Semi-Regular Mesh Extraction from Volumes
Zo ̈
e J. Wood
Mathieu Desbrun
Peter Schr ̈
David Breen
We present a novel method to extract iso-surfaces from distance
volumes. It generates high quality semi-regular multiresolution
meshes of arbitrary topology. Our technique proceeds in two stages.
First, a very coarse mesh with guaranteed topology is extracted.
Subsequently an iterative multi-scale force-based solver refines the
initial mesh into a semi-regular mesh with geometrically adaptive
sampling rate and good aspect ratio triangles. The coarse mesh ex-
traction is performed using a new approach we call
surface wave-
front propagation
. A set of discrete iso-distance ribbons are rapidly
built and connected while respecting the topology of the iso-surface
implied by the data. Subsequent multi-scale refinement is driven by
a simple force-based solver designed to combine good iso-surface
fit and high quality sampling through reparameterization. In con-
trast to the Marching Cubes technique our output meshes adapt
gracefully to the iso-surface geometry, have a natural multiresolu-
tion structure and good aspect ratio triangles, as demonstrated with
a number of examples.
Semi-regular meshes, subdivision, volumes, surface extraction, implicit
functions, level set methods
1 Introduction
Iso-surface extraction is a fundamental technique of scientific vi-
sualization and one of the most useful tools for visualizing volume
data. The predominant algorithm for iso-surface extraction, March-
ing Cubes (MC) [36], computes a local triangulation within each
voxel of the volume containing the surface, resulting in a uniform
resolution mesh. Often much smaller meshes adequately describe
the surface since MC meshes tend to oversample the iso-surface,
encumbering downstream applications, e.g., rendering, denoising,
finite element simulations, and network transmission. These chal-
lenges can be addressed through multiresolution mesh representa-
We present a method for the
extraction of an adaptively
sampled multiresolution iso-surface mesh with good aspect ratio
triangles. The multiresolution structure is based on adaptive
meshes, well known from the subdivision setting [54]. A
semi-regular mesh consists of a coarsest level triangle mesh which
is recursively refined through quadrisection. The resulting meshes
have regular (valence 6) vertices almost everywhere. Adaptivity is
achieved through terminating the recursion appropriately and en-
forcing a restriction criterion (triangles sharing an edge must be
off by no more than one level of refinement). Conforming edges
are used to prevent T-vertices (see Fig. 1). Because of their spe-
cial structure such meshes enjoy many benefits including efficient
compression [25] and editing [55] (among many others). Since the
Figure 1:
Example extractions of adaptive semi-regular meshes
from volumes using our algorithm.
mesh hierarchy is represented through a forest of quad-trees, im-
plementation is simple, elegant, and efficient. Figure 1 shows an
example of a multiresolution semi-regular mesh extracted from a
distance volume with our algorithm.
1.1 Contributions
We propose an algorithm for the extraction of semi-regular meshes
directly from volume data. In a first step a coarse, irregular connec-
tivity mesh with the same global topology as the iso-surface is ex-
tracted (Fig. 2, left). This stage works for arbitrary scalar volumes
with well defined iso-surfaces and has a small memory footprint.
In a second step the mesh is refined and its geometry optimized
(Fig. 2, right). Here we require a distance volume for the desired
iso-surface. During refinement, aspect ratios and sizes of triangles
are controlled through adaptive quadrisection and
tion forces
. Since our algorithm proceeds from coarser to finer res-
olutions, simple multi-scale methods are easily used. In particular
we solve successively for the best fitting mesh at increasing resolu-
tions using an upsampling of a coarser solution as the starting guess
for the next finer level. In summary, novel aspects of our algorithm
direct extraction of semi-regular meshes from volume data;
a new and fast method to extract a topologically accurate coarse
mesh with low memory requirements, suitable for large datasets;
an improved force-based approach to quickly converge to a re-
fined mesh that adaptively fits the data with good aspect ratio
1.2 Related Work
Traditional Methods and Multiresolution
proceed by first
constructing an MC mesh and then improving it through simpli-
fication [20] and/or remeshing [11, 29, 33, 28, 19]. Common mesh
simplification algorithms have large memory footprints [21, 15]
and are impractical for decimating meshes with millions of sam-
ples (see [35, 34] to address this issue). In addition, simplification
algorithms create irregular connectivity meshes with non-smooth
parameterizations. These cannot be compressed as efficiently as
semi-regular meshes [25] leading to the need for remeshing. In
Figure 2:
Overview of our algorithm (left to right). Given a volume and a particular iso-value of interest a set of topologically faithful
ribbons is constructed. Stitching them gives the coarsest level mesh for the solver. Adaptive refinement constructs a better and better fit with
a semi-regular mesh.
contrast we wish to directly extract multiresolution meshes with a
smooth parameterization.
Alternatively multiresolution can be applied to the volume fol-
lowed by subsequent MC extractions [50, 2]. Unfortunately, it
is difficult to guarantee the topology of the mesh extracted from
the simplified volume, e.g., small handles will disappear at various
stages of the smoothing step, causing a change in the topology of
the extracted mesh (see [16] for a new solution). In contrast our
approach constructs a topologically accurate semi-regular mesh at
every stage of the algorithm.
