of 13
Pyocyanin degradation by a tautomerizing demethylase inhibits
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Kyle C Costa
Nathaniel R Glasser
Stuart J Conway
, and
Dianne K Newman
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California, USA
Department of Chemistry, Chemistry Research Laboratory, University of Oxford, Mansfield Road,
Oxford, OX1 3TA, UK
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California, USA
The opportunistic pathogen
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
produces colorful redox-active metabolites
called phenazines, which underpin biofilm development, virulence and clinical outcomes. Though
phenazines exist in many forms, the best studied is pyocyanin. Here, we describe pyocyanin
demethylase (PodA), a hitherto uncharacterized protein that oxidizes the pyocyanin methyl group
to formaldehyde and reduces the pyrazine ring via an unusual tautomerizing demethylation
reaction. Treatment with PodA disrupts
P. aeruginosa
biofilm formation similarly to DNase,
suggesting interference with the pyocyanin-dependent release of extracellular DNA into the
matrix. PodA-dependent pyocyanin demethylation also restricts established biofilm aggregate
populations experiencing anoxic conditions. Together, these results show that modulating
extracellular redox-active metabolites can influence the fitness of biofilms.
Bacteria from phylogenetically diverse taxa secrete colorful redox-active metabolites, such
as the well-studied phenazines produced by multiple species, including
) (Fig. 1A,B). Phenazines can be toxic to other cells but also benefit their
producers by facilitating extracellular electron transfer and survival in anoxic environments
). These latter functions support the growth of antibiotic-resistant biofilms, and
mutants that cannot make phenazines are defective in biofilm development (
Accordingly, we reasoned that selectively manipulating phenazines might present a means to
control biofilms. One way to influence extracellular metabolites is through active
modification or degradation by other organisms (
). Recently, we described a group of
Corresponding author: dkn@caltech.edu.
Author contributions.
KCC and DKN conceived the project. KCC, NRG, and DKN designed the experiments. KCC and NRG
performed the experiments. KCC, NRG, SJC, and DKN analyzed and interpreted the results. KCC, SJC and DKN wrote the paper.
Supplementary Materials
Materials and Methods
Figures S1–S8
Tables S1, S2
References # 31–62
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 July 13.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2017 January 13; 355(6321): 170–173. doi:10.1126/science.aag3180.
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mycobacteria that enzymatically degrade phenazines and identified genes that catalyze
distinct steps in degradation (
). Here, we focus on the structure and function of a previously
uncharacterized protein from
Mycobacterium fortuitum
encoded by MFORT_14352 (NCBI
Accession number: EJZ13467) that catalyzes pyocyanin (PYO) degradation (
To characterize its activity, we purified a heterologously expressed, truncated version of this
protein (lacking a predicted N-terminal, membrane-spanning helix (
)), hereafter referred
to as PodA
demethylase), from
Escherichia coli
(Fig. 1C). PodA
PYO to 1-hydroxyphenazine (1–OH-PHZ) and formaldehyde (Fig. 1D,E), indicating that it
functions as a demethylase. Generally, enzyme-catalyzed
-demethylations proceed by
oxidation of the methyl group to formaldehyde with electron transfer to a bound cofactor or
iron-sulfur cluster (
). Surprisingly, we found that PodA
generates 1-OH-PHZ in
the absence of either flavin or 2-oxoglutarate, which are required for most known
demethylases (Fig. S1). Additionally, PodA
functions under anoxic conditions
suggesting a mechanism distinct from the oxygen-dependent Rieske-iron type demethylases
). Kinetic analysis suggests that PodA is a high affinity PYO demethylase (K
< 1 μM
and k
= 1.20 ± 0.07 s
) that operates over a wide regime of pH (<4.9 – 8.7) and salt
concentrations (0 – 400 mM) (Fig. S2) with specificity for
-methylated phenazines (Fig
S3). Under anoxic conditions, PodA
catalyzes the formation of a reduced phenazine,
suggesting that its substrate serves as the electron acceptor (Fig. 1F,G). This mechanism has
not previously been observed for demethylases (
). We propose the following reaction
for PodA, wherein oxidized PYO (PYO
) is converted to reduced 1-OH-PHZ (1–OH-
) (Fig. 1A,B):
) + H
) + CH
To test this model and better understand how PodA
reduces its substrate, we solved the
X-ray crystal structure at 1.8 Å resolution (Table S1) by molecular replacement using a
search model generated by Robetta (
) (Fig. S4). PodA
crystalized as a trimer in
the asymmetric unit (Fig. 2A). Crystal formation occurred only in the presence of 1-OH-
PHZ, which was visible in a putative solvent-exposed active site (Fig. 2B,C). We found no
evidence of a bound cofactor or metals in the electron density of the active site (Fig. S5)
further supporting the hypothesis that PodA catalyzes a novel demethylation reaction.
