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Experimental observations and numerical modeling of lipid-shell
microbubbles with calcium-adhering moieties for minimally-
invasive treatment of urinary stones
Yuri A. Pishchalnikov
R&D, Applaud Medical, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 94107;
William Behnke-Parks
Applaud Medical, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 94107;
Kazuki Maeda
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98105;
Tim Colonius
Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
Matthew Mellema
Applaud Medical, Inc., San Francisco,CA, 94107;
Matthew Hopcroft
Applaud Medical, Inc., San Francisco,CA, 94107;
Alice Luong
Applaud Medical, Inc., San Francisco,CA, 94107;
Scott Wiener
Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, 94143;
Marshall L. Stoller
Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, 94143;
Thomas Kenny
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 94305;
Daniel J. Laser
Applaud Medical, Inc., San Francisco, CA 94107;
A novel treatment modality incorporating calcium-adhering microbubbles has recently entered
human clinical trials as a new minimally-invasive approach to treat urinary stones. In this
treatment method, lipid-shell gas-core microbubbles can be introduced into the urinary tract
through a catheter. Lipid moities with calcium-adherance properties incorporated into the lipid
shell facilitate binding to stones. The microbubbles can be excited by an extracorporeal source of
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Proc Meet Acoust
. 2018 ; 35(1): . doi:10.1121/2.0000958.
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quasi-collimated ultrasound. Alternatively, the microbubbles can be excited by an intraluminal
source, such as a fiber-optic laser. With either excitation technique, calcium-adhering
microbubbles can significantly increase rates of erosion, pitting, and fragmentation of stones. We
report here on new experiments using high-speed photography to characterize microbubble
expansion and collapse. The bubble geometry observed in the experiments was used as one of the
initial shapes for the numerical modeling. The modeling showed that the bubble dynamics strongly
depends on bubble shape and stand-off distance. For the experimentally observed shape of
microbubbles, the numerical modeling showed that the collapse of the microbubbles was
associated with pressure increases of some two-to-three orders of magnitude compared to the
excitation source pressures. This in-vitro study provides key insights into the use of microbubbles
with calcium-adhering moieties in treatment of urinary stones.
Stone-adhering microbubbles
have recently entered human clinical trials as a medical
device for minimally invasive approach to treat urinary stones. Gas-filled microbubbles are
introduced through a catheter and adhere to urinary stones with calcium-adhering moieties
incorporated into encapsulating lipid shells.
The microbubbles can be excited either
minimally invasively (e.g., with a laser coupled to an optical fiber delivered through the
ureter via a ureteroscope) or non-invasively with an extracorporeal source of ultrasound(Fig.
With either excitation technique, recent studies suggest that the stone-adhering
microbubbles can significantly increase the breakage of urinary stones.
To better
understanding the mechanisms of action of microbubbles in treatment of urinary stones, here
we studied the dynamics of microbubbles at the surface of urinary stones
in vitro
. This study
is a continuation of the work presented at the previous 175
meeting of the Acoustical
Society of America.
The microbubbles were driven with quasi-collimated ultrasound at low
intensities and studied using a high-speed video microscopy. The observed bubble geometry
and the stand-off distance were used as input parameters for the numerical modeling of the
collapsing bubbles. The modeling showed that the collapse of stone-adhering microbubbles
can produce pressure spikes with amplitudes significantly greater than the amplitude of the
driving acoustic waves.
Stone-adhering microbubbles (Applaud Medical, Inc.) were made of perfluoroalkane gas
encapsulated into lipid shells with calcium-adhering moieties.
The chemical
composition of the moieties was based on a synthetic pyrophosphate analog structure
conferring adhering affinity for calcium constituents urinary stones.
These experiments were conducted with surgically retrieved calcium-oxalate-monohydrate
urinary stones. The stones were hydrated in deionized water and positioned in the test tank
to study the dynamics of microbubbles with a high-speed video microscopy (Fig. 2).
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Bubble dynamics was captured using a high-speed (HS) camera Shimadzu Hyper Vision
HPV-X2 (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The camera had a burst image sensor FTCMOS2 with
ISO sensitivity of 16,000 and a monochrome 10-bit resolution. The camera recorded 400- by
250-pixel frames either in FP or HP mode. The FP mode captured every pixel recording 128
frames at a rate up to five million frames per second (Mfps). The HP mode captured every
other pixel interpolating the images to 400- by 250-pixel frames and recording 256 frames at
a rate up to 10 Mfps. The physical size of sensor pixels was 32 by 32
The high-speed camera was used with a Nikon Eclipse TS100 microscope with a 4
objective (4
/0.13 PhL DL, WD 16.4, Nikon Plan Fluor), a 2.5× projection lens (Nikon CF
), and a 34-cm extension tube (Thorlabs Inc., Newton, NJ, USA). The optical
magnification was determined using a metallized hemacytometer (Hausser Bright-Line,
Hausser Scientific, Horsham, PA, USA) and was 1
m per pixel.
