Search for the lepton-flavor violating decay of the Higgs boson and additional Higgs bosons in the πβ’π final state in proton-proton collisions at βπ =13ββTeV
- Creators
- Hayrapetyan, A.
Tumasyan, A.
Adam, W.
- Andrejkovic, J.βW.
Bergauer, T.
Chatterjee, S.
Damanakis, K.
Dragicevic, M.
Escalante Del Valle, A.
Hussain, P.βS.
Jeitler, M.
Krammer, N.
Lechner, L.
Liko, D.
Mikulec, I.
Schieck, J.
SchΓΆfbeck, R.
Schwarz, D.
Sonawane, M.
Templ, S.
Waltenberger, W.
Wulz, C.-E.
Darwish, M.βR.
Janssen, T.
- Kello, T.
Van Mechelen, P.
Bols, E.βS.
D'Hondt, J.
De Moor, A.
Delcourt, M.
El Faham, H.
Lowette, S.
Makarenko, I.
Morton, A.
MΓΌller, D.
Sahasransu, A.βR.
Tavernier, S.
Van Putte, S.
Vannerom, D.
Clerbaux, B.
Dansana, S.
De Lentdecker, G.
Favart, L.
Hohov, D.
Jaramillo, J.
Lee, K.
Mahdavikhorrami, M.
Malara, A.
Paredes, S.
PΓ©trΓ©, L.
- Postiau, N.
Thomas, L.
- Vanden Bemden, M.
Vander Velde, C.
Vanlaer, P.
De Coen, M.
Dobur, D.
Knolle, J.
Lambrecht, L.
- Mestdach, G.
- RendΓ³n, C.
- Samalan, A.
Skovpen, K.
Tytgat, M.
Van Den Bossche, N.
- Vermassen, B.
Wezenbeek, L.
Benecke, A.
Bruno, G.
Bury, F.
Caputo, C.
Delaere, C.
Donertas, I.βS.
Giammanco, A.
Jaffel, K.
Jain, Sa.
- Lemaitre, V.
Lidrych, J.
Mastrapasqua, P.
Mondal, K.
Tran, T.βT.
Wertz, S.
Alves, G.βA.
Coelho, E.
Hensel, C.
Moraes, A.
Rebello Teles, P.
AldΓ‘ JΓΊnior, W.βL.
Alves Gallo Pereira, M.
Barroso Ferreira Filho, M.
Brandao Malbouisson, H.
Carvalho, W.
- Chinellato, J.
Da Costa, E.βM.
Da Silveira, G.βG.
De Jesus Damiao, D.
Dos Santos Sousa, V.
Fonseca De Souza, S.
Martins, J.
Mora Herrera, C.
Mota Amarilo, K.
Mundim, L.
Nogima, H.
Santoro, A.
Silva Do Amaral, S.βM.
Sznajder, A.
Thiel, M.
Vilela Pereira, A.
Bernardes, C.βA.
Calligaris, L.
Tomei, T. R. Fernandez Perez
Gregores, E.βM.
Mercadante, P.βG.
Novaes, S.βF.
Orzari, B.
Padula, Sandra S.
Aleksandrov, A.
Antchev, G.
Hadjiiska, R.
Iaydjiev, P.
Misheva, M.
Shopova, M.
Sultanov, G.
Dimitrov, A.
Ivanov, T.
Litov, L.
Pavlov, B.
Petkov, P.
- Petrov, A.
Shumka, E.
Keshri, S.
Thakur, S.
Cheng, T.
- Guo, Q.
Javaid, T.
Mittal, M.
Yuan, L.
- Bauer, G.
Hu, Z.
Yi, K.
Chen, G.βM.
Chen, H.βS.
Chen, M.
Iemmi, F.
- Jiang, C.βH.
Kapoor, A.
Liao, H.
Liu, Z.-A.
Monti, F.
Sharma, R.
- Song, J.βN.
Tao, J.
- Wang, C.
Wang, J.
Zhang, H.
Agapitos, A.
Ban, Y.
Levin, A.
Li, C.
Li, Q.
- Lyu, X.
- Mao, Y.
Qian, S.βJ.
Sun, X.
Wang, D.
- Yang, H.
Lu, M.
You, Z.
Lu, N.
Gao, X.
- Leggat, D.
Okawa, H.
Zhang, Y.
Lin, Z.
Lu, C.
Xiao, M.
Avila, C.
- Barbosa Trujillo, D.βA.
Cabrera, A.
Florez, C.
Fraga, J.
- Reyes Vega, J.βA.
Mejia Guisao, J.
Ramirez, F.
Rodriguez, M.
Ruiz Alvarez, J.βD.
Giljanovic, D.
Godinovic, N.
Lelas, D.
Sculac, A.
Kovac, M.
Sculac, T.
Bargassa, P.
Brigljevic, V.
Chitroda, B.βK.
Ferencek, D.
Mishra, S.
Starodumov, A.
Susa, T.
Attikis, A.
Christoforou, K.
Konstantinou, S.
Mousa, J.
- Nicolaou, C.
Ptochos, F.
Razis, P.βA.
- Rykaczewski, H.
Saka, H.
Stepennov, A.
Finger, M.
Finger, M.
Kveton, A.
Ayala, E.
Carrera Jarrin, E.
- Elgammal, S.
- Ellithi Kamel, A.
Abdullah Al-Mashad, M.
Mahmoud, M.βA.
Ehataht, K.
- Kadastik, M.
Lange, T.
Nandan, S.
Nielsen, C.
Pata, J.
Raidal, M.
Tani, L.
Veelken, C.
Kirschenmann, H.
Osterberg, K.
Voutilainen, M.
Bharthuar, S.
BrΓΌcken, E.
Garcia, F.
Havukainen, J.
Kallonen, K.βT.βS.
Kim, M.βS.
- Kinnunen, R.
LampΓ©n, T.
Lassila-Perini, K.
Lehti, S.
LindΓ©n, T.
- Lotti, M.
Martikainen, L.
MyllymΓ€ki, M.
Rantanen, M. m.
Siikonen, H.
Tuominen, E.
Tuominiemi, J.
Luukka, P.
Petrow, H.
- Tuuva, T.
Amendola, C.
Besancon, M.
Couderc, F.
Dejardin, M.
- Denegri, D.
- Faure, J.βL.
Ferri, F.
Ganjour, S.
Gras, P.
Hamel de Monchenault, G.
Lohezic, V.
Malcles, J.
- Rander, J.
Rosowsky, A.
Sahin, M.βΓ.
Savoy-Navarro, A.
Simkina, P.
Titov, M.
Baldenegro Barrera, C.
Beaudette, F.
Buchot Perraguin, A.
Busson, P.
Cappati, A.
Charlot, C.
Damas, F.
Davignon, O.
Diab, B.
Falmagne, G.
Fontana Santos Alves, B.βA.
Ghosh, S.
Granier de Cassagnac, R.
Hakimi, A.
Harikrishnan, B.
Liu, G.
Motta, J.
Nguyen, M.
Ochando, C.
Portales, L.
Salerno, R.
Sarkar, U.
Sauvan, J.βB.
Sirois, Y.
Tarabini, A.
Vernazza, E.
Zabi, A.
Zghiche, A.
Agram, J.-L.
Andrea, J.
Apparu, D.
Bloch, D.
Brom, J.-M.
Chabert, E.βC.
Collard, C.
Goerlach, U.
- Grimault, C.
Le Bihan, A.-C.
Van Hove, P.
Beauceron, S.
Blancon, B.
Boudoul, G.
Chanon, N.
Choi, J.
Contardo, D.
Depasse, P.
Dozen, C.
- El Mamouni, H.
Fay, J.
Gascon, S.
Gouzevitch, M.
- Greenberg, C.
Grenier, G.
Ille, B.
- Laktineh, I.βB.
Lethuillier, M.
- Mirabito, L.