Within the active site, there are several charged and polar residues (D68, D72, H121, E154,
and Y156) and a nearby disulfide that are candidate catalytic residues (
); additionally, 1-
OH-PHZ appears to bind via a
stacking interaction with F70 (Fig. 2B).
Based on the active site structure, we propose a mechanism relying on the presence of H121
functioning as an acid and D72, E154 and Y156 collectively functioning as a base (Fig. 2D).
PYO binds in the phenol tautomeric form (Fig. 1A). Deprotonation of the methyl group
results in iminium ion formation and concomitant reduction of the pyrazine ring, with the
second nitrogen atom protonated by H121. H121 is then reprotonated by PYO’s hydroxyl
group (pK
of His ~6 versus PYO ~5). The unfavorable interaction between the negatively
charged phenolate ion and D68 drives product release. We hypothesize that PodA catalyzes
the tautomerization of PYO to an iminium ion that is susceptible to hydrolysis outside of the
enzyme: the structure indicates that the active site cannot accommodate both the substrate
and a water molecule (Fig. 2B–E) (
). D72 and E154 remain protonated in this scenario,
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acidifying the active site, perhaps to ensure that PYO is in the hydroxylated form in
subsequent reaction cycles (Fig. 1A). This scheme highlights the significance of the
hydroxyl group of PYO to recharge PodA for subsequent reaction cycles and to drive
product release. An alternative substrate, methoxyphenazine methosulfate (methoxy-PMS),
which lacks the hydroxyl group, displays an initial burst of activity followed by a slower
steady state (Fig. 3A), which is consistent with our model.
To probe the proposed mechanism, we performed mutagenesis for each of the putative
catalytic residues. H121A, E154A, D68A, and D72N mutants all formed a trimer (Fig.
3B,C) but had <10% wild type activity, consistent with the postulated catalytic mechanism
(Fig. 3D). Y156F formed a trimer but retained ~25% wild type activity, consistent with this
residue facilitating proton transfer to D72 and E154 but not being essential. A possible
alternative mechanism could utilize the disulfide in the active site forming a covalent adduct
with the phenazine, in analogy to some flavoproteins (
). However, our mutagenesis results
indicate that the disulfide bond near the active site is not essential for catalytic activity
although it may be important for structural stability (Fig. 3B–D) (Fig. S6).
Because PodA requires only water and substrate for activity (Figs. 2D,E, S1, and S2), we
hypothesized that it could degrade PYO during active production by
P. aeruginosa
(Fig. S7).
addition to
P. aeruginosa
planktonic culture results in the conversion of PYO to
1-OH-PHZ in both rich and minimal medium (Fig. S8). Encouraged by these findings, we
assessed the impact of PodA on biofilm formation. Extracellular DNA (eDNA) comprises
>50% of the
P. aeruginosa
biofilm matrix (
), and recently PYO was shown to drive eDNA
release (
) which is important early in biofilm development (
). We hypothesized that
might inhibit
P. aeruginosa
biofilms in part by attenuating DNA release, thereby
removing an important matrix component and changing biofilm architecture. Because PYO
does not completely block DNA release (
), it is also possible that downstream PYO-
DNA interactions may be important. We checked whether PodA
could access PYO in
the presence of DNA, as PYO is a known DNA intercalator (
); PodA
catalyzed PYO
demethylation in this context (Fig S8). We grew
P. aeruginosa
biofilms for 5 hours, staining
them with DAPI to image biofilm structure. HPLC analysis of supernatants confirmed the
conversion of PYO to 1-OH-PHZ by PodA
in these cultures (Fig. 4A). Overall biofilm
formation, as assayed by surface coverage (
), was reduced by PodA
but not by the
inactive PodA control (Fig. 4B–D), consistent with a role for PYO in early biofilm
development. As previously shown, treatment with DNase independently inhibited biofilms
). Interestingly, DNase or PodA
treatment inhibited biofilms to the same extent,
and dual treatment did not have an additive effect (Fig. 4D).