Nikon Eclipse TS100 microscope had inverted configuration in which the objective was
positioned at the bottom. To use this configuration, a test tank had a transparent glass
window at the bottom of the tank (Fig. 2). The window was made of a microscope slide
1 mm, VistaVision, VWR International, LLC, Radnor, PA) glued along its edges to
the bottom of the tank. The tank was 3-D printed from a thermoplastic material—
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene—and covered with a waterproof coating (Marine Grade
Epoxy 109 Medium, Tap Plastics, CA, USA). The test tank was filled with six liters of water
(PURELAB Chorus 1 for Life Science Applications, ELGA, Veolia Water Solutions and
Technologies, UK) with an electrical resistivity of 18.2 MOhm-cm and the ultrafiltration to
particle size less than 0.05
m. The water remained in the tank for several days and was in
equilibrium with atmospheric gases.
We used both continuous and flashlight illumination. The continuous lighting was provided
by a fluorescence illumination system EXFO X-cite 120 (XE120, Photonic Solutions Inc.,
Mississauga, Ontario, CA). This light source used a 120-W Metal Halide lamp coupled to a
liquid lightguide. The end of the lightguide was positioned at about 1 cm above the stone to
backlit the stone (Fig. 2). The side lighting was provided by a flashlamp WRF300 (Hadland
Imaging LLC, Santa Cruz, CA). This spark-discharge lamp produced a light pulse with the
duration of about 10
s. The spark light was delivered through a liquid lightguide
illuminating the side of the stone proximal to the incoming acoustic waves (Fig. 2).
Driving acoustic waves were generated with a custom-made piezo-electric transducer
(manufactured for Applaud Medical by Sonic Concepts, Inc., Bothell, WA). The active
element of the transducer was made of a piezo-electric plate (72.3
3.18 mm) divided
into eight elements and connected in pairs. Each pair was driven by one of the four
controllable power amplifiers (AP-400B, ENI, USA). The frequency and duration of the
acoustic bursts were computer controlled by a specially designed signal generator, allowing
us to not only reproduce the frequency modulation used in the clinic but also to study other
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driving regimes. In this work, the acoustic bursts were generated with a frequency set of 400,
400, 433, and 433 kHz.
Acoustic waves were measured using a needle hydrophone with a frequency range of 50
kHz–1.9 MHz (Y-104, Sonic Concepts, Inc., Bothell, WA). The sensitive element of the
hydrophone was a ceramic crystal with a diameter of 1.5 mm. The sensitive element was
embedded at the rounded tip of the hydrophone enclosed in a metal tube with a diameter of 3
mm. As the diameter of the tip was comparable with the wavelength of acoustic waves (
3.8 mm), the hydrophone sensitivity depended on hydrophone’s orientations and was
about 6 V/MPa for the normal angle of incidence of acoustic waves. The angular response of
the hydrophone was measured and taken into account in these measurements. The
uncertainty of pressure measurements was estimated to be on the order of 30%. Another
uncertainty was related to the scattering of acoustic waves by the irregular surface of the
urinary stone. As the characterization of wave scattering was beyond the scope of this report,
the driving acoustic pressure was measured without the stone by positioning the sensitive tip
of the hydrophone at the focus of the microscope. The pressure at the stone, however, could
be greater due to reflection of pressure waves from the nearly rigid surface of the stone.
A typical trace of the hydrophone is shown in Fig. 3. The central frequency of the driving
acoustic bursts was 416.5 kHz with the duration of the beat envelope of
s. During the
first four acoustic cycles (
90 – 100
s), the driving pressure increased reaching a pressure
amplitude of ~1.5 ± 0.5 MPa. The increase of the driving acoustic pressure was associated
with the growth of bubbles toa larger size from cycle to cycle. The collapse of the larger
bubbles could produce daughter microbubbles that became visible in the subsequent acoustic
cycles. In this study, we focus on the dynamics of a single microbubble during one acoustic
cycle marked by a red rectangle starting at
s and lasting for a period of 2.4
s (Fig. 3).
The collapse of the gas bubble in the liquid was simulated using a compressible multi-
component flow solver.
In the solver, an anti-diffusion based interface sharpening
was used to suppress numerical diffusion of the gas-liquid interface. We neglect
viscosity, surface tension, and heat and mass transfer across the gas-liquid interface. The
bubble was assumed to remain axisymmetric. The stone was modeled as an acoustically-
rigid infinite plane wall. Both fluids were initially at rest, assuming that the bubble was fully
expanded before its collapse. The initial pressure of the liquid was set to
= 1.55 MPa.
