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Published May 2024 | Published
Journal Article Embargoed

Low But Persistent Organic Carbon Content of Hyperarid River Deposits and Implications for Ancient Mars

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


Mars has many well-exposed fluvial ridges and fluvio-deltaic basins; in two of these locations, the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers are currently searching for signs of habitability. The distribution of organic carbon that might persist in ancient fluvial deposits present on Mars is not well understood. In this study, we set out to assess the preservation potential of organic carbon in a hyperarid fluvial environment with observations and analyses of the Amargosa River in Death Valley, California (United States). The lower reaches of the Amargosa River in Badwater Basin are nearly devoid of plants and contain low gradient, meandering channels, making them a valuable terrestrial analog for early martian fluvial systems. We analyzed sediment taken from fluvial deposits exposed in cutbanks of two bends of a meandering channel. We found total organic carbon abundances that were on average 0.15% up to a meter below the surface. X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy analyses revealed a suite of high redox potential mineral phases (including iron and manganese oxides) mixed with detrital and authigenic silicates, carbonate, and sulfate salts at or close to redox equilibrium with pore fluids in contact with the atmosphere. This finding highlighted that organic carbon can persist in fluvial deposits at low abundance despite oxidizing conditions and saturated sediments and suggested that ancient fluvial deposits on Mars may retain traces of organics in fine-grained deposits if they are present during deposition.

Copyright and License

© 2024. American Geophysical Union. 


Thank you to the many people who helped with the collection and analysis of these samples: Emily Geyman and Evelyn Lamb for field assistance, Jay Dickson for mapping catchments in GIS, Gen Li for discussions of river TOC, Justin Nghiem for sample processing, Chi Ma for SEM analysis, George Rossman for ATR analysis, Fenfang Wu and Nathan Dellaska for EA data, and Michael Takasa for XRD analysis. Support for this work was provided by Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life (WF, HK), Caltech Center for Comparative Planetary Evolution, and the Caltech GPS Discovery Fund. This work was conducted under NPS Permits DEVA-2018-SCI-0021, DEVA-2019-SCI-0025, and DEVA-2021-SCI-0003, and we would like to thank Jane Lakeman, Ambre Chadouin, Richard Friese, and Kevin Wilson for overseeing permitting and activities in the National Park.

Data Availability

All data collected in this study are available in the supporting information and on the Zenodo repository at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10841213 (Kalucha et al., 2024).

Supporting Information S1
Table S1
Table S2



The files will be made publicly available on November 1, 2024.

Additional details

May 31, 2024
May 31, 2024