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Published April 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

The Carbon Isotopic Composition of Archean Kerogen and Its Resilience Through the Rock Cycle


The Archean rock record is limited and there is minimal organic matter available to understand the origin and evolution of life on early Earth. Low carbon isotope ratios have been measured in organic and reduced carbon phases in Archean rocks and have been invoked as biosignatures. However, it can be challenging to distinguish whether these low values reflect biotic formation, abiotic reactions, or post-depositional processes. To re-address this long-standing question, we compiled a comprehensive dataset of carbon isotope ratio measurements from organic carbon phases from Archean units that were analyzed using a variety of geochemical techniques. Our compilation also includes available descriptions and measurements of the stratigraphy, mineralogy, elemental ratios, and metamorphic grade for each data point. Our statistical analyses re-enforce a result that has been noted by prior compilations, that the carbon isotopic composition of Archean organic matter (OM) is broadly more 13C-deplete than the composition of Phanerozoic OM: The median 𝛿13C values (±SD) of Archean total organic carbon and kerogen were −30.5±8‰ (n=2421) and −33.7±11.3‰ (n=556; Phanerozoic OM 𝛿13C±SD = −26.7±4.6‰ with n=449 from a prior compilation). Our study also identifies a previously unrecognized bimodality within the 𝛿13C values of Archean OM that is observed even with subsampling of the data to account for geographic and stratigraphic sampling bias. We describe and model the isotopic and structural changes associated with the transformation of marine Type II kerogen from formation through diagenesis, catagenesis and metagenesis, and metamorphism, as described by trends on a van Krevelin diagram. Empirically, early maturation of organic matter during diagenesis results in shifts up to a few per-mille, which can occur in either direction depending on selective preservation and degradation of compounds. Thermal cracking that occurs during catagenesis can drive increases in 𝛿13C of 5–12‰. At temperatures above greenschist metamorphism, carbon atoms exchange with other reactive carbon pools, driving increases in 𝛿13C of up to 20‰. Together, our analyses suggest that the most metamorphosed graphitic samples from the earliest Archean are likely signatures of alteration, while low and multimodal ranges of 𝛿13C values may preserve records of Archean ecology.

Copyright and License

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CCBY-NC-ND-4.0). View this license’s legal deed at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 and legal code at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode for more information.


We thank the following individuals for conversations that have contributed to various stages of this project: Tanja Bosak, Guannan Dong, Katherine Freeman, Katherine French, Nami Kitchen, Usha Lingappa, Max Lloyd, Gordon Love, Juliet Ryan-Davis, NiveditaThiagarajan, Jasmina Wiemann, and Hao Xie. We are grateful to Alex Sessions, Jordon Hemingway, Stephen Mojzsis, and the anonymous Reviewer for their suggestions in the revision process. Thanks to Karen Craddock, Diane Giroux, Ethel Liske, and Trevor Teed for conversations regarding the history and naming of the “Slave Craton” and how Earth scientists can work to improve how we approach the intersection of our work with indigenous tradition, and other communities more broadly. S.S.Z. was supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, the Simons Foundation, and the Resnick Sustainability Institute. This work was conducted on the ancestral lands of the Gabrielino-Tongva and Chumash people.


S.S.Z. conceived of the project, performed the literature review, compiled and analyzed the data, designed the mechanistic model, and wrote the paper. W.W.F. participated in investigation, data analysis, interpretation, and paper revisions. N.L. aided in designing the mechanistic model and collating the data compilation. K.R.M. compiled data related to taphonomy and sedimentology and wrote the related sections. J.E.G. contributed interpretation with regards to biological implications of this study. J.M.E. participated in investigation, data analysis, interpretation, mechanistic model design, and paper revisions.

Data Availability

The full data compilation for this study, as well as the spreadsheet associated with the maturation model can be found in a GitHub repository (Zeichner, 2023). Additional materials and methods for the model, and supplemental table and figures are included in a supplementary document.

Supplementary Document




Additional details

May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024