Identification and quantification of polyfunctionalized hopanoids
by high temperature gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Alex L. Sessions
Lichun Zhang
Paula V. Welander
David Doughty
Roger E.
, and
Dianne K. Newman
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
Hopanoids are triterpenoids produced mainly by bacteria, are ubiquitous in the environment, and
have many important applications as biological markers. A wide variety of related hopanoid
structures exists, many of which are polyfunctionalized. These modifications render the hopanoids
too involatile for conventional gas chromatography (GC) separation, so require either laborious
oxidative cleavage of the functional groups or specialized high temperature (HT) columns. Here
we describe the systematic evaluation and optimization of a HT-GC method for the analysis of
polyfunctionalized hopanoids and their methylated homologs. Total lipid extracts are derivatized
with acetic anhydride and no further treatment or workup is required. We show that acid or base
hydrolysis to remove di- and triacylglycerides leads to degradation of several BHP structures. DB-
XLB type columns can elute hopanoids up to bacteriohopane-tetrol at 350 °C, with baseline
separation of all 2-methyl/desmethyl homologs. DB-5HT type columns can additionally elute
bacteriohopaneaminotriol and bacteriohopaneaminotetrol, but do not fully separate 2-methyl/
desmethyl homologs. The method gave 2- to 7-fold higher recovery of hopanoids than oxidative
cleavage and can provide accurate quantification of all analytes including 2-methyl hopanoids. By
comparing data from mass spectra with those from a flame ionization detector, we show that the
mass spectromet (MS) response factors for different hopanoids using either total ion counts or
191 vary substantially. Similarly, 2-methyl ratios estimated from selected-ion data are lower than
those from FID by 10–30% for most hopanoids, but higher by ca. 10% for bacteriohopanetetrol.
Mass spectra for a broad suite of hopanoids, including 2-methyl homologs, from
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
are presented, together with the tentative assignment of several new
hopanoid degradation products.
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 626 395 6445; fax: +1 626 683 0621. (A.L. Sessions).
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Published as:
Org Geochem
. 2013 March ; 56: 120–130.
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1. Introduction
Hopanoids are a distinctive class of pentacyclic triterpenoid lipids with wide ranging
biogeochemical utility (Ourisson et al., 1979; Rohmer et al., 1984; Brocks et al., 2003).
They are biosynthesized primarily by bacteria via cyclization of squalene to yield the C
hydrocarbon, diploptene [hop-22(29)-ene; Ochs et al., 1992; Wendt et al., 1997,1999].
Subsequent enzymatic addition of a variety of functionalized small molecules can then yield
hopanoids with side chains 5–9 carbons in length and with differing – and usually multiple –
functional groups (Flesch and Rohmer, 1988; Kannenberg and Poralla, 1999). The products
are known generically as bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs), or hopanoids, and the menagerie of
identified BHPs has grown to include those with amino, ether, nucleotide and cyclic sugar
moieties, many of which appear to show specific organismal and environmental associations
(Rohmer et al., 1984; Farrimond et al., 2000, 2004; Talbot and Farrimond, 2007). The
tetrahydroxy compound bacteriohopanetetrol (BHtetrol) is generally the most abundant
triterpenoid in many species. During diagenesis, BHPs are reduced and defunctionalized to
yield a regular series of hopanes, commonly ranging from C
to C
, more rarely to higher
carbon numbers, and with systematic stereochemical variation (Ourisson et al., 1979;
Ourisson and Albrecht, 1992).
As a class, hopanoids have received attention from geochemists in a variety of roles. In
modern sediments, functionalized BHPs are being explored as diagnostic for varying clades
of bacteria (reviewed by Talbot and Farrimond (2007)).In rocks and oils,the relative
abundance of different hopane isomers can provide information about both environmental
conditions during deposition, as well as maturity (Seifert and Moldowan, 1980; Brassell et
al., 1983; Peters and Moldowan, 1991; Peters et al., 2005). For ancient rocks, hopanoids
methylated at C-2 or C-3 have received particular attention because they have been proposed
as diagnostic markers for cyanobacteria and aerobic methylotrophs, respectively (Zundel
and Rohmer, 1985a,b; Summons and Jahnke, 1990; Summons et al., 1994, 1999; Farrimond
et al., 2004).A current research focus lies in understanding the cellular function of BHPs in
bacteria, the genetic basis for their biosynthesis and modification, and their distribution and
evolutionary relationships among extant organisms (Fischer et al., 2005; Blumenberg et al.,
2006; Fischer and Pearson, 2007; Rashby et al., 2007; Doughty et al., 2009; Welander et al.,
2009, 2010, 2012; Bradley et al., 2010).
A key component of all such investigations is the identification and quantification of
hopanes and BHPs. Hopanes, hopenes, and diplopterol (the C
hopanol) are readily
analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and GC–MS-MS.