- Perries, S.
Vander Donckt, M.
Verdier, P.
Xiao, J.
Bagaturia, I.
Lomidze, I.
Tsamalaidze, Z.
Botta, V.
Feld, L.
Klein, K.
Lipinski, M.
Meuser, D.
Pauls, A.
RΓΆwert, N.
Teroerde, M.
Diekmann, S.
Dodonova, A.
Eich, N.
Eliseev, D.
Erdmann, M.
Fackeldey, P.
Fischer, B.
Hebbeker, T.
Hoepfner, K.
Ivone, F.
Lee, M.βy.
- Mastrolorenzo, L.
Merschmeyer, M.
Meyer, A.
Mondal, S.
Mukherjee, S.
Noll, D.
Novak, A.
- Nowotny, F.
Pozdnyakov, A.
- Rath, Y.
Redjeb, W.
- Rehm, F.
Reithler, H.
Schmidt, A.
- Schuler, S.βC.
Sharma, A.
Stein, A.
Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F.
- Vigilante, L.
Wiedenbeck, S.
- Zaleski, S.
Dziwok, C.
FlΓΌgge, G.
Haj Ahmad, W.
Kress, T.
Nowack, A.
Pooth, O.
Stahl, A.
Ziemons, T.
Zotz, A.
Aarup Petersen, H.
Aldaya Martin, M.
Alimena, J.
- Amoroso, S.
An, Y.
Baxter, S.
Bayatmakou, M.
Becerril Gonzalez, H.
Behnke, O.
Bhattacharya, S.
Blekman, F.
Borras, K.
Brunner, D.
Campbell, A.
Cardini, A.
- Cheng, C.
- Colombina, F.
Consuegra RodrΓguez, S.
Correia Silva, G.
De Silva, M.
- Eckerlin, G.
Eckstein, D.
Estevez Banos, L.βI.
Filatov, O.
Gallo, E.
Geiser, A.
Giraldi, A.
- Greau, G.
Guglielmi, V.
Guthoff, M.
Jafari, A.
Jomhari, N.βZ.
Kaech, B.
Kasemann, M.
Kaveh, H.
Kleinwort, C.
Kogler, R.
Komm, M.
KrΓΌcker, D.
- Lange, W.
Leyva Pernia, D.
Lipka, K.
Lohmann, W.
Mankel, R.
Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A.
Mendizabal Morentin, M.
- Metwally, J.
Meyer, A.βB.
Milella, G.
Mormile, M.
Mussgiller, A.
NΓΌrnberg, A.
- Otarid, Y.
PΓ©rez AdΓ‘n, D.
Ranken, E.
Raspereza, A.
Ribeiro Lopes, B.
- RΓΌbenach, J.
Saggio, A.
Scham, M.
- Scheurer, V.
Schnake, S.
SchΓΌtze, P.
Schwanenberger, C.
Shchedrolosiev, M.
Sosa Ricardo, R.βE.
Sreelatha Pramod, L.βP.
- Stafford, D.
Vazzoler, F.
Ventura Barroso, A.
Walsh, R.
Wang, Q.
Wen, Y.
- Wichmann, K.
Wiens, L.
Wissing, C.
Wuchterl, S.
Yang, Y.
Zimermmane Castro Santos, A.
Albrecht, A.
Albrecht, S.
Antonello, M.
Bein, S.
Benato, L.
Bonanomi, M.
Connor, P.
De Leo, K.
- Eich, M.
El Morabit, K.
Fischer, Y.
- FrΓΆhlich, A.
Garbers, C.
Garutti, E.
Grohsjean, A.
- Hajheidari, M.
Haller, J.
Hinzmann, A.
Jabusch, H.βR.
Kasieczka, G.
- Keicher, P.
Klanner, R.
Korcari, W.
Kramer, T.
Kutzner, V.
Labe, F.
Lange, J.
Lobanov, A.
Matthies, C.
Mehta, A.
Moureaux, L.
- Mrowietz, M.
Nigamova, A.
- Nissan, Y.
Paasch, A.
Pena Rodriguez, K.βJ.
Quadfasel, T.
Rieger, M.
Savoiu, D.
Schindler, J.
Schleper, P.
SchrΓΆder, M.
Schwandt, J.
Sommerhalder, M.
Stadie, H.
SteinbrΓΌck, G.
- Tews, A.
Wolf, M.
Brommer, S.
- Burkart, M.
Butz, E.
Chwalek, T.
Dierlamm, A.
- Droll, A.
Faltermann, N.
Giffels, M.
Gottmann, A.
Hartmann, F.
Horzela, M.
Husemann, U.
Klute, M.
KoppenhΓΆfer, R.
- Link, M.
Lintuluoto, A.
Maier, S.
Mitra, S.
MΓΌller, Th.
- Neukum, M.
Oh, M.
Quast, G.
Rabbertz, K.
Shvetsov, I.
Simonis, H.βJ.
Trevisani, N.
Ulrich, R.
van der Linden, J.
Von Cube, R.βF.
Wassmer, M.
Wieland, S.
Wolf, R.
- Wunsch, S.
Zuo, X.
- Anagnostou, G.
Assiouras, P.
Daskalakis, G.
- Kyriakis, A.
Stakia, A.
- Karasavvas, D.
Kontaxakis, P.
- Melachroinos, G.
- Panagiotou, A.
Papavergou, I.
Saoulidou, N.
Theofilatos, K.
Tziaferi, E.
Vellidis, K.
Zisopoulos, I.
Bakas, G.
- Chatzistavrou, T.
Karapostoli, G.
Kousouris, K.
Papakrivopoulos, I.
- Siamarkou, E.
- Tsipolitis, G.
- Zacharopoulou, A.
- Adamidis, K.
- Bestintzanos, I.
Evangelou, I.
- Foudas, C.
Gianneios, P.
- Kamtsikis, C.
- Katsoulis, P.
Kokkas, P.
Kosmoglou Kioseoglou, P.βG.
Manthos, N.
Papadopoulos, I.
Strologas, J.
CsanΓ‘d, M.
Farkas, K.
Gadallah, M.βM.βA.
Major, P.
Mandal, K.
PΓ‘sztor, G.
RΓ‘dl, A.βJ.
SurΓ‘nyi, O.
Veres, G.βI.
BartΓ³k, M.
Hajdu, C.
Horvath, D.
Sikler, F.
Veszpremi, V.
- Bencze, G.
- Czellar, S.
Karancsi, J.
- Molnar, J.
- Szillasi, Z.
- Raics, P.
Ujvari, B.
Zilizi, G.
Csorgo, T.
Nemes, F.
Novak, T.
Babbar, J.
Bansal, S.
- Beri, S.βB.
Bhatnagar, V.
Chaudhary, G.
Chauhan, S.
Dhingra, N.
- Gupta, R.
Kaur, A.
Kaur, A.
Kaur, H.
Kaur, M.
Kumar, S.
Kumari, P.
Meena, M.
Sandeep, K.
- Sheokand, T.
Singh, J.βB.
Singla, A.
Ahmed, A.
Bhardwaj, A.
Chhetri, A.
Choudhary, B.βC.
Kumar, A.
Naimuddin, M.
Ranjan, K.
Saumya, S.
Baradia, S.
Barman, S.
Bhattacharya, S.
- Bhowmik, D.
Dutta, S.
- Dutta, S.
Gomber, B.
Palit, P.
Saha, G.
Sahu, B.
- Sarkar, S.
Behera, P.βK.
Behera, S.βC.
Chatterjee, S.
Jana, P.
Kalbhor, P.
Komaragiri, J.βR.
Kumar, D.
Ameen, M. Mohammad Mobassir
Muhammad, A.
Panwar, L.
Pradhan, R.
Pujahari, P.βR.
Saha, N.βR.
Sharma, A.
Sikdar, A.βK.
Verma, S.
- Aziz, T.
