Solutions of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model: Benchmarks and Results from a Wide Range of Numerical Algorithms
- Creators
- LeBlanc, J. P. F.
Antipov, Andrey E.
Becca, Federico
Bulik, Ireneusz W.
Chan, Garnet Kin-Lic
Chung, Chia-Min
Deng, Youjin
Ferrero, Michel
- Henderson, Thomas M.
Jiménez-Hoyos, Carlos A.
- Kozik, E.
- Liu, Xuan-Wen
- Millis, Andrew J.
- Prokof'ev, N. V.
Qin, Mingpu
Scuseria, Gustavo E.
- Shi, Hao
- Svistunov, B. V.
Tocchio, Luca F.
Tupitsyn, I. S.
White, Steven R.
- Zhang, Shiwei
Zheng, Bo-Xiao
- Zhu, Zhenyue
Gull, Emanuel
Numerical results for ground-state and excited-state properties (energies, double occupancies, and Matsubara-axis self-energies) of the single-orbital Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice are presented, in order to provide an assessment of our ability to compute accurate results in the thermodynamic limit. Many methods are employed, including auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo, bare and bold-line diagrammatic Monte Carlo, method of dual fermions, density matrix embedding theory, density matrix renormalization group, dynamical cluster approximation, diffusion Monte Carlo within a fixed-node approximation, unrestricted coupled cluster theory, and multireference projected Hartree-Fock methods. Comparison of results obtained by different methods allows for the identification of uncertainties and systematic errors. The importance of extrapolation to converged thermodynamic-limit values is emphasized. Cases where agreement between different methods is obtained establish benchmark results that may be useful in the validation of new approaches and the improvement of existing methods.
Additional Information
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Received 9 May 2015; revised manuscript received 30 October 2015; published 14 December 2015. We acknowledge the Simons Foundation for funding. The work at Rice University was supported by Grant No. NSF-CHE-1462434. G. K. C. acknowledges funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for the development of the DMET method through Grant No. DE-SC0010530, and for its application to the Hubbard model and superconductivity through Grant No. DE-SC0008624. F. B. and L. F. T. acknowledge support from PRIN 2010_2010LLKJBX. S. Z. and H. S. acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation Grant No. DMR-1409510 for AFQMC method development. M. Q. was also supported by DOE Grant No. DE-SC0008627, and A. E. A. by DOE Grant No. ER 46932. Y. D. and X.W. L. acknowledge support from NSFC Grant No. 11275185. The AFQMC calculations were carried out at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and at the computational facilities at the College of William and Mary.Attached Files
Published - PhysRevX.5.041041.pdf
Accepted Version - 1505.02290.pdf
Supplemental Material -
Additional details
- Eprint ID
- 73122
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:20161222-074102137
- Simons Foundation
- CHE-1462434
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- DE-SC0010530
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- DE-SC0008624
- 2010_2010LLKJBX
- DMR-1409510
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- DE-SC0008627
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- ER 46932
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 11275185
- Created
2016-12-22Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2021-11-11Created from EPrint's last_modified field