However, polyfunctionalized BHPs are often too involatile for analysis via GC–MS using
conventional columns. The most common alternative is to cleave the BHP polar side chain
using H
, followed by reduction with NaBH
or LiEt
BH (super hydride) to yield a C
to C
hopanol with only one OH (Rohmer et al., 1984; Rohmer, 2010). The procedure
converts all functionalized BHPs to just a few hopanol skeletons that can be readily
quantified via GC–MS. However, information encoded in the polar side chain is obviously
lost and the procedure is time consuming. As an alternative, liquid chromatography–MS
(LC–MS) using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) has proven to give
excellent results for polyfunctionalized BHPs with minimal sample preparation (Talbot et
al., 2001). However, accurate quantitation of BHPs with this method is problematic because
authentic standards of most functionalized hopanoids are not available. Current LC–MS
techniques also provide poor sensitivity to hopanoid hydrocarbons (hopenes and hopanes).
Innes et al. (1997) reported that bacteriohopanetetrol (BHtetrol), derivatized as the
tetraacetate, could be eluted from a 15 m DB-5HT GC column, but with incomplete
separation of the 2-methyl and desmethyl homologs. Further work by Talbot et al. (2003c)
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and Blumenberg et al. (2006) showed that bacteriohopanepentol (BHpentol) and
bacteriohopaneaminotriol (BHaminotriol) would both also elute from this same column.
Here, we extend those earlier efforts and describe in detail an optimized high temperature
GC–MS method using newer capillary columns. We evaluate several alternative columns
and show that the DB-XLB stationary phase can provide baseline separation of 2-methyl and
desmethyl BHP homologs. We further compare quantitation of hopanoids using flame
ionization detection (FID) peak areas, with total ion current (TIC) and single ion monitoring
(SIM) peak areas from GC–MS, and using TIC peak areas from LC–MS to assess potential
bias in quantitation. The capabilities of the new GC–MS method are demonstrated using
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
, a phototrophic bacterium that synthesizes a variety of
hopanoids structures, including the 2-methyl homologs.
2. Methods
2.1. Samples
R. palustris
strains TIE-1, DSM-123, CGA009, BisA53, BisB5, BisB18 and HaA2 were
grown under anaerobic photoautotrophic, anaerobic photoheterotrophic, or aerobic
heterotrophic conditions in 1 l batch cultures. A variety of strains and conditions were
employed to produce extracts that varied in relative abundance and structure of BHPs, to
allow us to more fully evaluate methodological limitations. For phototrophic growth,
anaerobic carbonate-buffered freshwater medium (FW) was prepared by autoclaving 1 l of
FW basal medium (5.6 mM NH
Cl,3.7 mM KH
,0.7 mM CaCl
,2.0 mM MgSO
) for 45
min and then allowing the mixture to cool under flowing N
. The following
supplements were added from sterile stocks: 22 ml of 1 M NaHCO
, 1 ml of 0.1 mg/ml
Vitamin B
, 1 ml trace elements [8.1 μM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)], 4.0 μM
,0.8 μM CoCl
, 0.31 μM ZnCl
,0.10 μM NiCl
, 0.074 μM MoO
, 4.8 μM H
0.01 μM CuCl
, 0.25 μM MnCl
), 10 ml vitamin solution (0.29 μM 4-aminobenzoic acid, 41
nM D+-biotin, 0.81 μM nicotinic acid, 0.21 μM pantothenate, 0.41 μM pyridoxamine, 0.29
μM thiaminium, 1.32 μM riboflavin) and 2 ml of either 1 M thiosulfate (photoautotrophic)
or 1 M sodium acetate (photoheterotrophic). The pH was measured after addition of
supplements and adjusted with Na
to 6.8 as necessary. All anaerobic cultures were
flushed and pressurized to 34 kPa with N
(80/20) after inoculation and incubated at 30
°C with artificial illumination at 50 W/m
without shaking. Heterotrophic cultures were
grown in unbuffered YP medium (0.3% yeast extract, 0.3% peptone), with shaking at 250
rpm in the dark at 30 °C. Biomass was harvested either at mid-log or stationary phase.
Harvested cultures were pelleted by centrifugation at 5000 g for 20 min and were then
lyophilized in a Virtis K-series freeze dryer. They were stored and transported frozen prior
to extraction.
2.2. Sample workup
Dried biomass (typically ca. 30 mg) was extracted by shaking with 10 ml 1:2:0.9
dichloromethane(DCM):MeOH:water, followed by addition of equal volumes of water and
DCM (Bligh and Dyer, 1959). The mixture was centrifuged at ca. 1500 rpm for 10–30 min
to help separate the emulsion that typically developed. The organic phase was collected via
pipette and filtered through combusted glass wool as necessary. The total lipid extract (TLE)
was collected in a tared vial, dried and weighed, resuspended in DCM and one or more 0.5
mg aliquots were transferred to clean vials for further processing.
Two separate procedures were used to liberate BHPs and derivatize them for GC–MS. The
first followed the procedure of Rohmer (2010) in which hopanoids are oxidatively cleaved
between gemdiol functions and then reduced to yield C
or C
alcohols from penta and
tetrafunctionalized BHPs, respectively. In this procedure, extracts were reacted with 300 mg
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in 8:1 tetrahydrofuran (THF):water (3 ml) for 1 h at room temperature. Lipids were
recovered by extraction (3×) with methyl
-butyl ether (MTBE), dried over anhydrous
and reduced with NaBH
(100 mg) in MeOH (3 ml) for 4 h at room temperature.
