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Acoustic Biosensors for Ultrasound Imaging of Enzyme Activity
Anupama Lakshmanan
Zhiyang Jin
Suchita P. Nety
Daniel P. Sawyer
Audrey Lee-
Dina Malounda
Margaret B. Swift
David Maresca
Mikhail G. Shapiro
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA-91125, USA
Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA-91125, USA
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA-91125, USA
Visualizing biomolecular and cellular processes inside intact living organisms is a major goal of
chemical biology. However, existing molecular biosensors, based primarily on fluorescent
emission, have limited utility in this context due to the scattering of light by tissue. In contrast,
ultrasound can easily image deep tissue with high spatiotemporal resolution, but lacks the
biosensors needed to connect its contrast to the activity of specific biomolecules such as enzymes.
To overcome this limitation, we introduce the first genetically encodable acoustic biosensors -
molecules that ‘light up’ in ultrasound imaging in response to protease activity. These biosensors
are based on a unique class of air-filled protein nanostructures called gas vesicles, which we
engineered to produce non-linear ultrasound signals in response to the activity of three different
protease enzymes. We demonstrate the ability of these biosensors to be imaged
in vitro
, inside
engineered probiotic bacteria, and
in vivo
in the mouse gastrointestinal tract.
Virtually every biological process in living organisms involves dynamic changes in the
concentration or activity of specific molecules. Visualizing these changes within the context
of intact living tissues is critical to expanding our understanding of biological function and
developing next-generation medicines. A large repertoire of genetically encoded fluorescent
sensors has been developed to image specific molecular and cellular events
. However,
deploying such biosensors in living organisms is challenging due to the limited penetration
Correspondence should be addressed to MGS: mikhail@caltech.edu, Phone: 626-395-8588 or 617-835-0878, 1200 E. California
Blvd, MC 210-41, Pasadena, CA 91125.
Contributed equally
A.L. and M.G.S conceived the study. A.L., Z.J. and S.P.N. designed and planned experiments. A.L., Z.J., S.P.N., D.P.S., A.L-G.,
M.B.S. and D. Mal. conducted the experiments. Z.J., D.P.S. and D. Mar. wrote the MATLAB scripts for ultrasound imaging and data
processing. A.L, Z.J. and M.G.S. analyzed the data. A.L., Z.J. and M.G.S wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. All authors
have given approval to the final version of the manuscript.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Nat Chem Biol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 March 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Nat Chem Biol
. 2020 September ; 16(9): 988–996. doi:10.1038/s41589-020-0591-0.
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of light in tissue
. In contrast, non-invasive techniques such as ultrasound are capable of
imaging deep tissues with high spatial and temporal resolution (below 100 μm and 1 ms,
. However, ultrasound currently lacks the sensors needed to observe dynamic
molecular activity.
Here, we introduce molecular biosensors for ultrasound based on gas vesicles (GVs), a
unique class of air-filled protein nanostructures that were recently established as genetically
encodable imaging agents for ultrasound
. GVs evolved in certain aquatic microbes as a
means to regulate cellular buoyancy for optimal photosynthetic illumination
. GV
nanostructures comprise a 2 nm-thick protein shell enclosing an air-filled compartment, with
genetically determined widths between 45–250 nm and lengths of several hundred nm
The low density and high compressibility of GVs relative to surrounding aqueous media
allows these proteins to scatter sound waves and thereby produce ultrasound contrast when
injected into the body or expressed heterologously in engineered cells
We hypothesized that we could engineer GV-based biosensors that dynamically change their
ultrasound contrast in response to the activity of specific biomolecules. This possibility
arises from the recent discovery that GVs’ acoustic properties can be modified at the level of
their constituent proteins
. In particular, the scaffolding protein GvpC, which sits on the
GV surface (Fig. 1a) and provides structural reinforcement
, can be modified at the level of
its amino acid sequence to change GV mechanics. For example, shortening or removing
GvpC makes GVs less rigid, allowing them to buckle more easily under acoustic
. This reversible buckling produces nonlinear ultrasound contrast, which
appropriate ultrasound pulse sequences readily distinguish from the linear signals produced
by non-buckling GVs and background tissue
As an initial target for acoustic biosensor development, we chose proteases - an important
class of enzymes involved in many aspects of cellular signaling, homeostasis, disease,
therapy and synthetic biology
. While these enzymes were the targets of some of the
first fluorescent biosensors
, and continue to be a major focus of sensor engineering
no acoustic biosensors of protease activity have been developed. We postulated that by
engineering variants of GvpC incorporating amino acid sequences that are recognized and
acted upon by specific proteases, we could generate GVs whose nonlinear ultrasound
contrast becomes activated by protease activity. As representative targets, we selected the
constitutively active tobacco etch virus (TEV) endopeptidase, the calcium-dependent
mammalian protease calpain, and the processive bacterial protease ClpXP. We set out to test
the ability of acoustic biosensors engineered to respond to each of these enzymes to reveal
their activity under ultrasound, and to demonstrate biosensor imaging
in vitro
, in living
engineered cells, and
in vivo
in the mouse gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Engineering an acoustic sensor of TEV endopeptidase
We selected the TEV endopeptidase as our first sensing target because of its well-
characterized recognition sequence and widespread use in biochemistry and synthetic
. To sense TEV activity, we engineered a GvpC variant containing the TEV
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recognition motif ENLYFQ’G (Fig. 1b), hypothesizing that the cleavage of GvpC into two
smaller segments would cause the GV shell to become less stiff, thereby allowing it to
undergo buckling and produce enhanced nonlinear ultrasound contrast. We implemented this
in vitro
using GVs from
Anabaena flos-aque
(Ana), whose native GvpC can be
removed after GV isolation, and replaced with new versions expressed heterologously in
Escherichia coli
. Ana GvpC comprises five repeats of a predicted alpha-helical
polypeptide (Fig. 1a), and we tested insertions of the TEV recognition sequence, with and
without flexible linkers of different lengths, at several locations within this protein. After
incubating the engineered GVs with active TEV protease or a heat-inactivated “dead”
control (dTEV), we measured their hydrostatic collapse using pressurized absorbance
spectroscopy. This technique measures the optical density of GVs (which scatter 500 nm
light when intact) under increasing hydrostatic pressure, providing a quick assessment of
GV shell mechanics: GVs that collapse at lower pressures also produce more nonlinear
. Using this approach, we identified an engineered GV variant that showed
70 kPa reduction in its collapse pressure midpoint upon incubation with the active TEV
protease (Fig. 1c and Extended Data Fig. 1), and selected it for further characterization. This
GV sensor for TEV, hereafter referred to as GVS
, has the TEV cleavage site on the
second repeat of GvpC, flanked by flexible GSGSGSG linkers on both sides.
