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Published December 16, 2020 | Submitted + Supplemental Material + Published
Journal Article Open

Fault‐Zone Damage Promotes Pulse‐Like Rupture and Back‐Propagating Fronts via Quasi‐Static Effects


Damage zones are ubiquitous components of faults that may affect earthquake rupture. Simulations show that pulse‐like rupture can be induced by the dynamic effect of waves reflected by sharp fault zone boundaries. Here we show that pulses can appear in a highly damaged fault zone even in the absence of reflected waves. We use quasi‐static scaling arguments and quasi‐dynamic earthquake cycle simulations to show that a crack turns into a pulse after the rupture has grown larger than the fault zone thickness. Accompanying the pulses, we find complex rupture patterns involving back‐propagating fronts that emerge from the primary rupture front. Our model provides a mechanism for back‐propagating fronts recently observed during large earthquakes. Moreover, we find that slow‐slip simulations in a highly compliant fault zone also produce back‐propagating fronts, suggesting a new mechanism for the rapid tremor reversals observed in Cascadia and Japan.

Additional Information

© 2020 American Geophysical Union. Issue Online: 01 December 2020; Version of Record online: 01 December 2020; Accepted manuscript online: 09 November 2020; Manuscript accepted: 05 November 2020; Manuscript revised: 04 November 2020; Manuscript received: 09 September 2020. This work was supported by the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) and by the French government through the FAULTS_R_GEMS project (ANR‐17‐CE31‐0008) and the UCAJEDI Investments in the Future project (ANR‐15‐IDEX‐01) managed by the National Research Agency (ANR). SCEC is funded by NSF Cooperative Agreement EAR‐1600087 and USGS Cooperative Agreement G17AC00047. This is SCEC Contribution No. 10084. Data Availability Statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no data sets were generated or analyzed during the current study. The Quasi‐DYNamic earthquake simulator (QDYN) (Luo et al., 2017) used to compute our numerical models of earthquake cycles is available online (github.com/ydluo/qdyn). QDYN is freely available for academic research purposes and licensed by GNU General Public License, Version 3.

Attached Files

Published - 2020GL090736.pdf

Submitted - LVFZ_Manuscript.pdf

Supplemental Material - grl61532-sup-0001-2020gl090736-ds01.pdf


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