Upper limits from the LIGO and TAMA detectors on the rate of gravitational-wave bursts
- Creators
- Abbott, B.
- Abbott, R.
- Adhikari, Rana X.
- Ageev, A.
- Agresti, J.
- Ajith, P.
- Allen, B.
- Allen, J.
- Amin, R.
- Anderson, S. B.
- Anderson, W. G.
- Araya, M.
- Armandula, H.
- Ashley, M.
- Asiri, F.
- Aufmuth, P.
- Aulbert, C.
- Babak, S.
- Balasubramanian, R.
- Ballmer, S.
- Barish, B. C.
- Barker, C.
- Barker, D.
- Barnes, M.
- Barr, B.
- Barton, M. A.
- Bayer, K.
- Beausoleil, R.
- Belczynski, K.
- Bennett, R.
- Berukoff, S. J.
- Betzwieser, J.
- Bhawal, B.
- Bilenko, I. A.
- Billingsley, G.
- Black, E.
- Blackburn, K.
- Blackburn, L.
- Bland, B.
- Bochner, B.
- Bogue, L.
- Bork, R.
- Bose, S.
- Brady, P. R.
- Braginsky, V. B.
- Brau, J. E.
- Brown, D. A.
- Bullington, A.
- Bunkowski, A.
- Buonanno, A.
- Burgess, R.
- Busby, D.
- Butler, W. E.
- Byer, R. L.
- Cadonati, L.
- Cagnoli, G.
- Camp, J. B.
- Cannizzo, J.
- Cannon, K.
- Cantley, C. A.
- Cao, J.
- Cardenas, L.
- Carter, K.
- Casey, M. M.
- Castiglione, J.
- Chandler, A.
- Chapsky, J.
- Charlton, P.
- Chatterji, S.
- Chelkowski, S.
- Chen, Y.
- Chickarmane, V.
- Chin, D.
- Christensen, N.
- Churches, D.
- Cokelaer, T.
- Colacino, C.
- Coldwell, R.
- Coles, M.
- Cook, D.
- Corbitt, T.
- Coyne, D.
- Creighton, J. D. E.
- Creighton, T. D.
- Crooks, D. R. M.
- Csatorday, P.
- Cusack, B. J.
- Cutler, C.
- Dalrymple, J.
- D'Ambrosio, E.
- Danzmann, K.
- Davies, G.
- Daw, E.
- DeBra, D.
- Delker, T.
- Dergachev, V.
- Desai, S.
- DeSalvo, R.
- Dhurandhar, S.
- Di Credico, A.
- Diaz, M.
- Ding, H.
- Drever, R. W. P.
- Dupuis, R. J.
- Edlund, J. A.
- Ehrens, P.
- Elliffe, E. J.
- Etzel, T.
- Evans, M.
- Evans, T.
- Fairhurst, S.
- Fallnich, C.
- Farnham, D.
- Fejer, M. M.
- Findley, T.
- Fine, M.
- Finn, L. S.
- Franzen, K. Y.
- Freise, A.
- Frey, R.
- Fritschel, P.
- Frolov, V. V.
- Fyffe, M.
- Ganezer, K. S.
- Garofoli, J.
- Giaime, J. A.
- Gillespie, A.
- Goda, K.
- Goggin, L.
- González, G.
- Goßler, S.
- Grandclément, P.
- Grant, A.
- Gray, C.
- Gretarsson, A. M.
- Grimmett, D.
- Grote, H.
- Grunewald, S.
- Guenther, M.
- Gustafson, E.
- Gustafson, R.
- Hamilton, W. O.
- Hammond, M.
- Hanna, C.
- Hanson, J.
- Hardham, C.
- Harms, J.
- Harry, G.
- Hartunian, A.
- Heefner, J.
- Hefetz, Y.
- Heinzel, G.
- Heng, I. S.
- Hennessy, M.
- Hepler, N.
- Heptonstall, A.
- Heurs, M.
- Hewitson, M.
- Hild, S.
- Hindman, N.
- Hoang, P.
- Hough, J.
- Hrynevych, M.
- Hua, W.
- Ito, M.
- Itoh, Y.
- Ivanov, A.
- Jennrich, O.
- Johnson, B.
- Johnson, W. W.
