 3e), but not
when animals are left uninfected (Supplementary Fig. 11a). Next, we challenged mice that
were co-colonized with WT and
B. fragilis
ΔCCF with oral antibiotics and observe a
colonization defect only in
mutant bacteria (Fig. 3f and Supplementary Fig. 11b). These
results reveal that the CCF system establishes resilient colonization by gut
following disruption of the microbiome. Finally, when SPF mice colonized with WT
were given an antibiotic treatment that cleared fecal bacteria, crypt-associated
microbial populations persisted (Supplementary Fig. 12), suggesting that symbiotic bacteria
occupy a protected niche that creates a reservoir for stable gut colonization.
Co-evolution has bound microbes and man in an inextricable partnership, resulting in
remarkable specificity and stability of the human microbiome
. Our findings reveal a novel
pathway required for persistent colonization of the mammalian gut by the
Homology to the Sus family of proteins suggests a role for CCF in uptake and utilization of
glycans. Although certain Sus-containing PULs in
B. thetaiotaomicron
mediate foraging of
host mucus
, their contributions to microbial colonization have been previously described
only during nutrient deprivation conditions
. Our discovery of CCF-dependent colonization
in mice fed a nutrient rich diet suggests a new role whereby
evolved specific
Sus-like systems to utilize non-dietary glycans during homeostasis. Based on the findings
genes are preferentially expressed in proximity to mucosal tissues and
B. fragilis
associates with colonic crypts, we find it likely that host factors may promote expression of
the CCF system. In support of this notion, N-Acetyl-D-lactosamine (LacNAc)—a
component of host mucus—induces the
genes and its homologs in
B. fragilis
(Supplementary Fig. 13). But since a closely related PUL (BF0227-31)
responds to LacNAc but does not mediate saturable niche colonization (Supplementary Fig.
4), LacNAc alone may be an inducer but is not the substrate utilized by CCF systems. We
propose that specific glycan structures within colonic crypts serve as nutrient sources for
species, and that CCF systems provide a molecular mechanism for a
hypothesis proposed decades ago, “
that populations of most indigenous intestinal bacteria
are controlled by substrate competition, i.e., that each species is more efficient than the rest
in utilizing one or a few particular substrates and that the population level of that species is
controlled by the concentration of these few limiting substrates
. Future work will aim to
identify the precise glycan(s) for CCF systems from various
. Finally, our data
suggests that the
genes encode for a specific subset of PULs that evolved the novel
activity of promoting stable and resilient colonization, and crypt-associated bacterial
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reservoirs may represent ‘founder’ cells that repopulate the gut following disruption of the
microbiome by enteric infections or antibiotic exposure. Discovery of a molecular
mechanism for colonization fitness by gut bacteria provides a glimpse into the evolutionary
forces that have shaped the assembly and dynamics of the human microbiome.
Methods Summary
All germ-free mice were bred and housed in flexible film isolators until 8 weeks of age, then
transferred to microisolator cages and maintained with autoclaved food, bedding and water
supplemented with gentamicin and erythromycin. Mice were mono-associated with
gentamicin and erythromycin resistant
strains by single oral gavage.
Colonization level was determined over time by stool serial dilution plating on selective agar
media. For qRT-PCR, total RNA was extracted from laboratory bacterial culture, fecal and
cecal content (ZR Soil/Fecal RNA MicroPrep™, Zymo Research) and colon tissues (Trizol,
Invitrogen) from mono-associated animals, converted to first strand cDNA and analyzed by
qPCR using Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems). For colon whole-
mount imaging, tissues were harvested from germ-free or single strain mono-associated
animals, fixed with 4% PFA and stained with a
B. fragilis
specific antibody, DAPI and
phalloidin. The colon crypts were visualized by confocal microscopy and two-photon
microscopy. SPF mice were colonized with
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
ΔCCF by single oral
gavage and the colonization level was determined over time by stool DNA extraction (ZR
Fecal DNA MiniPrep™, Zymo Research) and qPCR using strain specific primers.
