Table 1. Stress and Frictional Parameters for Test Problem			
Parameters	Within Fault Area of 30 km times 15 km	Outside Fault Area	
	Nucleation	Outside Nucleation	
Initial shear stress t0, MPa	81.6	70.0	70.0
Initial normal stress micronn, MPa	120.0	120.0	120.0
Static friction coefficient microns	0.677	0.677	infinite
Dynamic friction coefficient micrond	0.525	0.525	0.525
Static yielding stress ts = -micronssn, MPa	81.24	81.24	infinite
Dynamic yielding stress td = -microndsn, MPa	63.0	63.0	63.0
Dynamic stress drop Deltat = t0 - td, MPa	18.6	7.0	7.0
Strength excess ts - t0, MPa	-0.36	11.24	infinite
Critical slip distance d0, m	0.40	0.40	0.40