TEV cleavage of the GvpC on GVS
is expected to produce N- and C-terminal fragments
with molecular weights of approximately 9 and 14 kDa, respectively. Indeed, gel
electrophoresis of GVS
after exposure to active TEV resulted in the appearance of the
two cleaved GvpC fragments and a significant reduction in the intact GvpC band intensity
(Fig. 1d). In addition, removal from solution of unbound fragments via buoyancy
purification of the GVs resulted in a reduced band intensity for the N-terminal cleavage
fragment, indicating its partial dissociation after cleavage (Fig. 1d). No significant changes
in the GvpC band intensity were observed after incubation with dTEV. Transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) images showed intact GVs with similar appearance under both
conditions, confirming that protease cleavage did not affect the structure of the underlying
GV shell (Fig. 1e). Dynamic light scattering (DLS) showed no significant difference in the
hydrodynamic diameter of the engineered GVs after incubation with dTEV and active TEV
protease, confirming that the GVs remain dispersed in solution (Fig. 1f).
After confirming the desired mechanical and biochemical properties of GVS
, we imaged
it by ultrasound. Nonlinear imaging was performed in hydrogel samples containing the
biosensor, using a recently developed cross-amplitude modulation (x-AM) pulse sequence
x-AM uses pairs of cross-propagating plane waves to elicit highly specific nonlinear
scattering from buckling GVs at the wave intersection, while subtracting the linear signal
generated by transmitting each wave on its own
. Linear images were acquired using a
conventional B-mode sequence. As hypothesized, exposing the GVS
samples to TEV
protease produced a strong nonlinear acoustic response, with a maximal contrast-to-noise
ratio (CNR) enhancement of
7 dB at an applied acoustic pressure of 438 kPa (Fig. 1g).
Substantially less nonlinear contrast was observed in controls exposed to dTEV, while, as
expected, both samples produced similar linear scattering. Consistent with the pressure-
dependent mechanics of the GV shell, the differential nonlinear acoustic response of
became evident at pressures above 295 kPa, and kept increasing until 556 kPa, at
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which point the GVs began to collapse (Fig. 1h and Extended Data Fig. 1). As an additional
control, we found that GVs with the wild-type GvpC sequence (GV
) showed no
difference in their hydrostatic collapse pressure or nonlinear acoustic contrast in response to
TEV protease (Extended Data Fig. 1), and no wild-type GvpC cleavage was seen upon gel
electrophoresis (Extended Data Fig. 1). These results established GVS
as an acoustic
biosensor of the TEV protease enzyme, and additionally provided an experimental template
to develop additional sensors.
Engineering an acoustic sensor of calpain
After validating our basic acoustic biosensor design using the model TEV protease, we
examined its generalizability to other endopeptidases. As our second target, we selected the
calcium-dependent cysteine protease calpain, a mammalian enzyme with critical roles in a
wide range of cell types
. The two most abundant isoforms of this protease, known as μ-
calpain and m-calpain, are expressed in many tissues and involved in processes ranging from
neuronal synaptic plasticity to cellular senescence
. We designed an acoustic biosensor
of μ-calpain by inserting the
-spectrin-derived recognition sequence QQEVY’GMMPRD
into Ana GvpC (Fig. 2a). We screened several versions of GvpC incorporating this cleavage
sequence, flanked by GSG or GSGSG linkers, at different positions within the second helical
repeat. Pressurized absorbance spectroscopy performed in buffers with and without calpain
and Ca
allowed us to identify a GV sensor for calpain (GVS
), showing an
approximately 50 kPa decrease in hydrostatic collapse pressure in the presence of the
enzyme and its ionic activator (Fig. 2b and Extended Data Fig. 2). Electrophoretic analysis
confirmed cleavage and partial dissociation of the cleaved fragments from the GV surface
(Extended Data Fig. 2), while TEM showed no change in GV morphology (Extended Data
Fig. 2).
Ultrasound imaging of GVS
revealed a robust nonlinear acoustic response when both
calpain and calcium were present (Fig. 2, c, e, g), but not in negative controls lacking either
or both of these analytes. A slight clustering tendency of GVS
nanostructures, which was
attenuated by incubation with activated calpain (Extended Data Fig. 2), resulted in a slightly
higher B-mode signal for the negative controls. However, this did not significantly affect the
maximal nonlinear sensor contrast of GVS
of approximately 7dB (Fig. 2, c, e, g). This
contrast increased steeply beyond an applied acoustic pressure of 320 kPa (Fig. 2, d, f, h and
Extended Data Fig. 2). Using this biosensor, ultrasound imaging could be used to visualize
the dynamic response of calpain to Ca
, with a half-maximal response concentration of 140
μM (Fig. 2i and Extended Data Fig. 2). Additional control experiments performed on GVs
with wild-type GvpC showed no proteolytic cleavage, change in GV collapse pressure or
ultrasound response, after incubation with calcium-activated calpain (Extended Data Fig. 3).
These results show that acoustic biosensor designs based on GvpC cleavage can be
generalized to a mammalian protease and used to sense the dynamics of a conditionally
active enzyme.
Building an acoustic sensor of the protease ClpXP
In addition to endopeptidases, another important class of enzymes involved in cellular
protein signaling and homeostasis is processive proteases, which unfold and degrade full
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proteins starting from their termini
. To determine whether GV-based biosensors could be
developed for this class of enzymes, we selected ClpXP, a processive proteolytic complex
E. Coli
comprising the unfoldase ClpX and the peptidase ClpP
. ClpX recognizes and
unfolds protein substrates containing specific terminal peptide sequences called degrons.
The unfolded proteins are then fed into ClpP, which degrades them into small peptide
. We hypothesized that the addition of a degron to the C-terminus of GvpC
would enable ClpXP to recognize and degrade this protein, while leaving the underlying
GvpA shell intact, resulting in GVs with greater mechanical flexibility and nonlinear
ultrasound contrast (Fig. 3a).
To test this hypothesis, we appended the ssrA degron, AANDENYALAA, via a short SG
linker, to the C-terminus of Ana GvpC, resulting in a sensor that we named GVS
3a). We tested the performance of this biosensor
in vitro
using a reconstituted cell-free
transcription-translation system comprising
E. Coli
extract, purified ClpX, and a ClpP-
expressing plasmid. Gel electrophoresis performed after incubating GVS
with this cell-
free extract showed significant degradation of the engineered GvpC, compared to a negative
control condition in which the extract was pre-treated with a protease inhibitor (Fig. 3b).
