Published September 15, 2002 | public
Journal Article

Chlorine in submarine glasses from the Lau Basin: seawater contamination and constraints on the composition of slab-derived fluids

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Measurements of chlorine concentrations in matrix glasses from 18 primitive (>6 wt% MgO) and eight evolved lavas from active spreading centers in the Lau Basin back-arc system provide insight into the processes which control chlorine concentrations in subduction-related magmas, and can be used to investigate chlorine enrichment related to fluids derived from the underlying subducted slab. Chlorine contents of the glasses are highly variable (0.008–0.835 wt%) and generally high with respect to uncontaminated mid-ocean ridge basalt. Chlorine contents are highest in fractionated lavas from propagating ridge tips and lowest in more primitive basaltic lavas. Two different styles of enrichment in chlorine (relative to other incompatible elements) are recognized. Glasses from the Central Lau Spreading and Eastern Lau Spreading Center typically have low Ba/Nb ratios indicating minimal input of slab-derived components, and high to very high ratios of chlorine relative to K_2O, H_2O, and TiO_2. This style of chlorine enrichment is highest in the most fractionated samples and is consistent with crustal assimilation of chlorine-rich altered ocean crust material. Data from the literature suggest that contamination by chlorine-rich seawater-derived components also characterizes the Woodlark Basin and North Fiji Basin back-arc systems. The second style of chlorine enrichment reflects input from slab-derived fluid(s) to the mantle wedge from the adjacent Tonga subduction zone. Basaltic glasses from the Valu Fa Ridge and Mangatolu Triple Junction show correlations between ratios of chlorine and K_2O, H_2O, and TiO_2 and indices of slab-derived fluid input such as Ba/Nb, Ba/Th and U/Th, consistent with chlorine in these lavas originating from a saline fluid added to the mantle wedge. Within the Valu Fa Ridge the measured range of chlorine contents equates to a chlorine flux of 224–1120 kg/m/yr to the back-arc crust. Using a simple melting model and additional data from other back-arc and arc sample suites we conclude that chlorine is a major component within the slab fluids that contribute to many arc and back-arc melting systems, and probably plays an important role in regulating trace element transport by slab fluids in the mantle wedge. For the back-arc suites we have examined the estimated Cl/H_2O and Cl/K_2O ratios in the slab fluid component correlate with proximity to the arc front, suggesting that progressive dehydration of the slab and/or re-equilibration and transport within the mantle wedge may influence the overall degree of chlorine enrichment within the slab fluid component. The degree of chlorine enrichment observed in most back-arc lavas also appears too great to be explained solely by melting of amphibole, phlogopite or apatite within the mantle source and suggests that chlorine must be present in another phase, possibly a chlorine-rich fluid.

Additional Information

© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. Received 18 January 2002. Revised 10 April 2002. Accepted 14 June 2002. Available online 11 September 2002. We thank Berit Wenzel and Jørn Rønsbo for providing access and assistance with electron microprobe analyses, and Masahiko Honda, Wolfgang Bach and Trevor Falloon for supplying samples. This paper benefited from discussions with Wolfgang Bach and Masahiko Honda, and careful reviews by John Lassiter, Peter Michael and Tim Elliott also substantially improved this work. Aspects of this work were supported by DOE Grant DE-FG03-85ER13445. Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences Contribution 5710. The Danish Lithosphere Centre is funded from the Danish National Research Foundation.

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August 23, 2023
October 18, 2023