Published September 2020 | Submitted + Published
Journal Article Open

A Warm Jupiter Transiting an M Dwarf: A TESS Single-transit Event Confirmed with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder

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We confirm the planetary nature of a warm Jupiter transiting the early M dwarf TOI-1899 using a combination of available TESS photometry; high-precision, near-infrared spectroscopy with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder; and speckle and adaptive optics imaging. The data reveal a transiting companion on an ~29 day orbit with a mass and radius of 0.66 ± 0.07 M_J and 1.15_(-0.05)^(+0.04) R_J, respectively. The star, TOI-1899, is the lowest-mass star known to host a transiting warm Jupiter, and we discuss the follow-up opportunities afforded by a warm (T_(eq) ~ 362 K) gas giant orbiting an M0 star. Our observations reveal that TOI-1899.01 is a puffy warm Jupiter, and we suggest additional transit observations to both refine the orbit and constrain the true dilution observed in TESS.

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© 2020. The American Astronomical Society. Received 2020 May 6; revised 2020 August 3; accepted 2020 August 3; published 2020 September 2. We thank the anonymous referee for a thoughtful reading of the manuscript and comments that improved the quality of this publication. C.I.C. and G.K.S. acknowledge support by NASA Headquarters under the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program through grants 80NSSC18K1114 and NNX16AO28H, respectively. C.I.C. acknowledges support by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Minority Ph.D. Program under grant G-2016-20166039. G.K.S. is also supported by the Henry Norris Russell Fellowship at Princeton University. H.M.L. acknowledges support from NSF grant AST 1616636. R.I.D. acknowledges support from grant NNX16AB50G awarded by the NASA Exoplanets Research Program and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Sloan Research Fellowship. This work was partially supported by funding from the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds (CEHW). CEHW is supported by the Pennsylvania State University, the Eberly College of Science, and the Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium. This is University of Texas Center for Planetary Systems Habitability Contribution 0004. These results are based on observations obtained with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder Spectrograph on the HET. We acknowledge support from NSF grants AST 1006676, AST 1126413, AST 1310875, and AST 1310885 and the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NNA09DA76A) in our pursuit of precision radial velocities in the NIR. We acknowledge support from the Heising-Simons Foundation via grant 2017-0494. The Hobby–Eberly Telescope is a joint project of the University of Texas at Austin, the Pennsylvania State University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and Georg-August Universität Gottingen. The HET is named in honor of its principal benefactors, William P. Hobby and Robert E. Eberly. The HET collaboration acknowledges the support and resources from the Texas Advanced Computing Center. We thank the resident astronomers and telescope operators at the HET for the skillful execution of our observations with HPF. We acknowledge support from NSF grant AST-1909506 and the Research Corporation for precision photometric observations with diffuser-assisted photometry. Part of this research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Computations for this research were performed on the Pennsylvania State University's Institute for Computational and Data Sciences Advanced CyberInfrastructure (ICDS-ACI), including the CyberLAMP cluster supported by NSF grant MRI-1626251. These results are based on observations obtained with the 3 m Shane Telescope at Lick Observatory. The authors thank the Shane Telescope operators, AO operators, and laser operators for their assistance in obtaining these data. Some of the observations in this paper made use of the NN-EXPLORE Exoplanet and Stellar Speckle Imager (NESSI). NESSI was funded by the NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program and the NASA Ames Research Center. NESSI was built at the Ames Research Center by Steve B. Howell, Nic Scott, Elliott P. Horch, and Emmett Quigley. These results are based on observations obtained with Apache Point Observatory's 0.5 m ARCSAT. Some of the data presented in this paper were obtained from MAST. Support for MAST for non-HST data is provided by the NASA Office of Space Science via grant NNX09AF08G and by other grants and contracts. This work includes data collected by the TESS mission that are publicly available from MAST. Funding for the TESS mission is provided by the NASA Science Mission directorate. This research made use of the NASA Exoplanet Archive, which is operated by Caltech, under contract with NASA under the Exoplanet Exploration Program. This work includes data from 2MASS, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and IPAC at Caltech funded by NASA and the NSF. We acknowledge with thanks the variable star observations from the AAVSO International Database contributed by observers worldwide and used in this research. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (, processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC; Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. Some observations were obtained with the Samuel Oschin 48 inch Telescope at the Palomar Observatory as part of the ZTF project. The ZTF is supported by the NSF under grant No. AST-1440341 and a collaboration including Caltech, IPAC, the Weizmann Institute for Science, the Oskar Klein Center at Stockholm University, the University of Maryland, the University of Washington, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron and Humboldt University, Los Alamos National Laboratories, the TANGO Consortium of Taiwan, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. Operations are conducted by COO, IPAC, and UW. This work has made use of data from the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST), a National Major Scientific Project built by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Funding for the project has been provided by the National Development and Reform Commission. LAMOST is operated and managed by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Facilities: AAVSO - American Association of Variable Star Observers International Database, Gaia - , HET (HPF) - , KPNO (HDI) - , LAMOST - , PO:1.2 m (ZTF) - , Shane (AO) - , TESS - , WIYN (NESSI). - Software: AstroImageJ (Collins et al. 2017), astroquery (Ginsburg et al. 2019), astropy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2018), barycorrpy (Kanodia & Wright 2018), batman (Kreidberg 2015), celerite (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2017), ccdproc (Craig et al. 2017), dustmaps (Green 2018), DAVE (Kostov et al. 2019), EXOFASTv2 (Eastman et al. 2019), HxRGproc (Ninan et al. 2018), GNU Parallel (Tange 2011), juliet (Espinoza et al. 2019), lightkurve (Lightkurve Collaboration et al. 2018), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), MultiNest (Feroz et al. 2009, 2019), numpy (van der Walt et al. 2011), pandas (McKinney 2010), Photutils (Bradley et al. 2019), radvel (Fulton et al. 2018), scipy (Virtanen et al. 2020), SERVAL, SpecMatch-Emp, VESPA (Morton 2012).

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October 3, 2023
October 24, 2023