TEM images showed intact GVs under both conditions, confirming that GvpC degradation
left the underlying GV shell uncompromised (Fig. 3c). Pressurized absorbance spectroscopy
indicated a substantial weakening of the GV shell upon ClpXP exposure, with the
hydrostatic collapse midpoint shifting by nearly 250 kPa (Fig. 3d and Extended Data Fig. 4).
Ultrasound imaging revealed a 17dB enhancement in the nonlinear contrast produced by
at an acoustic pressure of 477 kPa, in response to ClpXP activity (Fig. 3, e–f and
Extended Data Fig. 4). Control GVs containing wild type GvpC showed no sensitivity to
ClpXP (Fig. 3, g–i and Extended Data Fig. 4). These results establish the ability of GV-
based acoustic biosensors to visualize the activity of a processive protease as turn-on
Constructing intracellular acoustic sensor genes
After demonstrating the performance of acoustic biosensors
in vitro
, we endeavored to show
that they could respond to enzymatic activity inside living cells. As the cellular host, we
E. Coli
Nissle 1917. This probiotic strain of
E. Coli
has the capacity to colonize the
mammalian gastrointestinal tract, and is widely used as a chassis for the development of
microbial therapeutics
, making it a valuable platform for intracellular biosensors.
Recently, an engineered operon comprising GV-encoding genes from
Anabaena flos-aquae
Bacillus megaterium
was expressed in Nissle cells as acoustic reporter genes (
allowing gene expression to be imaged with linear B-mode ultrasound
. To develop an
intracellular acoustic sensor gene targeting ClpXP (
), we swapped the wild type
in the
gene cluster (
) with the modified
from GVS
(Fig. 4a). For a first test of this intracellular biosensor, we transformed it into wild-type
(WT) Nissle cells, which natively express ClpXP protease, hypothesizing that it would show
a reduced intracellular collapse pressure and enhanced nonlinear contrast compared to
. Indeed, pressurized absorbance spectroscopy on intact cells expressing
revealed a reduction in the hydrostatic collapse pressure midpoint of
160 kPa relative to
cells expressing
(Extended Data Fig. 5). In ultrasound imaging, live cells
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showed an enhancement in nonlinear contrast of approximately 13 dB
(Extended Data Fig. 5), while linear B-mode signal was similar. The nonlinear response of
expressing cells was strongest beyond an acoustic pressure of 784 kPa (Extended
Data Fig. 5).
Next, to examine the ability of
to respond to intracellular enzymatic activity in a
dynamic manner, we generated a ClpXP-deficient strain of Nissle cells (Δ
) through
genomic knock-out of the genes encoding ClpX and ClpP, and created a plasmid containing
these two genes under the control of an arabinose-inducible promoter (Fig. 4a). This allowed
us to externally control the activity of the ClpXP enzyme. Δ
Nissle cells were co-
transformed with an inducible
) plasmid and
. ClpXP production
in these cells after induction with L-arabinose resulted in an approximately 160 kPa
reduction in the hydrostatic collapse pressure midpoint (Fig. 4b and Extended Data Fig. 5).
Under ultrasound imaging, cells with induced ClpXP activity showed substantially stronger
nonlinear contrast (+6.7 dB) compared to cells uninduced for this protease (Fig. 4c), while
showing a similar B-mode signal. This enhancement in nonlinear signal was detectable with
acoustic pressures above 950 kPa (Fig. 4d and Extended Data Fig. 5). These experiments
demonstrate the ability of
to function as an intracellular acoustic sensor to
monitor variable enzyme activity.
A major application of dynamic sensors in cells is to monitor the activity of natural or
synthetic gene circuits
. To test if our acoustic sensors could be used to track the output
of a synthetic gene circuit in cells, we co-transformed WT Nissle cells with
, and a
separate wild-type
gene controlled by anhydrotetracycline (aTc) (Fig. 4e). Our
hypothesis was that induction of this gene circuit only with IPTG would result in the
production of GVs with ClpXP-degradable GvpC, resulting in nonlinear contrast, whereas
the additional input of aTc would result in the co-production of non-degradable wild-type
GvpC, which would take the place of any degraded engineered GvpC on the biosensor shell
and lead to reduced nonlinear scattering (Fig. 4e). Indeed, when we induced cells with just
IPTG we observed strong nonlinear contrast. However, when aTc was added to the cultures
after IPTG induction, this contrast was reduced by approximately 10 dB (Fig. 4f–g and
Extended Data Fig. 5). These results, together with our findings in Δ
cells with
inducible ClpXP, show that acoustic biosensors can be used to visualize the output of
synthetic gene circuits.
Ultrasound imaging of intracellular ClpXP activity in vivo
Finally, after establishing the basic principles of acoustic biosensor engineering
in vitro
demonstrating their performance in living cells, we assessed the ability of our sensor
constructs to produce ultrasound contrast within a biologically relevant anatomical location
in vivo
. In particular, approaches to imaging microbes in the mammalian GI tract
needed to support the study of their increasingly appreciated roles in health and disease
and the development of engineered probiotic agents
. The GI tract is also an excellent
target for ultrasound imaging due to its relatively deep location inside the animal, and the
use of ultrasound in clinical diagnosis and animal models of GI pathology, with appropriate
measures taken to minimize potential interference from air bubbles and solid matter
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To demonstrate the ability of acoustic biosensors to produce nonlinear ultrasound contrast
within the
in vivo
context of the mouse GI tract, we first co-injected WT Nissle cells
into the mouse colon (schematic shown in Extended
Data Fig. 6), distributing one cell population along the lumen wall and the other in the lumen
center. In these proof-of-concept experiments, the cells are introduced into the colon in a
rectally-injected agarose hydrogel to enable precise positioning and control over
composition. Using nonlinear ultrasound imaging, we could clearly visualize the unique
contrast generated by the protease-sensitive
as a bright ring of contrast lining the
colon periphery (Fig. 5a). When the spatial arrangement was reversed, the bright nonlinear
contrast was concentrated in the middle of the lumen (Extended Data Fig. 7). A comparison
of ultrasound images acquired before and after acoustic collapse of the GVs, using a high-
pressure pulse from the transducer, confirmed that the bright ring of nonlinear contrast was
emanating from
-expressing cells (Fig. 5a), and this result was consistent across
independent experiments in 9 mice (Fig. 5b).
To demonstrate
in vivo
imaging of enzyme activity, we introduced Δ
Nissle cells
into the mouse colon, with and without transcriptionally activating
intracellular ClpXP (schematic shown in Extended Data Fig. 6) . As above, the cells were
contained in an agarose hydrogel. Cells induced to express this enzyme showed enhanced
nonlinear contrast compared to cells not expressing ClpXP (Fig. 5c). Acoustic collapse
confirmed the acoustic biosensors as the primary source of nonlinear signal (Fig. 5c). This
performance was consistent across 7 mice and 2 spatial arrangements of the cells (Fig. 5d).
