Published November 25, 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

Quasi-Lindblad pseudomode theory for open quantum systems

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology
  • 2. ROR icon University of California, Berkeley
  • 3. ROR icon Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


We introduce a new framework to study the dynamics of open quantum systems with linearly coupled Gaussian baths. Our approach replaces the continuous bath with an auxiliary discrete set of pseudomodes with dissipative dynamics, but we further relax the complete positivity requirement in the Lindblad master equation and formulate a quasi-Lindblad pseudomode theory. We show that this quasi-Lindblad pseudomode formulation directly leads to a representation of the bath correlation function in terms of a complex weighted sum of complex exponentials, an expansion that is known to be rapidly convergent in practice and thus leads to a compact set of pseudomodes. The pseudomode representation is not unique and can differ by a gauge choice. When the global dynamics can be simulated exactly, the system dynamics is unique and independent of the specific pseudomode representation. However, the gauge choice may affect the stability of the global dynamics, and we provide an analysis of why and when the global dynamics can retain stability despite losing positivity. We showcase the performance of this formulation across various spectral densities in both bosonic and fermionic problems, finding significant improvements over conventional pseudomode formulations.

Copyright and License

©2024 American Physical Society.


This work is an equal collaboration between two SciDAC teams “Real-time dynamics of driven correlated electrons in quantum materials” and “Traversing the ‘death valley’ separating short and long times in nonequilibrium quantum dynamical simulations of real materials,” supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research and Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program under Awards No. DE–SC0022088 (G.P., C.Y., G.K.C.) and DE–SC0022198 (L.L., C.Y., Y.Z.). The work by Z.H. was supported by the Simons Targeted Grants in Mathematics and Physical Sciences on Moiré Materials Magic. G.K.C. and L.L. are Simons Investigators. We thank Zhiyan Ding, Joonho Lee, David Limmer, Vojtěch Vlček, Erika Ye, Lexing Ying, and Neill Lambert for helpful discussions.


G.P., Z.H., G.K.C., L.L. conceived the original study. G.P., Z.H., Y.Z., and L.L. carried out theoretical analysis to support the study. G.P. and Z.H. carried out numerical calculations to support the study. All authors, G.P., Z.H., Y.Z., C.Y., G.K.C., and L.L., discussed the results of the manuscript and contributed to the writing of the manuscript.


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November 26, 2024
November 26, 2024