Das, I.
- Dugad, S.
Kumar, M.
Mohanty, G.βB.
- Suryadevara, P.
Bala, A.
Banerjee, S.
Guchait, M.
Karmakar, S.
Kumar, S.
Majumder, G.
Mazumdar, K.
Mukherjee, S.
Thachayath, A.
Bahinipati, S.
- Das, A.βK.
Kar, C.
Maity, D.
Mal, P.
Mishra, T.
Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, V.βK.
Naskar, K.
Nayak, A.
Saha, P.
- Swain, S.βK.
Varghese, S.
Vats, D.
Alpana, A.
Dube, S.
Kansal, B.
Laha, A.
Pandey, S.
Rastogi, A.
Sharma, S.
Bakhshiansohi, H.
Khazaie, E.
Zeinali, M.
Chenarani, S.
Etesami, S.βM.
Khakzad, M.
Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.
Grunewald, M.
Abbrescia, M.
Aly, R.
Aruta, C.
Colaleo, A.
Creanza, D.
D' Anzi, B.
De Filippis, N.
De Palma, M.
Di Florio, A.
Elmetenawee, W.
Fiore, L.
Iaselli, G.
Maggi, G.
Maggi, M.
Margjeka, I.
Mastrapasqua, V.
My, S.
Nuzzo, S.
Pellecchia, A.
Pompili, A.
Pugliese, G.
Radogna, R.
Ramos, D.
Ranieri, A.
Silvestris, L.
Simone, F.βM.
SΓΆzbilir, Γ.
Stamerra, A.
Venditti, R.
Verwilligen, P.
Zaza, A.
Abbiendi, G.
Battilana, C.
Bonacorsi, D.
Borgonovi, L.
Capiluppi, P.
Castro, A.
Cavallo, F.βR.
Cuffiani, M.
Dallavalle, G.βM.
Diotalevi, T.
Fabbri, F.
Fanfani, A.
Fasanella, D.
Giacomelli, P.
Giommi, L.
Grandi, C.
Guiducci, L.
Lo Meo, S.
Lunerti, L.
Marcellini, S.
Masetti, G.
Navarria, F.βL.
Perrotta, A.
Primavera, F.
Rossi, A.βM.
Rovelli, T.
Siroli, G.βP.
Costa, S.
Di Mattia, A.
- Potenza, R.
Tricomi, A.
Tuve, C.
Barbagli, G.
Bardelli, G.
Camaiani, B.
Cassese, A.
Ceccarelli, R.
Ciulli, V.
Civinini, C.
D'Alessandro, R.
Focardi, E.
Latino, G.
Lenzi, P.
Lizzo, M.
Meschini, M.
Paoletti, S.
Sguazzoni, G.
Viliani, L.
Benussi, L.
Bianco, S.
Meola, S.
Piccolo, D.
Chatagnon, P.
Ferro, F.
Robutti, E.
Tosi, S.
Benaglia, A.
Boldrini, G.
Brivio, F.
Cetorelli, F.
De Guio, F.
Dinardo, M.βE.
Dini, P.
Gennai, S.
Ghezzi, A.
Govoni, P.
Guzzi, L.
Lucchini, M.βT.
Malberti, M.
Malvezzi, S.
Massironi, A.
Menasce, D.
Moroni, L.
Paganoni, M.
Pedrini, D.
- Pinolini, B.βS.
Ragazzi, S.
Redaelli, N.
Tabarelli de Fatis, T.
Zuolo, D.
Buontempo, S.
Cagnotta, A.
- Carnevali, F.
Cavallo, N.
De Iorio, A.
Fabozzi, F.
Iorio, A.βO.βM.
Lista, L.
Paolucci, P.
Rossi, B.
Sciacca, C.
- Ardino, R.
Azzi, P.
Bacchetta, N.
Bortignon, P.
Bragagnolo, A.
Checchia, P.
Dorigo, T.
Gasparini, F.
Gasparini, U.
- Grosso, G.
- Layer, L.
Lusiani, E.
Margoni, M.
Maron, G.
Meneguzzo, A.βT.
Michelotto, M.
Migliorini, M.
Pazzini, J.
Ronchese, P.
Rossin, R.
Simonetto, F.
Strong, G.
Tosi, M.
Triossi, A.
Ventura, S.
- Yarar, H.
Zanetti, M.
Zotto, P.
Zucchetta, A.
Zumerle, G.
Abu Zeid, S.
Aimè, C.
Braghieri, A.
Calzaferri, S.
Fiorina, D.
Montagna, P.
Re, V.
Riccardi, C.
Salvini, P.
Vai, I.
Vitulo, P.
Asenov, P.
Bilei, G.βM.
Ciangottini, D.
FanΓ², L.
Magherini, M.
- Mantovani, G.
Mariani, V.
Menichelli, M.
Moscatelli, F.
Piccinelli, A.
Presilla, M.
Rossi, A.
Santocchia, A.
Spiga, D.
Tedeschi, T.
Azzurri, P.
Bagliesi, G.
Bhattacharya, R.
Bianchini, L.
Boccali, T.
Bossini, E.
Bruschini, D.
Castaldi, R.
Ciocci, M.βA.
D'Amante, V.
Dell'Orso, R.
Donato, S.
Giassi, A.
Ligabue, F.
Matos Figueiredo, D.
Messineo, A.
Musich, M.
Palla, F.
Parolia, S.
Ramirez-Sanchez, G.
Rizzi, A.
Rolandi, G.
Roy Chowdhury, S.
Sarkar, T.
Scribano, A.
Spagnolo, P.
Tenchini, R.
Tonelli, G.
Turini, N.
Venturi, A.
Verdini, P.βG.
Barria, P.
Campana, M.
Cavallari, F.
Cunqueiro Mendez, L.
Del Re, D.
Di Marco, E.
Diemoz, M.
Errico, F.
Longo, E.
Meridiani, P.
- Mijuskovic, J.
Organtini, G.
Pandolfi, F.
Paramatti, R.
Quaranta, C.
Rahatlou, S.
Rovelli, C.
Santanastasio, F.
Soffi, L.
Tramontano, R.
Amapane, N.
Arcidiacono, R.
Argiro, S.
Arneodo, M.
Bartosik, N.
Bellan, R.
Bellora, A.
Biino, C.
Cartiglia, N.
Costa, M.
Covarelli, R.
Demaria, N.
Finco, L.
Grippo, M.
Kiani, B.
Legger, F.
Luongo, F.
Mariotti, C.
Maselli, S.
Mecca, A.
Migliore, E.
Monteno, M.
Mulargia, R.
Obertino, M.βM.
Ortona, G.
Pacher, L.
Pastrone, N.
Pelliccioni, M.
Ruspa, M.
Shchelina, K.
Siviero, F.
Sola, V.
Solano, A.
Soldi, D.
Staiano, A.
Tarricone, C.
Tornago, M.
Trocino, D.
Umoret, G.
Vagnerini, A.
Vlasov, E.
Belforte, S.
Candelise, V.
Casarsa, M.
Cossutti, F.
Della Ricca, G.
Sorrentino, G.
Dogra, S.
Huh, C.
Kim, B.
Kim, D.βH.
- Kim, J.
Lee, J.
Lee, S.βW.
Moon, C.βS.
Oh, Y.βD.
Pak, S.βI.
Ryu, M.βS.
Sekmen, S.
Yang, Y.βC.
Bak, G.
Gwak, P.
Kim, H.
Moon, D.βH.
Asilar, E.
Kim, T.βJ.
Park, J.
Choi, S.
- Han, S.
Hong, B.
- Lee, K.
Lee, K.βS.
- Lim, J.
- Park, J.
- Park, S.βK.
Yoo, J.
Goh, J.
Kim, H.βS.
- Kim, Y.
- Lee, S.
- Almond, J.
- Bhyun, J.βH.
Choi, J.
Jeon, S.