Bacterial strains, plasmids and culture conditions
Bacterial strains and plasmids are described in Supplementary Table 1.
were grown anaerobically at 37°C for two days in brain heart infusion broth supplemented
with 5 μg/ml hemin and 0.5 μg/ml Vitamin K (BHIS), with gentamicin (200 μg/ml),
erythromycin (5 μg/ml), chloramphenicol (10 μg/ml) and tetracycline (2 μg/ml) added where
Escherichia coli
JM109 containing recombinant plasmids were grown in LB
with ampicillin (100 μg/ml) or kanamycin (30 μg/ml).
Citrobacter rodentium
DBS100 strain
was grown in LB at 37°C for 24 hours. For the induction of
B. fragilis
B. thetaiotaomicron
were grown in minimal medium (MM) with either glucose or N-
acetyllactosamine as the sole carbon source as described previously
8-10 week old male and female germ-free Swiss Webster mice were purchased from
Taconic Farms (Germantown, NY) and bred in flexible film isolators. For gnotobiotic
colonization experiments, germ-free mice were transferred to freshly autoclaved
microisolator cages, fed
ad libitum
with a standard autoclaved chow diet and given
autoclaved water supplemented with 10 μg/ml of erythromycin and 100 μg/ml of
gentamicin. Male SPF (Specific Pathogen-Free) C57BL/6 mice and Swiss Webster mice
were purchased from Taconic Farms. Male SPF NOD/ShiLtJ mice and Rag-/- C57BL/6
mice were purchased from the Jackson Laboratory. No randomization or blinding was used
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to allocate experimental groups. Sample size and standard deviation were based on empirical
data from pilot experiments. All procedures were performed in accordance with the
approved protocols using IACUC guidelines of the California Institute of Technology.
Construction of chromosomal library and screen
Genomic DNA was isolated from overnight culture of
B. fragilis
using a commercial kit
Genomic DNA Purification Kit, Promega). 20 μg of genomic DNA was incubated
with 4U of Sau3AI for 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes at 37°C in 50 μl volume and the partially
digested genomic DNA was separated by electrophoresis on 0.7% agarose gel. 9-10 kb
fragment DNA was excised and recovered from the agarose gel (Zymoclean™ Gel DNA
Recovery Kit, Zymo Research). Insert DNA was ligated to
II site of plasmid vector
BII, Supplementary Table 1), transformed into
E. coli
and amplified on LB-
ampicillin plate. Individual clones from the plasmid library were mobilized from
E. coli
B. vulgatus
by conjugal helper plasmid RK231 generating a library of
B. vulgatus
chromosomal DNA fragments consisting of approximately
2100 clones. To screen
the library
in vivo
, pools of 96 clones (10
CFU of each clone) were gavaged into 22 germ-
free Swiss Webster mice (10
CFU per animal) pre-colonized with
B. vulgatus
pFD340 for
1-2 weeks. Two weeks after gavage, fresh fecal samples were plated on BHIS agar plate
containing chloramphenicol to select for clones with colonization phenotype.
Generation of
ccfA, ccfC, ccfD, ccfE
(ΔCCF) and ΔBF0227-0229 deletion mutants
2 kb DNA segments flanking the region to be deleted were PCR amplified using primers
listed in Supplementary Table 2. Reverse primer of the left flanking DNA and forward
primer of the right flanking DNA were designed to be partially complementary at their 5
ends by 18-21 bp. Fusion PCR was performed using the left and right flanking DNA (
ng each after gel purification) as DNA template and forward primer of the left flanking
DNA and reverse primer of the right flanking DNA
. The fused PCR product was cloned
HI or
I site of the
conjugal suicide vector pNJR6 and mobilized into
B. fragilis
. Colonies selected for erythromycin resistance (Em
), indicating integration of the
suicide vector into the host chromosome were passaged for five days and then plated on
nonselective medium (BHIS). The resulting colonies were replica plated to BHIS containing
Em, and Em
(erythromycin sensitive) colonies were screened by PCR to distinguish wild-
type revertants from strains with the desired mutation. The same strategy was employed to
generate Δ
deletion mutant from
B. vulgatus
Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR)
Total RNA was extracted from mid-log phase bacterial culture using ZR Fungal/Bacterial
RNA MiniPrep™ (Zymo Research), feces and cecal content from mice using ZR Soil/Fecal
RNA MicroPrep™ (Zymo Research), and mouse colon tissues after removing luminal
content by gently scraping the mucosal surface and PBS rinse using Trizol (Invitrogen).
cDNA was made using an iSCRIPT cDNA synthesis kit per manufacturer's instructions
(Bio-Rad). All qRT-PCR reactions were performed in ABI PRISM 7900HT Fast Real-Time
PCR System (Applied Biosystems) using Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied
Biosystems). Gene-specific primers are described in Supplementary Table 2.