The initial pressure and density of the gas, the shape of the bubble, and its stand-off distance
from the wall were varied.
Figures 4 and 5 show typical growth-collapse cycles of representative microbubbles at the
surface of an urinary stone. These sequences of images were recorded with the high-speed
camera during one acoustic cycle of the driving wave marked by the red rectangle in Fig. 3.
Under these driving conditions, microbubbles grew to several tens of micrometers. The
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bubble in Fig. 5 was smaller and collapsed earlier than the bubble in Fig. 4. Among
hundreds of microbubbles observed in this system over the course of months of experiments,
the vast majority exhibit a slightly non-spherical shape at their maximum expansion similar
to that seen in the
~ 1
s frames in Figs. 4 and 5, with a cross-section well modeled as an
We modeled the collapse approximating the initial shape of the bubble as an oblate spheroid
(major semi-axis of 31
m, minor semi-axis of 20
m, and the stand-off distance of 12
with two initial gas pressures (
= 10 Pa and
= 7 kPa) representing low and high gas
content in the bubble (Fig. 6). The pressure
was chosen by approximating that the
bubble filled with ambient air was polytropically expanded from about 1.2 to 26
m radius;
the pressure
would occur in the expanded bubble filled with water vapor at
Despite the three-orders-of-magnitude difference in the gas content of the bubbles (10 Pa vs
7 kPa), the bubbles show similar dynamics (Fig. 6) and produced similar pressures at the
stone surface (Fig. 7). The bubble dynamics, however, strongly depended on the initial shape
and stand-off distance (Fig. 8).
Figure 8 shows the collapse of the bubbles with three distinct initial geometries: a
hemisphere (a), an oblate spheroid (b), and a sphere with the stand-off distances of 1.25 (c)
and 1.75 (d). The hemispherical bubble and the bubble with the initial shape of an oblate
spheroid were collapsing mainly in the direction toward the axis of symmetry of the bubble
with a circumferential narrowing pinching the bubbles. The spherical bubble collapsed
without the pinching even though the flow of liquid toward the axis of symmetry deformed
the sphere into the egg shape at the beginning of the collapse. Later during the collapse the
axial jet dominated the dynamics of the collapse of the initially spherical bubbles.
Kornfeld and Suvorov were among the first showing that cavitation bubbles growing and
collapsing at a rigid surface are non-spherical.
More recently, lipid-shell microbubbles
adherent to a flexible cellulose boundary were observed to oscillate asymmetrically
acquiring an ellipsoidal shape,
similar to the bubble shape observed in the present study
with microbubbles at the surface of urinary stones.
The present high-speed video observations showed that stone-adhering microbubbles driven
by ultrasound at sub–MHz frequencies with pressure amplitude on the order of 1.5 MPa
(Fig. 3) can grow to tens of micrometer in size (Figs. 4 and 5) and violently collapse.
Although the direct measurements of pressure produced by the collapsing bubbles is
the numerical modeling of the collapse suggests that the bubbles can produce
pressures on the order of 0.5 GPa (Fig. 7). Hence, these results suggest that the collapsing
microbubbles can produce local pressures two-to-three orders of magnitude greater than the
amplitude of the driving wave.
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For comparison, this pressure amplitude is greater than peak positive pressures generated in
the focus of shock wave lithotripters. In shock wave lithotripsy, to break urinary stones the
shock pulses have peak positive pressure of 15–120 MPa.
This positive-pressure phase
of the lithotripter pulse is followed by the negative-pressure phase with a tensile stress of 5–
20 MPa. The tensile stress causes an inertial growth of cavitation bubbles that collapse
usually hundreds of microseconds after the passage of the lithotripter pulse.
cavitation bubbles in shock wave lithotripsy collapse under a static pressure of 0.1 MPa. In
comparison, the collapse of the stone-adhering microbubbles considered here was intensified
by the positive-pressure phase of the driving acoustic wave with the amplitude of ~1.5 MPa.
Further, the lithotripter shock pulses have a total duration of
s and are typically
administered at pulse repetition frequencies (PRFs) of 0.5–2 Hz.
Moreover, it has been
shown that stone breakage at 2 Hz PRF was significantly reduced in comparison with stone
breakage at 0.5 Hz.
In comparison with shock wave lithotripsy, the stone-adhering
microbubbles driven with acoustic bursts can produce thousands of collapses per second.