These results demonstrate the ability of acoustic biosensors to visualize enzyme activity
within the context of
in vivo
Besides molecular sensing, one additional benefit of the nonlinear contrast generated by
-expressing cells is to make the cells easier to detect relative to background tissue
compared to linear B-mode imaging. Indeed, the nonlinear contrast of WT Nissle cells
had a significantly higher contrast-to-tissue ratio than either the
nonlinear contrast of
-expressing cells, or the B-mode contrast of either of these two
species (Extended Data Fig. 8).
Our results establish a paradigm for visualizing protease activity non-invasively with
ultrasound imaging. This paradigm is enabled by the dependence of the buckling mechanics
of GVs on the reinforcing protein GvpC, and the ability to turn this protein into a protease
substrate by incorporating specific internal or terminal peptide sequences. Similar to the
earliest work on fluorescent biosensors
, this initial study has focused on proteases due
to the importance of this class of enzymes in biology, their relatively compact recognition
motifs, and the large impact of their activity on protein structure. Based on our success in
sensing the function of three distinct proteases, we anticipate that the basic design strategy
presented here should be applicable to many enzymes of this type.
Our study lends itself to numerous future investigations to extend the applications of
acoustic protease sensors beyond the proof-of-concept demonstrations shown here. While
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our experiments in
E. Coli
and within the mouse GI tract establish the critical ability of such
biosensors to produce ultrasound contrast in relevant biological settings, additional
application-centric optimizations would enable the use of these constructs to address specific
problems in basic and synthetic biology. For example, purified acoustic biosensors could be
designed to sense extracellular proteases, which play homeostatic and disease-causing roles
in tissues ranging from extracellular matrix remodeling and blood clot formation to inter-
cellular signaling. Meanwhile, the expression of acoustic biosensor genes in cells could be
used to monitor natural cellular enzyme activity or serve as the output of synthetic signaling
pathways. Intracellular use in bacteria could be particularly relevant in studying microbes in
the mammalian GI tract, provided the successful adaptation of acoustic sensor genes to the
relevant host species and ensuring successful delivery via oral gavage, colonization and
metabolic viability. For potential applications in mammalian cells, acoustic protease sensor
designs must be integrated into recently developed genetic programs enabling the expression
of GVs in mammalian cells
. Successful use of acoustic sensors in this context will require
increasing the level of mammalian GV expression to enable non-destructive nonlinear
In parallel, significant scope exists for further optimizing and generalizing the design of
acoustic biosensors. While all three of our sensors produced detectable nonlinear contrast in
response to protease activity, the changes exhibited by GVS
were significantly larger
than for the other two constructs. This is not surprising for an enzyme that processively
degrades GvpC, and whose recognition motif can be incorporated outside the main GV-
binding region of GvpC. Endopeptidase sensors could be optimized to reach similar
performance by incorporating more than one cleavage site within the GvpC sequence and
tuning the linkers connecting these sites to the rest of the protein. As with other protease
biosensors, the irreversibility of proteolysis means that for repeated or continuous sensing, it
is necessary for new sensor molecules to be synthesized or delivered. For genetically
encoded biosensors, this occurs through gene expression, potentially posing a metabolic
burden to the cell. For GVs, this burden could be reduced by re-expressing only the
engineered GvpC rather than the full GV, since this protein can be added onto the shell of
existing GVs, as demonstrated in this study and previous work
. Going beyond proteolytic
sensors, we anticipate that our biosensor design strategy could be modified to enable
allosteric conformational changes in GvpC, rather than its cleavage, to alter ultrasound
contrast, thereby creating acoustic biosensors that respond reversibly to non-cleaving
enzymes, ions or other signals of interest.
In addition to optimizing the biosensor constructs, it is also possible to improve the
ultrasound techniques used for their visualization. In this study, we monitored the activation
of our biosensors using a nonlinear x-AM pulse sequence, quantifying the resulting contrast
relative to linear B-mode scattering. This ratiometric signal is advantageous for
quantification in scenarios where the sensor concentration may vary. However, the
dependence of the x-AM response on applied acoustic pressure introduces a variable that
may differ across the ultrasonic field of view, and strategies involving dynamic pressure
adjustment may be needed to obtain the optimal signal from each point in the imaged plane.
In addition, normalization to B-mode signal in complex
in vivo
contexts may require
methods to separate the linear scattering contributions of acoustic sensors from those of
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background tissue. With these improvements, acoustic biosensors promise to take dynamic
imaging of molecular and cellular function to new depths.
Design and cloning of genetic constructs
All gene sequences were codon optimized for
expression and inserted into their
plasmid backbones via Gibson Assembly or KLD Mutagenesis using enzymes from New
England Biolabs and custom primers from Integrated DNA Technologies. The protease
recognition sequences for TEV protease and μ-calpain, flanked by flexible linkers, were
introduced by substitution-insertion into the second repeat of the wild-type Ana
sequence in a pET28a expression vector (Novagen) driven by a T7 promoter and lac
operator. The ssrA degradation tag for the ClpXP bacterial proteasome was appended to the
C-terminus of Ana
using a short flexible linker. The acoustic sensor gene for
intracellular protease sensing of ClpXP was constructed by modifying of the acoustic
reporter gene cluster
, by addition of the ssrA degradation tag to the C-terminal of
using a linker sequence. For expression in
Nissle 1917 cells, the pET28a T7
promoter was replaced by the T5 promoter. For inducible expression of
, the
genes encoding those two proteins were cloned from the
E. Coli
Nissle 1917 genome into a
modified pTARA backbone under a P
promoter and araBAD operon. For dynamic
regulation of intracellular sensing, the wild-type GvpC sequence was cloned into a modified
pTARA backbone under a pTet promoter and tetracycline operator. The complete list and
source of plasmids used in this study is given in Supplementary Table 1. Plasmid constructs
were cloned using NEB Turbo
E. Coli
(New England Biolabs) and sequence-validated.
Construction of
strain of
Nissle 1917 (Δ
The knockout of
Nissle (ECN) was accomplished by Lambda Red
recombineering using previously published methods
. A FRT-flanked
gene was
recombined into ECN genome to replace the
genes, and the integrated cat
gene was then removed by the
recombinase from pE-FLP
to yield the Δ
More information on the recombineering plasmids used in this study and their source is
provided in Supplementary Table 1.
