Table 3. TIR Modeled Abundances, for Components at >2% Levela

	hvalfj011c	hvalfj011n	hvalfj017c	hvalfj017n	hvalfj025c	hvalfj025n	hvalfj054a	hvalfj054b	icel009a	icel009b	icel010a	icel010b

Smectite	23 +/- 3(nont.)	47 +/- 2(nont.) 12 +/- 2(mont.)	44 +/- 2 (nont.) 12 +/- 2 (mont.)	30 +/- 3 (nont.) 25 +/- 7 (mont.)	13 +/- 3(nont.)	24 +/- 3 (Swa-1) 17 +/- 6 (nont.)	41 +/- 3(nont.) 9 +/- 2 (mont.)	47 +/- 4 (nont.) 7 +/- 3 (mont.)	36 +/- 4 (nont.)	46 +/- 4 (nont.)	13 +/- 2 (nont.)	6 +/- 3 (nont.)
Other hyd. silicate		8 +/- 1 (chl.)	8 +/- 1 (kaol.) 6 +/- 1 (chl.)	11 +/- 5 (illite) 8 +/- 1 (kaol.)	11 +/- 4 (illite)		11 +/- 1 (chl.)	13 +/- 1 (chl.)	33 +/- 1 (chl.)	21 +/- 1 (chl.)	6 +/- 1 (chl.)	
Zeolite		13 +/- 1 (stilbite)	11 +/- 1 (stilbite)	12 +/- 1 (stilbite)	7 +/- 1 (stilbite)	15 +/- 1 (stilbite)	15 +/- 1 (stilbite)	9 +/- 2 (stilbite)	5 +/- 2 (stilbite)	14 +/- 1 (stilbite)	14 +/- 2 (stilbite)	10 +/- 1 (stilbite)
Silica	3 +/- 2 (opal-A)	4 +/- 1(opal-CT)			3 +/- 1 (qtz.)		3 +/- 3 (opal-A)		8 +/- 1 (opal-CT)	4 +/- 1 (opal-CT)	3 +/- 1 (qtz.) 3 +/- 1(opal-A)	4.9 +/- 1(qtz.)
Hematite	9 +/- 1	9 +/- 1	10 +/- 1	9 +/- 1	10 +/- 1	8 +/- 1	3 +/- 1	9 +/- 2			9 +/- 1	7 +/- 1
Plagioclase	17 +/- 3(andes.) 10 +/- 3 (anorth.)				34 +/- 2 (andesine)	5 +/- 1 (microcline) 3 +/- 1 (albite)					29 +/- 5 (andesine) 4 +/- 2 (albite)	44 +/- 2 (andesine) 5 +/- 1 (albite)
Pyroxene	4 +/- 1(augite)				4 +/- 2 (bronzite) 2 +/- 2 (augite)	15 +/- 5 (bronzite)						10 +/- 1 (bronzite)
Olivine	16 +/- 2 (Fo54) 4 +/- 1 (fay.)	7 +/- 1 (Fo54)	5 +/- 1 (Fo54) 3 +/- 1 (fay.)	3 +/- 1(Fo54)	9 +/- 3 (Fo54) 5 +/- 1 (fay.)	7 +/- 1 (for.)	11 +/- 4 (Fo54)	8 +/- 3 (Fo68) 3 +/- 6 (Fo54)	10 +/- 2 (fay.) 5 +/- 3 (Fo68) 2 +/- 2 (for.)	8 +/- 1 (fay.) 8 +/- 1 (for.)	8 +/- 1 (Fo54) 7 +/- 1 (fay.)	6 +/- 1 (Fo54) 3 +/- 1 (fay.)
Ilmenite						2 +/- 1	2 +/- 1	3 +/- 1			3 +/- 1	

aAbbreviations: nont. = nontronite, chl. = chlorites, andes. = andesine feldspar, anoth. = anorthosite feldspar, Fo = forsterite (where the number signifies the magnesium number); fay. = fayalite, kaol. = kaolinite, qtz. = quartz, for. = forsterite