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Published January 1, 2000 | v1
Book Section - Chapter Restricted

The Legacy of Vito A. Vanoni

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


This paper will provide a brief overview of the long and productive life of Prof. Vito A. Vanoni of the California Institute of Technology, a world-renowned authority on the mechanics of transport of sediments by streams and rivers. He was especially noted for his definitive experimental research on the vertical distribution of suspended fine sand in turbulent open-channel flow in a recirculating laboratory flume leading to his Ph.D. in 1940. In his later working years he edited and wrote in part the monumental volume on Sedimentation EngineeringASCE Manual No. 54, 1975, which has become a classic.



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January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024