Hopanol products were separated from other compounds (mainly fatty acids and aldehydes)
with solid phase extraction on 0.5 g Sepra-NH
(Phenomenex) columns, with elution of the
hopanols in 7 ml 9:1 DCM:acetone. They were derivatized to acetates by reaction with 1:1
acetic anhydride (Ac
O):pyridine (0.2 ml,20 min, 70 °C) and the mixture injected into the
gas chromatograph. We have not observed any significant detrimental effects to the GC–MS
system when injecting this mixture.
The second procedure involved simply reacting the (dried) TLE with 1:1 Ac
(100 μl; 70 °C, 20 min). Variation in time and temperature were also tested, as discussed in
Section 3. Several samples were hydrolyzed with 20:1 anhydrous MeOH/AcCl to eliminate
diacyl glycerides (this part of the procedure was later rejected, Section 3, due to degradation
of some analytes). No further preparation of the extracts was required and they were injected
in the reaction mixture into the GC instrument. Epiandrosterone (5
one; 7 μg) was added to each sample as an internal standard immediately prior to injection,
resulting in an injected concentration of ca. 70 ng/μl.
2.3. GC–MS
BHPs were analyzed using two separate GC–MS systems. The first, at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), was an Agilent 7890 gas chromatograph attached to an
Agilent 5975C mass selective detector equipped with a programmable temperature
vaporization (PTV) injector. The second, at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech),
was a Thermo Trace GC/DSQ instrument equipped with PTV injector and flame ionization
detector (FID). With the latter instrument, the column effluent was split 4:1 between the
mass spectrometer and FID to allow simultaneous quantification. Several columns were
evaluated (Section 3), including DB-1HT, DB-5HT and DB-XLB (all Agilent
Technologies). Columns were 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.1 μm film thickness. The PTV injector
was operated initially at 50 °C with 0.3 min hold (injection), ramped at 14 °/s to 125 °C with
1.0 min hold (solvent evaporation) and ramped at 14 °/s to 325 °C for the duration of the run
(analyte transfer). The PTV injector was cleaned by heating to 360 °C in back flush for 3.0
min at the end of every run. The column oven program was: 100 °C (2.0 min hold) to 250
°C at 15°/min and then to 350 °C (28 min hold) at 15°/min. The carrier gas was He at a
constant flow rate and we tested the effects of different flow rate from 1.0 to 2.4 ml/min.
The FID was operated at 260 °C with 30 ml/min N
makeup gas. The mass spectrometers
were operated in full scan mode over 50–750 amu. The MS transfer line temperature was
held at 320 °C and the ion source temperature at 225 °C.
To assist with the identification of several unknown BHPs, selected extracts were also
analyzed using an Agilent 6890 GC instrument coupled to a Waters GCT Premier TOF mass
spectrometer for accurate mass determination. GC conditions, injector and column were
identical to those above. Mass spectra were collected over a range of
0–1000 using
perfluorinated tributylamine as mass calibrant. This system provides a resolution (M/
M) of
7000 at 600 amu with accuracy better than 10 ppm. Analytes were identified on the basis of
comparison of retention times and mass spectra (Section 3).
2.4. LC–MS
The acetylated TLEs were also analyzed using LC–MS with a 1200 Series HPLC instrument
(Agilent Technologies) equipped with an autosampler and a binary pump linked to a Q-TOF
6520 mass spectrometer (Agilent) via an APCI interface operated in positive ion mode. The
procedure was adapted from Talbot et al. (2003a). A Poroshell 120 EC-C
column (2.1 ×
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150 mm, 2.7 μm; Agilent Technologies) at 30 °C was eluted isocratically first with MeOH/
water (95:5, v:v; 2 min) at 0.15 ml/min, then with a linear gradient up to 20% (v) of
isopropyl alcohol (IPA; 18 min at 0.19 ml/min) and finally isocratic for 10 min. The linear
gradient was then set to 30% (v) IPA at 0.19 ml/min over 10 min (maintained for 5 min).
The column was subsequently eluted using a linear gradient up to 80% IPA (v) over 1 min at
0.15 ml/min and isocratic for 14 min. Finally, the column was eluted with MeOH/water
(95:5) at 0.15 ml/min for 5 min. The APCI parameters were: gas temperature 325 °C,
vaporizer 350 °C, drying gas (N
) 6 l/min, nebulizer (N
) flow 30 l/min, capillary voltage
1200 V, corona needle 4 μA, fragmentor 150 V Data were recorded by scanning
1600. Identification of hopanoids was achieved using exact mass data and comparison of
retention times and mass spectra with published data (Talbot et al., 2003b, 2007).