- Johnston, W. R.
- Jones, D. I.
- Jones, G.
- Jones, L.
- Jungwirth, D.
- Kalogera, V.
- Katsavounidis, E.
- Kawabe, K.
- Kells, W.
- Kern, J.
- Khan, A.
- Killbourn, S.
- Killow, C. J.
- Kim, C.
- King, C.
- King, P.
- Klimenko, S.
- Koranda, S.
- Kottter, K.
- Kovalik, J.
- Kozak, D.
- Krishnan, B.
- Landry, M.
- Langdale, J.
- Lantz, B.
- Lawrence, R.
- Lazzarini, A.
- Lei, M.
- Leonor, I.
- Libbrecht, K.
- Libson, A.
- Lindquist, P.
- Liu, S.
- Logan, J.
- Lormand, M.
- Lubinski, M.
- Lück, H.
- Luna, M.
- Lyons, T. T.
- Machenschalk, B.
- MacInnis, M.
- Mageswaran, M.
- Mailand, K.
- Majid, W.
- Malec, M.
- Mandic, V.
- Mann, F.
- Marin, A.
- Márka, S.
- Maros, E.
- Mason, J.
- Mason, K.
- Matherny, O.
- Matone, L.
- Mavalvala, N.
- McCarthy, R.
- McClelland, D. E.
- McHugh, M.
- McNabb, J. W. C.
- Melissinos, A.
- Mendell, G.
- Mercer, R. A.
- Meshkov, S.
- Messaritaki, E.
- Messenger, C.
- Mikhailov, E.
- Mitra, S.
- Mitrofanov, V. P.
- Mitselmakher, G.
- Mittleman, R.
- Miyakawa, O.
- Mohanty, S.
- Moreno, G.
- Mossavi, K.
- Mueller, G.
- Mukherjee, S.
- Myers, E.
- Myers, J.
- Nagano, S.
- Nash, T.
- Nayak, R.
- Newton, G.
- Nocera, F.
- Noel, J. S.
- Nutzman, P.
- Olson, T.
- O'Reilly, B.
- Ottaway, D. J.
- Ottewill, A.
- Ouimette, D.
- Overmier, H.
- Owen, B. J.
- Pan, Y.
- Papa, M. A.
- Parameshwaraiah, V.
- Parameswariah, C.
- Pedraza, M.
- Penn, S.
- Pitkin, M.
- Plissi, M.
- Prix, R.
- Quetschke, V.
- Raab, F.
- Radkins, H.
- Rahkola, R.
- Rakhmanov, M.
- Rao, S. R.
- Rawlins, K.
- Ray-Majumder, S.
- Re, V.
- Redding, D.
- Regehr, M. W.
- Regimbau, T.
- Reid, S.
- Reilly, K. T.
- Reithmaier, K.
- Reitze, D. H.
- Richman, S.
- Riesen, R.
- Riles, K.
- Rivera, B.
- Rizzi, A.
- Robertson, D. I.
- Robertson, N. A.
- Robinson, C.
- Robison, L.
- Roddy, S.
- Rodriguez, A.
- Rollins, J.
- Romano, J. D.
- Romie, J.
- Rong, H.
- Rose, D.
- Rotthoff, E.
- Rüdiger, A.
- Ruet, L.
- Russell, P.
- Ryan, K.
- Salzman, I.
- Sandberg, V.
- Sanders, G. H.
- Sannibale, V.
- Sarin, P.
- Sathyaprakash, B.
- Saulson, P. R.
- Savage, R.
- Sazonov, A.
- Schilling, R.
- Schlaufman, K.
- Schmidt, V.
- Schnabel, R.
- Schofield, R.
- Schutz, B. F.
- Schwinberg, P.
- Scott, S. M.
- Seader, S. E.
- Searle, A. C.
- Sears, B.
- Seel, S.
- Seifert, F.
- Sellers, D.
- Sengupta, A. S.
- Shapiro, C. A.
- Shawhan, P.
- Shoemaker, D. H.
- Shu, Q. Z.
- Sibley, A.
- Siemens, X.
- Sievers, L.
- Sigg, D.
- Sintes, A. M.
- Smith, J. R.
- Smith, M.
- Smith, M. R.