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Immunofluorescent staining of colon whole-mounts and frozen sections
For whole-mount staining, colons were fixed in buffered 4% paraformaldehyde, washed
with PBS and subjected to indirect immunofluorescence. Tissues were made permeable by
incubation with 0.5% (wt/vol) saponin, 2% (vol/vol) FBS, and 0.09% (wt/vol) azide in PBS
for at least 18 hours. The same buffer was used for subsequent incubations with antibodies.
Colon fragments were incubated with a primary polyclonal chicken IgY anti-
B. fragilis
antibodies for 12-16 hours at room temperature (RT) followed by 1-2 hour incubation at
37°C. Following PBS washes, samples were reacted with goat anti-chicken IgY secondary
antibodies (Alexa Fluor 488 or Alexa Fluor 633, 2 μg/ml, Molecular Probes), fluorescently
labeled phalloidin (fluorescein or AF568, 2 U/ml, Molecular Probes) and DAPI (2 μg/ml,
Molecular Probes) for 1 hour at RT. Tissues were mounted in Prolong Gold (Invitrogen) and
allowed to cure for at least 48 hours prior to imaging. In some experiments, anti-
B. fragilis
antibodies were pre-absorbed on tissue fragments derived from either germ-free mice (up to
18 hours at RT) or SPF mice (1 hour at RT).
For frozen sections, colon tissues were embedded in O.C.T. Compound (Sakura Finetek),
frozen on dry ice, and stored at -80°C. Frozen blocks were cut with a thickness of 10 μm
using a Microm HM505E cryostat, and sections were collected on positively charged slides
(Fisher Scientific) for staining. Slides were fixed with 4% buffered paraformaldehyde for 10
minutes and washed 2×10 minutes with PBS. Tissue sections were blocked with 10%
normal goat serum and 0.5% bovine serum albumin in PBS for 1 hour at RT. Sections were
incubated with anti-
B. fragilis
antibodies for at least 8 hours at 4°C, washed 2 times for 10
minutes with PBS, reacted with secondary reagents and mounted as described above. In
some experiments, anti-
B. fragilis
antibodies were pre-absorbed for 1 hour at RT on tissue
sections derived from germ-free mice.
Fluorescence microscopy
An SP5 resonant laser-scanning confocal and two-photon microscope (both scanning heads
mounted on the same DM 6000 upright microscope, Leica Microsystems) with a 40× oil
objective (numerical aperture 1.4) or 63× oil objective (numerical aperture 1.4) were used
for fluorescence microscopy. Images used for 3D reconstructions were acquired using dual
confocal – two-photon mode. For confocal imaging, 488-nm and 543-nm excitation
wavelengths were used for Alexa Fluor 488-labeled bacteria and Alexa Fluor 568-labeled
phalliodin, and signals were detected with internal photomultiplier tubes. 2-photon imaging
was performed with 4 nondescanned detectors (Leica Microsystems) and a Chameleon Ultra
Ti: Sapphire laser (Coherent) tuned at 700–800 nm for acquisition. Emitted fluorescence
was split with 3 dichroic mirrors (496 nm, 560 nm and 593 nm) and passed through an
emission filter (Semrock) at 585/40 nm. Images (512×512) acquired with a 0.5 μm Z step
were smoothed by median filtering at kernel size 3 × 3 pixels. 3D reconstructions of crypts
and bacteria were performed using Imaris software (version 7.5.1 ×64; Bitplane AG). Crypt
structures were visualized by DAPI and phalloidin signals. Images used for quantification
were acquired with FluoView FV10i confocal microscope (Olympus) using 60× (numerical
aperture 1.35) oil objective.
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Image analysis
For bacterial localization with respect to the epithelial layer, frames of 512×512 pixels were
acquired with 1 μm Z steps in the crypt length axis. Images were processed using ImageJ
software (NIH). Background was subtracted (rolling ball method), images were smoothed by
median filtering (3×3 pixels), segmented by threshold and position of the signal in the Z
stack was recorded. Data did not follow normal distribution and were analyzed by non-
parametric two-sided Mann-Whitney U test.
