Published August 28, 2023 | Published
Journal Article Open

Coastal Polynyas Enable Transitions Between High and Low West Antarctic Ice Shelf Melt Rates

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology
  • 2. ROR icon Stanford University
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Melt rates of West Antarctic ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea track large decadal variations in the volume of warm water at their outlets. This variability is generally attributed to wind‐driven variations in warm water transport toward ice shelves. Inspired by conceptual representations of the global overturning circulation, we introduce a simple model for the evolution of the thermocline, which caps the warm water layer at the ice‐shelf front. This model demonstrates that interannual variations in coastal polynya buoyancy forcing can generate large decadal‐scale thermocline depth variations, even when the supply of warm water from the shelf‐break is fixed. The modeled variability involves transitions between bistable high and low melt regimes, enabled by feedbacks between basal melt rates and ice front stratification strength. Our simple model captures observed variations in near‐coast thermocline depth and stratification strength, and poses an alternative mechanism for warm water volume changes to wind‐driven theories.

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RM acknowledges the support of the General Sir John Monash Foundation. AT acknowledges support from NSF grants OPP-1644172 and OCE-2023259. EW acknowledges support from Caltech's Terrestrial Hazard Observations and Reporting Center. 


We thank Michael Schodlock and Mar Flexas for their assistance in accessing and utilizing WAIS 1080 output. We thank Channing Prend and Ryan Eusebi for their helpful comments on the initial manuscript. We also thank Kevin Speer and Alessandro Silvano for helpful conversations. Finally, we acknowledge valuable work performed in the collection, collation and open access publishing of shipborne observational data by the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS), the Korean Polar Data Center (KPDC), and the authors of Jenkins et al. (2018).


Geophysical Research Letters - 2023 - Moorman - Coastal Polynyas Enable Transitions Between High and Low West Antarctic Ice.pdf

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September 25, 2024
September 25, 2024