Jun, W.
Kim, J.
- Kim, J.βS.
Ko, S.
Kwon, H.
Lee, H.
- Lee, S.
Oh, B.βH.
Oh, S.βB.
Seo, H.
- Yang, U.βK.
Yoon, I.
Jang, W.
- Kang, D.βY.
Kang, Y.
Kim, D.
Kim, S.
- Ko, B.
Lee, J.βS.βH.
Lee, Y.
- Merlin, J.βA.
Park, I.βC.
- Roh, Y.
Watson, I.βJ.
Yang, S.
Ha, S.
Yoo, H.βD.
Choi, M.
Kim, M.βR.
- Lee, H.
Lee, Y.
Yu, I.
- Beyrouthy, T.
Maghrbi, Y.
Dreimanis, K.
Gaile, A.
- Pikurs, G.
Potrebko, A.
Seidel, M.
Veckalns, V.
Strautnieks, N.βR.
Ambrozas, M.
Juodagalvis, A.
Rinkevicius, A.
Tamulaitis, G.
Bin Norjoharuddeen, N.
Yusuff, I.
- Zolkapli, Z.
Benitez, J.βF.
Castaneda Hernandez, A.
- Encinas Acosta, H.βA.
- Gallegos MarΓΓ±ez, L.βG.
LeΓ³n Coello, M.
Murillo Quijada, J.βA.
Sehrawat, A.
Valencia Palomo, L.
Ayala, G.
Castilla-Valdez, H.
De La Cruz-Burelo, E.
Heredia-De La Cruz, I.
Lopez-Fernandez, R.
- Mondragon Herrera, C.βA.
Perez Navarro, D.βA.
SΓ‘nchez HernΓ‘ndez, A.
Oropeza Barrera, C.
RamΓrez GarcΓa, M.
Pedraza, I.
Salazar Ibarguen, H.βA.
Uribe Estrada, C.
- Bubanja, I.
Raicevic, N.
Butler, P.βH.
Ahmad, A.
- Asghar, M.βI.
Awais, A.
- Awan, M.βI.βM.
Hoorani, H.βR.
Khan, W.βA.
- Avati, V.
Grzanka, L.
Malawski, M.
Bialkowska, H.
Bluj, M.
Boimska, B.
GΓ³rski, M.
Kazana, M.
Szleper, M.
Zalewski, P.
Bunkowski, K.
Doroba, K.
Kalinowski, A.
Konecki, M.
Krolikowski, J.
Araujo, M.
Bastos, D.
BeirΓ£o Da Cruz E Silva, C.
Boletti, A.
Bozzo, M.
Faccioli, P.
Gallinaro, M.
Hollar, J.
Leonardo, N.
Niknejad, T.
Pisano, M.
Seixas, J.
Varela, J.
Adzic, P.
Milenovic, P.
Dordevic, M.
Milosevic, J.
- Rekovic, V.
- Aguilar-Benitez, M.
Alcaraz Maestre, J.
- Barrio Luna, M.
Bedoya, Cristina F.
Cepeda, M.
Cerrada, M.
Colino, N.
De La Cruz, B.
Delgado Peris, A.
FernΓ‘ndez Del Val, D.
FernΓ‘ndez Ramos, J.βP.
Flix, J.
Fouz, M.βC.
Gonzalez Lopez, O.
Goy Lopez, S.
Hernandez, J.βM.
Josa, M.βI.
LeΓ³n Holgado, J.
Moran, D.
Navarro Tobar, Γ.
Perez Dengra, C.
PΓ©rez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.
Puerta Pelayo, J.
Redondo, I.
Redondo Ferrero, D.βD.
- Romero, L.
SΓ‘nchez Navas, S.
Urda GΓ³mez, L.
Vazquez Escobar, J.
- Willmott, C.
de TrocΓ³niz, J.βF.
Alvarez Gonzalez, B.
Cuevas, J.
Fernandez Menendez, J.
Folgueras, S.
Gonzalez Caballero, I.
GonzΓ‘lez FernΓ‘ndez, J.βR.
Palencia Cortezon, E.
RamΓ³n Γlvarez, C.
RodrΓguez Bouza, V.
Soto RodrΓguez, A.
Trapote, A.
Vico Villalba, C.
Vischia, P.
Blanco FernΓ‘ndez, S.
Brochero Cifuentes, J.βA.
Cabrillo, I.βJ.
Calderon, A.
Duarte Campderros, J.
Fernandez, M.
Fernandez Madrazo, C.
Gomez, G.
Lasaosa GarcΓa, C.
Martinez Rivero, C.
Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.
Matorras, F.
Matorras Cuevas, P.
- Navarrete Ramos, E.
Piedra Gomez, J.
- Prieels, C.
Scodellaro, L.
Vila, I.
Vizan Garcia, J.βM.
Jayananda, M.βK.
Kailasapathy, B.
Sonnadara, D.βU.βJ.
Wickramarathna, D.βD.βC.
Dharmaratna, W.βG.βD.
Liyanage, K.
Perera, N.
Wickramage, N.
Abbaneo, D.
Auffray, E.
Auzinger, G.
- Baechler, J.
Barney, D.
BermΓΊdez MartΓnez, A.
Bianco, M.
Bilin, B.
Bin Anuar, A.βA.
Bocci, A.
Brondolin, E.
Caillol, C.
Camporesi, T.
Cerminara, G.
Chernyavskaya, N.
Cipriani, M.
d'Enterria, D.
Dabrowski, A.
David, A.
De Roeck, A.
Defranchis, M.βM.
Deile, M.
Dobson, M.
- Fallavollita, F.
Forthomme, L.
Franzoni, G.
Funk, W.
- Giani, S.
- Gigi, D.
Gill, K.
Glege, F.
Gouskos, L.
Haranko, M.
Hegeman, J.
James, T.
Kieseler, J.
Kratochwil, N.
Laurila, S.
Lecoq, P.
Leutgeb, E.
Lourenço, C.
Maier, B.
Malgeri, L.
Mannelli, M.
Marini, A.βC.
Meijers, F.
Mersi, S.
Meschi, E.
Moortgat, F.
Mulders, M.
- Orfanelli, S.
Pantaleo, F.
Peruzzi, M.
Petrilli, A.
Petrucciani, G.
Pfeiffer, A.
Pierini, M.
Piparo, D.
Qu, H.
Rabady, D.
- Reales GutiΓ©rrez, G.
Rovere, M.
Sakulin, H.
Scarfi, S.
Selvaggi, M.
Sharma, A.
Silva, P.
Sphicas, P.
Stahl Leiton, A.βG.
Steen, A.
Summers, S.
Treille, D.
Tropea, P.
- Tsirou, A.
Walter, D.
Wanczyk, J.
Wozniak, K.βA.
Zejdl, P.
- Zeuner, W.βD.
Bevilacqua, T.
Caminada, L.
Ebrahimi, A.
Erdmann, W.
Horisberger, R.
Ingram, Q.
Kaestli, H.βC.
Kotlinski, D.
Lange, C.
Missiroli, M.
Noehte, L.
Rohe, T.
Aarrestad, T.βK.
Androsov, K.
Backhaus, M.
Calandri, A.
Datta, K.
De Cosa, A.
Dissertori, G.
- Dittmar, M.
DonegΓ , M.
Eble, F.
Galli, M.
Gedia, K.
Glessgen, F.
Grab, C.
Hits, D.
Lustermann, W.
Lyon, A.-M.
Manzoni, R.βA.
Marchese, L.
Martin Perez, C.
Mascellani, A.
Nessi-Tedaldi, F.
Pauss, F.
Perovic, V.
Pigazzini, S.
Ratti, M.βG.
Reichmann, M.
Reissel, C.
Reitenspiess, T.
Ristic, B.
Riti, F.
- Ruini, D.
Sanz Becerra, D.βA.
Seidita, R.