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Hopanoid identification
A variety of triterpenoids with both hopanoid and gammacerane skeletons were identified in
the extracts from
R. palustris
(Table 1). A typical chromatogram is shown in Fig. 1, although
the presence and relative abundance of different triterpenoids varied substantially between
cultures and conditions. Diplopterol (
) and diploptene [hop-22(29)-ene,
] were assigned
by comparison with extracts from
Methylococcus capsulatus
, a known producer of these
compounds (Summons and Jahnke, 1992). Two isomers of diploptene, hop-17(21)-ene (
and hop-21-ene (
), were assigned from the mass spectra of Ageta et al. (1987) and
Summons and Jahnke (1992). These two isomers apparently derive mainly from dehydration
of diplopterol during workup, because they are present in much lower abundance in the
hydrocarbon fraction from silica gel column chromatography of the
R. palustris
extract prior
to derivatization (Doughty et al., 2011). Tetrahymanol (
) was assigned by comparison
with extracts from a culture of
Trimyema minutum
grown on
(Baumgartner et al., 2002). BHtetrol (
) was identified by comparison
with the same compound in extracts from cultured
Phormidium luridum
. BHaminotriol (
was assigned from its mass spectrum under the assumption that it is the most abundant N-
containing hopanoid in
R. palustris
(Talbot et al., 2003b). The 2-methyl homologs of many
hopanoids were also observed, and could be assigned both from their characteristic retention
time shift (ca. 0.2–0.5 min earlier on the DB-XLB column) and the change in major MS
fragment from
191 to 205. Localization of the methyl at C-2 had been confirmed in
by Rashby et al. (2007). A 20-methyl isomer of tetrahymanol was also tentatively
assigned as largely coeluting with 2-methyltetrahymanol (Bravo et al., 2001). We have
never observed an A-ring methylated BHaminotriol in
R. palustris
, nor have hop-17(21)-ene
or hop-21-ene – when isolated using silica gel chromatography – been observed with A-ring
methylation. The latter two compounds are commonly methylated at C-2 when found in
total lipid extracts, consistent with their derivation primarily from the dehydration of
In acid hydrolyzed extracts, 32,35-anhydrobacteriohopanetetrol (
) was found, together
with its 2-methyl homolog. It was assigned by comparison with a published spectrum
(Bednarczyk et al., 2005) and by the concomitant disappearance of the parent compound,
BHtetrol (see Fig. 2; Schaeffer et al., 2008). Four other compounds, observed in different
strains of
R. palustris
and on different columns, did not match with any reported spectra and
we propose tentative structures as follows. BHP-550 (
) has a measured mass of 550.4363,
giving a likely formula C
(550.4386), with 3 double bond equivalents (DBEs) in
addition to the hopanoid rings. The peak disappears when the component is hydrolyzed or
silylated, indicating a free OH group. The molecular weight of 550 thus pertains to the
acetylated derivative. We propose a structure analogous to anhydroBHtetrol, but with a
furan ring and single OH. However, a structure with two C=C bonds, one keto group and
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one OH would also be compatible with the data. The compound appears to be a degradation
product of BHaminotriol when run on the more polar DB-XLB column, as it does not appear
during analysis with DB-1HT or DB-5HT columns. BHP-508 (
) is similar, but with a
measured mass of 508.4323, suggesting an elemental composition of C
with 3 DBEs in addition to the hopanoid rings. However, the peak does not shift when
hydrolyzed or silylated, indicating no free OH (i.e. the molecular weight of 508 does not
include an acetate derivative). We interpret the structure as being the keto tautomer of
although again a structure with no ring and two keto groups could also be compatible.
BHP-492 (
) has a nominal mass of 492 (GC-TOF data not available) and was observed
only in extracts from
R. palustris
strain DSM 123. Its structure can be parsimoniously
explained as a single furan ring on the side chain, although this awaits confirmation. A small
2-methylated homolog was also observed, suggesting that BHaminotriol is not the parent
compound. BHP-570 (
) has a nominal mass of 570 Da, shifts when silylated, and is
most readily explained as the bacteriohopanediol (570 is the molecular weight of the di-
acetylated derivative). It was observed only in extracts from
R. palustris
strain DSM 123 and
no 2-methyl homolog was observed. Accurate mass was not obtained for either of the latter
two compounds because they are rarely encountered. Annotated mass spectra and structures
of these compounds are provided in Electronic Annex EA-1.
3.2. Optimization of sample preparation procedures
3.2.1. Hydrolysis—
The total lipid extracts contain relatively large amounts of dia-
cylglycerides, which elute between 27 and 33 min on the XLB column. Similar retention
times were observed on other columns. To remove them, we employed hydrolysis under
acidic (either AcCl or HCl aq.) or basic (NaOH) conditions, all at 1 M concentration, at a
temperature from 60–80 °C and for 20 min to 12 h. While all of these procedures were
effective in removing diacylglycerides, they also all led to significant analyte degradation,
most notably the conversion of diplopterol (
) to hopenes (
) and of BHtetrol (
) to
anhydroBHtetrol (
; Fig. 2). None of the methods tested were able to simultaneously
remove diacylglycerides while preserving diplopterol and BHtetrol. Because the
diacylglycerides fortuitously elute after tetrahymanol and before BHtetrol, in a region with
few or no hopanoids, their presence does not significantly impact the analysis of hopanoids.
We therefore recommend that, when assigning original hopanoid structures is of highest
priority, hydrolysis of the lipid extract should be avoided. If hydrolysis of diacylglycerides is
necessary, then our data indicate that hydrolysis with HCl leads to the least amount of
hopanoid degradation.