- Sneddon, P. H.
- Spero, R.
- Spjeld, O.
- Stapfer, G.
- Steussy, D.
- Strain, K. A.
- Strom, D.
- Stuver, A.
- Summerscales, T.
- Sumner, M. C.
- Sung, M.
- Sutton, P. J.
- Sylvestre, J.
- Tanner, D. B.
- Tariq, H.
- Tarallo, M.
- Taylor, I.
- Taylor, R.
- Taylor, R.
- Thorne, K. A.
- Thorne, K. S.
- Tibbits, M.
- Tilav, S.
- Tinto, M.
- Tokmakov, K. V.
- Torres, C.
- Torrie, C.
- Traylor, G.
- Tyler, W.
- Ugolini, D.
- Ungarelli, C.
- Vallisneri, M.
- van Putten, M.
- Vass, S.
- Vecchio, A.
- Veitch, J.
- Vorvick, C.
- Vyachanin, S. P.
- Wallace, L.
- Walther, H.
- Ward, H.
- Ward, R.
- Ware, B.
- Watts, K.
- Webber, D.
- Weidner, A.
- Weiland, U.
- Weiss, R.
- Welling, H.
- Wen, L.
- Wen, S.
- Wette, K.
- Whelan, J. T.
- Whitcomb, S. E.
- Whiting, B. F.
- Wiley, S.
- Wilkinson, C.
- Willems, P. A.
- Williams, P. R.
- Williams, R.
- Willke, B.
- Wilson, A.
- Winjum, B. J.
- Winkler, W.
- Wise, S.
- Wiseman, A. G.
- Woan, G.
- Woods, D.
- Wooley, R.
- Worden, J.
- Wu, W.
- Yakushin, I.
- Yamamoto, H.
- Yoshida, S.
- Zaleski, K. D.
- Zanolin, M.
- Zawischa, I.
- Zhang, L.
- Zhu, R.
- Zotov, N.
- Zucker, M.
- Zweizig, J.
- Weinstein, Alan J.
We report on the first joint search for gravitational waves by the TAMA and LIGO collaborations. We looked for millisecond-duration unmodeled gravitational-wave bursts in 473 hr of coincident data collected during early 2003. No candidate signals were found. We set an upper limit of 0.12 events per day on the rate of detectable gravitational-wave bursts, at 90% confidence level. From software simulations, we estimate that our detector network was sensitive to bursts with root-sum-square strain amplitude above approximately 1–3×10-19 Hz-1/2 in the frequency band 700-2000 Hz. We describe the details of this collaborative search, with particular emphasis on its advantages and disadvantages compared to searches by LIGO and TAMA separately using the same data. Benefits include a lower background and longer observation time, at some cost in sensitivity and bandwidth. We also demonstrate techniques for performing coincidence searches with a heterogeneous network of detectors with different noise spectra and orientations. These techniques include using coordinated software signal injections to estimate the network sensitivity, and tuning the analysis to maximize the sensitivity and the livetime, subject to constraints on the background.
Additional Information
© 2005 The American Physical Society. Received 8 August 2005; published 29 December 2005. The LIGO scientific collaboration gratefully acknowledges the support of the United States National Science Foundation for the construction and operation of the LIGO Laboratory and the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council of the United Kingdom, the Max-Planck-Society and the State of Niedersachsen/Germany for support of the construction and operation of the GEO600 detector. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the support of the research by these agencies and by the Australian Research Council, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India, the Department of Science and Technology of India, the Spanish Ministerio de Educacio´n y Ciencia, the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the Leverhulme Trust, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Research Corporation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. TAMA research is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (415) of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. This document has been assigned LIGO Laboratory document No. LIGO-P040050-08-Z.Attached Files
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Additional details
- Eprint ID
- 13120
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:ABBprd05
- Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC)
- Max-Planck-Society
- State of Niedersachsen/Germany
- Australian Research Council
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (India)
- Department of Science and Technology (India)
- Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
- John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
- Leverhulme Trust
- David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Research Corporation
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan
- Created
2009-01-29Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2021-11-08Created from EPrint's last_modified field
- Caltech groups
- Other Numbering System Name
- LIGO Document
- Other Numbering System Identifier
- LIGO-P040050-08-Z