One caveat to the present numerical results is that mass transfer was not modeled. To assess
the extent to which the gas content may influence bubble dynamics, we modeled the
collapse with two initial gas pressures:
= 10 Pa and
= 7000 Pa. The pressure
which is the vapor pressure at
39°C, was likely a representation of high gas content in the
bubble. The modeling showed, however, that both bubbles had similar dynamics during the
collapse (Fig. 6) and produced similar pressures at the rigid surface (Fig. 7). Specifically, the
peak pressure produced by the collapsing bubbles at the rigid wall was 445 MPa at
421 MPa at
(Fig. 7). Hence, this numerical modeling suggests that the gas content in this
range did not substantially affect the results.
In the present modeling, we did not assess the influence of the grid resolution. We plan on
refining the grid resolution by using an adaptive mesh refinement approach.
Here the stone was modeled as an acoustically rigid plane wall neglecting elasticity and
geometry of urinary stones. It has been shown, however, that both factors influence the
dynamics of bubbles.
Furthermore, in this work the driving acoustic field was measured
without the stone in place. It is reasonable to anticipate that the actual pressure field at the
stone would be influenced by the scattering of the acoustic waves from the stone. The
geometry of the hydrophone, however, did not allow us using the hydrophone for acoustic
measurements at the stone without affecting the acoustic field. Here, the driving pressure
was modeled as a pressure step with a constant pressure
at large distances from the
The driving transducer was submerged in the water tank providing almost ideal transmission
of the acoustic waves. It has been observed with dry-head lithotripters that the coupling gel
could trap air pockets diminishing the transmission of acoustic energy to the target.
The investigation of the extent to which the above effects may affect the acoustic field was
beyond the scope of this report.
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In summary, we used high-speed video microscopy to observe the dynamics of microbubbles
at the surface of urinary stones
in vitro
. Microbubbles, driven by acoustic bursts with sub-
MHz central frequencies and
1.5 MPa pressure amplitudes, expanded to tens of
micrometers in diameter and were non-spherical. The bubble geometry observed in the high-
speed camera observations was used as the initial shape for the numerical modeling. The
modeling showed that microbubbles collapsing at the rigid surface produced pressure spikes
two-to-three orders of magnitude greater than the amplitude of the driving wave. This
focusing ability of stone-adhering microbubbles can enable stone-treatment modalities with
driving pressures significantly lower than those required without stone-adhering
We thank Dr. R. Shiraki for chemical analysis of stones’ composition. MS and TK are founding members of
Applaud Medical. YP, WBP, MM, MH and DL are employees/investigators for Applaud Medical, where the
experimental part of this work was done. Numerical modeling was performed in Caltech by TC and KM, who
acknowledge support from the National Institutes of Health (P01-DK043881) and the Office of Naval Research
(N00014-17-1-2676 and N0014-18-1-2625).
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Figure 1:
The concept of treating urinary stones using microbubbles with calcium-adhering moieties.
Gas-filled microbubbles are introduced into the urinary tract through a catheter and adhere
to an urinary stone (middle). The adhered microbubbles are excited with an extracorporeal
source of quasi-collimated ultrasound and erode the stone facilitating its passage through the
urinary tract.
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Figure 2:
Experimental setup. Left: general view with the HS-camera (top left), the spark-light source
(bottom left), and the water test tank positioned over the inverted microscope (center).
Middle: view in the test tank. Right: zoomed up view of an urinary stone positioned at the
focus of the microscope. Backand side-illumination was provided by two liquid lightguides
positioned at about 1 cm from the stone.
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Figure 3:
The driving acoustic pressure measured with a hydrophone positioned at the focus of the
microscope. The red rectangle marks the acoustic period shown in HS-camera movies (Figs.
4 and 5).
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Figure 4:
High-speed imaging of the growth (top row) and collapse (bottom row) of a bubble at the
surface of an urinary stone during one acoustic cycle recorded in FP mode at 5 Mfps and
100-ns exposure.
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Figure 5:
High-speed imaging of the growth and collapse of a bubble recorded in HP mode at 10 Mfps
and 50-ns exposure. The bubble growth (top row) is shown at 0.2-
s step skipping every
other frame.
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Figure 6:
Two simulations of bubbles collapsing with different initial gas pressure of
= 10 Pa (top)
= 7 kPa (bottom) representing low and high gas content in the bubble. The top
halves show the volume fraction of liquid
; the bottom halves show the pressure
. The
black contour lines are drawn at the volume fraction of
= 50% suggesting the position of
the liquid-gas interface. The stone was modeled as a rigid surface located along the left
boundary of the simulation domain, initially separated from the microbubbles by a thin layer
of liquid.
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Figure 7:
vs time
at five lateral distances
along the stone surface for the two simulations
shown in Fig. 6. The radial distance
= 0 corresponds to the axis of symmetry of the bubble.
Regardless of the initial gas pressure in the bubble (
), the bubbles produced
pressure pulses with an amplitude about two-to-three orders of magnitude greater than the
driving pressure of
= 1.55 MPa.
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