GV expression, purification and quantification
in vitro
assays, GVs were harvested and purified from confluent
cultures using
previously published protocols
. Briefly, Ana cells were grown in Gorham’s media
supplemented with BG-11 solution (Sigma) and 10 mM sodium bicarbonate at 25°C, 1%
and 100 rpm shaking, under a 14h light and 10h dark cycle. Confluent cultures were
transferred to sterile separating funnels and left undisturbed for 2–3 days to allow buoyant
cells expressing GVs to float to the top and for their subnatant to be drained.
Hypertonic lysis with 10% Solulyse (Genlantis) and 500 mM sorbitol was used to release
and harvest the Ana GVs. Purified GVs were obtained through 3–4 rounds of centrifugally
assisted floatation, with removal of the subnatant and resuspension in phosphate buffered
saline (PBS, Corning) after each round.
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For expression of acoustic reporter/sensor genes (
) in bacteria, wild-type
E. Coli
Nissle 1917 cells (Ardeypharm GmbH) were made electrocompetent and transformed with
the genetic constructs. After electroporation, cells were rescued in SOC media supplemented
with 2% glucose for 1h at 37°C. Transformed cells were grown for 12–16 hours at 37°C in 5
mL of LB medium supplemented with 50 μg/mL kanamycin and 2% glucose. Large-scale
cultures for expression were prepared by a 1:100 dilution of the starter culture in LB
medium containing 50 μg/mL kanamycin and 0.2% glucose. Cells were grown at 37°C to an
of 0.2–0.3, then induced with 3μM Isopropyl
-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)
and allowed to grow for 22 hrs at 30°C. Buoyant
Nissle cells expressing GVs were
isolated from the rest of the culture by centrifugally assisted floatation in 50 mL conical
tubes at 300g for 3–4 hrs, with a liquid column height less than 10 cm to prevent GV
collapse by hydrostatic pressure.
The concentration of Ana GVs was determined by measurement of their optical density
(OD) at 500 nm (OD
) using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific),
using the resuspension buffer or collapsed GVs as the blank. As established in previous
, the concentration of GVs at OD
= 1 is approximately 114 pM and the gas
fraction is 0.0417%. The OD of buoyant cells expressing GVs were quantified at 600 nm
using the Nanodrop.
Bacterial expression and purification of GvpC variants
For expression of Ana GvpC variants, plasmids were transformed into chemically competent
BL21(DE3) cells (Invitrogen) and grown overnight for 14–16 h at 37°C in 5 mL starter
cultures in LB medium with 50 μg/mL kanamycin. Starter cultures were diluted 1:250 in
Terrific Broth (Sigma) and allowed to grow at 37°C (250 rpm shaking) to reach an OD
of 0.4–0.7. Protein expression was induced by addition of 1 mM IPTG, and the cultures
were transferred to 30°C. Cells were harvested by centrifugation at 5500g after 6–8 hours.
For the GvpC-ssrA variant, expression was carried out at 25°C for 8 hours to reduce the
effect of protease degradation and obtain sufficient protein yield.
GvpC was purified from inclusion bodies by lysing the cells at room temperature using
Solulyse (Genlantis), supplemented with lysozyme (400 μg/mL) and DNase I (10 μg/mL).
Inclusion body pellets were isolated by centrifugation at 27,000g for 15 mins and then
resuspended in a solubilization buffer comprising 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer with 500 mM
NaCl and 6 M urea (pH: 8.0), before incubation with Ni-NTA resin (Qiagen) for 2 h at 4°C.
The wash and elution buffers were of the same composition as the solubilization buffer, but
with 20mM and 250 mM imidazole respectively. The concentration of the purified protein
was assayed using the Bradford Reagent (Sigma). Purified GvpC variants were verified to be
>95% pure by SDS-PAGE analysis.
Preparation of gas vesicles for
in vitro
protease assays
Engineered GVs having protease-sensitive or wild-type GvpC were prepared using urea
stripping and GvpC re-addition
. Briefly, Ana GVs were stripped of their native outer
layer of GvpC by treatment with 6M urea solution buffered with 100 mM Tris- HCl (pH:8–
8.5). Two rounds of centrifugally assisted floatation with removal of the subnatant liquid
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after each round were performed to ensure complete removal of native GvpC. Recombinant
Ana GvpC variants purified from inclusion bodies were then added to the stripped Ana GVs
in 6 M urea a 2–3x molar excess concentration determined after accounting for 1:25 binding
ratio of GvpC: GvpA. For a twofold stoichiometric excess of GvpC relative to binding sites
on an average Ana GV, the quantity of recombinant GvpC (in nmol) to be added to stripped
GVs was calculated according to the formula: 2 * OD * 198 nM * volume of GVs (in liters).
The mixture of stripped GVs (OD
= 1–2) and recombinant GvpC in 6 M urea buffer
was loaded into dialysis pouches made of regenerated cellulose membrane with a 6–8 kDa
M.W. cutoff (Spectrum Labs). The GvpC was allowed to slowly refold onto the surface of
the stripped GVs by dialysis in 4 L PBS for at least 12 h at 4 °C. Dialyzed GV samples were
subjected to two or more rounds of centrifugally assisted floatation at 300 g for 3–4 h to
remove any excess unbound GvpC. Engineered GVs were resuspended in PBS after
subnatant removal and quantified using pressure-sensitive OD measurements at 500 nm
using a Nanodrop.
Pressurized absorbance spectroscopy
Purified, engineered Ana GVs were diluted in experimental buffers to an OD
and 400 μL of the diluted sample was loaded into a flow-through quartz cuvette with a
pathlength of 1 cm (Hellma Analytics). Buoyant
Nissle cells expressing GVs were
diluted to an OD
1 in PBS for measurements. A 1.5 MPa nitrogen gas source was
used to apply hydrostatic pressure in the cuvette through a single valve pressure controller
(PC series, Alicat Scientific), while a microspectrometer (STS-VIS, Ocean Optics) measured
the OD of the sample at 500 nm (for Ana GVs) or 600 nm (for Nissle cells). The hydrostatic
pressure was increased from 0 to 1 MPa in 20 kPa increments with a 7 second equilibration
period at each pressure before OD measurement. Each set of measurements was normalized
by scaling to the Min-Max measurement value, and the data was fitted using the Boltzmann
sigmoid function
= 1 +
, with the midpoint of normalized OD change (P
and the 95% confidence intervals, rounded to the nearest integer, reported in the figures.