Deformable Model Approaches
define the surface as the min-
imum (thin-plate) energy solution induced by a suitable potential
function [40, 23, 38, 43, 28]. The second stage of our algorithm
proceeds similarly with the important distinction that we exert spe-
cific control over the connectivity of the mesh to achieve a semi-
regular structure and we use a balloon [5] approach coupled with
a novel
force. Similar to previous approaches
the initial mesh for our finite element solver must have the cor-
rect topology, however almost all previous approaches rely on user
input to determine the appropriate global topology for the initial
mesh [40, 43, 28, 38]. The largest advantage of our algorithm is
our ability to extract a surface of arbitrary topology without any
input from the user. Solvers which accommodate topological mod-
ifications are possible, but rather delicate [31, 39]. Instead we opt
for a robust algorithm which
extracts a surface with
the correct global topology from the volume data
without recourse
to MC
Topological Graphs
can be constructed to encode the topology
of a surface. Our algorithm uses the adjacency relationships of the
voxels in the volume to traverse the surface and record its connec-
tivity in a graph that is topologically equivalent to the MC mesh for
the same volume. This traversal and graph construction is related to
work done by Lachaud [30] on topologically defined iso-surfaces.
However, unlike Lachaud we do not triangulate the entire graph.
Instead, our algorithm extracts a coarse mesh by eliminating redun-
dant regions of the graph where the topology does not change.
Morse Theory and Reeb Graphs
are also concerned with cod-
ing the topology of a surface [47, 45, 46]. However, neither method
uniquely identifies the embedding of the surface in space, poten-
tially leading to ambiguities in the topology coding. Work done on
surface coding and Reeb graph construction by Shinagawa, using
contours defined by a height function, resolves these ambiguities
through requiring apriori knowledge [45, 46] of the number of han-
dles. In contrast the topological graph we construct from the con-
tours of the
wavefront propagation
determines the topol-
ogy of the surface with
apriori information (for more details and
a proof see [53]).
Distance Iso-contours
are critical in our approach. We use
ideas from level set methods on manifolds [26, 44] and discrete dis-
tance computations [32, 49]. Note that we compute these distances
on implicitly defined (through the volume) surfaces, not on meshes.
Specifically, we use the connectivity relationship of voxels in the
volume to build a graph representing the surface. Distances are
then propagated on this graph, creating a discrete distance graph.
Iso-distance contours in this graph are used to correctly encode the
topology of the surface without ever constructing an explicit mesh
as in the MC algorithm.
Signed Distance Volumes
are required by our solver, though
the initial topology discovery stage runs on any volume with well-
defined iso-contours. A signed distance volume stores the shortest
signed distance to the surface at each voxel which is useful in a
variety of applications [7, 6, 17, 42, 51]. Distance volumes are
constructed by computing the shortest Euclidean distance within
a narrow band around the desired iso-contour and then sweeping
it out to the remaining voxels using a Fast Marching Method [44].
Distance volumes can easily be generated for a variety of input data.
For example, distance volumes for MRI and CT data are computed
by fitting a level set model to the desired iso-surface, creating a
smooth segmentation of the input data [37, 52].
2 Coarse Mesh Extraction
In order to construct a topologically accurate coarse representation
of a given iso-surface we slice the surface along contours that cap-
ture the overall topology. This concept is similar to representing a
surface with a Reeb graph, which uses contours defined by a height
function. The latter leads to ambiguities which we avoid by using
contours of a distance function defined
the iso-surface. Exam-
ining the way these geometric contours are connected, we can al-
ways uniquely encode a topological graph of the iso-surface. This
is achieved by discarding topologically redundant cross-sections,
i.e., those where surface topology can not change.
Before we explain the details of this approach,
recall some important theorems and definitions from Geometric
Topology [41]. First, the topology of a 2-manifold
(closed poly-
hedral surface) is completely determined by its genus:
is the Euler characteristic,
the number of vertices,
number of edges,
the number of faces and
the genus. We use
this fact and two related theorems:
the Euler characteristic of an entire polyhedron can be decom-
posed into the sum of the Euler characteristics of smaller regions
whose disjoint union is the polyhedron;
the Euler characteristic of any given 2-manifold, or subset of a
2-manifold is invariant,
regardless of how the surface is trian-
Given these facts, it is easy to see that topology can be captured
accurately by selecting contours where the Euler characteristic of
the associated region will change the genus of the surface. This
selection is based on decomposing the surface into a combination
of a few simple primitives:
A 1-sphere
is a set homeomorphic to a unit circle with
A 2-cell
is a set homeomorphic to a disk with
For example, we can decompose a sphere into two 1-spheres (con-
tours), two 2-cells (disks), and the triangulation between the two
contours (which we call a
) that respects the orientation of
the original surface (see Fig. 3). Consider the combined Euler char-
acteristic of these regions. As stated in the definitions, the Euler