In addition to impacting early stages in biofilm development, phenazines can expand the
habitable zone within established biofilms (
). As
P. aeruginosa
biofilms mature, cells in
deeper layers of the biofilm begin to experience oxygen limitation and redox stress (
these cells are believed to be slow growing and are highly resistant to antibiotics (
Phenazines facilitate anoxic survival and alleviate redox stress (
). Because PYO reacts
with oxygen more efficiently than 1-OH-PHZ (
), we hypothesized that PodA activity
might decrease anoxic fitness by disrupting PYO dependent electron shuttling to oxygen. To
capture key features of
in vivo
biofilm aggregates (
), cells were grown suspended in
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agar blocks at 37 °C for 22 hours to establish an oxygen gradient before a 5 hour treatment
with PodA
(Fig. 4E,F). Owing to constraints imposed by the incubator, we were
unable to measure oxygen gradients directly, so we used a previously validated model to
estimate the oxic-anoxic transition zone (
). Modeling our aggregate population indicated
that anoxia occurs ~300 μm below the surface as a result of microbial consumption (Fig.
4G), consistent with what is known about oxygen diffusion into
in vivo
biofilms (
). We
observed a decrease in detectable aggregates at depths 300–400 μm below the agar surface;
additionally, cultures treated with PodA
had a sharper decline in detectable aggregates
below this depth (Fig. 4H). There was no significant difference in aggregate numbers above
the predicted oxic-anoxic transition zone. How PYO demethylation restricts the aggregate
population is unknown.
In conclusion, the discovery of a PYO demethylase that simultaneously catalyzes substrate
reduction shows that redox-active pigments can participate in their own enzyme-catalyzed
modification. Though PodA is the first member of a new class of tautomerizing
demethylases that utilizes an oxidized substrate as the electron acceptor, this reaction is
reminiscent of reduced flavin acting as the electron donor in its own destruction in vitamin
biosynthesis (
). It seems likely that the processing of other redox-active pigments and
cofactors may operate by a similar mechanism where the redox activity of the substrate
enables catalysis. That PodA can inhibit
P. aeruginosa
at different stages of biofilm
development raises the possibility that selective degradation of extracellular electron shuttles
may facilitate treatment of intractable infections.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
The final model and native data set for PodA were submitted to the wwPDB under accession code 5K21. We thank
Elena Perry, Lucas Meirelles, William DePas and Douglas Rees for assistance in experimental design and
interpretation. KCC was supported by a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award from the National
Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Grant no. F32AI112248. NRG was
supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Grant no. 1144469. This work was
further supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), NIH (Grant 5R01HL117328-03) and the
Molecular Observatory at the Beckman Institute, California Institute of Technology through the Gordon and Betty
Moore Foundation and the Sanofi-Aventis Bioengineering Research Program at Caltech. Additional support was
provided by the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, which is funded by the US DOE and NIH. SJC thanks
St Hugh’s College, Oxford for research support.