For quantification of crypt associated bacterial signals from antibiotic treated animals, stacks
of 512×512 pixels by 8 frames (1 μm per frame) were flattened by maximum intensity
projection and filtered by median (3×3 kernel size). Images were segmented by
thresholding. Number of positive spots/1000 μm
and area occupied by individual spots
were analyzed. Data were not normally distributed and were analyzed by Mann-Whitney or
Kruskal-Wallis followed by Dunn's multiple comparisons test where appropriate. 11-13
stacks/group were examined. Total area that was analyzed within the group of stacks was
between 0.08-0.2 mm
Gnotobiotic animal colonization experiments
8-12 week old germ-free Swiss Webster mice were gavaged once with a 100 μl of bacterial
suspension for mono-association (
CFU of each bacterial strain harvested from a log-
phase culture and resuspended in PBS with 1.5% NaHCO
). For sequential colonization,
germ-free mice were mono-associated with an initial strain for 6-7 days and subsequently
gavaged with a 100 μl suspension of a challenge strain. All
strains used to
colonize germ-free animals were resistant to gentamicin inherently, and to erythromycin by
plasmid. Unless otherwise indicated, the initial strains carried pFD340-
resistant; Cm
) and the challenge strains, pFD340-
(tetracycline resistant; Tet
). For
horizontal transfer by encounter experiment, two single-housed mice that were mono-
associated with either WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
ΔCCF pFD340-
for at
least 3 weeks were co-housed in a fresh sterile cage for 4 hours and then separated. At each
time point, fresh fecal samples were collected, weighed, homogenized and serially diluted in
PBS (or BHI broth) for plating on selective media to determine bacterial CFU per g of feces.
SPF animal colonization experiments
7-8 week old male SPF mice (C57BL/6, Swiss Webster, NOD, and Rag-/-) were given a
single inoculum of 1×10
CFU of either WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
ΔCCF, or 1:1 mixture of
the two strains by oral gavage. At each time point, bacterial genomic DNA from fecal
samples were isolated using a commercial kit (ZR Fecal DNA MiniPrep™, Zymo Research)
following the manufacturer's instructions and the relative densities of bacteria were
determined by qPCR using strain-specific primers (Supplementary Table 2).
Citrobacter rodentium infection
8 week old female SPF Swiss Webster mice were treated with metronidazole (100 mg/kg)
by oral gavage every 24 hours and ciprofloxacin dissolved in drinking water (0.625 mg/ml;
Hikma Pharmaceuticals) for seven days; mice were transferred to a fresh sterile cage every
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two days. Two days after the cessation of antibiotic treatment, mice were orally gavaged
with a single inoculum of 1:1 mixture of WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
total per animal). 6-7 days after
B. fragilis
gavage, mice were either infected orally with
CFU of overnight culture
C. rodentium
or PBS-gavaged as control. The relative
densities of bacteria were determined by fecal bacterial DNA extraction and qPCR.
Antibiotic treatment
8 week old female SPF Swiss Webster mice were treated with metronidazole (100 mg/kg)
by oral gavage every 24 hours and ciprofloxacin dissolved in drinking water (0.625 mg/ml)
for seven days; mice were transferred to a fresh sterile cage every two days. Two days after
the cessation of antibiotic treatment, mice were orally gavaged with a single inoculum of 1:1
mixture of WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
CFU total per animal). 6-7 days
B. fragilis
gavage, one group of mice were treated with ciprofloxacin for 4 days
dissolved in drinking water (1 mg/ml) and another group were left untreated. The relative
densities of bacteria were determined by fecal bacterial DNA extraction and qPCR.