TEM sample preparation and imaging
Freshly diluted samples of engineered Ana GVs (OD
0.3) in 10 mM HEPES buffer
containing 150 mM NaCl (pH 8) were used for TEM. 2 μL of the sample was added to
Formvar/carbon 200 mesh grids (Ted Pella) that were rendered hydrophilic by glow
discharging (Emitek K100X). 2% uranyl acetate was added for negative staining. Images
were acquired using the FEI Tecnai T12 LaB6 120kV TEM equipped with a Gatan Ultrascan
2k X 2k CCD and ‘Leginon’ automated data collection software suite.
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements
Engineered Ana GVs were diluted to an OD
0.2 in experimental buffers. 150–200 μL
of the sample was loaded into a disposable cuvette (Eppendorf UVette®) and the particle
size was measured using the ZetaPALS particle sizing software (Brookhaven instruments)
with an angle of 90 ° and refractive index of 1.33.
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Denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
GV samples were OD
matched and mixed 1:1 with 2x Laemmli buffer (Bio-Rad),
containing SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol. The samples were then boiled at 95°C for 5 minutes
and loaded into a pre-made polyacrylamide gel (Bio-Rad) immersed in 1x Tris-Glycine-SDS
Buffer. 10 uL of Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standards (Bio-Rad) was loaded as the
ladder. Electrophoresis was performed at 120V for 55 minutes, after which the gel was
washed in DI water for 15 minutes to remove excess SDS and commassie-stained for 1 hour
in a rocker-shaker using the SimplyBlue SafeStain (Invitrogen). The gel was allowed to
destain overnight in DI water before imaging using a Bio-Rad ChemiDoc™ imaging system.
In vitro
protease assays
in vitro
assays with the TEV endopeptidase, recombinant TEV protease (R&D Systems,
Cat. No. 4469-TP-200) was incubated (25% v/v fraction) with engineered Ana GVs
resuspended in PBS (final OD
in reaction mixture = 5–6) at 30°C for 14–16 h. This
corresponds to a TEV concentration of 0.1
0.125 mg/mL (depending on the lot), within the
range used in previous studies with this enzyme
. Engineered GVs with wild-type GvpC
and TEV protease heat-inactivated at 80°C for 20–30 mins were used as the controls.
in vitro
assays with calpain, calpain-1 from porcine erythrocytes (Millipore Sigma, Cat.
No. 208712) was incubated in a 10% v/v fraction with engineered Ana GVs in a reaction
mixture containing 50 mM Tris-HCl, 50 mM NaCl, 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 1 mM EDTA
and 1 mM EGTA and 5 mM Ca
(pH: 7.5) This corresponds to a calpain concentration of ≥
0.168 units per μl, with 1 unit defined by the manufacturer as sufficient to cleave 1 pmol of a
control fluorogenic substrate in 1 min at 25°C. The final concentration of engineered GVs in
the reaction mixture was OD
6 and the protease assay was carried out at 25°C for 14–
16h. Negative controls included the same reaction mixture without calpain, without calcium,
or without calpain and calcium. Engineered GVs with WT-GvpC were used as additional
negative controls.
in vitro
assays with ClpXP, a reconstituted cell-free transcription-translation (TX-TL)
system adapted for ClpXP degradation assays
(gift from Zachary Sun and Richard
Murray) was used. Briefly, cell-free extract was prepared by lysis of ExpressIQ
(New England Biolabs), and mixed in a 44% v/v ratio with an energy source buffer, resulting
in a master mix of extract and buffer comprising: 9.9 mg/mL protein, 1.5 mM each amino
acid except leucine, 1.25 mM leucine, 9.5 mM Mg-glutamate, 95 mM K-glutamate, 0.33
mM DTT, 50 mM HEPES, 1.5 mM ATP and GTP, 0.9 mM CTP and UTP, 0.2 mg/mL tRNA,
0.26 mM CoA, 0.33 mM NAD, 0.75 mM cAMP, 0.068 mM folinic acid, 1 mM spermidine,
30 mM 3-PGA and 2% PEG-8000. For purified ClpX protein, a monomeric N-terminal
deletion variant Flag-ClpXdeltaNLinkedHexamer-His6
(Addgene ID: 22143) was used.
Post Ni-NTA purification, active fractions of ClpX hexamers with sizes above 250 kDa were
isolated using a Supradex 2010/300 column, flash frozen at a concentration of 1.95 μM and
stored at −80°C in a storage buffer consisting of: 50 mM Tris-Cl (pH 7.5), 100 mM NaCl,
1mM DTT, 1 mM EDTA and 2% DMSO. The final reaction mixture was prepared as
follows: 75% v/v fraction of the master mix, 10% v/v of purified ClpX, 1nm of the purified
pBEST-ClpP plasmid and engineered Ana GVs (concentration of OD
= 2.5–2.7 in the
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reaction mixture). The mixture was made up to the final volume using ultrapure H
O. The
reaction was allowed to proceed at 30°C for 14–16 h. As a negative control, a protease
inhibitor cocktail mixture (SIGMA
™, Millipore Sigma) was added to the reaction
mixture at 1.65x the manufacturer-recommended concentration and pre-incubated at room
temperature for 30 mins.
Dynamic sensing of ClpXP activity in Δ
clpXP E.Coli
Nissle 1917 cells
E. Coli
Nissle 1917 cells were made electrocompetent and co-transformed with the
pET expression plasmid (Lac-driven) containing the
for ClpXP and a modified pTARA
plasmid (pBAD-driven) containing the
genes. Electroporated cells were
rescued in SOC media supplemented with 2% glucose for 2h at 37°C. Transformed cells
were grown overnight at 37°C in 5 mL LB medium supplemented with 50 μg/mL
kanamycin, 25 μg/mL chloramphenicol and 2% glucose. Starter cultures were diluted 1:100
in LB medium with 50 μg/mL kanamycin, 25 μg/mL chloramphenicol and 0.2% glucose and
allowed to grow at 37 °C to reach an OD
of 0.2–0.3.
expression was induced with
3μM IPTG and the bacterial culture was transferred to the 30 °C incubator with 250 rpm
shaking for 30 minutes. The culture was then split into two halves of equal volume, and one
half was induced with 0.5% (weight fraction) L-arabinose for expression of ClpXP protease.
Cultures with and without L-arabinose induction were allowed to grow for an additional 22
h at 30°C. Cultures were then spun down at 300 g in a refrigerated centrifuge at 4 °C for 3–4
h in 50 mL conical tubes to isolate buoyant cells expressing GVs from the rest of the culture.
The liquid column height was maintained at less than 10 cm to prevent GV collapse by
hydrostatic pressure.