Steggemann, J.
Valsecchi, D.
Wallny, R.
Amsler, C.
BΓ€rtschi, P.
Botta, C.
- Brzhechko, D.
Canelli, M.βF.
Cormier, K.
De Wit, A.
- Del Burgo, R.
HeikkilΓ€, J.βK.
Huwiler, M.
Jin, W.
Jofrehei, A.
Kilminster, B.
Leontsinis, S.
Liechti, S.βP.
Macchiolo, A.
Meiring, P.
Mikuni, V.βM.
Molinatti, U.
Neutelings, I.
Reimers, A.
- Robmann, P.
Sanchez Cruz, S.
Schweiger, K.
Senger, M.
Takahashi, Y.
- Adloff, C.
- Kuo, C.βM.
- Lin, W.
Rout, P.βK.
Tiwari, P.βC.
Yu, S.βS.
- Ceard, L.
Chao, Y.
Chen, K.βF.
- Chen, P.βs.
Hou, W.-S.
- Kao, Y. w.
- Khurana, R.
Kole, G.
Li, Y.βy.
Lu, R.-S.
Paganis, E.
- Psallidas, A.
Thomas-Wilsker, J.
- Wu, H.βy.
Yazgan, E.
Asawatangtrakuldee, C.
Srimanobhas, N.
Wachirapusitanand, V.
Agyel, D.
Boran, F.
Demiroglu, Z.βS.
Dolek, F.
Dumanoglu, I.
Eskut, E.
Guler, Y.
Gurpinar Guler, E.
Isik, C.
- Kara, O.
Kayis Topaksu, A.
Kiminsu, U.
Onengut, G.
Ozdemir, K.
Polatoz, A.
Tali, B.
Tok, U.βG.
Turkcapar, S.
Uslan, E.
Zorbakir, I.βS.
Ocalan, K.
Yalvac, M.
Akgun, B.
Atakisi, I.βO.
GΓΌlmez, E.
Kaya, M.
Kaya, O.
Tekten, S.
Cakir, A.
Cankocak, K.
Komurcu, Y.
Sen, S.
Aydilek, O.
Cerci, S.
Epshteyn, V.
Hacisahinoglu, B.
Hos, I.
Isildak, B.
Kaynak, B.
Ozkorucuklu, S.
Sert, H.
Simsek, C.
Sunar Cerci, D.
Zorbilmez, C.
- Boyaryntsev, A.
Grynyov, B.
Levchuk, L.
Anthony, D.
Brooke, J.βJ.
Bundock, A.
Clement, E.
Cussans, D.
Flacher, H.
- Glowacki, M.
Goldstein, J.
Heath, H.βF.
Kreczko, L.
Krikler, B.
Paramesvaran, S.
- Seif El Nasr-Storey, S.
Smith, V.βJ.
Stylianou, N.
- Walkingshaw Pass, K.
White, R.
- Ball, A.βH.
Bell, K.βW.
Belyaev, A.
Brew, C.
Brown, R.βM.
Cockerill, D.βJ.βA.
Cooke, C.
- Ellis, K.βV.
Harder, K.
Harper, S.
Holmberg, M.-L.
Jain, Sh.
Linacre, J.
- Manolopoulos, K.
Newbold, D.βM.
- Olaiya, E.
Petyt, D.
Reis, T.
Salvi, G.
- Schuh, T.
Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.βH.
Tomalin, I.βR.
Williams, T.
Bainbridge, R.
Bloch, P.
Brown, C.βE.
- Buchmuller, O.
- Cacchio, V.
Carrillo Montoya, C.βA.
Cepaitis, V.
Chahal, G.βS.
Colling, D.
- Dancu, J.βS.
Dauncey, P.
Davies, G.
- Davies, J.
Della Negra, M.
- Fayer, S.
Fedi, G.
Hall, G.
Hassanshahi, M.βH.
- Howard, A.
Iles, G.
Langford, J.
Lyons, L.
Magnan, A.-M.
Malik, S.
Martelli, A.
Mieskolainen, M.
Nash, J.
- Pesaresi, M.
Radburn-Smith, B.βC.
- Richards, A.
Rose, A.
Seez, C.
Shukla, R.
Tapper, A.
Uchida, K.
Uttley, G.βP.
- Vage, L.βH.
Virdee, T.
Vojinovic, M.
Wardle, N.
Winterbottom, D.
- Coldham, K.
Cole, J.βE.
- Khan, A.
Kyberd, P.
Reid, I.βD.
Abdullin, S.
Brinkerhoff, A.
Caraway, B.
Dittmann, J.
Hatakeyama, K.
Hiltbrand, J.
Kanuganti, A.βR.
McMaster, B.
Saunders, M.
Sawant, S.
Sutantawibul, C.
Toms, M.
Wilson, J.
Bartek, R.
Dominguez, A.
- Huerta Escamilla, C.
Simsek, A.βE.
Uniyal, R.
Vargas Hernandez, A.βM.
Chudasama, R.
Cooper, S.βI.
Gleyzer, S.βV.
Perez, C.βU.
Rumerio, P.
Usai, E.
West, C.
Akpinar, A.
Albert, A.
Arcaro, D.
Cosby, C.
Demiragli, Z.
Erice, C.
Fontanesi, E.
Gastler, D.
Rohlf, J.
Salyer, K.
Sperka, D.
Spitzbart, D.
Suarez, I.
Tsatsos, A.
Yuan, S.
Benelli, G.
- Coubez, X.
Cutts, D.
Hadley, M.
Heintz, U.
Hogan, J.βM.
Kwon, T.
Landsberg, G.
Lau, K.βT.
Li, D.
Luo, J.
Narain, M.
Pervan, N.
Sagir, S.
Simpson, F.
- Wong, W.βY.
Yan, X.
Yu, D.
- Zhang, W.
Abbott, S.
Bonilla, J.
Brainerd, C.
Breedon, R.
Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.
Chertok, M.
Citron, M.
Conway, J.
Cox, P.βT.
Erbacher, R.
Haza, G.
Jensen, F.
Kukral, O.
Mocellin, G.
Mulhearn, M.
Pellett, D.
Regnery, B.
- Wei, W.
Yao, Y.
Zhang, F.
Bachtis, M.
Cousins, R.
Datta, A.
Hauser, J.
Ignatenko, M.
Iqbal, M.βA.
Lam, T.
Manca, E.
Nash, W.βA.
Saltzberg, D.
Stone, B.
Valuev, V.
Clare, R.
- Gordon, M.
Hanson, G.
Si, W.
Wimpenny, S.
- Branson, J.βG.
Cittolin, S.
Cooperstein, S.
Diaz, D.
Duarte, J.
Gerosa, R.
Giannini, L.
Guiang, J.
Kansal, R.
Krutelyov, V.
Lee, R.
Letts, J.
Masciovecchio, M.
Mokhtar, F.
Pieri, M.
Quinnan, M.
Sathia Narayanan, B.βV.
Sharma, V.
Tadel, M.
Vourliotis, E.
WΓΌrthwein, F.
Xiang, Y.
Yagil, A.
- Brennan, L.
Campagnari, C.
Collura, G.
Dorsett, A.
Incandela, J.
Kilpatrick, M.
Kim, J.
Li, A.βJ.
Masterson, P.
Mei, H.
Oshiro, M.
Richman, J.
Sarica, U.
Schmitz, R.
Setti, F.
Sheplock, J.
Stuart, D.
Wang, S.
Bornheim, A.
Cerri, O.
- Latorre, A.
Lawhorn, J.βM.
Mao, J.
Newman, H.βB.1
Nguyen, T.βQ.
Spiropulu, M.1
Vlimant, J.βR.
Wang, C.
Xie, S.
Zhu, R.βY.
Alison, J.
An, S.
Andrews, M.βB.
Bryant, P.
Dutta, V.
Ferguson, T.
Harilal, A.
Liu, C.