Antibiotic treatment for colon whole-mount imaging
8 week old female SPF Swiss Webster mice were treated with metronidazole (100 mg/kg)
by oral gavage every 24 hours and ciprofloxacin dissolved in drinking water (0.625 mg/ml)
for seven days; mice were transferred to a fresh sterile cage every two days. Two days after
the cessation of antibiotic treatment, mice were orally gavaged with a 100 μl inoculum of
CFU) or PBS. 7 days after bacterial gavage (day 16), PBS or
B. fragilis
inoculated mice were treated with ciprofloxacin in drinking water (1 mg/ml) for 7 days and
one group of
B. fragilis
inoculated mice were left untreated. At the end of the ciprofloxacin
treatment (day 23), feces were collected for stool DNA extraction and colon tissues were
harvested and fixed with 4% PFA for whole-mount imaging.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We thank Taren Thron and Sara McBride (Caltech) for the maintenance of germ-free animals, Jane Selicha
(Caltech) for assisting with the experimental procedures, and Grzegorz Chodaczek (LIAI) for help with confocal
and two-photon microscopy. We are grateful to Dr. Eric C. Martens (Univ. of Michigan) and members of the
Mazmanian laboratory for critical review of the manuscript. S.M.L. and G.P.D. were supported by a pre-doctoral
training grant (GM007616). This work was supported by grants from the NIH (GM099535 and DK078938) and the
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America to S.K.M.
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Figure 1.
species occupy species-specific niches in the gut via an evolutionarily
conserved genetic locus
Germ-free mice were mono-associated with
B. fragilis
and challenged orally with (
; (
B. vulgatus
; or (
B. fragilis
, Mice were mono-associated with
erythromycin sensitive
B. fragilis
, and subsequently challenged with erythromycin resistant
B. fragilis
. Erythromycin was administered where indicated.
, Genomic organization of the
, Mice were mono-associated with either WT
B. fragilis
, mutant strains deleted in
(BFΔCCF), or complemented strain (BFΔCCF
CCF) and
challenged with WT
B. fragilis.
CFUs were determined after 30 days.
, Mice were mono-
associated with WT
B. vulgatus
or a mutant strain deleted in
genes (BVΔCCF), and
challenged with WT
B. vulgatus
. CFUs were determined after 30 days. In all sequential
colonization studies, results are representative of at least 2 independent trials (n=3-4
, Cross-colonization between WT
B. fragilis
and BFΔCCF mono-
associated mice at 7 days after encounter measured by CFUs of the initially colonizing and
the horizontally transmitted (challenge) strains. (n=2 animals/encounter, 5 independent
trials). All graphs: Dashed line indicates the limit of detection at 100 CFU/g feces, and error
bars indicate standard deviation (SD).
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Figure 2.
B. fragilis
colonization of the colonic crypts is mediated by the CCF system
, qRT-PCR of
gene expression levels normalized to 16S rRNA (n=3 animals, 2 trials).
Mice were mono-associated with either WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
ΔCCF, and
challenged with WT
B. fragilis
. The percentage of challenge strain was determined in the
lumen (feces) and colon after 1 day (n=8 animals/group).
, Confocal micrographs of germ-
free, WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
ΔCCF mono-associated mice colon whole-mount. Crypts
are visualized by DAPI (nuclei, blue) and phalloidin (F-actin, green). Bacteria (red) are
stained with IgY polyclonal antibody raised against
B. fragilis
. Images are representative of
7 different sites analyzed from at least 2 different colons. Scale bar: 5 μm.
, 3D
reconstructions of colon crypts from WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
ΔCCF mono-associated
mice. Bacteria are detected on the apical surface of the epithelium (arrows) and in the crypt
space (arrowhead). Scale bar: 10 μm.
, Quantification of bacterial penetration, measured as
distance from the epithelial surface per crypt. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean
(SEM). NS: not significant. ND: not detected. **
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Figure 3.
B. fragilis
requires the
genes for stable and resilient colonization of mice
, Groups of SPF Rag-/- mice were gavaged with either WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
, SPF Rag-/- mice were given a 1:1 co-inoculum of WT
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
single gavage.
, SPF NOD mice were gavaged with either WT
B. fragilis
, SPF NOD mice were given a 1:1 co-inoculum of WT
B. fragilis
ΔCCF by single gavage.
, SPF mice were co-associated with WT
B. fragilis
ΔCCF, and infected with
Citrobacter rodentium
, SPF mice were co-associated with
B. fragilis
B. fragilis
ΔCCF, and given ciprofloxacin in drinking water for the time
period shown. For all analyses, bacterial colonization levels were assessed by real-time
qRT-PCR from stool DNA (n=4 animals/group). Results are representative of at least 2
independent trials per experiments. Error bars indicate SEM.*
<0.05. ***
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