3.2.2. Derivatization—
Conditions for acetate formation were further optimized to provide
quantitative derivatization while minimizing degradation of sensitive hopanoids (mainly
diplopterol and BHtetrol). A single extract was split into multiple aliquots and derivatized
with 1:1 Ac
-O:pyridine at a temperature from 60–80 °C and time ranging from 5 min to
overnight. Relative concentrations were calculated using FID peak areas relative to an
internal standard. Maximal concentration of most hopanoids, including BHtetrol, was
recovered with derivatization for 10–30 min and at 70 °C. Shorter reaction time (5–10 min)
resulted in markedly loweryield of BHtetrol, but higher yield of hopenes. Evidently these
compounds can be partially degraded under the derivatization conditions. Longer reaction
time (> 30 min) resulted in a lower yield of all hopanoids. Efficiency was only weakly
sensitive to temperature, but 70 °C was the optimum.
3.2.3. Comparison with oxidative cleavage—
To provide quantitative comparison of
our new approach with the commonly employed oxidative cleavage/hydride reduction
method, we analyzed seven acetylated extracts using both methods. For each sample the
TLE was split, with 90% processed via the oxidative cleavage method and the other 10%
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derivatized directly with Ac
O. Both sample sets were then analyzed at the same time using
the same instrument conditions, and both were quantified using FID peak areas vs. an
internal standard (epiandrosterone). To focus specifically on the efficiency of the polyol
cleavage/reduction, we compared the abundance of BHtetrol (and 2-methylBHtetrol) from
the HT–GC method with that of the C
hopanol (and 2-methyl C
hopanol) from oxidative
cleavage (Table 2). One complication of this comparison is that BHaminotriol and
adenosylhopane, both very abundant in
R. palustris
, will contribute to the C
generated from oxidative cleavage, thus overestimating the efficiency of the oxidation
procedure. To gain further insight into this issue, our dataset for the comparison included
five different strains of
R. palustris
, grown under different conditions, which should have
different relative abundances of extended BHPs.
The data in Table 2 indicate that the HT GC–MS method recovered 0.9–3.2× more BHtetrol
than C
hopanol and 1.9–6.9× more 2-methyl BHtetrol than 2-methyl C
hopanol. Because
BHaminotriol and adenosylhopane have never been observed with A-ring methylation in
, we interpret the results for 2-methyl BHPs to be the most representative
comparison, i.e. the new HT–GC method has roughly 2–7× higher recovery than oxidative
cleavage. Assuming that reaction does not alter the 2-methyl/desmethyl ratio of BHPs, we
can further infer that about half of the C
hopanol generated by this procedure is derived
from BHaminotriol and adenosyl hopane. The question of why the relative recoveries of the
two methods is so highly variable is difficult to answer, but comparison of data from
different strains suggests that it is not biologic, as follows. The ratios of BHtetrol/C
hopanol and 2-meBHtetrol/2-meC
hopanol are highly correlated across our entire sample
set (
0.82). A strong correlation would not be expected if the variability were due to
differing abundances of BHtetrol, BHaminotriol and adenosylhopane, but is entirely
consistent with variable loss of all BHPs in the oxidative cleavage procedure. It appears
likely then that the yield from the oxidative cleavage procedure is not only low (15–50%)
but also quite variable.
3.3. Column selection
A minimum criterion for suitable GC columns is the ability to elute the tetraacetate
derivative of BHtetrol (MW 715), with good peak shape and in reasonable time. We tested
three columns that met this criterion: DB-XLB, DB-5HT and DB-1HT (all 30 m). A film
thickness of 0.10 μm or less was required for BHtetrol to elute at 350 °C. We also tested a
thicker (0.25 μm) film DB-XLB column but BHtetrol did not elute. There are several
tradeoffs between the choices of stationary phase (Fig. 3). With the DB-1HT column,
BHaminotriol eluted without apparent degradation, but there was virtually no separation
between any 2-methyl/desmethyl homologs.
In contrast, the DB-XLB column provided baseline separation (typically ca. 0.2 min for
hopenes and 0.5 min for BHtetrol) between 2-methylBHPs and their desmethyl homologs,
but was unable to elute BHaminotriol. Instead, chromatograms from the DB-XLB column
included compounds BHP-550, BHP-508 and a poorly-shaped peak eluting immediately
after BHtetrol (MW 653; Fig. 1). The same extract run on the DB-1HT column afforded
BHaminotriol but not BHP-550 or BHP-508. We thus surmise that BHaminotriol (and
possibly also adenosyl hopane, but not BHtetrol) breaks down on the moderately polar XLB
stationary phase. This inference is strengthened by the observation that BHaminotriol,
adenosyl hopane, BHP-550 and BHP-508 are never methylated at C-2 in
R. palustris
whereas BHtetrol is.
A DB-5ms column provides good separation between 2-methyl/ desmethyl homologs,
equivalent to that provided by DB-XLB, and can be a good choice for analysis of hopenes
and hopanols. But with a maximum temperature of 340 °C, we were unable to recover
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BHtetrol from this column. The related DB-5HT column chemistry has been used by Innes
et al. (1997) and Blumenberg et al. (2006) for BHP analysis. While it is reported to have
similar characteristics to DB-5ms, in practice it yielded essentially no separation of hopenes
and 2-methylhopenes, and only partial separation of BHtetrol from 2-methylBHtetrol (Fig
3). The DB-5HT column is able to elute BHtetrol and BHaminotriol from
R. palustris
and is
also reported to successfully elute BHpentol (H. Talbot, personal communication).