Mudholkar, T.
Murthy, S.
Paulini, M.
Roberts, A.
Sanchez, A.
Terrill, W.
Cumalat, J.βP.
Ford, W.βT.
Hassani, A.
Karathanasis, G.
- MacDonald, E.
Manganelli, N.
Marini, F.
Perloff, A.
Savard, C.
Schonbeck, N.
Stenson, K.
Ulmer, K.βA.
Wagner, S.βR.
Zipper, N.
Alexander, J.
Bright-Thonney, S.
Chen, X.
Cranshaw, D.βJ.
Fan, J.
Fan, X.
Gadkari, D.
Hogan, S.
Monroy, J.
Patterson, J.βR.
Reichert, J.
Reid, M.
Ryd, A.
Thom, J.
Wittich, P.
Zou, R.
Albrow, M.
Alyari, M.
Amram, O.
Apollinari, G.
Apresyan, A.
Bauerdick, L.βA.βT.
Berry, D.
Berryhill, J.
Bhat, P.βC.
Burkett, K.
Butler, J.βN.
Canepa, A.
Cerati, G.βB.
Cheung, H.βW.βK.
Chlebana, F.
Cummings, G.
Dickinson, J.
Dutta, I.
Elvira, V.βD.
Feng, Y.
Freeman, J.
Gandrakota, A.
Gecse, Z.
Gray, L.
- Green, D.
GrΓΌnendahl, S.
Guerrero, D.
Gutsche, O.
Harris, R.βM.
Heller, R.
Herwig, T.βC.
Hirschauer, J.
Horyn, L.
Jayatilaka, B.
Jindariani, S.
Johnson, M.
Joshi, U.
Klijnsma, T.
Klima, B.
Kwok, K.βH.βM.
Lammel, S.
Lincoln, D.
Lipton, R.
Liu, T.
Madrid, C.
Maeshima, K.
Mantilla, C.
Mason, D.
McBride, P.
Merkel, P.
Mrenna, S.
Nahn, S.
Ngadiuba, J.
Noonan, D.
Papadimitriou, V.
Pastika, N.
Pedro, K.
Pena, C.
Ravera, F.
Reinsvold Hall, A.
Ristori, L.
Sexton-Kennedy, E.
Smith, N.
Soha, A.
Spiegel, L.
Stoynev, S.
Taylor, L.
Tkaczyk, S.
Tran, N.βV.
Uplegger, L.
Vaandering, E.βW.
Zoi, I.
Avery, P.
Bourilkov, D.
Cadamuro, L.
Chang, P.
Cherepanov, V.
- Field, R.βD.
Koenig, E.
Kolosova, M.
Konigsberg, J.
Korytov, A.
- Lo, K.βH.
Matchev, K.
Menendez, N.
Mitselmakher, G.
Muthirakalayil Madhu, A.
Rawal, N.
Rosenzweig, D.
Rosenzweig, S.
Shi, K.
Wang, J.
Adams, T.
Al Kadhim, A.
Askew, A.
Bower, N.
Habibullah, R.
Hagopian, V.
Hashmi, R.
Kim, R.βS.
Kim, S.
Kolberg, T.
- Martinez, G.
Prosper, H.
- Prova, P.βR.
Viazlo, O.
Wulansatiti, M.
Yohay, R.
- Zhang, J.
- Alsufyani, B.
Baarmand, M.βM.
Butalla, S.
Elkafrawy, T.
Hohlmann, M.
Kumar Verma, R.
- Rahmani, M.
Yumiceva, F.
Adams, M.βR.
- Bennett, C.
Cavanaugh, R.
Dittmer, S.
Evdokimov, O.
Gerber, C.βE.
Hofman, D.βJ.
Lee, J. h.
Lemos, D.βS.
Merrit, A.βH.
Mills, C.
Nanda, S.
Oh, G.
Pilipovic, D.
Roy, T.
Rudrabhatla, S.
Tonjes, M.βB.
Varelas, N.
Wang, X.
Ye, Z.
Yoo, J.
Alhusseini, M.
- Blend, D.
Dilsiz, K.
Emediato, L.
Karaman, G.
KΓΆseyan, O.βK.
- Merlo, J.-P.
Mestvirishvili, A.
Nachtman, J.
- Neogi, O.
Ogul, H.
Onel, Y.
Penzo, A.
- Snyder, C.
Tiras, E.
Blumenfeld, B.
Corcodilos, L.
Davis, J.
Gritsan, A.βV.
Kang, L.
Kyriacou, S.
Maksimovic, P.
Roguljic, M.
Roskes, J.
Sekhar, S.
Swartz, M.
VΓ‘mi, T.βΓ.
Abreu, A.
Alcerro Alcerro, L.βF.
Anguiano, J.
Baringer, P.
Bean, A.
Flowers, Z.
King, J.
Krintiras, G.
Lazarovits, M.
Le Mahieu, C.
- Lindsey, C.
Marquez, J.
Minafra, N.
Murray, M.
Nickel, M.
Pitt, M.
Popescu, S.
Rogan, C.
Royon, C.
Salvatico, R.
Sanders, S.
Smith, C.
Wang, Q.
Wilson, G.
Allmond, B.
- Duric, S.
Ivanov, A.
Kaadze, K.
Kalogeropoulos, A.
- Kim, D.
Maravin, Y.
- Mitchell, T.
- Nam, K.
Natoli, J.
Roy, D.
Rebassoo, F.
Wright, D.
Adams, E.
Baden, A.
- Baron, O.
Belloni, A.
Bethani, A.
Chen, Y. m.
Eno, S.βC.
Hadley, N.βJ.
Jabeen, S.
Kellogg, R.βG.
Koeth, T.
Lai, Y.
Lascio, S.
Mignerey, A.βC.
Nabili, S.
Palmer, C.
Papageorgakis, C.
Wang, L.
Wong, K.
Bendavid, J.
Busza, W.
Cali, I.βA.
Chen, Y.
D'Alfonso, M.
Eysermans, J.
Freer, C.
Gomez-Ceballos, G.
- Goncharov, M.
- Harris, P.
- Hoang, D.
Kovalskyi, D.
Krupa, J.
Lavezzo, L.
Lee, Y.-J.
Long, K.
Mironov, C.
Paus, C.
Rankin, D.
Roland, C.
Roland, G.
Rothman, S.
Shi, Z.
Stephans, G.βS.βF.
- Wang, J.
Wang, Z.
Wyslouch, B.
Yang, T.βJ.
- Chatterjee, R.βM.
Crossman, B.
Joshi, B.βM.
Kapsiak, C.
Krohn, M.
Mahon, D.
Mans, J.
Revering, M.
Rusack, R.
Saradhy, R.
Schroeder, N.
Strobbe, N.
Wadud, M.βA.
Cremaldi, L.βM.
Bloom, K.
- Bryson, M.
Claes, D.βR.
Fangmeier, C.
Golf, F.
Joo, C.
Kravchenko, I.
Reed, I.
Siado, J.βE.
- Snow, G.βR.
Tabb, W.
Wightman, A.
Yan, F.
Zecchinelli, A.βG.
Agarwal, G.
Bandyopadhyay, H.
Hay, L.
Iashvili, I.
Kharchilava, A.
McLean, C.
Morris, M.
Nguyen, D.
Pekkanen, J.
Rappoccio, S.
- Rejeb Sfar, H.
Williams, A.
Alverson, G.
Barberis, E.
Haddad, Y.
Han, Y.
Krishna, A.
Li, J.
Madigan, G.
Marzocchi, B.
Morse, D.βM.
Nguyen, V.
Orimoto, T.
Parker, A.
Skinnari, L.
Tishelman-Charny, A.
Wang, B.
Wood, D.
Bhattacharya, S.
- Bueghly, J.
Chen, Z.
Gilbert, A.
Hahn, K.βA.
Liu, Y.