Dynamic sensing of circuit-driven gene expression in
Nissle 1917 cells
E. Coli
Nissle cells were co-transformed with the pET expression plasmid
(Lac-driven) containing the ASG for ClpXP and a modified pTARA plasmid
containing the WT Ana GvpC gene. Electroporated cells were rescued in SOC media
supplemented with 2% glucose for 2h at 37°C. Transformed cells were grown overnight at
37°C in 5 mL LB medium supplemented with 50 μg/mL kanamycin, 50 μg/mL
chloramphenicol and 2% glucose. Starter cultures were diluted 1:100 in LB medium with 50
μg/mL kanamycin, 50 μg/mL chloramphenicol and 0.2% glucose and allowed to grow at 37
°C to reach an OD
of 0.2–0.3. ASG expression was induced with 3 μM IPTG and the
bacterial culture was transferred to 30 °C incubator with 250 rpm shaking for 1.5–2 h. The
culture was then split into two halves of equal volume, and one half was induced with 50
ng/mL aTc for expression of WT GvpC. Cultures with and without aTc induction were
allowed to grow for an additional 20 h at 30°C. Cultures were then spun down at 300 g in a
refrigerated centrifuge at 4 °C for 3–4 h in 50 mL conical tubes to isolate buoyant cells
expressing GVs from the rest of the culture. The liquid column height was maintained at less
than 10 cm to prevent GV collapse by hydrostatic pressure.
In vitro
ultrasound imaging
Imaging phantoms were prepared by melting 1% agarose (w/v) in PBS and casting wells
using a custom 3-Dprinted template mold containing a 2-by-2 grid of cylindrical wells with
2 mm diameter and 1 mm spacing between the outer radii in the bulk material. Ana GV
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samples from
in vitro
assays or buoyant Nissle cells expressing GVs were mixed 1:1 with
1% molten agarose solution at 42°C and quickly loaded before solidification into the
phantom wells. All samples and their controls were OD-matched using the Nanodrop prior
to phantom loading, with the final concentration being OD
= 2.2 for Ana GVs and
= 1.0–1.5 for buoyant Nissle cells. Wells not containing sample were filled with
plain 1% agarose. Hydrostatic collapse at 1.4 MPa was used to determine that the
contribution to light scattering from GVs inside the cells was similar for those expressing the
acoustic sensor gene and its wild-type
counterpart. The phantom was placed in a
custom holder on top of an acoustic absorber material and immersed in PBS to acoustically
couple the phantom to the ultrasound imaging transducer.
Imaging was performed using a Verasonics Vantage programmable ultrasound scanning
system and a L22–14v 128-element linear array Verasonics transducer, with a specified pitch
of 0.1 mm, an elevation focus of 8 mm, an elevation aperture of 1.5mm and a center
frequency of 18.5 MHz with 67% −6 dB bandwidth. Linear imaging was performed using a
conventional B-mode sequence with a 128-ray-lines protocol. For each ray line, a single
pulse was transmitted with an aperture of 40 elements. For nonlinear image acquisition, a
custom cross-amplitude modulation (x-AM) sequence detailed in an earlier study
, with an
x-AM angle (
) of 19.5° and an aperture of 65 elements, was used. Both B-mode and x-AM
sequences were programmed to operate close to the center frequency of the transducer
(15.625 MHz) and the center of the sample wells were aligned to the set transmit focus of 5
mm. Transmitted pressure at the focus was calibrated using a Precision Acoustics fiber-optic
hydrophone system. Each image was an average of 50 accumulations. B-mode images were
acquired at a transmit voltage of 1.6V (132 kPa), and an automated voltage ramp imaging
script (programmed in MATLAB) was used to sequentially toggle between B-mode and x-
AM acquisitions. The script acquired x-AM signals at each specified voltage step,
immediately followed by a B-mode acquisition at 1.6V (132 kPa), before another x-AM
acquisition at the next voltage step. For engineered Ana GVs subjected to
in vitro
assays, an x-AM voltage ramp sequence from 4V (230 kPa) to 10V (621 kPa) in 0.2V
increments was used. For wild-type Nissle cells expressing GVs, an x-AM voltage ramp
sequence from 7.5V (458 kPa) to 25V (1.6 MPa) in 0.5V increments was used. Samples
were subjected to complete collapse at 25V with the B-mode sequence for 10 seconds, and
the subsequent B-mode image acquired at 1.6V and x-AM image acquired at the highest
voltage of the voltage ramp sequence was used as the blank for data processing. There was
no significant difference between the signals acquired at specific acoustic pressures during a
voltage ramp or after directly stepping to the same pressure (Extended Data Fig. 9).
Due to transducer failure, a replacement Verasonics transducer (L22–14vX) with similar
specifications was used in experiments with Δ
cells. The transmitted pressure at the
focus was calibrated in the same way as the L22–14v. B-mode images were acquired at a
transmit voltage of 1.6V (309 kPa), and an x-AM voltage ramp sequence from 6V (502 kPa)
to 25V (2.52 MPa) was used. The imaging protocol was otherwise unchanged.
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In vivo
ultrasound imaging
in vivo
experiments were performed on C57BL/6J male mice, aged 14–34 weeks, under
a protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the California
Institute of Technology. No randomization or blinding were necessary in this study. Mice
were anesthetized with 1–2% isoflurane, maintained at 37 °C on a heating pad, depilated
over the imaged region, and enema was performed by injecting PBS to expel gas and solid
contents in mice colon. For imaging of
E. Coli
in the gastrointestinal tract, mice were placed
in a supine position, with the ultrasound transducer positioned on the lower abdomen,
transverse to the colon such that the transmit focus of 5 mm was close to the center of the
colon lumen. Prior to imaging, two variants of buoyancy-enriched
E. Coli
Nissle 1917 were
mixed in a 1:1 ratio with 4% agarose in PBS at 42 °C, for a final bacterial concentration of
1.5E9 cells ml
. An 8-gauge gavage needle was filled with the mixture of agarose and
bacteria of one cell population. Before it solidified, a 14-gauge needle was placed inside the
8-gauge needle to form a hollow lumen within the gel. After the agarose-bacteria mixture
solidified at room temperature for 10 min, the 14-gauge needle was removed. The hollow
lumen was then filled with the agarose–bacteria of the other cell population. After it
solidified, the complete cylindrical agarose gel was injected into the colon of the mouse with
a PBS back-filled syringe. For the colon imaging, imaging planes were selected to avoid gas
bubbles in the field of view. In all
in vivo
experiments, three transducers were used,
including two L22–14v and one L22–14vX, due to transducer failures unrelated to this
study. B-mode images were acquired at 1.9V (corresponding to 162 kPa in water) for L22–
14v, and 1.6V (309 kPa in water) for L22–14vX. x-AM images were acquired at 20V (1.27
MPa in water) for L22–14v and 15V (1.56 MPa in water) for L22–14vX, with other
parameters being the same as those used for
in vitro
imaging. B-mode anatomical imaging
was performed at 7.4V using the ‘L22–14v WideBeamSC’ script provided by Verasonics.
