Published February 1989 | public
Journal Article

Diffusion, phase equilibria and partitioning experiments in the Ni-Fe-Ru system

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The diffusion coefficient for Ru in Ni (D_(Ni)^(Ru)) was determined by the thin-film diffusion method in the temperature range of 1073 to 1673 K and is given by the expression: D^(Ru)_(Ni)(cm^2 sec^(−1))=5.0 (±0.7)·10^(−3) exp[−2.3(±0.1)·10^(12) erg mole^(−1)/RT] where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in K. Phase boundaries and tie lines in a Ni-Fe-Ru-rich system were determined at 1273, 1073 and 873 K. A wide miscibility gap is present at each temperature, separating a close-packed hexagonal ϵRu-Fe phase from a face-centered cubic γNi-Fe phase, The partitioning behavior of Pt and Ir between phases in a Ni-Fe-Ru-rich system and V between phases in a Ni-Fe-O-rich system was determined at 873 K. Pt partitions preferentially into the γNi-Fe phase, whereas Ir prefers the ϵRu-Fe phase. V partitions strongly into Fe oxides relative to γNi-Fe. The experimental results have applications in the fields of meteoritics, ore-deposit geology and materials science.

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© 1989 Pergamon Press. Received 27 July 1988. Accepted 18 November 1988. We thank G. R. Rossman for allowing us to use his furnace and vacuum line, A. M. Weisberg of Technic Inc. for electroplating Ru onto Ni for use as starting materials in our diffusion experiments, D. A. Yanko for Russian translation, J. T. Armstrong and J. P. Poirier for helpful discussions and J. I. Goldstein, J. H. Jones and an anonymous referee for reviews. Funding was provided by NASA NAG 9-43 and NAG 9-105, NSF EAR 86-18526 and DOE DE-FG03-88ERI3851. Division Contribution No. 4647 (604). Editorial handling: H. Y. McSween, Jr.

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