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Figure 1. Biochemical analysis of the PodA reaction
PodA catalyzes the demethylation of PYO (
) to reduced 1-OH-PHZ (
). (
) PodA
purifies as a trimer by gel filtration chromatography (45.6 kDa). Inset is a denaturing gel
demonstrating the size of monomeric PodA
. Incubations of PodA
with PYO
show the conversion of the starting material (
) to 1-OH-PHZ and formaldehyde (
). Data
are average measurements from six reactions and error bars represent one standard deviation
around the mean. Formaldehyde is derivatized to facilitate detection; the derivatization
competes with other compounds in the mixture so stoichiometric production was not
observed. (
) PodA
is active under anoxic conditions, and the PYO containing
reaction mixture fluoresces under UV illumination. This fluorescent product has an emission
spectrum (250 nm excitation) consistent with a reduced phenazine (
). While both reduced
PYO and 1-OH-PHZ have similar emission maxima (50 μM phenazine), the magnitude of
the peak is consistent with the generation of reduced 1-OH-PHZ by PodA
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Figure 2. 1.8 Å crystal structure of PodA
) View of the PodA
trimer with 1-OH-PHZ bound. The PodA active site (
) is
solvent exposed (
) and contains charged and polar residues. There is a nearby disulfide
~3.5 Å from 1-OH-PHZ. (
) A proposed reaction mechanism based on the residues present
in the active site. The model predicts that D72, E154 and Y156 are necessary for methyl
deprotonation. H121 protonates the unmethylated N atom of the pyrazine ring, and D68
reprotonates H121. Formation of the negatively charged phenolate ion promotes product
release due to an unfavorable electrostatic interaction (red dashed circle). D72 and E154
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remain protonated, acidifying the active site to assist in formation of hydroxylated PYO
(Fig. 1A) in the next catalytic cycle. (
) Hydrolysis of the product is spontaneous and occurs
after release from the active site.
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Figure 3. Molecular analysis of the PodA reaction mechanism
) An alternative substrate — methoxy-PMS, inset — is demethylated by PodA
, but
the reaction rate slows significantly after an initial burst, highlighting the importance of the
hydroxyl group of PYO for catalysis and/or driving product release after deprotonation. Data
are averages from triplicate measurements and error bars represent one standard deviation
from the mean. (
) Residues in the PodA active site (Fig. 2B) were mutated and the
resulting proteins purified; H121A, D68A, E154A, D72N, Y156F and the C88A, C102A (C
to A) double mutant all purify as a trimer by gel filtration chromatography. (
) Mutant
proteins were pure as assayed by reducing SDS-PAGE. (
) Activity of mutant proteins
shows that the disulfide bond is not essential for activity. Y156F has ~25% wild type
activity, and all other residues appear essential for catalysis.
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Figure 4. PodA
inhibits biofilm formation and anoxic fitness of
P. aeruginosa
) Phenazines were measured by HPLC in biofilm supernatants after 5 hours of growth.
PCA, phenazine-1-carboxylic acid. (
P. aeruginosa
forms a robust biofilm in the presence
of inactivated PodA
after 5 hours. (
) In the presence of PodA
, biofilm surface
coverage was decreased. Surface coverage was 43.5 percent compared with 82.7 percent in
the absence of PodA
in the representative images shown. Scale Bars = 20 μm. (
Surface coverage was lower in the presence of PodA
(p < 10
vs. PodA-inactive, two-
tailed Student’s t-test). DNase addition decreased surface coverage (p < 10
vs. PodA-
inactive), but DNase and PodA
combined did not have an additive effect (p > 0.05),
consistent with an interaction between PYO and eDNA in supporting biofilms (
). Data are
averages of 12 replicates taken from independent cultures. Error bars represent one standard
deviation around the mean. ∆
, PA14 mutant incapable of making phenazines. (
) Top
down and (
) side views of
P. aeruginosa
grown embedded in 0.5% agar blocks for 27 hours.
Scale bars = 200 μm. Oxygen depletion occurs at lower depths as a result of biological
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consumption outpacing diffusion from the surface, resulting in decreased biomass. (
Oxygen diffusion model predicting the shape of the oxycline in agar blocks. Cell densities
were estimated at 10
cells mL
based on aggregate number and volume. Modeling this
concentration and 2-fold higher and lower densities suggests that oxygen depletion occurs
~300 μm ± 100 μm below the agar surface. Dashed red line indicates the approximate oxic-
anoxic interface. (
) Biofilm aggregates detected at 10 μm increments below the agar
surface. At depths near the oxic/anoxic interface (dashed red line), total biomass begins to
decline. In assays treated for the last 5 hours with PodA
, there is an apparent biomass
defect specifically at anoxic depths compared to untreated and inactive PodA treated
controls, consistent with the importance of PYO for anoxic survival in
P. aeruginosa
. Data
are averages of six independent experiments and error bars represent one standard deviation
around the mean. Open symbols, p < 0.01, two-tailed Student’s t-test.
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