Monk, D.βG.
Schmitt, M.βH.
Taliercio, A.
- Velasco, M.
Band, R.
- Bucci, R.
- Cremonesi, M.
Das, A.
Goldouzian, R.
Hildreth, M.
Ho, K.βW.
Hurtado Anampa, K.
Jessop, C.
Lannon, K.
Lawrence, J.
Loukas, N.
Lutton, L.
- Mariano, J.
- Marinelli, N.
- Mcalister, I.
McCauley, T.
Mcgrady, C.
Mohrman, K.
Moore, C.
Musienko, Y.
Nelson, H.
Ruchti, R.
Townsend, A.
Wayne, M.
- Yockey, H.
Zarucki, M.
Zygala, L.
- Bylsma, B.
Carrigan, M.
Durkin, L.βS.
Hill, C.
Joyce, M.
Lesauvage, A.
Nunez Ornelas, M.
- Wei, K.
Winer, B.βL.
Yates, B.βR.
Addesa, F.βM.
Bouchamaoui, H.
Das, P.
Dezoort, G.
Elmer, P.
Frankenthal, A.
Greenberg, B.
Haubrich, N.
Higginbotham, S.
Kopp, G.
Kwan, S.
Lange, D.
Loeliger, A.
Marlow, D.
Ojalvo, I.
Olsen, J.
Stickland, D.
Tully, C.
Malik, S.
Bakshi, A.βS.
Barnes, V.βE.
Chandra, S.
Chawla, R.
Das, S.
Gu, A.
- Gutay, L.
Jones, M.
Jung, A.βW.
Kondratyev, D.
- Koshy, A.βM.
Liu, M.
Negro, G.
Neumeister, N.
Paspalaki, G.
Piperov, S.
Purohit, A.
Schulte, J.βF.
Stojanovic, M.
Thieman, J.
Wang, F.
Xie, W.
Dolen, J.
Parashar, N.
Pathak, A.
Acosta, D.
Baty, A.
Carnahan, T.
Dildick, S.
Ecklund, K.βM.
FernΓ‘ndez Manteca, P.βJ.
- Freed, S.
- Gardner, P.
Geurts, F.βJ.βM.
Kumar, A.
Li, W.
Miguel Colin, O.
Padley, B.βP.
- Redjimi, R.
Rotter, J.
Yang, S.
Yigitbasi, E.
Zhang, Y.
Bodek, A.
de Barbaro, P.
Demina, R.
Dulemba, J.βL.
- Fallon, C.
Garcia-Bellido, A.
Hindrichs, O.
Khukhunaishvili, A.
Parygin, P.
Popova, E.
Taus, R.
Van Onsem, G.βP.
Goulianos, K.
- Chiarito, B.
Chou, J.βP.
Gershtein, Y.
Halkiadakis, E.
Hart, A.
Heindl, M.
Jaroslawski, D.
Karacheban, O.
Laflotte, I.
Lath, A.
- Montalvo, R.
- Nash, K.
Osherson, M.
Routray, H.
Salur, S.
- Schnetzer, S.
Somalwar, S.
Stone, R.
Thayil, S.βA.
- Thomas, S.
Vora, J.
Wang, H.
- Acharya, H.
Delannoy, A.βG.
Fiorendi, S.
Holmes, T.
Karunarathna, N.
Lee, L.
Nibigira, E.
Spanier, S.
Ahmad, M.
Bouhali, O.
Dalchenko, M.
Delgado, A.
Eusebi, R.
Gilmore, J.
Huang, T.
Kamon, T.
Kim, H.
Luo, S.
- Malhotra, S.
Mueller, R.
Overton, D.
Rathjens, D.
Safonov, A.
Akchurin, N.
Damgov, J.
Hegde, V.
Hussain, A.
- Kazhykarim, Y.
Lamichhane, K.
Lee, S.βW.
Mankel, A.
- Mengke, T.
Muthumuni, S.
Peltola, T.
Volobouev, I.
Whitbeck, A.
Appelt, E.
- Greene, S.
Gurrola, A.
Johns, W.
Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R.
Melo, A.
Romeo, F.
Sheldon, P.
Tuo, S.
Velkovska, J.
Viinikainen, J.
Cardwell, B.
Cox, B.
Hakala, J.
Hirosky, R.
Ledovskoy, A.
Li, A.
Neu, C.
Perez Lara, C.βE.
Karchin, P.βE.
- Aravind, A.
Banerjee, S.
Black, K.
Bose, T.
Dasu, S.
De Bruyn, I.
Everaerts, P.
- Galloni, C.
He, H.
Herndon, M.
Herve, A.
Koraka, C.βK.
- Lanaro, A.
Loveless, R.
Madhusudanan Sreekala, J.
Mallampalli, A.
Mohammadi, A.
- Mondal, S.
Parida, G.
- Pinna, D.
- Savin, A.
Shang, V.
Sharma, V.
Smith, W.βH.
- Teague, D.
Tsoi, H.βF.
Vetens, W.
Warden, A.
Afanasiev, S.
Andreev, V.
Andreev, Yu.
Aushev, T.
Azarkin, M.
Babaev, A.
Belyaev, A.
- Blinov, V.
Boos, E.
Borshch, V.
Budkouski, D.
Bunichev, V.
- Chekhovsky, V.
Chistov, R.
Danilov, M.
Dermenev, A.
Dimova, T.
Druzhkin, D.
Dubinin, M.
Dudko, L.
Ershov, A.
Gavrilov, G.
Gavrilov, V.
Gninenko, S.
Golovtcov, V.
Golubev, N.
Golutvin, I.
Gorbunov, I.
Ivanov, Y.
Kachanov, V.
Kardapoltsev, L.
Karjavine, V.
Karneyeu, A.
Kim, V.
- Kirakosyan, M.
Kirpichnikov, D.
Kirsanov, M.
Klyukhin, V.
Kodolova, O.
Konstantinov, D.
Korenkov, V.
Kozyrev, A.
Krasnikov, N.
Lanev, A.
Levchenko, P.
Lychkovskaya, N.
Makarenko, V.
Malakhov, A.
Matveev, V.
Murzin, V.
Nikitenko, A.
Obraztsov, S.
Oreshkin, V.
- Oskin, A.
Palichik, V.
Perelygin, V.
- Perfilov, M.
Petrushanko, S.
Polikarpov, S.
- Popov, V.
Radchenko, O.
Savina, M.
Savrin, V.
Selivanova, D.
Shalaev, V.
Shmatov, S.
Shulha, S.
Skovpen, Y.
Slabospitskii, S.
Smirnov, V.
Sosnov, D.
Sulimov, V.
Tcherniaev, E.
Terkulov, A.
Teryaev, O.
Tlisova, I.
Toropin, A.
Uvarov, L.
Uzunian, A.
- Vorobyev, A.
Voytishin, N.
- Yuldashev, B.βS.
Zarubin, A.
Zhizhin, I.
Zhokin, A.
- CMS Collaboration
A search for the lepton-flavor violating decay of the Higgs boson and potential additional Higgs bosons with a mass in the range 110β160 GeV to an π^Β±β’π^β pair is presented. The search is performed with a proton-proton collision dataset at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138ββfbβ»ΒΉ. No excess is observed for the Higgs boson. The observed (expected) upper limit on the π^Β±β’π^β branching fraction for it is determined to be 4.4β’(4.7)Γ10β»β΅ at 95% confidence level, the most stringent limit set thus far from direct searches. The largest excess of events over the expected background in the full mass range of the search is observed at an π^Β±β’π^β invariant mass of approximately 146 GeV with a local (global) significance of 3.8 (2.8) standard deviations.
Copyright and License
Β© 2023 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published articleβs title, journal citation, and DOI.
Funded by SCOAP3.