In summary, the analyst is left with two imperfect alternatives. DB-5HT columns provide
the best recovery of polyfunctionalized BHPs, including those with amine groups, but do not
provide good separation of 2-methyl/desmethyl homologs. Although the two can be
distinguished by monitoring
191 vs. 205, there are some problems with quantifying
compounds in this way (Section 3.5.1). This column is to be preferred when observation of
amino-functionalized BHPs is a priority. In contrast, DB-XLB columns do not elute
BHaminotriol and larger hopanoids, but do provide baseline separation of the 2-methyl/
desmethyl homologs for all eluted BHPs. This is particularly valuable when accurate
measurements of 2-methyl ratios are a priority, or for compound-specific isotope analysis
where baseline separation is required. Because the current investigation was undertaken as
part of a larger effort to understand hopanoid function and distribution in
R. palustris
, which
makes abundant 2-methylBHPs, the DB-XLB column was used for most tests reported here.
3.4. Method optimization
GC conditions were optimized using a single extract from
R. palustris
strain BisA53,
derivatized with Ac
O and run repeatedly under systematically varied conditions. Maximum
GC oven temperature, PTV injector temperature and column flow rate were all tested. The
DB-XLB column was employed with the Caltech Trace-DSQ system for these tests.
Maximum programmed oven temperature was varied systematically from 300 to 360 °C in
10 °C increments, with a constant column flow rate of 1.3 ml/min and maximum PTV
injector temperature of 325 °C. Results indicate that a minimum temperature of 340 °C was
required to elute BHtetrol in < 1 h, and even at this temperature peak shape was poor (Fig
4). Retention time decreased, and peak shape improved, up to the maximum column
temperature of 360 °C The 360 °C run also yielded a slightly larger peak for BHtetrol
relative to other experiments, though this result was not replicated. Results at 350 °C were
nearly as good as at 360 °C and should provide for longer column lifetime, so this
temperature was adopted for subsequent measurements.
The maximum temperature of the PTV injector (i.e. “sample transfer temperature”) was
varied between 250 and 350 °C in 25 °C increments, with a constant column flow rate of 1.3
ml/min and maximum oven temperature of 350 °C. Tests showed poor sample recovery at <
300 °C, but virtually identical results above 300 °C (data not shown). Peak area was
marginally higher at 325 °C so we adopted this as our standard parameter, although any
temperature between 300 and 350 °C would suffice. Increased degradation of diplopterol
and/or BHtetrol at higher injector temperature was not observed. We further tested injection
with a split/ splitless (S/SL) injector held at 300 °C using the same sample as for PTV
injection. Using the S/SL injector, BHtetrol was eluted with good peak shape, but at only ca.
50% of the abundance with PTV injection. In contrast, the abundance of hopenes was
similar with the two types of injector.
Carrier gas flow rate was varied at 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 1.9 and 2.4 ml/ min, with maximum oven
temperature 350 °C and injector temperature 325 °C. For all hopanoids, peak shape
improved and retention time decreased up to the highest flow rate tested (data not shown).
Adequate separation between the 2-methylhopanoids and desmethyl homologs was
maintained even at 2.4 ml/min. However, for hop-21-ene and hop-22(29)-ene, which
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substantially coelute, separation was noticeably worse at higher flow rate, and optimal
separation of those isomers required lower (1.0–1.5 ml/ min) flow rate.
3.5. Quantification
3.5.1. Comparison of FID with MS—
To assess the relative merits of various approaches
to quantification, we grew and extracted a single large sample of
R. palustris
(TIE-1) under
photoheterotrophic conditions. This particular culture produced large amounts of 2-methyl
BHPs and no tetrahymanol, for unknown reasons. An internal standard (epiandrosterone)
was added to the TLE, which was then serially diluted (1:3) 4×, resulting in a dilution series
(designated D1–D5) spanning two decades of concentration. Each sample was derivatized
with Ac
O, then analyzed on two different columns (DB-XLB and DB-5HT) using two
different detectors (MS and FID). Each analysis was performed in triplicate, with the
resulting matrix representing 60 analyses. For each chromatogram, peaks corresponding to 9
separate hopanoids were integrated in three ways, using: (i) FID peak areas, (ii) TIC peak
areas from MS, or (iii) SIM peak areas from
191 for desmethyl and
205 for 2-
methyl hopanoids. Results from triplicate analyses were then averaged. The complete
dataset is provided in Electronic Annex EA-2.
Several aspects of the dataset are highlighted in Table 3. Section A tabulates the ratio of FID
peak areas for selected hopanoids vs. the internal standard (IS) at each dilution level.
Because the IS was added prior to dilution, the ratio should theoretically remain the same at
all dilution levels. Instead, for all samples the abundance of hopanoids relative to IS
increased slightly over the first two dilutions, then decreased dramatically over the final two.
