From Steklov to Laplace: free boundary minimal surfaces with many boundary components
In the present paper, we study sharp isoperimetric inequalities for the first Steklov eigenvalue σ₁ on surfaces with fixed genus and large number k of boundary components. We show that as k→∞ the free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball arising from the maximization of σ₁ converge to a closed minimal surface in the boundary sphere arising from the maximization of the first Laplace eigenvalue on the corresponding closed surface. For some genera, we prove that the corresponding areas converge at the optimal rate log k/k. This result appears to provide the first examples of free boundary minimal surfaces in a compact domain converging to closed minimal surfaces in the boundary, suggesting new directions in the study of free boundary minimal surfaces, with many open questions proposed in the present paper. A similar phenomenon is observed for free boundary harmonic maps associated to conformally constrained shape optimization problems.
Copyright and License
© 2024 Duke University Press.
The authors thank Iosif Polterovich for valuable remarks on a preliminary version of the manuscript.
The research of M. Karpukhin is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant DMS-2104254. The research of D. Stern is supported by the NSF fellowship DMS-2002055.
Additional details
- National Science Foundation
- DMS-2104254
- National Science Foundation
- DMS-2002055
- Available
2024-06-11First available in Project Euclid
- Publication Status
- Published