We congratulate our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC and thank the technical and administrative staffs at CERN and at other CMS institutes for their contributions to the success of the CMS effort. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the computing centers and personnel of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid and other centers for delivering so effectively the computing infrastructure essential to our analyses. Finally, we acknowledge the enduring support for the construction and operation of the LHC, the CMS detector, and the supporting computing infrastructure provided by the following funding agencies: BMBWF and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPERGS, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES and BNSF (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); MINCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES and CSF (Croatia); RIF (Cyprus); SENESCYT (Ecuador); MoER, ERC PUT and ERDF (Estonia); Academy of Finland, MEC, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRI (Greece); NKFIH (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); MSIP and NRF (Republic of Korea); MES (Latvia); LAS (Lithuania); MOE and UM (Malaysia); BUAP, CINVESTAV, CONACYT, LNS, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MOS (Montenegro); MBIE (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MES and NSC (Poland); FCT (Portugal); MESTD (Serbia); MCIN/AEI and PCTI (Spain); MOSTR (Sri Lanka); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); MST (Taipei); MHESI and NSTDA (Thailand); TUBITAK and TENMAK (Turkey); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA). Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie program and the European Research Council and Horizon 2020 Grant, Contracts No. 675440, No. 724704, No. 752730, No. 758316, No. 765710, No. 824093, No. 884104, and COST Action CA16108 (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation Γ la Recherche dans lβIndustrie et dans lβAgriculture (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium); the F.βR.βS.-FNRS and FWO (Belgium) under the βExcellence of ScienceβEOSββbe.h Project No. 30820817; the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010; the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic; the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Project No. 2288 (Greece); the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), under Germanyβs Excellence StrategyβEXC 2121 βQuantum Universeββ390833306, and under Project No. 400140256βGRK2497; the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the New National Excellence ProgramβΓNKP, the NKFIH research Grants No. K 124845, No. K 124850, No. K 128713, No. K 128786, No. K 129058, No. K 131991, No. K 133046, No. K 138136, No. K 143460, No. K 143477, No. 2020-2.2.1-ED-2021-00181, and No. TKP2021-NKTA-64 (Hungary); the Council of Science and Industrial Research, India; the Latvian Council of Science; the Ministry of Education and Science, Project No. 2022/WK/14, and the National Science Center, Contracts No. Opus 2021/41/B/ST2/01369 and No. 2021/43/B/ST2/01552 (Poland); the Fundação para a CiΓͺncia e a Tecnologia, Grant No. CEECIND/01334/2018 (Portugal); the National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund; MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, ERDF βa way of making Europe,β and the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la InvestigaciΓ³n CientΓfica y TΓ©cnica de Excelencia MarΓa de Maeztu, Grant No. MDM-2017-0765 and Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias (Spain); the Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project, and the National Science, Research and Innovation Fund via the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation, Grant No. B05F650021 (Thailand); the Kavli Foundation; the Nvidia Corporation; the SuperMicro Corporation; the Welch Foundation, Contract C-1845; and the Weston Havens Foundation (USA).
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- 2470-0029
- Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
- FWF Austrian Science Fund
- Fund for Scientific Research
- Research Foundation - Flanders
- 30820817
- National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
- Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de NΓvel Superior
- Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
- Ministry of Education and Science
- Bulgarian Science Fund
- European Organization for Nuclear Research
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
- SecretarΓa de EducaciΓ³n Superior, Ciencia, TecnologΓa e InnovaciΓ³n
- European Research Council
- European Commission
- Research Council of Finland
- Ministry of Education and Culture
- Commissariat Γ l'Γnergie Atomique et aux Γnergies Alternatives
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Institut National de Physique NuclΓ©aire et de Physique des Particules
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- 400140256βGRK2497
- Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 124845
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 124850
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 128713
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 128786
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 129058
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 131991
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 133046
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 138136
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 143460
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- K 143477
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- 2020-2.2.1-ED-2021-00181
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- TKP2021-NKTA-64
- Department of Atomic Energy
- Department of Science and Technology
- Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences
- Science Foundation Ireland
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
- Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
- National Research Foundation of Korea
- Ministry of Education and Science
- Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
- Ministry of Education
- University of Malaya
- BenemΓ©rita Universidad AutΓ³noma de Puebla
- Instituto PolitΓ©cnico Nacional
- Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y TecnologΓas
- Laboratorio Nacional de SupercΓ³mputo del Sureste de Mexico
- Secretariat of Public Education
- Autonomous University of San Luis PotosΓ
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
- Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education
- 2022/WK/14
- National Science Center
- Opus 2021/41/B/ST2/01369
- National Science Center
- 2021/43/B/ST2/01552
- Fundação para a CiΓͺncia e Tecnologia
- CEECIND/01334/2018
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
- Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciΓ³n y Universidades
- Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciΓ³n
- Ministry of Science, Technology and Research
- National Science and Technology Council
- Thailand Science Research and Innovation
- National Science and Technology Development Agency
- Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
- TΓΌrkiye Enerji, NΓΌkleer ve Maden AraΕtΔ±rma Kurumu
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
- United States Department of Energy
- National Science Foundation
- European Commission
- European Commission
- 675440
- European Commission
- 724704
- European Commission
- 752730
- European Commission
- 758316
- European Commission
- 765710
- European Commission
- 824093
- European Commission
- 884104
- European Cooperation in Science and Technology
- CA16108
- A G Leventis Foundation
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Belgian Federal Science Policy Office
- Fund for Scientific Research
- Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie
- Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission
- Z191100007219010
- Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
- Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation
- 2288
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Latvian Council of Science
- Qatar National Research Fund
- Chulalongkorn University
- The Kavli Foundation
- Nvidia (United States)
- Welch Foundation
- C-1845
- Weston Havens Foundation
- UniversitΓ© Catholique de Louvain
- Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
- Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
- Institute of High Energy Physics
- National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- RWTH Aachen University
- University of Ioannina
- Wigner Research Centre for Physics
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- Scuola Normale Superiore
- Sapienza University of Rome
- Kyungpook National University
- Quaid-i-Azam University
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information
- Centro de Investigaciones EnergΓ©ticas, Medioambientales y TecnolΓ³gicas
- Instituto de FΓsica de Cantabria
- CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
- Middle East Technical University
- Brunel University London
- Imperial College London
- Queen Mary University of London
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- University of Bristol
- University of Glasgow
- University of Oxford
- California Institute of Technology
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
- Purdue University West Lafayette
- San Diego Supercomputer Center
- University of California, San Diego
- University of Colorado Boulder
- University of Florida
- University System of Maryland
- University of NebraskaβLincoln
- University of WisconsinβMadison
- Vanderbilt University
- MoER
- Swiss Funding Agencies
- New National Excellence ProgramβΓNKP
- Council of Science and Industrial Research, India
- Programa Estatal de Fomento de la InvestigaciΓ³n CientΓfica y TΓ©cnica de Excelencia MarΓa de Maeztu
- MDM-2017-0765
- Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias
- National Science, Research and Innovation Fund
- Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation
- B05F650021
- SuperMicro Corporation
- Institut fΓΌr Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY) using the Cloud Infrastructure Platform (CLIP), Vienna
- Inter-University Institute for High Energies
- Helsinki Institute of Physics
- Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers, CEA, UniversitΓ© Paris-Saclay
- Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien
- Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
- INFN Sezione di Bari, UniversitΓ di Bari, Politecnico di Bari, Bari
- Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
- National Centre for Nuclear Research
- LaboratΓ³rio de Instrumentação e FΓsica Experimental de PartΓculas
- Institute for High Energy Physics of National Research Centre 'Kurchatov Institute'
- A.I. Alikhanov of NRC 'Kurchatov Institute'
- Port d'InformaciΓ³ CientΓfica
- National Center for High-performance Computing
- National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
- Open Science Grid (OSG) Consortium
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
- Texas Advanced Computing Center
- European Research Council
- Marie SkΕodowska-Curie Fellowship
- Caltech groups
- CMS@Caltech