The pattern is more severe for the polyfunctionalized hopanoids than for the hopenes; in the
extreme case of BHaminotriol, the hopanoid/IS ratio changed from 3.4 for dilution 3 to 0.05
for dilution 5. The pattern is similar for both FID and MS data (not shown), suggesting that
it arises during chromatography. The phenomenon is qualitatively consistent with
preferential loss of hopanoids due to either adsorption or thermal decomposition and
highlights the difficulty of achieving quantitative analysis of these high-boiling compounds.
Sections B and C of Table 3 document the quantitative response from MS relative to that
from FID for the same hopanoids. The values were calculated as:
where A and IS represent peak areas for the analyte and internal standard, respectively, and
subscripts MS and FID represent peak areas obtained from MS (TIC or SIM) or FID data.
By comparing peak areas between MS and FID data for the same sample, effects of analyte
loss during chromatography (as discussed above) are avoided. In essence, these relative
response factors represent the bias in concentration that would result from assuming a unit
response factor for the MS, i.e. as is commonly done when authentic standards are not
available. Using total ion counts (Table 3, section B) results in a relative response ranging
from 0.25 to 1.3, with the lowest values for BHaminotriol and highest values for diplopterol.
Response factor did not change systematically with dilution for the hopenes, but did
decrease with dilution for the functionalized hopanoids. This pattern would be consistent
with an increased loss of high molecular weight (MW) hopanoids in the MS transfer line and
source relative to FID. When BHtetrol was quantified on both XLB and 5HT columns, the
resulting response factors differed by 2-fold. These results were obtained roughly 2 weeks
apart, with several source tunings between them, and presumably reflect inherent variability
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in MS response factor. Quantitation using SIM chromatograms (
191 and 205; Table 3,
section C) resulted in similar patterns as for the TIC data, but with increased variability. In
this case, response factors varied from 0.16 to 2.72. Our conclusion is that to achieve
accurate quantitation using GC–MS, multi-point calibration curves are a necessity and TIC
data are preferable to SIM data. Without them, estimated concentration may be in error by a
factor of 3 or more.
Finally, we evaluated potential bias in calculated 2-methyl ratios for the three detection
schemes (Table 3, section D). In doing so, we assumed that FID results were the most
accurate, and so compared MS data against them. For all compounds, the 2-methyl ratios
returned by TIC data are statistically indistinguishable from those from FID, consistent with
virtually identical response factors between 2-methyl and desmethyl homologs of any given
hopanoid structure. 2-methyl ratios derived from SIM data are significantly lower, however,
typically by 20–30% (BHtetrol is the exception).This bias can be rationalized by the
observation that
191 is a larger peak than
189 in the mass spectrum of most
desmethyl BHPs, but
205 is a smaller peak than
189 for most 2-methyl BHPs.
3.5.2. Detection limit—
Analytical bias notwithstanding, SIM analysis using
191 and
205 chromatograms provides the most convenient and sensitive method for quantifying
hopanoids of varying composition in an automated fashion. To assess detection limits using
this approach, we used an
R. palustris
extract that had been quantified by GC-FID to
generate a four point calibration curve. SIM analysis of the same extract then allowed us to
calculate detection limit at a signal/ noise ratio of 10: hop-17(21)-ene, 34 pg; hop-22(29)-
ene, 65 pg; hop-21-ene, 69 pg; tetrahymanol, 170 pg; BHP-550, 2.4 ng; BHP-508, 1.2 ng;
BHtetrol, 0.97 ng. Detection limit for the 2-methyl homologs was similar.
3.5.3. Comparison with LC–MS—
To further explore some of the advantages and
disadvantages of high temperature GC–MS, we analysed the same dilution series of
extracts (Section 3.5.1) by LC–MS using a QTOF mass spectrometer. Although the
functionalized hopanoids of
R. palustris
have been previously described (Rashby et al.,
2007; Talbot et al., 2008), there has not been a direct comparison of quantitative GC–MS
and LC–MS measurements on the same extract. Absolute concentration of hopanoids was
calculated using FID peak areas relative to the epianderosterone internal standard for GC,
and using
191 or 205 peak areas relative to a 4 point calibration curve generated with an
authentic standard of pregnone diacetate for LC, assuming unit response factor for all
analytes (Sáenz et al., 2011).