Image processing and data analysis
in vitro
in vivo
ultrasound images were processed using MATLAB. Regions of
interest (ROIs) were manually defined so as to adequately capture the signals from each
sample well or region of the colon. The sample ROI dimensions (1.2 mm × 1.2 mm square)
were the same for all
in vitro
phantom experiments. The noise ROI was manually selected
from the background for each pair of sample wells. For the
in vivo
experiments, circular
ROIs were manually defined to avoid edge effects from the skin or colon wall, and the tissue
ROIs were defined as the rest of the region within the same depth range of the signal ROIs.
For each ROI, the mean pixel intensity was calculated, and the pressure-sensitive ultrasound
intensity (Δ
) was calculated by subtracting the mean pixel intensity of
the collapsed image from the mean pixel intensity of the intact image. The contrast-to-noise
ratio (CNR) was calculated for each sample well by taking the mean intensity of the sample
ROI over the mean intensity of the noise ROI. The x-AM by B-mode ratio at a specific
voltage (or applied acoustic pressure) was calculated with the following formula:
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where ΔI
(V) is the pressure-sensitive nonlinear ultrasound intensity acquired by the x-
AM sequence at a certain voltage V, and ΔI
(V) is the pressure-sensitive linear
ultrasound intensity of the B-mode acquisitions at 1.6V (132 kPa) following the x-AM
acquisitions at the voltage V. All images were pseudo-colored (bone colormap for B-mode
images, hot colormap for x-AM images), with the maximum and minimum levels indicated
in the accompanying color bars.
Statistical analysis
Data is plotted as the mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Sample size is N=3
biological replicates in all
in vitro
experiments unless otherwise stated. For each biological
replicate, there were technical replicates to accommodate for variability in experimental
procedures such as sample loading and pipetting. SEM was calculated by taking the values
for the biological replicates, each of which was the mean of its technical replicates. The
numbers of biological and technical replicates were chosen based on preliminary
experiments such that they would be sufficient to report significant differences in mean
values. Individual data for each replicate is given in Extended Data Figures 1–9 in the form
of scatter plots. P values, for determining the statistical significance for the
in vivo
were calculated using a two-tailed paired t-test.
Data availability
The authors declare that data supporting the findings of this study are available within the
article and its Supplementary Information. Additional data are available from the
corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Extended Data
Extended Data Fig. 1. Engineering an acoustic sensor of TEV endopeptidase activity.
Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE gel of OD
-matched samples of GV
with dTEV and TEV protease, before and after buoyancy purification (labeled pre b.p. and
post b.p., respectively). N = 3 biological replicates.
Scatter plots showing normalized
of GVS
as a function of hydrostatic pressure. (N = 3 biological replicates for
+ TEV and N =4 for GVS
+ dTEV.)
Scatter plots showing the ratio of
nonlinear (x-AM) to linear (B-mode) ultrasound signal as a function of applied acoustic
pressure for all the replicate samples used in the x-AM voltage ramp imaging experiments
for GVS
. N = 3 biological replicates and total number of replicates is 8.
Scatter plots
showing normalized OD
of GV
as a function of hydrostatic pressure. (N = 3
biological replicates for GV
+dTEV and N=4 for GV
+ TEV.)
ultrasound images of agarose phantoms containing GV
incubated with TEV or dTEV
protease at OD
2.2. The B-mode image was acquired at 132kPa and the x-AM image at
569 kPa. Similar images acquired for N=3 biological replicates, with each N consisting of 3
technical replicates. CNR stands for contrast-to-noise-ratio, and color bars represent relative
ultrasound signal intensity on the dB scale. Scale bars represent 1 mm
Scatter plots
showing the ratio of nonlinear (x-AM) to linear (B-mode) ultrasound signal as a function of
applied acoustic pressure for all the replicate samples used in the x-AM voltage ramp
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imaging experiments for GV
. N=3 biological replicates, with each N consisting of 3
technical replicates. Solid curve represents the mean of all the replicates.
Extended Data Fig. 2. Engineering an acoustic sensor of calpain activity.
Individual scatter plots for Fig. 2(b). N = 5 biological replicates for +Calp/+Ca
, 6 for
and +Calp/−Ca
, 7 for −Calp/−Ca
Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE gel
of OD
-matched samples of GVS
incubated in the presence (+) or absence (−) of
calpain (first +/−) and calcium (second +/−), before and after buoyancy purification (labeled
pre b.p. and post b.p. respectively). N = 3 biological replicates.
Representative TEM
images of GVS
after incubations in the presence or absence of calpain and/or calcium.
Scale bars represent 100 nm. At least 20 GV particles were imaged for each condition.
DLS measurements showing the average hydrodynamic diameter of GVS
and GV
samples after calpain/calcium incubations (N = 2 biological replicates for GVS
+/−, +/+,
+/+ and 3 for other conditions, individual dots represent each N and horizontal line
indicates the mean). Error bars indicate SEM when N = 3. (
e, f, g
) Individual scatter plots
for Fig. 2(d, f, h). N = 3 biological replicates with each N consisting of 2 technical replicates
(total number of replicates is 18 for +/+ and 6 for each of the remaining conditions). Solid
line represents the mean of all the replicates for (
a, e–g
). (h) Scatter plots for Fig. 2i; N = 3
biological replicates, individual dots represent each N and solid blue line showing the fitted
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curve (a Hill equation with a coefficient of 1, with a half-maximum response concentration
) of 140 μm).
Extended Data Fig. 3. Characterization of GV
sample with calpain protease.
a, b, c
) Representative ultrasound images of agarose phantoms containing GV
in the presence (+) or absence (−) of calpain (first +/−) and calcium (second +/−), at
2.2. The B-mode images were taken at 132 kPa for
a, b
and the x-AM
images corresponding to the maximum difference in non-linear contrast between the +/+
sample and the negative controls were taken at 438 kPa for
and at 425 kPa for
CNR stands for contrast-to-noise-ratio and color bars represent ultrasound signal intensity in
the dB scale. Scale bars represent 1 mm. N = 2 biological replicates for
a, b
. (
d, e, f
Scatter plots showing the ratio of x-AM to B-mode ultrasound signal as a function of
increasing acoustic pressure for GV
after incubation in the presence or absence of calpain
and/or calcium (N = 2 biological replicates). (
) Hydrostatic collapse curves of GV
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