The results (Table 4) indicate that LC–MS measured concentrations of BHtetrol, 2-
meBHtetrol, and BHaminotriol that were 50–100% higher than the maximum values
measured with GC–MS. The 2-methyl ratios were statistically indistinguishable between the
two approaches. LC–MS concentrations did exhibit minor decreases with dilution level, but
not nearly to the extreme that GC-FID concentrations did. Apparently analyte loss is much
less severe in LC-based analyses. Our data do not allow us to distinguish whether the higher
apparent concentrations measured with LC– MS reflect loss in the GC-FID approach, or a
bias due to the assumption of equal response factors for hopanoids vs. pregnone diacetate in
the LC–MS approach. In either case, it appears that the LC–MS concentration is at least
within a factor of 2 (possibly much better) of being ‘correct’, and that the LC–MS technique
is much less susceptible to loss of hopanoids at very low dilution. This method also provides
the ability to quantify highly functionalized BHPs (such as adenosylhopane), which do not
elute from HT–GC on any column we have tested, and so is complementary to HT GC–MS
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3.6. Survey of R. palustris strains
As an initial demonstration of the optimized methodology, we measured the abundance of
BHPs in six different strains of
R. palustris
grown under both heterotrophic and
photoheterotrophic conditions (Table 5). All six strains were isolated from freshwater
sediments with the 3 BisB strains and the HaA2 strain isolated simultaneously from the
Netherlands (Oda et al., 2002; Jiao et al., 2005). All six strains have 16S rRNA sequence
identity of 97% or greater and each of their genomes contain hopanoid biosynthesis genes
required to produce both methylated and unmethylated hopanoids (Oda et al., 2008;
Welander et al., 2012). Data for BHP-550 are compiled as a proxy for BHaminotriol,
although the quantitative correspondence of the two compounds has not been verified. All
cultures were harvested at mid-exponential phase.
The data in Table 5 demonstrate that all six strains produced the same set of hopanoids.
However, there was significant variation in hopanoid abundance between strains and
between photoautotrophic and heterotrophic conditions. The majority of strains tended to
produce large amounts of hopenes under both growth conditions, with the exception of
BisB5 having more tetrahymanol. All strains produced similar amounts of BHtetrol, with no
significant difference between growth conditions. The 2-methyl ratio also varied
significantly between strains; for example BisA53 gave a 2-methyl ratio of 0.1 whereas for
BisB18 it was 5.9, both for diplopterol under photoheterotrophic conditions. Thus it seems
that, despite the similarity in hopanoid biosynthetic gene sequences between these strains, as
well as the similar environmental niche they inhabit, the production of certain hopanoids can
vary quite substantially.
4. Conclusions
We present optimized procedures for the identification and quantitation of
polyfunctionalized hopanoids using GC–MS with high-temperature, thin film columns. The
method requires only acetylation of the total lipid extract, so is more rapid and efficient than
the oxidative cleavage method. We show that hydrolysis of extracts leads to the generation
of many artifactual hopanoid structures, several of which were tentatively identified based
on accurate masses from GC-TOF-MS. DB-5HT type columns can successfully elute
BHtetrol, BHpentol and BHaminotriol in < 1 h at a maximum oven temperature of 360 °C,
but do not fully separate 2-methyl/desmethyl homologs. In contrast, DB-XLB columns do
not elute BHpentol or BHaminotriol, but provide baseline separation of 2-methyl/desmethyl
homologs. Quantification using either total ion counts, selected ions (
191 and 205), or
FID showed that the mass spectrometer exhibits strong (up to threefold) variation in relative
response to different hopanoids, so FID provides the most accurate quantitation when
authentic standards are not available. The ratio of 2-methyl to desmethyl BHPs determined
from TIC of baseline-resolved peaks are similar to those from FID, but those determined
from SIM analysis using
205/ 191 are systematically low by 10–30% Quantitation of
functionalized hopanoids with LC–MS using pregnone diacetate as a calibration standard
yielded a concentration 50–100% higher than that measured from GC-FID, but the reasons
for the discrepancy are not known.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
Research at Caltech was supported by Grants from the NASA Exobiology program (NNX07AN49G and
NNX12AD93G) to A.L.S. and D.K.N. Research at MIT was supported by Grants from the NSF Program on
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Emerging Trends in Biogeochemical Cycles (OCE-0849940), the NASA Astrobiology Institute, and a NASA
Postdoctoral Program Fellowship to P.V.W. D.K.N. is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. We
thank M. Blumenberg and M. Elvert for constructive reviews of the manuscript.
Appendix A. Structures described in text
See Fig. A1.
Appendix B. Supplementary material
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at
Associate Editors—
H.M. Talbot
B. van Dongen
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Fig. 1.
Typical GC–MS chromatogram of acetylated total lipid extract from
R. palustris
TIE-1, grown photoautotrophically). Main hopanoid peaks are labeled. 2-Methyl homologs
elute 0.2–0.5 min earlier on this column (DB-XLB) and are easily recognized in the
trace. Note that compounds X and XI do not have 2-methyl homologs. The 2-methylhopenes
are suspected to derive from dehydration of 2-methyldiplopterol, rather than de novo
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Fig. 2.
Chromatograms (
191) of two aliquots from the same extract of
R. palustris
illustrating detrimental effect of hydrolysis. The upper chromato-gram reflects the extract
treated only with Ac
O, the lower chromatogram includes hydrolysis in MeOH/AcCl for 4 h
at 80 °C. Hydrolysis leads to rearrangement of hop-21-ene to other isomers and nearly
complete degradation of diplopterol (
) and BHtetrol (
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Fig. 3.
Partial GC–MS chromatograms (blue,
191; brown,
205) of acetylated extract from
R. palustris
TIE-1 analyzed with DB-1HT, −5HT, and –XLB columns of same dimensions,
showing differences in separation for hopenes and BHtetrol. Data were collected with the
same GC oven ramp rate. Peaks are shifted horizontally for comparison, actual retention
times are given above selected peaks.
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